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» Who is Lucifer? Lucifer in the Christian religion Devil Satan Lucifer forbidden chemistry

Who is Lucifer? Lucifer in the Christian religion Devil Satan Lucifer forbidden chemistry

The classification of representatives of another world has been of interest for a long time. Back in the 6th century, a kind of division was developed that assigned its place to each angel, demon, spirit, devil and elemental. The above-mentioned characters also found a “shelter” in these descriptions.

Who is Lucifer

Lucifer is essentially an archangel, not inferior in power to God. Once Lucifer came to the aid of people, for which he was punished, expelled from heaven and, in addition, turned into a snake. Other images of the entity are a child or a beautiful green-eyed young man with long, slightly curly hair. He is often compared to the ancient Greek Prometheus, who, secretly from the Olympians, brought fire to earth and was then chained to a rock for many years. But the role of Lucifer is more important, because he gave people knowledge, and therefore the right to choose and the opportunity to disobey the divine will.

From the point of view of the canonical church, such an act is undoubtedly evil. So Lucifer became an instigator and tempter who leads good people astray from the true path. Lucifer, like God, is also a creator, but in his power is not cosmic matter, but the earthly world. He took down with him many angels, who naturally became demons in human consciousness. Although Lucifer's power over the forces of evil is undeniable, it is not absolute. He has many deputies, among whom are Astaroth and Mephistopheles.

Lucifer's sin is pride.

Who is Satan

Under the name of Satan, or the evil one, hides the prince of the human world. He brings deception and represents one of the main enemies of God. Satan easily changes his appearance, taking on any image. The Evil One is often personified with Lucifer. But if the latter is the “light-bringer”, “the Lucifer”, the once beloved angel of God, then Satan is the “slanderer”, “conspirator”, “enemy”.

There is an opinion that after the fall Lucifer was reborn into an entity of a lower status and consciousness. According to the classification of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, Satan is a subordinate; its ruler is Lucifer. Although the most evil one has under his command a whole host of devils who are considered the attendants of hell. We can conclude about the mundane function of Satan, who acts as a kind of “supply manager” in the world of evil. It is not in his power to create, but he copes well with the task of maintaining a given order. By the way, it is with Satan that Michael the Archangel will someday have to fight in the main battle against evil. According to the biblical version, the evil one will be defeated, which will put an end to all evil in the world.

Satan's sin is anger.

Who is Beelzebub

Beelzebub rules the world of insects and did not go to hell from the Christian heaven, like Lucifer, but migrated from the beliefs of the Middle East. The entity's name is traditionally translated as "Lord of the Flies." Beelzebub is depicted as a large, ugly insect; an ugly goat, calf or cow; winged woman The demon is capable of overthrowing those in power, bringing foreign tyrants to their lands. He excites good people, especially priests and believers, to lawlessness, destruction, envy, murder, and sodomy.

It is believed that Beelzebub's ultimate goal is to destroy the world. The demon is often identified with Satan, although most authors call him the first assistant of the evil one. According to another common version, Beelzebub serves directly to Lucifer. Although they try to put the crown of the Christian Prince of Darkness on the “Lord of the Flies,” it is quite rare: according to the classical versions, the entity plays the role of a powerful “assistant.”

In the name of Beelzebub, along with Satan and Lucifer, black magicians call upon lower demons, thereby emphasizing not only his importance, but also his separate existence. Sometimes Beelzebub is depicted as a kind of “cook” at a hellish feast: he roasts the soul of a sinner and sends the “delicacy” to his master’s table.

Beelzebub's sin is gluttony.

Demons have one thing in common - service to evil. Each entity along the path of its literary development was overgrown with many conjectures, ranging from appearance to position “in society.” Lucifer, Satan and Beelzebub are different personalities, but together they represent the collective image of the devil as the source of everything bad in the world.

Many people know Lucifer as a fallen angel, the son of God, who later became the king of hell. But few know the story of his life, rule and fall. This article will tell readers who Lucifer is and what his biography is.

What does the name Lucifer mean?

Lucifer - a name derived from the combination of the words “light” and “carries”, for the Romans it meant “bringer of light” or “early star”. Lucifer was originally the name of the planet Venus, which was visible during the morning or evening dawn.

The name Lucifer began to be used in a negative way after his fall from heaven. It ceased to “carry light” as before, and began to be identified with Satan himself, and later became his main designation.

According to the book of Isaiah, Satan means “light-bearing”, which is almost the same as the name Lucifer. With just the designation to bring light, one can equate the name Lucifer with Satan.

The story of the life and fall of Lucifer

Judging by historical records, Lucifer is one of the few who managed to visit both sides of the human earth, both heaven and hell. He was born in heaven, raised without a mother, created only by his father, God. But some sources mention the mother of all living things - Lucida. It is not something living, but is equated to the Universe, which creates everything that exists. Therefore, nothing can be found about Lucifer's real mother.

His father endowed him with enormous power, thanks to which Lucifer was kept alive and not killed after his betrayal, like other fallen angels. The father could not have killed Lucifer, since his power was equal to God's. But Lucifer himself did not realize this until he found himself in hell, and became the main opponent of God's rule.

In heaven he was the most flawless angel, perfect in everything. His only problem was that he did not look at God as closely as he did. And no matter what efforts Lucifer made, everything was in vain, Jesus was more important for God and for the rest of the angels.

At first, Lucifer humbly accepted this, although he did not agree, but a series of events replaced humility in him with other feelings. The fact that God elevated Jesus to the throne as a closer one did not overthrow him. Lucifer was not broken by the fact that the angels were commanded to love Jesus as God himself and to worship him. And anger overtook him because the Father initiated Jesus into plans that Lucifer was not supposed to know, and loved his human creation more than his son.

Failure to recognize his power either by God himself or by the angels prompted Lucifer to plot against heaven. Having gathered the angels, Lucifer told them about his perfection, about how much he had done for the Father and all the angels, and how long his merits had been rejected, how they had not been noticed by the Father.

He talked about how the Father simply forgot about him, his devotion, and exalted Jesus to the throne without any merit, how he entrusted him with everything that Lucifer is also supposed to know as the son of God, about how Jesus is revered by everyone, and Everyone forgot about Lucifer.

But he did not mention that he wanted power, so that all the angels would obey him unquestioningly, that he needed to be equal to God himself, having overthrown Jesus from the throne. The angels, accustomed to obeying the will of God, tried to convince Lucifer that he was wrong.

Much was said towards Lucifer, but no one wanted to go against the will of God, and it was easier to force Lucifer to renounce his words and obey his Father. But, unfortunately, Lucifer was adamant and insisted that it was high time to change God’s management.

Anger and pride had long been his faithful companions in heaven, but they also destroyed him. Lucifer believed that he was no worse than God himself, and that he himself could rule. For a long time he convinced the angels that they were all servants of God, and their merits would not be counted. He said that if he were in charge, everything would change. The angels would not be slaves, but would have their own rights. He even managed to lure his accomplices to his side, but there were very few of them compared to the angels who were afraid of any changes.

With these same accomplices, he was expelled by God to hell, and others suffered the fate of death. His exile was described by the prophet as:

Fallen from heaven, son of the morning dawn! Lost his wings, crashing to the ground. In your heart you carried the yearning: “I will ascend above the stars of the Father, and I will exalt the throne, and I will sit on the mountain, against the word of every one. May I be equal to the Most High Father." Now you are banished to the depths of hell, to the underworld. Those who look at you are surprised: “Are you the one who shook the kingdom, turned the universe into a desert, and did not let your prisoners go home?”

It is believed that God specifically allows Lucifer to tempt people. So every person has the opportunity to choose between good and evil, and he has the right to choose the right path himself.

Lucifer's qualities, such as anger, pride, vanity, were useful to him in hell and allowed him to rule there. His dream of power came true, he was like a king, he was worshiped, he was exalted above everyone else. There he was proclaimed king of hell. While in hell, Lucifer considered it his duty to spoil his father's creation with bad qualities. By instilling greed and selfishness in people, he fulfilled his duty in full.


Life after heaven for Lucifer turned out to be much more eventful than in heaven. There was no need to submit to anyone's will, and you could dictate your own rules. Being the king of hell, Lucifer found a wife. She became a demon named Lilith. According to legend, Lilith was the first wife of Adam, even before Eve. She was an ordinary person, not a demon.

One day she resisted Adam's instructions and, considering herself equal to Adam, and not his slave, did not want to obey him. For this she became also rejected by God, like Lucifer. This united two souls filled with anger.

The children of Lucifer are all the demons created by him and Lilith. All beings living on the basis of evil come from Lucifer, and this is:

  • Demon - deceives people by instilling in them wrong concepts. Inspires that lying is good if it brings benefit, and theft is not at all scary if it will bring more money.
  • The devil pushes people to commit sinful acts. If a person doubts a choice, the devil incites him to take the path of a bad deed. It has long been believed that the devil sits on a person’s shoulder and whispers words to him to please himself.
  • Leviathan.
  • Abbadon and many others.

Lucifer will also consider as his child any fallen angel, and even a person whose views and thoughts are similar to those of the devil. This is where the expression “Devil's son” comes from. It is believed that a piece of Lucifer's soul is found in every sinful person.

Image of Lucifer

The heavenly image of Lucifer was perfection itself. His manners revealed in him God's heritage, his majestic status. His face illuminated everyone with a stunningly dazzling light, because it was not for nothing that his name translated means “bringer of light.” The luxurious angelic wings characteristic of the inhabitants of heaven only added to his greatness. This young man radiated angelic good nature and nobility, which were later lost among selfishness and selfishness.

After falling from heaven and being banished to hell, his wings were cut off, and nothing distinguished Lucifer from an ordinary person. To many he seemed like a dark-haired young man with burning black eyes. But his appearance in the drawings was depicted as far from human. The drawings depicted Lucifer:

  • Sea monster;
  • Serpent;
  • Red devil with a pitchfork;
  • Human form without wings.

Many people imagine the appearance of Lucifer differently, because to some he seems to be a simple man, devoid of heavenly essence, while to others he seems to be a terrible monster with a complete absence of any human facial features.

And the New Testament allowed Lucifer to accept any state, and he can look whatever he wants to show himself.

Satan, of course, has his own symbol, sign. The seal of Satan has long been considered such a symbol. The seal is a kind of pentagram, at the core of which is a goat's head. From each acute corner of the pentagram the word “Leviathan” should be written. This name is one of the interpretations of Lucifer.

People take the pentagram quite seriously. It is believed that if you draw a pentagram correctly and perform a certain ritual, then Satan himself will appear in his guise. Nowadays, the symbol is actively used on television as the main call of Lucifer.

It is believed that the tempting serpent, who offered Eve to taste the forbidden fruit, is Lucifer. He did this already as the king of the underworld. So he decided to spoil, to push into sin his Father’s beloved creation - man.

Lucifer is the main opponent of God, the fallen angel of light. However, modern people underestimate the danger of being deceived by Satan and do not understand who Lucifer really is. My friend's daughter told her that she had become a member of a satanic society. The woman suffered a stroke from grief, but this had little effect on her hard-hearted daughter. Nowadays, young people are attracted to exotic teachings that lead to death of soul and body. How to prevent corruption of morals? Parents should teach their children about the biblical principles of the world, take them to church, and lead God-fearing lives themselves.

According to the Bible, God created hosts of angels and divided them into hierarchies. Seraphim (fire) are closest to the throne; their functions include glorifying God. Lucifer, the angel of light, also belonged to the rank of seraphim. This was the bearer of the light of truth, God's servant. But one day Lucifer became indignant in his heart and decided to become equal to God. The most beautiful of God's angels turned into the devil, the father of lies and temptations. The fallen angel, the Lucifer Lucifer, gathered an army of followers and decided to fight for the throne of God.

What was the reason for resistance to the will of God? The church fathers say that the reason for resistance to the will of God was the decree of God to worship man. When the Almighty created Adam, Lucifer became envious of him. He had no intention of serving Adam, much less bowing before him. According to Lucifer, he was like an animal and was unworthy of worship. The angel's heart was filled with hatred and malice, and he turned into an evil creature.

Afterwards, the story of Lucifer ends with his overthrow from heaven and eternal damnation. Since then he has been in heaven and became the ruler of the underworld. Together with the once radiant archangel, his angelic accomplices were cast out of heaven. All of them turned into demons and devils, in accordance with the heavenly hierarchy and belonging to a certain rank.

Bible story

In the book of the prophet Zechariah, Satan is mentioned as the accuser of man at trial. However, even in the book of Genesis we can recognize the enemy of man in the form of a serpent tempting Eve with an apple. Adam and Eve's curiosity about the forbidden fruit led them to sin and expulsion from the world. Satan rejoiced because he managed to discredit man in the eyes of God.

Since the time of his expulsion from Eden, man has led a complex and dangerous life on earth. This was a consequence of God's curse for disobedience. In addition, man has become a mortal being, completely dependent on disease and adversity. The serpent was also punished for its negative role in the Edenic story, and since then has become a reptile - crawling over stones on its stomach.

In the book of Job you can see Satan coming to the throne of God along with the angels (sons of God). There he is assigned the role of accuser of the righteous Job, Satan invites God to test Job’s loyalty. God agrees and allows Satan to harm Job.

In the book of the prophet Isaiah, the devil is mentioned as a fallen angel who turned into the prince of darkness. The prophet says that the reason for the fall of Lucifer's star was excessive pride and rebellion against God. It was in this book that the name Lucifer was first mentioned.

In the book of the prophet Ezekiel, Satan is called God's favorite, who transgressed his law.

Gospel story

In the New Testament, Satan appears as the bearer of world evil. It was he who tempted Christ in the desert when he fasted for 40 days without food or water. He himself called proud people the children of the devil, the father of lies. The Savior of mankind saw the fall of Lucifer's star from heaven and described this phenomenon as similar to lightning. It was Satan who Jesus defeated on the cross, when he completely fulfilled the will of God and did not resist a terrible and shameful death.

Evangelists tell us that after the death of his body, Christ descended into hell, trampled Satan and brought the souls of the righteous out of hell. By His resurrection, the Savior proved the victory of life over death and gave all humanity the chance to find eternal life from the palace of God, from where they were expelled.

Bottom line

An Orthodox believer should know that the angel of light was called Lucifer. After the fall, he was deprived of his angelic rank and began to be called the devil and Satan. Satan is the one who prevents people from living normally. It is called by different names:

  • tempter;
  • sly;
  • Beelzebub;
  • father of lies;
  • prince of demons;
  • lying spirit

For an Orthodox Christian, we need to learn a lesson from the story of the fallen angel so as not to repeat his mistake. Pride and arrogance are the most dangerous sins, leading to fall and eternal death. Lucifer will never be able to repent and return to his former status as God's favorite, because in heaven it is impossible to change thoughts and intentions to the opposite. Likewise, a person has only one chance to get to heaven - while living on earth. After death this chance will not exist.

The Creator created Lucifer beautiful and powerful, but the proud seraphim wanted to take the place of the Creator in the Universe, for which he was punished. According to mythology, having turned into the patron of the underworld, the former angel directed all his powers to tempt people and turn them into his allies.

Origin of the Angel

“Bearer of light” or “son of the morning” - this is how the name of Lucifer is translated from Latin. The inhabitants of Ancient Rome used the word Lucifer to call the planet Venus, which is visible only during the morning dawn. The Romans were sure that the morning and evening luminaries were two different celestial bodies, so the “evening” Venus was called “Hesperus”.

Lucifer was one of the seraphim - powerful six-winged beings. Mentions of it are found in the Bible, in Kabbalistic texts, theosophical works, as well as in ancient grimoires (books that describe magical rituals).

The luminous disembodied spirit was created by the Heavenly Lord before the Almighty created the material world and people. Being an angel, Lucifer was extraordinarily handsome: his eternally youthful face radiated light, his high forehead indicated a sharp mind, his majestic posture and perfect physique attracted the eye.

Some medieval theologians argued that angels were created from stellar energy, which was called Lucida. In many religious texts rejected by the church, Lucida appeared as the mother of the heavenly rebel. Over time, the image of the inanimate “star mother” has undergone changes. During the Renaissance, brave minds tried to animate the image of the Devil.

According to the interpretation of philosophers, Lucida is the heavenly mother, the embodiment of the Universe. From it the Father of all things created higher matters. Lucida can be neither evil nor good. Human qualities or ambitions are incomprehensible to her. The cosmic mother symbolizes creative energy, progress, vitality.

According to the Christian version, the rebel became the patron of evil, so all his positive qualities have long been lost.

The attitude of philosophers and sorcerers towards the fallen angel is ambiguous. It is believed that the first rebel in the Universe is not the embodiment of all vices. The most daring students of religion see the other side of the Divine in the proud rebel. Philosophers often compare him to Prometheus.

Causes of the uprising

Benevolence, wisdom and humility, ingenuity and courage were the main qualities of the seraphim. The other angels treated him with respect and love. The Son of God Jesus Christ at that time was still one with his Heavenly Father and was the mentor of a talented angel.

The fact that Jesus Christ meant more to the Father than any of the angels did not initially upset Lucifer, but soon the seraphim began to resent the fact that Heavenly Father trusted Jesus Christ more than him. The fact that all angels were obliged to worship the Son of God as the Creator himself did not please the “son of the dawn” either. His discontent grew.

The proud seraphim considered himself very talented with good reason. Forgetting that all the virtues were granted to him by the Creator, Dennitsa began to think about overthrowing God's power.

He acted cunningly and carefully: hiding his ambitious plans, in conversations with the angels he hinted that, being servants of God, heavenly beings did not receive due attention from the Father. He then began to convince the angels that God's government had many flaws.

Lucifer said that he was troubled and upset by the Father's lack of respect for the angels. He concluded each of his speeches approximately like this: “If I had become the Lord of Heaven, we would not have to recognize the supremacy of Jesus Christ. Our knowledge and capabilities would have no limits. We would control the Universe without asking anyone for permission.”

Rebellion and punishment

Not all angels liked the conversations of the cunning seraphim. His brothers, obedient to God's will, persuaded the rebel to come to his senses and abandon the idea of ​​seizing power in Heaven, but the ambitious Lucifer also found like-minded people.

Opponents of God's rule rebelled. The Creator destroyed some of the rebels. The rest, including their leader Lucifer, were banished to hell, which was created specifically for guilty angels. Later, people who had sinned greatly during their lifetime began to end up there.

The Bible does not explain why the fallen angel Lucifer survived. One can only guess about them based on the texts of Holy Scripture.

The main opponent of the Lord's order sought power. Pride blinded his mind and alienated him from the laws of the Father. In the underworld, the former seraph gained unlimited power. He was worshiped by all demonic entities. When the Almighty created the first people, the Devil began to tempt them.

There are several versions explaining why the Heavenly Lord did not kill his rebellious creation:

  • The Creator expected that the guilty person would repent of his sins;
  • Lucifer's power was very great;
  • after the Devil persuaded Eve to taste the forbidden fruit, the Almighty allowed him to lead people into temptation. True faith, when tested, grows stronger. Having a choice, a person will not be able to say that he was forced to serve Good.

To one degree or another, all prophets, many monks and hermits were subjected to demonic temptations. Based on the saint’s lifestyle, the ruler of hell selected a temptation for him: a person living in poverty was offered untold riches; a hermit who had taken a vow of celibacy was seduced by charming women. As is clear from the New Testament, even Jesus Christ was tempted by the wicked.

The idea that the fall of the angel was planned by the Creator can be seen in the writings of many Theosophists. In Helena Blavatsky’s interpretation, the image of the “son of the dawn” banished to the underworld looks positive. According to the philosopher, the goal of the fallen angel was not to increase evil, but to spread knowledge among people.

Hellish metamorphoses

In the underworld, Lucifer's life changed dramatically. Demonic qualities - anger, vanity, envy - were useful to the Devil. His supporters, who had turned from angels into demons, unconditionally recognized the authority of the ruler.

The angelic appearance remained only a memory: the rebel lost his white wings. In some descriptions, the Devil is depicted with dark bat wings.

Options for the appearance of the Lord of the Underworld:

  • Human. Sometimes the tempter looks like an ordinary young man with dark hair and piercing black eyes. Some writers portrayed the evil one as a tall, sullen man with eyes of different colors;
  • monster from the depths of the sea;
  • a red devil with a pitchfork, having pointed ears, horns, sharp claws on his fingers and a long tail;
  • the Dragon;
  • snake;
  • goat.

The New Testament says that the ruler of hell can take on any form.

Devil Family

There is no mention in the Bible of the wife of the ruler of the underworld. But in the Old Testament Jewish legends, a lot is said about the woman Lilith, who turned into a demon and became the wife of the fallen seraphim.

Apocryphal sources, which appeared long before the rise of Christianity, tell: Lilith, not Eve, was the first woman in the Garden of Eden. The Heavenly Lord created Lilith and her husband Adam from clay, but her freedom-loving disposition did not allow the first lady to enjoy family happiness. Lilith longed to be equal to her husband in everything, including in bed.

According to legends, Lilith dared to argue with her Father. The main reason for the quarrels was that Adam did not agree to take the lower position during marital caresses. The Creator was upset by the behavior of the obstinate woman, and Lilith left Paradise. She became a demonic creature.

Lilith is portrayed as the embodiment of lust and chaos. It is not surprising that the former angel made this woman his wife. From Lucifer and Lilith, demons and demons were born - creatures who did not have an angelic past and were born in the underworld.

According to legends, Satan had three sons.

  1. Demon Moloch. In some Semitic tribes, human sacrifices were made to this formidable creature.
  2. Demon Asmodeus. It can push a person to commit adultery and participate in sexual orgies.
  3. Belphegor. A demonic creature that leads people into the temptation of wealth.

According to many theologians, the Devil also has earthly children. A child of the Tempter is every inveterate sinner who does not want to fight his vices.

The sons of Satan are popularly called bloody tyrants and oathbreakers. The expression “damn son” is used in relation to a greedy person who is capable of destroying anyone for the sake of profit.


The bright meaning of the name Lucifer - “bringer of light” - is associated with the original majestic mission. Once Lucifer was one of the mighty angels of God, but he rebelled against Heavenly Father. As punishment, the Lord deprived his former favorite of his angelic essence and threw him into the underworld.

The birth of the Devil happened after God created man in his own image and likeness. But we must honestly admit that the Creator did not succeed in much of what he had in mind. It sounds blasphemous, but judge for yourself: a person is not at all a spiritually perfect person. He has many negative character traits. That is, the Lord wanted one thing, but received something completely different. Therefore, frustration and disappointment crept into his soul. And the result was the most deplorable. The first people were expelled from paradise without regret, and went to eke out an existence on the earth's surface.

People settled down there and settled down, but their thoughts were far from perfect. Vice, greed, and envy prevailed in them. They put a heavy burden on the psyche and awakened everything dirty and bad to action. From here, murder, theft, betrayal and other base acts began to occur. They turned man into a primitive animal with poor goals and ideals.

However, you shouldn’t exaggerate. In any person, two mutually exclusive principles coexist. This is good and evil. It’s just that the concentration of good and evil is different for each person. For some people, the inner world consists of lighter tones, for others it consists of darker ones. It is almost impossible to find a person who shines with moral purity or who has plunged into complete and hopeless spiritual darkness on this sinful earth.

Of course, you come across extraordinary people, immensely bright and righteous. But their number is insignificant, and everyone knows their names, because the church immediately identifies such people, and after death they canonize them. There are also complete scoundrels who have completely lost their human form. There are also few of them, they are also known to everyone, thanks to judicial chronicles and scientific treatises devoted to the study of such an unusual phenomenon.

We can only sincerely sympathize with the Creator and regret that he did not achieve a perfect creation. He dreamed of one thing, but something completely different came to light. However, the way the world works is that not every creative person gets what she dreams of. There are thousands of such examples in history. So our Lord is not alone in his disappointment.

In paradise, where man initially lived, there remained only sinless angels who had no flesh, but instead possessed pure and immaculate souls. They sang in beautiful voices, sitting under the apple trees of paradise, and, it seemed, did not want anything more. Over time, it became clear that this was not the case.

Among those who surrounded the Creator was the archangel (senior angel) Lucifer, devoted to him. His name meant “bringer of light” or “son of the dawn,” and he loved the Lord immensely, trying to be like him in everything. The wisdom of the Creator aroused special awe in the archangel’s soul. Lucifer sincerely admired her, but apparently, over time, something happened and a dark cloud fluttered into the admirer.

Lucifer was overwhelmed by pride

Lucifer was overcome with pride. He began to look at the Lord not with admiration and devotion, but with hidden envy. And at one fine moment, when the Creator was absent, the archangel declared himself ruler and ordered the angels to bow before him. Not everyone listened to Lucifer. Most of the blameless souls rejected him, but there were those who bowed their heads before the impostor.

The rebel archangel did not rule for long. The Creator returned and quickly restored order. It was hard for him to punish his favorite, but he committed a great sin - he fell into pride, and therefore it was impossible without fair retribution. God created hell deep underground and sent Lucifer and all those angels who swore allegiance to him there. But the birth of the Devil was still far away.

The failed ruler found himself out of work in the underworld. He had no occupation there, and the Lord could not immediately decide what to entrust to Lucifer so that he would not be idle, but would conscientiously fulfill his duties.

Fallen angel cast down from heaven

Any bad thing can happen from forced idleness. God understood this perfectly, and therefore sent the Archangel Michael to hell. He shackled Lucifer until the Creator decides what to do with the guilty subject.

We had to wait a very long time - a thousand years. Finally, a job was found for Lucifer. The Almighty commanded him to keep track of the sins that people committed on earth. The work is like this - a pure office: record only violations of the commandments, and send the data to the authorities. There is no flight of thought here, no creativity, no imagination - just a boring routine, but the shackles were removed and allowed to move freely.

Lucifer took on such activities conscientiously and responsibly - he had to atone for his sins before the Lord. The years flew by, centuries stretched on. Everything seems to have settled down, settled into a rut, but everyone understands - no matter how diligent you are, no matter how zealous you are in the assigned task, if you don’t like it, if it’s boring and uninteresting, then over time, internal protest will begin to grow, discontent and tossing will appear, there will be a desire to change the situation.

The same thing happened to the fallen angel Lucifer. He understood that he deserved more, but did not dare to resist the will of the Almighty. Moreover, from the heavenly heights everything was visible, the Creator knew about everything, nothing was hidden from him. He saw the tossing of his guilty subject, and realized that he had not humbled his pride, and it was not good for him to stay in hell as a humble extra and an obedient performer.

By that time, people had settled all over the Earth. There are a huge number of them on all continents and continents. They lived, some as best they could, some as best they could. Of course we sinned, how could we do without it? There were also very righteous people among them, who strove for the light, and swept away everything shameful and dirty.

All these life collisions were unorganized and left to chance. The malicious violators of the commandments did not suffer due punishment after death, since there was no hell with hot frying pans and mocking devils. The souls of people who honestly and worthily served their earthly sentence went to heaven, but such a reward did not elevate them greatly above sinners, since they lived quite well and felt very comfortable in places, although not heavenly, but quite suitable for existence .

Having weighed everything and assessed the situation, the Lord decided to send mortals more serious tests in order to draw a gap between a righteous life and a sinful one, and after death to lift the innocent souls to light and bliss, and subject the fallen and corrupted to eternal and terrible punishment.

At the same time, the Almighty did not want to be biased, but strived for objectivity and justice. The point here is that at birth, all people received different character traits. Some were already born honest, and therefore could live all the years of their earthly life without any problems and automatically end up in heaven. Others were born vicious, and their fate was already determined to end up in hell after death.

In order to equalize the rights of everyone, the Lord decided to subject every person to temptations during his lifetime. Here it is unknown: what the end of the human journey will be. An honest and righteous person can be tempted and fall, while a sinful and vicious person, on the contrary, can rise above sin and earn forgiveness, fearing hellish torment and indefinite punishment.

The seduction of the soul, its introduction into everything sinful, was entrusted to Lucifer. He completely withered away at his unloved job, but after the Lord’s decision he came to life and raised his head proudly. He received the status of the Prince of Darkness, and he himself called himself the Devil from the Indian word “devi”, which means God. The Almighty did not react in any way to such audacity, since his wisdom knows no bounds: he understood that the name does not reflect the essence, but serves only to please pride and pride.

It happened birth of the Devil. And for many thousands of years he has been subjecting people to temptations, trying to lead them into sin. There are many who succumb to temptation, and after death find themselves in the hellish hell.