Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Who is knocking on my door, you see no one is home. All nonsense. Let's play back door, front door, back door...

Who is knocking on my door, you see no one is home. All nonsense. Let's play back door, front door, back door...

rainbow idiocy ^_^

Gluck is tired and has nothing to do. Glitch temporarily cannot appear on daily sites, but he always doesn’t mind posting some nonsense.

Whoever knocks on my door, you see there is no one at home, come to me yesterday, we will eat pies.

Who knocks on my door, you see no one is home, come to me yesterday, we’ll drink tea when you leave.

Whoever knocks on my door, you see, no one is home. It's me, my wife has come. Come in one at a time!

Whoever knocks on my door, you see, no one is home. It's me, your wife. I brought you grapes.

Who knocks on my door, you see there is no one at home, come to me yesterday, we will dance songs.

Whoever knocks on my door, you see no one is home. Come to me yesterday, we’ll dig apples. We'll watch TV and drink tea on the radio.

Who's knocking on my door?
What if no one is home?
It's me, your sister,
I came to meet you.
Come see me yesterday
Knock my bell.
Let's watch the radio
We'll listen to TV
If you want to smoke -
The boots are in the corner.
So we watch a movie.
A brick floats down the river
Wooden like glass.
Well, let it float
We don't need styrofoam
A fly is also an airplane,
And iron is like a mattress.

The sun shines directly into the eye, sunbathe my back, you need to close the window, otherwise you can become a black man.

The sun is shining straight into our eyes, which means we are going to the Caucasus, the sun is shining straight into our ass - we are returning to Europe.

The sun is shining in my left eye, I look like Lenin. The sun is shining into my right eye, wow it’s hot!

When you go to the Caucasus, the sun shines straight into your eyes. Returning to Europe, the sun shines directly into... (pause) the same right eye.

The sun shines straight into the eye
A brick is crawling along the wall,
Without gearbox
The cat swims in the pond
Looked under the bed
Hello, hello Chingachgook.

An iron is crawling along the wall, a Red Army soldier. The horse came up to him and was also gnawing on the seeds.

A brick, made of wood like glass, is floating along the river, so let it float, we don’t need polystyrene foam.

A brick is crawling along the wall, “Hurray!” for the Red Army. And behind him is another... So they have a nest here!

A brick crawls along the wall, and behind it another brick. Well, let him crawl, maybe he is his wife.

A brick is crawling along the wall, hairy as an iron, well, let it crawl, maybe it has a nest there!

A brick is crawling along the wall, and another is crawling behind it. If you want to smoke, there are socks in the corner.

A brick is floating along the river, a Red Army soldier. I wanted to catch him - the feathered friend ran away.

A Red Army soldier is floating along the river. Then the crow came up, his shirt covered in roosters, also gnawing on the seeds, and also scribbling on the machine gun. The fly is also a helicopter. Let a tank run over me - this is a song about love!

An ax, striped like a dumpling, floats down the river. A fly is also an airplane, only a small one.

A tractor is driving along the fence, its legs are hairy, then a cow flies up and also pecks at a tree.

There is a glass on the table. And in the glass there is a cockroach. He waved his paw at me. We are not afraid of the gray wolf.

I’m lying on the shore, clicking dumplings, the tractor has run over my legs, where is my sweatshirt.

Two boys were walking. One is beautiful, the other also fell into a hole.

The priest was walking across the bridge and dropped a penny. I jumped and jumped, I couldn’t get it, they took me into the army.

A bear came out of the forest - all his knees were covered in cucumbers. He turned around and walked away. What do you take from a drunk?

I'm sitting on the shore, I can't lift my leg. Not the leg, but the leg, I still can’t.

I can’t, I can’t, the bug stepped on my leg, not my leg, but my leg, I still can’t!

I’m alive and well - I’m lying in the hospital, I’m fed up - I want to eat, all my relatives come - I don’t want to see you.

Submarine in the steppes of Ukraine she died in an unequal air battle.

It was in January, sunny April, it was dry in the yard - knee-deep mud, walking along a brick pavement made of boards. high citizen short in stature.

It was in January, the first of April!
There was snow in the yard, there was a lot of mud!
On an iron pavement made of stone,
A tall, short man walked
He is curly, hairless, thin as a barrel,
He has no children, only a son and daughter!
He writes a letter to his wife, an unknown mother-in-law:
I'm alive and well, I'm in the hospital,
I'm fed up, I want to eat, I could even swallow a cow!

I get up in the middle of the night and want to pee, there is no urine, I get up in the middle of the night and I want to pee, there is no urine!!!

Two crocodiles were flying. One is to the right, the other is green. How much does a kilogram of apples weigh if one nut is unscrewed from a locomotive?

Two crocodiles were flying, one green, the other to the north. Why does a goat need a TV if it doesn't smoke?

A hedgehog is also a person, if you look at it from above.

An elephant sits on a daisy, a hare runs past.
- Hare, hare, what time is it?
- Monday.
- Hooray! Tomorrow is summer!

There is a soldier standing on the bridge, a Red Army fighter. Well, let him stand it, he looks like Lenin.

A tank is driving through the village, its legs are hairy. I don’t mind crying, I’ll hang myself with a gun.

A brick, made of wood like glass, is floating along the river, so let it float, we don’t need polystyrene foam.

Whoever knocks on my door, you see there is no one at home, come to me yesterday, we will eat pies.

Who knocks on my door, you see no one is home, come to me yesterday, we’ll drink tea when you leave.

The sun is shining straight into my eye, my back is sunbathing, the fly is also an airplane, only still small.

The sun is shining straight into our eyes, which means we are going to the Caucasus, the sun is shining straight into our ass - we are returning to Europe.

An iron is crawling along the wall, a Red Army soldier. The horse came up to him and was also gnawing on the seeds.

Whoever knocks on my door, you see, no one is home. It's me, my wife has come. Come in one at a time!

An ax, striped like a dumpling, floats down the river. A fly is also an airplane, only a small one.

A tractor is driving along the fence, its legs are hairy, then a cow flies up and also pecks at a tree.

The priest was walking across the bridge and dropped a penny. I jumped and jumped, I couldn’t get it, they took me into the army.

I’m lying on the shore, clicking dumplings, the tractor has run over my legs, where is my sweatshirt.

Who knocks on my door, you see there is no one at home, come to me yesterday, we will dance songs.

An iron is crawling along the wall, well, let it crawl, because there is a nest on the roof, they will iron it completely.

There is a watermelon on the table, there is a fly on the watermelon, my friend, kiss the brick, no one will marry you.

A bun, a Red Army fighter, was walking through the forest, so let him go, maybe his nest is there.

Submarine in the steppes of Ukraine
died in an unequal air battle.

A tall citizen of short stature was walking,
Was curly, no hair
Thin as a barrel.
He writes a letter to his son:
"Dear daughter!
I'm alive and well, I'm in the hospital,
I'm fed up, I want to eat,
Come quickly, I don’t want to see you.”

When you go to the Caucasus, the sun shines straight into your eyes.
Returning to Europe, the sun shines directly into... (pause) the same eye.

A brick is crawling along the wall - Hurray for the Red Army!
and behind it another one... So, this is where they have a nest!

If you want to smoke, put your felt boots on the stove.

A brick, made of wood like glass, is crawling along the wall, so let it float, we don’t need polystyrene foam!

How a butt poked out of the wardrobe...
A? What? Nothing - a yellow shirt!

Like three old women fighting at a carnival...
A? What? Nothing - they danced with joy!

A brick is crawling along the wall,
And behind it is another brick.
Well let him crawl
Maybe he is his wife.

A brick is crawling along the wall,
Hairy as an iron
Well, let him crawl -
Maybe he has a nest!

A tall, short man walked
Curly, no hair, thin as a barrel,
He has no children, only a son and daughter!

I'm alive and well, I'm in the hospital,
head on the lower back,
I'm fed up, I want to eat, I could even swallow a cow!
Come quickly, I don't want to see you!

Two crocodiles were flying. One-to-right the other is green. How much does a kilogram of apples weigh if one nut is unscrewed from a locomotive?

A brick is floating along the river, a Red Army soldier.
I wanted to catch him - the feathered friend ran away.

A brick is crawling along the wall, and another is crawling behind it.
If you want to smoke, there are socks in the corner.

A bear came out of the forest -
All knees are covered in cucumbers.
He turned around and walked away.
What do you get from a drunk?

A brick floats down the river
Red Army fighter.
Then the crow came
The whole shirt is covered in roosters,
And he gnaws on the dumplings.
The fly is also a helicopter.
Let the tank run over me!
This is a song about love!

A dolphin crawls along the wall
Skinned all my knees
Well, let it crawl
Maybe that's where his nest is.

A hedgehog is also a person -
If you look from above.

There's a soldier standing on the bridge
Red Army fighter.
Well, let it be worth it
He looks like Lenin.

A tank is driving through the village,
Legs are hairy.
I won't cry
I'll hang myself with a gun.

The sun is shining in the left eye,
I look like Lenin.
The sun is shining in the right eye
Nobody gets married!

There is a glass on the table. And in the glass there is a cockroach. He waved his paw at me. We are not afraid of the gray wolf.

Two crocodiles were flying
One is green, the other is to the north.
Why does a goat need a TV?
if she doesn't smoke.

There is a Georgian on the mountain,
he is gnawing on one leg.
Why does my leg gnaw?
This is his destiny.

Who's knocking on my door?
You see no one is home!
It's your sister who has come,
even the light bulb went out.

There is a Georgian on the mountain,
He stands all alone.
Why all alone?
He has such a destiny!

Come to me yesterday, we’ll watch the radio.

Once upon a time in the cold winter
I'm sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon,
I look: it is rising slowly up the mountain
A young eagle raised in captivity.

And walking importantly, in decorous calm,
My faithful comrade, flapping his wing,
In big boots, in a short sheepskin coat
It pecks at bloody food under the window.

Who's knocking on my door?
What if no one is home?
It's me, your sister,
I came to meet you.
Come see me yesterday
Knock my bell.
Let's watch the radio
We'll listen to TV
If you want to smoke -
The boots are in the corner.
So we watch a movie.
A brick is floating along the river,
Wooden like glass.
Well, let it float
We don't need styrofoam
A fly is also an airplane,
And iron is like a mattress.

Foxes ran through the forest
Tail held perpendicular
Why did he hold it like that?
Because he was cunning!

If your wife left you,
And then he came again
If you let him in
You are not a man, you are not Georgian!

The sun rose from behind the clouds
The most beautiful thing in this world
I'll give you the key
Twenty two by twenty four!

I’ll shoot you with a pistol, I’ll stab you with a knife. Blood will flow from your stomach, you’ll kick and kick your head with swear words.

Two boys were walking. One is beautiful, the other also fell into a hole.

Right now I’ll stab you like a director,
You will kick with kicks,
And head with a moto.
They will be on your grave
The rooster crows.

A bear sits on the glass
Red Army fighter.
I wanted to catch him
He, the feathered one, flew away.

Who's knocking on my door?
You see, no one is home.
Come see me yesterday
There will be no one at home...

An iron floats down the river
From the village of Zuevo...
Well, let it float
Piece of iron... (damn)!

You don't even real child, - a human individual decorated for the holiday doorway covers a bowl of treats with his hand. Will not give. -Where is your master? “He can’t leave the house,” Sabrina adds a slight sigh at the end of the phrase. She is not capable of outright lying to such a question, but suddenly this female imagines something like a sick baby, and still pours out some of these delicious crunchy candies with multi-colored stripes. - Don’t tell tales, you were clearly sent by an over-aged idiot. Leave. The woman’s gaze focuses behind the cyborg – biologically natural children are approaching. Sabrina has a trick in store in case of refusal, because today you can scare and blackmail people. In moderation, of course, but it’s possible. But you want more sweets, and now it’s more effective to quickly go somewhere where the mummers haven’t been yet. She passes by some guys, one of whom is doing a parody of a cyber cop from old movies. Of course, no one will confuse this living boy with a sentient doll, and he will receive the candy. The boy is about the same height as her, and Sabrina estimates the size of his body - whether to change his outfit to a suit made of human skin, as a symmetrical answer. No, the loyalty program will not allow her to do this - Sabrina cannot harm the owner’s reputation by action or inaction. What Sabrina still can’t do is disguise herself as a real girl. Her body has teenage proportions, and so that the ethics commission does not find fault, the cyborgs of the Lolita series have a reduced humanoid quality. Not a person - not pedophilia. An attempt to increase similarity with pure representatives of the breed is regarded by the loyalty program as the same threat to the owner’s reputation. Calculating the route offers a promising option: there is a sector for visitors nearby, local children do not want to go to strangers, competition is lower. Knock Knock. Behind the door there are chocolate cookies in the hands of a young boy, no caramel. - Trick or treat! - Little Red Riding Hood smiles with red-red eyes. The man smiles back and holds out the box, but then a second, older man appears behind him: “Wieslaw, who’s there?” “Today is carnival, as I understand it,” explains Wieslaw. “It’s customary here to give gifts to those who knock.” “I know about these satanic games,” the elder grimaces. – Resist the temptation to participate in them. And you, young child, should not walk around at night unaccompanied... So. Wieslaw, she's a fake, I'm warning you. Sabrina decides that the gesture of voluntary donation still counts, grabs the cookie and immediately bites it so that it won’t be taken away. “She eats like a person,” the keeper of delicious things is surprised. - Why fake a child? Here, take more. -You haven't seen them before, have you? They know how to eat, and they know how to do a lot of other things, but these dummies have no soul. The soul specialist takes a closer look at her, Sabrina recognizes the characteristic gaze of a male. “It’s a sin,” Sabrina replies, the elder blushes and snatches the box. - Enough! Get out, you dummy. The next six attempts are unsuccessful: someone doesn’t want to feed someone else’s cyborg, someone doesn’t even know that today is a holiday. Sabrina shows the greedy and ignorant a trick: her hair decoration, two large red chrysanthemums at her temples, are actually inserted into holes in her head, and she takes them out, slowly pulls out the stems, and the red food coloring, poured into tanks instead of water, flows out in streams and drips, drips, drips... A little messy, but the fun is worth it. On what other day would a loyalty program allow her to make a negative impression? The pursuer catches up with her in front of the seventh door: the one who gave the cookies, only now without a box, but in a white shirt, a black tie and with a backpack on his back. - Wait! Sabrina doesn’t read any hints of threat in his playful smile and freezes in anticipation. Scans and checks against the database of registered persons accessible to any cyborg. Name, date of arrival, arrived straight from the Ark of the Patriarchs as part of a group of young adults from the local community. Born on board, no registration on any of the inhabited worlds. Therefore, on secular territory for the first time. - How about a deal: let's be partners, split the catch? “You’re not young enough, your costume isn’t scary, and the rules of your sect don’t allow you to dress up as evil spirits.” “Oh, I’m not breaking anything,” Wieslaw winks and pins a black nameplate on his chest. - Play along with me. He presses the call signal himself, already holding a book with an ancient symbol on a dark cover. He opens a large jar of fruit caramels in the arms of another female. The individual is surprised, but does not have time to say anything: - Hello! – Wieslaw’s voice is full of bright joy. – Do you want to talk about God? Sabrina has a good reaction and catches the jar in the air, but it was full and some of the candy still crumbles. The first of the gifts that will be thrown at them that night.

And the fly is also a helicopter,
But without a gearbox,
And a dumpling crawls along the wall,
And all my knees are covered in cucumbers,

It's wooden like a brick
He's as hairy as a tram
And this song is about love,
And don't forget her!

A hare sits on the fence
Belted with a crowbar,
I looked under the bed -
Hello, hello, New Year!

A brick, made of wood like glass, is floating along the river, so let it float, we don’t need polystyrene foam

Who knocks on my door, you see there is no one at home, come to me yesterday, we will eat pies

An ax floats down the river,
Red Army fighter,
I wanted to catch him -
The feathered friend flew away

Who knocks on my door, you see - no one is home, come to me yesterday, we will fry cucumbers

Whoever knocks on my door, you see - no one is home, come to me yesterday, we’ll drink tea when you leave

A brick is crawling along the wall,
And behind it there is another brick,
And behind it there is another brick -
So they have a nest there

The sun shines directly into the eye, sunbathe, my back, you need to close the window, otherwise you can become a black man

The sun is shining straight into your eye, sunbathe, my back, the fly is also an airplane, only a small one

The sun is shining straight in the eye, which means we are going to the Caucasus, the sun is shining straight in the ass - we are returning to Europe

An iron is crawling along the wall, a Red Army soldier. A horse came up to him and was also gnawing on some seeds.

Whoever knocks on my door, you see, no one is home. It's me, my wife has come. Come in one at a time!

Whoever knocks on my door, you see, no one is home. It's me, your wife. I brought you grapes

A brick is crawling along the wall,
And another one crawls after him,
Well, let it crawl
Maybe he is his wife?

An ax, striped like a dumpling, floats down the river. A fly is also an airplane, only a small one

A tractor is driving along the fence, its legs are hairy, then a cow flies up and also pecks at a tree

The priest was walking across the bridge, dropped a penny. He jumped and jumped, didn’t get it, and was drafted into the army.

A brick is crawling along the wall,
Hairy like a tram
This is a love song
Don't forget her

I'm lying on the shore, clicking dumplings, the tractor has run over my legs, where is my sweatshirt?

Who knocks on my door, you see - no one will answer, come to me yesterday, we will dance songs

Who's knocking on my door?
I hear that no one is home.
Come see me yesterday!
The door is locked open
Let's watch the radio
Let's eat pies

A bun, a Red Army fighter, was walking through the forest, so let him go, maybe his nest is there
I'm sitting on the shore, I can't lift my leg. Not the leg, but the leg, I still can’t.
Climbing Mount Fuji
A piece of clay.
Let's leave him alone.
Oscar Strelkov
It was in January, sunny April, It was dry in the yard - knee-deep mud,
A tall citizen of short stature walked along a brick pavement made of boards.
I'm alive and well - I'm lying in the hospital, I'm fed up - I want to eat, Come, all your dear ones - I don't want to see you.

A brick floats down the river
Black and purple.
Well, let it float
Maybe he doesn't exist
When I was still young
I loved the fly madly
It's been a long time friends
When I was still young
She circled above me
Knocked and hit the glass
I kissed her sometimes
And time passed unnoticed for us
Fly - white-winged bird
Mukha - combat helicopter
I wanted to be born with wings
To take flight with you
But I'm not the same anymore
And my fly has been gone for a long time
She doesn't buzz or sing,
She doesn't knock on the window
Forgotten feelings in my chest
And a snake gnaws at my heart,
And there is no one ahead.
Oh, Fly! Oh, my bird!

N. Oleynikov. FLY

Sources D0%B8%D1%80%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1%87/