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» Chinese coins are a talisman of abundance in Feng Shui. Chinese Feng Shui coins and their meaning

Chinese coins are a talisman of abundance in Feng Shui. Chinese Feng Shui coins and their meaning

The first Chinese coins appeared several hundred years before the beginning of our era. Today, at auctions and in specialized stores, they are more expensive than their antique counterparts, despite the impressively large number, precisely because of their “respectable age.” Modern coins are of interest to numismatists, tourists and anyone who studies the culture of the Middle Kingdom. The country's monetary system has gone through a long development process. The name of the Chinese coin, its design, material, and value on the international market changed.

The beginning of the story

The currency system in China began to take shape approximately 3-4.5 thousand years ago. Then barter trade flourished, and commodity money began to appear. For example, cowrie shells and grain were used as such. They were gradually replaced by ingots from precious metals. The surface of such money was unusually empty: there were no indications of denomination, weight, place and year of manufacture, etc.

A little later, coins appear, shaped like scissors. Then they were replaced by bronze qians - Chinese coins with a circle-shaped hole. The first mention of them dates back to 947 BC. The surface of the qian already contained information about the weight of the coin and the place of its minting.

First reform

Emperor Qin Shi Huang (260-210 BC) during his reign tried to introduce a single coin throughout the country. This was the first such reform. In China it was no longer possible to use any commodity money or coins of an unknown type. Qin Shi Huang introduced new money. Chinese coins were now copper disks with square hole in the middle. In this form they existed until the 19th century. The name of the Chinese coin has remained the same - Qian.


More recently, on the territory of the tomb, archaeologists discovered a huge number of coins dating back to the era that followed the reign of Qin Shi Huang. Scientists have found a real treasure - about ten tons of bronze qian. The value of the Chinese coins discovered by archaeologists was unrealistically high for the time they were used. Presumably, the money was intended for one of the emperors of the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD). The find is of great interest to historians and cultural experts, as it can tell a lot about the distant past of the Celestial Empire.

Paper money and silver

The extraordinary economic boom in China in the eleventh century led to the emergence of the first paper money. As a result of using a currency that was not backed by gold or silver, the government of the state was faced with economic phenomena such as inflation and redenomination.

In the 15th century, silver bars weighing approximately 36 g began to be used as money. They were called “liang”. This currency was used to pay tax duties until 1933.

Yuan and new reforms

Since 1835, yuan - silver Chinese coins - began to be used in parallel with bullion. Their price was equal to 0.72 liang. A little later, in 1889, the yuan was divided into 10 zao, 100 fen and 1000 wen.

In 1935, the silver standard was replaced by the gold standard. Yuans began to be withdrawn from circulation, and paper “fabi” were introduced instead. A new reform was carried out in 1948. Then they issued paper yuan with a fixed gold content. Gradually they replaced "fabi". In 1949, the official currency of the People's Republic of China became the renminbi, the unit of which is the yuan (similar to the pound sterling). After all the reforms, Chinese coins have not ceased to exist and are used today along with paper bills.

Modern coins

There are currently three types of coins in use in China. These are yuan, jiao and fen (other name: fen). The first one is also available in the form paper bills denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100. One yuan (made in the form of a metal coin) is divided into 10 jiao and 100 fen. Accordingly, there are ten fen in one jiao.

Sometimes in China you can still find quite old light alloy coins that are of interest to numismatists. They are used along with more “fresh” money, but differ from them in design, color, shape and weight.

IN different regions Countries treat coins differently. In the south of the Celestial Empire, ringing money is taken with more enthusiasm than in the north. In general, the turnover of paper bills is still more significant.

Yuan and Jiao

As mentioned above, the yuan is the official currency of the PRC (People's Republic of China). One yuan is issued in the form of coins. From 1980 to 1985, the yuan was made from an alloy of copper and nickel. Since 1991, coins began to be minted from nickel-plated steel. Between 1999 and 2002, the yuan was introduced with a new design.

IN colloquial speech Often, instead of the word “yuan”, “kuai” is used.

Jiao is 0.1 of the yuan. People often also use the name “Mao”. Today, coins are issued in denominations of 1 and 5 jiao, as well as banknotes in 1, 2 and 5 jiao. Both are used in monetary circulation in Mainland China (PRC), Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau.

From 1980 to 1981, brass coins were issued in denominations of 1 and 2 jiao. Until 1985, in addition, 5 jiao were used, made of the same metal. In 1991, brass 5 jiao and aluminum 1 jiao were introduced. Between 1999 and 2002, just as in the case of the yuan, coins with new designs were introduced into circulation.

Chinese "penny"

Fen (fen or fen) are the smallest Chinese coins. There are one hundred such “kopecks” in one yuan, and ten in one jiao. Fen is a fairly ancient monetary unit. This was originally the name of a measure of weight. It corresponded to a hundredth of a liang and was often designated by the word “kandarin”.

There are several options for translating the name of this monetary unit. Fen simultaneously means “to split”, “to distinguish”, “to divide”, “minute”, “point”, as well as one tenth or one hundredth of something. Quite an apt name for the smallest one small change states.

Since 1955, aluminum coins have been in use in denominations of 1, 2 and 5 fen. The first two were discontinued in 1991. Five fen coins were produced until 1992.

Coins for good luck

Today, ancient Chinese coins are found not only in treasures and collections of numismatists. One can even say that their copies are distributed outside the Celestial Empire even more than modern yuan and fani. Antique coins with a square hole in the middle are used as talismans and one of the indispensable attributes of Feng Shui. Experts in this practice say that the ancient Qiang symbolize the harmony of the earthly and heavenly. This is expressed primarily by the shape of the coin. The circle represents the sky, and the square enclosed within it represents the earth.

Each side of the coin also carries its own energy. It symbolizes the simultaneous presence of Yang and Yin. Men's solar energy is centered on the side of the coin where four hieroglyphs are placed, indicating the dynasty during which it was created. On the back, as a rule, only two characters are presented. This is the Yin side of the lunar feminine energy. Often the motto of the dynasty of rulers is located here.

Harmony, prosperity and longevity have always been highly valued in the Celestial Empire. The ancient Chinese coins became a symbol of all this. Years, centuries and entire epochs failed to bury them under a layer of dust. Today ancient coins they are bought for good luck, they are used to make talismans, and they are used to attract modern money around the world. Their “longevity” can be envied by any of today’s currencies. Perhaps all this is one of the reasons why the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire love “ringing” money. Chinese coins are used throughout the country in large quantities. They are accepted quite readily and sellers give them change just as easily. Many experienced travelers certainly recommend that tourists choose stronger wallets with a spacious compartment for small change: fragile products will not withstand such a test.

In the furnishings of a home, according to ancient traditions, even the smallest details play a big role.

Chinese Feng Shui coins are used today not only as room decoration, but also as a powerful talisman for wealth and prosperity.

The shape of such amulets is identified with the unity of Heaven and Earth, therefore they are filled with special energy.

General description of Chinese coins

Feng Shui coins usually look like small round pieces with square hole in the middle. Exactly geometric figure with angles means Yin energy, i.e. Earth, while the circle is associated with the celestial flow of Yang.

Moreover, on each side, according to Feng Shui, there are references to one of two types of energy. Thanks to this balance of forces, Feng Shui coins, photos of which are so often found on the Internet, bring financial success to people’s lives and harmonize the entire space around them.

Inscriptions and pictures

The active side of the coins - Yang - according to Feng Shui, should always contain 4 hieroglyphs located in the cardinal directions. These symbols indicate the era in which the currency was made. In this way, you can easily find out during the heyday of which dynasty specific coins were issued.

As for the passive side, it contains only 2 symbols - the motto of the corresponding ruler. Feng Shui coins are usually made from ordinary copper, and they have actually been used in China for making exchanges since the 11th century. BC.

Some Feng Shui coins have special meanings that are different from ordinary money. In this case, we are talking about talismans with specific images or trigrams that give specific meanings to the coin. Thus, lucky coins, which serve as the basis for creating neck amulets, are remembered by images of phoenixes, dragons, as well as swords, the sight of which should protect a person from evil.

Feng Shui coins with red ribbon and thread

Coins, important in Feng Shui and tied with a red ribbon or rope, have great effect as a home talisman or amulet for business development. This is due to the fact that bright color activates Yang energy, and arranging coins and tying them into knots enhances assistance in achieving what you want.

In addition, the scarlet hue helps to destroy the perception of coins as physical bodies. You can also use gold ropes and ribbons, the main thing is to pay attention to their strength.

How to tie feng shui coins with red thread

IN in this case What matters is mainly the number of coins. It should be remembered that according to Feng Shui, a bundle of metal money consists of 5 main elements. First of all, this is the material of their creation and the symbolic wealth with which they are identified. The remaining details are determined precisely by the connecting tape (rope): fire, strength and naturalness. The last two factors are especially active in attracting wealth to a person’s home.

Of course, there are several methods for tying Feng Shui cash coins with a special knot. It symbolizes the endless resources received and lifelong abundance. This combination of coins promotes the release of Qi, but creating such a talisman on your own can be problematic.

However, Feng Shui allows for simple tying of money, since it is saturated with the energy of the owner, which means it begins to attract positive waves. You just need to take into account that Chinese Feng Shui coins must be placed in such a way that the images of the dragon, tiger and other patrons are on top.

Types of coins in Feng Shui

Talisman coin

The so-called immutable coin was never used as a currency in China. She was always just an object to attract fortune. This talisman is needed by risky people who bet on horse races and love the lottery.

According to Feng Shui, you should store the coin in the southeast of the apartment, near the door. It can also be worn around the neck.

Chinese coin of luck feng shui

The lucky coin in feng shui is used to find your other half. If you already have love in your life, the talisman is suitable for maintaining a happy marriage. On such a coin they depict two dragons with a pearl or one, but with a phoenix.
It is better to carry the amulet in your pocket or purse. According to Feng Shui, the Chinese Coin of Happiness can also be kept in the bedroom under the mattress.

Health Coin

The coin for good health is quite rare and is distinguished by the image of the star elder - Shou Sin. Sometimes he is painted surrounded by deer, storks, peach fruits and other symbols of excellent health.

On the second side of such a talisman there is a hieroglyph of long life and a symbol of the family - a phoenix with a dragon. The latter means that the effect of the Feng Shui coin extends to all close people of the owner.

Chinese money coins

An ordinary Chinese coin is a symbol of financial luck. Feng Shui cash coins are especially valued if they were issued from the 17th to the 20th centuries, since this is the period of the Qin Dynasty.

Only coins made during the time of the 10th emperor from this dynasty are not considered lucky. Conversely, the most popular coins as talismans are coins from Kang Xi and Qian Long. You can keep these Chinese coins in a wallet, a red envelope, or on a money tree. You are allowed to put them in the refrigerator and on your computer.

Talisman coins

A coin with five is considered very rare bats around. This symbol allows you to provide a person with maximum protection and support in any difficult situation.

Coins in the shape of a plum flower are also considered interesting. They have 5 petals and the same number of hieroglyphs. Accordingly, the talisman brings several factors into life at once: purity, fame, well-being, happiness, peace of mind and longevity. You should store such a Chinese coin in a safe or on your desktop.

Large Chinese coin

According to Feng Shui, a large coin carries the power of an immortal Taoist if the face of Zhong Li Quan is depicted on it, and the name of one of his 8 Taoists is also written.

In this case, the talisman provides the owner with very strong defense, if you carry it with you or hang it in an apartment in the assistants’ sector.

How to use cash coins

  • The so-called blade or sword made of 108 Chinese coins protects its owner from unfavorable floating stars. If a person needs to harmonize relationships, it is better to hide 2 ancient coins under the pillow to bring positive family energy into the house.
  • As a talisman of wealth, it is enough to use one coin in a red circle with tassels. You should hang it on the handle of the front door, but before that you should tie the Chinese coin yourself with a red thread or ribbon. Also to attract money luck You can place coins under the mat, in folders with documentation. The Yang side should always be directed upward. But scattering coins around the house in a chaotic manner is not very useful according to Feng Shui.
  • To thoroughly improve the material well-being of the entire family, three Chinese coins should be placed even in the foundation of the house. They can be installed in a path to a building, hidden in walls behind a layer of wall plaster, or cemented into the floor. It is best to place the talisman in the northern or western area of ​​the house, especially if the door faces in this direction. Feng Shui coins work only if the building is a person’s personal property.
  • Many people are interested in where jade coins should be located according to Feng Shui. The traditional health talisman, consisting of 8 monetary units and red knots, is usually placed at the head of the bedroom. You can place coins above the door to the rest room or kitchen. One jade coin is allowed to be added to important documents or hidden in a notebook.

Number of coins: three coins or more?

Two coins

A pair of coins from China in the teachings of Feng Shui means the accumulation and preservation of money. Such a talisman will also protect the owner from negative energy. It is believed that two coins symbolize the money of mother and son, i.e. contribute to increasing wealth.

Three coins

Feng Shui considers three coins to be the three parts of prosperity. This means that the owner will receive finances from work, additional sources of income, and even spontaneous monetary wealth in the form of gifts or inheritance.

Adding a red knot in this case will emphasize the unity of heaven, earth and humanity. It is also effective to associate coins with images of emperors ruling one after another.

Five Chinese coins

According to Feng Shui, five Chinese coins are useful for bringing prosperity from all directions of the world at once. A disk with such monetary units is used to attract good luck in the work of various companies.

Six coins

A bunch of six coins can attract helpers. This number is associated with luck sent from above.
It is especially good to keep the amulet in the northwestern sector of the house.

Eight coins

If the traditional fen shuitri coins understand how different sides income, then 8 coins are perceived as talismans for the influx of wealth from all compass directions. It’s good if the money is connected into a straight ribbon or forms a circle with the ninth coin in the center.

Nine coins

In Feng Shui, nine coins represent the entirety of the Universe. In this case, the maximum power is possessed by a bundle of coins made during the reign of all representatives of the Qin dynasty.

Moreover, even ordinary monetary units from China in such quantities are used for protection and well-being. According to Feng Shui, you should place such a talisman in the wealth sector or wear coins around your neck. Money coins In Feng Shui it is also useful to hang it behind the back of your work chair.

As a rule, Feng Shui does not allow tying Chinese coins in quantities of 4 and 7 pieces. This is not an effective talisman, and besides, the number 7 is identified with metal, so it is not suitable for attracting wealth. A bunch of seven coins is needed to strengthen active stars of the metal element or neutralize negative stars from the earth element.

Regardless of how you want to tie Chinese coins, how many there will be and what place they will live in, try to endow the talisman with your energy. Like any powerful helper, a lucky or money coin only approves of a person’s sincere and positive thoughts.
Chinese Feng Shui coins will definitely give wealth to those who really want and deserve it.

In our country, people wear them as a talisman around their necks, attach them to doors at the entrance, put them on shelves where financial documents are located, or hide them in a wallet. Such a powerful energy symbol brings harmony to everything around, because it personifies Heaven and Earth: round form coins are Heaven or Yang energy, and a square correct form inside is the Earth or Yin energy. Traditionally, several pieces are tied, the number being a specific symbol. What does the quantity symbolize, and what will be the meaning of this talisman?

Two coins - an amulet for wealth

  • on the neck;
  • in a purse;
  • just in the bag.

Three coins - receive an inheritance

To attract spontaneous wealth in the form of an inheritance or a gift, you need to tie three Chinese coins. This will be a symbol of three blessings:

  • money from your main place of work;
  • non-standard earnings (part-time work, additional income, etc.);
  • inherited funds.

Five coins - help in trading

The influx of wealth from all sides and the settling of money in the center. This combination is used by people who are engaged in trade, because they need to attract buyers and expand their business. This talisman will bring prosperity if used to decorate the interior of a retail outlet.

Six coins - attract a patron in business

Such a bundle must be hung in the northwestern part of the room. Thanks to this talisman, you can attract patrons to your home who will provide help when things get difficult. He is the personification of heavenly luck and help from the highest powers.

Eight Chinese coins - a bundle of wealth influx

To make such a talisman, you can connect eight coins on a ribbon or tie them in a circle. This helps to attract money from all sides of Ba Gua. The sacred Chinese octagon is an energy tool that helps people in life.

Nine coins - the meaning of the universe

Round amulets with a symbolic hole inside, nine pieces in one bundle, are the personification of the completeness of the universe. During the Qin Dynasty, people wore necklaces made of nine coins. On each of them was drawn the image of one of those who ruled at that time. Currently, it is almost impossible to collect all the images, so you can use a dummy.

Such a knot of red ribbon and metal coins will serve as a talisman to attract money. A strong amulet a ribbon with nine coins is also considered if at least one of them has the image of the ruler. Feng Shui advises placing the bundle in a zone of prosperity, and then an influx of money is guaranteed.

The teachings of the Chinese elders recommend not making threads with four or seven coins, as they will not bring any benefit. You can tie knots with ten or more coins - these will also be talismans for attracting money, but the quantity will no longer carry any meaning. This amulet should be placed in the money area or carried in your pocket.

Chinese coins - happiness and luck in life

When luck smiles on a person, then money “goes” into his hands, he is happy at home, at work, in his Good friends and everything is fine. But for everything to be wonderful in life, you need a Chinese coin of happiness. This coin also has a square hole and can be worn as a talisman under clothing. She is suitable for attracting money, but can also be a great friend from January to December.

This talisman depicts the signs of the 12 months, they are collected around a square hole: there is a circle with a dragon, rooster, lions, rabbit, snake and other animals that symbolize a month or year. When a new period begins with a new patron, a special subtle energy comes, inherent only in a certain animal. This energy can influence the state of the soul, so supporting the new month will not hurt anyone.

Feng Shui irreplaceable coin - winning is guaranteed

In Feng Shui, Chinese coins have long been a very powerful talisman that attracts wealth, prosperity and abundance to your home. They symbolize the unity of heaven and earth, one side, where 4 hieroglyphs are drawn, is called Yang, the other with two hieroglyphs is called Yin. In a good talisman, all coins in Feng Shui should have the Yang side facing up.

If you decide to purchase Chinese coins or a ready-made talisman from them, choose coins from the Qing Dynasty. This is the most powerful dynasty that lasted for centuries and gave China years of wealth and prosperity. Such coins were created by advisors to emperors, who were also excellent Feng Shui masters. Nowadays, copies are usually used, since the originals are very expensive and difficult to obtain. In addition, ancient coins can store unrefined Qi energy. There are many various types talismans made from coins that differ in their strength and effect.

The most common, but at the same time the least powerful type of talismans are the coins of Emperor Chen Long. He is one of the most powerful and successful emperors in the Qing Dynasty. These coins are not fastened together in any way, but are used in bulk. If you decide to buy such Feng Shui coins, purchase several hundred at once. To activate them, keep such a talisman next to other symbols of wealth - money tree, money toad or dragon. A bowl of rice and Chen Long coins would be a very good talisman. They can be walled into walls, or hidden under the floor or tiles. And in order to show wealth the way to your home, lay it out on the path that leads to front door chain of coins.

No less popular in Feng Shui is a talisman of three coins tied with a red ribbon, which symbolizes the unity of heaven, earth and man. These coins correspond to the three most powerful rulers from the Qing Dynasty - Kang Xi, Yung Cheng and Chen Long. Hang this talisman in the financial zone, in the northwest corner, of your home or office. Be sure to keep one of these in your wallet, close to the money. And to show that wealth has already entered your life, hang three coins on internal handle entrance doors of your office, store or study.

Six coins tied with a red ribbon are another talisman. TO chinese feng shui coins in this connection correspond to the first six emperors of the Qing dynasty - Shun Shi (1644-1661), Kang Xi, Yung Cheng, Chang Long, Jia Qing (1796-1820) and Tao Kwong (1820-1850). 6 is lucky number in Feng Shui, and this talisman in its power is equal to the talisman of the God of Wealth. Keep it in your financial zone and you will have the support of all six great emperors.

The most powerful talisman of wealth is nine coins connected with a red thread, as it symbolizes the unity of heaven, earth, man, eternity and the universe. The coins in it correspond to all nine emperors of the dynasty. Only the coin of the last, tenth emperor is not used, since during his reign the great dynasty ceased to exist. Hang this talisman on the wall behind you in your office, or behind the back of your chair. If you have your own car, keep such a talisman in it to protect yourself from unpleasant situations on the road or while traveling. A talisman of 9 coins protects against all kinds of diseases and evil spirits. Therefore, hang coins in your bedroom, this way you will protect yourself and the people close to you.

Another strong talisman This is a sword woven from Chinese coins. The number of coins in it must be a multiple of 3, 6 or 9. The best sword is the one made of 108 coins. The sword primarily symbolizes protection from all kinds of evil. Keep it in your financial zone with the tip down to protect your business from the evil eye, gossip, and other people's negative intentions. Just like the talisman of 9 coins, it protects you from illnesses and troubles.

And finally, a few general advice. Always buy Feng Shui coins only from metals - brass or bronze. Plastic analogues do not have the required strength and therefore less effective. Be sure to keep at least one talisman in the financial zone, in the northwestern corner of your home or office. And do not forget to clean the talismans once a year or change them for new ones to prevent the Chi energy from stagnating in them.

Chinese coins of happiness and good luck.

An amulet that combines the energy of all 12 years and 12 months. This is energy support throughout the year.

On this Chinese coin - All 12 animals are depicted, which are responsible for any year or month. As you know, when a new month (or year) begins, new subtle energies come, corresponding to one or another animal, affecting our well-being and mood. .It is always good to enlist the help of the incoming animal of the month.

Such luck coin convenient, since you don’t have to change the keychain with the necessary animal all the time, every month - they are all with you all the time.

Such fiat Chinese coin Feng Shui(it is not intended for payment) brings winnings in betting, in lottery, racing and stock speculation. This great gift those who take risks with financial investments.
Unchangeable Chinese feng shui coin applied in the following ways:

Always wear it around your neck (there is a hole for the cord).
- Tape it to the folder with investment documents, shares, lottery tickets,

Money, etc.
- Place it in the southeastern sector of the house or in your personal sheng qi direction.
- Inside the house, hang on the handle of the front door or the door of your bedroom (inside the room).

In any case, the fiat Chinese coin must be activated by the red thread

Unique and rare coin, which is like an amulet for good health, long life for one person or an entire family.

On front side this Chinese coins - depictedShow Xing, one of the three Star Elders, who symbolizes a calm and long life, good health, as well as a happy old age surrounded by children and grandchildren.

In this case, we see a unique combination of all benevolent symbols Sin Show, Deer, Stork And peach fruit, which, like the deity, are themselves powerful symbols of health.

Show Xing usually depicted with various attributes, each of which has its own special meaning. So, in one hand he holds a staff made from the trunk of a naturally fallen tree, which speaks of peacefulness and not causing harm even flora, animals and people. The staff also reminds us that in order to get to heaven, it is necessary to walk the earthly path with dignity. It is also protection from evil spirits.

On back side coins we see the hieroglyph "show" - "long life", surrounded Dragon And Phoenix, which, as you know, mean a strong married couple .

So in this case, such an amazing coin is used to attract good health not only to a specific person, but the effect of the coin will extend to his entire family.

Chinesecoin simple.

She is placed in different places your home or other premises where financial luck is needed. You can put it under the rug in the hallway, on the table where you plan your budget, you can stick it to the cash register if it’s a store. Any place where you see fit will do, as long as you remember that there is money and Chinese coin will attract material luck to you.

chinese feng shui coins

As you probably already know, in Feng Shui there are many different talismans, symbols, and amulets for attracting wealth. We looked at these on our website. The article touched a little on the topic of Feng Shui coins. Here I would like to tell you in more detail about what Feng Shui coins are and what their meanings are. Once these coins were in use as money (they were cast from copper), but later they went out of circulation and they began to be used as talismans to attract all kinds of benefits. First of all, of course, to attract monetary luck.

Chinese Feng Shui coins and their meanings

three coins connected in different ways

Firstly, their shape and sides . They are made in the form of a circle with a square hole in the middle. What does it mean - the unity of Heaven and Earth. In this case, the square symbolizes the Earth (Yin energy), the circle symbolizes the Sky (Yang energy). In addition, each side of the coin refers to a different type of energy. So on the Yang side (active) 4 hieroglyphs are depicted (along the cardinal directions). Two of them indicate the era of which ruling dynasty the coin was issued. On the Yin side (passive) there are 2 symbols that could indicate the motto of the ruler of that time. By combining two types of energy and symbolizing the balance between them, Feng Shui coins harmonize space and bring luck and financial well-being into people's lives.

Secondly, hieroglyphs or images . The strength of the Feng Shui coin talisman is also given by the hieroglyphs, images or trigrams depicted on them, which carry a semantic meaning. For example, there are coins that act as amulets and are worn around the neck. They may depict a dragon and a phoenix, crossed swords, the Bagua symbol and other symbols that will protect their owner from evil and attract good luck. However, most often there are coins with hieroglyphs denoting various benefits.

lucky (or big) feng shui coin

Third, number of feng shui coins . Whether you use the coins individually or string several coins together depends on your desire. But it is believed that in a bunch of coins “work” more efficiently than one coin.

Chinese coins can be used individually or tied together in various quantities. They are tied with a strong thread, either red or gold. But the most commonly used thread color is red. Because in Feng Shui, red is good luck. The threads in this case act as activators of the energy of the coins.

Coin of happiness feng shui. Meanings: This coin is used to attract love into your life. Or if you already have love in your life, then this Feng Shui coin is used to ensure that your relationship ends in a strong and happy marriage. As a rule, it depicts a Dragon and a Phoenix, symbolizing a marriage union. Or two Dragons playing with a pearl. It is recommended to carry it with you in your pocket, bag or purse. You can put such a coin in your chosen one’s purse or place it in the bedroom under the mattress.

feng shui fiat coin

Unchangeable Feng Shui coin. Values: it is called so because it was not originally intended as a monetary unit, but served only as an amplifier of “unexpected luck”. A fiat coin brings money to those people who invest in a risky business (racing, stock exchange, lottery). It can be worn around the neck as a good luck talisman, or placed in places where its help is needed. This could be a folder with investment papers, lotteries; southeast house; the handle of a room or front door.

Simple Chinese Feng Shui coin. Values: attracts financial luck. It is placed in different places in the house. Read more below.

Chinese coin for good health. Values: This coin is quite rare and can be said to be unique. Her stay in the house promises one person or the whole family good health and long life. On one side of it is depicted Shou Xing, a starry old man, symbolizing a measured long life, as well as a happy old age surrounded by children and grandchildren. It happens that he is depicted surrounded by other equally powerful symbols of health: a stork, a deer, and peach fruits. On the other side there is a hieroglyph for “long life”, flanked by a Dragon and a Phoenix (as we already know, the symbol of a married couple). This means that the good health coin can extend its effect to the entire family.

Feng Shui coin in the shape of a plum blossom

Chinese coin in the form of a plum blossom. Meanings: An interesting coin made in the shape of five petals, with five on one and symbols on the other. It is believed that it brings five blessings to its owner: prosperity, nobility, long life, happy destiny, peace of mind and cleanliness. It is recommended to carry such a coin with you or you can put it in a desk drawer or safe with documents. A coin in the shape of a plum blossom will bring good luck in business and help in your career.

Five bats around a coin. Values: very rare coin. Brings protection and support to its owner.

five bats around a coin

Two coins feng shui connected with red thread. Meanings: symbol of saving money. Nowadays they are used by business people and businessmen. It is also recommended to carry them with you as an amulet, so they will protect you from negative energy. Two more feng shui coins can bring harmony to family relationships. To do this, they are placed under the pillows of the matrimonial bed.

Three feng shui coins. Values: This is a symbol of the unity of Man, Heaven and Earth. Most the best option to attract wealth. Also, three coins mean three sources of attracting wealth: earned wealth, wealth that came from outside and earned in an unconventional way, unexpected wealth.

In Feng Shui, tying four coins is prohibited. Such an amulet will not bring any benefit.

Five feng shui coins tied with red thread. Meanings: symbol of money coming from four directions and accumulated at one point. Recommended for those involved in trading.

six feng shui coins

Six Feng Shui coins. Values: attract heavenly luck. They promise a quick meeting with assistants and patrons. It is recommended to place them in the northwest (sector of assistants and patrons).

Seven coins tied together as a talisman are not used in Feng Shui. So are four coins.

Eight feng shui coins or nine (if one coin is in the center). Meanings: are a symbol of the fact that wealth will come from everywhere, from all compass directions. If there is a ninth coin, then in this case it is considered an accumulation point.

eight related coins Feng Shui

Nine Feng Shui coins (tied in a line). Meanings: act as a symbol of the integrity and completeness of the universe. This amulet is very powerful, but only if all the coins are genuine, minted during the Qin Dynasty. If you can find these, you can hang them behind the back of your desk chair. In general, this talisman can be placed in the sector where you want to activate energy, it will work equally strongly.

Related coins in the form of a decorative sword. Meanings: the number of coins in a sword may vary, but the best and most effective sword is considered to be a sword made from 108 Chinese coins. Such swords are used to protect their business from the machinations of competitors. To activate its energy, you need to hang it in the northwestern or western part of the office behind your workplace with the “point” down. It is not recommended to hang a sword made of coins in front of you - this way its power can be directed against you. If you do not belong to the world of commerce or politics, do not use this amulet! The coins listed above are quite suitable for everyday use. The sword is needed only where there is a fierce struggle for spheres of influence.

How to properly activate Chinese Feng Shui coins

decorative sword made from feng shui coins

To attract good luck using Chinese Feng Shui coins, they can be placed in various places. For example, if you have your own company, and you can hang one or two of these coins on the door of your business. If you make money using your computer, hang a bunch of coins next to it. A rug near the front door - for the well-being of the owners of the house, a refrigerator - for abundance, a wallet - attracting the energy of money, a folder with financial documents, cash machine– for good luck in business, etc.

One of the ways to achieve financial well-being and prosperity with the help of Chinese coins is to embed them in the foundation when building a house.

Important! For Feng Shui coins to work correctly, place them with the Yang side up and the Yin side down.