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» When is the point of sobriety? And what is sobriety? Is absolute sobriety beneficial or harmful?

When is the point of sobriety? And what is sobriety? Is absolute sobriety beneficial or harmful?

You may feel like it will happen right after you decide to stop drinking alcohol. However, it is not.

  • Sobriety does not come immediately.
  • Sobriety is a process.

In this article you can learn all the basic principles of sobriety that will help you quit drinking forever.

Modern principles of sobriety

  • The point of sobriety does not come the next day.
  • As a result of your drinking alcohol ( and you most likely drank it for many years in a row with enviable frequency). alcohol damaged yours.

What are these damages?

  • Now, when you want to stop drinking alcohol, inappropriate feelings will begin to come to you, which are called:
    • Sense of anxiety,
    • Feeling uneasy
    • Tension
    • Irritation,
    • and other negative feelings.

I wrote more about the symptoms of withdrawal in the article

  • Withdrawal symptoms do not go away overnight, like a headache or hangover.
    They will appear periodically during 6-12 months after you quit drinking.
  • Over time, if you abstain from alcohol, these symptoms will decrease and then stop altogether.
  • It is the symptoms of withdrawal that make you drink again and again.
  • You take these feelings as your own, begin to find an external reason for them, talk about your life, and worry a lot. This ultimately leads you to a breakdown.
  • Therefore, sobriety does not come immediately, but requires time and effort on your part.
  • Sobriety in life is the ability to avoid a breakdown!

This is why sobriety is a process.

It would seem that you have stopped drinking, and there should be no more consequences.

However, the main consequences await you ahead - this is a meeting with " ».

  • Whether you are aware of your addiction or not: symptoms of withdrawal exist regardless of this.

Even if you manage to abstain once or twice, you may break down the third time. Not on the third, but on the tenth.

  • The risk of relapse remains quite high until you learn to recognize withdrawal symptoms and learn to distinguish them from real feelings.

Sobriety needs to be learned.

  • If you're still drinking, it means you don't know something. Some are eluding you. Why does alcohol addiction still manage to fool you?
  • Let go of your overconfidence and open up about addiction.
  • Find out more information about , about , about the impact .

Only armed with powerful knowledge can you fully overcome the period of withdrawal and achieve comfortable sobriety.

  • Most information on the Internet about the effects of alcohol on the human body is ineffective. Why? Because:

Information about the physical harm of alcohol has never helped anyone.

  • In order to achieve sobriety points you need to study information specifically about the features.
  • By understanding what long-term consequences await you, you can be well prepared. You can get ahead of time to meet withdrawal symptoms head on.
  • Alcohol addiction will not go away immediately. You will need to deal with the consequences of alcohol, even when you are sober.

What do you need to do to break free while sober?

  • You don't have to do anything to break. Just stop drinking and continue living as before. And one day your psyche itself will lead you into such a destructive state when “the idea drink" will seem like the best solution to you.

How to maintain sobriety and not break down?

  1. Work on your sobriety every day;
  2. Constantly receive
  3. Remain vigilant to your own psyche and brain;
  4. Go through a withdrawal period, which lasts on average 1 year;
  5. Gradually change your own habits and follow /

And this is the only way to achieve comfortable and stable sobriety.

Put sobriety at the center of your life where alcohol once stood - here's what you need to do to stop drinking alcohol and start leading a truly sober lifestyle.

Remember that sobriety is a process and it takes daily effort to stay sober.

Watch my video where I talk about sobriety:

Write in the comments how long did you manage to stay sober as much as possible?

Hello friends! Many of you who have decided to take the first steps towards a sober life for the first time are asking the question: “What will absolute sobriety give me and what are its advantages?”

Since this is the Diary of a “former” alcoholic, I’ll try to describe my condition in a few sentences, that is, the advantages that a conscious sober life gave me. This may not be everything, but it turns out that:

I am in good physical shape, and if I am still far from my ideal weight and body condition, then I am trying. There is still a lot to be done and done. Sobriety gives you the opportunity to control yourself.

I can get behind the wheel of a car at any time without fear of being “caught” by the guys and I am not bothered by the “exhaust”. This is a problem for all drinking motorists.

I can be where they drink alcohol and leave any time I want. Once again, I celebrate all the holidays with normal human eyes and don’t poison myself with a toast “to health,” after which many become “unhealthy,” to put it mildly.

I have real friends with me, with whom I am interested in spending time and who support my sobriety, and not drinking buddies with whom I “drank away” a lot in my life.

All work-related misunderstandings related to alcohol, which previously caused serious problems resulting in the traditional lack of money, the search for new partners and orders, are completely eliminated.

I soberly and adequately assess any life situations; because of some, I would have simply grabbed a glass earlier.

There is no problem of “Friday-pitnitsa”, days off on “Mondays” and the like. I wake up every morning with a clear head and thoughts about the day ahead, and not hungover.

I have normal relationships with all my relatives, who, to be honest, just recently simply gave up on my once frequent drinking bouts and told me to go to hell.

I easily make new acquaintances and it has become easier for me to communicate with people on any topic.

I believe that my risk of contracting some serious disease is much lower than that of drinkers. And I haven’t been sick with anything serious for a long time... ttt :-) Only if I was tortured last year, but this is from another song, not related to alcohol. Although no... if I hadn’t drunkenly lifted weights, but used tools for this, I might not have gotten a herniated disc

I don’t have those time periods when I can do something and when I can’t. This applies to any matter, whether urgent or not. When you're hungover, all you want to do is drink! Or so that this condition stops as soon as possible, at least for a while. All thoughts are about one thing - alcohol.

Well, and most importantly - literally!!! Freedom from addiction.

These are the advantages of my sober life. Yes, this is only a small part that fit into one post, I’m writing quickly, but if you sit and think, there will be another one.)

Friends! Don't fool yourself by looking for an excuse in alcohol! Life is beautiful and it should be created by you, not 100 grams of alcohol. You need to deal with stress in your right mind, and not entrust this task to a drunken dope! Your task is to learn to soberly perceive the world around you and reality. Once you accept this, you realize that many things in life could be done by you, and not by alcohol for you.

Understand this and start living again, from scratch. After all, if you woke up in the morning, it means you are alive, capable of changing for the better and experiencing all the advantages of sobriety. Get started today! I sincerely wish this for you.

Good sobriety and health to everyone!

Numerous government programs aim to eradicate alcoholism among the population. However, it is worth understanding that absolute sobriety will become possible only if every citizen makes his choice in favor of giving up alcohol, based on personal aspirations. This is precisely where the main task of the institute of sobriety lies - in promoting a full-fledged existence without alcohol doping, in the ability to receive positive emotions not in a drunken stupor, but in a state of clear consciousness, not clouded by alcohol.

By the way, the fight against drunkenness is not new for Russia. At the beginning of the last century, namely in 1913, the ministers of the Russian Orthodox Church established the Russian Day of Sobriety, timed to coincide with the church holiday of the Beheading of John the Baptist, which is celebrated on September 11. On this day, all those suffering could visit churches and receive a blessing for a vow of sobriety, as well as light candles to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon for speedy relief from addiction. World Temperance Day is celebrated on October 3rd. Mass sporting events, flash mobs and processions of those who promote sobriety in all its manifestations are timed to coincide with it.

Days of sobriety in Russia are still celebrated with the participation of the Orthodox Church and other organizations and institutions related to the fight against alcohol addiction. As a rule, youth organizations and various movements take an active part in the event. They organize promotions, themed exhibitions and concerts, charity events and flash mobs. In addition, sobriety clubs are actively developing, bringing together people addicted to alcohol who are trying together to get rid of their addiction.

Programs for the complete elimination of alcohol dependence

There are many social programs and projects dedicated to the fight against alcohol. Each of them considers what motivation for sobriety can serve as an impetus for giving up alcohol for a larger number of people in different countries. It is on the formation of persistent motives for sobriety that several of the most popular sobriety societies in the world are based.

I choose sobriety

In recent years, the social program “I choose sobriety” has been gaining momentum in Russia, which is based on several principles:

  • universal recognition of alcohol as a legal drug that causes irreversible changes in the human body and forms persistent dependence;
  • overcoming the psychological attitude “alcohol is success, popularity, fun and ease in relationships,” which destroys the basic dogmas of a healthy society;
  • ensuring the most difficult access to alcohol in any locality of the country;
  • the widespread introduction of a sobriety monitoring protocol at enterprises, educational and other institutions and organizations, which will facilitate the early identification of people who drink alcohol uncontrollably;
  • strengthening counteraction to the involvement of the young population of Russia in alcohol consumption.

According to the creators of the program, the set of measures outlined above can contribute to complete freedom from alcohol addiction in all segments of the population. But the main point is still considered to be a change in personal attitude towards alcohol from positive or neutral to sharply negative.

Sobriety theory

The doctrine “Theory of Sobriety”, developed and described in great detail by such famous people as I.M., has gained sufficient popularity. Sechenov, A.L. Mendelson, F.M. Dostoevsky, I.P. Pavlov and many other famous cultural and scientific figures of Russia.

This theory is based on several well-defined concepts that reveal the essence of alcoholism from a scientific point of view, and also form a strictly scientific basis for the formation of a sober way of thinking. The Sobriety Theory addresses the following issues:

  • Firstly, it is important for all alcoholics to know that alcohol is a so-called neurotropic protoplasmic narcotic toxin, which affects absolutely all organs of the human body and causes their destruction at the cellular and molecular level;
  • Absolute sobriety is nothing more than a normal, natural state of the body, inherent in a person from birth. Sobriety is the norm of life for such a person, and the idea of ​​drinking alcohol himself or treating anyone with it cannot occur to him, since he is aware of his responsibility to society and the law for poisoning a person with a potent poison.
  • Conscious abstinence from alcohol is the result of the principle of human self-preservation, and it must be passed on from the older generation to the younger. However, the choice to voluntarily poison yourself with all the ensuing consequences or live without brain fog must be completely voluntary. The main thing is that every person knows the truth about the effects of alcohol.

Following the “Theory of Sobriety,” according to its creators, should instill absolute sobriety in the entire community. Only in this case will young people who have never drank alcohol be able to give birth to completely healthy offspring and raise them in harmony with the world around them.

12 steps

Another well-known and quite popular program is 12 steps to sobriety. The goal of this program is a gradual change in a person’s self-awareness, understanding of his own purpose, which has nothing to do with alcohol and other types of drugs. The main method of working of the 12 steps is group classes, during which there is direct communication between all members of the group.

At its core, the 12 Steps to Sobriety program stimulates the growth of spiritual and personal qualities that help increase resistance to pathological cravings for alcohol. Methods of working in groups are recognized as the most civilized in relation to the will of each group member. During the work, there is no pressure on the patient; he is free to independently decide whether for him sobriety is the norm of life or an unnecessary phenomenon for him.

Despite the many difficulties that arise in the fight against alcoholism in society, progress towards improving the situation can be seen quite clearly. This allows us to say that absolute sobriety has already been achieved in small groups of the Russian population. If you put a little more effort into this, the effectiveness of the measures taken can be significantly increased.

Details Category: Video course "Chemical Dependency" Views: 5479

Reasons for returning to use in alcoholism and drug addiction. What restrictions must be observed to maintain sobriety. Rules “HALT”, “do not take the first dose”, “clean hands”, “clean feet”, “restrictions in communication”, “avoid stress”, etc.

1. Loss of situational control

Loss of situational control – when an addict starts using because of some situation, although he had not planned to use before.

Loss of situational control is one of the symptoms of the disease of addiction that prevents the addict from staying sober (loss of control over abstinence).

Reasons for loss of situational control:

· Biological: the nervous system is in an “inflamed” state, “does not work well” without the substance, and with an exacerbation, the surfactant can become vital for the functioning of the nervous system, and the person will start using it (manifests itself in irresistible cravings, PAS, etc.).

· Psychological: the psyche of the addict is not able to tolerate psychological stress above a certain level, and when the tension rises above it, the addict begins to use to relieve stress (manifests: in an irresistible desire to use, for the sake of relieving intolerable stress; a person simply “forgets” that he should not use ; may, as it were, “consciously” change his mind, etc.).

· Social: the addict finds himself in a social situation in which he cannot refuse to use (manifests: people whom he cannot refuse; situations in which he cannot help but use, etc.)

Until situational control is restored, in order to remain sober, the addict must avoid situations that could provoke use.

Sobriety restrictions are a set of measures to avoid situations that can provoke use.

At the beginning of recovery (the first 3-6 months), compliance with restrictions should be strict. After (up to two years) the need for restrictions gradually decreases. Afterwards, the need for restrictions either disappears completely, or selective individual restrictions remain.

The only restriction that will remain forever is a complete ban on the use of surfactants (do not take the first dose, do not take the first glass).

2. Types of restrictions

Avoid triggers (trigger – any situation reminiscent of use or direct contact with a surfactant): do not take the first dose(do not use either the drug of choice or other surfactants in any form, psychotropic drugs, alcohol-containing drugs), “Clean hands” rule (avoid any contact with the drug of choice and other surfactants: do not buy; do not handle; do not store), rule “Clean feet” (do not visit places where they use; beware of places where they sell), do not “Chase cravings” (avoid positive conversations, memories, thoughts about the use of surfactants), and also do not watch films, advertisements, read books that promote the use , individual trigger situations (what is associated with use), etc.

Avoid psychological tension and stress : “HALT” rule (translation from English hungry, angry. lonely. tired - hungry, angry, lonely, tired), avoid dangerous psychological states(anger, depression, anxiety, pity, fatigue, hunger, euphoria, loneliness, boredom, stress, etc.), avoid stress(situations that can cause psychological stress - new personal relationships, stressful work, etc. are absolutely dangerous), the first year without sudden changes (marriage/divorce, new relationship/breakup, dismissal/starting a new job, moving, etc.) etc.), avoid people who “stress”, conflicts, scandals, large sums of money in hand, etc.

Social restrictions : completely protect yourself from communication with abusers people; maximum limit communication with drug users relatives, friends, employees, etc.; maximum move away from the codependent environment; Limit communication with people who are at the same stage of sobriety as you. outside the recovery environment, etc. If the situation at home is difficult, it is recommended to move to another city for several years. Change your drinking habits(for example: replace the habit of relaxing by doing nothing (which led to drug use) with the habit of active recreation, replace the habit of overloading yourself with household chores with the habit of finding other activities, etc.); For drug addicts, it is recommended to change their habits of speaking, behaving, dressing, etc. like a drug addict, listen to “drug addict” music, etc.

In most cases, to begin recovery, you may need isolation - an inpatient rehabilitation center for a period of 3 months (in cases of moderate severity - for example, alcoholism in the middle of the second stage) to a year (in severe cases - for example, injection drug addiction).

Other restrictions and ways to avoid them can be read in the book “ Living Sober».

Compliance with restrictions in sobriety is not recovery, but only its condition (it just protects against unauthorized use).

3. Compliance with restrictions

To comply with the restrictions it is necessary

1.) Make your own list of restrictions in sobriety;

2.) Make a plan to comply with them;

3.) Daily (in the first months) or weekly (up to a year or two of sobriety) analyze compliance and violation of restrictions, review restrictions, revise the compliance plan, supplement, etc.;

4.) Make a plan for your behavior when it is impossible to avoid violations of restrictions;

5.) receive feedback from other people, read literature (“Living Sober”), learn from other people’s experiences.

Compliance with restrictions is a necessary condition for recovery in the early stages (at least up to a year of sobriety), but recovery itself is not a substitute.

Assignments for the topic “Limitations in Sobriety”:

1. Describe five cases in your life of loss of situational control (when you planned to stay sober, but could not) for biological reasons (craving, PAS), psychological reasons (psychological stress, intolerable emotions, stress, fatigue, etc.), social reasons (they couldn’t refuse, they persuaded, etc.). What did the return to use lead to in each case?

2. Describe five instances in your life when you returned to using due to violations of restrictions: triggers (contacts with a substance, conversations, memories, etc.), psychological states (situations that led to psychological tension, stress, fatigue and etc.), on social relationships (communication with people dangerous to sobriety). How could you have followed the limit in each case if you had known about the danger?

3. Make a table where in one column there will be a list of your restrictions, in the second - why violations are dangerous, in the third column - a plan for complying with them, in the fourth - a plan of action if violations are still violated.


Why are they dangerous?

How can I avoid:

What should I do if the restrictions are violated:

Memories, thoughts, conversations :

States :

People :


Events :

Habits :

Other dangers :

4. Write a story in which you explain from your own experience, with examples from your own life, to a newcomer to recovery the need to observe restrictions (you can call the story “A reminder about restrictions for a newcomer”).

5. Select the five most “inconvenient” restrictions in sobriety for you (for example, communicating with people with whom you would like to communicate, but now you are forced to protect yourself from communicating with them). Are you ready to put up with the inconveniences brought by these restrictions for a year in order to get rid of the problem of addiction and find a normal life?

Social networks often reflect processes occurring in society. So, now I increasingly notice the activation of supporters of a healthy lifestyle (HLS), who conduct intensive campaigning by their own example. Is it good or bad? In my opinion, it is absolutely obvious that it is good.

And even if narrow-minded people sometimes laugh at people who lead a healthy lifestyle, like “teetotalers with ulcers” or “if you want to be healthy, toughen up, sit on the ice with your bare butt and smile” - I can’t explain it with anything other than the narrow-minded mind of the one who says this Can. It’s especially surprising to me when older people, who in theory should have life experience and accumulated sores, which often respond to adverse effects on the body (lack of sleep, smoking, alcohol) react in such a sarcastic manner.

For some time now I have chosen for myself the path of absolute sobriety - I don’t drink at all, not even a drop, not even champagne, even on New Year’s.

Like many women, this lack of alcohol in life began with the prospect of becoming a mother. It’s too late, because a girl really needs to realize her maternal nature from childhood. After all, every girl is born with a supply of eggs and they are not renewed. Do you know what's most interesting about this? The fact that the eggs from which my grandchildren will be born were formed in my daughter when she was not yet born and was in the womb. Do you think my smoking and alcohol in this case can affect my grandchildren? That's it.

In fact, being sober is simple. You can drink tea, juice, milk, coffee, cocoa, water, kumiss, ayran, mate, ... But why don’t our holidays, weekends, meetings with friends, even everyday life for some people go without doping? Why? There are a lot of other ways to relax, spend time, socialize - play video games together, board games, go karts, walk in the forest, visit a museum/cinema/climbing wall, go for a run, drink tea/herbal tea prepared in a samovar, conduct a master -class for friends on something, drink mate... There are more than a lot of options. But we limit ourselves.

This is akin to people asking, “What do vegetarians eat?” That is, borscht with meat broth is an excellent food, but everything is the same, only without meat broth - crap? Because no. Limitations on interesting pastimes begin in the head.

You yourself know how unpleasant it is to travel in public transport, to stand in line next to a person who drank yesterday - the fumes cannot be completely hidden. And anti-policemen do not help as much as replacing alcohol with tea, for example, could help.

I was walking with the children on the playground. There were other mothers too. Next to one - very pretty, with a good figure and a charming daughter - I smelled of fumes. Not much. This shocks me. Her child is 1 year and 8 months old. At this age you can still continue breastfeeding. And - oops! - fume.

And fumes are not the worst thing. It’s not scary when a person destroys himself conditionally consciously - knowing about the dangers of his libations. It’s scary when betrayals, fights, stabbings, fires, car accidents happen in a drunken shop...

I choose absolute sobriety and I have more than the notorious five reasons for this:

  • I'm a woman and I want to be beautiful for as long as possible
  • I am a mother and I want to be an example of a woman for my children.
  • I’m a wife and I want my husband to see me in bad shape as little as possible
  • I'm human and I want to stay healthy as long as possible
  • I'm a cheapskate and count every penny, so spending on alcohol is a luxury for me
  • I'm a girl and I want a dress on which I can spend the money I didn't spend on alcohol.
  • I am a patriot and I want my country to be strong...

I could write a lot more, but is it necessary? Think for yourself what is valuable to you in life, what will help you give up a glass. There is more than enough information about the effects of alcohol on the body. Everyone makes their own choice. What do you choose?