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» DIY bed without legs. DIY bed: interesting and simple models made from environmentally friendly materials (135 photos). Photos of bunk beds

DIY bed without legs. DIY bed: interesting and simple models made from environmentally friendly materials (135 photos). Photos of bunk beds

A comfortable bed provides a person with comfort while sleeping. A night's rest determines how the day will go. In fact, success in business and personal life depends on which bed the night hours were spent on. From the quality of the bed, its design.

Despite the wide range of beds offered in furniture stores, when viewing a catalog with photo illustrations, some come to the conclusion that it is much better and easier to make a bed with your own hands, and it’s good to save money on it.

Bed models

Many options for beds that can be made at home. It wouldn’t hurt to get acquainted with your capabilities before choosing the model you really want to make, with all the types that are now created:

  • With drawers (ideal for children's rooms, storage)
  • Hanging
  • Metal
  • Transformer
  • Cabinet
  • Podium
  • With lifting mechanism
  • Orthopedic mattress
  • Bunk
  • Classic double
  • Single

Having decided on what model of bed we want to make, we move directly to how to make it with our own hands.

We make a classic type bed

The “classic beds” that are the most popular and widely used include single and double beds. Products are made from natural wood, purchased or processed. First we decide on the size of the bed. Then we make a box in which the mattress will be placed.

Materials for work

To make a bed you will need the following:

  • Pine timber;
  • Planed board;
  • Wood glue or PVA furniture glue;
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Metal corners.

The process of creating a bed

The work process occurs in the following sequence:

We glue 3 beams together - coat one side with glue, apply the next one, compress it with a clamp. Leave to dry.

We adjust the resulting blanks to size. We will need 2 side drawers (2200 mm), 2 end drawers (1610 mm), one for the lintel (2100 mm).

At the ends we make cuts for the beams. On one workpiece we get a protruding middle edge - a tenon, on the other - a niche, a recess (width - equal to the width of the beam). Apply glue and connect the parts together to form a rectangular box.

You can do it differently - bandage the bars. Which is much more difficult, since the process requires greater accuracy in maintaining dimensions.

To do this, a box is laid out on the floor by arranging pre-cut beams to size in the form of a rectangle, the ends of which are coated with glue and interlocked with self-tapping screws.

To determine a precisely measured angle of 90 degrees and avoid distortions, corners are used. The beams are glued and connected to each other with self-tapping screws.

We fix the longitudinal jumper glued together from two beams. To do this, the middle is precisely located, to which the stop bars (up to 200 mm long) are screwed. 50 mm is sawn off from the workpiece from one beam for adhesion to them. The plank is secured with glue and self-tapping screws.

Instead of thrust bars for fastening the jumper, ensuring greater rigidity of the product, you can actively use metal corners with drilled holes, secured with self-tapping screws. The jumper at the bottom should coincide with the level of the box. It will be needed to provide greater rigidity when making flooring from boards.

While the box is upside down, we secure the 4 legs at the ends with through bolts (2 bolts for each leg), pre-gluing the joints. We strengthen it on both sides with corners. The length of the leg affects the stability of the bed. Average height – 250 mm.

After the glue has dried, we put the box on its feet. We attach the support beams-shelves to the four side collets, parallel to the central jumper, at the same level with it.

To avoid sagging of the center and ensure greater rigidity, you can add 2 more to the middle bar, securing them in the same way as the main one - in the center of the left, right side of it. As a result, you should have 3 jumpers located at the same distance from each other.

Planed pine boards are laid on the supporting shelves. Maintain a gap of 4-5 mm so that the boards do not rest against the side panels and there is no creaking. The boards are secured with self-tapping screws at the points of contact with the supporting shelves and longitudinal strips.

It is not necessary to lay them in a continuous row, right next to each other. Indentations of 30 mm are made between the superimposed boards. To avoid splitting of boards and shelves at the edges, holes are pre-drilled with a smaller diameter than self-tapping screws.

At the finishing stage, the surface is brought to a smooth state by processing the entire surface of the sanding machine, both the outer and inner sides of the box are primed and varnished.

The headboard is made from a solid board, or from a combination of boards, for example, in the form of a lattice. The backrest can either be fixed or attached directly to the wall.

We place the mattress in the assembled frame. The bed is ready for use.

To make beds of other models, additional elements are used - springs, hinges, support pillars, specific niches and other additional elements are made.

DIY bed photo

Nowadays it is fashionable to make furniture yourself at home, and every year the number of home craftsmen is increasing. Some people prefer to purchase blanks and use them to assemble the necessary furniture, while others do all the work themselves from start to finish. A homemade bed can be very simple or with intricate shapes and patterns. It's not just about skill and availability of equipment - personal preferences and financial capabilities play an important role. In this article we will tell you how to make a bed with your own hands from various materials.

In order for the product to please you and to be able to use it for a long time, you need to approach the matter very responsibly, realizing the limits of your capabilities. It is necessary to select a suitable model and prepare the tool taking into account the material used.

Required Tools

Depending on the material chosen, certain tools will be required to work with it.

For working with metal

  • Electric welding machine.
  • Bulgarian.
  • File.
  • Metal brush.
  • Electric drill.
  • Roulette.

For working with wood

  • Jigsaw. If the product is made of boards, you can get by with a hacksaw.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Electric drill.
  • Roulette.
  • Construction corner.
  • Pencil.
  • Plane.
  • Chisel.
  • Grinder machine.

As for consumables, we’ll talk about this separately when considering this or that model.

Material selection

Materials for making a bed:

  1. Metal corner.
  2. Profile or round pipe.
  3. Solid wood.
  4. Plywood.

The above materials can be used either individually or in combination. Thus, a metal bed can be equipped with wooden backs, and a plywood product is assembled on a frame made of timber. There can be many options, and you can understand this in more detail by reading the article.


The first step is to clearly determine what the dimensions of the future bed will be, taking into account its location. It is possible that you are modernizing your bedroom, changing its design, then you can move away from the usual bed placement patterns and find a new place for it. If so, then pay attention to a number of tips that will help with this.

  • Do not place the bed with the head of the bed facing the window opening, as if the window is open there will be a draft and your head may get blown out.
  • If you place the head of the bed towards the doorway, you will not be able to see the person entering the bedroom.
  • It is better not to have a chandelier hanging above the bed. It can break and fall on a person lying in bed.
  • In uninsulated houses, the outer walls are very cold, so it is better not to place the bed in such places.
  • A shelf that is precariously nailed to the wall above your head can also cause a lot of trouble.
  • In a narrow bedroom, a bed located in the center of the room will not allow you to move freely. In addition, this arrangement may cause discomfort.
  • Many people leave a place at the head of the room for a laptop. Note that this “time thief” will in this case deprive you of many hours of proper rest.

It may seem like there is no room left for a bed in the bedroom, but this is not the case. We have only given recommendations, and you can decide for yourself how relevant they are in your case.

Wooden bed

Don't be fooled by the apparent simplicity of the design. You need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to work a lot to make a bed from solid wood. If you are determined, then there is every chance to do something original while saving money. It is quite natural that it is not easy to immediately decide on the design of the bed, so first look at a few photos of wood products.

Photos of wooden beds

Having chosen the product you like, you can find a similar drawing on the Internet or draw it yourself, taking into account the dimensions of the room and personal preferences. Often, home craftsmen take a drawing of a bed and remake it to suit themselves, removing or adding something.

From the array

If you are not going to sleep on boards, then when planning the size of the bed you need to take into account the dimensions of the mattress. If you have not purchased it yet, then you need to take care of this in advance or find out the standard sizes on selling sites and build on this data. If you plan to make a bed of non-standard sizes, it is important to know that the mattress will have to be made to order.

A custom-made mattress will cost a little more.

It is clear that in a relatively short article it will not be possible to describe the manufacture of several wooden beds, and we are not striving for this. Based on the example given, you can understand how to assemble a bed from solid wood.

Let's look at an example of making a wooden bed for a 200x160 cm mattress, if you have a minimum of tools - only the most necessary ones.

The actual dimensions of the mattress often differ from those declared by the manufacturer, and to a smaller extent. After purchasing a mattress, measure it, and then adjust the dimensions of the bed to fit it.

If there is no drawing with a bed suitable for the size of the mattress, then you can take any one you like as a basis, altering it to your size. If the design is very simple, then you can draw a sketch yourself.

Let’s say that after checking the dimensions of the mattress it turned out that its length and width are one centimeter less than stated - 199x159 cm. The following material will be needed:

  • Beam 50×40 mm, length 209 cm – 19 pcs.
  • Planed board 22×100 mm, length 159.5 cm – 18 pcs.
  • PVA glue (furniture).
  • Self-tapping screws 41 and 65 mm.

Having a clear idea of ​​the quantity and size of the required material, you can go to the store to buy it.

Making a frame

The frame can be assembled on the floor or on four stools.

So, we need to make a rectangle with internal dimensions of 200x160 cm, which corresponds to the dimensions of the mattress + 1 cm tolerance. Each side of the frame will consist of three beams assembled into a single structure.

  • Of 19 pcs. purchased timber 40×50 mm you need to select 4 pieces. the smoothest and with the minimum number of knots.
  • For further work, you need to saw off the excess at a right angle. With sufficient skills, you can mark the timber, and then, using a construction angle, draw a cut line. If you cannot cut straight along the line with a hacksaw, then it is better to use a miter box.
  • You should get 2 bars of 160 cm each and 2 bars of 208 cm each (the internal size of the bed length is 200 cm + 2 bars of 4 cm each).
  • The cleanest side of the bars will be used as the front side (top of the bed), so we will place the bars with this side down.
  • You will need 4 more bars with the same dimensions. You also need to cut 2 bars of 200 cm each, and 2 bars of 168 cm each (the internal size of the bed width is 160 cm + 2 bars of 4 cm each).
  • In order for the frame to be strong, the corner joints must be overlapped, so for the second row we use bars of a different size, which we cut last.
  • Glue is applied to the bars of the first layer, and then the bars of the second row are laid and secured with self-tapping screws. Excess glue must be removed immediately, otherwise it will interfere with surface grinding later.
  • Now the bars of the third row are attached in exactly the same way.

  • You need to check that the corners of the bed are assembled at an angle of 90˚. To do this, let's measure the dimensions of the assembled frame diagonally - they should be the same.
  • After the glue has dried, you can continue working.
  • Since our mattress is 159 cm wide, this size is quite large - the boards we use can sag. To eliminate this, in the center of the bed, from one back to the other, from below, you need to make a stiffening rib. To make it you will need 2 bars, each 2 m long. They are also fastened together and installed in the same plane with the bottom of the bed. This is clearly visible in the photo.

The bed being manufactured has 4 legs located in the corners, but to be on the safe side, you can install a fifth support point in the center - then the base will definitely not bend.

  • We will make the legs from two 40x50 mm bars, fastened to each other. Their height is selected according to the owner’s preference in such a way that they will be attached to the lower two bars.
  • Having glued and secured the legs with self-tapping screws, we wait until the glue dries, and only after that we turn the bed over to the position in which it will now be permanently located.

  • To make a base for a mattress along the sides of the bed frame, you need to secure the remaining 50x40 mm timber (or existing scraps), since it is to this that the boards will be attached. The reference point will be the lower edge of the upper beam of the frame.
  • The width of the internal part of our product is 160 cm, so in order to avoid squeaking, the board can be made 5 millimeters shorter - 159.5 cm (or a little less).

  • Having sanded the boards, you need to lay them on the frame so that their sides do not touch the walls of the frame, and secure them.
  • Since the screws will be screwed into the edge of the board, you will need to drill holes for them in each board using a thin drill.
  • As for the distance between the boards, we find it experimentally. In our case, the length of the inner part of the bed is 200 cm. We will retreat 5 mm from the edges. 199 cm left. Divide by 16 (number of boards). 199/16 = 12.44 cm. Round it up, and it turns out that you need to apply markings on the support beam every 12.4 cm. Since the width of the board is 10 cm, the gap between them will be 2.4 cm, which completely suits us.

  • If you need to get a larger distance between the boards, then you need to reduce their number and again perform the calculations according to the scheme we have given.
  • Now we need to sand the entire structure. To do this, it is better to take the bed outside the room, as there will be a lot of dust.
  • It is convenient to use a grinder or a drill with an attachment on which the sandpaper is attached. After mechanized processing, you need to complete the process manually using fine-grained sandpaper.

  • The bed must be primed and varnished in several steps, each layer is applied after the previous layer has dried. The work is best done using a spray gun. As a last resort, you can use a brush, but it is important to understand that the appearance of the applied coating will not be the same as when using a spray gun.

You may have noticed that we still have 3 boards left. We will make a backrest out of them, as in the photo.

The height of the backrest is 45 cm and the width is 170 cm, but this is not important, since it will not be integral with the bed - we will fix it on the wall at the same level as the mattress.

Making it is not at all difficult. Three boards are sawn off to 170 cm each. From the scraps we make 11 boards of 45 cm each. If there are not enough boards of 45 cm each, then 2 boards of 40-42 cm each can be screwed through one board. Just like the bed, the backrest needs to be given a presentable look , varnishing it.

The backrest can be hung on hooks, only in this case it will knock on the wall. More practical is to firmly fix the backrest to the wall. Now the wooden bed can be used.

Video: making a wooden bed

Chipboard bed: step-by-step instructions

Making structures from chipboard may seem very difficult due to the characteristics of this material. If you cut, sand and glue the edges at home, then some difficulties arise, especially with cutting laminated chipboard, since the decorative layer can be damaged. Many problems can be avoided if you make a drawing in advance and order the production of parts in a furniture workshop. At home, all that remains is to assemble the structure.

This time we will look at the process of making a small single bed with two drawers. Here is an example of cutting a standard chipboard sheet for one bed.

From the remains of the stove you can make shelves for books or something else needed in the household.

So, we have a ready-made set of parts that need to be assembled to make a bed.

To do the job you will need the following tool:

  • screwdriver;
  • drill (you can use a screwdriver instead);
  • jigsaw;
  • confirmation drill;
  • bit extension;
  • bits (cross and hex);
  • mallet;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • awl;
  • roulette.

You will also need consumables:

  • Confirmations – 50 pcs.
  • Stickers or plugs for confirmations – 50 pcs.
  • Self-tapping screws 3.8×45 mm – 15 pcs.
  • Self-tapping screws 3.5×30 mm – 30 pcs.
  • Self-tapping screws 3.5×16 mm – 40 pcs.
  • Furniture corner – 12 pcs.
  • Direct roller – 8 pcs.
  • Wide furniture handles – 2 pcs.
  • Plastic legs – 12 pcs.
  • Bar 20×45 mm (3 m) – 3 pcs.

Now let's start assembling.

Since a 200x70 cm mattress will be used, we will adjust the existing slats to the width of the mattress, making them 70 cm long. As a result, there will be 12 of them.

On ten slats on one side you need to fix the corners.

First, let's make drawers that can be pushed under the bed. First of all, let's assemble the frame. To do this, we lay out the blanks so that the part covered with the edge is at the top. When assembling, it is important not to mix up the sides. It’s good if the edge is not glued to the end of the inner part, then you won’t get confused. If the edges of the parts are glued in a circle (which is incorrect), then you need to try to fold the box without twisting it, and then attach the bottom. Once you are sure that everything matches, you can begin assembly.

Stepping back about 3 cm from the bottom (or top) edge, you need to drill a hole with a confirmation drill. This must be done carefully, as one awkward movement will ruin the part. The thickness of the chipboard is 16 mm, so we retreat 8 mm from the edge of the workpiece, slightly core it and drill a hole without the slightest deviation.

If you have never assembled furniture from chipboard, then first practice on unused leftover sheets.

By connecting the parts, we get such a box.

In order to screw the bottom, eight confirmats are enough - 2 on each side. These drawers are not designed to hold very heavy items because the plastic casters are not designed for that.

All that remains is to attach the handle and install the rollers. One box is ready, now the second one is assembled in the same sequence.

Putting the finished drawers aside, let's start assembling the bed. Since the drawers will be installed on one side, you need to assemble 3 parts together, using 3 confirmats on each side.

As a result, we will get a “bench” like this.

Now we will assemble a decorative box, thanks to which the mattress will be fixed. This part is not as high as the base of the bed, so 2 confirmats will be used on each side.

We put the resulting frame on the bed frame so that it does not interfere with pulling out the drawers, and we connect them together from the inside with 3.5 × 30 mm self-tapping screws.

You need to nail down the plastic legs.

Let's start making the fins. On the front of the frame, you need to draw a line from one edge to the other along the height of the bed frame. Now we will fasten the bars with corners screwed to them every 13 cm, so that their lower part is aligned along the line.

Instead of fins made from boards, you can use a laminated chipboard cut to size.

After this, all that remains is to screw the bars to the opposite side using 30 mm self-tapping screws.

Having rolled up the drawers and laid out the mattress, you can start using the bed.

As you can see, with the right approach it will not be difficult to assemble a bed from laminated chipboard at home. The design can be of any size, as in the following video.

Video: making a double podium bed from chipboard

Pallet bed

Beds made from pallets are now in fashion. At first glance, it may seem that this kind of design would be appropriate only in some provincial dacha, but this is not so, because beds made from pallets can also be found in houses with rather rich furnishings.

Let's move on from words to action. Let's consider one of the options for assembling a bed from pallets. How many of them will you need? It all depends on the size and design of the product being manufactured. So, a single bed with legs can be made from 2 pallets, and without legs - from 4. We used 8 pallets to make our double bed.

If there is such a possibility, then you need to choose as complete pallets as possible. They need to be sanded.

All pallets should be painted using non-toxic wood paint. Since wood is very hygroscopic, most likely the pallets will need to be painted 2-3 times.

If there is such a desire, then you can open the blanks with varnish.

Having laid the first row of pallets, you need to fasten them together. If the wood is very strong, then holes are drilled for the screws.

Then the second row is laid.

All pallets are fastened together using metal plates and fixed with wood screws.

Thanks to this simple technology, you can make a pretty decent bed from pallets.

You can also make a back from pallets.

You can assemble some furniture from the remains of pallets and install it near the bed. In general - who likes what.

From plywood

A product made from plywood will not surprise anyone, but it can also be used to make furniture at home. We will use FSF brand sheets, since not all plywood is suitable for making a bed.

Let's look at an example of making a bed for a spring mattress 1900x900x200 mm.

Materials for making a bed

The thickness of the plywood used can be 12, 15 or 18 mm. Thin sheets can be used when fastening plywood with screws. A bed made from 18 mm plywood will be more durable, but very heavy, so it is preferable to use sheets 15 mm thick - they are much stronger than standard laminated chipboard.

  • Plywood 2.44×1.22 m - 1 sheet.
  • Beam 30×40 mm - 2 pcs. 1.9 m each.
  • Beam 30×40 mm - 7 pcs. 0.9 m each.
  • If the edges of the parts need to be pasted over, then purchase additional PVC edges. Its consumption will be no more than 8 p/m.
  • Glue “Moment” - 1 tube.
  • Screws 5×40 mm - 26 pcs.
  • Screws 5×60 mm - 12 pcs.
  • Screws 3×9 mm - 8 pcs.
  • Thrust bearings - 4 pcs.

As for the tools, they are the same as for working with chipboard. Instead of screws, you can use wood screws.

The side wall at the back of the bed is large in height. This is done so that the drawers pushed under the bed do not rest against the walls. If there are no drawers, then the side walls can be made the same.

Making a bed

From an existing sheet of plywood you need to cut out parts corresponding to the drawing.

If desired, you can use laminated plywood. In this case, it is important to consider that cutting such a sheet at home without damaging the laminated coating is very difficult. In addition, the edges will then need to be covered with furniture edges.

To cut plywood, you need to use a file with a fine tooth, and move the jigsaw slowly - this way we will get an even cut without chips. As a result, we should have parts of the following sizes:

  1. Front back – 932×650 mm.
  2. Rear backrest – 932×500 mm.
  3. Front side panel – 1900×200 mm.
  4. Rear side panel – 1900×350 mm (if without cabinets, then we also make 1900×200 mm).
  • The ends of all parts must be sanded. To do this, you can use a small wooden block wrapped with medium-grit sandpaper.
  • After this, we assemble the bed frame.

Bed base

  • The backs are attached to the side strips with 5x40 mm screws (2 on each front side, and 3 on the back).
  • Then we screw the beam to the side rails of the bed using 5x40 mm screws (7 pieces per side). The head of the screws should be slightly recessed into the timber. If you drive deeper, the screw will go right through the plywood.
  • We will fasten the crossbars made of timber to horizontal beams with 5x60 mm self-tapping screws (1 for each point).
  • Using 5x40 mm screws, screw the bars to the backs from the inside (3 self-tapping screws for each).
  • At the last stage, we will screw the thrust bearings from below to the backrests - 2 screws 3x9 mm for each.
  • We install the bed, lay the mattress and use our product.

If you use a soft one instead of a spring mattress on a frame, then you need to cut out the bottom from plywood and screw it to the bars on top.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in making a bed from plywood.

Made of metal

If you have some welding skills, you can make a metal bed. We will not even consider the bolted connection option, since such a product will very quickly become loose.

Look at the photo of a collapsible metal bunk bed. Agree that she looks very presentable.

For its manufacture the following materials were needed:

  • Profile pipe 50×25 mm – 8 m.
  • Profile pipe 40×40 mm – 8 m.
  • Profile pipe 20×20 mm (or 15×15) – 40 m.

In addition to the pipes, metal primer and hammer paint were purchased.

One of the advantages of such a bed is the absence of bent parts, so a pipe bending machine is not needed to make it.

If you buy pipes rather than use those that have been lying in the garage for several years, then do not opt ​​for rusty ones, since they will then need to be cleaned for a long time.

Frame making

Since the bed is collapsible, its parts can be made in parts. Let's start with the backs.

  • The base will be 40x40 mm pipes. We cut them into equal parts of 2 m each. If the ceilings are low, then you can reduce them to 185 cm.
  • The width of our backs will be 90 cm, so we will cut 8 identical pieces of 82 cm each (90-(4+4) = 82) from a 20x20 mm pipe, and 8 pipes of 30 cm each.
  • For now we will use only half of the prepared material.
  • On a flat plane, parallel to each other, you need to lay the rack pipes.
  • Stepping back 40 cm from the bottom and 1 cm from the edge, a pipe 82 cm long is grabbed.
  • You need to check with a construction angle that the angles are set correctly.
  • After 95 cm, the second pipe is tacked.
  • We return to the first one, and use tacks to assemble the grille - 2 pipes of 30 cm each and a crossbar of 82 cm.
  • We do the same with the second lattice.
  • After checking the angles and alignment of the tacked parts, they can be thoroughly welded.
  • The second backrest is made in the same way.

Now let's start making the shelves.

  • We will also cut the 50×25 mm profile pipe into 4 equal parts of 2 m each.
  • The width of the shelves will be 88 cm, so we will need 26 pieces of pipe 20x20 mm, 83 cm each (88-(2.5+2.5)=83).
  • 2 pipes are laid on edge parallel to each other.
  • We mark 13 cm from the edges and grab one jumper at a time, placing them along the bottom edge.
  • We lay out the remaining 11 jumpers every 14 cm and grab them.
  • After checking, the shelf is scalded, and the second one is assembled in exactly the same way.
  • To the shelf that will be installed at the top, it is necessary to weld a fence of the same height as the height of the grille on the back. The pipe used for fencing must be bent and not welded at an angle. If you don’t have a pipe bending machine, you can fill it with sand and bend it in a vice or between two supports. This pipe must be welded in the middle of the bed, as in the photo.

  • In the same way, 3 more vertical posts are welded, but it will not be welded to the back, so you need to weld a small strip at the end.

The time has come to assemble the structure together; for this we will use some more welding.

Since our bed is collapsible, we will make universal fasteners for it.

  • From a 20x20 mm pipe you need to cut 16 pieces of 10 cm each and weld them to the backs at the junction.
  • Each attachment point uses 2 tubes. They are inserted into the grate pipe and secured to the back. If this is not done, then you will not be able to assemble the bed, since the attachment points will not match.
  • After checking the correct location of the part, we thoroughly weld the tubes to the back.

  • Using a grinder, you need to process the welding seams.


  • Now let's assemble the bed.
  • In order for the dismountable parts to hold securely together, they will need to be secured with self-tapping screws (after final assembly).

It is also necessary to make a small ladder, the dimensions of which can be arbitrary.

  • We attach it to the shelves with bolts and nuts.

  • At the final stage of work, the entire structure is disassembled, degreased, primed and painted.
  • Once the paint has dried, the bed can be brought into the house and assembled.
  • To close the ends of the pipes, specially designed plastic plugs are purchased.

If the bed is made for children, then its length can be significantly reduced.

As you can see, you can make a beautiful and durable metal bed at home.

Manufacturing of decorative elements

If you want to do something original, then when making a bed, instead of standard profile pipes, you can use forging elements.

Such parts are sold in specialized stores or made to order. Good results can be achieved using bent parts, and you can bend them yourself.

Bed legs

People may have the misconception that the legs of a metal bed will look rough. If you set a goal, this element can also be made very attractive.

Video: making a metal bed with forging elements

Design selection

An incorrectly selected bed can cause a lot of inconvenience. Here are some tips from experts in this field:

  1. It is best if the bed is made from natural materials. When using laminated chipboard, plywood, laminate and other materials with synthetic additives (glue, etc.), the products must be certified, intended for the manufacture of furniture.
  2. The size of the bed matters a lot. A single room can be 100, 90 or 80 cm wide, and a double room can be 200, 180 and 160 cm wide. If there are no restrictions on the size of the room, then you need to act on the principle - the bigger the better. The length of the bed should be 20 cm longer than the person’s height (minimum 10 cm).
  3. Structures made from chipboard (and laminated chipboard) are the most unreliable and brittle.
  4. A solid bed bottom does not allow the mattress to ventilate, but too few fins can cause the mattress to become deformed.

Since we are talking about a mattress, there are some nuances of choice here.

  1. The mattress should not be hard. It should be soft enough, but not too deformed under the weight of the person lying on it, so it needs to be selected individually. For a double bed, you can choose 2 mattresses of different elasticity. To make sure that the mattress is right for you, you need to lie on it for 15-20 minutes before purchasing.
  2. If you purchased a hard mattress, then you can put a thick mattress cover on it, made from latex or memory mold (3 to 10 cm thick). If you haven’t decided on your choice, then it is better to purchase a mattress with double-sided rigidity.

As for the design features of the bed, it is a matter of personal preference and convenience. In a small room you can place a bed, under which there will be drawers, foldable or pulled out from the podium. In a large room, you can give free rein to your imagination by making a wide bed.

Video: how to choose a bed for your bedroom


A single bed is installed in cases where it is planned that only one person will sleep on it, be it a child or an adult. Also, 2 or more beds can be installed in one room, for example for two children. Be that as it may, you first need to decide which design is suitable, and then start manufacturing. Photos of homemade single beds can help with this.

Photos of single beds


As a rule, married couples sleep together (at least for the first few years), and in order for this bed to be comfortable to sleep on, you need to take care of its size and design. Look at the photo exhibition of double products.

Photos of double beds

Bunk bed

Usually a double bed is made for children. It can be either a simple bed or a fairytale castle in which the child will be happy to fall asleep. When choosing the design of this kind of children's bed, you need to think about both convenience and design.

Video: designing a children's bed

Photos of bunk beds

Drawings and diagrams: bed assembly

If you are from that category of people who like to make something, then today we invite you to make a bed with your own hands, using the instructions given in this article. The work of manufacturing a product will not take much time and money if you approach the design process and material selection wisely.

A homemade wooden bed will decorate your interior and reflect craftsmanship and creativity. The furnishings will differ from industrial products, which will add sophistication and uniqueness to the decoration of the room, adding coziness and color.

The cost of furniture structures in stores is constantly increasing, so more and more people are planning to make wooden beds with their own hands. This is a great option that allows you to save your budget and also implement interesting projects. If materials and equipment are available, creating a product becomes an opportunity to obtain high-quality furniture that fits the parameters. Exclusive handmade designs become an unsurpassed element of the interior, emphasizing impeccable style.

The advantage of homemade beds is the adaptation of the item to the interior characteristics. It happens that standard solutions to one degree or another do not fit the layout. Ordering a manufactured product according to individual drawings is more expensive. This leads to the fact that craftsmen decide to implement the project themselves.

Design advantages:

  • efficiency;
  • ease of assembly;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • variability of ideas;
  • durability;
  • the opportunity to realize your own “wants” and wishes.

In addition, it is much more profitable and convenient to make a bed for the country house with your own hands than to buy a structure in a furniture store and pay for expensive delivery. It is enough to buy materials or use available raw materials. The variety of sketches will help you think through your own product, which will ideally suit the interior. You can design your own piece of furniture, combining the necessary elements.

What is better to make it from?

The selection of materials becomes the most important stage in planning. Wooden beds come in many designs. The advantages of using this raw material are its aesthetic appearance, ease of processing and assembly. It is important that most often the types of materials are combined, which makes it possible to create a strong and durable structure. For this purpose, timber and furniture panels are used.

In comparison, metal products are more difficult to manufacture; skills and specialized equipment are required.

At the same time, wooden furniture looks much more comfortable, fills the room with warmth, and also effectively emphasizes the features of the interior design.

From timber

The vast majority prefer to make a bed from timber. The frame of most similar products is made from it. Such raw materials are the most durable, they hold their shape and, when properly processed and used, are not susceptible to cracking or drying out. Depending on the decor, softer or denser wood is selected.

If you plan to make carved elements, it is preferable to choose soft, pliable wood varieties. If there is no need for threading, it is recommended to buy more durable raw materials, the fibers of which are arranged as tightly as possible. Products made from timber provide a fairly massive appearance. They are suitable for high-tech, loft, modern and similar types of interior design.

From boards

Products made from boards are in great demand, as they make the project more economical and easier to implement. It should be noted that it is advisable to make the frame from timber, and lay the boards as partitions in the middle of the product, where the sleeping place will be located.

The material is economical, durable, and, if necessary, easier to dismantle and replace. The arrangement of the logs can be dense, that is, the elements are butted to each other, as well as at a certain interval. Boards are also used to make headboards and backrests. Elements of different types and sizes will help create unique and optimal design solutions.

From the array

It is important to understand that solid wood is a processed raw material. This includes timber and boards.

It comes in two types:

  1. Whole. A homogeneous piece of solid wood.
  2. Glued. If there are chips or deformations, the canvas is sawed, the damaged area is removed, and then glued together to obtain the required element. The principle is similar to the production of plywood, but wood waste is used for it, and laminated wood requires solid components. This type is more economical.

The advantage of a do-it-yourself solid pine bed is strength and durability. The design is easier to disassemble and assemble.

From logs

A more economical type of raw material, but no less high quality and effective. The principle of assembling furniture is similar to working with boards and timber. Proper processing and installation will help create a durable product. It is preferable to select logs of durable wood species.

This type of material has a natural pattern and will look great as garden furniture. In addition, you don’t have to buy logs; you can prepare them yourself. In this case, it is important to correctly prepare and process the array. Logs allow you to create the most cozy, comfortable and original furniture products.

From shields

Furniture panels are one of the optimal and inexpensive materials. They are glued wooden lamellas (high-grade wood veneer). Wood panels combine the advantages of solid wood, but at the same time cost less than solid wood. Such raw materials are strong, economical, durable, and also decorative.

This material is most often used for making furniture. Not only beds are made from it, but also other products, for example, cabinets, wardrobes, chests of drawers, sofas, etc.

From plywood

The material itself is laminated veneer of various types. Typically, the plywood covering is continuous, so it cannot be partially replaced in comparison with laying boards. In addition, this type does not provide sufficient ventilation for the mattress. There is no orthopedic effect.

A do-it-yourself plywood bed would be a good option for a summer house. It will cost more profitably, but at the same time it will be less strong and durable in comparison with solid wood and beams.

Where to begin

Product design always begins with drawing up a project. It is important to determine the dimensions of the object and draw up a drawing. Correct calculations guarantee a successful development process. It is better to make notes in a separate notebook, a sketch of the design, indicating the necessary details with calculation of dimensions. You also need to prepare equipment and fasteners in advance.

Schemes and drawings of the bed

We offer examples of drawings of a double bed with indications of dimensions and other parameters.

You can rely on the diagram, but at the same time edit it taking into account the necessary requirements. Furniture structures of other widths are also manufactured using this principle. Design features are determined by the characteristics of the project.

Material and necessary tools

It is important to properly prepare the raw materials first. Usually, stores sell already processed material. The beams are treated with a bioprotective solution. Wooden elements must be planed.

The volume of material is indicated for a double bed.

  • 100*100, 50*50 cm, 2.6 m;
  • wooden board 60*240 cm.
  • 20 pcs. 25*75 cm by 2 m;
  • 6 pcs. 100*50 cm x 2.6 m;
  • 4 things. 25*150 cm x 2.6 m;
  • 1 PC. 25*250 cm by 2 m, 2 pcs. 2.6 m each;
  • 1 PC. 25*100 cm x 2.6 m.

The following tools will help you make a bed:

  • circular, miter saws;
  • ruler-angle;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • drill-driver;
  • hammer, rubber mallet;
  • clamps;
  • socket wrench;
  • fastening material.

Depending on the readiness of the elements, the list of equipment may change. You can order timber already cut to size.

How to make a wooden bed with your own hands

The manufacturing process is largely determined by the design of the bed. Today there are many different variations of projects that allow you to realize the most interesting ideas. These can be structures with side backs, podiums, two-tier or classic products.

A single bed is a good option for a summer residence

A do-it-yourself laminated chipboard bed is a universal design for a country house. Such an element will not take up much space, does not require significant effort during assembly, and will serve well for many years. But it is important that laminated chipboard itself cannot be cut. Therefore, if you want to decorate the headboard with carvings, this type of panel will not work. A bed with a width of 75–100 cm is called a single bed.

A do-it-yourself single bed most often includes a frame made of stronger beams. The backrests can be made of laminated chipboard, and the sleeping cover is made of plywood. This method involves a minimum of financial expenses, and the design will be light enough for trouble-free movement.

Making a bed from chipboard with your own hands is quite simple, and if the materials have already been sawn, it will not take much time and labor. We will look at the principles of assembly below.

Single bed - a universal design option

If more space is required, the one-and-a-half type will be optimal. This bed has a width of 150 cm. Production materials can be timber, plywood, chipboard, fiberboard.

Expensive wood is rarely used for such purposes. For dacha use, it would be optimal to make a bed from plywood yourself.

How to make a double bed

You can make a double bed with your own hands according to these step-by-step instructions. The width of the product is 140–200 cm.

Manufacturing process:

  1. The frame is being assembled.
  2. The height of the legs is determined. The height of the side parts is added to it. The resulting length is cut from a 100*100 cm block. These will be the legs, so you need 4 elements. At the required height, fasteners for the side components are mounted with screws.
  3. The width of the sleeping area is determined. 2 boards measuring 50*100 cm are cut, they should be equal to the width of the mattress, but you need to add 2 cm for normal filling of bedding. Add 2 cm to the length of the mattress, saw off 2 more strips 50*100. We mount all 4 boards to the fasteners on the legs. For a double bed, one longitudinal partition is provided in the middle of the product so that the side beams do not burst.
  4. To make the base, boards 25*75 cm are needed. Fastening is done approximately every 7 cm. This will allow the mattress to be ventilated and also provide shock absorption.

This is one way to make a wooden bed.

A bed with drawers is a practical option

Recently, functional furniture has been valued, providing the ability to store a large number of things. So you can design a bed with drawers with your own hands based on a regular project.

A taller design is provided with guides installed in the legs. They allow you to organize pull-out cabinets. The product is optimal not only for the garden, but also at home, as it performs the functions of a chest of drawers.

Decorating the finished bed

Finishing the structure is the final stage of construction.

Stages of work:

  1. Cut 2 strips along the width and 2 along the length of the product. To do this, you will need a board 20*250 cm. Glue the elements along the perimeter of the structure in the appropriate places so that the top of the component coincides with the top of the beam-legs. You need to secure them with clamps and wait until dry. You can screw the boards with self-tapping screws and then install furniture plugs.
  2. For the top side you will need a board with a width equal to the width of the leg block with the thickness of the finishing panel (glued or screwed element). Saw off 4 boards of the required parameters. Smooth bevels are cut along the edges at 45 degrees.
  3. The wooden frame is reinforced with stiffening ribs. A 50*50 cm beam is used. It is necessary to saw off the panels according to the height of the side parts. You will need 20 elements. The parts are secured to the base of the structure with self-tapping screws.
  4. Then the top strips are installed.
  5. The remaining joints must be filled with wood mixture. Afterwards the bed is processed using sandpaper to smooth out unevenness. Then you need to walk over the structure with a soft brush to brush away any sawdust.

Using modern tools, you can develop a unique bed design with your own hands.

For painting, stain or special paint is used; to protect the surface, it is varnished.

Making a wooden product is not such a complicated process. The main thing is to think through the design, rely on the correct drawing, and also have high-quality tools and skills.

If you have any questions, require any clarification or clarification, write in the comments below.

How to make a double DIY bed? I present a complete set of sketches and drawings for making a double bed with your own hands.

The task was to make such a project for a double bed and use such materials so that it would turn out beautiful, comfortable, strong and not expensive.

The project was developed in such a way that, according to the presented drawings, even a craftsman who does not have sufficient experience in making furniture could easily translate the project into a finished product. At the same time, to make a bed you will need the most simple power tool , which every home craftsman probably has.

Double bed dimensions.

The dimensions of the double bed are determined based on the dimensions of the orthopedic mattress. Mattress size 2000 x 1600 mm. Mattress thickness 200 mm.

Bed height calculation taking into account the thickness of the mattress. According to the calculation diagram below, it can be seen that the height of the mattress surface is 416 mm. from the floor. In this project, the height of the front backrest will be calculated so that, even taking into account the decorative lining, it does not protrude beyond the surface of the mattress. Each master will be able to individually select the height of the front backrest, make it higher or lower than the level of the mattress. Below is not advisable as it will not look very nice in the finished product. You can do it as in our version or 5 centimeters higher.

This bed has a very nice appearance, is very strong and can serve its owners for a very long time. But most importantly, the bed is very easy to make and comes out quite cheap compared to.

The simplest materials were used for production, but which nevertheless guarantee the beauty and quality of the finished product.

Used: regular pine timber 50 x 50 mm, laminated chipboard and sanded chipboard as a base for the mattress. Used for decorative finishing MDF profile AGT(or profile of any another manufacturer , but with similar parameters).

Pine timber, in the design, is used as reinforcement of the bed frame and as a support for the base under the mattress.

You can buy such timber at any construction market in any city. Sold timber section 50 x 50 mm. 4.5 and 6 m long. One beam is very cheap and is usually sold by the piece.

For a bed you will need approximately 6.8 lm. timber. Therefore, it is optimal to buy two beams 4.5 m long.

The timber is sold sawn, but not planed. For the bed, no additional processing of the timber is required, i.e. it will not need to be planed or sanded. It can be consumed directly in the form in which it is sold, since it is an internal element of the double bed structure.

Drawings of a double bed.

General view of a double bed. The mattress base has been removed to reveal the interior of the bed.

Assembly diagram of a double bed with details.

Dimensions and detailing of a double bed. Material for making a double bed.

Name size X size U PC note
1 Backrest. Headboard. 650 1632 1 bottom is milled
2 Front back. Foot. 400 1632 1 bottom is milled
3 Tsargi. 2000 | | 200 2
4 Decor stand, footboard. 420 2 Profile AGT 1015
5 Decor stand, headboard. 670 2 Profile AGT 1015
6 Bed headboard decor 1632 2 Profile AGT 1046
7 Frame beam. 2000 3 Pine beam 50 x 50 mm.
8 Center beam holder 200 2 Pine beam 50 x 50 mm.
9 Central support 150 2 Pine beam 50 x 50 mm.
10 Mattress base. 1996 798 2 Sanded chipboard

Accessories for assembling a bed.

List of accessories that are needed to assemble a bed with your own hands. .

  • Dowel 30 x 8 mm. = 40 pcs.
  • Confirmat 7 x 50 = 4 pcs.
  • Minifix(eccentric tie) = 4 pcs.
  • Construction self-tapping screw (black) = 36 pcs. (for fastening pine beams)
  • Decorative plug for profile AGT 1015 = 4 pcs.
  • Furniture edge = 8.5 m.p.
  • PVA or B2 glue

Overall dimensions of the bed.

Double bed side view.

Double bed front view.

Double bed top view.

Double bed, drawings and assembly sketches.

1. Large headboard(back) or, as it is also called, the headboard.

Made from laminated chipboard and MDF profile. At material cutting , the part on the sheet should be oriented so that the texture of the laminate is from top to bottom, i.e. transverse. The size of a standard chipboard sheet is 1830 mm wide, so the part can be freely placed in the desired position.

Another decorative profile is installed along the upper end of the backrest. This project uses the AGT 1046 profile. The master can replace it with another one he likes, but suitable in design. Fastening the profile is similar to fastening the racks, using glue and dowels. With the top profile, you can simplify everything and “plant” it only with glue, it will also stick well, but it will be a little hacky, it’s better, of course, to strengthen the connection with dowels. It will be more durable this way.

If desired and if possible, racks and columns can be made from turned wooden parts. Only with such a turned part you will have to plan a small plane along the entire length to make it more convenient to attach it to the side of the backrest.

(photo from the network)

2. The headboard is small(front) or, as it is also called, the foot.

(click on the image to view full size)

Making a small headboard for a double bed uses the same techniques as a large one. The difference is that the front backrest is connected to the side frames using eccentric couplers and instead of through holes for the confirmation, couplings are installed for attaching the minifix rod. . Minifixes are needed so that no elements of this fastening protrude onto the front, visible part of the backrest. It’s easier with the backrest; the hats of the confirmats, although visible, are located at the back and usually face the wall.

3. Tsargi. Longitudinal parts of the bed frame. The drawing is the same for both the left and the right drawer.

Handmade furniture items are becoming increasingly popular. These unique items are made taking into account a specific interior and fit into it perfectly. Of course, you can order a bed according to individual sizes and with clear wishes to the manufacturing company, but the price will be quite high. Therefore, this article will discuss how to make a double bed with your own hands.

If you have welding skills, the bed frame can be made from a profile pipe, and the backrest can be decorated with decorative forging elements. But we will look at a simpler and accessible way for everyone to make a double bed from wood. In this case, only materials that are harmless to health will be used, for example, PVA glue. It will take at least 7 - 10 days to completely assemble the bed. On the Internet you can find a large number of drawings and diagrams of a double bed with your own hands; let’s consider the simplest option.

Materials, tools and drawings for a double bed

To start making a bed, you need to prepare everything you need:

  • diagram of a double bed for assembly with your own hands, which contains details of all elements and sizes;
  • sheet plywood;
  • metal corners;
  • large jar of PVA glue;
  • nails or screws;
  • beam;
  • pins.

DIY drawing of a double bed photo

Now it’s time to prepare the preparations:

  • timber is selected with a cross-section of 4x5 cm in the amount of 14 pieces. It must be absolutely smooth and durable, so it makes sense to give preference to laminated pine. Length 200-210 cm;
  • cut and planed slats 2x10 cm, length 2 m 20 pcs.

Advice: you should first purchase a mattress and only then start assembling the frame. The fact is that it often differs from the declared dimensions by 1 - 2 cm.

  • If you plan to make drawers for a double bed with your own hands, then you need to additionally buy chipboard sheets for them.
  • Fastening elements should be purchased with a reserve; to assemble a wooden bed you will not need expensive fasteners. 70 pieces are enough. wood screws 6 cm long.

Tip: when choosing metal corners, pay attention to their bends, or rather to the bases of the bends. If there is roughness on them, this indicates their low quality. Raw materials made from such raw metal may begin to crack during use.

DIY double bed made of wood

  • First, a rectangular frame is assembled. Each side consists of three beams connected in height, which makes the base as rigid as possible. The result should be an even rectangle, the internal dimensions of which correspond to the dimensions of the mattress. If there is a risk of making less than necessary, then it is advisable to leave an allowance of 1 cm on all sides.

  • To do this, take a 4x5 cm beam and cut it into 2 parts 1620 mm (taking into account allowances of 1 cm on each side of the base) and 2 parts 2100 mm (2020 mm +2 * 40mm). Everything must be done as accurately as possible, otherwise it will not be possible to connect all the parts. They are laid out on the floor, and PVA furniture glue is applied to the first row.
  • The second row of timber is immediately placed on top and secured with self-tapping screws. It is very important that the bars are level and that there is no distortion when fastening the crowns. It is most convenient to check the correctness of the rectangular shape of the future bed frame using a tape measure or twine, measuring the lengths diagonally.
  • When tightening the screws, excess glue will invariably come out. They must be removed immediately, without allowing the composition to set. Otherwise, they will greatly spoil the appearance of the bed, interfering with high-quality surface treatment.
  • The orthopedic slatted base, which is assembled from slats 2 cm thick, is too weak to withstand the load of a double mattress and two people, so it is necessary to make a stiffening rib in the center. It runs along the bed and should have a pair of legs.
  • Another 4 legs are made in each of the corners of the frame. To do this, take two pieces of the required length of timber 4x5 cm and fasten them together with self-tapping screws, first coating the seams with glue. And they are securely attached to the rectangular frame. Now you can turn the base over and install it on the legs.
  • Based on the drawings of a double bed, which is made by hand from wood, supports are prepared for the slatted base. From the same timber from which the perimeter of the frame was made, sections are cut equal to the internal length of the sides of the bed.
  • Considering that the frame has a thickness of three rows, the support beam is attached at the level of the second row along the entire internal perimeter. Its thickness is enough to attach an orthopedic base made of thin slats to it.

Advice: it is better to make the length of the slats a little shorter so that there is a deformation gap between them and the frame. This will protect the wood from cracking or possible squeaking.

  • The slats are attached in increments of 15 to 30 mm. It should be the same, so it’s convenient to prepare a template. They are fixed in three places - along the edges and along the axial stiffener. There are two self-tapping screws in each place.
  • Then it is left for a while so that the glue dries completely.
  • After this, the final processing begins. First, the entire surface, including the legs, is sanded. If you don’t have a special grinder, you can use a grinder with an appropriate attachment (coarse-grained). After this, the treatment is carried out with fine-grained sandpaper using movements along the wood fibers.
  • After making sure that the surface of the bed is smooth, you should carefully remove all dust from the surface and wash the room in which sanding was carried out. Otherwise, small particles will settle on the fresh paint and ruin the appearance of the bed.
  • For painting, it is best to choose a high-quality abrasion-resistant varnish. First, the frame is coated with a protective primer for wood, and then the required number of layers of varnish are applied one by one (minimum 3). If it is not possible to use a spray gun, you need to buy a special varnish brush with very fine bristles. During this work, you will have to turn the bed over to apply the coating on all sides.
  • At the same stage, you can think about and at the same time paint the headboard if it is also made of wood.

DIY headboard for a double bed

The headboard is an integral element of the bed. It’s not enough to just assemble a mattress frame; you also need to create a beautiful design that will fit into the bedroom interior and create a cozy atmosphere.
When designing the appearance of your headboard, you should ensure that it is comfortable to lean on while reading before bed. And at the same time, it will not wear out or change its appearance during long-term use.

Soft rectangular headboard for a double bed

Even a woman can do it with her own hands, with the bare minimum of tools. It will be a simple rectangular shape, upholstered in beautiful fabric.
To work you will need:

  • a piece of plywood of the required size;
  • durable fabric;
  • foam rubber and synthetic winterizer;
  • construction stapler with staples.

Stages of work

  • Take a sheet of plywood. If its dimensions differ from the required ones, then all excess is cut off with a jigsaw. Foam rubber is cut out and laid on top. Its thickness depends on individual preferences.
  • An ironed piece of fabric is placed on top. It must have sufficient allowances to go around the plywood sheet with foam rubber and extend onto the back wall by at least 15 cm.
  • First, one side is secured with a stapler. Then they begin all subsequent ones, while creating the necessary tension. Once the sides are secured, it is recommended to turn the headboard over to ensure there are no folds or too little tension.
  • Literally in 2 hours the headboard is ready. It can be attached directly to the wall. To do this, metal eye-loops are screwed to it on the reverse side, with which it will cling to the screws in the wall (this canopy method will not work if the wall is made of plasterboard without a mortgage).

Soft figured headboard for bed

It is much more complicated in execution, but the end result will add luxury to the bedroom. It will require:

  • plywood;
  • chalk or soap with a sharp edge for marking on fabric;
  • universal glue, suitable for gluing both fabric and foam rubber;
  • construction stapler;
  • foam;
  • furniture nails;
  • decorative material for upholstery.

Stages of work

  • First, a sketch of the form is made. A stencil is prepared using it in full size. Such a visual paper blank is also needed in order to confidently assess whether such a headboard will suit the design of the room.
  • Using a stencil, a part is cut out of plywood with a jigsaw and from foam rubber. Glue is applied to the surface of the plywood sheet, especially carefully on all edges, and foam rubber is glued. Along the edge, for greater reliability, it can be fixed with a stapler.

  • A piece of decorative fabric is placed on top and stapled along the edge. After this, the headboard is turned over and the remaining allowances of material are nailed onto the back side into tension. If the base has rounded shapes, the fabric allowances should be cut to the edge of the plywood in 5 cm increments.
  • To cover the fasteners from the stapler on the front side and further decorate the headboard, take decorative twine and nail it along the contour onto furniture nails. If the design provides for the additional use of decorative elements, then markings for them are first applied with chalk.
  • The reverse side can also be covered with fabric, cutting it a little smaller than what the shape requires. The edges are pre-folded and stitched.
  • The finished headboard is either hung on the wall or simply placed on the floor and pressed against the bed.

Upholstered headboard for a bed using the carriage screed technique

This is a popular and stylish design that can often be found on luxury bed models in stores.

To work you need to prepare:

  • plywood;
  • foam;
  • padding polyester
  • construction stapler;
  • pencil;
  • textile;
  • decorative lace;
  • decorative large buttons.

Stages of work

  • Foam rubber is glued to a sheet of plywood. In order for the final result to be beautiful, the layer of foam rubber must be at least 5 cm.
  • On a sheet of paper corresponding to the size of the headboard, markings are drawn in the form of squares. It marks the places where the buttons will be located. At this point, holes are cut out on the sheet and applied again to the headboard from the foam side. And they make marks with a pencil.
  • In these places, make through holes on the foam rubber and plywood, the diameter of which is smaller than the buttons. To do this, use a drill or screwdriver with the necessary attachment.

Tip: to create an even softer and more pleasant-to-touch surface, it is recommended to place a layer of padding polyester on top of the foam rubber. Holes are also made on it in the places where the buttons are attached.

  • The top of the headboard is covered with decorative fabric using a stapler.
  • Thick ropes are threaded through the button eyelet. Having felt the holes under them with your hand, a thin cut is made in the fabric in this place to thread the rope, and pulled through. The button should press the fabric with foam tightly and rest against the plywood. The ropes are tied on the reverse side and the ends are nailed with a stapler. For ease of work, it is recommended to use a hook.

Bed headboard made of rags

For a rustic-style bedroom, a homemade headboard made from multi-colored rags looks especially good. And if you use noble fabrics using the same technique, and make the flaps themselves larger in size, then it will fit even into the most luxurious interiors.
To work you will need:

  • the required number of sheets of plywood (one the size of the headboard remains solid);
  • saw or jigsaw;
  • scissors;
  • foam;
  • stapler;
  • glue;
  • screwdriver;
  • textile;
  • self-tapping screws

Stages of work

  • We line the plywood into the required number of squares. Then it is laid on supports and cut with a jigsaw or saw.
  • Foam rubber is cut to the size of plywood blanks. Fabric parts are cut out with an allowance of 10-15 cm.
  • Foam rubber is glued to the plywood. The fabric is placed on top, and pulling it tightly, I fix it only on the reverse side with a stapler. In this way, all elements of the future headboard are prepared.

  • The resulting squares are placed face down on the clean floor. They are temporarily fixed together with double-sided tape. A solid sheet of plywood is placed on top, which will become the basis for attaching individual elements. Using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver, the squares are screwed to it.
  • By turning the product over, the adhesive tape is removed. That's it, the work is finished.

Double bed with lifting mechanism

This bed is especially convenient for a small bedroom. The lifting mechanism has a number of advantages:

  • there is free space under the double bed. This is a fairly spacious place that can be used at your discretion;
  • Under the bed you can store all your bedding and other things. There is no need to buy a chest of drawers or a wardrobe;
  • The lifting mechanism is easy to use; even a child can lift it;
  • an ideal solution for a minimalist interior;
  • the space under the bed will not become a storage area for dust and children’s toys will not get there;
  • By making a lift-up double bed with your own hands, you will get both a bed and a wardrobe at an affordable price.

DIY double bed. Blueprints

Making it is not difficult, just buy the necessary parts to assemble the frame on hinges. The choice of lifting structures and parts for them is quite diverse, and it will not be difficult to choose the appropriate option.
The lift bed will consist of:

  • frame;
  • lifting mechanism;
  • accessories;
  • mattress.

Main options for lifting mechanisms:

  • gas shock absorber. This is the most expensive option, but reliable and easy to use. Since it requires the least amount of effort to lift, this will be the best option for a heavy double bed;
  • spring mechanism. Its execution is simpler, therefore the price is lower and more affordable. Initially, the reliability of such a mechanism is high, but with prolonged use the springs can be damaged. But replacing them is not difficult, and the cost of repairs will be minimal. The main disadvantage is considered to be too heavy lifting, so it is better not to choose it for a double or children's bed;
  • on hinges. The most primitive and cheapest option. But since the hinges do not even partially take on the load of lifting the structure, they are unacceptable for a double bed that is planned to be raised frequently.

Having decided on the size of the bed and the type of lifting mechanism, you need to make a drawing of the future design:

  • First of all, the material for the bed frame is selected. It is best to choose light wood or durable and high-quality MDF. In production, it can be covered with film with any design or painted;
  • you can make an orthopedic base yourself from slats 2 cm thick or buy a ready-made one;
  • the mattress is selected according to individual wishes;
  • The lifting mechanism is only suitable with gas shock absorbers.

Based on this data, a drawing is prepared and according to it, cutting and preparation of all structural elements and fasteners begins. The following video shows detailed instructions on how to assemble a bed with a lifting mechanism with your own hands.