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» Who is a tax inspector and what does he do? Interview about the profession: tax inspector What does a tax inspector do?

Who is a tax inspector and what does he do? Interview about the profession: tax inspector What does a tax inspector do?

Tax inspector is a tax inspector whose responsibilities include conducting desk and field tax audits, analyzing the results, and applying financial sanctions to violators.

Tax inspector— a tax inspector whose responsibilities include conducting desk and field tax audits, analyzing the results, and applying financial sanctions to violators. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in mathematics and economics (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

The duties of a tax inspector include conducting desk and field tax audits, analyzing the results, and applying financial sanctions to violators. The tax inspector also sends requests for payment of taxes and fees to organizations, entrepreneurs and citizens, compiles free statistical tax reporting: analyzes the level and dynamics of receipt of taxes and fees, debts and arrears on them.

Pros and cons of the profession

The profession of a tax inspector is considered prestigious. Tax authorities, as a rule, employ responsible, highly professional, experienced specialists. The filling of the country's budget, entrepreneurial activity, the investment climate and the stability of the Russian economy depend on their attention, persistence, and intransigence to violations.

The disadvantages of the profession include the need to constantly master a large amount of information - especially during tax reporting periods. It is necessary to monitor changes in tax legislation and the progress of tax reform. Work in departments for conducting on-site inspections involves traveling and business trips. And, as British Prime Minister Winston Churchill said: “It is as impossible to collect taxes and be pleasant at the same time as it is to love and be wise.”


Salary as of 06/05/2019

Russia 13000—46200 ₽

Moscow 15000—60000 ₽

The salary consists of a salary depending on the inspection, department and position, monthly bonus, allowance and payments provided for civil servants. It varies depending on the region in which the tax inspector works.

Career steps and prospects

The career of a tax inspector depends on the assignment of class rank. The higher the class rank (from I to III rank), the more respectable the position of specialist. A.P. Pochinok - former Minister of Taxes and Duties, began his career as an intern at the Institute of Economics.


Federal tax inspectorates, government agencies involved in collecting taxes from legal entities and individuals (tax services, inspections).

Important qualities

Attentiveness, painstakingness, analytical skills, perseverance, honesty, ability to defend one’s point of view, stress tolerance, exactingness, ability to make quick decisions, high level of concentration, stability and selectivity of attention (ability to focus on one important activity for a long time), ability to generalize material, well-developed long-term and operative memory, a penchant for working with documentation.

Special knowledge: basics of tax legislation, all types and forms of accounting and reporting, reporting methods, principles of arbitration activities.

Where to study to become a Tax Inspector

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To master a profession, you need a higher or secondary specialized vocational education, which can be obtained at economic and financial faculties of institutes, at accounting and credit colleges with a specialty in “Taxes and Taxation.” Until 2000, the only university that trained tax inspectors was the All-Russian State Tax Academy. In 2000, due to a shortage of specialists, a new specialty appeared in several universities at once - “Taxes and Taxation”. Students who have completed training in this specialty receive the qualification of an economist-specialist in taxation.

Famous tax authorities and tax evaders

Alexander Petrovich Pochinok (1958) - Russian statesman, Minister of Taxes and Duties (1999-2000), Minister of Labor and Social Development (2000-2004), economist. Author of a number of books, dozens of scientific papers and articles, including: Taxes and taxation in the Russian Federation. Textbook. M., 1999. (co-authored); Fundamentals of the tax system. Textbook for universities. M., 2000 (co-authored); About laws and income. “Russian Tax Courier, 2000, No. 1.

None of the first set of US tax inspectors died a natural death - the rest of the citizens really did not want to pay taxes. Now in the USA taxes are paid regularly, and tax collectors live to a ripe old age.

In 1925-1927 None of Chicago gangster Al Capone's "Italian gang" was convicted of their 915 murders. However, Al Capone himself went to jail for tax evasion.

Among those under investigation in tax cases are such “sharks of capitalism” as multimillionaire Silvio Berlusconi, a television magnate and former prime minister, and Tesare Romiti, the current president of the FIAT automobile concern. Recently, on the recommendation of the Financial Guard, it was decided not to award the world-famous film actress Sophia Loren with the Italian Order precisely because she had complications with justice due to tax evasion.

German football players, having played another match, retire to Belgium, California or another tax haven, which gives them the right not to pay income tax in Germany. Boris Becker, Steffi Graf and racing driver Michael Schumacher do the same. Fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld, who was the leading designer of the French fashion house Chanel and the Italian firm Fendi, who also had his own fashion line, was forced to pay $3.1 million for tax evasion in 1982-1984.

The profession of tax collector originated in ancient times. The European tax system came from Ancient Rome. In Rus', the tax system began to take shape at the end of the 9th century with the unification of Russian lands. The most important tax official was the prince.

November 21 is “Day of Tax Authorities of the Russian Federation.” It was on this day, November 21, 1991, that the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation was formed by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. In 1998, it was transformed into the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties.

The world's first income tax rate was 10%. We can judge this from the Pentateuch of Moses, where it is said: “... and every tithe of the earth, of the seed of the earth and of the fruit of the tree, belongs to the Lord.”

The proverb “Moscow does not believe in tears” has a direct tax nature. During the rise of the Moscow principality, large tribute was collected from other cities. Cities sent petitioners to Moscow with complaints of injustice. The king sometimes severely punished complainants to intimidate others. This is where the expression “Moscow doesn’t believe in tears” comes from.

Licinius, the Roman governor of ancient Gaul, divided the year into 14 months in order to collect taxes more often.

In Germany, in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, there is the city of Siegburg. One of the attractions of this city is the Museum of the History of Taxes. There are similar museums in Israel (Jerusalem), England (London), Museum of the History of Taxes and Tax Relations (Uzbekistan, Tashkent), Museum of the Tax Service (Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek), Museum of the State Tax Administration of Sevastopol (Ukraine), Museum of History tax service (Ukraine, Chernigov). Museum visitors not only get acquainted with the history of taxes, come to understand their social and historical significance, but also see the most interesting facts of human resourcefulness, and sometimes stupidity, since not a single financial system in the world is free from oddities from ancient times to this day.

On November 21, 1941, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, in order to mobilize additional funds to provide assistance to mothers with many children, a tax was introduced on bachelors, single and small-family citizens. This tax had no analogues in history and, besides the USSR, was established only in Mongolia. It existed until the early 90s.

Of all the sovereign states, the lowest income tax rates are in Bahrain, Brunei, Kuwait and Qatar, where the rate is zero regardless of income. The tax is not levied on the island of Sark in the Channel Islands or on Tristan da Cunha.

The country with the highest tax rates is Norway, where the Labor Party and the Socialist Alliance abolished the 80% cap in January 1974. At that time, more than 2,000 citizens were listed in Lignings Boca, paying more than 100% of their taxable income. Shipping magnate Hilmar Reksten (1897-1980) was taxed at 491%.

Exotic taxes

In Ancient Egypt, the cat was considered a sacred animal, and those who took care of cats paid less taxes to the treasury.

The worst tax in history was levied for 21 years by Ranjit Singh, the conqueror of Peshawar, Pakistan. It consisted of hundreds of severed human heads per year.

In Austria, skiers are required to pay a special “gypsum tax” every time they descend the mountain, the funds of which are transferred to Austrian clinics. According to the most conservative estimates, about 150 thousand skiers are injured every year in the Austrian Alps, and about one billion shillings are spent on treatment per year.

A strange tax was invented in the 18th century in Württemberg - on sparrows. When too many of them were bred, the owner of each house was required to destroy a dozen of these birds, for which he received 6 kreuzers. The negligent person paid 12 kreuzers to the treasury, but it was easier for him to buy the required number of dead sparrows from an underground dealer who got them from the city dump.

Taxes under Peter 1: taxes on baths - a tax of 3 rubles was taken from boyar baths, 1 ruble from noble baths, 15 kopecks from peasant baths. Since 1704, new taxes were introduced: from weddings, from Russian dress, funeral, from schismatics, from cab drivers, from inns, from mills, from renting houses, shoe, hat, etc. In Bashkiria, “profit-makers” also collected taxes for eyes (for brown ones - 2 altyns or 6 kopecks, for gray ones - 8 money or 4 kopecks).

An additional source of replenishment of the city budget has been found in Venice. Since 1999, visiting tourists have to pay a fee of 1 thousand Italian lire for each visit to a public toilet. A Venetian pays half as much to enter the restroom. Considering that Venice is visited by 10 million guests annually, the additional source of income turned out to be significant.

In the summer of 1996, authorities in the port city of Tianjin introduced a “sin tax,” under which cohabitation without a marriage license costs violators 1,000 yuan ($120)

Tax inspector

Economics, finance, accounting, insurance, public service, non-profit organizations

Kind of activity

Monitor, check, evaluate

Short description

Much is done in the country at public expense. State money is needed to maintain roads and buildings, treat the sick, maintain the army and develop science, pay salaries to employees of government institutions, pensions for retirees and benefits for those who find themselves unemployed or in another difficult situation, and for many other useful purposes. business
To make them possible, those who live in the state support it: pay taxes. Taxes are a very significant part of the state budget.

Tax inspector deals with the collection of taxes. He ensures that individuals and organizations comply with tax law. He designs tax returns, determines the amount of tax, controls whether taxes have been paid on time and in full.
Violators are subject to sanctions and are required to pay fines. A tax preparer can also provide advice on tax matters.

Where to study

Directions of education:
Economics and management (38.00.00)


03/38/01 - Economics

    • Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (AGZ) Faculty of Humanities
    • All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (VAVT) Faculty of International Economists, Faculty of International Finance
    • State Academic University of Humanities (GAUGN) Faculty of Economics
    • State Classical Academy named after. Maimonides (GKA) Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
    • State University of Management (SUM)
    • Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK) Humanitarian Institute
    • Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University (MADI) Faculty of Economics
    • Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university) (MAI) Institute of Engineering and Economics
    • Humanitarian and Economic Institute named after. B.C. Chernomyrdin -
    • Moscow Academy of Labor Market and Information Technologies (MARTIT) Economics and Management
    • Russian State Technological University named after. K.E. Tsiolkovsky (MATI) Institute of Management, Economics and Social Technologies
    • Moscow State Academy of Water Transport (MSAWT) Faculty of Water Transport Management
    • Moscow State Humanitarian-Economic Institute (MGGEI) Department of Economics
    • Moscow State Institute of Tourism Industry named after. Yu.A. Senkevich (MGIIT) Faculty of Economics and Management
    • Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MGIMO) Faculty of International Economic Relations
    • Moscow State Industrial University (MGIU)
    • Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU)) Institute of Law, Economics and Information Management
    • Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after. Sergo Ordzhonikidze (MGRI - RGGRU) Faculty of International Relations and Economic and Legal Fundamentals of Subsoil Use
    • Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University) (MGSU) Institute of Economics, Management and Information Systems in Construction
    • Moscow State Technological University "Stankin" (MSTU "Stankin") Faculty of Economics and Management
    • Moscow State University (MSU) Faculty of Economics, Higher School of State Audit, Moscow School of Economics
    • Moscow State University of Design and Technology (MGUDT) Institute of Economics and Management
    • Moscow State Faculty of Culture and Arts (MGUKI) Institute of Economics, Management and Law
    • Moscow State Forest University (MSUL) Faculty of Economics and External Relations
    • Moscow State Technical University named after. Bauman (MSTU) Engineering Business and Management
    • Moscow State University of Printing Arts. Ivan Fedorov (MGUPech) Institute of Communications and Media Business
    • Institute of Management and Economics
    • Moscow State University of Food Production (MSUPP)
    • Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after. K.G. Razumovsky (MSTU) Institute of Economics and Business
    • Moscow City University of Management of the Moscow Government (MSUU)
    • Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (MIREA) Institute of economics and management
    • Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK) Faculty of Economics and Territorial Management
    • Moscow State Transport University (MIIT) Institute of Economics and Finance
    • National Research Technological University "MISiS" (MISiS) Institute of Economics and Management of Industrial Enterprises
    • Faculty of Management and Economics of High Technologies
    • Moscow Humanitarian University (Moscow State University) Faculty of Economics and Management
    • Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUSI) Faculty of Economics and Management
    • Moscow Energy Institute (Technical University) (MPEI) Institute for Energy Efficiency Problems
    • Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI) Institute of Economics and Statistics
    • National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) Faculty of Economic Sciences
    • Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Finance and Banking, Institute of Public Service and Management
    • Russian Academy of Justice (RAJ) Faculty of Economics
    • Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University (RGAZU) Faculty of Economics
    • Faculty of Economics and Finance; Faculty of Economics; Institute of Environmental Management named after. A.N. Kostyakova - Faculty of Correspondence Education, Weekend Institute
    • Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU) Institute of Economics, Management, Law
    • Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. THEM. Gubkin (RGUNiG) Faculty of Economics and Management
    • Russian State University of Tourism and Service (RGUTiS) Faculty of Economics, Management and Law
    • Russian Customs Academy (RTA) Faculty of Economics
    • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) Agrarian Faculty, Institute of World Economy and Business, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Engineering
    • Faculty of General Economics, Faculty of Mathematical Economics and Informatics, Faculty of Finance, Faculty of Business
    • Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (FU)
05.38.01 - Economic security
    • Moscow State Technical University "MAMI"
    • Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics (MGUPI) Institute of Integrated Safety and Special Instrumentation
    • Moscow State Transport University (MIIT)) Institute of Economics and Finance
    • National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (MEPhI) Faculty of Cybernetics and Information Security; Faculty of Management and Economics of High Technologies
    • Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (MosU MVD) Faculty of Economic Security
    • Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA) Faculty of National Security
    • Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after. K.A. Timiryazev (RGAU - MSHA) Faculty of Economics and Finance
    • Russian State Social University (RGSU) Faculty of Social Insurance, Economics and Sociology of Labor
    • Russian Economic University named after. G.V. Plekhanov (REU) Faculty of General Economics

Where to work

    • Tax office
    • Consulting and auditing companies

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Labor market

This time we chose the specialty “Taxes and Taxation,” which is quite popular among applicants. In accordance with the state standard of higher education, it has a classification code of 351200. If these numbers don’t tell you anything, then in our brief review we will try to answer the most important questions related to this specialty: what is the history of the profession, what is taught in the relevant departments universities, what prospects do applicants have, etc.

Tax collection is one of the oldest professions. It existed in ancient times - in the states of Mesopotamia. And the European tax system itself originated in antiquity. Concepts such as qualification, excise, fiscal, tax farmer came to us from Ancient Rome. In Rus', the first relatively orderly tax system began to take shape at the end of the 9th century after the unification of the Russian lands. The most important tax official was the prince. As you know, the main source of income for Russian princes was tribute: cart (the so-called money and goods brought to the prince by his subjects in Kyiv) and polyudye (collecting polyudye turned into a whole journey: the prince and his retinue himself went for tribute). Indirect taxes were levied in Rus', as in many European countries, in the form of various trade and judicial duties. A duty (myt) was taken for transporting goods through city outposts, a living room - for the right to have warehouses, weight and measure - for weighing goods, vira was a fine for murder, sale - a fine for other crimes.

Who is being prepared
In the 21st century, in order to become a tax worker, you do not need to have a princely origin - it is enough to enroll in a higher educational institution for the appropriate specialty. Until 2000, the key source of personnel for the country's tax inspectorates was the All-Russian State Tax Academy. However, there was a catastrophic shortage of specialists. Therefore, in 2000, several Russian universities introduced a new specialty “Taxes and Taxation”. As the graduating departments of these institutes promise, upon completion of their studies, students receive the qualification of an economist - a tax specialist. Anyone who has mastered this specialty will be an indispensable employee in almost any organization. Of course, the main employers (in terms of salary) are commercial and manufacturing companies, where you can apply for a position as a specialist in the analytical department for finance and taxes, perform representative duties in arbitration courts, and prepare accounting and tax reporting. A significant portion of graduates are sent to the tax and financial authorities for the positions of expert, inspector, and analyst. Tax inspector is perhaps the most well-known profession that is associated with tax collection. Such a specialist monitors compliance with tax legislation, monitors the receipt of tax and other payments to the budget, checks monetary documents, accounting books, reports, estimates, etc., analyzes the results of audits, and applies financial sanctions to violators.
Currently, the so-called accounting has been updated - a consulting service that involves servicing and supporting accounting activities. It should be noted that this is quite promising work. The responsibilities of such a consultant are to carry out consulting activities on the formation of the tax base, maintain accounting records, prepare reports on the rights and obligations of taxpayers, as well as monitor changes in legislation and regulations relating to the taxation of individuals and legal entities.

What is taught
The main general professional and special disciplines included in the programs of the relevant faculties are economic theory, organizational economics, statistics, the budget structure of the Russian Federation, accounting, auditing, taxes and taxation, management and marketing, world economics, etc.
A special feature of the specialty “Taxes and Taxation” is that first students receive a good basic legal education, and already in their senior years they develop as financiers. This is a fundamentally new concept for training tax specialists, since the old system implied studying only accounting and legislation. Thus, the tax inspector is both a lawyer and an economist.
Among the legal disciplines that are taught to the student, the following should be noted: theory of state and law, constitutional law, civil law and civil procedure, labor law, criminal law and criminal procedure, tax law, etc.
Of particular value are professional courses: the basics of the theory of public finance and taxation, methodology and technology for conducting documentary audits of the tax base, accounting, analysis and audit of taxable indicators, methodology, methods and practice of calculating income, forecasting and planning in taxation, etc.
After four years of study in the field of “Taxes and Taxation,” students are awarded a bachelor’s degree and are given the opportunity to continue their studies in a specialist program (duration of study - one year) with the qualification “Taxation and Taxation Specialist” or improve their knowledge in a master’s program (duration of study - two years).

Where do they do their internship?
Such an important question is often ignored by many, because in the turmoil of admission, applicants spend all their energy on exams. Dreams of studying at this university push thoughts about prospects into the background. Meanwhile, the grade for the thesis and further employment depend on the quality of practice. Therefore, the future student should definitely check the location of the internship. According to the state standard, students in the specialty we are considering undergo industrial and pre-graduation practice in the system of bodies of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, government bodies at the federal, territorial and municipal levels, legal and economic services of enterprises, and audit firms.

Requirements for applicants
Psychologists note that the professionally important qualities of a future tax specialist include an analytical mind, the ability to concentrate and distribute attention, emotional and volitional stability, conscientiousness, honesty, and communication skills. Medical professionals warn: taxation is not recommended for people with severe visual impairment, nervous and mental, and cardiovascular diseases.
In addition, we would like to add on our own behalf: this matter requires persistence - both for normal work in general and during the admission process. Please note that competition among applicants is growing. The dynamics of enrollment in Russian universities shows that there is a steady increase in demand for this specialty. So, in 2002, on average, 18 applicants (per place) paid taxes, in 2004 there were already 68, and in 2005 - 120 people!

Future tax officers take mathematics (written), history (written), Russian language (written test). In some universities, instead of history, geography (written test), foreign language (written test) may be listed. As a rule, admission to such departments is not based on an interview (there is no such practice).

What the cost of studying
Tuition fees vary everywhere - from twelve thousand rubles per semester to one hundred and eighty thousand rubles per academic year.

We have already noted above that the profession of a tax consultant opens up amazing prospects for those who own it. A relatively recently emerging area related to accounting support for a large company or private entrepreneur and aimed at optimizing the taxation process is extremely in demand. An expanding business requires new specialists in the field of taxation both in government agencies and in commercial organizations. An additional opportunity for graduates to realize their potential is provided by consulting on filling out tax returns. Today, more and more professionals are needed in this field of activity, but there is clearly not enough relevant personnel.
Experts assess the demand in the labor market for tax specialists as average, and their wages as high (the lower salary limit is 800 USD).
It should be noted that a tax graduate will never be left without a job. Experts have calculated: in order to provide only the country's tax inspectorates with qualified specialists, universities must annually graduate about ten thousand certified specialists!
In addition, the specialty is acquiring new significance in the light of the initiatives put forward by Russian President Vladimir Putin to improve the tax collection system. It turns out that now the tax profession is under the protectorate of the head of state! Therefore, dear readers, taking into account these and other circumstances, we can safely say: the prospects for tax officials are the brightest - both in the government field and in business.

The profession of tax inspector is on everyone's lips. Someone pronounces these words with bated breath, while others dream of being in his place. Indeed, the work is very prestigious and desirable. This material contains basic information about this profession.

Tax inspector - who is he?

To begin with, it should be noted that this is an employee of government agencies, whose responsibilities include possession of a large amount of information, the ability to analyze and frequent trips and business trips. A tax inspector is a position of an employee who monitors the timeliness and completeness of revenues to the state budget from all categories of the population.

The first mentions of inspectors can be found in the Bible, only then taxes were called “tithes”.


The tax inspector, whose duties are determined by law, must inspect various enterprises, summarize financial statements and accounting data, and receive explanations from payers.

Its jurisdiction also includes the possibility of using financial sanctions against violators. The inspector has a number of responsibilities that he must perform efficiently. These include:

  • monitoring compliance with tax laws;
  • holding payers accountable;
  • knowledge of constitutional and tax law;
  • checking financial documents for hidden payments;
  • awareness of the economic enterprises with which he deals;
  • carrying out on-site inspections, as well as random inspections;
  • analysis of results;
  • imposition of penalties;
  • maintaining impartiality;
  • reporting;
  • consultations for citizens;
  • collection, study and analysis of large amounts of financial information;
  • drawing up documentation of a financial nature (reports, purchase and sale agreements, etc.).

A tax inspector is a unique profession in some way, because the list of responsibilities includes many items that require certain skills and abilities from the performer.

Qualities required for the profession

A tax inspector, whose responsibilities have a wide range, must also have a number of necessary qualities in order to cope with his job. This:

  • ability to ;
  • long concentration of attention;
  • increased attention to detail;
  • emotional stability;
  • impartiality;
  • honesty;
  • responsibility;
  • confidence;
  • the ability to defend one's opinion;
  • perseverance;
  • demanding of oneself and others;
  • orderliness of thoughts;
  • ability to make quick decisions;
  • painstakingness;
  • good memory;
  • ability to generalize;
  • perseverance when working with documentation.

History of the profession

In order to understand where the profession of state tax inspector came from, you need to look into the distant past. In ancient times, kings and feudal lords collected various taxes from all people to ensure the existence of the state and the king's court.

These fees were called “myto” - duty, fee. Therefore, for a long time in Rus', people of this profession were called “publicans.” From this we can conclude that at first the tax inspector was exclusively engaged in collecting funds from the population.

In the 18th century, such workers began to be called fiscals (from “to confiscate”). The chief tax inspector of that time performed the function of collecting money, and wrote denunciations to Peter I against those who did not pay. The Tsar introduced a special rank for this, which was called “Ober-Fiscal”. After which this word acquired a new meaning - “snatcher”. Later, in order to avoid any assessments, the position was renamed tax inspector.


This is a very prestigious job. A tax inspector is a position whose main components are: stability, high wages, a full benefits package, and constant communications.

In addition, the main advantage of the inspector profession is that all its representatives are civil servants. From which it follows that tax employees will never lose their importance and will always have protection from the state. Another advantage is that this is one of the most in-demand professions, and a good master of his craft will always be needed.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that a person who gives advice to other people can always help himself. Possession of knowledge of law and finance is the most important in everyone’s life.

Also, the main advantages of the profession include a high salary. The salary is one of the largest among positions that are considered budgetary.

And, of course, representatives of this profession have their own holiday. Tax Inspector Day in Russia is celebrated annually on November 21.


To become a good tax specialist, you need to understand all the disadvantages of this profession:

  • a large amount of information that needs to be remembered;
  • a lot of routine work with documents;
  • high level of responsibility;
  • frequent changes in legislation;
  • possible frequent business trips, which usually interferes with family people.

A tax inspector is a very difficult profession that requires constant concentration. You can’t relax even for a day, so not every person copes with such a position. There are not many disadvantages, especially if you consciously chose this path.

The position requires special attention to detail, constant training and a lot of time.

Speaking about the shortcomings, it should be noted that there has long been a dislike for tax inspectors. Therefore, people of this profession are very often insulted for no reason, they are afraid and speak unflatteringly about them. The profession also comes with some psychological stress.

Well, the most important thing that stands out as the shortcomings of this prestigious work is its monotony and almost complete lack of variety.

Places of work

The state tax inspector has a small choice of places of work. Many of them are budget. This is a narrow circle of organizations, which includes the tax inspection service, the Federal Tax Inspectorate, and some government agencies that collect funds from individuals and legal entities.

However, it is important to remember that once you receive your degree, you are not limited to the list of jobs listed above. As a person who has a state tax inspector, any profession related to law, economics and even politics will submit to you.

Tax inspector: where to study?

In order to master a specialty, you need a higher education, which is obtained at the economic and financial faculties of universities. As well as a special professional one, which is given in accounting and credit technical schools in the “Taxes and Taxation” department.

The best higher educational institutions in Russia produce brilliant specialists. You can enroll in:

  • Academy under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
  • All-Russian State Tax Academy under the Ministry of Finance of the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • and finance (MESI);
  • Russian Economic Academy named after G. V. Plekhanov;
  • Russian Trade and Economic University (and its branches).

But if you have natural abilities and a predisposition to this profession, then any economic or economic activity will open the door for you to the field of taxation.

Professional skills

During your training you will be able to radically change your personality. At the university you will be given a good theoretical basis, but there are skills that you must develop on your own. Some of them are discussed below.

The profession of a tax inspector includes such skills and abilities as knowledge of tax legislation. However, university teachers can only provide you with a small part of the theory, because laws are amended every day. You must accustom yourself to daily monitoring of news in key areas, especially those related to your activities.

They will also show you the basics of preparing tax documentation and various reports. You will need to practice and bring your skills to automaticity on your own. At universities, future tax inspectors are told how to navigate the basics, types and forms of accounting. But you will also have to learn this business on your own.

Speaking about professional ethics, everything will be explained to you theoretically, but you need to be able to correctly apply your knowledge in practice.

Additional features

The state tax inspector must have a higher education in the legal, economic or financial field. A person in this profession needs a number of additional skills and abilities. You need to remember that immediately after graduating from university you will not become the country's chief tax officer. This is a very complex and multifunctional profession that requires daily work on yourself. Often, all newcomers start in small services, and their responsibilities include monotonous and routine work with documents. This should be taken as an irreplaceable practical experience and a transition period in building your career.

Representatives of this profession play a vital role in the development of the state. After all, they are the ones who ensure that tax collection is carried out as honestly and impartially as possible. These funds replenish the state budget. They also perform the function of supporting state institutions. Therefore, a huge responsibility falls on the shoulders of the taxman, which not every person can bear. In fact, it depends on his honest work whether the state will give a decent life to its citizens.

The inspector's profession has many aspects that need to be paid attention to even before starting education. Having weighed all the pros and cons, you should clearly know whether you are capable of such a difficult and demanding position for a candidate.

Career and salary

Every tax inspector must receive a higher or specialized education. Whether you study at a university or a college, it doesn't matter as long as you become a good professional. Since the position is public, you have quite a lot of chances to find a job. The profession has an average level of demand, but good specialists are always needed.

Quite high; in addition, tax authorities are provided with bonuses, vacation pay, preferential compensation, and allowances. They have an excellent benefits package.

There are good prospects for career growth in this area. Since the structure itself is very complex and multi-level, tax inspectors start from an ordinary position. Then there is a chance to take the post of department head. This may be followed by the position of chief district inspector. Well, having conquered city services, you can reach the All-Russian level.

You've probably heard the popular expression: “The only inevitable things are death and taxes”? With this expression, people accurately noticed that almost every conscientious citizen directly or indirectly meets with a tax inspector, who actually deals with taxes, regardless of whether he wants it or not.

You've probably heard the popular expression: “The only inevitable things are death and taxes”? With this expression, the people accurately noticed that with tax inspector, who actually deals with taxes, meets almost every conscious citizen directly or indirectly, regardless of whether he wants it or not.

Let us note that representatives of this profession play a huge role in the development of the state, because they monitor the collection of taxes, which replenish the state treasury and ensure the activities of state institutions. In turn, state institutions provide a decent and safe life for the citizens of the state.

By the way, since no one can avoid paying taxes, the tax inspector, like a doctor, personally “guides” clients. One might say, even accompanies them through life. That's why they always have work to do. As a result, this profession has been and will be in demand among those who prefer stability and predictability.

However, when thinking about their future and choosing this profession, not all young people really understand what it is, what advantages there are in the profession and what difficulties they will face. Moreover, some are not even aware of the duties of a tax inspector and think that all these specialists do is sit in an office and simply move pieces of paper from one pile to another. Well, it's your choice tax inspector profession was conscious and correct, we invite you today to talk about all its features.

Who is a tax inspector?

Tax inspector is a civil servant, an employee of the tax inspectorate, who controls the timeliness and completeness of tax and other revenues to the state budget from all categories of taxpayers (legal entities and individuals).

In a sense, the profession of a tax inspector is unique. Not only is this one of the oldest professions on earth, the first mention of which can be found in biblical stories (in those days taxes were collected in the form of tithes), but its name is also usually referred to as a common noun.

The origin of the name of the profession has a rather interesting history. Since ancient times in Rus', the tax inspector was called “publican” (from the word “myto” - duty, fee, reward). It follows from this that initially representatives of this profession were exclusively engaged in collecting all kinds of taxes and duties. Since the 18th century, tax inspectors began to be called fiscals (from the word “confiscate”). This name came to Russian from Polish, and to Polish from Latin, where, in fact, it meant “tax collector who monitors the financial activities of government bodies.”

In Russia, the post of fiscal was introduced by Peter I, who strictly monitors the payment of taxes. He even introduced the rank of “Ober Fiscal”. The Russian language is sensitive to the connection between the meaning of a word and its form, and very soon the word acquired the meaning “snitch”, “informer”, although in fairness we note that it exists only in the Russian language. Subsequently, in order to avoid any assessments, the profession began to be called “tax inspector,” thereby emphasizing the direct job responsibilities of a specialist.

  • monitor compliance with tax laws and, if necessary, hold taxpayers accountable. Therefore, a specialist must know constitutional and tax law.
  • check all financial documents of the enterprise for payment or concealment of tax payments. Consequently, the tax inspector must have a good understanding of the economics of enterprises and firms that provide a variety of services.
  • carry out on-site inspections and random inspections. Analysis of the results and conclusions from the inspections may lead to the imposition (or removal) of penalties.
  • maintaining tax records, collecting, studying and analyzing huge volumes of information, mainly of a financial nature, is an integral part of the work of a tax inspector.
  • consultation of citizens who contact a tax inspector on tax issues is also within the competence of people of this profession.

What qualities should a tax inspector have?

What personal qualities should a person have who wants to connect his life with work at the tax office? The uniqueness of the profession lies in the fact that the person who chooses it must combine both the ability to work with sign systems (and all documents are such) and the ability to work with people. Therefore, any tax inspector, first of all, must have such personal qualities as:

  • analytic skills,
  • painstakingness,
  • attentiveness,
  • observation,
  • communication skills
  • meticulousness,
  • pedantry (in the good sense of the word).

Since the tax inspector works with people, some of whom honestly pay taxes, understanding their responsibility to the state, and others not so much, trying to deceive the state, the specialist must know the intricacies of psychology, and, in accordance with the psychological characteristics of the taxpayer, choose tactics for communicating with him.

Another quality that a tax specialist needs is a high threshold of “non-conflict”. The tax inspector, as a diplomat, must achieve his goals not through military means, but through peaceful negotiations. At the same time, be prepared for the fact that consensus will not always be reached without offense and insults.

Advantages of being a tax inspector

Main advantage of being a tax inspector is that its representatives are civil servants. Consequently, tax employees will never lose their importance and will always be protected by the state.

In addition, one cannot discount such advantages as:

  • This is one of the most popular professions, and a tax inspector will never be left without work.
  • A person who collects taxes can help not only his clients, but also himself. Knowledge of law and finance is one of the most in demand in the life of any person.
  • knowledge of all the nuances of taxation develops a person: a specialist must “keep his intellect in shape” all the time.

Of course, the advantages of the profession also include the level of remuneration, which, by the way, is one of the highest among budget professions.

Disadvantages of being a tax inspector

Disadvantages of being a tax inspector not as much as it might seem at first glance. Since a tax inspector must always be aware of the latest changes in tax legislation and apply this in practice, therefore, the thesis that there is no more need to study can be forgotten. A tax inspector is always learning.

If you remember the etymology of the name of the profession, you can be convinced that the wise language simply highlighted the most important problem in the profession: by definition, tax inspectors are not liked. You must be prepared for the fact that you will meet a person who has come to take away your hard-earned money, even part of it, unkindly. You always need to be prepared for such situations, and this presupposes a certain psychological stress.

And one more thing: the profession is quite monotonous, so there is no need to talk about any diversity.

Where can you become a tax inspector?

For quite a long time, the training of tax specialists in Russia was carried out by the only institution in the country - the All-Russian Academy of Taxation. Today become a tax inspector It is possible at any economics university where there is a specialty in “taxes and taxation” or “economic security”.

The only "but". If you have chosen the profession of a tax inspector at the behest of your soul, and dream of achieving significant success in your career, then when choosing a university, you must take into account the presence of a scientific school in a higher educational institution, the history of its existence, as well as experience in practical communication with tax authorities.

Based on all of the above, we can recommend such best economic universities in Russia, How:

  • (and its branches).