Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the environment for children of senior preschool age “I am a Crimean. Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the environment for children of senior preschool age “I am a Crimean” Game “Blank Slate”

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the environment for children of senior preschool age “I am a Crimean. Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the environment for children of senior preschool age “I am a Crimean” Game “Blank Slate”

​Class hour "We are Crimeans!"

Winged words: “There are no bad nations - people’s actions are good or bad”

“Memory of the heart...” (expression from the poem by K. N. Batyushkov (1787-1855) “My genius” (1816)

Oh, memory of the heart! You are strong

Mind sad memory...

The purpose of the class hour:

Form historical thinking

Instill an interest in studying the history of the native land

To instill in students a sense of patriotism and citizenship based on democratic values

To teach the culture of speech, the ability to speak in front of an audience

Classroom stages:


Today we are holding a class hour on the topic “We are Crimeans.” First, let's determine the meaning of the concepts that are written on the board (microphone method)

(During the students’ answers, the teacher comments, encourages, and complements their answers.)

Presenter 1.

Different peoples replaced each other on the Crimean Peninsula: Cimmerians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Greeks, Byzantines, etc. Currently, 125 different peoples and nationalities live on the Crimean Peninsula.

Presenter 2.

Human presence in Crimea dates back to time immemorial, as evidenced by numerous archaeological finds that allow us to assert that people have lived on the peninsula for several tens of thousands of years.

Presenter 1.

One of the first peoples who inhabited the peninsula were the Tauri. During numerous excavations, their ancient sanctuaries and “funeral boxes” were discovered. In the 1st century BC e. the Taurians merge with the Scythian ethnos. In the 7th-8th centuries. BC e. In the steppes of the Northern Black Sea region, nomadic tribes of the Cimmerians ruled.

Presenter 2.

In the 6th century. BC e. The ancient Greeks founded their settlements and cities on the coast. Each policy strove for independence, erected fortress walls, minted its own coins and united with others only under the pressure of force or subject to a common military threat.

Presenter 1.

From the 4th century BC e. The flourishing of the Scythian state begins. The Scythians founded their capital - a beautiful city with temples, a mausoleum, palaces, surrounded by a powerful fortress wall; scientists conventionally called this city Scythian Naples, which means “new Scythian city”, it was located on the Petrovsky Rocks near the current capital - Simferopol.

Presenter 2.

After the annexation of Crimea to Russia in 1783, its lands began to be intensively populated by Russians, Bulgarians, Czechs, and Germans.

Reader 1. What traces are there in this soil?

For the archaeologist and numismatist -

From Roman plaques and Hellenic coins

To the button of a Russian soldier

Reader 2. Customs, gods, wives got mixed up,

The people poured into the people.

Who is the winner, who is the loser,

Nobody will understand.


Do you know what nationality is? (Nationality is belonging to a nation or people)

It doesn’t matter at all what race and nationality you and your friend are. Praising your nationality is as funny as being proud of the fact that you were born on Tuesday or Thursday. Nationality cannot be someone’s merit; only ignorant people pay attention to skin color or eye shape, that is, to something that does not determine either a person’s character or his moral qualities. Beware of those who sow enmity between people, and even more so between nations. Many wars have started because of national hatred.

Remember: “THERE ARE NO BAD PEOPLES - PEOPLE’S ACTIONS ARE BAD OR GOOD.” The main thing is not what nationality you or your friend has. The main thing is that we are all people. We are Crimeans!

Presenter 1.

Many different nationalities have lived and are currently living on our beautiful peninsula. Everyone lives in peace and harmony on the “God-given” land. Scientists consider Crimea unique because in the same place, in the same period of time, there were a Karaite kenasa, a Jewish synagogue, a Muslim mosque, and an Orthodox temple. Not only did peoples get along with each other, but also religions “respected” each other.

Presenter 2.

And can anyone claim that he is a purebred Russian or Ukrainian, Bulgarian or Greek? After all, there are countless “mixed” marriages; the fates of our ancestors speak about this. They are so intertwined, mixed and related that it is difficult to imagine the “pure” nationality of this or that city dweller.


What do you know about your national “family tree”?

(Students provide examples of their family tree)

Presenter 1.

We must admit that we are all a little Italian, a little Greek, a little Russian, a little Tatar, but in general we are a wonderful Crimean people, ready to live in friendship and harmony with all peoples. For example, the Feodosians cherish the memory of the legendary hero of Crimean legends, Alim.

("Crimean Robin Hood").

Presenter 2.

The whole world knows the great marine painter I.K. Aivazovsky, an Armenian by nationality. This man did a lot for the city - thanks to him the railway was built. He gave the city water. Stamboli was a Karaite. Scout Vladimir Bastynets is white Belarusian. Crimean partisan Kostya Heydrich was a Jew. The commander of the partisan detachment during the Great Patriotic War was Andreevich Makedonsky, a Greek by nationality.


Now we will look at the presentation “Symbols of Crimea”.

What do the different colors on the Crimean flag mean?

Presenter 1.

The anthem of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is a musical work by composer A. S. Karamanov to the words of O. V. Golubeva (the anthem of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is played)

The teacher sums up the class hour, highlighting the students who took part in preparing the presentations and thanks the presenters for their help.

Neighborhood culture Class. 4 Subject. Our region is hospitable.

The topic of our lesson

“Our region is hospitable. "

Game "Blank Board"

- During our lesson, we will play the game “Clean Board”. Now there are questions written on the board that we will find answers to during the lesson. At the end of our lesson, the board should be clean.

S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary gives this interpretation of the lexical meaning of the word "guest" - one who visits, visits someone with the purpose of seeing, talking, spending time together.

– Let’s form words with the same root from the word guest. Explain the meaning.

Guest- live with someone as a guest.

Hotel- a gift from a guest to the owner.

Living room– room for receiving guests

Hotel– a house for temporary residence of visitors, with services.

Hospitality- hospitality to guests.

Cordiality- a cordial, affectionate attitude, combined with a willingness to do something pleasant for a person.

It's not so easy to do something nice. To do this you will have to work hard. Write down the words in your notebook.

This custom has long been known. If a guest finds himself in the house of an Azerbaijani and praises some thing, then no matter how dear it is to the owner, his honor will not allow him not to give it to the guest. He will even be offended if he refuses the gift.


In Turkish families, guests can even be invited to the bathhouse, which, in addition to its main purpose, serves as a kind of club, where they talk, listen to singers and storytellers, play various instruments and play chess.

Hospitality has always been a characteristic feature of the Russian people. In the old days, a guest was supposed to be given something to drink and feed to his fill.

Custom dictated almost forcefully feeding and drinking the guest. The owners knelt down and tearfully begged them to eat and drink “just a little more.” This was explained by the fact that villages and estates were located far from each other, and a rare guest was always a joy.

A manifestation of a friendly attitude towards other people is the famous Ukrainian hospitality. In Ukraine they say: “You have to be human between people,” “Put bread on the table in front of people, you will be in people’s heads.” In all Ukrainian lands, the custom has long been widespread to invite a guest into the house, treat him or give him something. The guest is offered the most comfortable seat and treated to the best food.

Among the Crimean Tatars, a symbol of a kind-hearted attitude is preparing traditional coffee for a guest (“kaymakly kave” - coffee with foam). It is served with sugar cut into pieces. Before starting to drink coffee, the host and guest say the Muslim formula prayer: “Bismillah (In the Name of God)!” They drink coffee from small cups slowly, in small sips, while maintaining a conversation. After the guest has drunk the coffee, he thanks for the treat. The words of gratitude will be different if the coffee was prepared by a young girl or an elderly woman. The name of this drink will sound different if it is prepared in honor of a joyful event, or in honor of a guest, or if it is simply traditional morning coffee.

According to custom, the departing guest, after the obligatory exchange of good wishes, is escorted to a certain distance from the house, maintaining a conversation, and there they bid him farewell a second time.

– perhaps one of the most hospitable nations in the world. And this is not surprising, because the traditions of Greek hospitality go back to ancient times.

When invited to the house, you cannot come empty-handed. Dessert is most often served. But there is one significant difference: the food you brought will not be put on the table. It's not that I didn't like it! But it is believed that the hostess prepared for your arrival and took care of the sweets herself. Your treat will be gratefully received and placed in the refrigerator, where it will await its time.

The Greeks do not keep slippers in the house for guests, so do not take off your shoes when visiting them.

1. – Dasha! I'm waiting for you at our house this evening. I will celebrate my birthday!

2. – Thank you, Tanya, for your congratulations! Come see me in the evening!

3. – Girls, come to visit me this evening. Mom and dad will go to the theater. We'll have a lot of fun!

I wanted to throw a ball

And I have friends with me _____________.

I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese,

I baked crumbly ____________.

Knives, plates, forks are here,

But for some reason the guests are not _____________.

I waited as long as I could,

Then a piece of ________________.

When the guests arrived,

Even crumbs _______________.

- Guys, listen to the advice of Grigory Oster.

Do you agree with them?

If you came to see your friends,

Don't say hello to anyone.

The words "please", "thank you"

Do not tell anybody.

Turn away and ask questions

Don't answer anyone's questions

And then no one will say

About you, that you are a talker.

If a friend's birthday

invited you to my place,

You leave the gift at home -

It will come in handy yourself.

Try to sit next to the cake,

Don't engage in conversations:

You're talking

Eat half as much candy.

Choose smaller pieces

To swallow faster.

Don't grab the salad with your hands

You can get more with a spoon.

If they suddenly give you nuts,

Place them carefully in your pocket,

But don’t hide the jam there -

It will be difficult to take it out.

- Did you like these tips?

- What does Grigory Oster show in his poems?

Working with proverbs

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

The owner is glad to have a good guest.

If you love to visit, love to invite you.

Lots of guests, lots of news.

Over bread and salt, every joke is good.

Did you like our lesson?

- What was it like?

Please express your attitude using an emoticon.

Thank you very much!

- For most of you it was instructive, interesting, useful.

- in memory of our lesson, I also give you emoticons.

Bogdana Maksimova
Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the environment for children of senior preschool age “I am a Crimean”

Target: Develop children a feeling of patriotism and love for one’s homeland.

Tasks: Continue forming children the idea of ​​Russia as a native country; meet children with the concept of the Motherland, small and large; educate children's love for the Motherland; to form civic-patriotic feelings; learn to answer adult questions, construct simple common sentences; expand your vocabulary through nouns (parents, mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, house, country, city, homeland, Crimean) and adjectives (Native, dear, big, small); develop attention and memory - recognize flags and coats of arms in pictures; develop self-control and the ability to follow the rules of the game; develop memory, intelligence, resourcefulness.

Vocabulary work: native, native side, Motherland, Russia, big Motherland, small Motherland, Crimea, Crimean peninsula, Crimean, nationality.

Integration of educational regions: « Cognition, "Communication", "Socialization", "Work"

Materials: Map Crimea; images of the coat of arms and flag; visual and didactic aids; slides with attractions; Audio recordings.

Preliminary work: reading poems, proverbs and sayings about the Motherland; reading fiction about Crimea; looking at photographs of cities; examining illustrations and performing work on coloring the Flag and Coat of Arms Crimea.

Move classes. - Hello guys! Today we will try to reveal the secret of a new word. Are you ready to find out the secret?

But first, let's remember one familiar word. Listen carefully and remember his secret. This word "native". What do you think I'm talking about? (Mom, grandmother, sister, etc.)

That's right, dear is the closest and dearest. But not only mother, but also the earth can be dear. This is the land where you were born and live. Every person has a native land. In another way it can also be called Motherland. Repeat….

All people still have the most precious thing - their native country, Russia. This is our big Motherland. It can also be called the native side. Repeat... The capital of our country is Moscow. The capital is the most important city.

Our native land is ours Crimea and our city Evpatoria. This is our small Motherland. Capital Crimea city of Simferopol. Many years ago our Crimea had other. name - Tavrida. A. S. Pushkin wrote about Tavrida:

Happy land where the waters sparkle

Caressing the lush shores,

And the bright luxury of nature

The hills and meadows are illuminated,

Where are the frowning vaults of rocks

Many people live in Crimea and more nationalities: Russians, Tatars, Georgians, Ukrainians and many others. We can all be called with one beautiful word Crimeans. I am Ukrainian, Murat is Tatar, Yasya is Russian. What nationality are you? Although Crimea inhabited by a huge number of people of different nationalities, we all live together.

Without friendship, my small people would perish,

Great only because he lives by love.

We have true friendship and a song about it

More necessary than air, and more necessary than bread.

Let's watch a presentation about our small Motherland Crimea. (View presentation)

- Crimea is a wonderful land. Around- high rocky mountains; on the slopes of pine trees, right up to the shore; sea changeable: peaceful and radiant in the sun and terrible in a storm. There are flowers everywhere, a lot of roses.

Crimean The peninsula is a kind of fabulous piece of land, abandoned deep into the waters of the Black Sea and connected to the mainland only by a narrow thread of the Perekop Isthmus.

This small land is unique. In one day you can drive it lengthwise and crosswise. But on Crimean The earth is surprisingly united by plants that grow in hot countries and cold northern ones.

Skiers ski in the mountains of the Angarsk Pass, and roses bloom in Yalta...

So intricately intertwined Crimea seasons. And you can touch any of them, slowly rising from the sultry beaches to the sky-high mountain peaks...

ABOUT Crimea Many legends, tales, traditions have been written.

Many writers and poets sang beauty Crimea in verse. And many artists in their paintings. Because it is impossible to remain indifferent to the undying beauty Crimea.

Physical education minute

Hello world. (hands up)

It's me! (on the chest)

A around my country! (spread)

The sun is burning in the sky (top)

And the earth lies at your feet! (incline)

There are forests there! (lock to the right)

And there are fields! (lock left)

Here are friends (turn head)

And here are friends. (right and left)

Hello home - you are the best (spread with a downward slope)

Hello, mighty native land! (spread with an upward tilt)

Hello, my country! (spread)

Hello world!

Meet me!

Look at this picture, it's symbolic Crimea. Flag and coat of arms. What is the name of what is shown in the picture? (Flag and coat of arms.) How can you call it in one word? (Symbolism)

Everything in the depiction of these symbolic elements has a certain meaning.

The red lower stripe of the flag symbolizes heroic and tragic history Crimea, memory of the past. The top blue one is hope for a prosperous future. Medium white stands for equality of all cultures and peoples of the peninsula, desire for peace and friendship.

AR coat of arms Crimea is a shield depicting a silver griffin holding an open silver shell with a blue pearl in its right paw. The shield is crowned with the rising sun and Surrounded two white columns connected by a blue-white-red ribbon with motto: "Prosperity in Unity". The griffin is a unifying symbol of natural and cultural diversity Crimea. The pearl in the paw is a symbol of a unique corner of the planet, read as the guardian of the republic. The Varangian shield of the coat of arms is a reminder of the trade routes that passed and are passing through Crimea, that is, many traders transported their goods through our territories, the columns are symbols of our ancestors who left their traces on the peninsula.

A game "Pick up a word". We need to come up with words "native", "native" suitable words. Remember who or what we can call family.

Answers children: mom, dad, brother, sister, brother, grandma, grandpa, home, kindergarten, country, city.

Excellent choice.

Listen to the poem by Z. Alexandrova “If they say the word Motherland”.

If they say the word "homeland",

Immediately comes to mind

an old house, there are currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

Or the steppe, red with poppies,

Virgin gold…

Homeland is different

But everyone has one!

Audio recording about Crimea performed by a choir from a boarding school, Evpatoria

Guys, listen to the proverbs about the Motherland?

There is no more beautiful country in the world than ours.

A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

On the other side, the Motherland is doubly sweeter.

Learn to defend your motherland.

If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

To live - to serve the Motherland

Take care of your homeland like the apple of your eye.

It happens that a person finds himself in a foreign country, as they said in old times - in a foreign land, and at first everything seems new to him, interesting: people, customs, and nature. But a little time will pass, and the heart will become sad and ask to go home, to its native side.

Now sit down at the tables, each of you has a sheet with a picture of a flag Crimea. How can you call a flag and a coat of arms in one word? Correct symbolism. But the flag is colorless, and you and I must paint it in the correct colors. Let's remember what color the bottom stripe is and what it is stands for? (Answers) What color is the top stripe and what is it stands for? Middle lane?

Children color the flag.

Bottom line classes:

Guys, what did we do today? What did you like most? (answers children)

Who are they Crimeans? (These are people who live in Crimea.)

What is a big Motherland? (This is our native country; the country where you and I live)

What is a small homeland? (This is our peninsula Crimea, our hometown)

What city is the capital Crimea? What is the capital of Russia?

What is the symbolism of our peninsula? Crimea?

Why do you love your small homeland? (Answers children.)

- Why do people say: “On the foreign side, the Motherland is doubly sweeter.” (Answers children.)

What needs to be done to make our Motherland become more and more beautiful over the years? (Answers children.)

Dear Guys! Love your homeland - big and small. Try learn more about its people and history, take care of its nature, preserve its customs and traditions.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the world around us “The World Around Us” for children of senior preschool age Goal: To develop interest in the natural world around us. Objectives: - expand children's knowledge about animals, birds, plants, trees; - improve.

Abstract of the educational activity for introducing children of senior preschool age to the world around them “Moscow City” Goal: to expand ideas about Moscow - the main city, the capital of Russia. Objectives: Educational: - to form knowledge about Moscow, its main features.

Summary of educational activities for familiarization with the outside world for children of senior preschool age “Autumn” Program content: 1. Enrich and systematize children’s knowledge about autumn. Learn to make connections between the length of the day.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world for children of senior preschool age “Animal World” Goal: to teach children to classify the animal world. Objectives: teach children to classify animals into species according to their habitat; the nature.