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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Buy composite piles from the Anler group of companies. Composite piles Design features of composite piles

Buy composite piles from the Anler group of companies. Composite piles Design features of composite piles

1. 1. Technological map with O assigned to carry out work on driving composite reinforced concrete piles at Glavmo facilities building.

1.2. The work covered by the map includes T:

territory planning;

geodetic alignment of axesAnd pile driving sites;

immersion of the lower pile;

docking n lower and upper piles;

final immersion of the compositionV new reinforced concrete pile.

1.3. The technological map is intended for drawing up a project To com of production of work and for the purpose of familiarization R labor and engineering-technical workers with work rules.

1.4. When linking a technological map to a specific object and conditions And construction pits, work schedules and scope of work are specified, calculus labor costs, means of mechanization.

2. Purpose of composite reinforced concrete piles

2.1. Composite reinforced concrete piles are used in cases where the use of piles less than 12 m in length is impossible due to soil conditions.

2.2. Composite piles are used for constructing foundations of residential, civil and industrial buildings and structures for the conditions of Moscow.

2.3 .Composite piles can be used in all types of soils. Support n ie piles, when at a depth of more than 9 - 11 m there are layers of soft soils, it is impossible due to deformation conditions sti.

2.4 Composite piles are intended for use in the foundations of buildings and structures with the transfer of vertical compressive loads to them.

2.5. I can stand it for worksch loads, composite piles can only be used as anchor piles when carrying out static tests.

The joints of composite piles are also tested for load bearing capacity.

2.8. Composite piles can be used as either friction piles or pile piles-racks

2.7. The use of composite reinforced concrete piles for foundations for equipment with large dynamic loads is not recommended I .

3. Pile testing

3.1. Checking the load-bearing capacity of piles at the test striker stage sch Yes it is by dynamic and static tests.

3.2. Dynamic tests of piles should be carried out with a hammer, the ratio of the mass of the impact part Q which to the mass of the pile with a cap q is Q/q ≥ 0.5.

If the specified mass ratio is not observed, it is recommendedn assign static tests of piles, and dynamic data are tested And th use only in as controls.

3 .3. Carrying out dynamically x tests of composite piles must but be sure to look at the project after "rest", the minimum duration of which o (clause 6.2 of chapter SNiP 11-B.5 -6 7) - 3 days in sandy soils, 6 days - in clay lowly

3.4. Defined ie n bearing capacity of composite piles according to dynamic results ical and tests are carried out according to SNiP 11-B.5-67 and “Instructions for control Olya for the dynamic them tests of piles", issued by the V "Mosproek" T".

3.5. During the construction of unique buildings and structures, as well as when And honor ve piles on d one body more than 500 static tests composition new piles are required.

Static tests are carried out in accordance with GOST 3688-69 “Piles and shell piles. Field methods torture."

3.6. E sl and project o m provided composition new piles - racks and their immersion is carried out with light hammers And , and therefore there is no certainty that they provide the required penetration of piles into the layer of coarse soil - the bearing capacity of such piles must be checked by static tests And.

3.7. When carrying out dynamic tests of piles, it is recommended to useTo be guided by the developments of the Institute "NIIMO build" Main building (VS N 156 -79).

4. Structural diagram of composite piles

4.1. A composite pile consists of elements of 2 types - n And Zhnego and in top. The nomenclature of elements of composite piles is given on the sheet.

4.2. The lower element of a composite pile (SS H) is made with a point and has an embedded part in the upper part for connection. The top element of a composite pile (CPE) has an anchor piece at the lower end for connection.

4 .3. The design diagram of the joint of a composite pile using welding is shown on sheet.

4.4. Protection of the joint element n is:

to y zbasla k ohm for 2 times for soils without aggressive influence;

epoxy paint EFAAND S (VSN 007-67, VNIIG named after B. E. Vedeneeva, Lenin hail, 1967) for soils with strong aggressive influence;

in accordance with SNiP II-28-73 “Protection of building structures from corrosion And and" (additional Chapter 6 was put into effect on January 1, 1976 by the USSR State Construction Committee, post n Regulation No. 57 dated April 17, 1975) for soils with weak and medium aggression And significant impact.

5. Organization and technology of the construction process

5.1. Etc SP carrying out work on driving composite reinforced concrete These piles are necessary and can be guided"Technical technical guidelines for the use of composite reinforced concrete piles for conditions. Moscow" Mo project - 1 (1978), SNiP III -9-74 “Foundations and foundations. Production and acceptance slave O t", technological Which card of the trust Mosorg Stroy for driving piles for high-rise buildings with dynamic and static tests of piles (architect No. 7935), VSN-91-74 ,VSN 157-79; VSN 156-79; VSN 124-76, developed by NIIMO Stroye m, SNiP III-4-80 “Technical n safety in construction" and friend them and regulatory documents.

5 .2. Before starting work on scoring V where should life be? b compiled and agreed with the plant-And manufacturer delivery schedule of pile sets to the builder new area.

5.3. The elements of composite piles supplied to the site must be provide accompanying document Iu for each batch of piles in co responsibilities with GOST requirements 10628-63.

5.4. Warehouse and rovan and e elements of piles according to n om enk lature at the construction site must be stacked I. Elements of piles in a stack are allowed to be stacked put in two rows of five pieces.

5.5. For driving compositionpiles can be used use gimbal new hammers, diesel hammers (piece ng ov y and tubular) and steam locomotive great hammers.

Recommended pouts mostly but use diesel rods-hammers. Immersion of composition external piles in hydraulic loaders not allowed.

5.6. After mouth HVAC and piles to the driving point deviation sharp and piles from the opening to great position in terms of should be no more than 1 cm. Koprova the boom and the pile must be we are brought into vertical position the situation is complied with We ensure alignment of both the pile and the hammer.

5.7 .Beginning of the dive below element before should be produced alone n full-time blows with a small height of fall of the impact part of the hammer. Moreover, especially it is strictly necessary to follow the rules position of the element as both horizontally and vertically.To complete clogging It's good to move on only after immersion is ensured element in for d at a given point and in a given direction.

5.8. During the process of driving pile elements, monitoring should be carried out to ensure compliance with the speed of immersionAct era of soil stratification. Rapid immersion of the pile when Yes, its tip passes through dense layers and soil, maybe evidence of wat about her break. In this case is going to stop the blocking and call the representative resident design body information and to make an appropriate decision.

5.9. Increase in and the connection between the element and both produces sya as we dive and before the previous element nta SS N at a height of 0.7 - 1.0 m from the ground surface. Connection of bottom and top she piles production I'm through m of electric arc welding of embedded parts. Swar joint is a composite joint and is given on the list.

5. 10. In pro process of filling the composition vn special attention to piles neither e should be given to technical And physical condition m gold, since for n transferring everything to her impact energy longitudinal axes impact part both the hammer and the pile element must s to coincide, i.e. blow d ol wives to be central.

5. 11. In case the problem is vke composite piles lower th element from to was lazy about the project n this position, it is necessary:

so that the hammer axisfell into line with the axis, if the design allows I arrows in accordance with the inclination of the pile;

l And to move the pile driver and so on lie by scoring to at the pile in this position.

5. 12. Number of driven piles, having ta ng e ns longitudinal inclination angle O si and verticals (1/ 100), must not exceed w at least 25% of the total number of swains ip od building or structure tion.

If piles loaded withn inclined in one direction, located in the pile field in groups, not In general, it is important to fill in the full details with the wai. When placing inclined piles in certain places, additional measures to strengthen piles No other fields are required.

If from in and when located in a single row and immersed s throughout the entire row or partially from to clone ohm one way, no need I guess add extra s in ai along the second row in the opposite direction O to a certain deviated row of piles, in such a way that customs additional with wais were created axis arrangement of piles.

5.13. Application to their -or gasket ok in joints as a rule, composite piles are not allowed repents.

5.14. When immersed Yeni and s o fixed piles in complex and engineering geologist ski conditions (availability dense layer eska thickness from 2 to 10 m) ,k when it is impossible to load the train us I have piles for the required depth sch equipment, may be We are considering the following measures to facilitate the driving of piles:

at change more heavy hammer,

submerge e piles with leader drilling.

5. 15.Pripo gruzheniya composition vn on piles in winter, a layer of frozen soil The material at the point of filling must be passed through a punch and drilled.

At depth P frost resistance more than 0.3 m r e production recommended It and Liottai in soil loss in places beyond warm-up beatings using heating elements, or lead punching openings with a special bailer design and SU-24 G lavmos st digging, or drilling with a hole drill.

5. 16. Driving reinforced concrete structures new piles - racks cutting through thickness well weak x gru tov and leaning on the rock, must Be careful to avoid damage to the ah. With a sharp and sudden decrease from ka zo c the striker should be stopped if, according to the design data, the tip of the pile is close to the edge ovle with kala.

5. 17 .Immersion composition reinforced concrete piles with leaders s m drilling must be performed in the following sequence.

With the help of the drillscareful dv and zheniya (Yamobura and others with special installations k) arranged with k important depth and diameter T rum in strict accordance with the recommendations tions of the project.

The element is installedAnd lower composite pile into the well with a pile driving unit (or edge n ohm), if necessary, finishing it off To and to a height of 0.7 - 1.0 m from the ground surface.

The elements of the lower (submerged) and upper composite piles are connected by welding.

When connected V The top element of the pile is held by a pile driver.

By finished And and work on arranging the junction of piles V complete immersion is possible O th piles to the design level.

Organ diagrams iza ts and work on driving composite reinforced concrete piles are given on sheets -.

5.18. In progress immersedAnd I need composite piles And You can keep a log of pile driving (appendix).

5.19. Acceptance of embedded composite piles must be carried outbe based on:

pile foundation project V ;

r a barrel them drawings of composite elements x piles;

passports for the production of elements V composite piles;

acts of geodetic breakdown of pile foundations;

executive plans And forging piles;

St. log jamming A y.

5 .20.Otk alignment of composite piles from the design point O provisions in the plan should not we exceed those given in C NIP III -9-74 “Foundations and foundationsnts. Rules about production and acceptance of work."

5 .2 1. Pr and the foundation capacity on composite piles is formalized by an act in which the n All defects must be indicated, identified in acceptance process, and deadline their elimination and an assessment of the quality of work.

5.22. Hammering of composite rods reinforced concrete piles completed depends on the composition of the unit,at entered into the schedule n work information (appendix) nie).

5.23. Calculus ts The breakdown of labor costs is given in the appendix.

5.24. Operational quality control of work on driving composite girders this is n piles are carried out in accordance with the requirements yami SNiP III - 1- 76 “Orga niza ci construction production", SNiP III - 9-74 " Foundations and foundations", instructions S N 47-74 and other standards and official documents.

WITH hema operational th control is given in the appendix.

5 .25. During production During work, the rules must be strictly observed. R safety regulations And according to SNiP III-4-80, a system of labor safety standards a (SSBT) and “Prav ilam device and safe operation I lifting machines."

6. Technical and economic indicators

(for 100 pcs. composition in jelly reinforced concrete piles)

Labor costs57, 1 3 person-days

Potre b ness in cars24.53 ma sh. -cm.

Cost of labor costs 290.0 rub.

7. Material and technical resources

Basic materials, builder n s details



Unit measured


Reinforced concrete composite pile and Nya




Reinforced concrete composite pile top




E-4 2


Machinery, equipment, And instrument





Svaebo yn 1st unit


E-1 00 11

M o nta zhynkra n

By motor vehicle

KS- 3562A

Welding apparatus


TD- 5 00

Theodol and T

T - 30




R S- 2 0

Annex 1

Name of construction organization _ ______________________________________

An object ____________________________________________________________________


(from No. ______ to No. ______)

Nacha l o ______________________________ _Ending __________________________

1. Copra system ___________________________________________________________

2. Hammer type ______________________________________________________________

3. Weight at the gift part they say ____________________________________________ kgf

4. D pressure (air of spirit, p a ra) ________________________________________________ a tm

5. T and n and masses of analogs n ika ________________________________________________ kgf

St.A I_____________________________________________ (according to the plan of the pile field)

1. Dat and zab And VC And ____________________________________________________________

2. MarkA piles ______________________________________________________________

3 .Ab solute mark p O ver X news And gru n the one at the pile ______________________________

4.Absolute n A I mark O Stria St. ai ____ _______________________________________

5.ProeTo detailed about T Kaz, with m ______________________________________________________

Pledge number

Height under e ma R A zn oh often and mo lot,cm

Numberl O at gifts in pledge

Glu b in and by G RU and e neither I pile off h aloha, see

ABOUT refusal from one O th kick a, cm














Execute T ate b _____________________________________ UnderP be _______________

(f A miles Me and m I, oh holiness)

Appendix 2


Appendix 3


Foundation (VNiR)

Name of works

Unit measured

Scope of work

Standard time per unit measured, person-hours (machine-hours)

Price per unit. measurements, rub.-kop.

Labor costs, person-days (machine-shift)

Amount, rub.-kop.

§ 2-1-24, t. 2, no. 10A

Etce dv A rita l b n aya plano V to the bottom To caught bulldo h erom h a 4 P rohoda in one on P equal neither And

1000 m 2





0 -69,6

§ 2-1-25, No. 10A

Will graduatee flat layout A pit bottom




0-2 1,3


0 -85,2

§1-5 , No. 6B

Skl adided And e piles pr And using a truck crane

100 t

3,4 6




5 -81

§ 12 -31, point E

Dipping bottom jellyh concrete pile

1 pile





(0 -48,2)



7 6-80


§ 22- 1, No. 11g,№ 14g

Connectn eni e bottom n to her and to e lifting piles using welding And (joining piles)

10 P og.m seam



4 -00

8 -55

4 8-00

M.N., § 4- 1-7 9, № 5A, 6A

Immersion compositionn oh yeah l e h vow n noah piles

1 pile





(0 -98,8)

3 1-25


1 57-00





290 -00

(154 -36)

Appendix 4


Name of operations subject to control

Quality control of operations




contracted service

producer of the work


Undergoto vitel n 1st works


PlaniroV to the bottom of the pit. Callout and h strong n no axes. Quality of elements of composite piles. Availability of passports for piles. Pile storage

KnievelAnd rum, theodolite, ru le this,With tal meter, V visually

Before and during work

Geodewithout ical service, builds e linen laboratory That Riya

Driving composite pilesth lower

Theodolite, fromve som, keeping a log of pile driving, vi h sexually

In progress

Geodesywhat service, chief mechanic department

Compoundn lower and in e rkhney piles

CentroV ka And verticality of the pile. Welding quality

Theodolite, plumb line, vih sexually

During and after completion of work

Geodesywhat sky service, construction laboratory That Riya

Compound fillingvn s piles

Quality of piles. Centering and verticality of piles. Compliance of the pile driving unit

Construction on areas with unstable soil requires a careful approach and technological solutions. A shallow or deep strip foundation cannot withstand loads, which leads to cracks in the load-bearing walls and their destruction. Reinforced concrete piles help solve the problem. Before use, it is important to familiarize yourself with the State Standard for their production, as well as the types of piles.

GOST 19804-2012 Reinforced concrete piles. Specifications

According to State standards, enterprises operate with a production volume of three hundred units per day. For smaller volumes of supports, technical specifications are developed. This is due to the costs of material, electricity and equipment maintenance. Therefore, according to the standard, a reinforced concrete pile is a product made of concrete and a metal frame. Heavy or fine-grained concrete is used. The support is immersed in the ground to a depth corresponding to its height and acts as a holding element for the building or site.

Reinforced concrete piles differ in:

  • length;
  • designs;
  • installation method;
  • the presence of a cavity.

Before transportation for storage, markings are applied to the supports, the interpretation of which indicates the parameters of the pile. Logistics operations are regulated by standard 13015. Reinforced concrete piles are manufactured according to drawings stored in document 19804, adopted in 2012. Factory products must meet the requirements for:

  • frost resistance;
  • strength;
  • steel grade.

According to documents, the compressive strength of concrete for piles is not lower than B15. This applies to situations where piles are used on sandy and swampy soils. When the supports are immersed in rocky or rocky soil, the strength increases to B25. Concrete for piles is filled with gravel, crushed stone or stone without crushing. Steel bars used as a frame can be tensioned or non-tensioned. The characteristic affects the strength of the frame and the shape of the pile. Test samples of supports are tested for compliance with the listed characteristics, tests are periodic and the period is specified by standard 13015.

Types of reinforced concrete piles and their markings

The way the pile is installed determines the projects where it can be used.


The use of monolithic piles is common in private construction. The support is a module that is poured into a hole prepared for it. The laying is carried out to a depth that passes the soil freezing zone or until durable soil layers are reached. The walls of the hole are wrapped with waterproofing, which reduces the amount of moisture entering the pile. This is done to extend the service life of the support and foundation. Moisture rises through concrete capillaries to the structure, destroying the materials.

At the bottom of the monolithic pile, an extension is made, called the heel. The element distributes the load over the support area for the pile. The bottom of the hole is compacted so that the weight of the building does not cause the foundation to lose its geometry. The backfill is made of crushed stone and sand. A metal support frame bound with wire is lowered into the hole. Welding of jumpers is allowed for reinforcement that is not weakened at the weld joint. Some of the rods extend beyond the hole to the height of the foundation. This is done to interweave with the grillage. The frame is raised from the bottom onto stands so that the metal does not come into contact with the ground.

Concrete filled with crushed stone and M400 cement is poured into the hole. Filling level - the edges of the hole or formwork mounted on top. A deep vibrator is used to remove air bubbles and fill voids in the support. When using it, the concrete shrinks and needs to be topped up. After gaining strength, formwork is installed on the monolithic piles. A metal frame is placed in it, intertwined with the rods of the piles. And the concrete strip is poured.


A hollow pile is a reinforced concrete product, part of the volume of which is not filled. Thanks to this solution, the weight of the support is halved, which simplifies transportation and installation of the module. With a square cross-section of the product, the side size is 25 cm. In order for the support to withstand the load, the wall thickness is 7 cm. This layer of concrete covers the metal frame, protecting it from moisture. Round elements are manufactured with an outer diameter of up to 60 cm. To maintain stability, the wall thickness increases to 8 cm.

Hollow supports are manufactured with a length of up to 6 meters. They are used independently or as a stacked structure. The sections are connected by bolts or welding. The latter method is suitable for unstressed reinforcement. After welding, formwork is installed at the joint of the supports and grouting is performed to protect the metal and the strength of the rack. The bottom of the column remains open or closes. The shape of the closed part is determined by the permeability of the soil. For soft layers, a blunt end is made. Hard layers require a sharp tip for better penetration. A small hole can be left for a washing device to soften the ground.

Hollow piles are used as bridge supports. Their design is helical, which reduces the cost of diving equipment. The same supports are used when laying the foundation for buildings next to existing ones.


Rammed or bored supports are similar in design to monolithic ones, but are used in the industrial sector. Placement into the ground is carried out after drilling a well to the diameter of the support. To strengthen the walls of the hole and waterproof it, a clay solution is injected underground. Excess solution is removed from the well and the frame is laid. The second method of installing supports is to supply the solution after drilling. Then, under pressure, the frame is lowered into the thickness.

The diameter of the support is selected according to the structure. Its maximum value is 1.7 m. This is required for multi-storey shopping and residential complexes. The lower part expands to 3.5 meters. The normal length for a bored support is 10 meters. With smaller sizes, use is unprofitable. Clay soils and layers with solid inclusions require preliminary excavation before laying piles, so bored products are better suited for these purposes than others. Installation of such products requires less space than for driven ones.

Application on clay soils, if water sources are located below the depth of laying the supports, the walls are not treated with a liquid composition for waterproofing. In water-saturated areas, treating the surface with clay will not work, since it will be washed away by the underwater current. In this case, casing with metal pipes is used. After drilling, a sleeve is inserted into which the filling is carried out. Such casing is used on rocky soils, where compensation for dynamic loads is reduced. In the absence of a metal pipe, cracks may appear on the pile, reducing the strength of the support.

Bored piles are necessary in areas with underground utilities, since they are not destroyed during excavation. When the equipment operates, the noise pollution is less than that of driving hammers, so the work is carried out in residential areas. The service life of the pile is 100 years. The disadvantage of bored supports is the use of manual labor, which slows down the work. Piles of the same type may have different load-bearing capacities, so calculations are carried out with a margin. This eliminates the destruction of the structure from uneven static load. Bored piles complicate the arrangement of basements.


These supports are similar to round piles, but do not have a cavity. They are a monolithic reinforced concrete cylinder with a cross-section of 80 cm. The pile is installed after drilling a well with a diameter of 1 meter. The position of the support in the ground is fixed by pouring concrete mortar into the space between the walls of the pile and the well.

Piles are used as supports for bridges and buildings in soils with permafrost. The supports are suitable for dense sandy or pebbly soils. When the soil heaves in winter, forces do not push the piles to the surface, since the force is evenly distributed over their surfaces.

Sheet piles

A pile is a support post on which the foundation is built. Sheet piles are protective modules used in construction in areas where there is groundwater near the surface or a body of water nearby. Supports are driven in around the perimeter of the pit, preventing the penetration of moisture. Material for sheet pile supports:

  • metal;
  • tree;
  • composite;
  • reinforced concrete.

Wood is used less frequently due to its short service life and the impossibility of removing mounted supports, which precludes reuse. A fence made of piles looks like a stockade, driven end to end. The reinforced concrete elements at the edges are equipped with locks for joining into a monolithic wall. They are used at industrial facilities where it is economically justified. Delivery and installation of supports requires equipment that consumes the budget. Reinforced concrete supports, like wooden ones, are used once.

Polyurethane resins and polymer additives are the basis of composite sheet pile supports. The substances resist the corrosive effects of liquids and the biological effects of bacteria in the soil, so the service life exceeds one hundred years. The weight of composite supports is five times less than that of reinforced concrete. The load-bearing capacity is comparable to metal analogues. PVC supports have similar characteristics, but are inferior in resistance to low temperatures and vibrations. Digging of composite supports is carried out by vibration immersion. Preliminary erosion of soil layers increases the speed of work. Impact technology is not used, as it deforms the pile wall.

Metal sheet pile supports are used repeatedly if the wall maintains its integrity. The weight of the panels is less than that of reinforced concrete, and the strength is higher than that of wood. The type of profile is selected for the object for resistance to soil pressure. Metal supports are resistant to shock and vibration. Temperatures of -80 degrees do not destroy piles, but they are susceptible to corrosion. During installation, the locks of metal supports are treated with sealant, which blocks the drip penetration of liquid.

Composite piles

The length of the pile is limited due to the technique that installs the supports. If it is necessary to go beyond the standard indicators of 6 meters, composite supports are used. They are reinforced concrete modules with a lock. The connection is made:

  • welding seam;
  • bolts;
  • folding lock;
  • pin.

The support is strengthened by a longitudinal and transverse frame. For the first, reinforcement with a diameter of up to 2 cm of class A3, A2 is used. For the second - a mesh with a rod diameter of 5 mm, class B1. The frame is filled with heavy concrete grade M200. The pile frame is pre-loaded with a hydraulic jack if the support is intended for buildings with dynamic loads. Composite piles can be monolithic or hollow. By installation method: screw and driven.

Driven reinforced concrete piles

Driven reinforced concrete piles do not require site preparation for installation, as for bored supports. They are seated with a hydraulic or mechanical hammer.

Square piles

Square supports are designated by the letter “C”. There are no cavities in the body of the pile, so its length reaches 20 meters. This is required on sites with soft soils, where the hard layer is deep. The driven supports are made in sets, which allows the length to be increased to 28 meters. The side size of a square pile is from 20 to 40 cm. Concrete for the pile is poured onto a prestressed or conventional frame.

Square piles with a round cavity

The construction of square monolithic driven piles is facilitated by a cavity in the core. Such a support is marked with the combination “SP”. If a frame made of prestressing reinforcement is used in manufacturing, then “H” is added to the marking. The maximum length of one module is 12 meters. During installation, supports up to five meters are lifted with side grips, so they are produced without hinges. When making racks up to seven meters long, pins for slings are not installed. The latter are placed near the loops. The stability of the support is ensured by heavy concrete grade M300. The fraction for natural stone aggregate is no more than 2 cm.

The reinforcement diagram for hollow supports is shown in the illustration above. Transverse elements are wire with a cross-section of 5 mm. It is tied to vertical rods with knitting wire. Fixation is done at every fourth intersection to ensure uniformity of the spiral. The pitch of the turns on the first and last 40 cm is 5 cm. The middle part of the support has a larger distance between the turns: for supports up to 12 meters - 20 cm; for supports up to 6 meters - 30 cm.

The reinforcement is tensioned mechanically or electrothermally. In the first case, stretching devices without heating are used. Before electrothermal voltage, a voltage limit control test after heating is required. After pouring concrete into the stressed frame of the support, the reinforcement is cut flush. The transfer strength of concrete when cutting is not lower than 200 kgf/cm2.

After the concrete has gained strength, the support is checked for defects. To do this, the pile is laid on two pillars. After ten minutes, the top edge is inspected. The appearance of cracks on piles with unstressed reinforcement is allowed. The opening size is no more than 0.2 mm. There should be no damage to supports with a prestressing frame.

Round piles and shell piles

Round piles are produced with a cavity in the core. The supports are designated “SK”. Factories operating according to the state standard produce supports with a diameter of 40 to 80 cm. Round piles are independent supporting elements and are used in the same areas as square reinforced concrete supports. Shells are reinforced concrete products with a cross-section of up to 1.6 meters. There is also a cavity inside for filling with concrete. The purpose of shell piles is to hold a mass of concrete with a metal frame as formwork, designated “CO”. In reinforced supports, a “U” is added to the marking.

Like hollow piers, round and shell piles have an open or closed bottom end. For sectional modules, locking elements are installed at the ends. The fraction of crushed stone from natural stone used to fill concrete is 1-2 cm. The spatial frames of the supports are filled with a layer of concrete covering it on each side by 2 cm to prevent moisture from entering. For reinforcement, hot-rolled steel rods of class A3 or At3 are used. The spiral part is made of B1 or BP1 wire. The tips and locking modules of the support are assembled from sheet steel 1 mm thick.

When producing round supports and shells, it is allowed to weld the spiral with longitudinal rods. Winding is performed on machines. In the first 50 cm, the spiral is fixed at every third intersection. After 50 cm - at each intersection.


The column pile is a monolithic support with a square section. It differs from ordinary square piles in its cantilevers. These are small projections on two or four sides of the element on which roof or foundation beams rest. The size of the support side is 20 or 30 cm. They are used for agricultural buildings with one floor.

Frame structures made of column piles can withstand seismic activity up to 7 points. The supports are immersed in the ground to a depth of 2 to 5 meters. Not used on heaving soils, embankments of sedimentary rocks and in areas with caster phenomena. In these cases, the pile will not provide the required load-bearing capacity in the soil.

On soft soils, the base beams rest on consoles. In this case, they are allowed to be immersed by 80 cm to distribute the load on the ground and supports. The console is placed under a plant or bulk layer to prevent the supports from moving. The production of reinforced concrete modules in a factory is shown below.

Equipment for driving reinforced concrete piles

Equipment for driving piles into the ground is divided into mounted and basic. The first option is used as an addition to cranes or similar equipment. The second option is independent units.

Pile driving machines

A pile driving machine is a piece of equipment equipped with a tracked or wheeled drive. Moves around the construction site with or without a tractor. A driving device consisting of a boom and a mast is mounted on the base. The machine places the pile in a vertical position, lifting it. The impact module can be:

  • diesel;
  • pneumatic;
  • hydraulic.

It is used to accelerate the hammer before striking the pile. In the diesel version, acceleration is provided by exhaust gases generated after the fuel explosion. The pneumatic accelerator forces air into the receivers and delivers it as a stream to the hammer. The hydraulic module is powered by pumps that pump oil.

Construction companies use the following machines for installation of piles:

  • SP-49;
  • Junttan PM-20;
  • BM-811

The SP-49 is assembled on a tracked platform from the T170 tractor, which is distinguished by its maneuverability on soft soils. Works with piles up to 12 meters long and 5 tons. The Junttan PM-20 processes up to sixty supports per shift. Lifting weight is 3 tons, pile length is up to 14 meters. The USA is built on a wheeled base, so it does not require trailers for delivery to the site. Mounts piles up to three tons and 12 meters. BM-811 is a universal device that installs piles by drilling and driving.

Impact Hammers

Impact hammer - mounted or stationary equipment. The principle of its operation is the same as that of a pile driving machine. The hitch is divided into three groups:

  • lungs;
  • average;
  • heavy.

The first group has a strike weight of 1250 kg. Used to install reinforced concrete supports up to three tons. Supported by metal sheet piles. The second group - weight up to 2500 kg, the third - over 2500 kg. The hammer is placed in tubular or rod holders. The first is a metal pipe with a bumper inside. The latter does not leave its trajectory, because it is guided by a pipe. The rod holder consists of two metal rods that are located on either side of the hammer. They act as guides, holding it on the hinges, thanks to which the bump stop moves. Rod supports require cooling, while tubular supports can operate throughout the day.

Note! Hydraulic hammers are superior in power to diesel and pneumatic ones.

Piping masts

Pillar masts are metal stands on which attachments are mounted. The mast is also an attachment and is attached to excavators or cranes. The frame on which the hammer is mounted slides along the rails located on the stand. Pillar masts can be self-propelled. They are equipped with a drive mechanism that moves the frame. The purpose of the mast is to deliver the supports to the installation site on the construction site. Thanks to the height of the holder, the pile is leveled and aligned to the point. The lifting mechanism delivers the hammer to the end of the support. To ensure that the strength of the pile is not compromised during driving, it is centered with a pile driver.

Submersion technology

Equipment and piles are delivered to the work site and stored around the site. To optimize the work process, the supports are placed on the ground within the reach of the pile driver. While the support is positioned horizontally, marks are applied to it with bright paint. They are placed a meter apart so that the operator controls the immersion of the support into the ground when driving. A winch with hooks is lowered from the piledriver mast, which is fixed to the hinges of the support.

The pile is placed vertically above the installation point and centered. The upper end is located under the hammer. The frame is lowered along the pile driver and fixes the support, preventing it from moving when driven in. The support is placed between the mast guides. The sharp tip of the pile is placed above the installation point. The deviation of the tip from the point does not exceed 1 cm. Before driving, the verticality of the support and the coincidence of the axis with the hammer are checked.

The task of the first blows is to direct and fix the support in the ground. They are applied once. The hammer rises 40 cm above the end of the pile. The intensity of impacts on the support increases when a meter of soil is passed. After 1.5 meters the amplitude is maximized. The position of the pile in the vertical plane is periodically verified. If a deviation of 1% is noticed, then ties or supports are used. They must return the axis of support to the point. In case of large or repeated deviations, the pile is removed and driven in again.

The support is immersed to the bottom mark or until the design failure. The last indicator is calculated before the start of work or in a practical way. Failure is a depth mark at which further immersion of the support becomes difficult or impossible. The indicator depends on the type of pile and soil. Geological surveys with preliminary drilling indicate the composition of the soil and the location of the layers.

A true support failure is checked after two months. Time is necessary for the pile to “rest”. If, after repeated driving, the pile does not move within the limits specified in the project, then the work is considered completed. False failure is the difficulty of moving a support in the ground due to its compaction. When friction against the walls occurs, the soil compresses, suspending the pile. In this case, the support for the foundation may not be sufficient.

Piles are driven according to three schemes:

  • private;
  • spiral;
  • sectional.

Private is also called field. The arrangement of the supports corresponds to the name - in rows. The number of rows and the number of piles in each depends on the project. The first support placement scheme is used on sandy soils that are not compacted under dynamic loads.

The second scheme for placing supports is used on clay and loamy soils. Driving piles occurs in direct or reverse order. Straight - the drilling machine moves from the edge to the center. Reverse - from the center to the edges. The first is suitable for loams with normal density, the second - for dense clay soils.

When sectional driving of supports into the ground, a pile field is formed, similar to the first option. The difference lies in the way the supports are immersed. After the first two rows are completed, one is skipped. This happens until the end of the field. Once the area is covered with supports, the drilling machine returns and fills in the gaps. This method of installing piles on high-density soils is used. The process of installing supports using driving machines is shown in the video below.

Our company has been manufacturing and supplying composite piles to various construction sites located anywhere in Russia for quite some time.

Composite reinforced concrete piles with a welded joint of sections 30x30, 35x35 and 40x40 cm, supplied by us throughout the Russian Federation, comply with the current GOST 19 804-91 and are of high quality at an always competitive price.

10 25 50 100

Name Length Width Height Weight t. Production time Loading rate per machine Pickup price (pcs) Price on MKAD (pcs)
From 100.30-Vsv.2 From 100.30-Vsv.6 From 100.35-NSv.2 From 100.35-NSv.4 From 100.35-NSv.5 From 100.35-NSv.6 From 100.35-NSv.3 From 100.35-NSv.4 From 100.35 -NSv.5 S 100.40-Sv.3 S 100.40-Sv.5 S 100.40-Sv.6 S 110.30-Sv.3 S 110.30-Sv.6 S 110.35-Sv.2 S 110.35-Sv.4 S 110.35-Sv. .5 From 110.35-Eng.6 From 110.40-East.3 From 110.40-East.4 From 110.40-East.5 From 110.40-East.6 From 120.30-East.3 From 120.30-East.6 From 120.30-NSe.3 From 120.30-NSv.6 From 120.35-NSv.3 From 120.35-NSv.4 From 120.35-NSv.5 From 120.35-NSv.6 From 120.35-NSv.3 From 120.35-NSv.4 From 120.35-NSv.5 From 120.35 -NSv.6 S 120.40-NSv.4 S 120.40-NSv.5 S 120.40-NSv.6 S 120.40-NSv.4 S 120.40-NSv.5 S 120.40-NSv.6 S 130.35-NSv.4 S 130.35-Sv. .6 S 130.35-NSv.4 S 130.40-NSv.4 S 130.40-NSv.5 S 130.40-NSv.6 S 140.35-NSv.5 S 140.35-NSv.6 S 140.35-NSv.5 S 140.35-NSv.6 S 140.40-NSv.5 S 140.40-NSv.6 S 140.40-NSv.5 S 140.40-NSv.6 S 150.35-NSv.6 S 150.35-NSv.6 S 160.35-NSv.6 S 50.30-Sv.2 S 50.30 -Sun.6 S 60.30-Sn.2 S 60.30-Sn.4 S 60.30-Sn.6 S 60.35-Sn.2 S 60.35-Sn.6 S 60.40-Sn.2 S 60.40-Sn.3 S 60.40-Sn. .6 S 70.30-Sn.2 S 70.30-Sn.6 S 70.35-Sn.2 S 70.35-Sn.4 S 70.35-Sn.5 S 70.35-Sn.6 S 70.35-NS.4 S 70.40-Sn.2 From 70.40-NSv.3 From 70.40-NSv.6 From 80.30-NSv.2 From 80.30-NSv.6 From 80.30-NSv.2 From 80.30-NSv.4 From 80.30-NSv.6 From 80.35-NSv.2 From 80.35 -ВСв.3 С 80.35-СВ.4 С 80.35-СВ.5 С 80.35-СВ.6 С 80.35-НСв.2 С 80.35-НСв.4 С 80.35-НСв.6 С 80.40-ВСв.2 С 80.40-ВСв. .3 S 80.40-NSv.6 S 80.40-NSv.2 S 80.40-NSv.6 S 90.30-NSv.2 S 90.30-SVs.6 S 90.35-NSv.2 S 90.35-NSv.4 S 90.35-SVs.5 From 90.35-ESv.6 From 90.40-NSv.3 From 90.40-ESv.4 From 90.40-ESv.5 From 90.40-NSv.6 From 90.40-NSv.4 NNE 10-30-1 NNE 11-30-1 NNE 12 -30-1 SSV 5-30-1 SSV 6-30-1 SSV 7-30-1 SSV 8-30-1 SSV 9-30-1 SSN 10-30-1 SSN 11-30-1 SSN 12-30 -1 SSN 6-30-1 SSN 7-30-1 SSN 8-30-1 SSN 9-30-1 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000 16000 300 350 380 400 300 320 350 400 1.125 1.35 1.39 1.575 1.59 1.62 1.8 1.81 1.825 1.83 1.84 1.85 2.025 2.03 2.06 2.15 2.2 2.25 2.26 2.29 2.4 2.45 2.475 2.48 2.5 2.7 2.71 2.73 2.75 2.79 2.8 3.075 3.1 3.2 3.25 3.375 3.6 3.675 3.73 3.975 4 4.275 4.33 4.4 4.6 4.65 4.8 4.85 5.2 5.25 5.6 5.65 5-7 days 6 8 10 12 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 28 30 34 35 Negotiable Negotiable
5000 380 320 1.125 5-7 days 35 Negotiable Negotiable Buy
6000 380 320 1.39 5-7 days 28 Negotiable Negotiable Buy
7000 380 320 1.59 5-7 days 25 Negotiable Negotiable Buy
8000 380 320 1.81 5-7 days 22 Negotiable Negotiable Buy
9000 380 320 2.03 5-7 days 19 Negotiable Negotiable Buy
10000 380 320 2.26 5-7 days 17 Negotiable Negotiable Buy
12000 380 320 2.71 5-7 days 14 Negotiable Negotiable Buy
11000 380 320 2.48 5-7 days 16 Negotiable Negotiable Buy
6000 380 320 1.39 5-7 days 28 Negotiable Negotiable Buy
7000 380 320 1.62 5-7 days 24 Negotiable Negotiable Buy

Composite piles: price for quality

Reinforced concrete composite piles are reinforced building parts made of heavy frost-resistant, waterproof, reliable concrete, which are used to impart strength to the foundation of a structure or building in any type of soil with the transfer of vertical compressive loads to them.

Two-section composite piles, the price of which is quite affordable, are used when installing pile foundations in cases where the use of one section in length is impossible due to soil conditions. In turn, they can be used in the form of hanging piles, as well as in the form of racks. Experts do not recommend their use for foundations that experience significant dynamic loads.

These composite piles are used, as a rule, when constructing structures in places with hard clay layers of soil that require punching.

Composite reinforced concrete piles are manufactured and tested in our company in accordance with the requirements of state and European standards GOST and TU, as a result of which their technical and operational properties are maintained for quite a long time.

You can buy composite piles of the following types:

  • Piles of variable section;
  • Square piles;
  • The piles are pyramidal;
  • Piles with metal and non-metal joints;
  • Transverse reinforcement piles;

Our company supplies customers with high-quality and affordable products, which are made from certified materials. Production takes place on modern equipment, and compliance with production technology is also monitored. Finished composite reinforced concrete piles are subjected to static and dynamic tests, so the possibility of delivering defective products is very small.

Composite piles, the price of which is acceptable, have a number of advantages, which distinguishes them from products from other manufacturers:

  • precise geometric dimensions;
  • the company manufactures piles with additional protection from aggressive environmental influences;
  • we produce piles painted with organosilicon (OS) enamels;
  • piles are made from high grade concrete (from B35 to B60);
  • driving of composite piles is carried out very quickly and efficiently;
  • complete set of delivery with metal plates and gaskets for fixing the docking unit during construction work on the site;
  • absolute strength when delivered to the construction site, due to which the piles can be delivered immediately to the work area and the driving of composite piles can be carried out.

How to buy composite piles of our production?

Many of our clients cannot choose composite reinforced concrete piles on their own: they lack certain knowledge, so our specialists are ready to help and help you choose the right products.

You can find out all questions about the range of GOST composite piles, prices, as well as terms of delivery and payment from our managers. In addition, our experienced employees will provide highly qualified advice on any issue over the phone or in person. All contacts and address are presented on the company website.

Reinforced concrete driven piles are widely used in massive construction work in areas with weak (unstable) soils. Driven piles are used when driving into any soil that provides compression when driving the pile. The exception is embankments made of large stones (rubble) and permafrost soils. In the case of using such piles in chemically aggressive soils or with aggressive groundwater, piles with special anti-corrosion treatment or special grades of concrete and reinforcing steel are used.

Composite piles shorter than 7 m may be produced without a lifting sling fixation pin. In this case, slinging is allowed to be done near the upper mounting (lifting) loop.

Composite piles are manufactured according to the requirements of GOST 19804-91, working drawings of the manufacturing plant or drawings of construction series.

Composite reinforced concrete driven piles are produced using the same technological processes as non-composite ones. The difference lies in the design of the pile, the composite consists of two parts - the upper (marked SSV - “composite upper pile”) and the lower - (respectively - SSN - “composite lower pile”). The lower driven pile has a sharp tip of increased strength, the upper one does not have such a tip. The piles are connected after driving the lower pile to the ground level and installing the upper pile at its end. For connection at the ends during the manufacture of piles, embedded steel elements are installed. A “box” of metal having a thickness of 8–10 mm is welded onto the lower pile, inside which the upper section of the composite pile is inserted and it is also welded to the “box”. Then the driving process (or vibration immersion) is continued.

A composite pile can be with non-prestressed or prestressed reinforcement.

The marking of composite piles includes the designation of the upper pile - SSV and the lower one - SSN. The remaining characteristics are the same as those of a conventional driven pile.

Composite piles are extremely often used in the creation of many foundations. The construction of buildings on difficult soil or in built-up areas requires the installation of a high-quality and durable base. Optimal strength indicators can be achieved by deepening the supports. To do this, it is necessary to use piles, which consist of several parts. The depth of their installation can vary from 12 to 30 m. This article will discuss composite piles, their characteristics and scope, and also study the procedure for immersion in the ground.

Characteristics of composite piles

Composite piles are a design whose feature is the presence of parts designed for adhesion. They have been used in construction for a long time and have received many positive recommendations from beginners and experts in the construction business. Their use allows you to strengthen soil consisting mainly of gravel or clay. The depth of their installation can be up to 30 m, which allows the construction of high-rise buildings even in a densely populated area. In addition, their advantages include:

  • Increased strength of the constructed structure.
  • Possibility of construction on soft or prone to movement soil, as well as on areas built up with other buildings.
  • Reducing material costs for building construction. Due to the low production costs of piles, they are inexpensive, and cheap special equipment is used to drive them, so their use allows you to save a lot of money.
  • Reducing the time required to construct a building. This can be a great help if there are time limits.
  • Increasing the bearing capacity of the compacted base, which will increase the strength and reliability of the foundation.

Such products are produced on the basis of heavy concrete M 200. Crushed stone with a size of up to 40 mm is used as a filler. The first part of the structure has a pointed end, which makes it easier to sink into the soil. After which the next element is added to it, and the length of the structure increases. Thus, by attaching new elements, it is possible to create a strong and high-quality support immersed in the soil to the required depth. Another important feature is the free transportation of piles, since it is not always possible to deliver a structure of the required length to the construction site. This requires additional transportation costs.

Such piles are produced in accordance with GOST. Their cross-section can vary, there are the following options: 30x30 cm, 35x35 cm or 40x40 cm. The choice of product depends on the depth at which solid soil lies in the construction site. The first part of the pile must rest securely in such a case, otherwise the building will not receive the necessary support.

If hard soil lies at a depth of more than 12 m, you will need to use a structure consisting of several parts. Each part may have different joining elements. The adhesive, welding or bolting method can also be used.

Area of ​​use of composite piles

These products are used not only on soft or difficult soils. Often, composite piles are used in the following cases:

  • If the top layer of soil is thick.
  • If you need to strengthen the pile foundation under the constructed high-rise buildings, but due to their close arrangement there is no free space.
  • When it is not possible to make a solid pile of the required length.

When creating a base, it is necessary to take into account that the pile should not rest on:

  • peat;
  • peat soil;
  • weak or compressible soil.

The load exerted on the product should be as static as possible. Each part of the pile must be tested for static and dynamic load-bearing capacity before installation. The quality characteristics of the product must also be checked.

Longitudinal reinforcement of composite piles is carried out using reinforcement rods with a length of up to 2 cm. Transverse reinforcement of the product is carried out using a metal mesh, the thickness of the rod of which corresponds to the first class, and the spacing of the cells does not exceed 5 mm.

According to the technology for manufacturing reinforced concrete supports from several elements, it is necessary to stretch the structure of reinforcing rods using special jacks. After the concrete has dried, the jacks are dismantled. The frame begins to shrink, allowing the concrete to compact. The reinforced concrete products in question are considered to be among the highest quality and durable and have earned the calling of many professionals. Their use allows the construction of a building with a long service life. They are often used in the construction of stadiums, supermarkets and other public buildings.

Types of composite piles

There are several types of such products:

  • solid square section;
  • round section;
  • piles made in the form of a shell.

The manufacturing technology of all these varieties complies with the norms and rules prescribed in GOST. By the markings on the structure you can determine the type:

  • C – solid square section.
  • SP - there is a cavity inside the pile.
  • SK is a round pile that is empty inside.
  • CO – product in the form of a shell.

Additionally, the marking indicates the part of the product, the method of connection and reinforcement of the structure. When purchasing such products, you should always pay attention to the labeling, and in case of complications, it is better to consult with the seller.

The embedded structural elements are made on the basis of carbon steel, and their connection can be carried out using: welding, pins, bolts, locks and other connecting elements.

Composite structure immersion procedure

These products are immersed in the soil using the impact driving method, for which it is necessary to use diesel or hydraulic hammers. The use of vibration-based loaders is contraindicated, since the connections of mating structural elements can be deformed, which will lead to a violation of the integrity of the pile and its unusability.

In order to facilitate passage through high-density soil or when driving piles in areas with a high sand content in the soil, experts recommend using leader drilling technology. This method significantly reduces the soil resistance to driven products, which is an important factor when diving to great depths.

Each batch of piles that is delivered to the construction site must undergo a thorough quality check. They must also have accompanying documents. Immersion of products can be performed using the following types of hammers:

  • hanging;
  • tubular;
  • rod;
  • steam-air.

When driving composite reinforced concrete piles, the optimal solution is to use an additional excavator with a crane boom, which will move the structure to the driving location. This solution will significantly speed up and simplify the work. All equipment and tools will need to be rented. Creating a pile field usually does not take much time, so a large financial investment is not required.

The process of driving composite piles consists of the following steps:

  • The lower part of the structure is slinged, after which the product is lifted using special equipment and sent for vertical installation to the place of driving.
  • The top of the column is directed under the impact part of the hammer, which is equipped with a headstock and a spacer element, which allows you to protect the embedded glass of the pile from damage during immersion. After which the diesel hammer is lowered along the guides of the pile driver mast and mounted on a pile post.
  • The vertical placement of the pile and the centrality of the location relative to the impact part of the driving hammer are checked.
  • The driving hammer delivers the first blows on the product with incomplete power, this allows the pile to be correctly positioned for further driving.
  • After driving the post 1.5-2 m, the hammer begins to work at full power until the upper part of the structure rises above the soil at a level of 30-50 cm.
  • The second element of the pile is attached to the loaded product. Here it is extremely important to accurately control the movement of the pillar, in order to facilitate the procedure, it is better to perform this stage with an assistant.
  • The joints of the elements are fixed using electric arc welding, after which driving of the composite reinforced concrete pile continues until the required depth is reached. After immersing one product, you need to move on to the next. The procedure will be similar. The procedure is repeated until a pile field of the required size is created.

It must be taken into account that the welded seam of the product must be treated with a primer mixture, this will avoid the destruction of the joint under the influence of groundwater.

The following video will help you learn in more detail about the process of creating pile fields of different sizes.

Composite piles are an important component for the construction of a durable and high-quality building. Their use makes it possible to build a building even on built-up areas and poor-quality soil. Working with such driven structures is not very complicated, and all procedures can be performed without the involvement of specialists, which will allow you to save a lot of money. Convenient labeling of the material simplifies its acquisition and use.

Typically, composite piles of a solid square section are used in cases where: a) in the place where the foundation is constructed there is a large thickness of weak silty soils (25-30 m or more); b) it is necessary to strengthen the pile foundation under an existing building or structure, and driving long piles near or inside the building is inconvenient or even impossible; c) it is impossible to obtain or manufacture piles of the required length on site.

The links of composite piles are usually made 5-8 m long, they are joined using bolted flanges, welding or special locks. The design of the joints of a composite pile with a solid square section is shown in Fig. V-8.

Rice. V-8.

A- bolted; b- in welding

V.1.3. Classification of wooden piles

Driven wooden piles are divided into solid ones, made from one log; spliced ​​along the length; packaged, assembled from several solid or spliced ​​along the length of logs or beams; tongue and groove

V.1.4. Pile design

Solid wooden piles have a length of 4.5–12 m (rarely up to 18 m) and a cut diameter of 16–35 cm. The lower end of the pile is pointed. The length of the point is 1.5-2 times the diameter of the trunk of the lower part of the pile (cut).

Rice. V-9.

A- triangular sharpening; b- steel shoe; V— installation of the yoke

When driving into dense soils, a steel shoe is placed on the pointed end of the pile. A yoke made of a steel strip 10–15 mm thick and 35–70 mm wide is stuffed onto the upper (butt) end of the pile (Fig. V-9).

Piles of two or more logs spliced ​​along their length are joined together with tie clamps, as well as steel or wooden plates with bolts. Sometimes steel pipe scraps are used for this purpose. Figure V-10 shows sample joints.

Rice. V-10.

A— tie clamps: b— steel plates with bolts; V- a piece of steel pipe; G- wooden overlays with bolts

Packet wooden piles consist of several (usually three) single or length-joined logs or beams. The joints of spliced ​​logs when joining them into a package should be spaced apart. The joining is done using bolts (Fig. V-11). Packet piles are manufactured up to 25 m long, with a cross section of up to 60 cm or more.

Rice. V-11.

Piles glued together from several beams or boards are also used. However, due to the high cost of production, glued piles are not widely used.

The material for wooden piles is mainly coniferous forest species. As an exception, oak is used. The most common assortment of pile timber is given in table. V-8.

Table V-8

Assortment of pile timber according to GOST 9463-88

Pile length, m Volume, m 3 with the thickness of the piles in the upper section (without bark), cm
16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34

Wooden sheet piles are made from timber. The design of a wooden tongue and groove is shown in Fig. V-12. The groove and tongue are usually made of rectangular cross-section. For convenience and speed up driving, individual sheet piles are collected in packages, usually of two sheet piles, connecting them together with brackets. When driving into dense soils, a metal shoe is put on the lower end of the bag.

Rice. V-12.

V.1.5. Classification of steel piles

Steel piles are divided into tubular piles made from standard steel pipes; sheet piles made of steel sheet piles of various assortments. In addition, I-beams, channels and other commercial profiles are used as steel piles. However, due to the high cost and scarcity of metal, the use of steel piles is limited whenever possible.

V.1.6. Pile design

Steel tubular piles consist of one or more standard, seamless steel pipes connected together by couplings. Pipes with a diameter of up to 40 cm are usually immersed with a closed end, for which the pipe is equipped with a tip. After driving, the pipe is usually filled with concrete. In some designs, the pipe cavity is left unfilled.

Steel sheet piles are produced by rolling at metallurgical plants. In the USSR, steel sheet piles of several profiles are rolled - flat, trough and Z-shaped. In table V-9 shows the characteristics of steel sheet piles, and Fig. V-13 - profiles of this tongue and groove.

Rice. V-13.

A- flat; b- selfish; V— trough type “Larsen”; G— Z-shaped

Table V-9

Technical characteristics of steel sheet piling according to GOST 4781-85

Profile Profile designation Profile size, mm Cross-sectional area, cm 2 Weight 1 m, N
IN N d t
Flat ShP-1
Korytny ShK-1
Z-shaped SD-3
Larsen type L-IV