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» Confectionery secrets for decorating a cake using a pastry syringe. How to make a pastry syringe with your own hands from scrap materials? What are the best cream attachments to buy?

Confectionery secrets for decorating a cake using a pastry syringe. How to make a pastry syringe with your own hands from scrap materials? What are the best cream attachments to buy?

How to use a piping bag (or bag)? First, insert the nozzle into the bag, and then cut off its tip. To prevent the filling from “escaping” while filling the bag, push it into the opening of the nozzle. To properly fill a bag, place the bag over your hand to prevent the outside edges from getting dirty. Hold it firmly in your hand and fill the bag using a scraper or spatula. It will be enough if the package is filled to a third or half. Next, push the filling closer to the nozzle.

How to hold a pastry bag correctly, how to use it confidently? You need to take the package in your hand, feeling it with your palm and fingers. Secure the loose end around your thumb, push the filling through the attachment and scrape it against the edge of the bowl. This way you will release excess air from the bag and it will be ready for use.

Pastry bag nozzles: use, types

Next, we’ll look at how to use a pastry bag with nozzles and make beautiful decorations on the cake. When the bag is ready for use, press on it only with the hand in which you are holding it, and with your free hand you can hold and guide the nozzle. To make a decoration with a beautiful ponytail, you need to press on the bag, and then stop and lay the ponytail on its side. If you need to plant a product in the form of a shell, for example, when preparing marshmallows, you need to press strictly in the center, then stop and, making a semicircle, lay the tail on its side.

Nozzles for a pastry bag: how to use, types of nozzles. There are a large number of special attachments for pastry bags. They are used depending on the type of decoration. For example, you can use a smooth round tube or a small pencil to pipe cookies, apply an ornament, or write inscriptions on a cake. Use a medium pencil to pipe meringues, mushroom stems, cookies and make ornaments from cream. With a large pencil you can make custard buns, profiteroles, eclairs and meringues.

How to use a pastry bag: video

Also, there are special attachments for a pastry bag, how to use them, see video instructions below. They allow you to make decorations in the form of flowers. There are nozzles: “chrysanthemum”, “buds”, “rose”, “magnolia”, etc. We hope you have learned how to use nozzles for a pastry bag correctly and will be able to cook not only tasty, but also beautiful.

Without modern confectionery tools it is impossible to get beautiful decorations on cakes and pastries. Exquisite cookies, meringues and meringues will delight your family and will be a wonderful tea treat for guests.


Confectioners use various culinary tools to decorate their creations. A pastry syringe often has plastic case, which generally lightens the weight of the culinary tool. The properties of plastic make the tool not very durable.

Another option for syringe material is steel. It is distinguished by reliable strength properties. But such a product is difficult to work with. A simplified version involves the use of two materials: plastic and steel. From an ergonomic point of view, such a product is more convenient.

The main functional element of almost any syringe is piston. This part is characterized by a cylindrical shape. It operates inside the body, the movements are rotational and translational. The piston mechanism consists of one or more piston rings. Some designs fold telescopically, while in others an electric motor is responsible for the movement of this part.

All types of devices, with the exception of the pastry bag, have the same cylindrical shape. The options differ in the attachment of the nozzles, which can be external or internal.

The nozzles themselves differ in the cut of the tip. If it is smooth, the product is used for inscriptions and simple ornaments. Using a nozzle with an oblique cut, you can make decorations in the form of a border. There are also options that are characterized by deep corrugation. The nozzles vary in size and must correspond to the volume of the syringe used.

Small syringes are considered extremely inconvenient to use - The devices need to be refilled frequently, and to do this you will have to interrupt operation. Because of this, the applied pattern will not look uniform, and the appearance of the culinary product will suffer.

The best way to inspect the amount of cream or dough being squeezed out is to use silicone syringes, which are made of durable materials.


To decorate baked goods you need a pastry syringe. This is a popular device among housewives. The products differ in types and included attachments. The optimal option should be optimal in terms of external parameters.

A confectionery syringe is similar in appearance to a classic medical one and has an operating principle identical to this device. Factory-type products are characterized by a large number of different attachments. The devices vary greatly in cost. Most often, products are for household and professional purposes. Their operating principle is identical.

The main popular types are presented below.


It features a transparent body, which makes it possible to control its filling. With the right amount of cream you can create a beautiful continuous pattern. Besides, High-quality silicone is not affected by temperature changes, and it is also not saturated with odors.

Metal syringe

The most durable and has good tightness. Thanks to this property, you can put any cream in it. Working with a tool requires additional physical strength.

Syringe dispenser

Another option that is used by housewives. The tool is convenient because squeezes out an even, uniform amount of cream. Its appearance resembles a pistol. This option is the easiest to use.


Another syringe is called a “press” and is suitable for homemade cookies. The shaped caps included in the kit allow you to make neat and attractive products.


This syringe is most often used for ice cream and cocktails. It is also used for baking dough products, such as eclairs. Model requires preliminary connection to electricity, only then it needs to be filled with cream or dough.


A separate type that can be considered an alternative to a syringe is a pastry bag. There is no body at all in this product, but there are attachments. The device is inexpensive and suitable for squeezing out both creams and dough. A classic set with 7 attachments can cope with completely different tasks.

Comparison with a pastry bag

A confectionery device such as a bag is characterized by its advantages and disadvantages.


  • large capacity;
  • quite durable, but this depends on the quality of the material;
  • can be used with a variety of attachments;
  • convenient for one-handed operation;
  • does not require much effort;
  • easier to care for.


  • a low-quality bag is not airtight;
  • it is impossible to work with some special attachments;
  • requires skill to use, therefore it is often used by professionals;
  • not suitable for cream and dough with liquid consistency.

Bags are divided into disposable and reusable. For the former, special paper or polyethylene is most often used. The second ones are fabric or silicone. Disposable bags can be used without attachments, but you need to be able to correctly form the cuts, which can be straight, oblique or cut off at the edges. The last option allows you to make leaves, and the first two will serve depending on the skills of the pastry chef.

Reusable equipment includes a variety of attachments. The main thing in choosing such products is to carefully study the seams. Silicone options are considered the most durable. They are most convenient if they have an external attachment - with it you can easily replace one attachment with another, even if there is cream inside.

Advantages of pastry syringes:

  • variety of volume;
  • easier to use for small drawings;
  • good tightness;
  • You can use liquid or thick cream;
  • long service life;
  • can be used for cookies.

Main disadvantages:

  • difficulties in care;
  • small syringes are inconvenient to use;
  • requires effort to work, especially if thick cream or dough is used.

Confectionery syringes come from various materials, the quality of which depends on the responsibility of the manufacturer.

Review of manufacturers

Mayer & Boch is a company that offers inexpensive pastry syringes with a variety of attachments. For example, model 27620612 is made of metal, sold complete with 5 nozzles, and has overall dimensions of 18*27.5 cm. The equipment is multifunctional, suitable for working with cream and dough.

Travola offers an inexpensive product that is suitable for working with cream; it can also be used to fill dough products with cream. Model 137285734 is sold at an affordable price, but is not durable.

Tescoma offers the Delicia 630534 model, quite expensive, but useful for many tasks. The syringe can be used for both cream and dough with a very dense consistency. The product is not only multifunctional, but also convenient.

Westmark is a German manufacturer known for various household items for the kitchen. For example, this company's syringe model 30772270 is inexpensive, made of transparent plastic, with a capacity of 100 ml. The syringe is functional and sold at a reasonable price.

Metaltex offers another inexpensive, functional model with a transparent body. The model is equipped with both stencil discs and classic attachments. The wheels are steel, high quality, the model itself has no flaws.

Paderno– an Italian manufacturer of professional confectionery equipment offers a rich set of metal attachments. The tool is made of high quality metal and is durable. The products have a high price.

Kuchenprofi offers professional kits that are slightly cheaper in price. The syringe is also steel, but it has only 7 attachments.

Gefu produces professional kits suitable for working with creams and dough. The special design allows you to measure identical portions. The product is expensive.

Facemile– a well-known manufacturer of silicone kitchen kits, also produces confectionery syringes. The syringe of this brand is inexpensive, but does not have a rich set of attachments; it is suitable for a novice housewife.

Marmiton- another version of a simple silicone syringe, the appearance of which resembles a medical “bulb” for douching. The product is compact, light, small in size, convenient. There are no additional elements provided in it, so there is no special imagination for creativity.

Becker produces a combined version, characterized by durability and reliability, with a rich set of attachments. Model BK-5207 comes with 8 cream nozzles and 13 dough stencils. The confectionery device is sold at a slightly inflated price.

Bradex is an Israeli brand that distributes its products in online stores. Among the copies, a popular cookie syringe called “Home Confectionery”. The product has an average price of about 500 rubles, comes complete with 20 stencils for dough and 4 nozzles for cream.

How to choose?

An important point when choosing a pastry syringe should be the material it is made of. For example, plastic syringes are lightweight and inexpensive, but they break quickly. Experts advise choosing combined options, where the body of the product is made of steel and the remaining parts are plastic. Silicone products are also easy to use. They are especially good for making small drawings or inscriptions. When working with them there is no need to put in the special effort that is required when using metal products.

Hi all. Today I come to you without a prescription, but with an extremely important article! We disassemble pastry attachments. Yes, this time I’ll tell you in detail about my attachments and show examples of caps on cupcakes.

This question became so popular in my direct message that I couldn’t pass it by. Many girls who begin to comprehend this path of sweets get lost in the world of tools and do not understand where to start.

If you open the website of any confectionery store, you can spend half a day browsing its contents. And at first it seems that all this is so important and necessary for the beautiful design of your desserts.

I can calm you down! A good half of all this is useless trash! You don't need many tools to get the job done.

And here we will look at some of them today with examples.

So, what attachments do a beginner need to decorate cupcakes?

You will be surprised! But, in fact, with only 1-2, or at most three attachments, you can create absolutely incredible patterns on cupcakes!

Do you know how many of them I have? 15! And some are in duplicate) And I work with only three!

What is the most basic and necessary attachment for a home pastry chef? What should you pay attention to?

The nozzle that every cake maker needs is a 1M or 2D Wilton. Their operating principle is approximately the same, as is their appearance. These are closed star attachments. Here's what they look like.

I have 2D. This is the same attachment I use to make roses on cupcakes. That's the plan.

And I decorate my trifles - desserts in cups, and Pavlova cake.

When choosing nozzles, be sure to look at their size. Standard attachments are approximately 3-4 cm high. Less than 3 cm are not convenient to use. There are large nozzles of 5 cm, they make beautiful patterns on cakes and wonderful meringues.

Below I will give examples of caps with different attachments.

In order for you to understand that different nozzles sometimes produce the same patterns, I have made the following selection.

Nozzle 2 D.

Rosette with this nozzle.

Nozzle 4CS. Similar to the previous nozzle.

This is what it looks like from the side.

But such a rose is obtained using this attachment.

Next nozzle. I have it without a number. It's called a French fantasy rose. This is what it looks like from above.

And this is the rose that comes out.

As you can see, all three of these tips have a similar pattern on the cupcakes. And you can safely choose just one attachment of this type - a closed star. Don't buy a whole set)

But, not only roses can be twisted with such attachments. If you pipe the cream not from the middle of the cupcake, but from the edge to the center, then you get tall, beautiful cupcake caps. Now I’ll show you examples of such cool hats.

The Wilton 2 D attachment is my favorite.

So, for comparison, there is both a tall cap and a rosette with a Wilton 4cs attachment.

And here is the cap with a closed rose again. The pattern itself is beautiful, but the nozzle is too small, so it’s not very convenient to work with.

So from these three examples it is clear that there is not a very big difference in the design, so you can safely buy one of the attachments without spending money on others of a similar plan.

Here's what the drawing looks like.

Nozzles of this type are available with different slots, wider and narrower. But the essence is the same. Tall hat on cupcakes. There is only one drawback: the middle is empty, so you will have to decorate it with berries or candy cookies. But, after all, cupcakes are almost always decorated with this kind of decor, so you can safely take such an attachment.

If I find any new favorites, I'll be sure to add photos of them here.

Well, in the next article I will write a recipe for lemon cupcakes, the same ones from the photos above.

A good housewife strives to ensure that her culinary masterpieces are not only tasty, but also have an original, appetizing appearance. There are now many different devices available to create unusual dishes. One of these is culinary syringe. Syringe with nozzles comfortable use, or you can even make it yourself. The cheat sheet will tell you how.

Cooking syringe - what is it?

A confectionery (culinary) syringe is a kitchen device that is used for decorating cakes, cookies with whipped egg whites or other cream, as well as for decorating salads with mayonnaise. With its help, you can lay out the dough in measured portions for making eclairs or give the dough a sophisticated shape.

In its structure, a culinary syringe is similar to a medical one. It consists of a cylinder into which the cream is loaded and a piston with which the cream is squeezed out. The volume varies from 200g to 2l. The large syringe is not very convenient to use, and the small one has to be refilled with cream often. The syringe can be plastic, silicone or stainless steel. The latter, of course, is the most durable and airtight, but you have to make an effort to squeeze out the cream.

How to use a cooking syringe?

The culinary syringe is sold along with a set of different attachments (straight cut, oblique cut, with teeth, stars, etc.), with the help of which any cake or pastry can easily and quickly be transformed into an amazing masterpiece.

Using a syringe, you can decorate the cake with any design: flowers, leaves, animal figures, various inscriptions, zigzags, mesh, or make a border along the edge of the product.

To make a rose, take a piece of sponge cake, align the edges, put it on a fork and coat it with cream. Now start making the petals. Take the fork in your left hand and slowly turn it; with your right hand, apply the petals, squeezing the cream out of the syringe. Make small petals in the middle, and larger and higher ones closer to the edges. Using another fork, remove the rosette and place it on the desired area of ​​the cake.

Use a cone-shaped nozzle to make leaves. Using a nozzle with a wide flattened end, you can make bows, ruffles, and lambrequins to decorate the borders of the cake. A nozzle with several small holes use to give animal figures fluffiness. There are attachments to make even, smooth stripes, and there are also corrugated ones. With their help, the edges of the cake can be decorated in an original way in the form of a wicker basket.

Use a narrow nozzle with an even cut to make an inscription on the cake or create a lace design by applying straight and wavy lines. There are nozzles with flowers, stars, hearts, small ones and a little larger ones. To make the cake even more festive, let the cream be of different colors or just two, for example, white and chocolate.

Ways to make a culinary syringe with your own hands

In a situation where there is no special syringe with attachments in the kitchen, you can make your own cooking syringe. There are several ways:

1. A mayonnaise bag with a spout.

If you rarely bake, there is no need to buy a special device. It’s easy to make a pastry syringe (bag) yourself. We take a mayonnaise bag with a dispenser, cut off the bottom and rinse the inside thoroughly. Then we fill it with cream and start decorating the sweets!

2. Paper bag.

You will need a triangular piece of baking paper or plain white construction paper. Place the triangle with the base facing you. Take one of the ends of the triangle and wrap it inward so that it connects to the top corner. We wrap the second end around the formed cone. The ends of the triangle should meet at one point. Now we wrap the ends inside the bag several times to secure it. We cut the end by about 1 cm. Fill it with cream and wrap the edges of the bag. It should be noted that such a device is suitable for small doses of cream. You cannot use such a syringe for a long time - it will get wet.

3. Cooking syringe (package) from a plastic bottle

To make a pastry syringe with your own hands we will need a plastic bottle with a screw cap, a pencil, a utility knife and a durable plastic bag. In the lid we draw the shape of the future hole. Using a utility knife, cut out the pattern. We cut off the top part of the bottle - this is the only one we will need. Fill the bag with cream and thread it through the neck hole, screw the lid on. With this device you can beautifully decorate ice cream, cakes or cakes. Watch the video for clarity.

Let your desserts delight you and your family. Bon appetit!

Anyone who spends a lot of time in the kitchen and likes to prepare various sweet dishes must have cream attachments in their arsenal. What are these simple devices needed for? This is worth talking about in more detail.

Detailed description

Cream attachments are a special piece of equipment that every real cook should have. Its purpose is already hidden in the name itself. Indeed, we are talking about objects with which the master creates real masterpieces from pastry cream. It is difficult to imagine a cake or a delicious pastry without the usual decoration. Typically, cream attachments are used as an addition to a bag. In this case, it does not matter which of them is used for work. Both of them play the role of a reservoir in which the prepared sweet mass is temporarily placed. Cream nozzles are cone-shaped products with two holes. One of them has a larger diameter and is designed to secure the device to the tip of a syringe or bag, and the second will have to give the prepared mixture a certain shape.

The following types of attachments are known in cooking:

  1. "Tube". It is also sometimes called simple or round. This is a product with a round cross-section, which confectioners consider to be the basic option. You can use it to pipe meringues or decorate the side of the cake.
  2. "Open Star" The working part of such a device has several cuts in the form of sharp teeth, of which there can be from 4 to 12 pieces.
  3. "Closed Star" It is very similar to the previous version. The only difference is that the teeth are slightly curved inward.
  4. "Open Rose" In it, cuts on one side are made at an angle.
  5. "French". Reminiscent of the Open Star, but the teeth are smaller.
  6. "Flower". The sharp ends of the cuts from the middle are completely bent towards the center.
  7. "Eastern Rose" It has a sphere with small slits at the tip.
  8. "Grass". Here the working area is tightly closed with the exception of three round outlet holes.
  9. "Band". The cone ends in a narrow slot, which can be smooth or have several teeth on one side.

There are also attachments for creating special effects. Holes are made in them to obtain a specific design (heart, Christmas tree, cross and others). There are also products that are specifically designed for left-handed people.

Lush flower

Very often in the work of a pastry chef, a “Tulip” attachment for cream is used. This unique product allows you to create a finished bud on the surface of the cake in one motion.

The secret is that the outlet is made in the form of a plate with an original cross-section. Passing through special slots, the mass is divided into separate layers, each of which takes on a specific shape. A flower made in this way has a clearly visible core and petals. In the central part of the nozzle there are usually several round holes, which then end in small stamens, and the side slits can be of different shapes. Depending on the number of slits, there can be from three to six pieces. With the help of such an attachment, even a novice pastry chef can create a real masterpiece. There are several types of such devices, which differ in the unique arrangement of the slots. Each of them is assigned a number from 1 to 13.

Confectioner's set

Every good specialist always has his own tools for his work. Without them it is difficult to achieve the desired result. Therefore, any pastry chef, as a rule, has a cream bag with attachments. You can purchase such a set at any hardware store.

Most specialists do not like to work with a syringe. They prefer a pastry bag. With the help of this simple device, it is possible to more accurately apply decor to the surface of the finished baked goods. Such products can be of different volumes depending on the amount of product used. It is clear that in cases where only 100 grams of cream are required, it is stupid to take a 1 liter bag. Remaining material will interfere with the work, and the drawing may not work out. In addition, you should know that bags are also disposable and reusable. This one is very convenient as it is not easy to clean. It’s easier to throw away the used product and take a new one for further work. Although some confectioners have a different opinion on this matter.

Work principles

To properly decorate a surface, you must follow the basic rules for working with plastic materials. First you need to pay attention to the pastry bags themselves.

The cream nozzles should be placed on them from the outside, and not inserted from the inside. This ensures protection from unwanted movement and allows the drawing to be completed correctly. It is also necessary to remember that fabric is a rather fragile material, so gaps may form at the joints, and this, accordingly, will affect the quality of work. The cream will seep through them and drip onto the surface to be decorated. To avoid such misunderstandings, it is better to use special clamps. They will block the places where the fabric comes into contact with the nozzle and create a natural barrier for the liquid mixture. It is also worth remembering that the cream has the ability to melt at elevated temperatures. Therefore, you need to work in a cool or well-ventilated area. In addition, all actions must be done quickly so that the mass in the pastry bag does not heat up from the heat of your hands. But this, as a rule, only comes with experience.