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» Red thin snake. What meaning does the dream book give: why do you dream of a snake bite in the hand? What does Aesop's dream book say?

Red thin snake. What meaning does the dream book give: why do you dream of a snake bite in the hand? What does Aesop's dream book say?

The meaning of various objects, colors and life situations in a dream may be different from those existing in reality. Therefore, they cannot be taken literally. Why do you dream of a yellow snake? The answer to this question is completely ambiguous and depends on specific conditions, the size of the snake, and the sequence of its actions.

What if you dream about a yellow snake?

In this case, the color appears simultaneously - yellow, which is full of energy, and the snake - the embodiment of wisdom and deceit at the same time. Therefore, if you dream of a yellow snake, you need to pay attention to the details. If a snake is wrapped around a person, in life it is necessary to pay close attention to the issues at hand and, of course, health. Often this dream means a warning about possible exacerbations of a life situation.

When a snake does not show aggression towards a sleeping person or peacefully crawls into his home, this suggests good profits in the future. A snake can simply crawl along the ground, and this can serve as a warning of impending danger. It can be poisonous, which means greater strength for the enemy who will soon appear on the way.

To correctly interpret a dream, it is necessary to remember well everything that you dreamed, down to the smallest detail, since even one stroke can change the entire meaning of what is indicated. It is advisable to write down on paper everything that you dreamed about, compare it with your memories several times, and add new moments that have come to mind.

Everything associated with a snake in the hands is negative. A snake writhing in the hands - to remorse. Just picking up a snake means illness. However, killing a snake means a quick solution to problems.

A snake bite may portend deception coming from a loved one. At the same time, it can be a symbol of gaining wealth and wisdom. Everything will depend on the slightest nuances of what happens in a dream, and even on the sensations of the sleeping person during the bite. A person himself can feel what kind of change awaits him.

In a dream, you can see a snake biting a relative or friend. As a rule, this is a warning about his future illness. This is also a warning to the sleeper that he will have to provide assistance in healing, which can cause serious financial expenses.

What does it portend?

In practice, it is always very difficult to say what a yellow snake means in a dream. But this dream always foreshadows some serious changes in life. For example, killing a snake may mean that you will soon have to make certain sacrifices, and a prediction of financial well-being. Perhaps this is a quick victory over the enemy, the discovery of great abilities, or reconciliation with old friends.

A snake in your home is a bad sign, which may indicate some secret movements of the soul among relatives or close people, as well as a dream about purchasing a snake for your home terrarium. The latter implies a quick acquaintance with insincere people pursuing their own goals. At the same time, if a snake simply crawls into a house, this portends wealth and prosperity.

Small snakes, especially if they are in trees, usually mean small quarrels and troubles. If in a dream a small snake begins to grow, most likely this is a signal of an inadequate assessment of the significance of an event.

A short time after waking up, a person can no longer remember with greater or less accuracy what he dreamed. We must try to find out as early as possible what warnings came in a dream. Dreams, as a rule, are able to notify a person in advance about possible upcoming events.

Of course, not every dream necessarily carries certain information about a person’s future life. But it is always useful to analyze it, especially if it was preceded by any prerequisites. Then even a hint of possible results will be very useful.

Already is a fast and agile snake. There are signs by which you can distinguish a grass snake from a viper. Experts and terrarium owners talk about the intelligence of snakes, but advise remembering that not all snakes are harmless.

Common snake, photo by Marek Szczepanek

How to distinguish a grass snake from a viper?

Eyes. The pupils of snakes are round, while those of vipers have the shape of a transverse “stick”. A characteristic feature of most snakes are well-developed eyes:

They have a round oval or vertical pupil, like a cat's, and often have a brightly colored iris, which usually harmonizes well with the overall coloring of the body. Snakes, which search for their prey mainly by sight, have greatly enlarged eyes, adapted to react to moving objects (Animal Life, Volume 5).

So: the pupils of snakes are round, and those of vipers are in the shape of a stick, which is located across the body.

Coloring. The coloring of snakes is varied. Among them there are snakes of dark olive, brown, brown and even almost black color. Some snakes have variegated skin with bright patterns. It is possible that this is the protective nature of the coloring, the desire to imitate poisonous snakes. The snake family is numerous. Therefore, in order not to confuse a snake with a poisonous snake, you need to know the characteristics of exactly those species that are found in a particular area. Let's consider three types of genus Snakes (Natrix) subfamilies Real snakes (Colubrinae).

Common snake “It is well distinguished from all our other snakes by two large, clearly visible light spots (yellow, orange, off-white) located on the sides of the head. These spots have a crescent shape, and are bordered in front and behind with black stripes. There are individuals whose light spots are weakly expressed or absent. The color of the upper side of the body is from dark gray to black, the belly is white, with irregular black spots” (“Animal Life”, volume 5).

Perhaps this advice from a famous snake catcher will help someone:

It was quite simple to distinguish a snake from a viper: the snake has sharp yellow or red spots on its head, similar to ears, and its body is monochromatic - dark gray or black. Vipers do not have “ears” on the head, the body is gray or red, and a zigzag stripe stands out sharply on the back (A Nedyalkov. Naturalist in search).

Water snake painted differently. This snake differs from the ordinary snake, although it often coexists with it.

The color of its back is olive, olive-gray, olive-greenish or brownish in color with dark spots located more or less in a checkerboard pattern or with narrow dark transverse stripes. There is often a dark spot on the back of the head, shaped like a Latin letter V, pointing towards the head. The belly is yellowish to reddish, mottled with more or less rectangular black spots. Occasionally there are specimens completely devoid of a dark pattern on the body or completely black (“Animal Life”, volume 5).

Zmeelov A. Nedyalkov warns that it is dangerous to rely only on the color of the snake’s skin. One day, a viper taught him a lesson that could end in tragedy:

I did not yet know that there were vipers painted solid black, and I almost paid a heavy price for my ignorance.

One day I was walking through the forest after rain and saw that the black body of a large snake stretched across the path. The snake's head was hidden in the grass. The black body means it's not a viper, but... I really needed a big one, so I bent down and, without any precautions, took the snake by the body with my bare hand. The snake hissed. Snakes usually do not hiss when picked up. My catcher’s reflex kicked in, and with my other hand I grabbed the snake by the neck so that it couldn’t reach me with its teeth. I look and her pupil is in the shape of a stick. Viper!

What saved me from being bitten was that the viper was very chilled after the rain, and chilled snakes are rather sluggish and clumsy (A Nedyalkov. Naturalist in search).

Tiger snake , which is found in the Far East of Russia (as well as in Northern China, Korea, Japan), is brightly and elegantly colored:

The back is dark green or dark olive in color (occasionally blue specimens are also found), mottled with more or less clear black transverse stripes or spots, gradually decreasing in size as they approach the tail. In the anterior third of the body, the spaces between the black spots are painted a bright brick-red color. Under the eye there is an oblique black, wedge-shaped stripe, with its apex facing downwards, another black stripe runs from the supraorbital shield to the corner of the mouth. There is a wide black collar on the neck, or there is one triangular-shaped spot on each side of the neck. The upper lip is yellow, the eyes are large and black (“Animal Life”, volume 5).

Smell. Snakes have one more difference from other snakes. Alarmed snakes smell disgusting:

The snake waved its tail and doused me with a stream of whitish, stinking liquid. The stench was terrible: a mixture of garlic fumes and some kind of chemical substance. I almost vomited, but I still threw the snake onto the shore. For an hour and a half I rubbed my skin with soap, sand, and alcohol, but I couldn’t remove the smell (A. Nedyalkov “Dangerous Paths of a Naturalist”).

It is believed that in those places where snakes are found there are no vipers. It's a delusion:

In addition to vipers, snakes were also found near the ditches. They say that snakes are at enmity with vipers and kill them. I have seen more than once how a grass snake and a viper lie side by side and calmly bask in the sun. And I never saw them fight (A. Nedyalkov “Naturalist in Search”).

Types of snakes

There are many different snakes, but the most common in our country are these three species.

(Natrix natrix) is found in Europe (except for the Far North). It is a black or dark gray snake measuring up to 1.5 m (usually 1 m, females are noticeably larger than males) with two yellow or bright orange spots on the sides of the head. The snake can be found in overgrown bushes near water, in damp forests and swamps. The common snake sometimes settles near people’s homes: in heaps of garbage in the yard, in sheds, stables, cellars and poultry yards. It often hangs onto chickens and ducks or crawls into stables and barnyards. The snake even lays eggs here that resemble those of a pigeon. A dinner egg is filled with a yolk inside, surrounded by a thin layer of white. The eggs are covered with a leathery shell. The female lays eggs bound into “beads” by a gelatinous substance. Oviposition can be found in manure heaps, in a heap of dry leaves, damp moss or in loose soil. There can be 15 - 17 eggs (less often up to 30 pieces). About three weeks pass, and the cubs are born. The length of a snake that has just hatched from an egg is about 15 cm. It is capable of eating worms, snails and various insects.

The common snake spends the winter on land: it hides in old burrows made by mammals, climbs under the roots of trees, etc.

Water snake (Natris tesselata) lives in the southern regions of Russia, as it is more heat-loving than the common one. There are many such snakes in the Volga region and on the Don. The water snake is often seen in Crimea (especially on the Kerch Peninsula). These snakes stay near water, not only fresh, but also salty. They swim well (even in big waves) and dive. They feed on frogs, tadpoles, small fish (gobies) and even shrimp. Less commonly, small mammals and birds. To make it easier for the snake to swallow the fish, the snake holds it in its mouth and swims to the shore. There it finds support for its body, sits comfortably near it, and then begins to swallow its prey. These snakes hide from the heat underwater. Snakes sleep in dry grass, in hay, climb into rodent holes, and under stones. In the morning, water snakes slowly crawl onto the banks of rivers and reservoirs. Snakes hibernate under rocks, in crevices and in dense bushes.

Already brindle (Rhabdophis tigrina) in Russia it is found in the south of the Far East (Primorsky Krai, near Khabarovsk) in damp areas near water, in forests and meadows. They are seen even in cities. The length of the snake is about 110 cm. It feeds on frogs, toads, small rodents and fish. This snake is considered conditionally venomous, as its poisonous teeth are located deep in the mouth (on the back of the maxillary bone).

For humans, tiger snake bites, usually inflicted by short front teeth, pass without a trace. However, in cases where the bite is inflicted by the enlarged posterior maxillary teeth lying deep in the mouth, and saliva and the secretion of the upper labial glands enter the wound in large quantities, severe poisoning can occur, not inferior in severity to that from the bite of real poisonous snakes (“Animal Life, Vol. 5).

Snake nutrition

Snakes are excellent swimmers and often get their food not only on land, but also in water. The diet of snakes mainly consists of small vertebrates: amphibians and reptiles. However, there are lovers of rodents, birds and fish. Frogs are a delicacy for snakes. He catches them in the water and on the shore. A hungry snake swallows several small frogs at once. In the water, it also hunts tadpoles and fish.

Watching him eat is unpleasant. He swallows frogs alive, just as some people swallow live oysters. The discrepancy between the sizes of the frog and the snake makes the process of eating a terrible sight - the snake’s large mouth with a small head, a thin body in which the swallowed frog sticks out like a terrible knot... As a child, I once came across a snake with such a knot on its neck. I poked it with a stick - a live and unharmed frog jumped out from inside, it was still crawling, but it was completely white: the stomach juice of the snake had discolored it (Hans Scherfig “The Pond”).

The snake is said to hypnotize its prey. Externally it looks exactly like this. A. Nedyalkov saw with his own eyes how the frog obediently approached the snake:

I have been told many times that snakes hypnotize frogs. But this time the “hypnosis” did not take place. To see everything better, I pulled away a branch of the bush. The frog noticed the movement of the branch and made a desperate leap, turning over its head in the air. He continued to lie motionless. Looking closely, I saw that from time to time he threw out a forked tongue from his closed lips. I did not disturb the snake and returned to my place. About five minutes later, near the same bush, the frog purred again. I approached the bush again. He was already lying in the same place, and the frog was purring again and approaching him. She did not jump, but, carefully moving her paws, crawled the way soldiers crawl on their bellies. This time I did not move the branches, and soon the frog approached the snake at a distance of twenty centimeters. Suddenly it rushed towards the frog and grabbed it by the end of its muzzle with its mouth. The frog struggled, but could not escape. Moving his jaws, he grabbed her tighter and tighter. The frog no longer purred, but desperately scraped the snake’s head with its paws. The snake's jaws kept moving and moving. The frog's eyes were already at the very edge of its mouth. I felt sorry for the frog, and I pushed the snake with the end of the grabber. He didn’t immediately let go of his victim. Only after I squeezed his neck quite hard with my grip, did he open his mouth and the frog escaped. She immediately jumped into the grass, and then slid into the thick of the bush... I don’t think he hypnotized the frog. Most likely, she noticed his moving tongue, mistook this tongue for a worm, wanted to eat this worm and herself became the prey of the snake (A. Nedyalkov “Naturalist in Search”).


Snakes have been kept in captivity since ancient Roman times. Then they caught mice. Nowadays, there are also hobbyists who keep snakes at home. They advise designing the terrarium as a “forest + pond”. It is advisable to feed snakes with frogs and live small fish. Snakes are considered intelligent snakes that can get used to humans. This is what Hans Scherfig recalls about something he already knew in his book “The Pond”:

He was so sweet and friendly. A real pet snake that was not afraid of people. He even got rid of his old bad habit of hissing and emitting an unpleasant odor when you touch him. Frightened snakes smell like garlic.

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Human envy and malice, the personification of gossips and spiteful critics. Such a dream foreshadows troubles due to the fault of a person who is jealous of the dreamer’s successes and who does not want his development and prosperity. Why else do you dream of a yellow snake, you can find out by remembering the smallest details of the dream.

Interpretations of dream books

    Miller's Dream Book

    Seeing a yellow snake in a dream indicates trouble in the dreamer due to the fault of another person. Often a dream indicates the machinations of ill-wishers who pretend to be friends.

    See a multi-colored snake mixed with yellow scales denotes some danger in the future dreamer, which, however, can be avoided if you behave carefully.

    Kill the yellow snake indicates serious obstacles in a person’s path, which can only be overcome by strength of character and firmness of intentions. If a person managed to defeat the snake in a fair fight, then good luck and success will follow him in life.

    Seeing a large number of yellow snakes in a dream indicates the dreamer’s fear of getting sick or getting into an awkward situation, turn out to be a laughing stock. If in a dream there are small snakes, but there are a lot of them, then in reality people will condemn the dreamer for some action.

    Yellow snake bite in a dream prophesies to a person an early disease of internal organs, exacerbation of chronic diseases. Seeing children playing with yellow snakes speaks of the dreamer's indecisiveness and inability to choose friends and romantic partners.

    Seeing yellow snakes scurrying between the dreamer’s legs and crawling onto his body indicates a person’s fear of showing his feelings and remain rejected.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    The appearance of a yellow snake in a dream indicates active actions of enemies, who until this moment hesitated and did not take any steps. Seeing a yellow snake on your chest means betrayal of a close friend or girlfriend.

    Yellow snake attack portends an imminent battle with the enemy, entering into conflict with a competitor. If the snake in a dream turns out to be poisonous, then the dreamer will lose to his enemy. If the snake turns out to be non-venomous, then in reality we should expect a truce and negotiations.

    A snake bite means that the dreamer reacts painfully to the success of others and experiences envy. See a snake's nest - this means that in real life the dreamer risks becoming the object of unpleasant gossip.

    If in a dream a large thick yellow snake was hanging from a tree branch, then in reality the dreamer will get very sick.

    Aesop's Dream Book

    A yellow snake in a dream represents an evil, hypocritical person who pretends to be a friend of the sleeping person, while he himself waits for the right moment to strike. Seeing a yellow snake shedding its skin predicts meeting a wise or extraordinary person who will influence the dreamer’s life.

    Attack of a yellow snake in a dream means that in reality the dreamer will have to stand up for someone. If a snake bites, it means that in reality the sleeper will have to fight the anger and envy of the people around him and brush aside rumors.

    Seeing little snakes promises betrayal of the person whom the dreamer trusts most.

    Modern dream book

    Seeing a yellow snake in a dream means that the sleeper is thinking about the situation and is not trying to take any active action. Fighting a snake in a dream speaks of the dreamer’s vain attempts to control the situation and his life.

    If in a dream children played with yellow snakes, then in reality, a person will not be able to distinguish an enemy from a friend. Hearing the hiss of a snake in a dream foreshadows a situation in which the dreamer will have to abandon his principles under the pressure of circumstances. In some cases, such a dream indicates that a person listens to the speeches of flatterers and believes them.

    Freud's Dream Book

    Bite or kiss of a yellow one in a dream indicates the likelihood of oral sex or the dreamer’s desire for self-gratification. For an innocent girl to have a dream in which she dances with yellow snakes, foretells the loss of her virginity to a stranger.

    Run away from the yellow snake means problems in the dreamer’s intimate life, which he does not want to talk about. Killing a snake in a dream means experiencing a forbidden attraction.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    Yellow snake in a dream - this is a symbol of the Fall, excessive voluptuousness of man. Seeing a python wrapped around a tree trunk in a dream predicts debauchery and promiscuity. For married people, this indicates betrayal by their significant other.

    See a yellow snake devouring its prey, means gluttony and self-indulgence.

    Women's dream book

    Get bitten by a yellow snake - to disappointment and lack of mutual understanding with your partner. The dream also predicts betrayal of a spouse or lover.

    See a yellow snake basking in the sun, predicts imminent illness. Killing a snake means an upcoming interesting journey or recovery.

    Snake swimming in water indicates obstacles on the way to the goal.

    Dream Interpretation of Felomena

    Yellow snake in a dream - it is a symbol of infidelity and deceit, the hypocrisy of people around. Seeing a yellow snake in the house means that the dreamer will show wisdom and sedateness in the matter of profit.

    Big yellow snake in a dream portends successful completion of affairs, making a profit and in financial matters.

    Muslim dream book

    Yellow snake in a dream warns of the negative impact of the dreamer’s rich and influential enemy. Seeing a snake in the house means that the sleeper will be betrayed by his own family.

    If in a dream a yellow snake died in the dreamer’s bed, then in reality, she is waiting for one of the sleeping female relatives. Holding a snake in your hands foreshadows the conclusion of peace with your sworn enemy, revenge for past grievances.

    Dead snake promises liberation from enemies through strength of character and God's support.

    Loff's Dream Book

    Yellow snake - this is a symbol of a wise person, whose advice the dreamer needs to listen to. If a snake shed its skin or changed its color in a dream, this predicts big changes in life, changes in the usual way of life.

    Seeing a yellow snake in the hands of another person means receiving support from an unexpected quarter. To kill a snake with your own hands means to acquire an enemy in the person of an offended woman.

What size were they?

A large yellow snake is a harbinger of negative changes, an impending disaster. The dreamer’s life is not going through the easiest period, associated with an unstable financial situation or grief in the family.

I dreamed about a small snake - this indicates troubles at work, conflicts with colleagues. It is possible that one of the sleeper’s colleagues or business partners will set him up. Stepping on a small snake foreshadows the appearance in the life of a sleeping person who will bring confusion and vanity to a measured way of life.

Lonely snake in a dream prophesies quick changes in life, which will bring not only joy, but also profit. If a couple of snakes appeared in a dream, then in real life the dreamer is overwhelmed by greed and avarice, in pursuit of profit he does not notice anything around him.

Seeing three snakes in a dream foreshadows the appearance of a teacher, a mentor in life, who will guide the dreamer on the right path. The dream also indicates the revival of something from the past, already forgotten, but still important.

A large number of snakes means that a person needs wise advice - his conscience is unclean, and he tries to extricate himself from his tangle of depravity and wickedness, but cannot. Seeing several snakes woven into a knot predicts a quarrel with a loved one.

Assault on a person

If in a dream a snake attacks a person, then soon the dreamer will go on a journey that will test his strength. If a snake literally chases a person, this indicates the harm of the close environment, the negative consequences of a casual acquaintance.

If a snake manages to bite a sleeping person, this portends gossip and rumors around the dreamer, which can significantly tarnish his reputation. For a young woman, such a dream predicts an unplanned pregnancy, and she will doubt who exactly is the father of the child.

If a snake bites another person, then something like this promises minor family troubles and small debts of the dreamer. The dream also indicates that a loved one needs moral support.

Such a dream may indicate danger from an intestinal infection, poisoning, or unusual, exotic things. Usually in nature, the yellow snake is considered one of the most poisonous, but its advantage is its bright color and the fact that you can almost always see the danger. In a dream, she can predict danger or some exotic adventure for you. In some cases, a small yellow snake predicts a big misfortune that will be strange and unexpected. This is what a yellow snake dreams about most often.

Posturing and superiority

Usually in such a situation the dream book interprets the appearance of a large reptile, such as a python. Such snakes may have a frightening appearance, but the danger does not always correspond to the importance of the species: it is known that pythons are not poisonous. They are often used in theatrical productions and various stunts, so such a yellow or even red snake in a dream can symbolize posing, the desire to amaze or surprise with something unusual. Sometimes the dream book writes that it shows a person’s desire for posing and superiority over others, the desire to be the center of attention.

Seeing a yellow snake like a python wrapping itself around someone’s neck means such a person’s desire for praise and vanity. But if you definitely know the personality as a modest, pleasant man or woman, then a small snake on the neck may mean his infatuation with a bright, self-sufficient and capricious woman. Often powerful and insidious, pleasant to look at, but quite cruel and unpredictable, from which he will suffer a lot.

For a woman to see a snake on her neck instead of a necklace, especially if it is yellow or red, denotes a dangerous acquaintance or intrigue into which she will fall out of love for pleasure. The dream book writes that such a dream can show the duplicity and insincerity of her boyfriend, his deceit and danger. A small and short snake on the neck shows the desire for luxury and risk, eccentricity of character and unusual preferences. The big one usually shows passion and strong passion for love relationships, which can be destructive or dangerous if it suddenly turns red or black.

Seeing a girl or woman decorating herself with snakes means her deceit, tempting danger and vindictiveness, a character that is tough to the point of cruelty. The dream book writes that such a dream shows her unpredictable and changeable temperament, but for a man in love this lady can be dangerous. Therefore, he should avoid such an exotic thing, especially in love and serious relationships, even if it is very attractive.

Form of manifestation of aggressiveness

A small yellow snake indoors, among people, or in someone's arms or hair means envy and any form of evil and ill will. The dream book writes that seeing snakes among dancers, in a restaurant or at a banquet means that someone’s envy, anger, and bad energy can affect you or another person. Seeing snakes on someone means, as the dream book writes, trouble for you or the source from which they appear. For example, the dream book writes that a man or woman can pose a danger to a person, anger or envy. For a girl to see a woman with snakes - to troubles due to someone's envy, hostility or slander. Noticing a man or guy means danger and temptation. Even a small yellow snake shows negative energy, especially if it has bitten or hurt you.

On or under the dining table, snakes may show poisoning from a stale product or some dish that has become infected. Seeing it on a platter among other plates and dishes is a sign of a dangerous illness.

The dream book writes that such a dream means trouble for you and the danger of poisoning or illness. So you should be careful when trying different dishes, especially unusual and exotic ones.

To see a girl with a snake instead of a bracelet, expect trouble or danger from her that threatens her. There may be aggressiveness of parents or their dangerous influence, interfering with personal life and love. However, if a girl is bitten by a snake on her neck or arm, this is evil directed in her direction, revenge, illness and troubles of various kinds.


Very often, mustard-colored and yellow-colored snakes predict illness for you. This color indicates problems in the solar plexus, stomach, intestines and gall bladder. Sometimes the dream book writes that a snake of this color indicates cancer or blood poisoning with harmful substances and toxins, or even hepatitis. It is for this reason that after dreaming about a yellow snake, you should pay attention to your health and consult a doctor. Since the snake may show an indirect onset of the disease or precede it. It is especially bad to swim with it in muddy water or see it bite you or someone else.

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A yellow snake means trouble. When in a dream you walk among yellow snakes, there are people next to you who do not like you. Killing a snake is a solution to problems; your opinion will soon be taken into account. Bitten by a snake - to problems at work.

dreamed of a yellow snake

A yellow snake means betrayal. If the snake is poisonous, you will lose as a result of betrayal; if it is not poisonous, you will win. A snake hanging from a tree means illness.

If the yellow snake does not move, you should expect deception or betrayal from loved ones. If she is in motion - a warning about the disease.

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The snake you see speaks of a rich enemy who is plotting against you. If she is in the house or leaves the house, she is an enemy among loved ones. If she died in your bed - a warning about the imminent death of your wife. If it hisses, the enemy will retreat from you for a while. Holding a snake in your arms means that future enemy machinations will not harm you. A dead snake means that God will help get rid of enemies.

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In his interpretation, the snake is a phallic symbol. A bite from a yellow snake or a kiss with it indicates that you lack oral sex in your life, or you are afraid of oral sex.

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