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» Knauf fugen gypsum putty how to dilute. Fugenfüller putty Knauf technical characteristics

Knauf fugen gypsum putty how to dilute. Fugenfüller putty Knauf technical characteristics

Many of those who did the repairs themselves and did the leveling ceiling surfaces, the word “Fugenfüller” is familiar. This is not surprising, since we're talking about about one of the most popular putty mixtures.

What is this

This mixture is produced, very well known in the construction and finishing materials by Knauf. This composition is presented in the form of a dry gypsum-based mixture, which can be used for a wide variety of tasks. Usually a mixture gray, but you can also find white compounds. They do not differ in their properties.

Before use, the mixture is diluted with water in the required proportions. The amount of water that needs to be added is always indicated on the packaging. The mixture is packaged in bags weighing 5, 10 and 25 kilograms. Depending on the amount of dry component, it is necessary to add different quantities water. Do not exceed the volumes specified in the instructions, as this will lead to a deterioration in the properties of the putty.

By type, produced putty Fugenfüller Knauf, may be different:

It is better to use each type of putty for its intended purpose, according to the type. Although, in stores, you mainly find only a simple composition, if necessary, you can find other varieties.

Where is it used?

The main area of ​​application of any composition labeled Fugen is finishing surfaces. This putty is not suitable for thorough leveling, but for finishing will be one of the best options. Fugen is one of the most suitable formulations for complete puttying of a ceiling or wall made of gypsum plasterboard.

The second area where Fugenfüller putty is used is gluing gypsum boards to flat surfaces. It must be remembered that differences on the plane to which gluing is being carried out should not exceed 4 millimeters.

Also, this putty composition can be used to seal seams between sheets of drywall. Small joints between concrete slabs You can also seal it with this composition.

It is especially good to use a fugenfüller to seal small cracks and other damage. plasterboard surfaces. If the sheets have rounded edges, then when such parts meet, a depression appears on the plane. With the help of this putty they are perfectly sealed. You just need to remember that to seal such irregularities you will need a sickle or reinforcing tape.

In general, Fugenfüller Knauf putty has such technical characteristics that its range of applications is extremely wide. This is precisely what explains its enormous popularity when carrying out finishing work.

Main characteristics

There is no point in talking about all the variations of the compositions - they are very similar and are used in the same way. Only the type of surface on which they are used changes. Therefore, we will consider in detail only the main, simplest composition - an ordinary fugen.

It should be applied in a layer of up to 3 millimeters. If you make a thicker layer, the putty does not behave very well - sagging, grooves and other artifacts appear. So, for larger-scale leveling work, this mixture is not suitable.

The gypsum used as the base of the composition makes it dry very quickly. The lifetime of the finished solution does not exceed 30 minutes. Depending on the room temperature and humidity, this indicator may vary slightly. Therefore, you should not dilute tens of kilograms of the mixture at once - you won’t have time to use it all.

There are no large particles in the composition. The size of the main fraction is 0.15 millimeters and this makes it possible to obtain very even planes. After puttying, the surface is ready for painting or wallpapering, even without subsequent sanding.

The only thing to consider is that after drying the surface does not have an even coloration. The color may be uneven, and when painting, this matters. It is better to pre-treat the putty surface with colored primer or paint it in several layers.

How to use

Many people make their first mistakes at the stage of preparing the mixture for work. The final adhesion properties of the putty depend on how it is prepared. The entry of air during mixing is undesirable. Because of this, the use of mixers or other mechanical stirring devices is not recommended.

The proportions for dilution with water are indicated on the label of the putty mixture, and the basic rules for use are contained in the instructions for use, which are located on the label of any Fugenfüller composition. As a standard, 0.8 liters of water is used per 1 kilogram of the dry component of the mixture.

You need to pour the dry component into the water carefully and gradually. Don't drink right away a large number of– the composition is not properly saturated with water. After pouring it into a container with water, you need to wait a little until the entire mixture is saturated with water. Only after this can you start stirring.

If you stir the composition immediately, it will not have a homogeneous structure. As a result, Fugenfüller putty loses its technical characteristics. You may lose the main advantage of this composition - the absence of cracks after drying.

The solution must be stirred manually. Using a mixer will also affect the performance, worsening it. If the volume of solution is large and the use of a mixer is necessary, you need to turn on the slowest speed. At first, the solution may seem very liquid, but after a couple of minutes it gains the consistency necessary for work.

Tip: do not remove the remaining putty from the spatula back into the bucket with the solution. This will shorten the life of the putty and make it unusable very quickly.

German quality is always based on the desire to achieve the desired result, on painstaking work and love for one’s work. Trademark Knauf has repeatedly proven to its followers all its power and high-quality approach to business.

One of the building mixtures that the Germans can be proud of is Knauf Fugen putty.


Knauf Fugen gypsum universal putty used to have a longer name - Fugenfuller. This is a classic gypsum-based putty, which has firmly established itself in the global market of dry building mixtures.

The main feature of this material is a guarantee of success at any labor costs, provided that the instructions are followed unconditionally:

  • Observe temperature regime rooms and air humidity. So, in the room where the surfaces will be treated with Knauf Fugen putty, it should be no more than +10 degrees Celsius. And humidity should not exceed standard levels of 70-80%.
  • Pre-treat the surfaces with a primer, clean them and dry.
  • Tools for work must always be clean, otherwise the mixture risks acquiring a heterogeneous structure and, as a result, will not satisfy your requirements.

It should also be remembered that this type of putty is not suitable for large-scale projects. In order for it to lay evenly, it must be applied in a thin layer, no more than three millimeters.

The gypsum base of the mixture does not allow the use of large amounts of putty for a long time. It dries out very quickly, so it is recommended to dilute the mixture in small quantities..

Thanks to its crushed structure, Fugen can be used as a finishing coat before applying paint, gluing wallpaper, etc. Of course, one layer may not be enough, because, like any other gypsum putty, it will definitely shrink.

Many users note the difficulties they encounter when processing Knauf Fugen surfaces. It is advised to resort to less capricious analogues, which are inferior to the German manufacturer not only in price, but also in quality. And, therefore, the final result.

In general, Knauf Fugen putties have positive reviews, but not the most happen pleasant words to a professional product.

Advantages and disadvantages

Since there are three main types of Knauf Fugen putty, the manufacturer on its official website indicates not only the general advantages of this miracle material, but also individual ones for each type:

  • Knauf Fugen– for processing the edges of gypsum board joints, it does not crack after drying, the putty is made from an environmentally friendly, clean natural material – gypsum.

  • Knauf Fugen GF– for continuous puttying of gypsum fiber boards, sealing joints and Knauf floor elements. It is characterized by high strength and elasticity, the absence of cracks on the treated dried surface. GV is the same gypsum, but with polymer additives, not providing harmful effects on the human body.

  • Knauf Fugen Hydro– moisture-resistant gypsum putty for processing gypsum board joints and mounting plasterboard slabs, the fastening of which is called tongue-and-groove. The product exhibits minimal shrinkage, does not crack, and is extremely resistant to moisture, as it contains environmentally friendly polymer and hydrophobic additives.

Even professional mixtures cannot do without their disadvantages and shortcomings. Among the most serious and constantly encountered are: rapid drying in a mixing container, inconvenience associated with sanding, and the ability to apply only a thin layer.

The versatility of Knauf Fugen putty is beneficial only to those who are ready to use it as an additional means for pre-treatment. As an independent finishing material it is not suitable enough.


Specifications consist in describing the features of diluting and laying putty on the surface:

  • excellent fine-grained structure, characterizing the material as a high-quality finishing layer. Maximum grain diameter – 0.15 mm;
  • the thickness of the layer varies from one to three millimeters, which allows the putty to be used as an inconspicuous base;
  • from one kilogram of dry mixture one liter of three hundred grams of solution prepared for use is obtained;
  • the prepared mixture can be used for no more than half an hour until it dries completely in the mixing container;
  • The shelf life of the dry mixture is 6 months.

Customer reviews of the technical characteristics specified by the manufacturer indicate that everything is true. Thanks to the large amount of information and its properties, putty gains authority in the eyes of both professionals and beginners who have resorted to this method of interior finishing for the first time.

Packaging of the dry mixture is paper bags weighing 5, 10, and 25 kilograms. They must be stored in cool, dry rooms, protected from frost, on a wooden base. If a bag break is detected, this putty should be used first., but only if it has not gained moisture and has not stuck together. It is impossible to reuse wet putty.

The instructions for using Knauf gypsum-based putty explain how to properly dilute and use the mixture with maximum efficiency. It also shows the approximate consumption of putty, depending on its purpose.


First of all, the amount of putty will depend on what kind of work you plan to do with it. Another important factor is the surface on which Knauf Fugen will be applied. If you just need to seal plasterboard seams, you need 250 g per one square meter coverings. Continuous puttying of walls with a layer of up to 1 mm may require from 800 g to 1 kg per 1 m2.

Knauf Fugen GF has a slight difference from the previous type of putty in terms of consumption, since the thickness of the coating here can already increase to 5 mm:

  • processing and sealing joints and seams can take up to 600 grams of the finished mixture;
  • when applied to solid wall– you can get by with 1.2 kg or a little more.

Moisture-resistant putty is applied in almost the same way as GF, therefore the consumption is the same. Knauf Fugen Hydro can have different colors: rarely - white, more often - gray and even with pink shades. This is due to the natural additives in the gypsum, which do not affect technical parameters putties and do not acquire a pronounced color after application and drying.

The price of Knauf Fugen and GF ranges from 400 rubles per 25-kilogram bag. Hydro, in comparison, will have a higher cost due to its waterproofing and moisture-resistant properties. The cost of such putty is almost twice as high - up to 1200 rubles. for 25 kilograms of dry mixture.

Scope of application

The standard Knauf Fugen gypsum putty mixture is intended for interior work of the following nature:

  • processing of gypsum board joints(Knauf sheets) with any edges using reinforced paper tape;
  • as glue for fixing Knauf sheets on a flat surface, as well as for gluing and processing gypsum parts;
  • disguise screw heads on the coating;
  • filling connections of concrete structures;
  • leveling and correction of possible defects in wall sheets;
  • as a starting coating, on which you can glue wallpaper.

With the Knauf Fugen GF mixture it is very convenient to putty GVL and GKL. At the same time, hot water is also used to treat plasterboard walls with visible mechanical damage. It very easily masks all surface imperfections. It is customary to prime drywall before puttying.. This process helps give the wall the desired shape.

Knauf Fugen Hydro putty is known for its field of application for processing wet areas. This mixture is the most flexible among its “brothers” from the Fugen line. With its help, you can also give drywall the necessary arched, semicircular shape without fear of cracking after drying.

The use of Knauf Fugen putty on drywall is preferable. After all, it not only helps to align joining seams and can be a starting layer for further wall decoration.

This putty solution is also very convenient for installing gypsum boards. During the installation process, Fugen is applied into the recess (groove) of the bottom row of slabs and into the vertical groove at the end. The plasterboard sheet is pressed tightly, the protruding putty residues are removed. Next comes a process similar to laying bricks with cement mortar.

Any ready-made Fugen mixture dries equally quickly whether applied to the surface or lying quietly in the container where it was diluted. Drying takes no more than 30 minutes, so it is very important to do everything correctly from the first layer.

Before applying putty to the walls, you must acquire all the tools necessary for this process, specified in the official instructions for the mixtures:

  • container for preparing putty;
  • metal spatula for mixing;
  • plaster mixer;
  • standard metal spatula (15 cm);
  • wide metal spatula (more than 20 cm);
  • metal spatula for processing corners;
  • abrasive mesh for sanding the dried surface after putty.

The container for mixing the mixture and all tools must be thoroughly washed. and free from residual traces of previous mixtures or use new ones. In a contaminated container, fresh putty dries twice as fast, its service life is reduced to 15 minutes.

If there are any unpleasant irregularities on the wall, they should be smoothed out after drying with a special grater. All tools must be made from of stainless steel.

To mix a solution of the correct consistency, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Pour dry putty (1 kg) into water (0.8 l) slowly, spreading it throughout the entire volume. Handwork is especially important here.
  2. As soon as the level of dry putty slightly exceeds the water level in the container, you need to let the mixture sit. You can spend no more than 2-3 minutes on this.
  3. Proceed with active mixing. In rare cases, you can use a construction mixer, but professionals insist on manually mixing the mixture.

At first it may seem that the consistency is too thin to apply to the walls. However, after a couple of minutes, the density will noticeably increase, and the solution will become as it should be.

Another tip: never dump the remaining grams of finished putty from the spatula into a common container. This reduces the service life of the solution and leads to accelerated drying of unused putty.

It should be noted that For initial application, a thinner consistency of putty is suitable. to make it easier to apply a thin, even layer up to 3 mm. For further use and for sealing irregularities, cracks and other defects, a mixture that is thicker in structure is suitable. Then the thickness of the layer will not matter so much.

For many, one of the most difficult and unpleasant moments is renovating an apartment. Especially when doing it on your own, you have to learn a lot and face some difficulties. Those who have begun processing walls during renovation work are interested in the subtleties of their finishing. Putty is used as a finishing material for walls and ceilings. It helps make the walls smooth and prepare them for painting. Among the many brands, Fugenfüller putty is in great demand among buyers due to its high quality.

When purchasing this finishing material, many people choose a combination of decent quality and price. Before operation, you should familiarize yourself with the technical specifications of this product. Due to the presence of gypsum in the composition, which is not resistant to moisture, the putty received only an internal area of ​​application. Additional substances in the composition help retain moisture and slow down the setting process.

Fugenfüller putty is completely safe for humans and animals, which is confirmed by the manufacturer’s certificates. If the application technology is followed, the material will not crack or shrink. In the case of joining perfectly smooth surfaces, it allows you to seal the seams between them.

The areas of application of Fugen Knauf putty are:

Putty of this brand has its advantages:

Among the most significant shortcomings of the product are:

  • Fast drying. If you have some experience, this disadvantage can be considered an advantage.
  • Difficulty in carrying out grinding work. This process will require some effort on the part of the worker.
  • The maximum thickness of the applied layer, which cannot exceed 3 mm.
  • The possibility of dark gaps appearing when gluing light and thin wallpaper.

In order to get a high-quality result, it is necessary to study the features of the Knauf Fugen product. Gypsum putty, the technical characteristics of which are given below, has the following properties:

The material has adhesion to the surface of 0.5 MPa, bending resistance - 1.5 MPa and compressive strength - 3 MPa. To calculate the required amount of material, you need to know the approximate consumption of the substance on different surfaces:

  • To seal the seams between sheets of drywall, it may take about 0.25 kg per square meter.
  • When puttying with a continuous layer per 1 square meter it will take about 1 kg, when applying a layer up to 1 mm.
  • When fastening tongue-and-groove slabs, up to 1.5 kg of material may be required.

You can purchase the substance in paper bags packaged in 5, 10 or 25 kilograms. To avoid the harmful effects of moisture, it is recommended to store products on racks.

Depending on the location where the material is applied, you should choose suitable type putties. The manufacturer offers putty for gypsum fiber sheets - Knauf Fugen G.V. and material for working in areas with high humidity- Fugen Hydro.

The first option is intended for sealing seams and minor irregularities. In terms of its composition, this mixture is almost similar to universal remedy. The differences lie in the permissible thickness of the applied layer and the consumption of the prepared substance.

To cover seams and joints, up to 600 grams of mixture is required. With a continuous application of raw materials 1 millimeter thick, up to 1.2 kilograms will be required. Otherwise, the material has similar characteristics to the universal mixture.

The second material contains special additives that allow it to be used:

  • For the purpose of gluing moisture-resistant drywall to flat surface, as well as puttying and gluing gypsum raw materials.
  • For filling joints between sheets of plasterboard in damp rooms.
  • As an element for filling cracks or depressions in concrete floors.
  • For filling and installation of tongue-and-groove moisture-resistant slabs.

Other characteristics are no different from universal composition Fugenfüller putties. Maximum thickness the applied layer should not exceed 5 mm. A moisture-resistant analogue will cost twice as much as universal products.

Rules for working with material

To obtain high-quality results, you must follow some recommendations from experts:

  • It is recommended to putty at a room temperature of at least +10°C and a humidity of no more than 80%.
  • Before applying the raw material, it is necessary to pre-clean and prime the surface. Putty can only be applied to a dry surface.
  • It is necessary to prepare the solution only in a clean container. If foreign substances get in, wash the instruments and remove foreign substances from the composition.
  • When preparing the solution, it is not recommended to take more than 1 kg of the substance. If you lack experience, you may not have time to use up the entire mixture, which cannot be reused.
  • To prepare the solution, take only clean water and pour the purchased composition into it. Start stirring after all the powder is wet. After the first stirring, wait a while and stir a second time. To avoid the formation of lumps and to facilitate the mixing process, you can use a construction mixer. The finished solution should have the consistency of thick sour cream.
  • To avoid rapid hardening and the formation of a large number of lumps, a new portion of the solution is mixed in a previously washed container. The tool should also be washed after completing the application of the mixture.
  • To work with joints, use a sickle mesh or a special paper tape. They increase the strength of the seams, but still do not guarantee the absence of cracks.
  • When sealing joints and seams, the second layer is applied only after the first layer has completely dried.

Leftovers finished material After work they must be disposed of. When adding residues to a new composition, you can get a large number of lumps. They should not be flushed down the drain due to the possibility of creating a permanent clog. The remaining dry material should be stored in a tightly closed plastic bag. It is not recommended to use raw materials after the expiration date.

Choosing a quality manufacturer of finishing materials allows you to avoid frequent repairs premises. Many professionals prefer finishing raw materials, including putty, Fugenfüller Knauf, which has long been successfully used in repairs interior spaces. These materials have long proven themselves to be high quality and durable..

Surface preparation

Plasterboard sheets must be firmly mounted on a supporting frame or other base. The surface intended for puttying must be dry and free of dust.

Preparation of Knauf Fugenfüller

Packaging: 28 kg bucket.

Consumption: 1 kg of mixture per 1.8 - 2.5 m2 with a layer of 1 mm.

Knauf gypsum putty fugenfüller knauf

Universal gypsum putty KNAUF-Fugenfüller

KNAUF Fugenfüller dry putty mixture on a gypsum basis is intended for carrying out internal repair work in rooms with normal humidity.


  • designed for sealing joints in KNAUF plasterboard (plasterboard) using reinforcement tape;
  • repairing damage to KNAUF plasterboard sheets
  • continuous puttying of plastered bases and concrete surfaces;
  • working with tongue-and-groove (GGP) blocks by gluing them and sealing joints;
  • gluing to various flat grounds plasterboard sheets;
  • installation and gluing various elements from plaster;
  • Fugen Füller putty does not shrink or crack
  • dry mixture is based on natural materials(mineral gypsum) and is absolutely environmentally friendly and meets all standards and requirements

Application area

  • for with a semicircular recessed edge and a recessed edge for sealing joints in them using serpyanka (reinforcing tape);
  • for installation (gluing) sheets of plasterboard and various panels to bases with a flat surface;
  • to create a finishing thin-layer putty on various bases (plastered surfaces, concrete bases);
  • prefabricated structures made of gypsum and concrete blocks, filling seams and joints;
  • for carrying out repair work in the resulting damage and cracks in gypsum structures made of plasterboard GKL, GVL;
  • for installation and gluing of gypsum blocks and PGP elements.

Fügenfühler putty consumptionKNAUF

Without taking into account the consumption of losses, the mixture with a layer thickness of 1 mm per m2 is approximately 0.8 kg for continuous puttying, and for creating fillers in the joints between joints in plasterboard sheets it is 0.25 kg.

Of the main technical characteristics indicated by the manufacturer KNAUF, it is worth noting that the Fugen dry mixture has fine fraction no more than 0.15 mm, but from one kg. The gypsum mixture produces 1.3 liters of ready-made mortar. Indicators of hardened strength gypsum material are 5.2 MPa in compression, 2.7 MPa in bending.

IN preparatory activities surface enters and is carried into next sequence:

Work with Fugenfüller putty is carried out on solid, non-deforming substrates that are free of dirt and dust and have a dry surface. It is also important that the temperature of the base on which Fugen Knauf is applied does not fall below +10 C. Available on concrete bases the remaining lubricant from the formwork is removed, as well as any other contaminants. Wet surfaces are dried.

Surface preparation for puttying is carried out in the following order. The surface itself should not be cold (at least + 10 degrees), the surface should be durable and dry. When working with drywall joints, all existing contaminants (dust, dirt, etc.) are removed using the dry method.

Porous substrates that strongly absorb moisture should be treated with Knauf for highly absorbent surfaces. The primer is applied to the surface using a roller, brush or spray. Bases that have a dense hard surface (monolithic concrete, concrete blocks) to ensure reliable adhesion it is necessary to process primer - KNAUF. The surface treated with primer must dry in accordance with the technical specifications. The surface treated with primers should not be exposed to dust or dirt.

For high-quality application of Fugenfüller KNAUF putty, so that various defects and cracks do not form, all work with mortar Fugen should be produced in the same temperature without sudden changes, and the most best option work should be carried out at the same temperature and humidity conditions that will exist during operation. This is primarily necessary so that when changes in moisture saturation and temperature occur, internal linear deformations do not occur.

If you plan to fill floors and other renovation work and at this moment the temperature in the room does not correspond to the temperature that during operation it will be better to transfer the puttying to the last stage of work.

Technology for preparing putty solution

Dry mortar Knauf Fugenfüller is added according to the principle of a mixture in water, and not vice versa. In a container with clean cold water Fügenfüller KNAUF is poured until it is evenly distributed over the surface until small dry islands appear (2.5 kg is poured for 1.9 liters of water).

Afterwards you need to wait 2 to 3 minutes until the mixture gets wet, then mix by hand or mechanically using a mixer, trowel or spatula until a homogeneous creamy mass without lumps is obtained. It is no longer possible to add dry gypsum mixture to the prepared Fugenfüller mortar.

Mixing with other components is not allowed, as this may change and worsen the properties of the putty. Also, you cannot add water to a solution that has thickened; this will damage the original properties, which will ultimately affect the quality of the finished putty coating. Strongly thickened solution work time which has already expired (open time no more than 30 minutes) is not suitable for work. Excessive contamination of dishes with mortar or tools can also lead to a reduction in working time (hardening) with Fugen mortar.

Technology of working with putty mortar

GKL plasterboard joints must be puttyed (putty for ordinary joints); for this, the first layer of KNAUF Fugenfüller putty is applied to the surface of the gypsum board joints in order to apply a reinforcing tape, which is pressed to the surface of the joints using a spatula. (The formation of uneven bubbles and creases is not allowed ). The glued polypropylene reinforcing tape must be given time to dry, after which a second leveling layer of Fugen must be applied.

As a working tool for puttying, it is better to use a spatula with a blade width of approximately 150 mm and a comfortable porous rubber handle. Convenient tool ensure that defects formed during the installation of gypsum boards are quickly removed. Puttying the surface with a continuous layer is also carried out in two stages. The first layer of Fugenfüller putty is applied using a wide-blade spatula, and the second leveling layer of KNAUF Fugefüller is applied after the first has dried.

Adjustment of the second leveling layer after drying is carried out using a grout construction tools (grinder with abrasive materials, graters). When preparing the bases for further high-quality painting, a layer is applied finishing putty.

For further decorative works for Knauf Fugenfüller putty for wallpapering, painting decorative plaster It is necessary to prime the surface with KNAUF solution.

For quality and fast work With gypsum Fugenfüller you need to prepare the tool:

  • putty container for mixing the dry mixture with water;
  • trowel or metal spatula for mixing Fugenfüller;
  • metal spatula 152 mm wide;
  • wide metal spatula (approximate width 200x300mm);
  • metal spatula for working with external and internal corners;
  • For sanding dried putty, use a float with a sanding mesh.

The tool for carrying out the work must be made of stainless steel. After puttying work, the tool must be cleaned of any remaining Fugenfüller KNAUF solution.

Fugen gypsum putty is stored in dry rooms in standard packaging on wooden pallets. The packaging must not be damaged. If mechanical damage appears on the packaging, it is necessary to pour the dry mixture into whole bags and then use it first.

The shelf life of Knauf gypsum mixture is 6 months.


  • application layer thickness from 1 to 3 mm;
  • the mixture fraction is no more than 0.15 mm;
  • From 1 kg of dry mixture, 1.3 liters of solution is obtained.

Strength indicators

Putty fugenfüller (fugen) 25 kg: sale, price in Rostov-on-Don. putty from "Rostovstroytorg" - 398099

putty mixture "Fugenfüller" - a dry mixture based on gypsum with polymer additives intended for sealing seams formed by sheets of plasterboard

"Fugenfüller" is a ready-to-use dry mixture intended for filling uneven surfaces and seams between sheets of plasterboard. This putty is produced by the German company Knauf, an internationally recognized leader specializing in the production of gypsum products. Therefore, in the composition Fugenfüller putties The main component is dry gypsum mixed with special polymer fillers.

Distinctive features Fugenfüller putties

In addition to the fact that the ready-to-use dry mixture is easily and quickly brought to working condition and is capable of qualitatively eliminating various defects of the finished plasterboard surface, Knauf putty fugen has another very valuable quality - high adhesion. This means that it can easily penetrate into the smallest irregularities and pores. building materials and after curing, firmly connect them to each other.

This quality is successfully used for gluing made of gypsum decorative elements to smooth surfaces and walls, or plasterboard sheets to concrete and brick foundations.

Preparation and use

Packaged in kraft bags of 25 and 10 kg, putty Fugenfüller Knauf is brought up to working condition clean water based on: 3.8 liters of water per 5 kg of dry mixture.

The preparation process begins with distributing the required amount of putty over the surface of the water. Mixing until smooth begins after the mixture becomes wet.

During the preparation process, you need to take into account that ready solution cures quickly and has a pot life of no more than 30 minutes.

Apply knauf fugen with a metal spatula onto a dry surface, cleaned of dust, oil stains and other contaminants in a thin layer of up to 5 mm, which will prevent excessive subsidence of the material during the curing process.

Minimum temperature for using putty - +10 degrees.

Application area

KNAUF-Fugenfüller (fugen) is a dry installation and putty mixture based on gypsum binder with polymer additives. Intended for:

  • sealing joints of plasterboard sheets (GKL) having a thinned edge using reinforcing tape;
  • gluing plasterboard sheets to a flat surface and combined panels;
  • thin-layer puttying of flat concrete and plastered surfaces;
  • filling joints of prefabricated concrete elements;
  • sealing cracks and other
  • possible damage to the plasterboard;
  • gluing and puttying gypsum elements;
  • installation of partitions made of gypsum tongue-and-groove slabs.

Consumption of materials

Material consumption is indicated per 1 m2 of surface without taking into account losses: when sealing gypsum board joints - 0.25 kg; with continuous puttying with a layer thickness of 1 mm? 0.8 kg; when installing tongue-and-groove slabs - 1.5 kg.


KNAUF-Fugenfüller is packaged in paper bags of 25 kg and 10 kg.


Bags of KNAUF-Fugenfüller dry mixture should be stored in dry rooms on wooden pallets.

Empty the material from the damaged bags and use it first.

Shelf life in undamaged packaging is 6 months.


  • Fraction size: no more than 0.15 mm
  • Output of solution from 1 kg of mixture: 1.3 l
  • Compressive strength: 5.2 MPa
  • Flexural strength: 2.7 MPa

Everyone knows that the fugenfüller is ideal for leveling walls, sealing joints of plasterboard sheets, filling various cracks and grooves in walls, as well as sealing grooves when laying hidden electrical wiring.

Everyone knows that the surface of the walls must be thoroughly cleaned of dust before applying putty. But there are at least two mistakes that even experienced professionals make when using this wonderful material.

The first mistake is made when sealing large grooves and grooves with a depth of 15-25 millimeters. Trying to save time, they close the groove immediately to “zero”, filling the entire volume of the groove with the cable. When drying, the fugenfüller increases its volume and a tubercle 2-3 millimeters high appears along the groove, which is very problematic to clean off after a day.

Since this putty material has great hardness. It is necessary to fill the groove 85-90 percent, let the putty dry and only then level the wall.

The second error occurs again when sealing large grooves. Fugenfüller is a type of gypsum putty and has a relatively short hardening time. And, as a rule, within a day it allows finishing putty to be applied to it.

But if deep grooves were simultaneously sealed on the wall being leveled, then the required drying time before applying the finishing putty should be increased to at least three days. Otherwise, cracks in the place of the groove cannot be avoided.

The reason is the complete drying of the finishing putty, under which the fugenfüller has not yet completely dried. In this case, even small linear expansions of the fugenfüller layer that continues to harden can lead to cracks.

And it’s also good if you didn’t have time to paint the wall or put wallpaper on it. But the danger in this situation, as a rule, lurks only subtle paper wallpaper. Thick wallpaper, such as non-woven wallpaper, can withstand small cracks.

Another note about the wallpaper. Here, too, sometimes a mistake is made when using a fugenfüller. But only completely inexperienced craftsmen with golden hands allow it. Precisely with gold ones, since few people would dare to putty their own apartment without having any professional experience in construction.

Some people try to paste wallpaper directly onto the fugenfüller. And the wallpaper comes off the walls safely. Fugenfüller - putty for leveling walls! And on top of it it is necessary to apply a layer of finishing putty.

I’m not writing here about how to properly prepare putty for work - enough is written about this in the instructions. And here I am only summarizing my experience when using this material.