Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Summary of direct educational activities (based on an integrated approach) in the middle group on the topic “Properties of water. Lesson outline for the world around us (middle group) on the topic: Lesson outline for the middle group “Water Sorceress”

Summary of direct educational activities (based on an integrated approach) in the middle group on the topic “Properties of water. Lesson outline for the world around us (middle group) on the topic: Lesson outline for the middle group “Water Sorceress”

Natalia Koskina
Abstract of GCD on the topic “Water Sorceress” in middle group

Abstract directly- educational activities on topic« Sorceress water» region "Cognition" V middle group

Target: introduce children to some properties of water, draw their attention to the fact that even such a familiar object as water, conceals a lot of unknowns.

Program tasks: give children ideas about the properties of water (taste, color, smell, fluidity); clarify the meanings for all living things;

Develop children's curiosity, thinking and speech; enter into the children's active dictionary words: liquid, colorless, tasteless, transparent;

Foster respect for water.

Methods and techniques: - gaming (surprise moments);

Visual (schemes, symbols);

Practical (experiments);

Verbal (conversations, teacher’s story, search questions);

Preliminary work: - reading stories, educational fairy tales character: M. D. Prishvina "Live water» , asking riddles;

- conversations on topics: "Where you can find water", "Who lives in the water";

Experiments (color change, ice turning into water);

Drawing diagrams.

Materials and equipment: computer, glasses, water, milk, spoons, cups, refined sugar, symbols.

GCD move:

1. Introductory part.

An audio recording is playing (raindrops).

Q: Guys, listen to what it sounds like?

D.: These are the sounds of water, it is raining.

V.: Yes guys, it’s coming, it’s raining.

Surprise moment.

Today a drop of rain came to visit us; she has traveled a lot around the world, seen a lot, and knows a lot of interesting things about water. The droplet wants to invite us to visit the Kingdom of Water.

2. Main part.

Have you heard about water?

They say she is everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And in the water tap...

Is it so? How do you think?

(children's answers)

Q: Where did the droplet come from, where could it be?

Let's look at the pictures where our droplet traveled. Name them.

D.: Sea, river, pond, stream, puddle.

Q: So, a droplet is a particle of what?

IN.: Water necessary for all living things; without water there would be no life on our Earth. Water is the basis of life.

What do you guys think, what can it do? water?

D.: Murmur, flow, pour, run.

V.: Let’s check it out.

Experience 1. « Water is a liquid»

V.: Guys, look, I’m tilting the glass, water pours out and pours into another glass. What is he doing water?

D.: It pours, flows, shimmers.

V.: Why?

D.: Because it is liquid.

CONCLUSION: water is a liquid, it can be poured, poured.

V.: Guys, what color do you think? water? (children's answers)

We'll check this now.

Experience 2. « The water is colorless»

On the table in front of children 2 glasses: one - with water, the second - with milk. Place teaspoons in both glasses. In which of the glasses is the spoon visible, and in which is not? Why?

D.: Where is it poured? water there you can see a spoon, because the water is clear, but you can’t see it in a glass of milk because it’s opaque and white.

CONCLUSION: water has no color, it is colorless.

Physical education minute "Rain"

Drop one, drop two,

Very slowly at first

And then, then, then (running in place)

Everybody run, run, run.

The drops began to keep pace (clap hands on each word)

Drop drop catch up.

Drip, drip, drip, drip. (free movement of hands)

We'll open the umbrellas soon (join hands above head)

Let's protect ourselves from the rain.

Experience 3. « Water has no odor»

V.: Guys, you have mugs of water on the table, I suggest you smell the water.

Does it smell water with something? (children's answers)

CONCLUSION: water has no odor, she doesn't smell of anything.

Experience 4. « Water has no taste»

V.: Guys, now taste the water. What is she like? Sweet, salty, sour, bitter (children's answers).

V.: Guys, now you can conduct a little experiment on your own.

Place the substance that is on your plate in a mug of water. Stir with a spoon and then taste the water. What has she become? (children's answers).

V.: Today you learned a lot about water. Let's remember what water?

Water is a liquid.

Water is colorless.

Water - odorless.

Water has no taste.

V.: The water that we have and that we use in everyday life needs to be protected, saved, and not left the water tap open unnecessarily.

V.: Guys, the droplet has prepared a surprise for us - juice.

I. Educational:

1. Development of children's cognitive interest in the process of experimenting with liquids.

2. Development of children's observation, ability to compare, analyze, generalize, establish cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions.

3. Identification of the properties of water: the water is transparent, flowing; has no shape, color, smell; can be warm and cold; can change its color; Some substances dissolve in water and may change color.

II. Speech:

1. Activation and enrichment of children’s vocabulary through words: transparent, opaque, cloudy; pours, gurgles, murmurs, shimmers, pours out; impurities, filter, wastewater treatment plants; flood, flood, water.

2. Development of speech breathing.

3. Improving children's dialogical speech and evidence-based speech.

4. Continued acquaintance with different ways formation of words (using suffixes, connecting vowels).

5. Exercise in the formation of cognate words.

6. Continued development of the ability to compose a story using models.

III. Educational:

1. Educating children to listen to each other and adults.

2. Fostering respect for water.


· Audio recording of nature sounds.

· Droplet toy.

· Models of water properties.

Models of formation of complex words: waterfall, diver, whirlpool,

water pipes.

· 2 basins, cups, various vessels, measuring spoons, paints, tea bags, potassium permanganate, stirring sticks, cocktail tubes, oilcloths.

· Slideshow “high water”, “flood”, “water”, etc.

Progress of the lesson:


Rain music sounds.

Educator: Guys, who do you think came to visit us? (Droplet)

Educator: Guys, a droplet came to visit us to talk about the properties of water.

Droplet: To find out the properties of water, we need to conduct various interesting experiments.

There are glasses on your tables (one empty, the other with water) pour over water from one glass to another. What does water do? (flowing) Why? (because it is liquid).

Droplet: If it were not liquid, it would not be able to flow in rivers and streams, it would not flow from the tap.

Conclusion: Because water is liquid, it is called a liquid. It can flow; this property of water is called fluidity. (Invite the children to repeat the words: liquid - liquid, flowing - fluidity.)

Educator: This symbol will mean that water flows and pours. (Model).


- Do you think water has a shape? (Children's answers)

- How can this be proven? (The teacher pours water into the vessels different shapes.)

Conclusion: Water has no form and takes the shape of the vessel into which it is poured.(Model.)

Educator: Close your eyes. What do you hear? And in a stream, when the water runs quickly, we say that it... what is it doing? (Murmurs).

Take the tubes, lower them into the water and blow into them with your lips extended forward, without puffing out your cheeks. What sound does the water make now? (Gurgles.)

Educator: Smell the water, what does it smell like? (No smell). I'll squeeze a few drops into one of your glasses lemon juice. Smell the water now. What can you say about her? What does she smell like?

Conclusion: Water has no odor(Model). It begins to smell of substances added to it (herbs, fruits, meat.)


Droplet: Guys, let's play a little.

Game: “What did you see?” (show pictures through a glass container, and the children guess what is drawn).

Educator: Why do you think the pictures were visible? (The water is clear). How did you guess? Add to clear water earth, stir. What changed?

Conclusion: This means the water is clear. This symbol will indicate transparency.(Model.) But when impurities get into it, it becomes... what? cloudy.

Where can you find it in nature? muddy water? (In swamps, dirty rivers.) That is why special treatment plants are installed on such rivers. How do we purify water at home? (Using household filters.)

Educator: Guys, how can you color water? (Add paint) Trick with coloring water in three cups.

What happened? (The water turned coloured).

Conclusion: The paint dissolves slowly and unevenly and stains the water.

Educator: How else can you color water? How do you think? (Children's assumptions). In a glass with hot water I'll put a bag of tea leaves. What do you think will happen? (The water will become colored and you will get tea leaves.)

Conclusion: Tea leaves, like paint, slowly and unevenly dissolve in water and color it.(Model.)

Educator: What is on my saucer? (Sugar, salt.) What do you think will happen if you put them in water? (Dissolve, air bubbles rise up).

Conclusion: Some substances dissolve in water. (Model.)


Educator: Today we learned a lot about water. Talk about it, use models. (Children's story based on models).


Educator: Water is the source of life on earth. People, plants, animals need it. We use this word often.

The words are like native words, a little similar,

And if you put them in a row,

Listen a little and think about the essence -

They are talking about the same thing.

Choose the following words for the word “water”.

— What kind of transport? (Water.)

A fairy tale hero? (Water)

Let's say affectionately... (water.)

The river overflowed its banks and flooded the city, what happened? …(flood.)

In spring, the river floods... (high water, flood.)

- Eat Difficult words, in which you can also hear the word “water”:

The water turns - the water...gate,

Water falls - water...fall,

Climbing into the water - diver...climber,

Water is provided - water... pipe,

Carries water - water...cart.

In the future, we will conduct many other experiments and learn about new interesting properties of water.

Tasks: formation and systematization of children’s knowledge about water, its purpose, what it is used for; training in careful use of water; to form a cognitive interest in nature, develop observation skills; intensify mental activity when conducting experiments.

Material: cups of water, paint, sugar, salt, ice cubes, thermos, picture of Stars.

Progress of the lesson


Sit down more comfortably,

Don't spin, don't spin.

Children, oh, what happened this morning,

I forgot to tell you -

I just went to kindergarten,

An asterisk came to me (shows a picture of an asterisk),

He says I have a miracle guest,

Here I admire from above,

I like your Earth, blue and big,

Always plays with colors

Tell me why, because I myself won’t understand!

Educator: Let's tell Star why our planet Earth is so beautiful?

D: Yes. Let's!

Educator: Children, our planet earth is so beautiful because most of its surface is covered with water. That's why she's so blue. ( Show the children the globe and explain that the blue color on it is water. Please note that water blue color, there's more than sushi on it. Pay attention to the fact that on the globe there is also White color– find them together. Explain that white also denotes water, but only special water - this is ice and snow that never melt).

Water is the main source of life on Earth: without it, there would be no plants - flowers, trees, fruits, vegetables, no animals, no birds, no fish, no people. Why do you think? Why does everyone need water? Children talk one by one about what they know. The teacher briefly summarizes what has been said. (Water is needed by people, plants, animals, insects, fish, birds; life is not possible without water. People drink it, cook food, wash it, wash it, water it, etc.)

Educator: Where do we most often find water?

Children: In the tap.

Educator: Where do you think it comes from? And if we use it every day, why doesn’t it run out? Children, because the water in the tap comes from a river or underground lake.

Educator: What do you think, is it necessary to conserve water and take care of its safety and cleanliness? Children answer how they can save water, that they need to turn off the tap, not pollute reservoirs, etc.

Educator: Well done guys, thank you! The star is very glad that you know so much about water, that you are kind and thrifty children. But she didn’t quite understand what water looked like and what it was like. Let's introduce the star to some water?

Children: Let's.

The teacher takes 2 glasses of water (prepared in advance). What do you think is in the glasses?

Children. Water.

The teacher pours water from one glass to another.

Do you hear? How does it sound? The water is pouring and we hear it. And if it pours, then what is it like?

Children. Liquid.

Educator: That's right guys. What does it taste like? Children taste clean water.

Is it possible to make it salty? How? What about sweets? Sour? Color? (Children's answers.) The teacher conducts appropriate experiments by adding salt, sugar, and paints to the water.

Educator: Well done boys! Now let's show Zvezdochka where some water might be hiding. The teacher shows the children pieces of ice and invites those who wish to take them into their hands.

Educator: What happens to the ice? Why is he melting? (Children's answers.) That's right, our hands are warm, and therefore the pieces of ice melted and turned into water. So what is ice? (Children's answers.) That's right, ice is also water, only hard and cold. But look - a thermos. Let's open it and see what's inside. (Opens, steam comes out.) What is this? (Children's answers.) This is steam from hot water. Let's take a mirror and hold it over the steam (drops have formed on the mirror, look at them together with the children). Where did the water come from here? (Children's answers.) This means that steam is also water.

We conclude: water can be liquid, solid and in the form of steam.

Educator: We told Zvezdochka a lot about water, let's now help her solve riddles about water:

1. White cotton wool is floating somewhere.
The lower the wool, the closer the rain. (Cloud.)

The clouds come together and what is hidden in the riddle is formed.

2. Who floats across the sky
In a black hat down to his eyebrows?
Who carries water across the sky?
Tell me, quickly! (Cloud)

3. Lives in seas and rivers,
But it often flies across the sky.
And when she gets bored of flying, she falls to the ground again (drop)

Who knows what this riddle is about?

Children : About water.

Educator: Have you heard that it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times? Let's show the star how fast and nimble water can be!

Children perform physical education:

The first drop fell - drop!

And the second one ran - drop!

We looked at the sky -

The droplets began to sing, drip-drip,

Our faces got wet

We wiped them off.

Well, look at the shoes -

Everyone became wet.

Let's move our shoulders together, And shake off all the droplets,

Let's run away from the rain and sit under a bush.

Educator: We told Zvezdochka a lot about water, and so that she doesn’t forget anything, let’s learn a poem about water together?

There is wonderful water,
We can't live without her,
Don't wash, don't get drunk
And not be healthy.
In the morning as soon as you wake up -
Wash your face right away.
You will be clean and beautiful
Make friends with water quickly.

What kind of water is this?
Who will answer the question?
We all know about water
And in the morning anyone’s nose:
It's rain and icicles,
White snow and smooth ice
Stream and river: Each
Let him remember and understand.

Educator: Before we say goodbye to Zvezdochka, let's remember everything we told her about? View presentation: Necessary and important water.

Educator: Well guys. The star now knows what water is, thanks to you, and says Thanks a lot! Let's say goodbye to her and say - See you again!

Download presentation

MBDOU teacher Kindergarten No. 75 “Fairy Tale”,

Prokopyevsk. Kemerovo region, Russia

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

Child Development Center Kindergarten "Bear"

671561 Republic of Buryatia, Muisky district, Taksimo village, st. Latvian19.


Senior teacher

Kazantseva N.V.______

Lesson summary for the middle group “Properties of Water”

Teacher of the secondary group "Golubichka"

Gerasimovich Kristina Igorevna

Taximo 2015

GOAL: To introduce children to some physical properties water.



Study of the taste and color of water, familiarization with the property of “transparency”, consolidation of knowledge about water as a solvent.


Development of cognitive interest in the subject, ability to work in pairs, speech, thinking, attention, memory.


Cultivating curiosity, self-confidence, attentiveness, accuracy.

Directions: Cognitive, physical, artistic-aesthetic, speech.

Equipment for children: for each child, glass glasses with water and milk, refined sugar, salt, gouache paint, pebbles, spoons, light blue napkins and pieces of blue, white and Green colour, suns and clouds made of colored cardboard (with magnets).

Equipment for the teacher: two glasses, one with water, the other with milk, pieces of blue, white and green cardboard, a table at the board, items for playing onions, garlic, lemon, candy, a glass of clean water

Progress of the lesson:

I Organizational moment.

(Knock on the door. The teacher brings in a Drop).

Look who came to visit us? That's right, this is Droplet. Let's say hello to her (children say hello)

II Goal setting and motivation.

She has prepared for you a very interesting, but quite difficult riddle. Having guessed it, you will find out what we will talk about today.

I am in a cloud, and in the fog, and in a stream, and in the ocean,

And I fly, and I run, and I can be made of glass. (water)

Right! So the topic of our conversation is water.

(Audio recording of a babbling brook sounds)

Guys, listen and determine what these sounds are. (children's answers). Indeed, it is a babbling stream. Today we will go on a journey to the Kingdom of Water, but not alone, Droplet will go with us on this amazing journey.

Have you heard about water?

They say she's everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And in the water tap...

Guys, our Droplet has seen a lot, knows a lot of interesting things about water and wants to share her knowledge with you. Today we will study water and make discoveries like real scientists. Who are scientists and what do they do? (children's answers).

So, imagine that you are scientists.

Please go to the 1st laboratory. (The teacher reminds about the rules of conduct in the laboratory).

To conduct the experiment we will need glasses with clean water, paint, sugar, salt. All this is on your table.

Place paint in a glass of clean water. Stir the water with a spoon. What happened to the paint? That's right, she dissolved.

Place one piece of sugar in another glass of water. Do you see sugar? Mix water with sugar. Do you see a piece of sugar now? Don't you see? Where did he go? Dissolved? That's right, sugar dissolved in water.

Place a teaspoon of salt in the third glass of clean water. Stir thoroughly. Can you see the salt now? Why don't you see? That's right, the salt dissolved in the water.

What can be said about water based on the results of this experiment? (children's answers that water can dissolve substances. Water is a solvent)

Now let's go to another table and see what kind of surprise Droplet has prepared for us.

There are 2 glasses on your tables, one contains milk, the other contains water.

Take one pebble at a time and put them in glasses: one pebble in a glass of water, and the other in a glass of milk.

In which glass is the pebble visible? Why? (the water is clear). What does “transparent” mean? (children's answers).

Look carefully and tell me: what color is the milk? Is the color of the water similar to the color of milk? This means that the color of the water is not... white. Do you agree?

What color do you think the water is? Maybe the color of the water is similar to Blue colour? (the teacher takes a piece of colored paper and applies it to a glass of water)

Look at the pieces of paper of different colors in my hands, can you compare the color of the water with one of these colors? I suggest you compare the color of water with the colors of paper. (Similarly, children explore the color of water by applying green, blue and white pieces of colored paper to a glass of water. Thus, children find out that the water is not blue, not green, etc.).

So, can the color of water be compared to one of these colors? You can't do it right! Pure water has no color. The water is colorless.

Scientists, you have just made a discovery: water has no color, it is colorless.

And now Droplet invites us to rest a little.


The sea is very wide

(Children spread their arms wide to the sides.)

The sea is very deep.

(They squat, touching their hands to the floor.)

Fish live there, friends,

(Perform the “Fish” movement.)

But you can't drink water.

(Spread their arms to the sides, raising their shoulders.)

Guys, Droplet says that you haven’t learned everything about the properties of water yet and suggests playing a game. I will show you objects, and you must say that this is his taste. (image of lemon, candy, onion, garlic, etc., and then shows a glass of water).

What about water? After all, you all drank water. Does she have taste? What does water taste like? (no taste). Who doesn't believe that water has no taste, come and try it. (cups of water prepared on the table)

Right. What discovery have you made just now? (children's answers).

V Generalization and systematization of knowledge.

Guys, you are so great today! After all, you were real scientists and made many discoveries today! And now each of you can tell your parents and friends that water... (children draw a conclusion)

(children's answers: no color, no taste, transparent, solvent).

VI Reflection.

I have suns and clouds on my board. If you were interested in the lesson, if you liked being scientists and making discoveries, if you liked playing, then take the sun, and if you were sad and bored, then take the cloud. (children go to the board).

We tried to introduce children to the properties of water . Draw children's attention to the importance of water in our lives. To consolidate children's knowledge about where and in what form water exists in environment. Develop curiosity, thinking, memory, attentiveness.



Lesson notes for the middle group “Water Sorceress”.

Program content: introduce children to the properties of water(taste, color, smell, fluidity). Draw children's attention to the importance of water in our lives. To consolidate children's knowledge of where and in what form water exists in the environment. Develop curiosity, thinking, memory, attentiveness.

Vocabulary work: introduce into children's active vocabulary: liquid, colorless, tasteless, transparent. Get used to answering with a complete answer.

Preliminary work: reading stories, educational tales; experiments(transformation of snow into water, etc.); conversations on the topic: “Where you can find water”, “Who lives in water”.

Materials and equipment: Equipment for experiments: glasses of water(by number of children), empty glasses, salt, sugar, potassium permanganate, spoons, basin, vessels of various shapes, white sheet of paper, cups of milk, napkins, symbols indicating the properties of water.

Progress of the lesson:

Children play in the reception area. The audio recording “Stream” is turned on.

Guys, do you hear? What is this?(children's answers)

Yes, that's right, it's a trickle. He calls us to class. Come to the group.

Can you guess what our lesson will be about? Guess the riddle:

She is in the lake, she is also in the puddle

It boils in our kettle too

She runs and rustles in the river.

What is this? (water)

What will we talk about in class today?

Yes about water. - Where can you find water?(children's answers)

Why do we need water? Who else needs water?(children's answers)

Have you heard about water?

They say she's everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And in the water tap,

Like an icicle freezes

Fog creeps into the forest,

It's boiling on the stove.

The kettle steam hisses.

We can't wash ourselves without it,

Don't eat, don't get drunk!

I dare to report to you

We can't live without her.

What is water?(Children's answers)

Today we will try to learn a little about water.

Experience 1. Go to the basin, take cups of water and pour them into the basin. What have you done with the water now?(poured, poured)

Let's pour the water into different bottles.

Conclusion: water is a liquid. It flows. It can be poured, poured from one vessel to another. Water can be poured into a vessel of any shape.

So that you guys can remember this better, I have prepared this symbol.

(attach to the board)

Sit down at the tables, let's continue our lesson in the laboratory.

What color do you think the water is?(children's answers) Let's check.

Experience 2. "The water is colorless"

The teacher has a glass of milk and a glass of water on the table. - What color is the milk?(white) . Can you say about water that it is white?(Children's answers)

Take a glass of milk and place it on the picture. Can you see the picture? Why? Take a glass of water and also place it on the picture. Can you see the picture through the water? What kind of water? Why can you see the picture through a glass of water?

Conclusion: Conclusion: water has no color, it is colorless and transparent.(a symbol of this property is hung in front of the children).

Guys, I know that water can change its color. Want to make sure of this?

Experience 3. "Water can change its color"

On the teacher’s table there are 2 glasses of water, brilliant green, and potassium permanganate.

I'll add a magic crystal to the water now.(potassium permanganate) and we'll see what happens to the water. Has the water changed its color? Now take a cotton swab and stir it in a glass of water. What is the water like in your glasses?

Conclusion: water can change color depending on what is added to it.

Now, I suggest you guys taste the water. What is she like? Sweet? Salty? Bitter?

Conclusion: water has no taste, it is tasteless.(Symbol is posted).

Experience 4. "Water can take on any taste"

Let's do a little experiment with you. Place the substance that is on your table in a glass of water. Stir. What happened to the water? Has she changed her color? Now try the water. What did it taste like?(children's answers) What do you think you added to the water?(Children's answers)

Conclusion: it turns out that water can take on the taste of the substance that was added to it.

Experience 5. "Water has no smell"

Now, I suggest you guys smell the water. Does the water smell anything?

Conclusion: the water does not smell of anything, it has no odor.(The symbol of this property of water is posted)

Please come to the board. What did we talk about in class today? Tell us what you learned about water today?

Did you like our lesson? What was the most interesting task? What's the hardest thing? We will talk a lot more about water and learn even more. Our lesson is over. Well done!


Experience 1

Target. Show that there is air in the soil.

Equipment and materials. Soil samples(loose) ; cans of water (per child); The teacher has a large jar of water.

Conducting the experiment. Remind that in the Underground Kingdom - the soil - there are many inhabitants(earthworms, moles, beetles, etc.). What do they breathe? Like all animals, by air. Suggest checking to see if there is air in the soil. Place a soil sample in a jar of water and ask to see if air bubbles appear in the water. Then each child repeats the experience independently and draws appropriate conclusions. Everyone finds out together who has more air bubbles in the water.

Experience 2

Target. Show that as a result of trampling the soil(e.g. on paths, playgrounds)The living conditions of underground inhabitants are deteriorating, which means there are fewer of them. Help children independently come to the conclusion about the need to follow the rules of behavior on vacation.

Equipment and materials. For the soil sample: the first one is from an area that is rarely visited by people(loose soil) ; the second - from a path with tightly compacted earth. For each sample, a jar of water. They have labels on them(for example, on a jar in which you will lower a soil sample from a path, a silhouette of a human footprint cut out of paper, and on the other - a drawing of any plant).

Conducting the experiment. Remind the children where the soil samples came from(it is better to select them together with the children in areas that are familiar to them). Offer to express your hypotheses(where there is more air in the soil - in places that people like to visit, or where people rarely set foot), justify them. Listen to everyone who wants to, summarize their statements, but do not evaluate, because in fidelity(or infidelity) Children must verify their assumptions for themselves during the experiment.

At the same time, dip soil samples into jars of water and observe which one has more air bubbles(in sample loose soil) . Ask the children, where is it easier for underground inhabitants to breathe? Why is there less air “under the path”?(This question may not be easy for children to answer, but let them at least try. It is important that they learn to draw conclusions based on their experiments.)When we walk on the earth, we “press” on its particles, they seem to compress, and there is less and less air between them.

Experience 3

Target. Show that when a lump of earth is compressed, air seems to “leave” from it.(Performed as additional to the previous one.)

Equipment and materials. Soil samples - lumps of loose, wet soil(per child).

Conducting the experiment. Give the children lumps of earth. Let them look at them and remember what they look like. Draw their attention to the fact that inside the lumps there are “empty spaces” - this is where the air “hides”. Then offer to squeeze a lump of earth in your hand. What happened to him? What has he become? Has it increased or decreased? Why did it decrease? The lump became smaller because there were fewer “empty spaces” between the particles of earth, they “pressed” against each other, and the air “gone away”: there was no room left for it. In the same way, under the weight of our body, the earth on paths and roads compresses, and the air “leaves”.

After the experiment, ask questions.

There are many paths in forests, parks, and squares. Where can you find more living things - in the ground under paths or in areas that people don't visit? Why?

What will happen to the underground inhabitants if people in the forest walk not along paths, but wherever they want?

You can see signs on lawns asking people not to walk on them, but people often don't heed these calls. What happens to the underground inhabitants living in these places?

Listen to children's suggestions(they should be based on understanding the results of the experiments)and generalize them: the more places in the forest and park people trample, the fewer underground inhabitants will remain there. In some areas they may disappear altogether, which is what is happening now in many recreation areas.

The teacher’s task is to lead children to the conclusion about the need for environmentally literate behavior in the forest and park:

It is advisable to walk along the paths, try not to trample everything around; In this way, you can save “homes” and even the lives of many underground inhabitants. It’s good if the children come up with the rules themselves and the signs and symbols that reflect them.

Experience 4

Target. Show how soil pollution occurs; discuss possible consequences this.

Equipment and materials. Two glass jars with soil samples and two transparent containers with water; one - pure water, in the other - dirty(solution washing powder or soap so that the foam is clearly visible).

Conducting the experiment. Invite the children to look at the water in both containers. What is the difference? Tell me that one is clean rainwater; to another dirty water, which remained after washing. At home we pour this kind of water into the sink, but outside the city we simply throw it on the ground. Invite the children to express their hypotheses: what will happen to the earth if it is watered with clean water? What if it's dirty? Water the soil in one jar with clean water, and in the other with dirty water. What changed? In the first jar, the soil became wet, but remained clean: it can water a tree or a blade of grass. And in the second bank? The soil became not only wet, but also dirty: soap bubbles and streaks appeared. Place the jars nearby and offer to compare soil samples after watering. Ask the children the following questions.

If they were in the place of an earthworm or a mole, what kind of soil would they choose for their home?

How would they feel if they had to live in dirty land?

What would they think of people who polluted the soil? What would they be asked to do if they could speak?

Has anyone seen how dirty water gets into the soil?

Conclude: in life, as in fairy tales, there is “living water”(it falls into the ground along with rain and melted snow; it feeds plants and animals), but there is also “dead” water - dirty(when it gets into the soil, the underground inhabitants have a bad time: they can get sick and even die). Where does "dead" water come from? It flows down factory pipes and ends up in the ground after car washes.(show the corresponding illustrations or, while walking, find such places in your immediate environment, of course, not forgetting the safety rules). In many places on our planet, the earth-soil is polluted, “sick” and can no longer feed and water plants with clean water, and animals cannot live in such soil. What follows from this? We need to take care of the Underworld and try to make sure it is always clean. Finally, discuss what children can do to help(Each of them) , their parents, educators. Tell us that in some countries they have learned to “treat” the soil - to clean it of dirt