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» Short little finger on the hand. Features of the length and shape of the finger - the little finger. The palm is square. Long fingers

Short little finger on the hand. Features of the length and shape of the finger - the little finger. The palm is square. Long fingers

The little finger is commonly called the finger of Mercury. It symbolizes relationships with the outside world. Its size and shape characterize the peculiarities of information perception, the gift of eloquence, interest in science and communication.

The distinctive features of the Mercury finger reveal the style of contact with the outside world and adaptation to the outside world. In addition, the little finger is closely related to emotional response and sexual attitudes. In a deeper understanding of the potential of the little finger, it is necessary to take into account “its” perception of metaphysical influences. That is why the popular proverb says well: “Let’s see what my little finger says.” Let's find out what the little finger on the hand means.

What does the little finger tell you about in palmistry?

This is the smallest finger on the hand. It indicates a talent for running a business and a practical attitude towards life in general.

In the astrological tradition, Mercury is considered the ruler of two zodiac signs - Gemini and Virgo. The astrological symbol is the rune - a cross (matter) on a circle (Sun or masculine principle) with a cup on top (Moon or feminine principle), indicating the double gender of Mercury. That is why the androgyne Mercury is so versatile and diverse. It is compatible with any of the planetary principles dominant in the birth picture and accepts the qualities of the planets with which it happens to be associated with aspects. The same applies to the horoscope house in which he finds himself. The mount and finger of Mercury are similar in influence to the “planetary” Mercury in the initial chart (birth horoscope). Additionally, the more Mercury is associated with Neptune, the more cone-like the shape of the little finger becomes. The astrological dominants for the little finger are Mercury/Gemini/3rd house; axis of thinking 3/9th house; The axis of existence between houses is 6/12. Mercury manifests its properties in the “water houses” - 4, 8 and 12, which symbolically correspond to Cancer and Scorpio. Pisces and their rulers Moon, Pluto, Neptune.

The little finger of normal length reaches the beginning of the nail phalanx of the ring finger. At the same time, it must correspond to the length of the thumb.

How to find out a person's character by his little finger

  • If the Mercury finger on the hand is straight, the person is open-minded and, although insightful, is not able to make the best use of opportunities. In order for a person to make the best use of the opportunities, this finger should be slightly curved towards the Sun finger.
  • A crooked finger on a bad hand speaks of a calculating criminal or a quick-witted scoundrel. It is of normal length if it reaches the joint of the second and upper phalanx of Apollo's finger.
  • If the Mercury finger on the hand is long, the person enjoys life, loves his mother and has a good relationship with her. This man especially loves women.
  • A short little finger with a pointed tip indicates a weakened sexual desire and an underdeveloped uterus in a woman, while an elongated finger indicates a strong sexual desire, that she has a successful sex life and well-developed sexual organs.
  • People with a long little finger are successful in communication, they are able to convince members of the opposite sex regarding sex and thus get complete satisfaction from sex. People with long little fingers are not only excellent sexual partners, but also good spouses.
  • People with a moderately developed Mount of Venus, a well-developed Mercury finger on the hand and a well-defined heart line turn out to be good spouses.

What diseases are identified by the little finger?

From a biological point of view, the little finger is related to the activity of the thyroid and gonads, and in addition, to the activity of the pituitary gland and the functions of the lymphatic system. The short finger of Mercury clearly indicates infantility and various types of problems of social adaptation.

The little finger indicates sexual problems. The organs for which it is responsible belong to the abdominal area. These are the uterus, ovaries, testicles, bladder and kidneys. Diseases of the uterus, such as its deformation or displacement, can be diagnosed by a depression on the second phalanx of the Mercury finger. A very thin second phalanx also indicates tuberculosis. In general, in tuberculosis diseases the middle phalanges of all fingers are affected. If the first phalanx of the Mercury finger is unusually long, this indicates schizophrenia, hysteria, insanity and similar mental and mental illnesses. A very thick lower phalanx indicates ovarian diseases. Problems with the bladder and kidneys are expressed in the upper phalanx curved inward, as well as if it is the only finger without a hole in the nail.

How the little finger affects character

  • A normal straight little finger, reaching the beginning of the nail phalanx of the ring finger, speaks of harmony, a sense of proportion, command of speech, sanity and prudence in relations with the outside world.
  • If the little finger is longer, this indicates mobility of intellect, spiritual orientation, eloquence and generosity.
  • What does a very long little finger on the hand mean - a sign of exceptional resourcefulness in the ability to present oneself, bordering on talkativeness, deception and the art of “talking one’s teeth”, diplomatic flexibility. We can say that a person with such a little finger often wants more than he deserves. This same feature also speaks of a person who is lonely or unable to maintain harmonious relationships with the world and others.
  • A short little finger on the hand indicates that a person perceives what is happening too superficially. It is difficult to say for sure whether the decisions he makes are the result of instinctive impulses or reasoning. With this feature of the hand, to check mental capabilities, it is necessary to focus on the drawing of the line of the Mind.
  • A too short little finger on the hand is evidence of spiritual immaturity and problems in social communication. He talks about people who do not have real opportunities to oppose themselves to the difficulties of the outside world. Many of them cannot cope with their negative emotions and adequately perceive disappointments; they are often not capable of lasting friendships and love relationships. And almost all of them, even in adulthood, are somewhat infantile.
  • A crooked Mercury finger reveals impracticality, special views on life and flawed sensitivity in a person.
  • A slightly spaced little finger on the hand indicates good orientation in the surrounding reality, opportunism (Mercury/Gemini/3rd house) and reveals originality of views and judgments.
  • A very large distance between the little finger and the ring finger (the principle of the collective unconscious. Venus/Libra/7th house) indicates a tendency towards solitude or problems in partner communication. In my experience in graphology, this symptom manifests itself in large spaces between words.

The little finger almost always starts below the other fingers. But a too low beginning and a large distance from the beginning of the ring finger are a sign of serious problems in childhood with one of the parents. On their part, there was no feeling of closeness to the child, they communicated little with him, and deprived him of spiritual warmth. It is possible that he was often left to his own devices.

Phalanges of the little finger

Nail phalanx of the little finger

The nail phalanx symbolizes the highest degree of development of spiritual inclinations, as well as increased sensitivity and receptivity, which undoubtedly has its own characteristics. If the pointed nail phalanx is longer than the rest, this reveals an interest in the field of metaphysics. The conical nail phalanx of the little finger creates a certain callousness in communication, and fingers and nails of an angular shape often negate all the strengths of the little finger itself. The owner of a conical finger with an angular nail is obliged to organize his impressions of life and learn a more sober view of what is happening. An angular finger or nail reveals the ability to think abstractly. If the little finger with the large nail phalanx is slightly distant from the ring finger, such a person is able to trust his intuition.

A poorly formed, deformed nail phalanx may indicate strange religious beliefs. A pointed and too short nail phalanx may indicate religious fanaticism.

Middle phalanx of the little finger

What does the little finger on the hand mean? The middle phalanx speaks of the potential for the development of a person’s talents. If it is longer than the others, the person is endowed with undoubted abilities to embody himself in specific creativity. In addition, people with a long middle phalanx of the little finger have a tendency towards abstract thinking. They are talented organizers and know how to persuade; combined with their common sense and prudence, this can lead to favorable results. The long second phalanx of the little finger reveals abilities in a variety of scientific parts, especially if it is combined with a long nail phalanx. With a full and relatively long middle phalanx, a person embodies his activity in the economic sphere. A too short middle phalanx indicates an inability to organize personal life and ensure its economic well-being.

An unformed middle phalanx of the little finger usually indicates abnormalities in the genital area. A broken middle phalanx in women is a sign of uterine prolapse or impaired ovarian function. For men it has its own analogies.

Root or basal phalanx of the little finger

The basal phalanx is connected by the possibility of practical implementation of the properties of the Mercury finger.

If it is relatively longer, a person with such a little finger on his hand knows how to conclude trade deals, he has the talent of goal gel, he can achieve sports achievements. At the same time, the basal phalanx of the little finger speaks of homeliness, because from an astrological point of view it is similar to the influences of the Moon/Cancer/4 th house. It is also related to the functions of the lymphatic system. Many palmists determined the number of future children by strokes not on the Mount of Mercury, but on the first third of the radical phalanx of the finger of Mercury. A thickened root phalanx with a convex mound of Mercury indicates a person’s material well-being or the acquisition of it. These same features on a soft conical hand signify conformity and love of pleasure. The same length of the middle and radical phalanx of the little finger on an angular or spade-shaped hand indicates a favorable combination of the properties of both phalanges, that is, virtual reality finds its concrete embodiment.

What does the little finger mean?

The little finger is the most difficult finger to characterize because it is on the striking part of the palm, associated with instincts, but it characterizes the way people express themselves. Mercury's finger shows how people communicate: whether they are good storytellers, writers, or whether they have the ability to organize ideas and images into a logical chain. It indicates truthfulness or lack thereof. It can also be used to determine whether this person needs exciting events and excitement when solving complex problems in the field of finance or trade, or whether he prefers to work alone on a monotonous path that is familiar to him. Even such a thing as sexual communication is shown in this finger.

The placement of the Mercury finger on the hand can create the appearance that it is shorter than it actually is. A person who knows how to express himself has a long little finger. If Saturn's finger is also long and the line of the mind is straight and even with a firmly drawn line of fate, then he has the mind of a scientist. A person has a developed imagination and inventiveness if the Apollo finger is long and the line of the mind goes obliquely to the well-drawn Apollo line. These people have a very receptive mind because they strive to know what is going on in the world. They love communicating with other people and make excellent students and teachers because they cannot resist the opportunity to communicate and spread knowledge. They can be talkative, verbose and probably boring when their favorite topic is brought up if they lack a sense of humor, which is indicated by the loop between the mounts of Mercury and Apollo.

They are very attracted to smart and interesting people, anyone who needs to influence others, be it in politics, business, science, education, literature or art. A slight tilt in this finger indicates the ability to conduct business and treat money wisely. This guy has a pretty strong desire to pick up his weapon and finish where he started. Too much tilt indicates stubbornness. Interesting attitude towards sex. If the Mercury finger is long and straight, then the person can pursue those he likes. If the little finger is a little crooked, then he is a good family man and is quite picky about who he should marry. A small imprint on the inside of the third phalanx also indicates sexuality.

This is an indicator of severe shyness. Such a person will need a lot of time to gain self-confidence and develop as a person, and also to follow the one he likes. And all these qualities are especially strong if there are no gaps at the bottom of the nails. Such a person literally cramps if he needs to speak in public or stand under the spotlight. But this does not mean that he has low self-esteem; on the contrary, he may have a very high opinion of himself, but he simply does not want to be seen. He is easily embarrassed and quickly becomes tongue-tied. He prefers to lead a quiet lifestyle. One type with a short Mercury finger is a short man who is courting or marrying a tall, large, and dominant woman. Such a person may actually be quite stubborn and difficult to live with because, in general, he is afraid of life and has many prejudices. He doesn't read much and is a creature of habit and craving security. He lives life to the fullest thanks to his wife! He may have strange sexual preferences.

Exceptionally short finger of Mercury

The little finger on the hand indicates some type of sexual characteristics. Such a person often lacks self-confidence, especially when he is too tall or short, fat or thin, etc. He may have an attractive appearance, but he has the feeling that he is not attractive at all. It is difficult for him to express himself in sex, it is difficult to hold the attention of representatives of the other sex.

The Mercury finger can be located on the same line as the other fingers or below them. When it is located in a single line, then the person’s character is businesslike. He gets along with people easily. If the little finger is located lower, then it is endowed with talent, but this is expressed through work and study. Such people have a very developed imagination; they can be writers or artists, representatives of art. They dream too much, especially if their line of mind has a strong slope. They have a noticeable tendency towards self-deception and daydreaming if they have a long descending line of the mind and a large Mount of Neptune on their hand. They may have an unconventional attitude towards money and property, or an unconventional view of these things if the Mercury finger is too curved and twisted. Sometimes such a person treats his family members perfectly and is completely different towards others.

What does the curl on the finger of Jupiter mean?

This person has a very narrow view of life. A person with a curl on the finger of Jupiter is not able to accept other points of view or understand people leading a different lifestyle. It is possible that other people simply are not interested in him. He pays great attention to his own career and is completely focused on how it develops, without being distracted by potential and equally promising offers.

Such a person may be too serious, prone to loneliness, and have a depressive character. He has high self-discipline. He is very successful in the original sense of it. Can be enterprising and persistent, have a certain air of superiority, self-righteousness and be hard to touch. He chooses his marriage partner very carefully.

A curl on the finger of Jupiter indicates creativity and the desire to expand the capabilities of the mind and engage in research. Journalists, reporters, announcers, people searching for the truth have such a curl. They are purposeful, successful, but shy and emotionally insecure.

This is the most common curl pattern on the little finger, in which the energy is shifted to one side. The loop is usually found on the Jupiter finger on the side of the striking surface of the palm; less often there are loops on the radial side. This person is friendly, adaptable and very responsive. He works well in a team, but needs variety both at work and socially. His mind is lively, quick, flexible and prone to humor. He is so interested in what is happening around him that he may miss opportunities to achieve success as a result of wasting time and energy on other people and their problems. Such a person quickly begins to get bored, and he has to make an effort to concentrate on each task and complete the work he has started. Because he is very careful about making commitments, he tries to avoid situations that threaten to become too burdensome.

Now you know what the little finger on the hand means.

On the human hand, the little finger is the smallest finger. In palmistry it is called the finger of Mercury. The little finger is considered an auxiliary finger and practically does not take part in physical work, so it does not need special strength.

If you look closely at the limbs during delicate work, you will notice that the little finger tries to evade the work and moves to the side.

The finger of Mercury can work if brute force is needed, in other cases the finger performs the work of a receiver and is an intelligent antenna.

What does the little finger say?

The finger comes in different lengths and shapes on two different hands. A straight finger of medium length is not paid attention to because it is standard situation.

In palmistry it is believed that the functions and purpose of the little finger are that the finger is subject to the celestial body Mercury. He rewards the owner of the finger with individual characteristics:

  • sharp mind;
  • passion for science and commerce.

The little finger is responsible for sociability and communication: verbal, signaling and sexual. It is possible to scrupulously foresee the capabilities of the owner of the little finger having studied limb structure and length.

The size of the little finger is measured along the upper phalanx of the ring finger.

The first joint with the nail plate should reach the middle of the middle joint of the ring finger, but it all depends on little finger landings. With a strong fit, the little finger will appear short, so measure the length taking into account the root of the ring finger.

Shape and size of the little finger

A well-developed, long small finger indicates the owner’s inclination to wit, communication and eloquence. The owner has a healthy and brilliant sense of humor, sex appeal and curiosity.

A straight finger speaks of reliability and love of truth. The owner of an elegant finger is honest in deeds and words, he is a sociable and cheerful person, successful in business, easily accepting new ideas that will bring benefits.

On a hand with such a finger there are often signs of prosperity and wealth, prophesying a prosperous life.

Short finger of Mercury

Secretive people who carefully watch their words have a small little finger. If the finger is so short that it does not reach the bridge of the upper joint of the ring finger, this indicates difficulties in communicating with people and isolation. Such people:

  • do not know how to openly express emotions and thoughts;
  • don't like big companies;
  • do not know how to manage money;
  • they are not interested in science, learning is difficult, they lack curiosity.

A low-set finger, when the nail phalanx ends at the base of the ring finger, indicates sexual problems; about a weak nature that is easy to subordinate to the demands and desires of any person.

crooked little finger

All fingers may have a curved shape and slope. A deformed or crooked little finger on the hand indicates negative characteristics. A little finger inclined towards the ring finger is a sign of a deceitful nature, but remember that even palmists make mistakes.

The curvature of the limb visually shortens the length, which can lead to problems with diction and speech. A crooked limb speaks of the owner’s ability to manipulate people in order to achieve a goal, of the desire to obtain happiness in a false way - especially if the deformity is on the right hand.

The curvature of the upper phalanx indicates a tendency to exaggerate and imitate.

Crooked fingers in babies can be hereditary defects because the child inherits the character traits of his parents.

A strong deviation to the side from other fingers is a sign of adventurism, extravagance and eccentricity.

Connection line of palm and fingers

Examine the fold line of your palm and fingers - it can be a straight line or a soft arc.

A little finger that grows much lower than the other fingers is called a prolapsed finger. The owners of such a limb face obstacles throughout their lives and receive cruel lessons from life.

A deep-set little finger indicates that the owner has had problems with his parents or one of them since childhood. The difficult nature of parents can harm the child. Oddly enough, these children choose for their subsequent life a second half with a character like that of a despotic ancestor.

If the parents suffered from mental disorders or were alcoholics, then the owner of the prolapsed Mercury finger on the hand will choose a person with such a deviation to create a family. This theory is supported by many cases. Such a person’s character is most often shy.

Fingertips and nails

When analyzing your hand, pay special attention to the nail phalanges. Such an observation will correct the existing image of a person:

Decoding by phalanges

The upper nail phalanx is always longer than the other two. A particularly long one is found among speakers, successful businessmen, pop artists, and anyone who makes money through eloquence or singing and conveys their message to people more easily.

When the middle phalanx of Mercury's finger is shorter than the others, this is a clear sign of the inability to express thoughts on paper. If the length is the same as the other phalanges, the owner correctly expresses his thoughts on paper. This is a characteristic characteristic of writers. And also the second phalanx is used to judge the inclination towards business and commerce.

The lower phalanx is associated with the material side of the owner’s life. For a person who is capable of anything to achieve his goals, this phalanx is longer than the others.

Do not forget that any character flaws can be corrected with willpower, awareness of your capabilities, including logic and self-education, drawing the right conclusions from mistakes - both your own and those of others.

Attention, TODAY only!

Sometimes body language is more eloquent than any words. Take, for example, the famous “goat” sign, which among criminals means “I’ll tear my mouth, I’ll gouge out my eyes”, among Christians it carries good news, and in some European countries it is addressed to cuckolds.

And if you stick out your little finger for fun, what will people think? There are several interesting versions on this matter. At the same time, you can stick out your thumb and immediately become the best friend of surfers or... alcoholics?! First things first.

Why do people put their little finger aside?

Some stick out their little finger purposefully, others unconsciously. This happens mainly at meals, when a fork, knife, cup or glass is held in this hand. What does a protruding little finger mean these days? There are several versions on this matter:

  • A person tries to look intelligent, sophisticated, wants to show his good manners.
  • They say that Uncle Abe, aka Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, always did this when he drank tea, and modern Americans are trying to imitate him.
  • The protruding little finger of one of the interlocutors means that there are certain boundaries in their communication.
  • An ironic gesture indicating that your monologue is not being taken seriously.
  • It is believed that people who lie a lot or hide something are unconsciously trying to stick out their little finger.

Today, many consider this manner to be bad, vulgar and inappropriate in the modern world. However, the origin of this gesture is quite justified; moreover, there is a version that the protruding little finger is nothing more than a manifestation of a person’s genetic memory of his aristocratic ancestors.

Porcelain eyelid and the last finger set aside

Until the beginning of the 18th century, only the Chinese mastered the art of making porcelain and kept their technology in the strictest confidence. In Europe, porcelain figurines and dishes were terribly expensive and affordable only to very wealthy families.

The porcelain cups for tea drinking were extremely tiny with very tiny hands, and it was impossible to grasp them with all your fingers. Therefore, I had to take it with four fingers and stick my little finger out to the side.

And even in those days, people were not shy about showing off their wealth and decorated all their fingers with rings and massive rings in several rows. Hence another interesting version: there were so many jewels on the fingers that they could not be brought together and the outermost finger, the little finger, seemed very protruding.

Carrying all the treasures on oneself was inconvenient, and the fashion quickly passed, but the gesture remained and was the prerogative of the upper class. However, the servants loved to adopt the manners of their owners, and everyone began to put their little finger aside, considering it good manners and an opportunity to somehow demonstrate their “nobility.”

Proponents of the following hypothesis believe that the aristocracy has nothing to do with it and that the protruding little finger came from the military.

Battle trauma of the valiant hussars

Tired of military exploits, the hussars lodged in inns, where they beautifully and casually took glasses of wine in their hands and did not hesitate to slightly stick out their little fingers. Such a gesture could not go unnoticed by ordinary people, and imitating the hussar’s manners was extremely prestigious.

But people did not think that the little fingers of the grunts simply did not bend from the injuries received from the force of the blow with the handles of their own weapons - the Hungarian saber or konchar.

It is likely that both versions took place. But palmists have their own opinion about why people stick out their little fingers without knowing it.

Yes, you are under deep stress, gentlemen!

Hand fortune tellers believe that a person involuntarily puts away his little finger while in a state of mental confusion. The stronger the emotional stress, the further the finger is retracted. And if a person gestures with his little fingers outstretched, he is under severe stress or deep grief.

Among the nobility, ladies who were pampered from birth did not know how to cope with stress at all and fainted for one reason known to them. Accordingly, they constantly experienced some kind of mental anguish and, according to palmists, walked around with their little fingers sticking out. In this manner they saw charm and sophistication, so both countesses and merchants began to be depicted on canvases with their little finger gracefully held back.

After the revolution, the gesture remained a relic of the bourgeoisie, a symbol of vulgarity and affectation. But the protruding little finger and thumb - the famous shaka - take on completely different meanings.

Cut off the thieves' fingers!

If you go on vacation to the Polynesian islands, leave the habit of spreading the outermost fingers on your hand at home. According to local belief, this is how inveterate swindlers greet each other here, and not because they like it that way, but simply because there is no other way.

For each theft, a person convicted of theft had his index, middle and ring fingers cut off in turn, and the outer ones were left so that the punished person would not lose the ability to hold simple tools in his hand.

Hawaiian greeting

Every surfer and skydiver knows what a protruding little finger and thumb mean. Many believe that shaka comes from Hawaii, where athletes greet each other with this gesture while waiting for their big wave. And then this manner was adopted by wave conquerors all over the world.

Parachutists do the same, signaling their readiness to bravely jump into the abyss from an aircraft.

In general, in Hawaii, the combination of protruding thumb and little finger is used by everyone, from young to old. This is how people say hello, say goodbye and wish each other good luck.

By the way, famous football players very often and with pleasure show shaka to fans: Mohamed Salah, Antoine Griezmann and Ronaldinho. Of course, after scoring a goal.

Caribbean insult

A man unfamiliar with the customs of the Caribbean can get into trouble and get into serious trouble by showing a girl shaka even without any second thought.

Here this gesture is used to suggest intimacy, and at best, the insolent person will be fined, at worst, they will be summoned to court on charges of harassment.

Maybe we should shudder?

Local outcasts, huddled in the corners of courtyards, understand without any words what the protruding little finger and thumb mean. Should we send a messenger? Maybe a small one? Shall we go and shudder? In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to bring your hand to your mouth. You can simply shake your palm with three fingers gathered and the outer ones spread out in front of you, and no extra words are needed.

Secret sign of drug dealers

Another example of the bad use of the famous shaka. In back alleys and clubs with a bad reputation, this is how drug dealers tell customers that they can buy weed from them.

Many of them got burned because of this gesture, so among drug dealers today they rarely show shaka and are extremely careful.

Call me, call...

Today there are practically no problems with communication, and people call each other from anywhere and anytime. And earlier, in the era of landline home telephones and pay booths, it was very fashionable to say goodbye by raising your hand to your ear with your thumb sticking up and at the same time sticking out your little finger. Everyone understood what this gesture meant: we’ll call you, buddy, don’t disappear!

Therefore, be careful with gestures and learn to read other people's signs, especially when communicating with unfamiliar people. You may be offered a drink, a cigarette, or slapped in the face for insulting you. A person can interpret completely innocent gestures in his own way, and no one wants to accidentally find himself in an awkward position.

Interesting and sometimes unexpected information about a person’s character can be gleaned by paying attention to the length of his little finger relative to his ring finger. We offer an instant psychological test based on this sign.

Hands are an irreplaceable part of the body. With their help, we do a thousand things every day, communicate, get to know each other, applaud, play various musical instruments, play sports, and so on. It’s not for nothing that there is an expression, if we can’t do without something - “like without hands.” But that's not all. A person's hands can tell a lot about his character.

How is the size of the little finger related to a person’s character?

Important information about a person can be gleaned by paying attention to the length of the little finger relative to the ring finger.

Original psychological test

Take a close look at your own little finger and find out from the picture above which type it is: 1, 2 or 3.

First type.

If the length of the little finger does not exceed the level of the first line of the ring finger, this indicates that the owner of the fingers is a balanced person. This person has a tendency towards order, calmness and peacefulness. He unconsciously avoids chaos.

He strives to ensure that every thing is in its place, but he is far from a pedant or a tedious perfectionist. The only thing that can make him angry is the lack of balance in life.

A person with this palm configuration is balanced in the emotional, sexual and intellectual spheres. His thoughts are calm, his decisions are balanced, his opinion is based on serious analysis.

Before expressing his opinion, he will think and weigh everything carefully. His inner confidence is the result of a deep understanding of his personality.


This type of person has a healthy spleen and stomach. However, there is a possibility of depression.

Second type.

The little finger protrudes just above the first line of the ring finger. What does this indicate? Such a person always gives more than is perhaps required of him in certain circumstances. This applies to professional activities, personal life, and romantic relationships. This person does this of his own free will, and not under compulsion.

A person of this type can be safely entrusted with any secret. He knows how to tactfully and delicately handle the information entrusted to him.

He strictly adheres to his own opinions. And it’s not easy to dissuade him. But he expects justice from those around him. Yes, he gives people love and generosity of his own free will, but he still wants to receive kindness in return. He will not ask for it, but will expect a good attitude in the depths of his soul.

The owner of this palm unconsciously reaches out to those who see his soul and accept him as he is.


This type also has a healthy spleen and stomach. But indefatigable determination can easily lead to stress.

Third type.

This group of people is united by a short little finger that does not reach the first line of the ring finger. The owner of this feature of the palm is a rather emotional person, sensitive and too susceptible to pain when it is inflicted by those whom he trusts to the end.

Without hesitation, this person is ready to put aside his own affairs in order to immediately come to the aid of someone. If he let someone into his soul, then it’s for life. But if he is betrayed or acted contrary to his expectations, it causes him serious pain.

But such sensitivity allows a person of the third type to understand well the emotions of others and put himself in their place. He gives people the warmth of his soul, and these wonderful qualities attract everyone who needs kindness, humanity, and care to him.


There is a risk of digestive system disorders, so it is useful to watch your diet and drink enough water. published.

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Mercury is considered the Greek god who patronizes thieves, merchants, fortune tellers, wanderers and those people who are guided in their activities by cunning and resourcefulness.

Mercury, the son of Apollo, could easily accomplish matters of any complexity. Palmistry names the little finger after this deity.

The smallest finger on the hand symbolizes sociability and ingenuity. The little finger can influence a person’s charisma and influence, and his ability to charm.

The size of your finger can tell a lot about your sociability. Whether he is set low or high - this affects the ability to keep secrets, sincerity, and the ability to play with words. What does a low-lying finger give to the owner?

Features and characteristics

Take a closer look at your hand. The base of the four fingers usually forms a kind of arch. It can be considered correct. If the little finger, namely its base, is located below this stripe, the finger is low-set.

This characteristic negatively affects self-confidence and abilities. The person prefers to take it out on himself using self-deprecating phrases. He needs support and help from loved ones. However, Apollo has a positive influence on such a person. Although it is late, he will be able to blossom, become attractive and successful.

  • A clearly defined hill, named after Mercury and located under the little finger, can indicate people who can achieve dizzying success in entrepreneurial activity. They are characterized by sociability and the ability to play with words. They usually say about such people that they can even sell your socks.
  • A small tubercle indicates the difficulties that a person experiences during contact with an interlocutor. It is difficult for him to look for new friends and select topics for communication.

What features does a long finger give a person?

A large little finger that can reach the nail of its “neighbor” characterizes the person as an overly sociable person. He is able to chatter without stopping for a second. It doesn’t matter who will play the role of interlocutor. Such individuals will be able to achieve success in marketing activities.

The negative thing about people who have a long Mercury finger is that they don't know when to stop. This causes numerous problems. However, their charm and courtesy help them get out of even the most serious troubles. It is rare to meet a person who can resist the advances of such people.

The owner of a long finger on his hand cannot be trusted. This can be very expensive. However, the Mercury thumb does not mean that its owner is a liar. It’s just that such individuals rarely follow the words, scattering them left and right.

Small finger

A small little finger, not reaching the second knuckle of the “neighbor,” speaks of its owner as a person who prefers to listen more than talk. A person carefully selects words and treats significant events modestly, downplaying them. Does not like to chat and engage in self-praise.

At first glance, the little finger gave such people shyness. However, they are characterized by silence, not shyness. Before they start speaking, they will carefully analyze the situation and select every word.

Middle length

If the Mercury finger (more precisely, its tip) reaches the first joint of the Apollo finger (ring finger), the person loves to be frank. He throws out sharp, precise and tactful remarks.

He does not like to be flattered, but can give a lot of compliments if he is impressed. Have you decided to build a relationship with such a person? Remember: you will get from him exactly what he wants from you in return.

You can tell a lot about a person by seeing which way your little finger is pointing. It is necessary to analyze all the variants of curvature that can characterize its owner.

  • Does Mercury's finger have a curvature towards the ring finger? The person does not like exact sciences; he loves to provide free help. Prefers not to chat and is able to keep secrets. In sexual terms, he tries first of all to please his partner, to do something pleasant. Often people whose little finger has similar curvatures feel a lack of attention. They feel like they are giving more than they are receiving. The owner of such a finger is not able to forgive even his own mistakes.
  • If the little finger bends from Apollo, its owner prefers to play with words, distort the truth in order to achieve certain goals. Amazing success in trading awaits him. He doesn’t put his money where his mouth is, often winning a verbal argument. Has a wonderful memory. Therefore, if you are confused in verbal turns and have forgotten how the argument began, he will definitely tell you. Capable of becoming the life of the party, as he has wit and charm.

Regardless of what exactly the little finger on the hand looks like, any person needs attention and support. Some people hide their vulnerability behind excessive talkativeness and wit, while others are saved by silence.

By showing attention, sincere care, and finding an approach to a person, you can see his true essence, and not the mask that he prefers not to take off. And the smallest finger, its shape and size, will help determine how to act in order to understand the personality.
Author: Ekaterina Volkova