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» L arginine capsules. "L-arginine": composition, properties, instructions for use, side effects. Main indications for taking the drug

L arginine capsules. "L-arginine": composition, properties, instructions for use, side effects. Main indications for taking the drug

The appearance on the market of dietary supplements containing this amino acid is associated with a discovery made by three American doctors at the end of the twentieth century. They found that the growth and normal functioning of the human body are associated with the presence of nitric oxide, which is synthesized from arginine. This discovery earned him the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1998.

Arginine is considered a conditionally essential amino acid. In the body, it is naturally synthesized from fiber, which is found in large quantities in nuts, gelatin, corn, cocoa beans, oatmeal and sesame. Arginine is found in small amounts in all cereals, nuts and legumes. To make it clearer what we are talking about, we need to talk in more detail about what amino acids are and what they are like.

An amino acid is a component of proteins - simple proteins, from which, in turn, cells are built, followed by tissues, organs and the entire body. The result is the following chain: amino acids – proteins – proteins – cells – tissues – organs – human body. That is, amino acid is the starting material of the human body.

All amino acids are divided into three groups: essential, conditionally essential and non-essential. Essential ones are synthesized by the body in very small quantities or not synthesized at all. A person receives them with food. Conditionally essential amino acids are produced by the body in sufficient quantities to support vital functions, but not enough to gain muscle mass. Nonessential amino acids are produced in sufficient quantities, but only when essential amino acids and nitrogen are available.

Processes involving amino acids are constantly taking place in the body: new tissues are formed to replace those that have become unusable, organs are regenerated. A small amount of amino acids in the body does not allow the system to be properly “updated” and inevitably leads to diseases. The main reasons for the cessation of amino acid synthesis in the body are unbalanced nutrition and poor absorption of proteins by the body.

Arginine is converted in the body into nitric oxide, which, in turn, stimulates the appearance of new cells, thereby slowing down the aging of organs and skin. How else does arginine affect the body?

  • Metabolism in muscle tissue improves.
  • Maintains blood cholesterol levels below normal.
  • Dilates blood vessels and thins the blood, thereby lowering blood pressure.
  • Enhances spermatogenesis in men.
  • Due to the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body, it has a wound-healing effect.
  • Actively restores liver cells.
  • Improves the general physical condition of a person.
  • Prevents the appearance of early wrinkles, making the skin more elastic.
  • Makes a person more energetic and improves mood.

The drug "Arginine" is taken when growth is insufficiently active and at times when an intensive increase in muscle mass is necessary. Most often it is prescribed to people who decide to lose excess weight and work on their body to transform fat tissue into muscle tissue. This drug stimulates the production of growth hormone from the pituitary gland or “growth hormone”.

In addition, it is prescribed if:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, atherosclerosis and others).
  • Fatty degeneration or cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Kidney diseases (renal failure, pyelonephritis, cystitis).
  • Impotence and infertility in men.
  • Type 2 diabetes or a hereditary predisposition to this disease.
  • Tumors of any nature (fibroids, adenoma, cyst and others).
  • Depression.
  • Immunodeficiency states after operations, AIDS.

This is not the entire list of indications for the use of L-Arginine. Despite all the benefits, this drug has contraindications. It should not be taken:

  • during pregnancy and during breastfeeding
  • During the period of active growth in adolescents, arginine can cause gigantism
  • for schizophrenia and other mental illnesses, as it has a psychotropic effect
  • with the herpes virus in the active stage.

Here are only common diseases for which taking arginine drugs is contraindicated; in any case, before starting to use this drug, you should consult a doctor.

Arginine burns fat and helps transform adipose tissue into muscle during active exercise. Among weightlifters and bodybuilders, the process of tissue degeneration without significant loss of body weight is called “drying”. During this process, excess fats and water leave the body, but the balance must be constantly replenished. To do this, take a lot of protein-rich foods: cereal porridge, eggs, special protein shakes.

The use of arginine is indicated for people over 30 years of age, since it is at this age that the natural level of amino acids in the body decreases, and the first signs of skin aging appear. For medicinal purposes, arginine is taken two to three times a day 40 minutes before meals.

Arginine tablets begin to act within 20 minutes after administration. Most of the substances, entering the stomach, are absorbed and sent with the blood to the liver, where the active substance is decomposed and converted into nitric oxide, necessary for growth.

Bodybuilders consume large doses of arginine an hour before training. The daily dose of this supplement for increasing muscle mass is calculated based on the proportion of 115 mg per 1 kg of athlete’s body weight. Arginine in large doses causes physical and emotional recovery, a person becomes stronger and more resilient. That is why arginine preparations are included in the stop list at competitions in weightlifting and other strength sports.

An overdose of arginine causes headaches, nausea, dizziness and convulsions. If any of the above symptoms appear after taking it, the dose of arginine should be reduced to a comfortable level. In addition, large doses of such drugs can have a detrimental effect on the function of the pancreas, including leading to pancreatitis.

Arginine tablets are represented on the Russian market by many manufacturers. Prices range from 500 to 800 rubles per pack of 100 capsules, each containing 500 mg of active ingredient.

People need protein nutrition. Proteins are made up of amino acids. Different amino acids perform different functions in the human body. L-arginine is also an amino acid. The prefix "L" in front indicates the form of its isomer. Such isomers are included in proteins necessary for the body. The difference between l-arginine and other amino acids of this type is that the body itself is capable of producing it. That is, in our body this part of the protein is generated from other substances, including protein products obtained during nutrition. There are other isomers that are not generated in the human body, and, if necessary, the doctor will prescribe a synthetic analogue.

The need for the amino acid L-arginine can be felt in children and the elderly. These 2 age categories produce few amino acids. Also, mature men and women lose a lot of calories when they exercise and need a certain type of protein. In these cases, your doctor may prescribe sports nutrition that includes arginine. Let's take a closer look at what arginine is and what it is needed for.

The effect of the isomer on the body

The study of the properties of substances necessary for life in the 21st century has stepped far forward. Previously, l-arginine was used to stimulate creatine production. The isomer also helped creatine to be transported through the blood to the muscles and organs of the body. The consequence of increasing creatine is an increased feeling of vigor, a surge of physical strength, muscle growth and the simultaneous destruction of fat. In the modern world, much more is known about l-arginine.

At the end of the 20th century, American medical scientists discovered the positive effect of nitric oxide on our well-being. This substance is produced in the body from the described isomer. Nitric oxide dilates blood vessels, increasing blood flow, lowers blood pressure, promotes heart health, stimulates metabolic processes in our body, and increases sexual and reproductive functions.

The amino acid, which was obtained from lupine flowers more than 100 years ago, improves our health:

  • The isomer promotes wound healing in the shortest possible time;
  • Helps the kidneys remove harmful substances from the body;
  • Stimulates immunity;
  • Maintains hormonal balance;
  • Dilates blood vessels;
  • Helps normalize the amount of glucose;
  • Frees the liver from toxins;
  • Increases skeletal bone density;
  • Helps cope with alcohol poisoning;
  • Accelerates the transport of oxygen to organs and tissues;
  • Slows down the growth of malignant tumors;
  • Removes harmful protein breakdown products;
  • Participates in production in the human body;
  • Promotes the generation of the hormone of joy;
  • Reduces the amount of cholesterol in blood vessels;
  • Helps increase the rate of cell and tissue regeneration.

These valuable qualities determine the use of l-arginine in pharmacology.

When l-arginine is prescribed, its benefits range widely. Diseases that are the reason for its appointment:

  1. Heart diseases. The drug is used for heart failure, high blood pressure above normal, and if necessary, to treat blood vessels.
  2. Since l-arginine is a component of protein, it is used by the body to produce proteins. This means that the isomer helps rapid wound healing. It is necessary for bedridden patients with tissue death syndrome.
  3. Since the medicine is an analogue of an amino acid produced inside the body, it is prescribed under the supervision of a doctor even to pregnant women if they cannot cope with high blood pressure.
  4. The drug is used to eliminate the negative consequences of alcohol intoxication.

The property of the isomer to dilate blood vessels is used to eliminate problems with male potency. L-arginine, used for potency, improves blood flow in the genitals, as well as in other parts of the body. The amino acid also promotes the production of strong sperm. This effect is used in the treatment of male infertility. Arginine for men is of great importance for reproductive function. We will explain further why this medicine is prescribed.

Scientists are now conducting research on the effects of amino acids on the course of aging. L-arginine ensures the production of the sex hormone testosterone, the hormone insulin-like growth factor and somatotropin, which affects the regeneration of body tissues. As we age, the production of these hormones by our body organs decreases. From this it is clear that eating foods that contain this amino acid has a positive effect on rejuvenation - the condition of the skin improves, unnecessary fats are burned, muscles grow, and sexual desire increases.

How to get l-arginine from food

The substance is found in dairy products such as cheese and cottage cheese. Its presence has been detected in meat and seafood. The amino acid is found in nuts and grains suitable for consumption in the form of cereals. It is found in raisins, chicken eggs, and chocolate. Chicken and turkey meat also contain the substance. As you can see, lean meat is not a harmful product at all, if you do not exceed its norm in the menu. And chocolate in small quantities is beneficial.

Is this isomer harmful? Arginine in foods is not harmful. Undesirable effects on the body of the listed products appear due to individual intolerance. But, if someone cannot tolerate milk and dairy products, they can include meat and nuts in their diet, and vice versa.

Harm of the described amino acid

Only the synthetic isomer can cause harm, which is used by a patient for treatment purposes or by an athlete to stimulate physical performance.

It is known in medicine that the drug is harmful for people with complex heart diseases. If l-arginine is consumed immediately after a heart attack, death is likely.

Research into the benefits and harms of the substance continues to this day. Some doctors believe that in the event of an asthma attack, taking medication by injection or supplementing with an amino acid supplement may make the situation worse. There is reason to believe that the drug has a negative effect on patients with atherosclerosis.

People who regularly take blood thinners (anticoagulants) should not take l-arginine, as this combination can lead to bleeding.

Contraindications when prescribing drugs

The very first contraindication is individual intolerance. In addition, the medicine is not prescribed:

  • During lactation for young mothers;
  • During pregnancy only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • Patients with impaired liver function;
  • People with constantly low blood pressure;
  • Suffering from herpes;
  • When diagnosed with schizophrenia;
  • After heart attacks;
  • Children under 3 years of age should not be given the drug; children from 3 to 12 years of age are prescribed the drug only in the form of a solution (not in tablets);
  • In case of renal failure.

Before prescribing a medicine or dietary supplement, the doctor will order the patient for examination, since it is necessary to identify diseases in which taking an amino acid is more likely to harm than help. If no such diseases are detected, a specialist will help you figure out the dosage of the drug.

Side effects of the drug

If the dietary supplement is used in a dose of more than 15 g intravenously, nausea and diarrhea may occur. Abdominal pain may occur. The medicine provokes an attack of gout. If the medicine is administered in the form of intramuscular injections, then lower back pain, headache, and numbness are possible. The drug may worsen an asthma attack. The patient may experience difficulty swallowing and sometimes wheezing. Possible swelling of the face or allergies in the form of hives.

Some patients experience increased excitability and sleep disturbance when taking the drug. Herpes diseases occur. A dysfunction of the immune system may be detected.

The study of the harmful effects of the drug has not yet been completed. No more serious side effects have been detected to date. If there are no reasons described in the “Contraindications” subsection not to take the drug, a course of treatment can be carried out on the advice of a doctor.

Signs of arginine deficiency

To maintain a normal amount of arginine, a person does not need to take pills or give himself injections. The simplest and safest remedy is to include foods containing amino acids in your diet. That there is not enough substance in the diet and that the body produces little of it can be understood by the following signs:

  1. Decreased production of natural insulin;
  2. Diabetes mellitus;
  3. Problems with liver function;
  4. Increased cholesterol levels in the blood.

The drug l-arginine for use in tablets or ampoules for injections can only be prescribed by a doctor. The dosage is also selected by a specialist, based on the individual characteristics of the person and his state of health.

Dosage of the drug and release form

How to take the medicine correctly? We will talk about the average dosage, which is subject to adjustment for each patient during a visit to the doctor. The drug is produced by the pharmacological industry in the form of tablets, in solution for injections and in powder form. Your doctor will recommend taking l-arginine three times a day with meals. On average, adults are recommended to drink 5 ml three times during meals. This amounts to 2 tablets per dose.

For children over 3 years old, arginine is prescribed in a dose of 3 to 10 ml, divided into twice a day. For those over 12, you can increase the daily dose to 12 - 15 ml. Adults should not take more than 3 g of medication in 24 hours. The medicine is usually taken in courses, between which it is necessary to take a break, otherwise an addiction to the drug develops. A specialist will advise you on how to take the medicine and when to take a break.

Arginine for use in bodybuilding

Since arginine, as an amino acid, stimulates the production of creatine and protein, it grows muscles. Thanks to its functioning, increased division of muscle tissue cells occurs in the body. The amino acid also promotes cell regeneration when necessary. Men who are trying to give their figure a sexy look take advantage of these properties of the isomer, as well as the fact that it helps to get rid of fat. The amino acid also helps remove harmful substances from our body and ensures the delivery of oxygen to the muscles.

In order to correct the figure, the daily dose of dietary supplements with arginine or analogues is no more than 9 g of the drug. Reception begins with a small dose, then it is gradually increased to the named value. It is best to take dietary supplements half an hour before training. Taking amino acids at night is also possible, since in the dark the content of somatotropin increases.

Amino acid for rejuvenation

Arginine and its analogues are known to women trying to prolong the youth of their bodies. It is available for skin regeneration in the form of a gel or cream. Ladies smear their skin with it, as a result of which cellulite disappears, the skin rejuvenates, acquires elasticity and a smooth surface. Wraps with arginine are popular and are used for the same purposes. The drug is also used to get rid of fat in overweight women. Arginine is sometimes irreplaceable for women. It is taken in tablets as prescribed by a doctor. He will show you how to take the supplement.

Drug analogues

The medicine Tivortin is produced in Ukraine. The drug is an antioxidant. In addition, it supplies the body with oxygen, removes toxins, and protects cells from harmful substances. The advantages of the medicine are that it fights lethargy and weakness, physical and psychological, and lowers blood pressure. The product is quite effective. The disadvantages include the side effects inherent in l-arginine.

The drug Vazoton is produced in Russia. The active ingredient is l-arginine. Release form - in capsules for oral administration. The drug has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels and prevents coronary disease. It is also an antioxidant, promotes memory mobilization, and restores performance. At the pharmacy Vazoton costs about 250 rubles. These analogues are the most famous and widespread.

One capsule contains 500 or 1000 mg of L-Arginine.

Microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (food additive E464) are used as auxiliary components.

Release form

The dosage form of the drug L-Arginine is capsules. Capsules of 500 mg are packaged in glass jars of 50 pieces, the number of capsules of 1000 mg in one jar is 90 pieces.

Pharmacological action

L-Arginine is conditionally essential for adults and essential for children. This means that the substance is produced in the body, but in quantities insufficient for its full functioning.

Plays an important role in metabolic processes, enhances the production (growth hormone).

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

L-Arginine is a protein-forming amino acid and is the main source of NO (nitric oxide) production - neurotransmitter And powerful vasodilator factor .

Its action is aimed at maintaining optimal concentration in the blood, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the functional state of the heart and blood vessels.

In men, with the use of El-arginine, blood flow to the genitals increases and the amount of seminal fluid increases, thereby creating optimal conditions for a long and stable erection, and normalizing the condition prostate gland generally.

In addition, L-Arginine:

  • stimulates synthesis;
  • helps to raise the level somatotropin in the blood;
  • production somatotropin ;
  • reduces the amount of fat deposits in the body;
  • activates the wound healing process and accelerates recovery from injuries;
  • stimulates natural detoxification methods and promotes elimination from the body ammonia ;
  • plays an important role in production processes;
  • increases activity immune system ;
  • prevents the accumulation of mental and physical fatigue;
  • takes part in the growth processes of muscle tissue cells;
  • stimulates synthesis glycogen in muscle tissue and liver;
  • promotes release lactogenic hormone ,glucagon , peptide hormone ;
  • takes part in the formation of amino acids , urea , creatine (carboxylic acid, which performs an important function in energy metabolism processes that occur in nervous and muscle tissues), arginine phosphate (a substance that is a carrier of a reserve form of energy);
  • promotes expansion coronary arteries , acting as a precursor of nitric oxide released from the endothelial cells of the vascular walls;
  • maintains indicators within the physiological norm;
  • improves blood microcirculation and its rheological properties;
  • ensures normal blood flow to the extremities;
  • prevents the formation atherosclerotic plaques .

Indications for use

Dietary supplements can be used as one of the components of metabolic therapy, for the prevention of a fairly wide range of diseases of internal organs, as well as to compensate for the deficiency of the substance in healthy people leading an active lifestyle.

Replenishing amino acids is especially important for people who:

  • suffer from nervous disorders dystrophy , heart and vascular diseases, anemia , chronic fatigue syndrome, ;
  • restore physical health after substance abuse or long-term adherence to a therapeutic diet.

Properties of arginine - namely, the ability of the substance to increase the level creatine in muscle tissue - determine the advisability of using dietary supplements in bodybuilding.


The use of dietary supplements is contraindicated in:

  • individual intolerance to its constituent components;
  • pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding;
  • patients diagnosed with other mental illnesses;
  • at .

According to experts, people who are currently diagnosed with cancer , as well as for children in the active growth phase. The latter is due to the fact that the amino acid affects growth hormone and can provoke unwanted gigantism in the child.

It is prescribed with caution to patients, as well as to patients who have impaired glucose tolerance : Taking an amino acid can cause hormonal shifts, and this, in turn, can lead to a sharp increase in blood glucose concentrations.

It should be noted, however, that daily intake of capsules in a dose of 1 g for 14-20 days in these groups of patients usually does not cause negative reactions from the body, and the substance is quite gently included in the metabolic processes occurring in it.

The use of dietary supplements is also recommended with caution in people with impaired electrolyte balance and with kidney pathologies (including).

Side effects

In some patients, taking L-Arginine may be accompanied by the following side effects:

  • allergic reactions ;
  • increased risk of exacerbation herpes virus infection ;
  • impaired functioning of the immune defense (in case of long-term use);
  • increased excitability.

Under 18 years of age should not take capsules for a long time in a dose exceeding a few grams.


Dietary supplements should not be taken in combination with any other donors (including or ).

Often, various products contain simultaneously arginine And ornithine . Ornithine is the predecessor glutamic acid , And citrulline , and just like arginine, stimulates the production of growth hormone and insulin , protein synthesis, regeneration and restoration of liver cells, improves immunity and strengthens connective tissue, accelerates the process of burning fat in the body.

Simultaneous use Arginina And Ornithina helps enhance these effects and stimulates weight loss.

Terms of sale

Over-the-counter product.

Storage conditions

Capsules are stored in a light-protected, dry place where the temperature is maintained at 25°C.

Best before date

Special instructions

L-Arginine - what is it?

Wikipedia states that L-Arginine is an isomer of the aliphatic alpha amino acid arginine. Sports Wiki reports that the substance is used in sports nutrition as a nitrogen donor.

The amino acid is indispensable for children, since the child’s body is not capable of producing it, but for adults it is considered conditionally indispensable: as a rule, in weakened people and the elderly it is produced in very small quantities or not produced at all.

The benefits and harms of arginine

Amino acids are chemical components of molecules of simple proteins (proteins) and the starting material for biosynthesis vitamins , hormones , mediators , alkaloids etc.

L-Arginine takes part in education proteins , and is considered the most powerful amino acid in immunology and cardiology.

Speaking about the dangers and benefits of arginine, it should be noted that sufficient intake of the indicated amino acids especially important for men. Seminal fluid consists of approximately 80% of this protein building material, so arginine deficiency often leads to infertility.

Arginine stimulates sperm production, which is used by doctors in male infertility treatment programs. For men with reduced sperm activity, dietary supplements are often recommended to be taken with medications zinc .

Having the ability to relax the smooth muscles of the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity, the amino acid helps maintain their normal patency and ensures proper blood microcirculation.

In turn, the state of the cardiovascular system is closely related to reproductive function in men, where circulatory disorders are fraught with various kinds of sexual disorders.

For women, the substance is interesting primarily because, if you follow the rules of a healthy diet, it allows you to fight the problem of excess weight.

As in men, in women the product helps improve the health of the genital organs, prevents the appearance of benign and malignant neoplasms, cleanses blood vessels, reduces symptoms, increases performance and overall endurance of the body.

Arginine is often called the “amino acid of youth.” This is due to the fact that it takes part in the production of many hormones. An organism deficient in arginine ages much faster.

The amino acid nourishes all tissues and organs of the human body, and also improves its blood supply and, in particular, the blood supply to the hair follicles. For this reason, cosmetologists often include it in hair health products.

A substance can cause harm to the body only in ultra-high doses and if there are contraindications to its use.

It should be remembered that a substance such as arginine works especially effectively when you give up psychostimulant drugs and alcohol, as well as with a normally organized sleep and rest schedule.

Arginine in food

What products contain amino acid ? Primarily in seeds and nuts. In 100 grams of pumpkin seeds, for example, its content is 5.353 grams with a daily requirement of 6.1 grams.

Peanuts, sesame seeds, almonds, pine nuts and walnuts are also rich in them. From 600 to 1400 mg of the substance is found in various types of meat (most of all in pork, chicken and chicken fillet), liver, low-fat cottage cheese, and chicken eggs.

Sources of amino acids include peas, chocolate, corn, raisins, oatmeal, gelatin, snails, anchovies, tuna, shrimp, crab, raw salmon fillet, white fish, and flounder.


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Pharmacies and specialized stores for athletes offer consumers a wide range of drugs, the essence of which is completely unclear to an outsider. Arginine or arginine amino acid is a substance present in sports supplements and even some medications. Who needs it and what effect does it have on the body?

What is arginine

The presence of this microelement in almost all sports preparations is not accidental: the amino acid arginine or 2-amino-5-guanidinepentanoic acid is among the conditionally essential ones, because Only an adult without health problems does not experience its deficiency. Once a disturbance occurs in the body (especially skin damage), the natural synthesis of arginine by the pituitary gland slows down. Persons over 30 years of age and children need to receive this amino acid from the outside, because he himself is not so active.

Arginine has 2 types:

  • D-arginine is a non-proteinogenic amino acid;
  • L-arginine is a proteinogenic amino acid found in proteins.

What is arginine for?

Although it has long been argued that this amino acid only causes harm to the body, today it is not possible to overestimate its importance, because it directly affects the main internal system - blood circulation. First of all, arginine is necessary for the body to maintain the optimal level of nitrogen oxides (derivatives of the L-form in cells) and the metabolic processes of this element, because this is their main source. In addition to the general value of nitrogen oxides for blood flow, they are important for athletes because they are responsible for the condition of muscle tissue.

The benefits and harms of arginine

A lot of time has passed since the discovery at the end of the 19th century by Ernst Schulze until the day when medical experts understood why arginine is useful and for whom. At first they only talked about his supposed (!) negative qualities, but later it turned out that these hypotheses were incorrect. The arginine amino acid does not cause serious harm to humans if its excess in the body is not allowed, although based on new research, it has been suggested that arginine may be one of the causes of the development of Alzheimer's disease.

There are a lot of benefits. In addition to the previously mentioned effect of arginine amino acid on the blood flow, doctors highlight:

  • influence on the synthesis of hormones (including creatine);
  • participation in the process of spermatogenesis;
  • vasodilation;
  • stopping inflammatory processes;
  • liver detoxification;
  • acceleration of regenerative processes;
  • the need for normal production of arginine to maintain erectile function in men due to blood flow, libido in women.

Properties of l-arginine

Experts say that from a chemical point of view and according to the principle of its effect on the body, this form of amino acid is related to B vitamins. L-arginine deficiency leads to the fact that the endocrine system actively suffers, malfunctions of the heart begin, the condition of blood vessels worsens, up to atherosclerosis and blood clots, there is a general drop in protective forces. The positive properties of L-form arginine are well known in bodybuilding, because it can improve muscle mass (improves cell nutrition), relax muscles, and remove lactic acid.

L-arginine is useful and:

  • when losing weight - to accelerate fat burning;
  • with increased physical activity - to improve endurance;
  • in type 2 diabetes, when arginase synthesized by the patient’s body destroys the L-form of the amino acid naturally produced by the pituitary gland;
  • in the early stages of hypertension, the high content of L-arginine in the bloodstream helps prevent its development.

Action of arginine

Biochemical processes within a man and a woman, according to the laws of nature, do not proceed in the same way, so the effect of arginine on the body of different sexes will also have its own differences. The benefits for the circulatory system, nervous and cardiovascular L-form of the amino acid remain the same, as well as the effect on insulin levels, metabolic processes, etc., but the impact on the reproductive and endocrine systems of men and women must be considered separately.

L-arginine for women

The popularity of this amino acid among bodybuilders has raised doubts among women about its value for them, because Men often want to stimulate muscle growth. However, doctors assure that arginine for women (L-form) is also useful and, if taken in moderation, will not give them a muscular body. It was included by experts in some diets and fitness cocktails, recommended as a means of losing weight and even combating wrinkles and hair loss. Advertising photos and reviews promise amazing results, but in cosmetology arginine is still less effective than in other areas.

L-arginine for men

If we forget for a while about the ability of this amino acid to work for the benefit of muscle growth, l-arginine for men can be useful in terms of restoring potency, because it actively affects the reproductive system. The presence of the L-form of arginine in sperm is also important, the secretion of which is significantly reduced with a deficiency of this amino acid; The number of active sperm also decreases. When there is a threat of male infertility, some doctors often supplement the treatment regimen with drugs based on the L-form of the arginine amino acid.

How to use arginine

The benefits of this amino acid were first noted by oncologists, cardiologists and immunologists, so l-arginine is primarily used in medicine. Afterwards, sports nutrition specialists became interested in it, although there is still debate regarding the actual benefits of arginine for muscle growth. The last to reach for this amino acid were cosmetologists, who decided to play on its connection with collagen.

Arginine in bodybuilding

This amino acid is used more often as a sports supplement than as a component of pharmaceutical dietary supplements. Stores offer arginine in the form of capsules, tablets or powders, which is an artificial analogue of an amino acid synthesized by the body. Arginine in sports (L-form) is used for:

  • increasing endurance;
  • accelerated recovery after training;
  • impetus to fat burning processes.

Arginine in medicine

The list of properties and purposes of taking this amino acid in the treatment of certain diseases or preventing their relapse/progression is impressive. It can be purchased freely in pharmacies, although the dosage will be reduced when compared with the dosage of sports supplements of the same type. Arginine in medicine can be used for:

  • changes in fat homeostasis (especially in diabetes);
  • stabilization of blood pressure (for hypertension);
  • eliminating erectile dysfunction;
  • healing of skin lesions.

Arginine in cosmetology

Due to its presence in the chemical composition of collagen, arginine amino acid has become in demand in the beauty industry, where it is added mainly to anti-aging creams. The ability to slow down the aging process of the skin and influence hormones (including those responsible for hair growth) is the reason why it appeared in face and hair care products. Manufacturers' descriptions are tempting, but arginine in cosmetics, according to some experts, is absolutely useless - you can only get the benefits of this amino acid orally.

Instructions for use of arginine

For “pure” drugs, which can be ordered in an online store of organic products, the principle of administration is approximately the same and depends only on the dosage of the amino acid in the capsule/tablet. You can choose the form that is convenient for you, pay attention to multi-component dietary supplements or pure L-form. Experts call the powder the most effective. All the nuances of how to take this amino acid should be revealed in the instructions for l-arginine.

According to the forms of release of the substance, the main features are as follows:

  • Powder (arginine hydrochloride) should be dissolved in liquid.
  • Take the L-arginine capsule/tablet with a large (about a glass) amount of still water.
  • Liquid arginine is taken in its pure form.

How to take arginine

The dosage regimen is determined by the goals, and the dose (single and daily) is calculated based on body weight. You need to distribute L-arginine and food so that there is a free hour between them, and there is no fat present among the foods consumed (with them you need to increase the interval to 5 hours). Basic rules on how to take l-arginine if you decide to buy and drink without a doctor’s recommendation:

  • If you intend to improve your endurance and muscle mass, drink L-arginine before and after training (30 minutes before). The dose of amino acid per day ranges from 3 to 9 grams, it is advisable to start with the lower threshold value.
  • For the treatment of diabetes, hypertension, and liver disorders, arginine is taken up to 3 times a day, with meals. Take no more than 3 g of amino acid in total per day.
  • Children are given liquid arginine (gel), dosage - 1 ml per year of life. Children under 3 years old should not drink this amino acid.
  • Alcohol is prohibited during the course of taking arginine.

What foods contain arginine?

The healthiest version of this amino acid is natural, coming from food. This way you can maintain its normal level without fear of overdose, although arginine is contained in large quantities in products. Even a glass of milk and a serving of meat can prevent deficiency of this substance. The main sources of arginine are foods rich in protein. List as the dose of this amino acid decreases:

  • pumpkin and sesame seeds;
  • peanut;
  • pine nuts and walnuts, almonds;
  • seafood, fish;
  • pork, chicken, duck;
  • eggs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • milk;
  • cereals;
  • raisin;
  • chocolate.

Contraindications and side effects of arginine

This amino acid can cause obvious harm only to persons who have certain disorders in the functioning of the body:

  • liver dysfunction;
  • schizophrenia and other central nervous system disorders;
  • herpes (active);
  • asthma.

The use of L-arginine in pregnant and lactating women and infants is contraindicated. The rest should be careful in the first days, since individual intolerance to this amino acid may occur. An overdose provokes the following side effects of arginine:

  • weight gain;
  • pressure drop;
  • thickening of cartilage tissue;
  • joint deformation;
  • digestive problems;
  • nausea, diarrhea.

L-arginine price

You can buy this amino acid inexpensively, but its concentration will be low, because calculation for treatment. Arginine in pharmacies is predominantly such an option, although there are also sports drugs. Specialized brands of supplements for bodybuilders offer more expensive, but also more concentrated arginine (L-form of the amino acid). The price range in Moscow (excluding delivery) is as follows:

Video: Arginic acid

L-arginine(often shortened to arginine) is a very important semi-essential amino acid.

“Semi-replaceable” means that it can be produced by the body, but it often requires it in increased quantities, so there is a need for additional intake in the form of supplements.

The most important properties of arginine are that it is the sole reactant of nitric oxide and also dilates blood vessels. One of the functions of nitric oxide is to regulate vascular tone, ensuring, so to speak, the flexibility of blood vessels and a healthy state of the cardiovascular system.

“By improving blood circulation, arginine provides many health benefits.”

One of the most famous properties of arginine is the improvement erections in men suffering from erectile dysfunction.

  • Arginine plays an important role in the regulation of blood vessels, so it is used for:
    • fight against atherosclerosis (vascular calcification)
    • erectile dysfunction treatment
    • promoting healthy muscle growth
    • strengthening the immune system
    • improving insulin sensitivity in diabetics
    • improving blood circulation in capillaries (for example, with tinnitus or hair loss)
  • Arginine is present in large quantities in walnuts and pine nuts. It is found in smaller quantities in milk, cheese, raw pork and chicken. Remember that as food is cooked, the amount of arginine in it will decrease.
  • When it comes to keeping the body healthy, arginine is probably the most important amino acid. It is the sole precursor to nitric oxide, meaning it plays a critical role in maintaining circulation and blood pressure at optimal levels. Cases of overdose of this amino acid are practically excluded. Even the extremely high dose of 30,000 mg per day is considered safe. It may cause only minor side effects, such as stomach upset or diarrhea.

    Regardless, it is very important to take arginine in the right doses to reap all of its benefits. Always buy a quality product (locally produced) that is subject to strict quality control. This will give you a guarantee that the supplement has all the necessary beneficial properties.

    To achieve long-lasting effects, arginine should be taken continuously. After approximately 4-8 weeks of use, you will be able to observe positive changes in your body. It can take a long time to replenish this amino acid and improve your overall health. So do not be discouraged if after 1-2 weeks the effect of taking it is barely noticeable.

    Although a single dose can reach more than 15,000 mg, it is preferable to take 1000-2000 mg of arginine 2-3 times a day with a glass of water.

    As an immunostimulant
    3000-5000 mg per day. For severe catabolic conditions, 10,000-20,000 mg along with omega-3 fatty acids.

    To lower blood pressure
    At the initial stage, it is recommended to take 3000 mg, then the dose should be increased to 5000-8000 mg per day.

    To protect against atherosclerosis
    To prevent hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), it is recommended to take 5000-9000 mg per day. It also reduces the risk of platelet accumulation.

    For the treatment of erectile dysfunction
    3000-5000 mg per day. In some cases, the dosage may be increased to 10,000 mg*.

    To improve male fertility
    To improve sperm motility and/or sperm quality, take 3000-5000 mg per day. Fertility should improve within 2-3 months.

    For diabetes
    Small doses of 3000 mg per day can be very effective in lowering blood sugar levels.

    For the treatment of atherosclerosis
    3000-5000 mg.

    For the treatment of tinnitus
    3000 mg.

    To improve muscle growth
    2000-5000 mg in combination with other amino acids, especially BCAA.

    For hair loss
    500 mg per day in combination with a comprehensive nutrition program.

    *It is very important to note that arginine may enhance the effects of medications. If you are taking PDE5 inhibitors or any other medications, consult your doctor before adding arginine to your diet.

  • With a daily dose of arginine of 15,000 mg, there is no evidence of side effects. With this dosage, hypertensive patients experience a decrease in blood pressure. Also, this amount of arginine can strengthen the immune system.

    Please consider the following points:

    Arginine should not be taken by people with acute herpes simplex
    Divide the daily dose of arginine into 2 doses (morning and evening) so that the stomach can adapt to the pure substance. It is recommended to start with small doses and then gradually increase.
    consult your doctor if you regularly take any prescribed medications
    Particular caution should be exercised when taking arginine in combination with PDE5 inhibitors. Arginine significantly enhances the effect of potency enhancing drugs. Never buy PDF5 inhibitors online, only at the pharmacy.

  • Pharmacies sell a number of specialized arginine products that may be helpful to you:

    Atherosclerosis: Telcor® Arginin is a well-known and proven product for general vascular problems.

    Erectile dysfunction: The most famous supplement brands here are M forte, VIGARIN and ArginMax. "M forte" and "VIGARIN" have the best price/quality ratio. They contain an optimal daily dose of arginine of 3000 mg, which is recommended by Nobel Prize winner, pharmacologist Luis Ignarro. These 2 supplements are the best for treating erectile dysfunction.
    Hair loss: Of the dozen or so products on the UK market for the treatment of hereditary hair loss (androgenetic alopecia), only Hair Plus contains arginine.

    Male Fertility: There are a large number of male fertility supplements sold in the UK containing varying daily dosages of arginine. These include Wellman Conception (10mg), Pregnapure (150mg), Vitamen (200mg), Profertil and Fertilman (250mg), as well as fertilsan M (500mg). Please click here to compare fertility supplements.

    Tinnitus: In the UK, Clear Tinnitus is the most popular tinnitus supplement.

  • Arginine is necessary for the normal functioning of the pituitary gland, and it is also involved in synthesis and regulation of growth hormone along with amino acids such as ornithine and phenylalanine. This not only promotes rapid tissue regeneration (for example, nerves and muscles), but also helps maintain the health of a large number of organs and epithelium.

    In addition, arginine has a positive effect on the immune system, supporting the production of antibodies that fight disease, and also stimulates the thymus gland (the organ that processes these antibodies).

    Summary of the beneficial properties of arginine

    In general, the beneficial properties of arginine are determined by its following actions:

    • Serves as a natural remedy for erectile dysfunction
    • plays a significant role in maintaining overall cardiovascular health, reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack
    • stimulates healthy muscle growth
    • lowers blood pressure
    • strengthens the immune system
    • improves insulin sensitivity in patients diabetes
    • Helps maintain fat and cholesterol at healthy levels
    • acts as an adjuvant in the treatment of atherosclerosis (vascular calcification)
    • improves blood flow in capillaries (for example, with tinnitus or hair loss)
    • prevents unwanted blood clotting, as occurs during a heart attack
    • improves the learning process and restores memory

    In 1998, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Robert Furchgott, Luis Ignarro and Ferid Murad for their research into the beneficial properties of nitric oxide and its main reactant, arginine.

    Here is a video clip that talks about the various health benefits of arginine:

    For this reason, maintaining adequate arginine levels through food and supplementation is especially important for individuals with increased susceptibility to infections or those suffering from severe illness. Otherwise, serious dysfunctions may develop in the body.

    A well-balanced diet that covers the daily requirement for arginine is especially important during the period of natural growth (childhood and adolescence), which can be supplemented if necessary with supplements.

    Today, our diet is often not varied enough, so the body does not receive certain vital substances in sufficient quantities. Metabolic diseases can also lead to the body being unable to fully absorb beneficial substances during digestion, which leads to their deficiency.

    Foods High in Arginine

    During the process of urea metabolism, the body naturally synthesizes a certain amount of arginine, but it is not enough to cover the minimum daily requirement, which is about 2-5 g. Especially in adolescence, in case of severe injury or after surgery, the body requires a constant supply of amino acids from food or additives, since he will not be able to synthesize them in sufficient quantities for a long time.

    Stress, atherosclerosis or high blood pressure can increase the need for arginine, which is why it is considered one of the essential amino acids by modern leading nutritionists.

    For example, heart or liver failure, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris (chest pain), growth hormone deficiency and some other diseases signal that it is necessary to take this beneficial amino acid in the form of supplements. In such cases, you should consult your doctor before including them in your diet.

    Raw pork and chicken breasts are especially rich arginine(approximately 1.4 g per 100 g), but must be cooked before use. During the preparation of these foods, the concentration of amino acids in them decreases, so other foods should also be consumed to meet the daily requirement for them. Nuts (primarily walnuts and cashews) contain particularly high amounts of arginine.

    For non-pregnant women and anyone not on immunosuppressive medication, raw salmon can be consumed to boost arginine levels as it contains about 1.2g of arginine per 100g. It is also a very healthy food. Chicken eggs and cow's milk (0.8 and 0.1 g per 100 g, respectively) can also provide arginine, but it is worth noting that the body has a very difficult time extracting amino acids from animal products. For this reason, pine nuts (about 2.4 g per 100 g) and walnuts (2.2 g per 100 g) can also be included in the diet.

    However, dietary changes are not nearly as effective as taking specially formulated supplements containing large amounts of arginine.

    Read more about the beneficial properties of arginine

    Arginine performs many vital functions in the body, and due to its structure can be used in various areas. Since it is involved in the synthesis of nitric oxide, it has a significant effect on the regulation of blood vessel tone, as well as on several nervous processes. Arginine is responsible not only for the transmission of impulses, but also for their processing, as well as for the activity of nerve cells. Blood circulation is improved by the release of nitrogen in the endothelial cells of the arteries, which dilates the blood vessels and improves cardiac output. Arginine protects the body from certain diseases, for example atherosclerosis and heart attack because the larger diameter of the arteries means they take longer to become blocked.

    Another feature arginine consists of protein synthesis in the body, during which toxic ammonia is removed. Amino acids can convert ammonia into urea, preventing it from entering the bloodstream, which can cause serious damage to the brain. In particular, liver dysfunction can lead to such a situation, so if cirrhosis liver or hepatitis, supplements should be taken to prevent such problems from occurring. High ammonia levels can lead to difficulty falling asleep or insomnia, so arginine supplements are best taken in the evening.

    Because arginine also stimulates the release of growth hormones prolactin And glucagon, then indirectly accelerates the gain of muscle mass and at the same time suppresses the accumulation of fat. In addition, it promotes the breakdown of lipids, which means it can support the body while dieting and when trying to lose weight.

    Arginine also participates in the biosynthesis of creatine, which plays an important role in cellular energy metabolism. This improves the absorption of fats and proteins and activates energy metabolism in the body. Arginine also promotes the production of insulin, which means it helps regulate blood sugar and fat levels.

    Use of arginine in medicine

    Erectile dysfunction

    A logical consequence of different roles arginine in metabolic processes is that amino acids can be used to combat certain diseases. Hundreds of studies have been devoted to this issue, proving the healing properties of amino acids.

    Erectile dysfunction is a general disorder of normal erectile function in men (it is also often called impotence). Its treatment is also impossible to imagine without arginine, as without the most famous drug called Viagra.

    Since the mid to late 1990s, this disorder has been treated relatively effectively with a variety of herbal extracts (including Yohimbine, Muira Puama and Maca). Publications often appeared in which these substances were called a remedy for impotence, and their action as an aphrodisiac was also stated, but no precise scientific data was provided on this matter.

    Then a wide range of studies were carried out on nitric oxide, which brought L. Ignarro And F. Murad Nobel Prize in Medicine. They proved that oxide molecules penetrate the walls of blood vessels and regulate vascular tone. Arginine is the only reactant for nitric oxide. When the signal about an erection comes from the brain to the genitals, the body must produce nitric oxide from arginine in the blood. This transmitter then enters the bloodstream and relaxes the muscles and blood vessels so that an erection can occur.

    Initial research in the field in the 1990s the effect of arginine at a dosage of 5000 mg on erectile dysfunction did not bring satisfactory results. In addition, this amount of the substance can cause side effects.

    Later studies showed that a dose of more than 3000 mg of arginine per day combined with 80 mg nitric oxide booster (pine bark extract) can cure more than 90% of men suffering from problems associated with erectile dysfunction.


    Special distribution arginine received in the fight against coronary heart disease, heart attack and stroke. It is able to block certain substances (asymmetric dimethylarginine, or ADMA), and therefore reduce the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood. It simultaneously neutralizes 2 risk factors for cardiovascular disease, which in turn helps prevent heart attacks and strokes. Studies have shown that arginine leads to a reduction in the clinical incidence of these diseases, which means it should be included in the diet of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases or at risk.

    Diabetes mellitus

    In addition, essential amino acids can be effectively used in the treatment diabetes mellitus(type 2) because they stimulate insulin secretion and prevent the destruction of beta cells in the pancreas. In this case, it is recommended to take arginine supplements along with vitamins, antioxidants and minerals.

    Stress Reduction

    In the last few years, arginine has been successfully used in the fight against anxiety disorders because it improves the body's ability to deal with stress by increasing levels of the hormone cortisol and reducing psychological tension.

    Male Fertility

    Arginine improves male fertility in the following ways:

  1. directly - increasing sperm count and motility(their progressive movement forward;
  2. indirectly – by improving erectile function, thereby increasing the chances of successful conception.

Please watch the following video on how arginine and other nutrients obtained from food can naturally improve sperm quality.


Arginine moved from the group of semi-essential amino acids to the group of essential amino acids for very good reasons. After all, it has a decisive influence on many vital processes. Not only the production of growth hormone, but also the formation of insulin and antibodies largely depends on arginine. This means that not consuming enough arginine can cause severe symptoms of arginine deficiency in the body. To prevent this, it is recommended to take specially formulated supplements along with a well-balanced diet. They can be especially helpful during recovery from surgery or injury.

Today, the symptoms of many diseases can be reduced with arginine, which is why it is no longer possible to imagine orthomolecular medicine without this vital substance, which is increasingly finding its use in modern medical practice.

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