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» Burnet planting and care in open ground medicinal properties. Burnet officinalis application photo Instructions for use

Burnet planting and care in open ground medicinal properties. Burnet officinalis application photo Instructions for use

Burnet plant grows wild in Europe, Siberia, Kazakhstan, Asia and the Far East. This herbaceous perennial plant up to one and a half meters tall is found everywhere in clearings and the banks of reservoirs.

Its spectacular appearance makes it decorative, especially varieties bred not so long ago, while the burnet rhizome is endowed with a number of useful medicinal properties.

Types and varieties of burnet

Grows in the steppes of the Russian Federation and Western Europe. At first glance, it is not easy to distinguish it as a member of the Rosaceae family, since its dark purple small flowers, forming dense spike-shaped inflorescences, are very different from those of roses and apple trees.

  • The most popular variety of burnet is now 0.8 meters high, with variegated red inflorescences. Other varieties and types of burnet (of which there are 12) look approximately the same in appearance, the only difference is in the color and length of the inflorescences, the shape and size of the leaves.

  • For example, variety burnet pink brashes characterized by light pink inflorescences and dense, beautiful foliage.

  • has dark pink flowers and green pinnately dissected leaves with notched edges.

  • It is distinguished by green leaves covered with a white border and narrow pink inflorescences about 5 cm long.

Not tall (up to 50 cm in height) magnificent burnet - a species growing in the Ussuri region. Its unusually decorative qualities are manifested in the hanging long, thick, shaggy pink inflorescences that stand out against the background of bluish foliage.

Another type - dull burnet (blunt-leaved , obtuz ) - grows in the mountainous areas of Japan. This cute representative of the genus is characterized by a height of 1 meter and drooping fluffy bright pink inflorescences.

Originally from North America, it grows in meadows in conditions of high humidity, reaching as much as 2 meters in height. Its grace and majesty is expressed by powerful upright shoots, on which white inflorescences flaunt.

It has powerful branched stems, stretching 1.8 meters in height, with numerous oblong (up to 7 cm) narrow drooping inflorescences of white or purple color. According to the name, the leaves of this species differ from those described above by their small width - 5-10 mm.

Burnet planting and care in open ground

The burnet is not characterized by carelessness. This plant requires very little for normal development, so it thrives in both well-lit and semi-shaded areas.

Of the things that will clearly benefit the burnet in growth and flowering, the looseness and fertility of the soil should be highlighted. The latter is ensured by the use of ash, superphosphate or humus, forming an auxiliary layer at the bottom of the planting pit.

It is recommended to apply fertilizers in the spring, in the first days of summer, or at the end of autumn. The plant should not be replanted until it reaches 5 years of age. It should also be noted that burnet is characterized by self-seeding, which, if necessary, can be prevented by cutting off faded flowers at the right time.

Burnet is among the cold-tolerant plants that do not need to be dug up before the onset of frost. Moreover, it tolerates winter well without shelter and is almost not exposed to pests. Thanks to such impressive advantages, she can live up to 40 years with proper care (the average lifespan is 10 years).

Burnet propagation by division

To propagate burnet, you can use its thick multi-headed rhizomes, first carefully tearing them out and dividing them in the spring or in the last days of summer.

The resulting cuttings, although not numerous, have a high survival rate.

Burnet growing from seeds

The process of propagation by seeds is also quite easy. Sowing procedures should be carried out before the start of winter, and in the spring the result will appear in numerous shoots that will bloom in 2-3 years.

Both in natural conditions and in the garden, the burnet is prone to hybridization, which leads to the emergence of its most diverse flower forms. Unaltered species material can be obtained by isolating inflorescences in buds and subsequent hand pollination.

Burnet medicinal properties and contraindications

The medicinal properties of burnet include hemostatic, astringent, antimicrobial, strengthening and others. The main healing potential of the plant is concentrated in the root. Burnet root includes tannins, of which it and its rhizomes contain approximately 13-20% in terms of the total chemical composition.

There are medications based on burnet root for oral and external use. In the first case, for example, the decoction is used in a teaspoon no more than 5 times a day in order to strengthen the immune system, get rid of diarrhea, and reduce intestinal motility. External use involves lubricating the inflamed areas of the skin with a decoction. At the same time, the roots, leaves, and flowers of the plant are among the components of various medicinal teas, such as:

Gastric , which contains rhizome with burnet roots (3 parts by weight), rhizome with valerian roots (2), marshmallow roots (3), oak bark (4), calendula flowers (2), coltsfoot leaves (2), leaves walnut (2), knotweed (3), bird cherry berries (3) and eucalyptus leaves (1).

Tea should be brewed by pouring 1 tablespoon of the collection with 1 glass of boiling water, leaving it in a thermos for 6 hours, then straining. Take half a glass three times a day to eliminate problems with diarrhea (for enterocolitis);

Female , consisting of rhizomes with burnet roots (2 parts by weight), chamomile (1), sage leaves (2), peppermint leaves (2), wildflower (2), white steppe (1), motherwort (2) , rowan berries (4).

Brew tea by pouring 3 tablespoons of the collection into 1 liter of boiling water, and take it in equal portions 6 times a day for menstrual irregularities with severe pain and neurasthenia;

Chest , including rhizome with burnet roots (2 parts by weight), calendula flowers (3), thyme (1), Crimean rose petals (3), spring primrose (2), white steppe (1).

You need to brew tea with 2 liters of boiling water per 6 tablespoons of the mixture. It is consumed in equal portions 7 times a day for the treatment of lobar pneumonia with pleurisy.

Burnet tincture with vodka

You can also prepare a healing alcohol tincture from the roots of burnet. To do this, you need to pour 3 tablespoons of raw material with a glass of vodka, then place it in a dark place to infuse for 21 days.

The resulting medicine should be taken orally in drops. Several drops per day will reduce bleeding during the menstrual cycle and will help in the treatment of hypertensive crisis, thrombosis, and hemorrhoids.

The healing properties of this medicinal herb were known many centuries ago. Its name - burnet - only sounds scary in appearance, in fact it denotes one of the main properties of the plant - to stop any internal bleeding. This plant has many names: button grass, hernia grass, black grass, common redhead.

Burnet is a perennial medicinal herb from the Rosaceae family. The smell of this perennial and taste are reminiscent of cucumbers. The shoots of this perennial are small in thickness, elongated, and can grow up to 1.2 - 1.5 m in height. The flowers are not large, red with a dark tint. The shoots are solitary, erect, begin to branch only in the upper half of the plant, bare, slightly ribbed, empty inside. The foliage is not wide, similar to feathers, with 7 to 20 leaves connected together. The upper side of the leaves is shiny, dark emerald in color, the lower part is green with a bluish tint, dull. The leaves are oval, oblong, with sharply serrated edges. The root system is powerful. This plant begins to bloom in the fourth or fifth season., flowers appear from the first ten days of June to the third ten days of August. The fruits appear from late August to September. The fruits of this herb look like small brown nuts.

Burnet is a perennial medicinal herb from the Rosaceae family.

Burnet loves moist soil very much, therefore, you can find it along the banks of bodies of water (rivers, streams, lakes, ponds), on lawns and clearings. Prefers the following climatic zones: steppes and forest-steppes, but is sometimes found even in the steppes.

Burnet is especially actively used to treat various diseases in the Siberian regions and the Far East, so the population of this medicinal plant there is rapidly declining. Unfortunately, in many areas of our country, the burnet is even listed in the Red Book as an endangered plant.

Gallery: burnet (25 photos)

Where is burnet used (video)

Medicinal properties and contraindications

One of the main substances that determine the medicinal properties of this herb are tannins. Depending on where the plant grows, the amount of these substances ranges from 11% to 16.5%. Other active compounds that have an astringent effect are also synthesized in the roots.(catechins, ellagic acid, etc.). The scope of application for preparations based on burnet is significantly expanded, because the roots contain flavonoids.

The main medicinal qualities of this herb are an astringent, enveloping effect; it also transfers blood protein from one state to another, thereby stopping bleeding.

Medicines based on burnet have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. It was found that the active substances that make up this medicinal plant successfully fight pathogenic bacteria of the gastrointestinal tract (in particular E. coli). The bacilli that cause diseases such as typhoid, paratyphoid, and dysentery are quite resistant to decoctions and alcohol tinctures from this medicinal plant. However, in combination with other medicines, burnet can also be used to treat such diseases. Children with diarrhea are also prescribed decoctions from the rhizomes of this herb (though in combination with other medications).

One of the main substances that determine the medicinal properties of burnet is tannins.

This herb successfully fights some fungal diseases caused by lower fungi, and also successfully copes with Giardia and Trichomonas. Using drugs based on this medicinal plant, enterocolitis and diarrhea (gastrogenic and intoxicating) are quite successfully treated.

Possessing astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, burnet is used in the treatment of stomatitis and gingivitis, inflammation of the tonsils, and treatment of sore throats of various types. Externally, preparations from this herb are used to treat purulent wounds, ulcers (trophic), rinses in the treatment of erosions, hemorrhoids, etc. The rhizomes are charred to a black state, ground and sprinkled on burns.

No side effects or obvious contraindications for the use of preparations based on burnet have been identified.. There is no overdose when taking such medications, unless the stomach is slightly upset. But we must remember that any internal bleeding, which this herb is used to stop, begins due to some serious disease, which often cannot be cured only with burnet. Therefore, in the initial stage of such bleeding, it is imperative to seek medical help.

Burnet roots synthesize active compounds that have an astringent effect.

Collection and storage of burnet roots and flowers

For medicinal purposes, the roots of this perennial are most often used, and less often the flowers. The rhizomes are harvested during the fruiting period, when the inflorescences become darker.

Parts of the plant should be collected and dried correctly, otherwise some of the medicinal properties may simply disappear. Basic rules for collecting and drying:

  • To preserve some of the plants when collecting roots, at least 3 to 4 flowers are left per 7–8 m2 area.
  • It is possible to re-harvest medicinal plants in one place no earlier than after 9–10 years.
  • To dig up the burnet along with the roots, you should use a shovel. You cannot pull it out of the ground by its stems.

Burnet in folk medicine (video)

  • All soil should be removed from the rhizomes of the plant and the stems should be trimmed. Then rinse the raw materials thoroughly under running cold water. Clean roots are laid out to dry. Then the remaining shoots are removed.
  • The dried roots should be cut into strips about 18–20 cm long and left to dry in the fresh air. The raw materials are finally dried in direct sunlight. But you can dry the rhizomes in the oven or in special dryers, the temperature in which should be about 45°C.
  • Raw materials for drying should not be placed on baking sheets or metal grates, since when they come into contact with metal parts, the roots begin to turn black and lose their healing properties.

Determine whether the medicinal roots have dried out by whether they break or not. If the roots just bend, this indicates that they have not dried out. Completely dried raw materials break down. Completely dried roots have a brown color on the outside (and the inside at the break is light yellow), their taste is astringent, and there is no smell at all.

Dried medicinal raw materials are stored in canvas bags for no longer than 5 years.

Burnet rhizomes are harvested during the fruiting period, when the inflorescences become darker

Application of beneficial properties of burnet in folk medicine

People have long used preparations based on this herb for:

  • stopping various bleedings (uterine, gastrointestinal, pulmonary, hemorrhoidal, etc.:
  • for gastrointestinal diseases caused by infections and accompanied by inflammatory processes, in particular diarrhea and dysentery;
  • treatment of inflammatory processes of the skin, mucous membranes of the oral cavity, vagina;
  • in the treatment of certain diseases in gynecology, dentistry, ENT diseases.

The main medicinal preparations made from the rhizome of burnet are a decoction and an alcohol tincture. But you shouldn’t just brew the roots of this herb with boiling water and just let it sit. Such an infusion simply does not receive beneficial active substances from the rhizome.

Holland is the birthplace of the most popular designer of the 21st century, postmodernist Piet Oudolf. It was thanks to him that the trend in creating flower beds, which began in Germany and was called the “new wave” there, became a leader in landscaping urban landscapes among advanced gardeners. Herbs, cereals and simple perennial flowers, which two decades ago no one would have considered as an object of garden design, began to enter into garden fashion. And I would like to introduce you to one of these plants, let’s call it conventionally “simple” but charming. Burnet (Sanguisorba) quickly and rapidly entered the natural style flower beds and became in demand by landscape designers more than ever before.

What's special about burnet?

Burnet is not distinguished by its large bright flowers and dense foliage; its beauty lies in its lightness, airiness and elegance. If you plant it in the foreground, then with its openwork foliage it will create a translucent screen through which the flower garden will be visible. Thanks to the long and thin, almost invisible peduncle, the inflorescences seem to float in the air, creating an additional frame for the plantings.

Thanks to the long and thin, almost invisible peduncle, the inflorescences seem to float in the air, creating an additional frame for the plantings.

Burnet meets all the basic requirements set by designers for “Dutch” or “new wave” flower beds:

1. beautiful foliage and modest, dim, but original flowers - dense small inflorescences have a variety of shapes, from small cones to long spikelets or drooping earrings;
2. flowers of beautiful color - white, pink, red, depending on the type;
3. The flowering period is long, up to two months;
4. does not lose its attractiveness throughout the year - in autumn the foliage turns yellow and orange, and dried inflorescences on high peduncles do not fall off even in winter and look very beautiful;
5. holds its shape well; some types, however, fall apart, but still look good, you just need to choose the right place for them;
6. It reproduces well by self-sowing and rhizomes, but is not aggressive, so you don’t have to control the planting.

burnet with perennials

Ideal plant for the “lazy”

This perennial is unpretentious: a lot of sun, moist, fertile soil, weeding and loosening - that’s all it needs. If the soil is very poor, standard fertilizing with mineral fertilizers and organic matter can be carried out in early spring and a couple of times during the season. Apply fertilizers carefully - the powerful rhizome is located shallow, it is easy to damage when mixing the fertilizer with the soil. Weeding and loosening can be replaced by mulching with any organic material, such as grass clippings. It is very winter-hardy, not affected by pests, and does not get sick.

Burnet is easily pollinated, resulting in very interesting hybrids. If you need to propagate a varietal burnet or a plant of the original species, propagate in divisions, and cut off the inflorescences immediately after flowering.

Propagation by seeds. Seeds are sown in autumn. The sowing depth is about 1 cm. The seeds are evenly distributed and sprinkled with a layer of peat. Until next autumn, the seedlings grow, then they are planted in a permanent place at a distance of 0.5 m. In the 2nd–3rd year, the plant begins to bloom.

Reproduction by rhizome. To obtain divisions, a plant at least 5 years old is carefully dug up, pieces of rhizome with growth points are cut off, the sections are sprinkled with ash and planted in a new place in May or August.

The genus Sanguisorba is not numerous - only about 20 species. They differ mainly in size, foliage color, as well as the shape and color of the inflorescences.

The tallest burnets common among gardeners are (S. officinalis) and (S. canadensis). Plants grow up to 1.5 m and higher, differ in the color of the inflorescences - in the burnet, they have the form of small dark red cones, in the Canadian burnet, they have white spikelets.

(S. obtusa) and Menzies burnet(S.menziessii) are more compact, about 1 m tall. Both plants are loved by designers for the elegance and beauty of their large, up to 7 cm, pubescent inflorescences of bright pink color; those of the obtuse ones are drooping, similar to alder catkins; those of Menzies are erect. Menzies burnet is the only one that blooms early, blooming already in May, the rest - in August-September.

Menzies burnet is the only one that blooms early, blooming already in May, the rest - in August-September.

Gorgeous burnet(S. magnifica) is very similar to the obtuse burnet in the color and shape of the inflorescences - pink, pubescent, drooping catkins, but the bush is low, up to 0.5 m in height.

Very attractive breeding variegated burnet. The Little Angel variety is especially good - a small plant, up to 0.4 m tall, with beautiful bluish leaves with a white border along the edges and oval cones of dark red inflorescences.

Popular varieties

Varieties of burnet: tall powerful Red Thunder with small, almost round burgundy inflorescences, low compact Tanna with small red balls of inflorescences and Pink Tanna with pink drooping earrings.

Varieties of blunt burnet: variegated Lemon Splach with uneven yellow spots on green leaves, Alba with white earrings - the most unpretentious, grows on any soil, and Lilac Squirrel with drooping, heavily pubescent pink inflorescences up to 10 cm long, unusually large for a burnet.

How to make bloodsucker “work” in your garden

Of course, creating a flower garden in the “new wave” style on your site is not easy. But a small plot in a natural style is a task that an enthusiastic gardener can handle. Plant the area with small groups of burnet, or any of them, and you will get an unusual flower garden reminiscent of a natural meadow. Moreover, it is absolutely okay if all the plants do not stand in height, as is usually customary in classic flower beds.

To treat some diseases, people prefer to use traditional medicine recipes. Burnet has enormous benefits for the body, which has been used since ancient times as an aid to get rid of a number of diseases.

Burnet plant - chemical composition

In folk recipes you can find another name - hernia grass. For treatment, roots, castings, flowers and other parts of the plant are used, which are rich in tannins, starch, essential oil, beneficial acids, saponins and sterols. Burnet grass contains carotene and. The plant is rich in mineral elements; the roots contain potassium, copper, magnesium, iron and other macro- and microelements.

Burnet - use

The presented plant has a large list of useful properties, for example, it stops bleeding well, fights viruses and microbes, promotes wound healing, and has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and enveloping effect. This is just a small list of the benefits that can be obtained by consuming decoctions and infusions. The rhizomes and roots of burnet are used in the treatment of various diseases, using the remedies externally and internally.

Burnet for ulcers

In the presence of a peptic ulcer, an infusion prepared from burnet is effective due to a number of its properties: it reduces the inflammatory process, promotes the production of enzymes, fights bacteria and coats the walls of the stomach. The burnet plant promotes healing of the mucous membrane. To achieve good results, long-term treatment is necessary.


  • burnet leaves and stems - 3 teaspoons;
  • cold water – 0.5 l.


  1. It is necessary to use pre-boiled water in the recipe. Pour it over the crushed raw materials and leave for eight hours.
  2. After this, strain and drink 50 ml up to four times a day.

Burnet for diarrhea

A huge number of people confirm the fixing effect of the roots of burnet, so the infusion can be used as a first aid for diarrhea. In addition, the plant destroys bacteria, removes toxins and stabilizes the digestive system. Burnet for diarrhea in adults has been used since ancient times due to its enveloping and protective effect.


  • burnet – 1 pc.;
  • boiling water.


  1. Take the whole plant, which should not be dried, and chop it. You should get approximately 50 g of raw material.
  2. Pour it into a 1 liter glass jar and fill it with boiling water. Close the lid and leave for 30 minutes.
  3. It is necessary to take the infusion every two hours, 0.5 tbsp. When the liquid runs out, the plant can be poured with boiling water again, but it needs to steep for two hours.

Burnet herb in gynecology

Decoctions and infusions are effective in the treatment of female diseases, and this is due to the plant’s ability to stop bleeding, reduce inflammation and pain, and also fight microbes. In addition, burnet is an excellent general tonic. It is used in the treatment of erosions and uterine bleeding, problematic menstruation and uterine fibroids. Burnet in gynecology is used as follows:

  1. If menstruation causes severe discomfort, it is necessary to mix in equal quantities the root of burnet, knotweed and licorice, shepherd's purse grass, plantain leaves and. Take a large spoon of the mixture, pour 1/2 liter of boiling water and leave overnight in a thermos. Drink 50 ml up to five times a day before meals. Treatment should continue for 2-3 months.
  2. Douching is effective for uterine fibroids. Mix equal amounts of celandine, willow and oak bark, and burnet root. Take only 4 teaspoons of the mixture and pour 500 ml of boiling water over them. Keep the mixture in a steam bath for half an hour. Strain and use the warm broth for douching. You can repeat the procedure up to three times a day.
  3. Cervical erosion. For the decoction, pour two large spoons of crushed roots with 200 ml of boiling water. Boil over low heat for half an hour. After this, cool, strain and add more water to eventually get 200 ml of decoction. Drink the finished volume at once before meals. The broth can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Burnet for bronchitis

For diseases of the respiratory system, it is recommended to use traditional recipes with burnet. Thanks to this treatment, you can reduce swelling, relieve spasms, and also destroy germs and bacteria. Burnet is widely used in the treatment of bronchitis and lung diseases, as it cleanses the respiratory system and has a softening effect. It is also worth noting the presence of a general strengthening effect.


  • burnet - 20 g;
  • vodka or alcohol 40% – 200 ml.


  1. Combine the components of the tincture and place it in a closet so that the bottle is not exposed to the sun's rays.
  2. Leave for several days and take 1 teaspoon up to five times a day.

Burnet for hemorrhoids

Folk remedies in the treatment of this disease are effective and safe, with the exception of existing contraindications. Burnet is useful for hemorrhoids due to its ability to stop bleeding and relieve inflammation. In addition, the plant relieves swelling and has a bactericidal and wound-healing effect. After several procedures, you can notice how they have decreased in size. Microenemas give good results in treatment.


  • burnet root - 5 tbsp. spoon;
  • vegetable oil – 500 ml.


  1. Combine the ingredients and place in a steam bath. Boil over low heat for 1-1.5 hours.
  2. After this, cover with a lid and leave in a warm place to infuse for 24 hours. All that remains is to strain, and store the finished product in the refrigerator.
  3. The medicinal herb burnet is used as an enema before bed after bowel movements. First, heat the prepared oil so that its temperature is 36-37°C.
  4. You can soak a clean bandage in heated oil and apply it to the anus for 20 minutes.

Burnet from Giardia


  • roots – 2 teaspoons;
  • boiling water – 200 ml.


  1. Pour the chopped roots into boiling water and boil for 10 minutes.
  2. After this, remove the broth from the stove and cool without removing the lid. Strain and drink 120 ml every day. The duration of treatment is seven days.

Burnet when vomiting

In most cases, vomiting occurs as a result of poisoning, and many doctors recommend the use of traditional medicine. Burnet removes toxins and prevents bacterial growth. It helps normalize the digestive system and relieves inflammation. Burnet in folk medicine is used in the form of a decoction.


  • burnet leaves - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • water – 200 ml.


  1. Place the plant in a saucepan and fill it with water.
  2. Place on the stove and keep on low heat until it boils. After this, turn off the heat and leave for another 10 minutes.
  3. It remains to figure out how to drink burnet, so after straining you need to drink 50 ml up to four times a day.

Burnet for dysbacteriosis

Problems with intestinal microflora are observed in both children and adults. Dysbacteriosis disrupts the balance of beneficial and harmful bacteria. In such cases, an affordable and effective remedy will be burnet, which helps restore the intestinal microflora and has a positive effect on the functions of the digestive system as a whole. It is also worth noting that the plant has an antimicrobial effect. For treatment it is necessary to prepare a decoction.


  • root – 15 g;
  • hot water – 200 ml.


  1. Pour hot water over the chopped roots and place on low heat. Boil for 15-20 minutes, and then leave for another hour.
  2. Traditional medicine indicates how to drink burnet when you have dysbacteriosis, so you need to strain the remedy and take 1 tbsp. spoon up to six times a day.

Burnet - contraindications

In some cases, a medicinal plant is prohibited because it can cause harm to the body. There are a number of contraindications that should be taken into account:

  1. Some people may be allergic to burnet, which occurs due to individual intolerance to the components of the medicinal plant.
  2. You should not use folk remedies for blockage of blood vessels, hypertension and severe and frequent headaches.
  3. It is forbidden to treat with the plant for constipation and liver problems, as well as for pregnant women and breastfeeding.
  4. It is worth considering that with long-term use of burnet, blood clotting may increase.