Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Short-term educational program on testoplasty “Droplets of creativity. Modified short-term educational program for additional education for children Short-term programs in additional education

Short-term educational program on testoplasty “Droplets of creativity. Modified short-term educational program for additional education for children Short-term programs in additional education

The short-term program of the artistic circle “Miracles from Paper” is designed for 21 days and provides for the organization of employment for students aged 11-16 years.

The goal of the program is to create conditions for the creative and moral development of children, orient children in substantive and practical activities through their mastery of the technique of weaving from newspapers as an artistic method of designing from paper.

Program objectives:




Regional state budgetary institution

Additional education "Center "Scarlet Sails"

Short-term circle program

artistic orientation

"Miracles Made of Paper"

Age of students: 11-16 years

Implementation period: (8 hours)

Smalkova Marina Aleksandrovna, teacher



Full program name

Short-term program of the “Miracles from Paper” circle.

Purpose of the program

Creating conditions for the disclosure and development of a child’s potential creative abilities and capabilities through the means of decorative and applied arts through the practical development of the technique of weaving from newspaper tubes.

Area of ​​activity


Type of educational program


Place of sale

Scarlet Sails Center

Implementation deadlines

21 day.

Number of students


Student age

11 - 16 years old

Section number

Section title

Page no.

Title page

Information card

Explanatory note


Expected results and ways to determine them

Forms of control.

Diagnostics and monitoring of program effectiveness

Material and technical support of the educational process



The “Wonderful Workshop” program is an additional educational program of an artistic orientation, with a functional purpose - applied, according to the form of organization- group, in terms of implementation time - short-term.

The methodological basis for drawing up a work program is the program for labor training for girls in grades 5-9, Bustard, Moscow 2007, author V.A. Sokolova, Technology. Russian traditions in the manufacture of various products, grades 6-8 I.G. Norenko, Uchitel publishing house, studying master classes on the Internet.

Relevance of the program due to the following factors:

- The goal of modern education iswhich consists in the upbringing and development of the child’s personality. An important direction in personality development is moral and aesthetic education. It includes the formation of aesthetic value guidelines, aesthetic evaluation and mastery of the basics of creative activity.

- A feature of the modern situation, when the issue of children’s employment is very acute (they must be under the constant supervision of teachers). It is necessary to help the child take advantage of his free time and give him the opportunity to discover himself most fully. Create conditions for the dynamics of creative growth

The “Wonderful Workshop” program provides for the development of children’s visual, artistic and design abilities, non-standard thinking, and creative individuality. This equips children with the ability not only to feel harmony, but also to create it in any life situation, in any activity, in relationships with people, with the world around them.

Weaving from newspaper tubes is an original pastime, an entertaining and exciting type of needlework that has become very popular recently. Here the child is given the opportunity to really, independently discover the magical world of a sheet of paper, to comprehend its properties and structure. The system for working with paper is built on the principle of from simple to complex. Mastering a number of technologies requires patience and accuracy, and crafts require careful execution, because craftsmanship is always hard work and imagination.

Leading Idea this program - creating a comfortable environment for communication, living, developing the abilities, creative potential of each child and his self-realization.

Principles, underlying programs:

Accessibility (simplicity, compliance with age and individual characteristics);

Visibility (illustrativeness, availability of didactic materials);

Democracy and humanism (interaction between teacher and student in society, realization of one’s own creative needs);

Scientific (validity, presence of a methodological basis and theoretical basis);

- “from simple to complex” (having learned basic work skills, the child applies his knowledge in performing complex creative work).


Purpose of the program – creating conditions for the creative and moral development of children, orienting children in substantive and practical activities, through their mastering of the technique of weaving from newspapers as an artistic way of designing from paper.

Program objectives:


To teach specific labor skills when working with paper using the technique of weaving from newspaper tubes;

Deepen and expand knowledge about types of paper, its properties, methods of weaving figures and products;

To develop an interest in various types of fine and decorative creativity.


To instill interest in world culture, in the origins of creativity of various peoples;

To educate the moral qualities of children;

Develop a sense of self-control and mutual assistance.


Develop imaginative thinking and creative abilities;

Form aesthetic and artistic taste;

Promote the formation of a comprehensively developed personality.

Methods and forms of training.

Training is carried out in two directions:

Mastering theoretical knowledge;

Formation of practical skills.

To increase the interest of students in classes and more successfully solve educational problems, various forms and methods of conducting a circle are used.

Methods based on the way classes are organized :

Verbal (oral presentation, conversation, story, etc.);

Visual (display of multimedia materials, illustrations, display

Sample crafts);

Practical ( execution of work according to instruction cards, diagrams);

Methods based on the level of activity of children:

Explanatory and illustrative – children perceive and assimilate ready-made information;

Reproductive – students reproduce acquired knowledge and mastered methods of activity;

Methods based on the form of organization

student activities in class:

Frontal – simultaneous work with all students;

Group – organizing work in groups.

Timing of the program implementation.

This program is implemented during the rest period of students at the Scarlet Sails Center on the territory of the Krestovoy Gorodishchensky rural settlement and is designed for 21 days.

Lesson mode. This program consists of 8 hours (2 lessons per week). The duration of each lesson is 45 minutes.

Age of students.

The program provides for the organization of employment for students aged 11-16 years. The target audience of the program includes the main category of children: rotating groups formed upon the arrival of children at the Scarlet Sails Center. The composition may include children of different ages, physical development and training.

Form of organization of children's collective:collective, group

Classes in this program consist of theoretical and practical parts, with the practical part taking up more time. The form of classes can be defined as creativechildren's activities.

Educational and thematic plan


Section title, topic

Number of hours

Forms of certification/control





1. Getting to know each other.

2. Safety regulations.3.Presentation “Weaving from paper wicker”


Working with paper.

1. Preparing the paper vine.


2. Types of weaving from newspapers: “Rope”, “Cintz weaving”, spiral weaving.


3. "Pencil"


4. “Herringbone”


5. "Box"



Questionnaire, mini-exhibition


Section 1. Introduction.

Topic 1. Acquaintance. Safety regulations.Presentation “Weaving from paper wicker”

Theory. Meeting children. Familiarization of students with the content of the upcoming work. Organizational matters. Safety instructions when working with tools and materials. Acquaintance with historical information about the origin and development of artistic weaving from wicker, birch bark, and straw. An analogy between weaving from wicker and weaving from newspaper tubes, viewing finished works using the technique of weaving from newspaper tubes.

Section 2. Working with paper.

Topic 1. Preparing the paper vine.

Theory: Preparation of tubes. Dimensions and parameters of the workpiece. Docking of tubes

Practice: mastering the skill of making newspaper tubes.

Topic 2 . Types of weaving from newspapers: “Rope”, “Cintz weaving”, spiral weaving.

Theory: Simple (calico) weaving; rope in 2 tubes, spiral weaving. Joining tubes in simple weaving. The simplest bends. Display of didactic material and samples. Practicing types of weaving.

Practice : mastering the skills of weaving from newspaper tubes: “rope”, “calico” weaving, spiral weaving.

Topic 3 . "Pencil".

Theory : Weaving with a cardboard bottom, the type of weaving of the product is “calico”. Practice: Mastering the skills of weaving from newspaper tubes using “calico weaving”

Topic 5. “Christmas tree”

Theory : Spiral weaving.

Practice: Mastering the skills of weaving newspaper tubes in a spiral.

Topic 64. “Box”

Theory : Round bottom weave. Forming the edge of the product.

The type of weaving of the product is “rope”.

Practice: Mastering the skills of weaving from newspaper tubes with a rope

Section III . Summarizing.

Practice. Organization of a mini-exhibition of students’ works.

Expected results and ways to determine them.

To assess the effectiveness of the implementation of this program, you can focus on the following indicators: satisfaction of students attending the circle; the formation of the activity (correctness of the actions performed; compliance with safety rules), the degree of assistance provided by the teacher to students when performing tasks: the less assistance from the teacher, the higher the independence of students and, therefore, the higher the developmental effect of classes. Monitoring and evaluation of student results involves identifying the individual dynamics of the quality of a child’s assimilation of the program and does not allow comparison with other children.

Expected results:mastering the basic rules of working with paper, technologies for preparing paper “vines”, mastering the main types of weaving, independent production of crafts from newspaper tubes.

Forms of control.

Summing up the results of the work is a necessary moment in the work of the creative team. Since additional education does not have clear criteria for determining the results of students’ practical activities, the most appropriate form of assessment is a joint viewing of completed products, their collective discussion, identifying the best works, and organizing exhibitions. This form of work allows children to critically evaluate not only other people’s work, but also their own. The final test, carried out at the end of the shift, allows the teacher to evaluate the theoretical knowledge of students.

Diagnostics and monitoring of program effectiveness.

Survey and questioning of students and parents in order to identify the level of satisfaction with the organization of employment of children and adolescents during their visit to the Scarlet Sails Center

Pedagogical reflection

Collective reflection of program participants.

Each lesson on the topics of the program, as a rule, includes a theoretical part and practical implementation of the task. Theoretical information is a repetition of the material covered, an explanation of the new, educational information about types of decorative and applied arts, folk crafts, ancient traditions in women's needlework. The theory is accompanied by the display of visual material, presented in the form of a story-information or conversation, accompanied by questions to the children. The use of visual aids in the classroom increases children's interest in the material being studied, promotes the development of attention, imagination, observation, and thinking. All known types of visual aids are used in the lesson: display of illustrations, drawings, magazines and books, photographs, product samples, demonstration of labor operations, various work techniques, which provide sufficient opportunity for children to consolidate them in practical activities.

In the process of working with various tools and devices, the teacher constantly reminds children about the rules for using tools and observing the rules of hygiene, sanitation and safety.

Each child organizes a workplace for himself. Gradually, children get used to the fact that only those materials and devices that are necessary for this work should be in the workplace. Each item has its own place so that it is convenient to work with two hands. Visual aids are arranged so that they do not interfere with work or are damaged. The teacher teaches children to be clean and tidy. If some students do not have the necessary materials or tools, the teacher issues them from additional supplies.

A training session may include the following structural elements:

  1. Briefing: introductory – conducted before the start of practical work; current – ​​carried out during practical work; final;
  2. Practical work (80% of class time);

3. Dynamic pauses in children of middle and high school age;

  1. Summing up, analysis and evaluation of work. Summing up involves reflection, collective analysis of the products as a whole and evaluation of each child’s crafts;
  2. Tidying up the workplace.

The final test, carried out at the end of the shift, allows the teacher to evaluate the theoretical knowledge of students.

Final test:

  1. Knows how to organize a workplace.
  2. Knows how to use equipment and tools.
  3. Able to independently determine the amount of material needed.

4. Knows how to twist tubes.

5. Uses different types of weaving from newspaper tubes.

6. Mastered weaving round bottom, weaving with cardboard bottom.

Methodological support:

  • didactic and handout material;
  • manuals on decorative and applied arts;
  • a set of methodological and theoretical literature;
  • visual aids;
  • video tutorials.

Material and technical support of the educational process.

Study room with student tables;

Classroom equipment (blackboard, tables and chairs for students and teachers, cabinets and racks for storing teaching aids and educational materials);

Equipment and supplies necessary for conducting classes (newspapers, scissors, knitting needles, ruler, PVA glue)

Technical teaching aids (computer, interactive whiteboard or multimedia);


1. Mushroom A. Weaving from straw and other materials. – St. Petersburg, 2006.

2. Kuzmina M. A. ABC of weaving. – M., 2011.

3. Tormanova A.S. Weaving from paper tubes: the most complete and understandable tutorial, Eksmo, 2015.

  1. 4. Tishchenko E. Weaving from paper tubes: the most complete and understandable tutorial, 2016

5. Zaitseva A. Weaving from newspaper tubes. Master classes for beginners.

6. Internet materials:

Comprehensive short-term variable programsummer holidays, health improvement, educationand additional education for children and adolescentsat the children's health center "Salut"

Union of Active, Curious, Young Talents

Matrosova Nina Nikolaevna,
Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation,
methodologist, additional education teacher
Municipal Educational Establishment "Children's Creativity Center"
Abakan, Republic of Khakassia

Devyataikina Olga Vladimirovna,
head department, additional education teacher,
Municipal Educational Institution of Children's Education "Center for Children's Creativity",
Abakan, Republic of Khakassia

Directorate of Social Sphere - a structural division of the Krasnoyarsk Railway - a branch of JSC Russian Railways

Program participants: children and adolescents aged 6 to 15 years. Implementation period: 1st and 2nd shifts of the summer health season 2009

Form of implementation: plot-role-playing games

"Federal Children's Republic" Salyut "(1 shift);

"Institute of Free Time" (2nd shift)

Abakan, 2009

Creator and organizer of a children's group

cannot create and organize,

if he is not part of this team,

with his head and heart!

S.L. Soloveichik

Explanatory note

Every year about a thousand children and teenagers come to the Salyut children's health center. Many of them spend their summer school holidays here year after year, sometimes even refusing a trip to the sea. “Salute” has truly become a good and bright tradition in their lives, it has become a second home. It seems that the essence here is that the camp is not a school (with standard programs and academic subjects, a rigid academic schedule, etc.), but a “multidisciplinary institution for additional education for children”, which has broader and more diverse opportunities, which, of course, appeals more to children.

In addition, children know and expect that they will be met at camp by “their” teachers and counselors, with whom they had such a good time last summer! Therefore, it is so important that the teaching and technical staff at the camp do not change radically. If today you have only one “mom - teacher”, and next summer - a complete stranger, a stranger? How would you feel if you were a child? And it’s no secret that children come to camp precisely to “their” teacher, to “their” counselor.” Therefore, one of the fundamental principles of software design is principle of ensuring personnel stability, which, first of all, will contribute to the formation of a psychologically comfortable climate for each child in the detachment and camp. Then there will be no psychological breakdowns and stress in children, which sometimes end with the child leaving the camp, or even more tragically. Already today, children (for example, Sasha Baikalov, Kostya Bushuev, Julia Malyshenko, Yuri Kuznetsov and many others), meeting us, teachers - members of the Salyut - “Vostok” team, who worked for many years at the Salyut center and gained authority and love of their students, they ask: “Will you return to Salyut?” We felt so bad without you last summer!” So is it worth destroying already established traditions, an established professional creative team, taking into the camp people who only want to find a job while on vacation or due to lack of work, and not give their soul and heart to their children, as we have been doing for so many years? After all, the main result of the past years of the team’s work is real - children not only with a great desire go to Salyut to spend the summer holidays with “their” teachers, but also dream, having matured, to stand next to their teachers - to be squad leaders (as they became Lena Silchenko and Ira, Natasha Ryabtseva), physical education and sports instructors (like Dmitry Voronov, Alexey Orlov), heads of circles (like Nastya Khovratovich, Nadezhda Lopushanskaya).

It is also very important to provide the child with maximum provision of various types of activities (organized in interesting, attractive, modern and accessible forms for children) in the camp, in which he could self-realize, develop his interests, inclinations and creative abilities. This is all the more important because today's children and adolescents strive to experience a sense of success, to feel their personal worth, and to receive approval and support, first of all, from their peers. But this will become possible when your friends see how, for example, how great you are at breakdancing or playing football, how stylishly and beautifully you dress, how skillfully you establish contacts with peers, etc. Every child wants to gain authority among their peers! And the camp and teachers are obliged to help him! Such motivation of a child will very effectively help him, precisely in the conditions of a country summer camp, to master additional (to the subjects of the school curriculum) knowledge, skills and abilities, and will help him to realize himself. It is this goal that is served by the principle of creating in the camp, within the framework of the program, the maximum quantity (and quality) of additional educational creative spaces (children's creative associations, clubs, studios, sections, etc.), as well as the creation of a Center for Children's Initiatives in the Salyut Children's Center. This is an association (in various areas of activity that are of interest to children today), mobilely responding to the needs of children and adolescents in the camp. For example, there is a group of guys who want to learn “step aerobics.” In a minimum period of time, the Center for Children's Initiatives establishes contact with a specialist (perhaps a camp choreographer or, as necessary, with a volunteer specialist in the city of Abakan) and organizes the work of either an additional education association (section, studio), or helps organize the implementation of a creative project " Step – aerobics”, etc.

One of the leading activities within the most diverse forms of work in the camp will be sports and health, sports and development activities, aimed primarily at both the improvement of children and adolescents and the prevention of negative, bad habits among teenagers, such as smoking, drinking alcohol and psychotropic and narcotic substances. This will be facilitated not only by the organization of detachment and general camp sports and recreational events, promotions, etc., but also by the organization and conduct of a wide variety of projects, life skills training, and healthy lifestyle skills within the framework of the Center for Children’s Initiatives.

All activities implemented within the framework of this program are aimed at relieving not only the physical, but also the psychological stress of the child and adolescent body that has accumulated over the school year, to ensure a psychologically comfortable climate in the children's team (team and camp), to ensure that every child I felt at home in the camp. Therefore, providing psychological and pedagogical support for all activities in the camp is one of the leading program guidelines (it will be represented by a special program developed by a teacher-psychologist of the Salyut Children's Center).

Particular importance within the program is given to the organization of leisure, festive and romantic activities. The category of children's holidays of the Salyut Children's Center includes all the variety of festive forms held (children's creativity festivals, rallies, theatrical performances, theme days, shows, competitions, concerts, greetings, matinees, lineups, presentations, ceremonies, art programs, creative reports, etc. .), influencing the socialization of children, their development and their upbringing.

The leading focus on the interests and needs of children and adolescents of today contributed to the choice of the content core of the program - a game thematic model for the summer of 2009 - “Union of Active, Curious, Young Talents”. Camp "Salute" is a great place to satisfy the leading needs of children's nature - play activities. The main approach to the content of the camp will be a role-playing game based on a specific theme, combining various areas of activity and giving children the opportunity to demonstrate various abilities and talents. This is the most promising and modern option for organizing a summer holiday today.

All days of a child’s stay in the camp are united by the plot of a role-playing game. Moreover, each season has its own theme. The main idea of ​​season 1 is “Children’s Federative Republic “Salute”, season 2 – “Institute of Free Time”.

Today, more than ever in recent years (based on the experience of the activities of children's public associations and organizations in the city of Abakan and the Republic of Khakassia and the number of participants in their work), the interest of young citizens in the activities of various children's and youth organizations and associations has increased. So, for example, in the schools of the city of Abakan, in the city Union of Children and Teenagers “Friendship - Ynarkhas” (works on the basis of the Center for Children's Creativity and the most active members are, among other things, children of employees of the Abakan branch of the Krasnoyarsk Railway), children get the opportunity spend their free time more productively, communicate with peers and adults, take part in socially significant activities, in various competitions, festivals, promotions, etc. Here they can develop their leadership and communication skills, learn to better understand themselves and the world around them, without being seduced external attributes of “subcultural” communities. Therefore, the authors of the program believe that the form of organizing the activities of the camp as a children’s public “Union” will be interesting and attractive for the children, will justify itself and will allow for more effective educational and developmental work with children in the camp.

Such a game model will make it possible to develop the theme of the Year of Youth in Russia to the maximum, including a wide variety of activities and events focused on the development of a positive children's and youth social movement. This will be facilitated by the close integration ties and contacts that the authors of the program have established with children's, youth and youth associations and organizations of the city of Abakan, the Republic of Khakassia, such as: the Public Youth Chamber (Youth Parliament) under the Supreme Council of the Republic of Khakassia, the Abakan headquarters of the Khakass regional branch All-Russian public organization “Young Guard of United Russia”, Regional public youth organization of the Republic of Khakassia “Edelweiss”, Youth Administration of the city of Abakan under the Administration of Abakan, Union of children and teenagers “Friendship - Ynarkhas” of Abakan, etc.

Thus, we believe that the program is relevant and will be in demand both by children and society (support has already been received from a number of public youth structures, etc.). The program includes new approaches to additional education and developmental upbringing (including additional education teachers and volunteer specialists who expressed a desire to implement them). The integrity of the program is ensured by the fact that all actions within the program are combined into a single system (from conceptual foundations to diagnostics of the results of program implementation).

Goals and objectives

The main focus of the program is to create conditions for each child participating in the program to acquire socially positive experience of their development through the implementation of the following goals and objectives:


education of citizenship and patriotism, leadership qualities, free time culture

teaching children healthy lifestyle skills, practical skills in various activities

development in boys and girls of cognitive activity, erudition, intellectual, creative abilities and interests, communication skills, making new friends


1. Provide, with freedom of choice, a variety of additional educational spaces that ensure the child’s acquisition of new knowledge, skills and abilities.

2. Give children the opportunity to realize their own initiatives in various types of activities within the framework of children's public and creative associations.

3. Ensure communicative richness of individual, group, and collective creative activities.

4. Provide an opportunity to accumulate social experience of participation in public life, in work, in a team.

5. Provide the child with psychological and pedagogical support for a comfortable life in a country camp, help him learn to live in a team, to be in harmony with himself and with the surrounding nature.

The implementation of the goals and objectives of the program is based, first of all, on the organization of the substantive basis of the program - social role-playing games. As Stal Anatolyevich Shmakov, one of the leading theorists and practitioners of organizing children’s summer holidays, said: “Plot-role-playing play is a kind of school for educating a child’s free, disinterested, selfless attitude towards the world, which in turn turns out to be the key to the social and aesthetic development of this world.” .

As part of the 2009 summer season program, the Salyut Children's Center is developing the following role-playing games:

Season 1 - “Children's Federal Republic “Salute”. The main task: developing a sense of “team”, responsibility for a common cause, the desire to win, mutual assistance and mutual assistance. All units form various children's organizations (federations) with their own symbols, laws and rules, and traditions. During the shift, they implement creative projects (within thematic days), for example, environmental ones (the “Ecological BOOM” project, etc.), cultural and leisure projects (the “Festival of Children and Youth Creativity” project, “Federation Parade”, etc.). etc.), career guidance (the “Economic Zone” project, the “Army ABC” project, etc.), sports and recreational (the “Goodwill Games” project, etc.) and other areas. The work of teams (federations) is built through the activities of children's co-government bodies. At the beginning of the shift, bodies of general children's co-government are formed, laws of general collective life activity are adopted, and general symbols and attributes of the entire republic, which includes several federations (detachments), are also developed. The key event of the 1st shift is the business game “Elections of the President of the DFR “Salute” (with the involvement of the Election Commission of the Republic of Khakassia), and the final event of the shift is the organization of Children’s Self-Government Day (with the participation of representatives of youth public organizations of the city of Abakan and the Republic of Khakassia).

Season 2 – plot – role-playing game – journey “Institute of Free Time”. All teams are research creative laboratories of the Institute. With the help of the “Time Machine”, children participate in various research experiments: “Green Watch”, “Paths of Countries and Peoples”, “Robinson’s Vacation”, “7 Wonders of My Small Motherland”, etc. The main goal of the shift: maximum filling of children’s free time of various types kind of research, correspondence and real travel, adventures filled with positive emotions, unforgettable impressions, new acquaintances, useful knowledge, skills and abilities.

Co-management activities(children and teachers) in the camp is carried out in different ways: participation in the planning, development, conduct and analysis of key activities of the detachment and camp; execution of collective, group and individual assignments; activities of individual teams (Services, agencies, business councils). At the same time, the counselor acts as an equal assistant who organizes the creativity of children in the detachment, recognizes the child’s right to make mistakes, takes care of everyone, and passes on his creative and organizational experience. In a word, teachers and children work in co-creation, community and cooperation . The “Leader-Council” (collegial co-government body) acts as the regulatory body of the entire camp, a generator of new ideas, sums up the work done, identifies the main problems, ways, and methods of resolving them. Using co-management in the camp, we give the children the opportunity to try themselves in various social roles and gain communication experience.

A system of incentives, rewards and recording of results is provided each thematic game session. For each successfully completed project, experiment, or squad, the team receives a certain number of prize bonuses. Those who received the largest number of these bonuses during the shift become the best squads and participants, receiving the “Salute! - “Salute!!!” and the title “Summer Shift Leader – 2009”.

A special feature of organizing cultural and developmental leisure for children within the framework of the program (two shifts) is work on thematic days – one of the modern and effective approaches. It becomes important that work in the camp all day is built on one general concept, and, as a rule, occupies all periods of the day. The advantage of a themed day is that the idea unites the whole day, creating a general mood for the whole day. A themed day involves several collective creative activities based on one idea. Activities and activities are planned in such a way that every child of any age can take an active part in them. All activities are aimed at revealing the child’s creative potential and provide an opportunity to demonstrate their talents and abilities (acting, vocal, choreographic, leadership, applied arts, etc.)

An economic game (the name will be determined by the children themselves) is played every shift. Its essence is to increase the personal motivation of each child to participate in all activities of the detachment and camp. So, for example, for participation and victories in creative events, socially useful affairs, as well as victories in camp and squad games, a certain amount is credited to the child’s virtual account in special camp banknotes - “salutes”, for which during the shift or at the farewell At the shift disco you can purchase (purchase) your favorite products, made as part of a group or project activity, or creative works from various exhibitions, etc.

Center for Support of Children's Initiatives works all shifts. This is an association in various areas of activity that are of interest to children today, providing additional education for children and responsively responding to the needs of children and adolescents in the camp.

Priority areas of activity of the Center for Support of Children's Initiatives:

  • Sports and recreational work, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, prevention of bad habits

The main goal of the work is to develop in children a negative attitude toward the use of psychoactive substances as a way to solve their problems or spend leisure time, and to focus on positive values ​​through involving children in drug addiction prevention work.

Forms of work:


Group discussion

Role modeling

exercises – energizers

holding lectures and conversations on anti-drug topics, the consequences of using psychoactive substances

organization and conduct:

anti-drug actions

poster and essay competitions

competition “Reporting from the scene”

competition of thematic performances by KVN, propaganda teams and children's theaters.

preparation of thematic television and radio programs

preparation and release of printed materials

work at discos and in groups

In the health camp, children's physical activity is organized during the day according to a schedule: 1st half of the day - sports hours, 2nd half of the day - water treatments, work of sports sections. Morning exercises are held daily, which children do in the fresh air. Various types of sports competitions are organized on sports grounds, taking into account their entertainment and mass appeal, such as “fun relay races”, volleyball, pioneer ball, etc. All sporting events are united into one sports project and are held under the auspices of the Small Olympic Games (season 1), Presidential competitions (season 2).

  • Creative

It includes the work of master classes, clubs, clubs, hobby studios, and the implementation of creative projects with the support of teachers and volunteer specialists. These associations are created for all children, everyone has the opportunity to try themselves in various types of activities (variety - vocal studio, choreography, fitness - aerobics, arts and crafts, fine arts, etc.).

  • Social and practical includes work:

media studio "Salut"- uniting children who are interested in journalism, video and radio - into a single project to create a “Media Studio”, which will be engaged in information coverage of all the affairs of the camp and detachments: design of information stands, publication of the wall newspaper “Inform-Salyut”, conducting radio broadcasts and etc.

intellectual games club – the main goal of which is to create an environment that encourages children to increase their intellectual level, broaden their horizons, and independently acquire knowledge on various topics through organizing and conducting various kinds of intellectual games, competitions and quizzes.

club of cheerful and resourceful, which will be organized by young teachers who are members of the KVN team of the Republic of Khakassia “No Losers” and will help fill the niche of children’s interest in such a popular game, because they will be able to become direct participants.

Currently, the design and development of various forms of organizing the meaningful activities of the Salyut camp within the framework of the program is still underway. We are still consulting and talking with the children, finding out their expectations from summer camp this summer. In a word, we want to give children the maximum opportunity to try their hand at all things and activities that interest them. Teach them, among other things, to plan and organize their activities themselves, and to participate in resolving issues in the life of the detachment and the camp. And the main thing we want to achieve is for every child in the camp to be engaged in something interesting, useful, and socially significant.

Implementation mechanism. Stages of program implementation.

Preparatory stage.

This stage is characterized by the fact that preparation for the summer health season at the Salyut Children's Center begins in January - May 2009. The stage includes:

  • Concept development, human resources, software
  • Recruitment and competitive selection of teaching staff to work in the camp
  • The procedure for preparing and training for work within the program for counselors, educators, additional education teachers and volunteers
  • Pre-program diagnosis of interests and expectations of children and adolescents

(with the participation of children who come to Salyut every year)

Organizational stage.

It is already being carried out as part of the summer shift. This one is short

(2-3 days), but a very significant period in the life of the camp. The main activities are:

Meeting children and forming groups at their place of residence (teams), getting to know them and uniting them

Introducing children and teenagers to the rules of life of the squad and camp

Development and execution of camp documentation (organizational and program documents)

Carrying out diagnostics to identify the interests, expectations of children, their organizational, leadership and creative potential

Formation of co-government bodies (children and teachers) and the beginning of their activities

Planning (in accordance with the interests and requests of the shift participants) and the beginning of the work of the Center for Children's Initiatives

Launching the game model of the program

Main stage.

It includes the implementation of the main provisions of the program:

Implementation of the main idea and principles of the game model

Implementation of educational and developmental creative programs and projects

Inclusion of children in various types of individual, group, collective creative activities

The work of the Center for Children's Initiatives

Work of co-management bodies

The final stage.

The main idea of ​​the stage is to summarize the work under the program, the results of the shift, namely:

Conducting a generalization game

Conducting final diagnostics of program participants

Analysis of proposals for the further development of the Salyut Children's Center made by children, teachers, parents, and representatives of society

Conducting a psychological, social and pedagogical analysis of the results of activities under the program

Development of prospects for the camp’s activities

Expected results

For children and teenagers:

  • The child’s acquisition of specific knowledge, skills and abilities in various types of activities: creative, recreational, intellectual, organizational, etc.
  • Formation of motivation in children for independent search for knowledge, self-development and self-improvement
  • Children and adolescents mastering the mechanism for implementing their own initiative from the moment of its emergence to its implementation in practice
  • Assignment by program participants of norms and values ​​of communication and interaction with peers and adults on the principles of co-creation, community and cooperation
  • Forming a sense of personal involvement in the life of the camp, responsibility in actions for oneself and one’s friends, belonging to the community of the children’s health camp “Salut”

Methods for tracking results: primary, current, final diagnostics (questionnaires, interviews, reflection, etc.); presentation to the camp community of the results (children’s creative works, etc.) of project and additional educational activities; a collection of squad games and activities; active participation of the child in the work of co-government bodies; the child’s level of self-initiative; making proposals for the life and activities of the camp, etc.

For teachers:

Highly professional practical implementation of the theoretical and methodological knowledge of a teacher (educator, counselor, etc.) - in working with children in a detachment, in a camp community

Creative self-realization of a teacher in individual, group educational, additional educational activities in a temporary children’s association

Improving the professional skills of each team member (pedagogical, organizational, analytical, communication)

Expansion and active use of psychological and pedagogical knowledge about the child’s personality, methods of joint activities

Awareness of the significance of one’s role in the Salyut camp as a teacher - educator, teacher - counselor, etc.

Ways to track results: maintaining a “Teacher’s Diary”, “Counselor’s Diary”; a system of analytical planning meetings for the teaching staff by shift periods; protection of squad projects; systematic work with pedagogical documents; presentation of final materials for the implementation of project and additional educational activities; preparation of summarizing material based on the results of the work of each teacher with the prospect of its further preparation and presentation as work experience (articles, publications, etc.)

For the camp:

Identification and determination of pedagogical conditions under which the process of a child acquiring socially positive experience of his own development will be effective

Ways to track results: primary and final questionnaire; system of analytical planning meetings for the teaching staff; systematic work with pedagogical documents (plans, programs, diaries, etc.); information and analytical reports from psychological, pedagogical, medical and other camp services; collection of games, squad and general camp affairs


1. Gainanova L.E. Vacation pedagogy. Methodological manual to help organizers of children's health and educational camps. Issue 1. – Chita, IPC CHIPKRO, 2001. -123 C.

2. Gazizulin R.Ya., Dyukina O.V. Diary of a summer camp teacher. – Kirov, VAKO, 2008.-143

3. Dick N.F. Organization of summer holidays and employment for children. - Rostov n/d, Phoenix, 2006.-352 P.

4. Dream, creativity, inspiration. Collection of abstracts of the scientific and practical conference “Children in a country camp.” S. – Petersburg, OJSC “Svetoch”, 2000. - 165 pp.

5. Towards summer. Materials of the regional competition of projects in the field of summer recreation and health improvement. – Lipetsk, IRO, 2006.-118 P.

6. Software and methodological support for educational work in children's health centers (Series “Library for teachers, parents and children”) - M., GOU CRSDOD, 2004.-64 P.

7. Creative summer. Collection of teaching materials. - M., GOU DOD FTSTU, 2007. –64 P.

8. Shmakov S.A. Her Majesty is the Game. – M., 1992

9. Shmakov S.A. Students' games are a cultural phenomenon. M.: New School, 1994.- 240 pp.

10. Shmakov S.A. Summer camp: yesterday and today. Toolkit. - Lipetsk, State Unitary Enterprise “IG “Infol”, 2002.-384 P.

11. Frishman I. I. Games without losers. - N. Novgorod, Publishing house - Pedagogical Technologies LLC, 2003. - 90 P.

Valentina Mokerova
Short-term additional general education general development program “One word, two words”




Adopted at the meeting APPROVED

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"Once a word, two a word»

Implementation period programs: 6 weeks (18h)

View programs: modified

teacher additional education

Gulkevichi, 2017


Short-term educational program"Once a word, two a word» socio-pedagogical orientation promotes the development of cognitive, creative and communicative abilities of students and is intended for organizing cognitive leisure for children in the summer, developing the main value of educational activities - creative thinking, developing the need for language proficiency, improving speech and expanding knowledge about the world around them.

Novelty programs lies in the timing of its implementation (6 weeks, a practice-oriented approach to organizing the educational process. Program"Once a word, two a word» provides an opportunity to organize educational leisure for preschool children in the summer. Classes on program contribute to the formation of personal qualities necessary for mastering educational activities: curiosity, initiative, creative imagination, arbitrariness. They provide an opportunity to both consolidate previously acquired knowledge in the field and acquire new ones, and develop the ability to use them in practice in various situations. Classes are structured in a playful, entertaining way using speech games.

Relevance is determined by requests from parents and their children for programs early development in the summer in an institution additional education, as well as the presence in the institution of the necessary material and technical conditions to implement these programs.

The successful development of speech in preschool age is crucial for the subsequent systematic study of the native language. In the process of solving problem situations and performing game tasks, each child acquires practical skills and knowledge experience. At the same time, an integrated approach to the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities, to the development and upbringing of children is observed.

Destination programs. Program designed for children 5.5-7 years of age. Classes can be attended by all children who are interested, both those studying in the association and newcomers who want to gain an understanding of basic reading and writing skills.

Volume programs: training period - 6 weeks, general number of hours - 18, per week - 3 hours.

Form of study: full-time

Lesson mode: 3 times a week for 1 hour.

Features of the organization of the educational process. Children without medical clearance can attend classes. Program implemented in groups of variable composition. Children can come on any day included in the class schedule. Each lesson is a separate cognitive and educational block (work started is completed in the same lesson). Program involves the use of various types of games activities: simulation games and games-exercises with objects, role-playing games, games with rules, games-exercises focused on certain achievements, allows you to build the educational process as comfortable and interesting for children as possible. Classes are aimed at developing general culture of thinking, speech, motor skills, creative abilities of children, to develop their independence, sense of responsibility, humane relations in communication with friends and teacher.

The lesson consists of all three parts of five sections programs. At each lesson there is a dynamic break in the form of outdoor games and physical education minutes.

Target programs: Developing interest and ability in reading through play activities.


Acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities of educational activities;

Development of motivation for learning activities.

Continue to introduce children to basic reading and writing skills;

Develop the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice in various situations;

Develop speech, the ability to argue your statements, build simple conclusions;

Developing the ability to express one’s thoughts accurately and clearly.


Development of cognitive activity and the ability to establish simple connections between phenomena in the child’s surrounding life and development of interest in learning;

To develop the child’s personality, talent and ability through

independent solution of creative and other problems;

Develop children's communication abilities based on communication;

Development of cognitive abilities: logic of thinking, speech, attention, memory, imagination;

To cultivate independence, perseverance, organization, accuracy, ability to cooperate, and collectivism.


Develop imagination, intelligence, curiosity, strong-willed qualities;

Shape the culture communicating with each other;

Develop the ability to organize your workplace, understand the educational task and independently carry it out, control and evaluate your actions;

Develop the ability to work individually and in group: find general resolve and resolve conflicts based on coordination of positions and consideration of interests;

To form a value-based attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.


Subject Number of hours

Total Theory Practice

1. Introductory lesson. Briefing

on safety precautions. 1 0.5 0.5

2. Fairytale certificate 6 0.5 5.5

3. Speech development. 4 0.5 3.5

4. Fun pencil. 6 0.5 5.5

5. Final lesson 1 1

Total: 18 2 16

Section 1. Introductory lesson. Safety briefing.

Theory. Meeting the children's team. Safety briefing. Interviewing children, identifying early knowledge, skills and abilities.


Exercise "Telephone". A game "Let's get acquainted".

Tour of the center.

Section 2. Fairytale letter.

Theory. Introduction to Russian folk tales.

Practice. Reading fairy tales: "Turnip", "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed", "Cat house", "Spikelet", conversation about what you read. Collective writing of a story based on pictures. Retelling a fairy tale. Fairy tale dramatization. Writing your own fairy tale. Answers on questions.

Construction of proposals. We make a proposal with a certain in a word.

Exercise "Show me the letter", "What letter is this", "Locate where the sound is", "I name sounds".

Didactic games with words: "Guess the first sound in word» , "Mom went to the store", "What does a letter look like".

Games with magnetic alphabet: "Wonderful bag", “Which letter is missing”, "Fold word from the letters of the magnetic alphabet"

Section 3. Speech development.

Theory. Writing a descriptive story topic: "Vegetables", "Fruits", "Animals", "Transport", "Professions". "Flowers".

Practice: Watching and discussing a short film "Nature's Smile".

Games: “What grows in the garden?”, "One is many", "Say kindly", "Name one in a word» , "Continue the series words» , The word is backwards», "Continue the sentence". "Guess the riddles".

Learning tongue twisters.

Section 4. Cheerful pencil.

Theory. Preparing your hand for writing. Safety rules when working with writing instruments. Familiarization with the rules of sitting when writing at a desk. Position of notebook, pen, pencil. Hand placement. Orientation on the sheet in cell: drawing patterns along dotted lines, shading, working with a stencil.

Practice: Graphic exercises. Exercise in drawing oblique lines.

Game tasks. Outlines of fruits, vegetables, vehicles, flowers, their shading.

Drawing "curb", "Fence", "Domika", "Umbrella", "Ship" and etc.

Travel to the city masters: “Complete the pattern”, "Finish the drawing", Funny copybooks.

Finger exercises: finger theater - drawing with a finger in the air.

Exercise game "Snail", "Chabi - chalyabi", "The Cooks".

Section 5. Final lesson.

Practice: Contest "The most, the most, the most..."

Conditions for the program.

1. Logistics.

For implementation program requires light, ventilated room that meets sanitary and hygienic standards. Special furniture (tables and chairs) for students, corresponding to 5-7 years of age, cabinets for storing teaching aids and educational materials, a blackboard, a magnetic board with markers, visual aids

Equipment, tools and materials necessary for implementation programs:

Writing instruments for everyone student: pen, pencil, eraser, colored pencils;

Demonstration visual aids.

Stencils (vegetables, fruits, transport, flowers, tree leaves);

Didactic and visual material on topics, didactic toys. Visual educational cards.

Educational games “Read by first letters”, "We divide words to warehouses» and etc.

Technical equipment: computer, printer, internet, TV and DVD player.

Forms of presentation and demonstration of educational results.

Photographic material, written reviews from students and parents, a log of the teacher’s work and student attendance, a written analysis of the teacher about the implementation programs(number of children studying in the association, number of newly arrived children, degree of implementation programs.


1. Bondarenko T. M. Complex classes in the preparatory group of kindergarten. shopping center "Teacher". Voronezh, 2005

2. Belaya A.E. Finger games for the development of preschoolers // AST -2008. 3. Grishchuk L. A. School of preschoolers. Entertaining lessons. "Neva". Moscow "Olma - Press", 2002 4. Sinitsyna E. I. Smart fingers // m. Leaf, 2009 5. Shvaiko G. S. “Games and game exercises for speech development”. Moscow, 2006 6. Shapina O. Pure twisters and tongue twisters for speech development. Moscow, "Owl", 2007 7. Falkovich T. A, Barylkina L. P. Development of speech, preparation for mastering writing. Moscow "Waco", 2005 8. Saikina E. G., Firileva Zh. E. Physical education - hello to minutes and pauses! Saint Petersburg "Childhood-Press", 2005

9. Gerbova V.V. “Speech development in kindergarten” Ed. "Mosaic - synthesis", Moscow, 2014 10. Bardysheva T. Yu. “My hands are dancing” Edition for developmental education. Series "School for preschool children"

Maria Kirilova

Novelty: One of the most popular types of arts and crafts creativity is modeling. Today such material as salty dough becoming increasingly popular in our country, successfully competing with traditional materials - clay and plasticine. When working with it, many are attracted not so much by its availability and relative cheapness, but by the limitless possibilities that this material provides for creativity. Products made from this material, unlike plasticine, are durable and do not require expensive processing fired like clay products. In addition, salty dough by many indicators (primarily technical and, of course, environmental) surpasses the popular polymer clay abroad, which appeared on the shelves of our stores quite a long time ago. The implementation of the course allows not only to satisfy formed needs of the population, but also to create conditions for the development of the child’s personality, ensure his emotional well-being, introduce him to universal human values, create conditions for creative self-realization, teach tolerant behavior, respect and tolerance.

Target: Development of aesthetic attitude and artistic abilities in children of senior preschool age fine art activities using technology testoplasty.


Contribute to the development of artistic perception of life;

Clarify ideas about life around you;

To develop the ability to perceive and reproduce objects of complex shape;

Promote development creative abilities in progress images of objects, phenomena and states of the surrounding world, in the choice visual materials.

To develop the ability to convey the form, structure of an object and its parts; color of the object, using paints of spectral, warm, cold, contrasting colors, different shades and different tones; correct proportions of objects;

Promote the development of compositional skills when image groups of objects or plot.

Exercise your hand, fixing the correct position when drawing horizontal and vertical lines with paints.

To promote the development of technical techniques for sculpting from test: presence of many small parts;

Encourage the desire to make your work beautiful, meaningful, and expressive.

To promote the cooperation of children when performing collective works, which can be based on both plot and decorative images, correlation of children's plans and actions; encourage them to use different techniques in sculpting and painting.


1. Creation creative workshop for children of senior preschool age

2. Improvement visual activities for children: children independently determine the concept, create an expressive image, independently select impressions and experiences to determine the plot, choose the most appropriate image visual techniques and materials, plan activities, achieve results and evaluate them.

3. Demonstration of activity and independence of children in visual arts.

4. Children's products activities: medallion "Initial letter", "Miracle buns", "Gifts of Autumn" still life, modeling according to plan.

Working with parents:

Creating conditions in the group for the implementation of the COP " Drops of creativity.

Encourage parents to be involved in the creation salt dough images at home, through conversations and individual consultations.

Long-term plan (preparatory group)

1 Lesson.

Medallion "Initial letter"(manufacturing)


1. Introduce children to the technology of preparing salty test; with features of sculpting from test; the presence of many small parts; twisting, pulling, interweaving parts; gluing.

2. Teach children to sculpt a medallion "Initial letter".

3. Cultivate accuracy in children when doing work.

4. Introduce children to testoplasty as a type of decorative art.

5. To interest children, to evoke in them an emotional response, a desire to sculpt and paint decorative items.


Cooking algorithm

salty test. Flour, salt, water, vegetable oil, board, rolling pin, stacks, brush.

Illustrations, Photos,

Ready. decor. products from test, fairy tale character "Kolobok".

2 Lesson.

Medallion "Initial letter"(painting)


1. Introduce the painting of the finished product.

2. Master the technique of dense painting.


Dried products - medallions, gouache paints, brushes No. 2 and 5, water, lace.

3 Lesson. "Miracle buns".(manufacturing)


1. Introduce children to the production of bakery products.

2. Introduce children to sculpture of small forms.

3. Learn to sculpt different shapes (drying, buns) from a whole piece test

4. Learn to convey shape and proportions.


Illustrations of products from test, a game “It looks like it, it doesn’t look like it”, models of bakery products, small sculptures, ready-made salty dough, stacks, brushes No. 3, water, board.

4 Lesson. "Miracle buns".


1. Finish the sculpture with watercolors.

2. Develop figurative perception, sense of color.

3. Cultivate in children an emotional attitude when perceiving ready-made images.

4. Finish the work on the product by painting it with paints.


Illustrations from a fairy tale "Spikelet", watercolor, brushes No. 2 and 5, water.

5 Lesson.

Panel "Gifts of Autumn".(manufacturing)


1. Introduce the concept "still life".

2. Learn to create a composition using composition diagrams.

3. Strengthen the skills of sculpting different shapes (cucumber, carrots, peas, garlic) from a whole piece test, convey the features of each of them.

4. Develop imagination when creating a composition


Still life illustrations, composition diagrams, game “Make a still life”, technological

cooking card test, riddles about vegetables, vegetables, ready dough, board, stacks, rolling pin, water, brush.

6 Lesson. Panel "Gifts of Autumn". (painting)


1. Introduce the concept of tonality

2. Develop aesthetic perception, sense of color

3. Teach children to finish what they start

4. To cultivate an emotional attitude in children when perceiving pictures.

5. Finish the work on the panel by painting it with paints.


A game "Make no mistake", color tonality diagram, illustrations with image of vegetables, gouache, brush, water.

7 Lesson. "Fantasy world".


1. Practice the practical application of acquired skills.

2. Develop aesthetic taste and creation.

3. Strengthen the ability to sculpt small details.


Work sequence diagrams, work tools, colored dough, board.