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» Smoked chicken. Chicken calories

Smoked chicken. Chicken calories

Smoked chicken Although it is not considered a very healthy product, it is loved by many and has been for quite a long time. It attracts with its appetizing appearance and unique aroma (see photo). For smoking, meaty carcasses are chosen, which are then treated with smoke. Thanks to proper processing, harmful substances cease to spread on the chicken, which allows it to be stored for quite a long time (without a refrigerator, the chicken will be allowed to be consumed within 2 days). Given this, they often take it with them on picnics and trips.

The traditional smoking method is the one for which special equipment is used. The chicken is kept in such chambers for a long time, and during this period it is treated with wood smoke. Modern manufacturers, in order to reduce the processing period and significantly save money, use liquid smoke. In this case, the carcasses are first subjected to heat treatment, and then immersed in containers with liquid smoke and various preservatives.

Today on store shelves you can find 2 types of smoked chicken:

  • Cold smoked. In this case, the carcasses are kept over the smoke of a smoldering fire for several days. In this case, the temperature does not increase more than 30 degrees.
  • Hot smoked. This option allows you to significantly save time, since the carcasses are located in special smokehouses. This processing allows you to get more tender and flavorful chicken.

Use in cooking

Smoked chicken is an excellent stand-alone dish that can be served for dinner or on a holiday table. In addition, it can be used in recipes for salads, snacks, etc. Its original taste also helps improve the taste of first, second and main courses. In general, smoked chicken is an excellent product for culinary experiments.

How to do it at home?

To ensure that the product is not only tasty, but also not harmful to the body, it is best prepared at home. This can be done either entirely or in parts. For smoking, it is best to choose young chickens, whose meat is more tender. The carcasses should be washed thoroughly, and then choose one of the suggested options: boil for several minutes in salted water; Soak for 3 days in a salty solution (1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water). You can also keep the chicken in the marinade for 12 hours. You will also need to purchase a special smokehouse. Let's consider one of the options for hot smoking chicken. To do this, you need to take a chicken carcass, salt, pepper and your favorite spices.

The chicken must be thoroughly rubbed with spices and placed in a plastic sleeve for several hours. This is necessary so that the meat is thoroughly soaked. After this, the carcass should be hung out in the fresh air to dry. Then place the chicken in the smoker and cook for 40 minutes. under intense fire. Before use, it is recommended to remove the skin from the carcass, as substances harmful to the body have formed in it.

Harm of smoked chicken and contraindications

Smoked chicken can be harmful due to its high calorie and fat content, therefore, you should not consume the product in large quantities. You should refuse the product if you have an individual intolerance to the product. Frequent consumption of smoked chicken can cause obesity, as well as the accumulation of cholesterol and carcinogens in the body. All this in turn causes the formation of atherosclerosis and cancer. Smoked chicken is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal problems. If you consume a product treated with liquid smoke, toxins enter your body, which can cause various diseases and problems.

Chicken is prepared in different ways. You can simply boil it, then what will remain is a delicious broth, which is used to increase the vitality of a person with acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections. You can bake it in the oven and enjoy the crispy crust, you can fry it, but, in my opinion, smoking the meat is considered the most delicious option. It allows you to achieve incredible aroma, tender juicy meat. This dish ranks first in popularity among smoked products. The golden brown crust gives it a delicious look.

Benefits and harms

Chicken is rich in vitamins B, C, PP, choline, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, and iron. These substances help improve the functioning of the heart muscle and have a diuretic effect. Chicken meat is an indispensable product in many diets, since it does not contain many calories and perfectly saturates the body.

But unscrupulous manufacturers add hormones, antibiotics, pesticides and other substances harmful to the human body to the product. Therefore, buyers should choose meat with special care; it is best to take it from trusted producers.

It should be remembered that low-quality technologies may be used when cooking. The only additive should be salt; seasonings may indicate that already spoiled raw materials were used.

Calorie content and BZHU

One of the misconceptions about energy value is that many people believe that smoking meat turns out to be less fatty compared to frying. Fried meat contains 200 kcal. In fact, the nutritional value is not much different. Therefore, for those losing weight, it is better to replace it with cooking. The calorie content of smoked chicken without skin will be approximately 120 kcal per 100 g.

Energy value per 100 grams:

  • Proteins - 18 g;
  • Fats - 6 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0 g;
  • Calorie content - 120 kcal.

The calorie content of smoked skinless chicken will also depend on what part of the bird was cooked. It's simple, the most dietary part is the chicken breast.

How to reduce calories

Meat prepared in this way is not the healthiest type of food, but sometimes you simply cannot do without it. So what can you do to reduce the harm?

It is necessary to eat smoked chicken without skin, since it contains a large amount of fats that are harmful to the body. Calorie content with skin is approximately 184 Kcal per 100 grams. This figure depends on the amount of fat and subcutaneous fat in the product. Therefore, people watching their figure are advised to avoid using the ingredient with their skin.

Chicken meat is considered a dietary product. In 100 gr. chicken meat contains about 20 grams. protein, 8-9 gr. fat The most protein and the least fat is found in chicken breast, that is, white meat. All athletes choose chicken breast in their diet, since it is the easiest to obtain easily digestible protein from it.

Smoked chicken meat can be added to salads, appetizers, casseroles, or eaten as a meal on its own. In fact, the use of this ingredient is limited only by the imagination and skills of the cook. But it is not recommended to eat it every day due to its high calorie content and difficulty in digestion as it is a heavy dish for the stomach. Boiled breast will be much healthier and more nutritious; it is rich in proteins, which is necessary for proper nutrition and good functioning of the digestive system. But some useful substances go into the broth, which will be no less useful.

On our website you will find many interesting and useful articles about the nutritional value of various dishes and food products.

Chicken meat has a unique composition, which includes many beneficial substances necessary for the human body. Chicken is prepared in different ways: boiled, baked, fried, smoked. Smoked chicken is especially tasty, but is it really that healthy? Let's consider the benefits and harms of this product, its calorie content and BJU per 100 grams.

Nutritional value of smoked chicken

When smoked, chicken is very tasty and juicy, so some people regularly buy it in stores and even smoke it themselves. Another valuable property of smoked chicken is its long shelf life, even without refrigeration.

The nutritional value of smoked chicken is very rich in vitamins and minerals. Their list is quite extensive and includes the following:

  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • vitamins B, A, C and E.

This is just a short list of the main valuable substances from smoked chicken, but there are other essential components. All athletes and nutritionists know the importance of amino acids. There are many of them in smoked chicken:

  • Tryptophan. In the body, the substance is converted into serotonin and promotes mental relaxation. With a lack of this amino acid, a person suffers from depression, headaches and insomnia.
  • Lysine. Increases physical and mental activity, and also strengthens hair and nails.
  • Leucine. Muscle growth activator, stimulating protein synthesis.
  • Valin. This substance makes up 2/3 of all proteins in the human body. Valine is needed for tissue regeneration and growth, maintaining gall and liver functions.
  • Purin. Promotes filling cells with oxygen and determines energy metabolism.
  • Isoleucine. Its deficiency causes fatigue, headaches, lack of appetite and nervousness.
  • Arginine. Needed for the male reproductive system.

Calorie content and BZHU

Smoked chicken does not have too much calories, but it is higher than boiled meat. People like smoked products more than baked or boiled ones, as they are softer and juicier, and compared to fried ones, they are also less fatty. The calorie values ​​for different parts of the bird are as follows:

  • smoked chicken breast without skin has the lowest calorie content - about 120 kcal per 100 grams;
  • smoked breast with skin - approximately 160 kcal;
  • smoked chicken legs and drumsticks without skin - 166-170 kcal;
  • wings - 200 kcal;
  • whole smoked chicken with skin - 190-200 kcal per 100 g of product.

Accordingly, to reduce calorie content it is necessary to remove the skin. In terms of BZHU per 100 g, smoked chicken is almost no different from baked chicken:

  • proteins - 21-22 g;
  • fats - 13-15 g;
  • carbohydrates - 1-2 g.

Of course, it varies depending on the cooking method. The calorie content of salads with smoked chicken fillet depends on the additional ingredients included in the dish, so it is not possible to indicate even approximate indicators.

Useful properties of the product

The benefits of smoked chicken with or without skin are explained by its valuable and varied composition. Of course, a smoked product has no more beneficial properties than boiled or baked chicken, but it is also harmful.

Smoked chicken is recommended for people with diabetes, ulcers, gout and polyarthritis. The product increases polyunsaturated fatty acids in blood serum and has a beneficial effect on brain function. Despite this, you should not overuse smoked meats, otherwise you can harm the body instead of bringing benefit.

Why is smoked chicken harmful?

Despite its beneficial properties, smoked chicken also has harmful qualities, namely:

  • The oily skin of smoked chicken concentrates harmful substances and excess calories, so it is better to remove it.
  • If you buy a stale or low-quality product in a store, it may contain antibiotics and hormones. Manufacturers also sometimes treat smoked meat with dangerous chlorine.
  • Dangerous cholesterol is found in large quantities in smoked chicken.
  • Smoked meat, when consumed regularly, causes the development of low-quality tumors. The reason is the accumulation of carcinogens during smoking, and unscrupulous manufacturers sometimes use acetone, phenol and formaldehyde for processing.

If you are allergic to chicken protein, smoked chicken is contraindicated. Also, this product, even without skin, should not be given to children under 10-12 years old, otherwise it can contribute to the development of diseases of the heart, stomach and blood vessels.

Smoked chicken is also contraindicated for pregnant and nursing mothers, despite its low calorie content. Any smoking at these life stages is harmful to health, especially if the manufacturer uses liquid smoke.

Chicken is prepared in different ways. You can simply boil it, then what will remain is a delicious broth, which is used to increase the vitality of a person with acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections. You can bake it in the oven and enjoy the crispy crust, you can fry it, but, in my opinion, smoking the meat is considered the most delicious option. It allows you to achieve incredible aroma, tender juicy meat. This dish ranks first in popularity among smoked products. The golden brown crust gives it a delicious look.

Benefits and harms

Chicken is rich in vitamins B, C, PP, choline, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, and iron. These substances help improve the functioning of the heart muscle and have a diuretic effect. Chicken meat is an indispensable product in many diets, since it does not contain many calories and perfectly saturates the body.

But unscrupulous manufacturers add hormones, antibiotics, pesticides and other substances harmful to the human body to the product. Therefore, buyers should choose meat with special care; it is best to take it from trusted producers.

It should be remembered that low-quality technologies may be used when cooking. The only additive should be salt; seasonings may indicate that already spoiled raw materials were used.

Calorie content and BZHU

One of the misconceptions about energy value is that many people believe that smoking meat turns out to be less fatty compared to frying. Fried meat contains 200 kcal. In fact, the nutritional value is not much different. Therefore, for those losing weight, it is better to replace it with cooking. The calorie content of smoked chicken without skin will be approximately 120 kcal per 100 g.

Energy value per 100 grams:

  • Proteins - 18 g;
  • Fats - 6 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0 g;
  • Calorie content - 120 kcal.

The calorie content of smoked skinless chicken will also depend on what part of the bird was cooked. It's simple, the most dietary part is the chicken breast.

How to reduce calories

Meat prepared in this way is not the healthiest type of food, but sometimes you simply cannot do without it. So what can you do to reduce the harm?

It is necessary to eat smoked chicken without skin, since it contains a large amount of fats that are harmful to the body. Calorie content with skin is approximately 184 Kcal per 100 grams. This figure depends on the amount of fat and subcutaneous fat in the product. Therefore, people watching their figure are advised to avoid using the ingredient with their skin.

Chicken meat is considered a dietary product. In 100 gr. chicken meat contains about 20 grams. protein, 8-9 gr. fat The most protein and the least fat is found in chicken breast, that is, white meat. All athletes choose it in their diet, since it is the easiest to obtain easily digestible protein from it.

Smoked chicken meat can be added to salads, appetizers, casseroles, or eaten as a meal on its own. In fact, the use of this ingredient is limited only by the imagination and skills of the cook. But it is not recommended to eat it every day due to its high calorie content and difficulty in digestion as it is a heavy dish for the stomach. Boiled breast will be much healthier and more nutritious; it is rich in proteins, which is necessary for proper nutrition and good functioning of the digestive system. But some useful substances go into the broth, which will be no less useful.

On our website you will find many interesting and useful articles about the nutritional value of various dishes and food products.

Chickens were domesticated by humans many years ago, and since then they have been very common on farms and private backyards. Chicken meat is low-calorie, it can safely be classified as a dietary product, and all because it contains a high content of protein, nutrients and vitamins. Of course, the calorie content depends on what part of the chicken you use. How many calories are in chicken?


Chicken – calorie content per 100 grams – 190 kcal.

Chicken is an excellent substitute for other types of meat and is rich in vitamins and amino acids. There are no carbohydrates in chicken; fats are the main source. White meat contains virtually no fat, while dark meat is famous for its high iron content.

Boiled chicken

The easiest way to cook chicken is to boil it. Boiled chicken meat is very healthy and low in calories - 100 grams contains 170 kcal, but without skin. It is undesirable to eat the skin, it contains a lot of fat. The calorie content of meat with skin is almost twice as high - 215 kcal. Boiled chicken contains many nutrients; athletes love to eat it - its high protein content promotes muscle growth.

Chicken soup
Chicken soup is a very popular dish in Russia. Probably everyone has been familiar with its rich and appetizing broth since childhood. People who follow a healthy diet try to include this soup in their diet every day. To reduce the calorie content of the broth, all the skin is cut off from the carcass and boiled. The first broth is drained, the second is used for dietary soups. The calorie content of the soup will directly depend on its constituent products.

Chicken soup with potatoes

* Kilocalories are indicated per 100 grams.

Large, fried chicken with a golden brown crust straight from the oven is a frequent guest on the table. However, in addition to its high calorie content (238 kcal), this dish affects the gastrointestinal tract, so people with sensitive stomachs should avoid baked chicken. But by depriving it of skin, you can reduce the load on the organs.

Grilled chicken contains almost the same amount of calories, besides it is very harmful and not at all healthy. The high content of carcinogens in it harms the stomach.

The only thing that will help reduce the calorie content of chicken prepared this way is to remove the skin and thoroughly coat the chicken with lemon juice or balsamic vinegar. Of course, these procedures will not make it super dietary, but the calorie content will be slightly reduced.

Pilaf with chicken. Calorie content

Traditionally prepared pilaf is a fairly fatty dish. Pilaf with chicken has fewer calories than with pork or beef. The calorie content of pilaf with chicken is 170 kcal.

Stewed chicken

The calorie content of stewed chicken is about 230 kcal. It can be easily reduced by not adding oil during the cooking process. You can use tomatoes and peppers together, add water and lemon juice. Calorie content has decreased four times and will be only 55 kcal. Stewed chicken with cabbage contains 115 kcal.

Many people often allow themselves to snack on shawarma. Indeed, the dish is easy to prepare and cooks quickly. According to the rules, no ketchup or mayonnaise is added to real shawarma. It is prepared with kefir sauce. In such shawarma, the calorie content will be 115 kcal per 100 grams. With the addition of mayonnaise, it will sharply increase to 180 kcal. Lavash with chicken and vegetables, without sauce, contains 80 kcal.

Chicken with potatoes

The calorie content of stewed chicken with potatoes is 115 kcal. But many people’s favorite French potatoes contain as much as 260 kcal and are not recommended for consumption by people watching their weight.

Fried chicken calories

Stewed chicken contains 220 kcal. However, different parts of the body have different calorie content. Breast – 180 kcal, legs – 185 kcal, chicken thigh – 150 kcal, chicken fillet – 180 kcal.

Caesar with chicken

Probably many have not only heard, but tried the famous chicken Caesar. This dish has gained popularity not only in cafes and restaurants, it is also enjoyed at home. The calorie content of the salad is 220 kcal.

Chicken with mushrooms

Chicken stewed with mushrooms turns out very tasty and tender, with a calorie content of 100 kcal. If you add cream to the dish, it will make the chicken even more tender, but the calorie content will already be 150 kcal.

Chicken kebab

Very few people prefer to cook chicken kebab. Pork and beef remain in first place. The calorie content of chicken kebab depends on the marinade:

  • in soy sauce – 155 kcal;
  • in honey sauce – 200 kcal;
  • in mayonnaise with seasonings – 185 kcal.

Smoked chicken

The unique smell, beautiful appearance and wonderful taste of smoked chicken breast are familiar to almost everyone. But behind the attractive appearance there is only harm hidden - a lot of calories and high fat content. 100 grams – 190 kcal.

Chicken noodles

Chicken is prepared as a side dish for a variety of noodles; the calorie content of chicken meat depends both on the noodles and on the additives to it.

  • Calorie content of rice noodles with chicken - 235 kcal;
  • buckwheat – 80 kcal;
  • egg – 140 kcal;
  • wheat – 150 kcal.

The Italian dish pasta is very popular. These are noodles with chicken in sauce and cheese. Calorie content – ​​130 kcal.

Chicken cutlets

Chicken cutlets contain a small amount of fat, so they turn out very tender and juicy. Calorie content - 145 kcal.

Rice with chicken. Calorie content

In addition to the traditional pilaf recipe, chicken can be cooked simply with rice, for example, stewed in soy sauce. The calorie content of the dish will be 145 kcal.

Buckwheat with chicken

Chicken can be served as a side dish for any dish. The calorie content of buckwheat with chicken will be 105 kcal, if you add carrots - 115 kcal, with chicken and champignons - 100 kcal.

Stewed cabbage with chicken

Stewed cabbage with chicken has a calorie content of 80 kcal.

Pea soup with chicken

The calorie content of pea soup will directly depend on its composition. Pea soup, which is based on chicken broth and contains peas, carrots, onions, potatoes and herbs, will contain only 55 kcal.

Even if you leave potatoes, and the main ingredient is peas, and add smoked meats, sweet peppers, garlic and various seasonings, the calorie threshold will not exceed 110 kcal. Many people prefer to experiment and prepare creamy pea soups based on milk. Greens, carrots, onions, and dill are added there. Such soups have a low calorie content - 50 kcal.

Take note! To know the calorie content of chicken, you need to find out the tricks of its heat treatment. Poultry from the counter must be soaked for a couple of hours.

Don’t be afraid to experiment, chicken meat can be cooked in different ways, plus there are a lot of chicken dishes in cooking. Soups, salads, hot dishes - the list goes on and on.

Huge selection of pastries, cutlets, dumplings. The chicken is baked whole or in pieces, stuffed with vegetables and fruits, and sauces are made for various side dishes. Chicken will always be a valuable product on the table, it will delight you with its taste and aroma. Raising chickens is not a difficult matter; almost every farmer raises chickens in his own backyard.