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» Who are necromancers? Necromancy as a way of communicating with the dead. Who is a necromancer

Who are necromancers? Necromancy as a way of communicating with the dead. Who is a necromancer

This word can be found in science fiction literature, the press, and who knows where else. Only the understanding of the events described will be incomplete if you do not understand who the necromancer is. In fact, this trope has been used in horror films for a long time. Remember that evil magician who leads a horde of the dead? It is precisely the ideas of necromancy that are taken as the basis for creating terrible scenes. Incredible and incomprehensible to most people, forces that are even more subject to

It’s hard to call a person, what could be more terrible?

Who is a necromancer

If we ignore the image widely advertised by thrillers, it turns out that we are talking about a black magician. Due to his “professional” characteristics, he has the ability to give and take away death! Most of the rituals of necromancers involve murder. The victim does not necessarily become a person (nowadays this is extremely rare). It is more traditional to obtain magical power by killing animals. This trend is very ancient. Sacrifice has been popular at all times. Even the Incas engaged in this sinful activity. Killing for the purpose of obtaining not wealth, but magical powers has been practiced since ancient times. To one degree or another, ancient peoples believed that they received the vital energy of the deceased (animal or human).

Who is a necromancer in the modern world?

You can often find such heroes on the pages of books. But don't think that magicians now only exist in fantasy works. The necromancer is a very real creature. But meeting him is not very easy for an ordinary person. A real necromancer magician (necromagus) will not notify the public about his activities on the pages of newspapers or via the Internet. Yes, he doesn’t need that. He is not interested in the life of an ordinary person. The only thing that connects him with our world is the energy he uses. She is for him like money is for us. This is precisely the only substance thanks to which he exists well, fulfilling his strange desires and achieving his incomprehensible goals.

Is this magician dangerous?

It is believed that the necromagus is not dangerous to humans. He will not actively attack and take your life. For such an act he needs very serious conditions. But even a child can push you off the balcony if you want to strangle him, without asking who he is! The necromancer refers, rather, not to black, but to gray magicians. His main interest is concentrated where the mystery of death occurs. But he can give life. This miracle is completely within his power. Therefore, more often people themselves seek a meeting with him, trying to save their relatives from death. The magician is reluctant to make a deal. They say that only a good mood can inspire him to help a despicable person.

What types of necromancers are there?

Among magicians there is a division according to “specification”. It is mainly determined by the forces that they use in their activities. Between themselves they build their own relationships, which are not particularly understandable to humans. For the most part, magicians lead secluded lives and do not communicate much with their “comrades.” One thing is for sure: necromancer alchemists and everyone else will only appear where there is death!

Answer from YulpanCHIK-BOY[guru]
Necromancy (from the Greek νεκρός - dead and μαντεία - fortune telling) is a method of divination, which consists of summoning the spirits of the dead for various purposes: from spiritual protection to obtaining knowledge, including about the future. This practice is based on the belief that the dead have special power and can protect the living.
In Ancient Greece, necromancers, in a state of trance, summoned spirits in the sanctuaries of Hades and Persephone. These sanctuaries were usually built in sacred places close to the underworld: caves, gorges, near hot mineral springs.
The Bible describes the sorceress of Endor, who summoned the spirit of the prophet Samuel to King Saul before the battle with the Philistines.
However, beginning with the Renaissance, necromancy, for certain reasons, became associated with black magic and demonology in general, giving way to an earlier, more specific meaning. The famous occultist Eliphas Levi in ​​his book Dogma et Ritual defines necromancy as a way of reviving astral bodies.
Later, necromancy became a separate branch of magic. Nowadays, many novice magicians are seduced by necromancy, believing that it gives great power and the ability to predict the future with very high accuracy. It is believed that with the help of necromancy (during the summoning of the deceased) one can inflict strong damage and curses on any person.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: who are “necromancers”?

Answer from Natali[guru]
At all times, women who practiced witchcraft were called witches, vampires were dead people who drink the blood of the living, werewolves were wolf-people, and necromancers were the names of the most terrible black magicians who died and rose again, because hell did not accept their souls.
Necromancer - resurrecter of the dead. In legends, the castles of necromancers were guarded by hordes of the living dead and security spells of black magic. - What is true and what is fiction? Necromancer - does not belong to either Darkness or Light, but rather to the third force.
The force that ultimately overtakes the creatures of Darkness, as well as the creatures of Light, is Death. Just like Birth. Everything in this world was born at some point. And someday it will go away, developing and developing further.
“Necromancer” is not the title of a magician, not a title or a lifestyle, it is a way of seeing the world, a way of thinking, it is an Essence.
You can live as a monk without being one in your soul, but you cannot be a necromancer without being one. He seems to stand on the border between the living and the dead and therefore has some power over both. Thus, the necromancer is quite close to the classic type of undead called a lich. He is a vampire because he is able to drink the life force from the living and partially transfer it to the dead, that is, raise the dead.
He is also a donor - a conductor of his element.
He may also have the abilities of a werewolf, and he is also a hunter, a hunter of the energy of people and non-humans. Even with enormous powers, a necromancer cannot and will not strive for power over others. He can’t for certain reasons, but he won’t because he doesn’t need power. He does not see in her his own purpose, known only to him. There are already too many creatures fighting for power.
Necromancers, unlike vampires, werewolves..., are very rare. You cannot become a necromancer, just like you can become a magician or a werewolf, you can only learn a small part of their knowledge. You can be born a necromancer, or rather appear in this
the world in the form of a child who has temporarily lost his memory of the previous one... Of course, they can learn something else, but for the most part everything that they learn during their life is already inside them.
Huge and terrible, by the power of its dead knowledge, the “witch book of necromancers” is inside each of them from birth, and you just need to be able to open it correctly. Many powerful creatures try not to mess with necromancers.

Necromancy- this is one of the methods of divination, which consists of calling the spirits of the dead. Necromancy is based on the belief that the dead can patronize the living and protect them, since they use the power that only dead souls possess.

In ancient Greece, necromancers were a revered class who had their sanctuaries built in sacred places close to the world of the dead. In these sanctuaries, necromancers entered a state of trance and summoned the spirits of the dead to gain knowledge that could predict the future.

In the Middle Ages, necromancers were associated with black magic, for which they were persecuted by the inquisitors. But even in these dark, terrible times of the Inquisition, there was a famous occultist Eliphas Levi, who defined necromancy as magic that can animate astral bodies. Subsequently, necromancy became one of the components of magic.

Nowadays, practicing magicians attach great importance to necromancy, believing that it provides great opportunities in predicting the future, casting damage and curses on a person.

A necromancer is defined as one who resurrects the dead, although according to all statuses the necromancer does not belong to either the kingdom of Darkness or Light, but rather to the third kingdom - kingdom of death which is stronger than Darkness and Light.

Nowadays, necromancers have a different way of seeing the world and way of thinking than everyone else. This is the essence of everything that is united by one capacious word - death.

In everyday life, a necromancer is classified as a vampire or undead, that is, an evil spirit. The necromancer has enormous vital energy, which he drinks from living beings. A necromancer can even take on the guise of a werewolf and a hunter, but he only hunts for the energy of people. A necromancer will never strive for power, he does not need it, he strives for another goal that is only known to him.

You cannot become a necromancer, just as you can learn any magic; you can only slightly reveal the essence of necromancy. Necromancers are usually born, and already in childhood the child differs from ordinary children.

« Witch book of necromancers"is a book of terrible knowledge of the world of the dead in its power. Many strong personalities, who have a highly developed instinct of self-preservation, never get involved with necromancers. Successful and powerful magicians firmly know that no magical knowledge can withstand the power of necromancy.

The magic of necromancers is associated with the nature of death, but it does not always carry with it death.

Not everyone can survive the energy explosion of the Book of Necromancers, so people try not to come into contact with the world of necromancers. Any outside interference in the isolated world of necromancers can lead to a terrible curse being imposed on the curious person." Lords of Death».

Fans of magical rituals that promise a “love spell” or, conversely, a “turn away”, as well as those eager to put a curse on someone, should immediately refuse ritual, if the magic of necromancers is used to perform it. A self-respecting magician will always refuse to use necromancer magic

Necromancers are the most terrible and evil black magicians who died and came to life again because hell did not accept their souls (similar to zombies). A necromancer has the ability to resurrect the dead, which is why, apparently, in legends, the castles of necromancers were guarded by hordes of the living dead, zombies and security spells of black magic. The magic of necromancers is, to one degree or another, strongly associated with death.

This is evident even from the name of these magicians: “necro” translated from Latin means “dead.” But the magic of necromancers does not necessarily have to bring only death. If a necromancer is in a good mood, he is able to bring healing and help to anyone. True, no one is immune from the fact that after this the necromancer will not demand SUCH payment from you, for which you will regret being alive. Necromancers rarely side with other creatures, and they are rarely asked to do so. The life of a necromancer is not about draining energy from other beings, it is just one of his many “abilities” that helps him restore energy reserves and strength. The energy of “others” - energetically strong beings - is what he needs. Thus, he becomes a hunter of hunters. A necromancer can easily be called an energy vampire. The most famous of the necromancers is Faust 1.

Having discarded the inveterate idea of ​​necromancers as dark sorcerers, we can look at the representatives of this mythological profession more broadly. Firstly, it is worth noting that recently a word such as “necromagus”, a magician who operates with the emanations of death, has come into use. This definition may be considered more accurate, since the word “necromancer” denotes a fortuneteller, often Eastern, who uses in his craft the techniques of vivisection, dissection of animals and people, as well as calling souls from the afterlife. Without bias, necromancers/necromagi can be considered not evil, but not good either. More likely gray, if we accept the conventional color classification.

Necromancers are detached from active life and their goals, if the necromancer has any, are often incomprehensible to ordinary people. Rather, the necromancer has a distorted view of life and death; for him, both of these states are intertwined and sometimes indistinguishable. To study dead magic you don’t have to be dead or risen from the dead; necromancers are often living people with completely human needs. But sometimes the necromancer’s body still undergoes mutations or evolves by atrophying internal organs that the necromancer no longer needs for life or existence. Necromancers are not afraid of death; they can manipulate this power quite well, lock it in a bottle, send it along with infection, or, conversely, drive it away from living people. Usually a necromancer's proximity to death gives him some advantages. For example, immunity to infectious diseases, curses that affect health, as well as insensitivity to physical pain. Necromages are also credited with the ability to manipulate their flesh, modifying it in different forms (for example, to recover from severe wounds).

Unlike most other carriers of magic, necromancers rely not only on their magical power, but also on their physical abilities. In other words, sometimes they have to defend their lives with the help of physical violence. The weapon of a necromagus is a staff, a hollow metal cylinder filled with cemetery soil, and a ritual knife made of iron, copper or bronze. One side of the knife blade is equipped with a saw with triangular teeth for working on flesh, and the other with a saw with parabolic teeth for working with tendons. To carry the material for his experiments, that is, dead flesh, the necromancer can use butcher's hooks with a palm handle. Necromancy rituals use candles made from animal, sometimes human fat mixed with ashes or cemetery soil, special incense and often black cloth. The rest of the attributes of necromantic rituals depend on the uniqueness of a particular ritual.

Who is a necromancer? We see this word quite often in fantasy literature, films and even on the pages of newspapers. Most often, the necromancer is found in fantasy works. As a rule, he is depicted as an old, creepy sorcerer in dark, shabby clothes. However, a characteristic feature of a necromancer is manipulation of the dead.

Many believe that necromancers are mystical creatures that are mentioned only in ancient legends. But that's not true. In some historically reliable documents you can find information about people who practiced necromancy. Perhaps the most famous personalities are Dr. Johann Georg Faust (a real person, and not the hero of Goethe’s tragedy), Cagliostro, etc. What else is there. It is quite possible that there are still people among us in modern society who possess such mystical knowledge.

So who is a necromancer? What magical powers does he have and where does he get them from? You can find answers to these and many other questions in this article.

Necromancy - what is it?

The theme of death is often seen in various religions. Interest in it gave rise to a whole area of ​​mysticism called necromancy. What it is? You can find out the answer to this question by reading this article.

The first mentions of necromancy and necromancers were noticed back in the days of ancient Greece. Adepts, being in a state of trance, called spirits straight to the sanctuaries of Persephone and Hades. Such structures were built, as a rule, closer to the underground world (gorges, caves, or places near which there were hot springs). If you believe ancient legends, this was done in order to ensure a stronger connection with the souls of the dead.

Among other things, necromancy is even mentioned in the Bible. The necromancer in the person of the Endor sorceress, at the request of King Saul, summoned the spirit of the biblical prophet Samuel.

Since the Renaissance, necromancy has often been associated with demonology and black magic. But do the adherents of this teaching really serve the forces of evil?

Necromancer - good or evil?

There is a widespread belief among people that the magic of necromancers takes its origins from dark forces. But is this really so?

Necromancers are not followers of Satan. After all, they do not serve evil forces and do not use their spells solely to cause harm. But at the same time, adepts of necromancy cannot be called adherents of Light. This is due to the fact that they use creepy and forbidden magic, which can cause a lot of trouble. So who is a necromancer? You will find out the answer to this question below.

A necromancer or necromagus is a gray wizard who is a “bridge” between the world of the living and the dead. Moreover, he has a certain power over both the first and the second. Obtaining vital energy is the main goal of necromagi. Energy for them is the same means of existence as food for an ordinary person. It is thanks to life force that necromancers can raise the dead from their graves. Here a completely logical question arises - “Where do the followers of necromancy get this vital energy from?” The answer is quite obvious - from other creatures. Thanks to his rituals, the necromagus can take away the powers of any living creature. Including in humans. Therefore, a necromancer can well be called an energy vampire.

It is a fairly common misconception that necromages use their spells exclusively for evil deeds. Gray mages use their powers for various purposes. They can both destroy, kill, and heal, give life. Often, necromancers use magic for their own purposes. However, sometimes, being in good health, they can condescend to ordinary people and help them in their endeavors (for example, predict the future, protect them from damage, etc.). However, sometimes a necromagus can charge a huge fee for his help.

Perhaps another characteristic feature of a necromagus is the ability to cause damage or the evil eye. With enough energy, a gray magician can destroy a person in a matter of seconds. It is for this reason that the necromancer's curse is considered very dangerous. But, fortunately, followers of necromancy rarely use their powers on ordinary people. After all, necromages are unlikely to want to use their hard-earned life force on ordinary mortals.


Since necromages practice very complex and dangerous magic, they cannot do without equipment. Each necromancer must have a special ritual knife made of iron, bronze or copper. It can be used to collect special herbs, ingredients for potions, etc. Also, another important attribute for a gray magician is candles consisting of animal fat. They are used in most necromantic rituals. Also, necromages often carry incense with them, which can be useful in one or another ritual.

Sometimes the gray magician cannot use his magic for protection. In such cases, you have to use physical force. It is for this reason that necromages carry edged weapons with them, for example, a sword. The necromancer's sword is made of iron or silver. As a rule, various protective runes and symbols are engraved on it.

Necromancers in modern culture

One of the most popular mystical images is the necromancer. Fantasy works especially often use this motif. Just remember the universe of the mega-successful game World of Warcraft. The world of WoW is home to thousands of amazing creatures - from gnomes and dwarves to majestic dragons. Necromagi, in turn, fit perfectly into the overall setting of the game due to their mystical roots. You don’t have to look far for examples from the world of literature either. One can immediately name such works as “Necromagic”, “Faust” and a line of novels about the adventures of Anita Blake. In all of the above works, the theme of necromancy is revealed in great detail.