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» Brief biography about water. Amazing facts about water. All the most interesting things about water

Brief biography about water. Amazing facts about water. All the most interesting things about water

Hello, dear blog readers! Every year on March 22, according to the decision of the UN General Assembly, World Water Day is celebrated. The purpose of this holiday is to remind all humanity of the importance of water for the environment and human life. Perhaps, having learned a little more about our well-known water, we will think about the need to protect it. Amazing and little-known facts about water are the topic of our conversation today.

Our planet Earth is 70% covered with water, 3% of the total mass is fresh water, the rest is sea water and glaciers. Only 1% is used for drinking purposes.

We have become so accustomed to water throughout our lives that we don’t even notice how necessary it is for our lives. And how many secrets and mysteries it hides! Scientists are still studying it, finding more and more interesting facts. We’ll talk about some of them today.

Water plays a huge role in human life. The human body is 70-80% fluid, most of which is in the intercellular fluid. From the intercellular space, all nutrients, vitamins and minerals are absorbed into the cell, maintaining its functioning.

And, conversely, all waste substances from the cell return back to the intercellular space. If for some reason timely disposal of waste substances does not occur, then the cell begins to consume its own waste. And a pathological process starts, which leads to the development of various diseases.

This process can be normalized if you drink enough clean water. Every day our body excretes up to 2.5 liters of fluid through sweat, urine and feces. In order for all physiological processes to proceed normally in the human body, it is necessary to consume the same amount of clean water.

Water also participates in the process of thermoregulation and respiration.

Did you know?

From school we remember that pure water has no color, smell or taste; it freezes at zero degrees and boils at 100 degrees Celsius. We also know that it has 3 states of aggregation: liquid, solid, when it freezes and turns into ice, and gaseous - in the form of steam.

Someone may know that when water and alcohol are mixed, the mixture heats up. However, there are still many interesting facts that hardly anyone knows about. Here are some of them.

At a temperature of minus 120º, water acquires unusual properties: while remaining solid, it simultaneously becomes very viscous and acquires viscous properties. And if you cool the water to minus 135º, it will change the crystalline structure to glass-like.

It has already been proven by a student from Tanzania that hot water freezes faster than cold water! This phenomenon was discovered by E.B. Mpemba back in 1963. He put 2 glasses of water in the freezer, one of them was with hot water, the other was with cold water. And I was surprised to notice that the hot water froze faster than the cold water. He informed his physics teacher about his discovery, to which he replied that this was simply impossible. But they repeated experiments with water freezing more than once, but they never found an explanation for this.

Living and dead water

We remember fairy tales about living and dead water, where dead water helps wounds heal, and living water brings us back to life. These properties of water have been studied for a long time and it has already been proven that with the help of the information received, water acquires special properties. Depending on the environment, water absorbs both positive and negative information, changing the structure of its molecules.

It is believed that “living” water is melt water, and “dead” water is the water that is taken for Ivan Kupala. “Dead” water, despite its gloomy name, helps relieve inflammation and heals terrible diseases. It is not for nothing that before, and even now, people bathe in the Epiphany ice hole for healing.

An interesting experiment was conducted. We took 2 containers of water. Next to one container they turned on music - hard rock, and next to the other - classical music. As a result, it turned out that the structure of the crystals that “listened to” hard rock had an ugly and uneven structure, and that of the one that “listened to” classical music, the water crystals had smooth and beautiful outlines.

Something similar happens if witches or healers cast “bad” or “good” spells on water. By drinking such water, we get sick or, conversely, are healed. It seems that all this is nonsense, but some of my life experience suggests that this is really so.

To remove negative information from water, it is recommended to freeze the water and then thaw it, since when it freezes and then thaws, the water erases all negative information and becomes clean and promotes health by increasing immunity.

Another example of water charged with negativity if someone nearby was swearing. After watering the seeds with such water, the seeds sprouted only half. And if you water the seeds with “holy” water, the germination rate reached 90%. With the help of “holy” water, bad energy in the room is cleansed, therefore, especially on the holidays of Epiphany and Easter, it is recommended to sprinkle the home with such water.

  • In Algeria there are lakes made of ink, with such water you can easily write on paper. And in Azerbaijan there is a lake with methane, and when a match is lit, the water lights up with a blue flame. And in Sicily there is a lake that is fed by concentrated acid from 2 sources, such a lake is dead, there is no living thing in it.
  • There is a lake in Antarctica, the concentration of salts in which is 11 times greater than in sea water. Such water can freeze at a temperature of -50º.
  • According to UNESCO, the cleanest water in the 122 countries where water is studied is considered to be the water in Finland. And 1 billion people on the planet do not have access to safe water at all.

  • A person can live no more than 6 weeks without water. A person feels thirsty if the water loss is 2%. With a water loss of 10%, a person begins to hallucinate. A loss of 12% of water can still bring a person back to life if doctors help him, but a loss of 20% already becomes fatal for a person.
  • Everyone knows the formula of water - H2O. Such pure water exists only on paper. In fact, water is a universal solvent that can dissolve a wide variety of substances and minerals. Depending on the origin and the dissolved substances present in it, about 1330 types of water are known. This can be spring, melt, rain, soil water, etc.
  • The human body is 70% water, the animal body is about half. And jellyfish are 99% water.
  • Water is considered one of the best conductors of electricity. But pure (distilled) water itself is not a conductor; molecules of impurities and ions of various mineral substances dissolved in water conduct electricity. This must be taken into account if you are swimming during a thunderstorm, when there is a possibility of lightning striking the pond, and this is already life-threatening.
  • Water is not only a source of vitality. Water can serve as a carrier of various microorganisms that can lead to very serious diseases, such as cholera, typhoid fever, viral hepatitis A, rotavirus infection, etc. Up to 25 million people die from such diseases every year.

  • There is even a rhyme in one children's book: “Close the tap tightly so that the ocean does not flow out.” If you don’t close the tap tightly, 840 liters of water can “drip” in a day.
  • Drinking excess water can increase blood pressure, but at the same time, it is the best way to get rid of edema. And drinking 2 liters of clean water a day will help get rid of depression and fatigue. With the help of water, you can lose extra pounds if you give up sweet soda, tea or juices, and drink plain water.
  • The largest amount of water, of course, is contained in the World Ocean. However, the Earth's mantle contains 10-12 times more than the ocean.
  • Most of the fresh water reserves are inaccessible to us, as it is contained in glaciers.
  • In 1 cubic m of sea water contains 1.5 g of protein and other substances that are very nutritious. It has been calculated that a similar harvest from the Atlantic Ocean alone, in terms of its nutritional value, can produce 20 thousand harvests throughout the entire landmass in a year.


Scientists around the world are sounding the alarm, their forecasts are disappointing: by 2025, the population of our planet, which is 3 billion people, will experience an acute shortage of drinking water. And without water, life on the planet could simply disappear. Therefore, humanity should now think about caring for water resources and look for solutions to preserve them. Let our distant descendants enjoy life on our planet.

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With wishes for good health Taisiya Filippova

On March 22, Water Day is celebrated around the world. This holiday was established by decision of the United Nations General Assembly to remind humanity of the importance of water resources for the environment and social development.

Currently, 70% of the territory of our planet is covered with water. However, you can only drink 1% of this water. Every year the problems of access to water resources become more acute. Over the past 50 years, there have been as many as 507 conflicts around the world related to access to water. 21 disputes led to military action.

Water is the simplest and most common substance on the planet. But at the same time, water is fraught with many mysteries. Scientists still continue to explore it, finding more and more interesting data about water.

Fact one: the cleanest water in Finland

According to UNESCO, the cleanest water is in Finland. A total of 122 countries took part in the study of fresh natural water. At the same time, 1 billion people around the world do not have access to safe water at all.

Fact two: it’s faster to get ice from hot water

Which water will turn into ice faster: hot or cold? If we think logically, then, of course, it’s cold. After all, a hot one must first cool down and then freeze, but a cold one does not need to cool down. However, experiments show that it is hot water that turns into ice faster.

There is still no exact answer to the question why hot water freezes faster than cold water. Perhaps the reason is the difference in supercooling, evaporation, ice formation, convection, or the reason is the effect of liquefied gases on hot and cold water.

Fact three: supercooling water

Everyone remembers well from the school physics course that water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees. However, there is a so-called supercooling of water. Very pure water has this property - without impurities. Even when cooled below freezing, such water remains liquid. But in both cases, there are temperatures at which the water will become ice or boil.

Fact four: water has more than 3 states

Since school, everyone knows that water has 3 states of aggregation: liquid, solid and gaseous. However, scientists distinguish 5 different states of water in liquid form and 14 states in frozen form.

Fact five: water is like glass

What happens if you take frozen clean water and continue cooling? Miraculous transformations will occur with water. At minus 120 degrees Celsius, water becomes super viscous or viscous, and at temperatures below minus 135 degrees it turns into “glassy” water. "Glass" water is a solid that lacks the crystalline structure of glass.

Fact six: the basis of life is water

Water is the basis of life. All living animals and plant beings consist of water: animals - 75%, fish - 75%, jellyfish - 99%, potatoes - 76%, apples - 85%, tomatoes - 90%, cucumbers - 95 %, watermelons - by 96%. Even humans are made of water. 86% of water is contained in the body of a newborn and up to 50% in older people.

Fact seven: water is a carrier of diseases

Water not only gives life, but can also take it away. 85% of all diseases in the world are transmitted by water. Every year, 25 million people die from these diseases.

Fact eight: a person dies without water

If a person loses 2% of his body weight in water, he becomes very thirsty. If the percentage of lost water increases to 10, then the person will begin to hallucinate. With a loss of 12%, a person will not be able to recover without the help of a doctor. With a loss of 20%, the person dies.

Fact nine: most fresh water is in glaciers

Where is the most water? The answer seems obvious: in the World Ocean. However, in fact, the Earth's mantle contains 10-12 times more water than the World Ocean. At the same time, almost all the water available on the planet is not suitable for drinking. We can only drink 3% of the water - that's how much fresh water we have. But even most of this 3% is inaccessible, as it is contained in glaciers.

Fact ten: water as a diet

With the help of water you can fight excess weight. By drinking only water from drinks, you can sharply reduce the overall caloric content of your diet. Firstly, because a person stops drinking high-calorie sweet sodas and juices, and secondly, because after drinking water there is less desire to take sweets, as is the case with tea or coffee.

Fact eleven: water for a healthy heart

Water helps reduce the likelihood of a heart attack. During the study, scientists found that those people who drink about six glasses of water a day are less at risk of heart stroke, unlike those who drink only two glasses.

Fact twelve: 35 tons of water in a lifetime

A person cannot live very long without water. The need for water comes second after oxygen. A person can live about six weeks without food, and five to seven days without water. Over the course of his entire life, a person drinks approximately 35 tons of water.

Fact thirteen: the most expensive water

Water can be free, or it can be very expensive. The most expensive water in the world is sold in Los Angeles. Manufacturers package the precious liquid with a balanced taste and ph value in bottles with Swarovski rhinestones. This water costs $90 per liter.

Fact fourteen: there is water that burns

There is also dangerous water. For example, in Azerbaijan there is water that contains a lot of methane, so it can catch fire if you bring a match to it. And in Sicily, in one of the lakes there are underwater sources of acid that poison all the water in this reservoir.

Fact fifteen: protein in water

Sea water is a highly nutritious substance. In 1 cubic cm of such water contains 1.5 g of protein and other substances. Scientists believe that the nutritional value of the Atlantic Ocean alone is estimated at 20 thousand crops, which are harvested throughout the year throughout the land.

On March 22, Water Day is celebrated around the world. This holiday was established by decision of the United Nations General Assembly to remind humanity of the importance of water resources for the environment and social development.

Currently, 70% of the territory of our planet is covered with water. However, you can only drink 1% of this water. Every year the problems of access to water resources become more acute. Over the past 50 years, there have been as many as 507 conflicts around the world related to access to water. 21 disputes led to military action.

Water is the simplest and most common substance on the planet. But at the same time, water is fraught with many mysteries. Scientists still continue to explore it, finding more and more interesting data about water.

Fact one: the cleanest water in Finland

According to UNESCO, the cleanest water is in Finland. A total of 122 countries took part in the study of fresh natural water. At the same time, 1 billion people around the world do not have access to safe water at all.

Fact two: it’s faster to get ice from hot water

Which water will turn into ice faster: hot or cold? If we think logically, then, of course, it’s cold. After all, a hot one must first cool down and then freeze, but a cold one does not need to cool down. However, experiments show that it is hot water that turns into ice faster.

There is still no exact answer to the question why hot water freezes faster than cold water. Perhaps the reason is the difference in supercooling, evaporation, ice formation, convection, or the reason is the effect of liquefied gases on hot and cold water.

Fact three: supercooling water

Everyone remembers well from the school physics course that water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees. However, there is a so-called supercooling of water. Very pure water has this property - without impurities. Even when cooled below freezing, such water remains liquid. But in both cases, there are temperatures at which the water will become ice or boil.

Fact four: water has more than 3 states

Since school, everyone knows that water has 3 states of aggregation: liquid, solid and gaseous. However, scientists distinguish 5 different states of water in liquid form and 14 states in frozen form.

Fact five: water is like glass

What happens if you take frozen clean water and continue cooling? Miraculous transformations will occur with water. At minus 120 degrees Celsius, water becomes super viscous or viscous, and at temperatures below minus 135 degrees it turns into “glassy” water. "Glass" water is a solid that lacks the crystalline structure of glass.

Fact six: the basis of life is water

Water is the basis of life. All living animals and plant beings consist of water: animals - 75%, fish - 75%, jellyfish - 99%, potatoes - 76%, apples - 85%, tomatoes - 90%, cucumbers - 95 %, watermelons - by 96%. Even humans are made of water. 86% of water is contained in the body of a newborn and up to 50% in older people.

Fact seven: water is a carrier of diseases

Water not only gives life, but can also take it away. 85% of all diseases in the world are transmitted by water. Every year, 25 million people die from these diseases.

Fact eight: a person dies without water

If a person loses 2% of his body weight in water, he becomes very thirsty. If the percentage of lost water increases to 10, then the person will begin to hallucinate. With a loss of 12%, a person will not be able to recover without the help of a doctor. With a loss of 20%, the person dies.

Fact nine: most fresh water is in glaciers

Where is the most water? The answer seems obvious: in the World Ocean. However, in fact, the Earth's mantle contains 10-12 times more water than the World Ocean. At the same time, almost all the water available on the planet is not suitable for drinking. We can only drink 3% of the water - that's how much fresh water we have. But even most of this 3% is inaccessible, as it is contained in glaciers.

Fact ten: water as a diet

With the help of water you can fight excess weight. By drinking only water from drinks, you can sharply reduce the overall caloric content of your diet. Firstly, because a person stops drinking high-calorie sweet sodas and juices, and secondly, because after drinking water there is less desire to take sweets, as is the case with tea or coffee.

Fact eleven: water for a healthy heart

Water helps reduce the likelihood of a heart attack. During the study, scientists found that those people who drink about six glasses of water a day are less at risk of heart stroke, unlike those who drink only two glasses.

Fact twelve: 35 tons of water in a lifetime

A person cannot live very long without water. The need for water comes second after oxygen. A person can live about six weeks without food, and five to seven days without water. Over the course of his entire life, a person drinks approximately 35 tons of water.

Fact thirteen: the most expensive water

Water can be free, or it can be very expensive. The most expensive water in the world is sold in Los Angeles. Manufacturers package the precious liquid with a balanced taste and ph value in bottles with Swarovski rhinestones. This water costs $90 per liter.

Fact fourteen: there is water that burns

There is also dangerous water. For example, in Azerbaijan there is water that contains a lot of methane, so it can catch fire if you bring a match to it. And in Sicily, in one of the lakes there are underwater sources of acid that poison all the water in this reservoir.

Fact fifteen: protein in water

Sea water is a highly nutritious substance. In 1 cubic cm of such water contains 1.5 g of protein and other substances. Scientists believe that the nutritional value of the Atlantic Ocean alone is estimated at 20 thousand crops, which are harvested throughout the year throughout the land.

From this article you will learn:

  • What are some interesting facts about the properties of water?
  • What are the interesting facts about water in human life?
  • What are some interesting geographical facts about water?
  • Interesting facts about water pollution everyone should know

Water is vital for every person. The only thing more important than water is air, without which life is impossible in principle. A person can live only 3-4 days without water, but without food they can live for almost 3 months. So water should be conserved, especially considering that there is not much that is suitable for consumption, although it covers almost ¾ of the area of ​​our planet. In this article we will present the most interesting facts about water.

Properties of water: interesting facts

At first glance, water is familiar and understandable to each of us. But at the same time, it has not been fully solved, since it conceals many hidden secrets.

Vladimir Dal gives the following interpretation to the word “water”: an elemental liquid that falls in the form of rain and snow, forming springs, streams, rivers and lakes on the earth, and mixtures with salts - seas. Water has infinite potential, it gives life, shows maternal care, heals and purifies.

Facts about the properties of water:

  1. It is a well-known fact: water is an excellent conductor of electricity. But the interesting thing is that pure (distilled water) is a dielectric, and electricity is conducted by molecules of impurities and ions of various mineral salts.
  2. Another interesting fact: the density of water in the liquid state is greater than in the solid state. Therefore, ice does not sink in water, but always remains on the surface.
  3. It's no secret that a person consists of about 2/3 water. In animals this figure is lower. They consist of approximately 50% water. But the most interesting creatures on the planet in terms of their water content are jellyfish, which consist of about 99% liquid.
  4. It is noteworthy that hot water turns into ice faster. If you fill identical containers with hot and cold water, the hot one will become ice. This discovery was made in 1963 by Tanzanian schoolboy Erasto Mpemba.
  5. Another interesting fact about water: in different states, it reflects light differently. For example, snow reflects about 90% of the light, and water only 5%.
  6. If clean water is cooled to -120 degrees, it will become viscous and even viscous.
  7. Sea water freezes at a temperature of -2 0 C.
  8. It is known that the cleanest fresh water is found in Finland.
  9. If a person loses approximately 10% of his body weight in water, he dies.
  10. Despite the fact that the Earth is covered with water by almost 80%, only 1% can be consumed.

Mystical properties of water

There is an interesting suggestion that water has memory. Water absorbs any impact and remembers everything that happens around it. When it imprints information and acquires new properties, it changes its structure. The chemical composition remains unchanged - H 2 O. The structure of water is how its molecules are organized. According to scientists' hypothesis, it is the water molecules that form stable groups of liquid crystals that represent a kind of memory cells where water records everything it sees, feels, and hears.

Konstantin Korotkov, a Russian professor, believes that water is most strongly influenced by human emotions, both positive and negative. Because of love, the energy of water is strengthened, and due to the influence of aggression it is reduced.

Interesting facts about water related to its mystical properties are confirmed by the Austrian researcher Allois Grubber. He believes that if you approach water with positive, good thoughts, thank and bless it, it will be of better quality. Continuing this idea, Japanese researcher Emoto Masaru cites an interesting fact that by drinking water containing this or that information, a person is able to radically change his state. Therefore, before drinking water, Emoto recommends smiling and thanking it.

An interesting fact about water, related to the fact that it carries specific information, was not only substantiated theoretically by Emoto Masaru, but also confirmed by practical research. He presented magnificent photographs that reflect the structure of water in various versions (depending on what “impressions” it receives). During laboratory research, he studied water samples, exposing it to different influences. The “impressions” of the water were recorded - it was quickly frozen in a cryogenic chamber, after which it was studied under a microscope. The results obtained were simply amazing.

Water in human life: interesting facts

Water covers 80% of the Earth. At the same time, fresh water makes up 3% (mostly glaciers). As noted, the water suitable for consumption is 1%. And this despite the fact that a person needs about 35 tons of drinking water during his life.

Experts distinguish 1,330 types, classifying water according to a number of characteristics: origin, type and volume of dissolved substances, etc.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of water in human life. We are 60-70% water. In children and five-month-old embryos, this figure is even higher - 80% and 94%, respectively. Water is very important for the functioning of the whole body. It supplies nutrients, microelements and vitamins to cells, removes waste products, and participates in the processes of thermoregulation and respiration. The researchers also found that when water content decreases by only 2%, irreversible changes immediately occur in the human body. Physical and mental indicators drop by 20%.

This is why scientists advise people to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day. Of course, this indicator may vary depending on weight, time of year, person’s mobility and other indicators. However, we often do not drink enough water, replacing it with different drinks. In this case, the brain sends a signal that the body mistakenly perceives as hunger. This explains the recommendation of nutritionists to drink enough water during weight loss. It is very important to drink water evenly throughout the day.

The benefits of drinking water are difficult to overestimate. So, with just a couple of glasses of clean water you can cope with fatigue and depression. Relaxing at the sea or near another body of water is also beneficial for the nervous system and human health. Proven fact: thanks to water, the risk of heart attacks is reduced, a person gets rid of edema and copes with low or high blood pressure. Water brings even more benefits to lovers of coffee, tea and alcohol, as these drinks stimulate the kidneys, which leads to dehydration.

  1. There is a unique Lake Cirknicke in Slovenia. In winter and summer it disappears without a trace, and in spring and autumn it fills up.
  2. Another interesting fact is that in Algeria there is an amazing lake with “ink” that you can even write with.
  3. In Antarctica there is a lake with water 11 times saltier than sea water. Its water is so salty that it does not freeze even at - 50 0 C.
  4. Azerbaijan also has a unique reservoir filled with “fuel”. If you bring a match, the water will ignite.
  5. The most dangerous water in Sicily. It collects in a lake, at the bottom of which there are two sources of sulfuric acid.
  6. The cleanest water was found in Finland. Scientists studied for UNESCO the quality and quantity of fresh water in 122 countries around the world. At the same time, 1 billion people have no access to water at all.
  7. The cost of the most expensive liter of water is $90. It is sold in Los Angeles (USA). Manufacturers claim that the water is crystal clear and has an amazing taste. In addition, they decorate bottles with this water with Swarovski crystals. Water is quite popular among Hollywood stars and simply wealthy people who want to demonstrate their status.
  8. According to scientists, fresh water reserves today amount to 3 million km 3, and 1 trillion tons evaporate from the Earth’s surface every day. By the way, the sea level is slowly but surely growing by 1 mm every year.

Glaciers are very important for life on Earth. Thanks to ice, there is a huge amount of fresh water on the planet. In addition, it is glaciers that control the global water level in the world's oceans.

Here are the most interesting facts about ice.

  1. Ice has many different names.

Sea ice alone has several names, not to mention the ice in the Arctic and Antarctic. Small broken ice, inland ice, pancake ice, and nilas are only a small part of what is found in the Arctic and Antarctica.

If you sail near the Northern or Southern Polis, then you better know where the iceberg is, and where the bottom of the fast ice is (ice attached to the shore or bottom), and the difference between a hummock and a hummock, a floating ice floe and a floeberg (floating mountain). If you think this is an exhaustive list of terms, you are wrong. Thus, Alaska residents consume more than 100 different types of ice.

  1. Freezing rain begins to fall when snow passes through warm and cold layers of the atmosphere.

Ice rain is dangerous for humans. In the process of its formation, it goes through several stages. First, the snow enters the warm layer of the atmosphere, then melts and turns into raindrops. Next it passes through a cold air layer. Raindrops do not have time to completely freeze while passing through this layer. But when faced with a cold surface, the drops immediately turn into ice.

As a result, a thick layer of ice forms on the roads. Ice accumulates on electrical wires, which can cause them to break.

In modern laboratories, researchers are trying to predict how and where freezing rain might strike. One of these laboratories is located in New Hampshire.

  1. Dry ice does not contain water.

It is frozen carbon dioxide that can transform from a solid to a gas at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, bypassing the liquid phase. Dry ice allows you to maintain the required sub-zero temperature in some products, since it freezes at - 78.5 0 C.

  1. Ice helped people invent the refrigerator.

While citing interesting facts about water, we cannot ignore this information. Thousands of years ago, people already used ice to keep food fresh. At the beginning of the 19th century, people cut ice cubes from frozen reservoirs, brought them and kept them in special isolated rooms and cellars. In the late 19th century, people began using household ice boxes for food.

Ice made housekeeping more comfortable and easier. In addition, it has become possible to store meat and other products with a short shelf life in large quantities, as well as to fine-tune their production. As a result, other industries began to develop and improve.

At the end of the 19th century, tons of garbage thrown into wastewater led to the contamination of natural ice reserves. This is what prompted the inventors to create a modern electric refrigerator. The first commercially successful refrigerator was released in 1927 in the USA.

  1. The Greenland ice sheet contains 10% of the planet's global glacial ice.

Continuing with interesting facts about water, we note that the Greenland ice sheet is the second largest ice mass in the world, second only to the ice sheet of Antarctica. It contains enough water to raise the level of the world's oceans by at least 6 meters. If all the glaciers and ice cover on Earth melt, the water level will rise by more than 80 meters.

In 2016, the journal Nature Climate Change published a study showing that the Greenland ice sheet is losing 8,000 tons every second.

  1. Icebergs and glaciers are not only white.

White light is made up of many colors, each with a different wavelength. As snow accumulates on the iceberg, the air bubbles compress and more light penetrates the ice than is reflected from the bubbles and small ice crystals. This is the secret: ice absorbs colors that have longer wavelengths, such as yellow and red. However, colors with shorter wavelengths, green and blue, reflect light. This is why the hue of glaciers and icebergs is bluish-greenish.

  1. There have been many ice ages on Earth.

We believe there has only been one ice age on Earth. But that's not true. There have been many such periods on Earth, and very severe ones. According to scientists, our planet was once completely frozen. Researchers call this hypothesis “Snowball Earth.”

According to a number of assumptions, some ice ages are the result of the evolution of new forms of life: plants, unicellular and multicellular organisms. It was thanks to them that the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere changed so much that the greenhouse effect changed.

To this day, the Earth goes through cycles of warm and cold periods. Researchers now predict that over the next 100 years, the rate of warming will be at least 20 times the rate of previous warming periods.

  1. More than 2/3 of the fresh water on Earth is stored in glaciers.

Due to melting glaciers, not only will the level of the world's oceans rise, but also the supply of fresh water will significantly decrease and its quality will decrease. In addition, melting glaciers will lead to a problem with energy supply, since many hydroelectric power stations will not be able to operate efficiently - due to melting, the course of many rivers will change. In a number of regions, for example, in South America and the Himalayas, such difficulties have already arisen.

  1. Ice is not only on Earth.

Water consists of oxygen and hydrogen, and there are many of these elements in our solar system. Taking into account the distance from the Sun, the volume of water on the planets is different. Thus, on Jupiter and Saturn, located far from the Sun, as well as on their satellites, there is much more water than on Mars, Earth and Mercury, where the temperature is very high, making it more difficult for hydrogen and oxygen to form water molecules.

Planets far from the Sun have several frozen satellites. One of them is Europa, the sixth satellite of Jupiter. There are several kilometer-thick layers of ice on it. Cracks and undulations were found on the surface of Europa. Most likely, they were formed by waves of the underwater ocean.

Due to the large reserves of water on the Europa satellite, scientists do not rule out the presence of life on it.

  1. There is an ice volcano (cryovolcano).

When considering interesting facts about water, one cannot ignore the existence of a cryovolcano. Enceladus, one of Saturn's moons, has a peculiarity. At its north pole there are cryovolcanoes - unique geysers that spew ice rather than lava. This happens when ice deep below the surface heats up and turns to steam, then erupts into the moon's cold atmosphere as ice particles.

  1. Ice on Mars could provide clues about life on the Red Planet.

Satellite data confirms that there is ice (both dry and frozen water) on Mars. It is located in the polar caps of the Red Planet and in permafrost areas. Ice reserves on Mars may help reveal a secret that has been discussed for a very long time: is there life on Mars?

In future missions to Mars, scientists will try to find out whether life can be sustained by water reserves that likely come from underground glaciers.

  1. A very interesting fact: about 1/3 of male fish in English rivers are at the stage of sex change. This is due to the fact that the water becomes very polluted. Hormones, including those found in female contraceptives, end up in the sewer system. They promote sex change in fish.
  2. About a thousand children in India die every day from diarrhea and other diseases caused by drinking dirty water.
  3. US residents purchase over 29 million plastic bottles of water every year. Their production requires 17 million barrels of crude oil, which would be enough to fuel a million passenger cars for a year. Only 13% of these bottles are recycled. It takes centuries for them to decompose.
  4. After the tsunami in Japan in 2011, a floating island was formed that reached a length of 70 miles. This island contains houses, plastic, cars and radioactive waste. Gradually this mass floats into the Pacific Ocean. According to experts, in two years the island will be next to Hawaii, and in another year - to the west coast of the United States.
  5. Following the 2011 tsunami and subsequent global nuclear crisis, the Japanese government allowed 11 million liters of radioactive water to be released into the Pacific Ocean. A few days later, radiation-contaminated fish began to be caught 80 kilometers from the coast.
  6. Another interesting but sad fact: 7 billion kilograms of garbage, mainly plastic, are thrown into the world's oceans every year.
  7. Approximately a million seabirds die every year from plastic waste. Over 100 thousand marine mammals and countless fish are dying from thoughtless environmental pollution.
  8. Environmental pollution in China affects the climate of the United States. It only takes 5 days for polluted air to reach the United States from China.
  9. The Ganges River in India is considered to be one of the dirtiest in the world. Sewage, garbage, food, and animal remains get into it.
  10. Between 1956 and 1968, a Japanese factory released mercury directly into the sea, contaminating fish. Subsequently, people (more than 2 thousand) who ate this fish also became infected with mercury. The outcome for many was fatal.
  11. Continuing to present interesting facts about water, we note that the ancient Greek Acropolis was destroyed in just 40 years by acid rain, and not by the precipitation that had been falling for the entire previous 2.5 thousand years.
  12. The results of a study of 60 South Carolina beaches showed that the water is most polluted during the peak of high and low tides, which occur during the full and new moons.
  13. The Mississippi River brings about 1.5 million cubic meters of nitrates into the Gulf of Mexico annually. Every summer, a “dead zone” the size of New Jersey appears in the bay.
  14. Around the world, about 15 million children die every year due to diseases caused by drinking contaminated drinking water.

Popular myths about water

Myth one: tap water is safe to drink

According to many, it is okay to drink tap water. This is true if you live, for example, in Germany. But in Russian cities you can’t drink water.

Tap water obtained from a river or spring goes through several stages of filtration and is then chlorinated. It seems like a good idea: filters purify water from debris, bacteria die due to exposure to chlorine. But few people change filters on time, and chlorine poses a danger to both bacteria and people. In this regard, tap water must be filtered.

Myth two: distilled water is very healthy

In simple terms, after heating water to a vapor state and subsequent cooling and re-conversion into water, an ideally pure liquid is obtained - distilled. It contains so few minerals that you can safely use it for any equipment, be it irons, car batteries, humidifiers.

People often believe that in urban environments it is worth drinking this kind of water, since it is completely purified from everything harmful. Since distilled water contains almost no mineral salts and trace elements, it is an excellent solvent, but it is precisely because of this that it is unsuitable for consumption.

The human body needs minerals and trace elements to function normally. The need for them is satisfied by water, and therefore it is not recommended to drink distilled liquid.

Myth three: melt water cures all diseases

Many adherents of alternative medicine are sure that fresh melt water heals everything: it improves immunity, cures chronic diseases, accelerates recovery processes - in a word, it has only a beneficial effect.

However, melt water is not a medicine. It can be beneficial due to the fact that its structure is similar to the structure of the intercellular fluid. Cells discharge waste materials and dead cells into the intercellular fluid. Melt water is a way to cleanse the intercellular fluid of toxins, renewing it. But under one important condition. Water subjected to freezing must be clean and of high quality. It is best if it is filtered. Such a liquid can be frozen only in strict accordance with the technology, separate clean ice from contaminated ice and use only fresh melt water within 24 hours after thawing, while it “remembers” its changed structure.

Myth four: silver purifies water

Some people believe that if you place a silver object in a container of water, it will become safe to drink because all bacteria will immediately disappear. Is this statement true? Silver purifies water from harmful impurities, but in order for the water to become perfectly clean, its high concentration is required. Of course, silver can be used as a bacteriostatic agent for long-term storage of drinking water, but with one condition. Water must be initially microbiologically of high quality and stored in the dark. No new bacteria should enter it.

Where to buy a quality water cooler

The Ecocenter company supplies coolers, pumps and related equipment to Russia for dispensing water from bottles of various sizes. All equipment is supplied under the “ECOCENTER” brand.

We provide the best price-quality ratio of equipment, and also offer our partners excellent service and flexible terms of cooperation.

You can see the attractiveness of collaboration by comparing our prices with similar equipment from other suppliers.

All our equipment meets the standards established in Russia and has quality certificates. We deliver dispensers to our customers, as well as all the necessary spare parts and components in the shortest possible time.

1. According to a common theory, liquid water appeared on our planet about 4 billion years ago.

2. Most of the earth's water (96.5%) is salty and unsuitable for agriculture and drinking. The share of fresh water on our planet is about 2.5%, with 98.8% of this water found in glaciers and groundwater.

3. Liquid water, essential for all known life forms, does not exist on the surface of any known planet except .

5. Unlike boiling, filtering water does not eliminate potential pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. In turn, ultraviolet water purification, which is considered an effective remedy, is not effective against cryptosporidium, which in many cases turns out to be fatal for people suffering from immunodeficiency.

6. According to the UN, Russia ranks seventh in the world in terms of overall water quality and purity, behind Finland, Canada, New Zealand, Great Britain, Japan and Norway.

7. The popular Bonaqua water is produced by the Russian branch of the Coca-Cola Corporation. It is produced, as the fine print states, “from a centralized water supply source,” that is, from tap water in the city of Nizhny Novgorod.

8. The least amount of fresh water on our planet is found in living organisms (0.003%), a little more in rivers, lakes and the atmosphere (about 0.3%).

The water cycle

10. Based on lean body weight, the share of water in infants is 80.6%, in adults - on average 75.9%, and in old people - about 70%.

11. Water from medicinal mineral springs first went on sale in Germany in 1787. However, global trade in mineral water began only after the European cholera epidemics. The first batches of mineral water bottles were filled at the then famous water resort of Carlsbad, now known as Karlovy Vary.

17. According to the UN, about two billion people on our planet live in conditions of regular shortage of fresh water.

18. The recommendation to drink at least eight glasses of water a day, known today as a “body cleanse,” began in 1990, initially only for Americans as official advice from the US Department of Agriculture and the US Department of Health. The document was called Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

19. If all the water of the World Ocean were evenly distributed over the surface of the Earth, the result would be a layer more than 2.7 kilometers thick.

20. In about 1 billion years, all water on the Earth's surface will disappear, as solar luminosity will become 10% higher than the current value and the average temperature will reach 47 ° C. Under such conditions, the atmosphere of our planet will lead to uncontrolled evaporation of the oceans.