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» Lelya is the Slavic goddess of spring and maiden love. Lelya - goddess of spring Book of Enoch about the secret of giants - angels fallen from Heaven

Lelya is the Slavic goddess of spring and maiden love. Lelya - goddess of spring Book of Enoch about the secret of giants - angels fallen from Heaven

Goddess Lelya is the most beautiful, the most summer-like of all the Slavic-Aryan goddesses, this is Lelya! Summer, sun, love - all this is the maiden merit of the goddess Lelya.
Lelya is the daughter of Lada the Mother of God and is responsible for Slavic girls before marriage, she patronizes them, makes sure that they grow up in moral purity and protect the girls from worldly nonsense.
Lelya is usually depicted at the beginning of summer on a lawn of flowers, cheerful and carefree.
The goddess Lelya was depicted in girlish songs about the most feminine tree, the birch, remember: Lyuli Lyuli, stood. In the ancient language it sounded like Lelya-Lelya stood. That is why the girls honored and loved this Goddess.
The goddess of maiden beauty among the Slavs was always depicted as slender, fair-haired and with a cheerful disposition.
Lelya welcomes summer, gives people a good mood and sets them up for positive images. Thought-images that are born from the actions of this god are bright and pure.
Lelya or Lyalya, in Slavic mythology, the goddess of spring, the daughter of the goddess of beauty, love and fertility Lada. According to myths, it was inextricably linked with the spring revival of nature and the beginning of field work. The goddess was imagined as a young, beautiful, slender and tall girl. B.A. Rybakov believes that the second goddess depicted on the Zbruch idol and holding a ring in her right bow is Lada. In folklore, Lada is often mentioned next to Lelya. The scientist compares this mother-daughter pair with Latona and Artemis and with Slavic women in labor. Rybakov correlates the two horsewomen on Russian embroideries, behind whose backs a plow is sometimes depicted, located on either side of Mokosh, with Lada and Lelya.

Symbol and amulets of Lelya

A frequently encountered sign of the Slavic Goddess Lelya is “Lelnik”. Outwardly, it looks as if it were a young, beautiful maiden who was spinning in a merry round dance. The perception of the sign is very light, pleasant, lacy, airy, joyful. After all, the Goddess of the Slavs herself patronizes girlish love, youth and beauty. A young girl can turn to the sign with hope, as if to the Goddess herself! “Youth without love is like a morning without the sun!” - people say.
The sign of the Slavic Goddess Lelya is capable of attracting tender first love, giving happiness under any circumstances, rewarding with success in business, creativity and career.
Such a sign can protect you from bad intentions, intentions, evil slander, slander, self-doubt, failures and disasters.
The Slavic goddess Lelya was revered for the ability of those who had quarreled, to cheer up the sad, and to suggest a way to become happy. People come to her not only to preserve their youth, beauty and find love in life, but also for the ability to always remain happy.
Who is suitable for the sign of the Goddess Lelya
The Lelya symbol is perfect for girls, young women and married women. The troubles and sorrows themselves are shunned by the Goddess, and therefore they will also shun the person bearing her sign - far away.

Manifestation of the Goddess Lelya for the Slavs

The words “cherish”, “unctuous”, “cherished” and others are still used by the Slavs in modern Russian. All these words have the root “lel” or “lelya”. The image of the Goddess Lelya is close to people. For the Slavs, she manifests herself as the Goddess of Spring, Spring Breath, light and warmth.

For the Slavs, Lelya, the goddess of Spring, brings to the World:

  • spring blossom;
  • beauty;
  • youth;
  • Love;
  • good luck;
  • happiness.

No matter how many times the Slavs turned to her, they always noted that Lelya, compared to other gods, is very easy to get up to. And all this because she is responsive and kind to the human race! People become infected with her gaiety in the spring. Everyone feels something awakening within them that makes them want to perform great feats. Especially in spring, many are drawn to love adventures. Because of this, people become younger in their souls, become like the Goddess, they also know how to enjoy Nature, the beauty of spring, and are also freed from last year’s burdens, worries and sorrows.
The cycle of spring rituals began on the day the larks arrived - March 9 (March 22, new style). People met birds, went out to the tops of the hills, lit fires, boys and girls danced in circles. There was also a special girl's holiday - Lyalnik - April 22 (May 5). The most beautiful girl, crowned with a wreath, sat on a turf bench and played the role of Lelya. Offerings (bread, milk, cheese, butter, sour cream) were placed on both sides of it. The girls danced around the solemnly seated Lelya.
The existence of the goddess Lelya and the god Lelya is based solely on the chorus of wedding and other folk songs - and modern scientists have deleted Lelya from the number of Slavic pagan gods. The chorus, in different forms - lelyu, lelyo, leli, lyuli - is found in Russian songs; in the Serbian “Kralitsky” (Trinity) songs of greatness related to marriage, it is found in the form of leljo, lele, in the Bulgarian velikodnaya and Lazar - in the form of lele. Thus the refrain goes back to ancient times.
Potebnya explains the old Polish refrain lelyum (if it really existed in this form with “m”) through the addition of lelyu with “m” from the dative case “mi”, as in the Little Russian “schom” (instead of “scho mi”). In the chorus "polelum" (if it is correctly conveyed by Polish historiographers), "po" can be a preposition; Wed Belarusian choruses: lyuli and o lyulushki" (Shane "Materials for studying the life and language of the Russian population of the North-Western Territory"). Considerations about the etymological meaning of the lelyu chorus were expressed by Vs. Miller (“Essays on Aryan Mythology”).

Lelya goddess of love.

The goddess Lelya among the Slavs was also revered as the goddess of love. But here it is worth mentioning that the matter concerned precisely the first love, young and pure, the one that steals the ardent hearts of young boys and girls in the spring. According to legend, young Lelya herself was in love with the sun god Yarilo and, overcoming her shyness, she confessed to him. Yarilo, wild as the spring wind, answered her that he loved her too, as well as all women, both heavenly and mortal. He even invited her to stay with her, but only for a while. Unknown to this grief, young Lelya was broken, but she had the wisdom to refuse. After this, Lelya began to be revered as a symbol of loyalty and perseverance, because she did not want hobbies and remained true to her purity. Later she met Finist and fell in love with him for his strength and lordship. She married him and became a faithful wife for him, one who is capable of giving all of herself to only one, her beloved person. The goddess preserved her first love as a warm memory that happens to everyone who falls in love for the first time and not with those destined for them by fate.

It was rumored that Lelya herself blessed the marriage of Yarilo and his beautiful wife Yarilitsa. Lelya followed her mother Lada, came to earth in the spring and awakened her from her winter sleep. Because of her power, the grass turned green, the trees stretched into the sky, and people fell in love. Lelya walked furtively between the young boys and girls, whispering to them where their other half was. She was revered as the patroness of marriages and families, because she personified the purity with which a virgin gives herself to her husband for the first time, the love with which a young mother already looks at her family.

Lelya was counted among the great Mothers in labor, that is, those who were accompanied and blessed by the omnipresent Rod itself. He was the beginning of everything, and the Mother in Birth was the continuation of his deeds. Lelya, despite the fact that she is the patron of marriage and family, she is not a helper in everyday life. On the contrary, she is always in the lap of nature, surrounded by animals. She is serene and cheerful, but this does not indicate her frivolity and stupidity. Simply Lelya personifies the purity and naivety that is inherent in children, but she is also beautiful and ardent, like a maiden who has already reached the age when she can be married off.

Calling spring, goddess Lelya and wealth in the house

This ritual is best performed on April 22 or in the next three days. You can do this at home or on the street - whichever is more convenient and comfortable for you. For this you will need colored ribbons and birch (or birch branches).
When tying colored ribbons to a birch tree (or branches), say:
“Mother Birch, Lelya Sunshine! I call, spring, come! Decorate my life! With ringing laughter, kindness and success! Fill your home with goodness, your heart with love and happiness! Let the bad weather melt and go away! Sunshine and warmth! May my world bloom with happiness!”
If you do not use a birch tree growing nearby for the ritual, but pre-cut birch branches, be sure to place them in water. Wait for them to take root and plant them in the ground.

Meditation “Lelino’s happiness”

This is a ritual for those who are closer to the esoteric New Age movement, which respects and honors all Gods, Masters and Teachers; for practitioners of meditation, reiki, cosmoenergetics.

Light more candles - yellow, orange, red. And also smoke aromatic oils or aroma sticks: juniper, spruce, pine, cedar, lavender, rosemary. Turn on ethnic meditative music or just meditative music, but without words. Take a comfortable meditative position, relax and call: “Divine Lelya, take me by the hand, lead me into meditation with you.

Fill with the energies of health, beauty and youth, give inspiration and joy!” Close your eyes and float to the music. Imagine the image of Lelya. Reach out to her. Feel how she takes your hand and leads you along. Follow her. Remember and record in yourself all the images, feelings, energy that you feel. In meditation, you can ask Lelya for something very desirable, but your desire must be exceptionally kind and bright, since Lelya is the brightest and very kind deity. At the end of the meditation, do not rush to get up. Thank Lelya with love for everything. Once again, mentally record in yourself the feelings, emotions, energy and images that you had during meditation.

These are Lelina's gifts, preserve Lelina's happiness, do not exchange it for sadness and anger! Open your hearts to bright Lelya, to the shining warming sun, to love, beauty, youth, health and happiness!

Lelya or Lyalya, in Slavic mythology, the goddess of spring, the daughter of the goddess of beauty, love and fertility Lada. According to myths, it was inextricably linked with the spring revival of nature and the beginning of field work. The goddess was imagined as a young, beautiful, slender and tall girl. B.A. Rybakov believes that the second goddess depicted on the Zbruch idol and holding a ring in her right bow is Lada.

Lelya, Boris Olshansky

Lelya goddess of spring, Vladimir Forostetsky

In folklore, Lada is often mentioned next to Lelya. The scientist compares this mother-daughter pair with Latona and Artemis and with Slavic women in labor. Rybakov correlates the two horsewomen on Russian embroideries, behind whose backs a plow is sometimes depicted, located on either side of Mokosh, with Lada and Lelya. In the spring spell song there are the following words dedicated to Lela-Spring:

Eat Spring, eat.
On a golden horse
In the green sayan
Gray hair on the plow
Soak the earth with aruchi
Right hand soyuchi.

The cycle of spring rituals among the ancient Slavs began on the day the larks arrived - March 9 (March 22, new style). People met birds, went out to the tops of the hills, lit fires, boys and girls danced in circles. There was also a special girl's holiday - Lyalnik - on April 22 (May 5).

Vasilisa the Beautiful, artist Ivan Bilibin

The most beautiful girl, crowned with a wreath, sat on a turf bench and played the role of Lelya. Offerings (bread, milk, cheese, butter, sour cream) were placed on both sides of it. The girls danced around the solemnly seated Lelya. The existence of the goddess Lelya and the god Lelya is based solely on the chorus of wedding and other folk songs - and modern scientists have deleted Lelya from the number of Slavic pagan gods. The chorus, in different forms - lelyu, lelyo, leli, lyuli - is found in Russian songs; in the Serbian "Kralice" (Trinity) songs of greatness related to marriage, it is found in the form of leljo, lele, in the Bulgarian velikodnaya and Lazar - in the form of lele.

Thus the refrain goes back to ancient times. Potebnya explains the ancient Polish refrain lelyum (if it really existed in this form with “m”) through the addition of lelyu with “m” from the dative case “mi”, as in the Little Russian “schom” (instead of “scho mi”).

In the chorus "polelum" (if it is correctly conveyed by Polish historiographers) "po" can be a preposition; compare Belarusian choruses: lyuli and o lyulushki" (Shane "Materials for studying the life and language of the Russian population of the North-Western Territory"). Considerations about the etymological meaning of the lelyu refrain were expressed by V. Miller ("Essays on Aryan mythology").

Lelya is the goddess of spring, youth, lightness, love, the daughter of the goddess of female family happiness, health and fertility - Lada. If Lada takes care of family women, helps them find the strength and wisdom to create and maintain harmony in the family, to give birth to healthy children and help their husbands. Lel patronizes girls before marriage, protects them from stupidity and mistakes, helps them find sincere love, preserves lightness of character, femininity and attractiveness.


Lelya, the goddess of spring, is considered the patroness of sincere and pure love.

According to one of the legends, the young goddess fell in love with Yarila and confessed this to him, to which the sun god replied that he also loved her, just like many others. Lelya invited Lely to stay with him for a while, but Lada’s daughter refused him, preserving her purity for her future husband. Time will pass, the girl will meet her betrothed and become his faithful wife. The sadness in the eyes of the always cheerful goddess will remain in memory of an unsuccessful first love.

Lelya is the goddess of spring, fidelity, wisdom and first bright love.

Thanks to the power of the bright goddess, spring comes to earth full of lightness, fun and light. It was believed that in the spring, young Lelya is invisibly present in the waking world and helps young men and maidens find love, find their destined soul mates in the big world.

Lelya, like the main women in labor, Lada, patronizes family happiness, but has nothing to do with everyday life. The image of the young goddess contains light, fidelity, wisdom, lightness and love necessary for family happiness.

In all images, the goddess is depicted as a cheerful, playful girl surrounded by various birds and animals. The image of the patroness of spring is the image of a young maiden with long golden hair endowed with inner warmth and light, blue clear eyes, slender and light in every movement.

Goddess Lelya Slavic religion

Lelya, the Slavic goddess, was loved by ancient people due to her ease of communication and friendly attitude towards people. The goddess of love and youth is the daughter - heavenly father and - patroness of family happiness and health of women-mothers.

Lelya is in close cooperation with - goddess of summer and life and -patron of winter and the underworld. In addition, he is also the brother of the goddess of spring. – patron of thunderstorms and warriors.

The goddess's husband is Finist, incarnation . The goddess Lelya was especially revered among the Slavs by young people ready for marriage. It was the worship of the patroness of spring that occupied a huge place in the rituals of spring.

Manifestation of the goddess Lelya for the Slavs

The goddess of spring was close to the Slavs thanks to the life-giving power of spring awakening, warmth, light and love. In modern words, the root “lelya” or “lel” is found in different words: “to cherish”, “to cherish”, the well-known “lyalya”, “lyalka” also comes from the name of the bright goddess.

Goddess Lelya brings to the World:

  • happiness,
  • warm,
  • awakening,
  • the beauty of youth,
  • ease of communication,
  • Love,
  • luck and luck.

Celebrating spring is the brightest and longest holiday in the ancient tradition filled with dancing, songs, warmth and love. After the arrival of spring, where boys and girls met and fell in love at the celebration, a series of matchmaking and further weddings always followed.

Attributes of Lelya, the goddess of the Slavs

The Slavic goddess of young girlish love and spring has many faces in its manifestation. Lelya has quite a few symbols:

    tree: birch and rowan (sung in many ritual songs addressed to the goddess);

    animal: deer, fox. The deer also personifies the goddess of fertility as one of the women in labor;

    bird: stork (symbol of childhood and love in the home);

    color: green;

    flower: the first snowdrop, as a symbol of awakening nature;

    role in agriculture: helping the first spring shoots awaken to life;

    The offering (demand) depends on the holiday. They carried flowers, milk, and cheese to Lelnik and the Red Hill. For the spring equinox, baked delicacies (cookies, Easter cakes, larks - cookies in the shape of birds).

The white birch was a symbol of the goddess of spring, love and beauty - Lelya.

The place in the World of Yavi where the goddess manifested itself was considered to be a bright forest edge, a river bank or a chamomile field.

Symbol and amulets of Lelya

The symbol of Lelya is considered to be the white-trunked Russian birch tree; in ancient times it was believed that the goddess of love herself lived in this fragile and slender tree, which is why girls turn to birch when they are in undivided love.

They gave thanks to the birch tree when they found love.

Lelya's amulet is Lelnik.

What does the Lelnik sign look like?

A simple embroidery pattern for the “Lelnik” sign

The appearance of Lelya’s amulet resembles a young, cheerful girl twirling in a round dance. The symbol of the goddess conveys the lightness, tenderness and strength of the awakening spring. Amulets depicting the symbol of the goddess were made of wood (birch or rowan) and embroidered on clothes.

During the making of magical embroidery, women read prayers to the goddess, whose symbol was chosen for protection.

The symbol was also used in the embroidery of the clothes of the motanka doll of the goddess of spring, which were made by young girls ready for love and marriage.

How the Lelnik sign will help, what action it performs

The sign of the goddess Lelya symbolizes the first love of a young girl.

Love has always played an important role in people's lives: “youth without love is like morning without bright sun.”

The power of the Lelnik amulet:

    protection of children (boys under 3 years old, girls before marriage);

    patronage of young girls in love and motherhood;

    development of talent and intuition;

    softening the girl’s character;

    attracting love, health, happiness;

    preservation of youth;

    gaining recognition among people.

The protective power of the lelnik is expressed in protection from:

    dashing thoughts;

    evil intentions;

    not good slander;

    slander and conspiracies;

  • various troubles;


The symbol of the goddess of spring was embroidered by the mother for her daughter from birth to marriage.

Who is suitable for the sign of the goddess Lelya

The Lelya symbol is a universal female amulet. Suitable for girls, girls, women. For boys, the amulet of the goddess of spring is suitable until they are 3 years old.

Who is patronized by the daughter of Lada and Svarog?

The goddess of spring patronizes people who are easy-going, cheerful, good-natured, and always optimistic.

Rune "Lelya"

The goddess of spring has her own rune, which is called “Lelya”. The meaning of the rune is a seething stream that awakens and cleanses everything, water that gives cleansing, awakening, life.

The interpretation of the runes of the goddess of spring in the scenario is purification, awakening, freedom from doubts and failures.

Nauz Leli "love"

Nauz Leli is not called “love” for nothing; it is a magical knot designed to serve for the benefit of a sacred feeling.

When it makes sense to turn to knot magic:

    to find a soul mate or fall in love;

    “rekindle” the fire in a long-standing relationship where the bright feeling has diminished or disappeared over time.

Knot magic will help to attract into life or revive pure and bright love filled with tenderness and beauty.

How does the knowledge of love weave?

For a magical effect you don’t need much: 2 red ropes, faith in magic and a good mood.

On the first rope you should tie knots in accordance with the age of the chosen one, on the second - according to the number of your years.

Second step: tie both ropes so that both are of equal length and tie until you get 1 long rope.

Third step: take the rope from both ends and tie knots according to the number of years you want to live together (how long you want to live together), it’s better not to count the knots. Tie knots until 1 large knot comes out, which should be put on fire through which it will convey your wishes.

Holidays dedicated to the goddess Lelya

They loved the spring holidays in Rus' very much. Celebrations took place on a grand scale, with songs and dances.

People believed that Lelya flies in with migratory birds, accompanied by Yarila, the god of the spring sun and fertility. Previously, on the day of the goddess - Lelnik, which falls on the red hill, people dressed in white elegant clothes embroidered with the symbols of the ancient Slavs. On Lelya's holiday, it was customary to give flowers to all girls, women, and girls as a symbol of beauty, youth, and feminine attractiveness.

On what dates did the Slavs honor their goddess of spring and love:

    on the day of the vernal equinox falling on March 20, the Sun God Yarilo brings the spring Lelya;

    On April 16-22, the first Rusalia are celebrated, days dedicated to drowned girls who have not known sincere love;

    From May 26 to June 2, Lelya's farewell is celebrated, and summer time comes into effect. The date depends on the weather conditions of the geographical location of a particular settlement.

The young and beautiful Slavic Goddess Lelya is the one who embodies for the Slavs all the charm of a young smile, a ringing voice and a light tread. Goddess Lelya is the spring that descends to earth along with the Yarilo-Sun. The embodiment of these blossoming natural forces that restore man after a long and dark winter has been preserved in our culture in the form of the Guardian Goddess. The sign of the Goddess Lelya is often found in traditional embroidery and is called “bereginya”. All spring chants, round dances and sonorous songs are dedicated to her - the smiling and affectionate Goddess Lelya.
Lelya is warmly received by all the Gods and Goddesses, everyone loves and respects her. The Patron Goddess Lelya is revered among the Slavs as the very embodiment of Eternal Youth, Beauty, Sincerity and Tenderness. Where she comes, awakening and blossoming begin everywhere. She is able to erase all past adversities completely, remove indifference and bitterness from the heart. This is the Goddess that many people really want to be like. Goddess Lelya patronizes those who are similar to her in character.

Goddess Lelya in the pantheon of Slavic Gods

Slavic Goddess Lelya is the daughter of the Heavenly Father, Svarog and the Heavenly Mother of the Virgin, Lada. Lelya is the Goddess of Spring and shares power with her sister Morena, the Goddess of Winter and Death, and with Alive, the Goddess of Summer and Love. Lelya is also the sister of Perun Gromovnik - the God of War, Justice, Thunderstorm, Thunder and Lightning. Among other Gods and Goddesses, it is Goddess Lelya who stands out for her ease of communication, even carelessness. She is friendly to people, especially in matters of love, beauty and procreation. The concept of moderation is alien to her when she enters into her “games.”

Lelya - Patron Goddess by similarity of character

If Your Patron is the Slavic Goddess Lelya, then people see that you are a person
easy to meet;
sociable, sociable;
confident in one's own capabilities and strengths;
Those people who are similar in character and actions to the Goddess Lelya are also very well-mannered, have excellent taste, dress stylishly, spend a lot of time on their appearance, taking care of themselves, and are also sensitive and attentive to their health. You are very light on your feet, so you love to travel, organize something (especially holidays, fun and games), do not tolerate monotony, and always strive to be in the flow of new events.
You feel unique, unique. At the same time, it is very easy for such people to be trusted with innermost secrets; they will always listen carefully, provide spiritual support and give wise, practical advice.
You won’t be able to accept something new quickly if it concerns old foundations and traditions. Just as in the case of the arrival of spring holidays, their rituals and customs on Krasnaya Gorka, Kumlenie, Rusalia or Lelnik itself. Despite your love for change, you accept new principles cautiously; you should always be given time to get used to it. You don't like to take risks.
As for the daily routine, order in affairs - this is not about you, you like will, freedom, which is why so often you act on a whim, or spontaneously, chaotically. Sometimes not everything works out precisely for this reason, although in most cases spontaneity for you is the same as showing a creative approach to business. Sometimes you can get angry at someone who violates your values. Such people are useful for the World because they are able to breathe fresh beauty into life and add bright colors.

The Slavic goddess Lelya is the very embodiment of youth, beauty, tenderness and sincerity. With her arrival, prosperity always comes, and the past is erased forever. As Spring comes, so comes the awakening from winter “hibernation” in life. I always really want to be like such a divine Person. If your Patron is the Goddess Lelya, then this says a lot. People see you as a person:
with a light character - making acquaintances simply and naturally;
those who love to always be in the center of attention;
diplomatic - able to reconcile those who quarreled;
sociable, sociable;
All people who resemble Lelya, the Goddess of Spring and Beauty, are themselves aesthetes, love to dress tastefully, pay attention to their appearance, and take care of their health. Just as the Goddess Lelya is easy on her feet, so the people living under her protection are quick and easy on their feet. Therefore, if Lelya benefits you, then you love to travel and adore variety in life. A constant feeling of your uniqueness. It’s easy to trust you and talk about intimate topics.

Sign of the Goddess Lyolya “Lelnik”

Symbol and amulets of Lelya

A frequently encountered sign of the Slavic Goddess Lelya is “Lelnik”. Outwardly, it looks as if it were a young, beautiful maiden who was twirling in a merry round dance. The perception of the sign is very light, pleasant, lacy, airy, joyful. After all, the Goddess of the Slavs herself patronizes girlish love, youth and beauty. A young girl can turn to the sign with hope, as if to the Goddess herself! “Youth without love is like a morning without the sun!” - people say.
The sign of the Slavic Goddess Lelya is capable of attracting tender first love, giving happiness under any circumstances, rewarding with success in business, creativity and career.
Such a sign can protect you from bad intentions, intentions, evil slander, slander, self-doubt, failures and disasters.
The Slavic goddess Lelya was revered for her ability to reconcile those who had quarreled, to cheer up the sad, and to suggest a way to become happy. People come to her not only to preserve their youth, beauty and find love in life, but also for the ability to always remain happy.

Who is suitable for the sign of the Goddess Lelya

The Lelya symbol is perfect for girls, young women and married women. The troubles and sorrows themselves are shunned by the Goddess, and therefore they will also shun the person bearing her sign - far away.

Manifestation of the Goddess Lelya for the Slavs
The words “cherish”, “unctuous”, “cherished” and others are still used by the Slavs in modern Russian. All these words have the root “lel” or “lelya”. The image of the Goddess Lelya is close to people. For the Slavs, she manifests herself as the Goddess of Spring, Spring Breath, light and warmth.
Lelya - the goddess of Spring, brings to the World:
spring blossom;
good luck;
No matter how many times the Slavs turned to her, they always noted that Lelya, compared to other gods, is very easy to climb. And all this because she is responsive and kind to the human race! People become infected with her gaiety in the spring. Everyone feels something awakening within them that makes them want to perform great feats. Especially in spring, many are drawn to love adventures. Because of this, people become younger in their souls, become like the Goddess, they also know how to enjoy Nature, the beauty of spring, and are also freed from last year’s burdens, worries and sorrows.
As for the daily routine, order in affairs - this is not about you, you like will, freedom, which is why so often you act on a whim, or spontaneously, chaotically. Sometimes not everything works out precisely for this reason, although in most cases spontaneity for you is the same as showing a creative approach to business. Sometimes you can get angry at someone who violates your values. Such people are useful for the World because they are able to breathe fresh beauty into life and add bright colors.

Words that describe your character and inner essence:
Kindness. Sincerity. Diplomacy. Freedom, will. Ease of communication. Communication skills. Love for comfort. Practicality. Self-doubt, but rare. Overall, self-confidence. Enterprise. Arousing interest and admiration in others. From time to time the habit of complaining awakens. Fear of risks. Changing mood. Spontaneity. Disorganization.

Attributes of Lelya, Goddess of the Slavs

Many faces - can turn into a birch tree, one of the Rozhanitsa - the Goddess of Fertility, the Goddess of Luck, a symbol of Prosperity, young femininity and a light spring breeze (in some Slavic traditions).
The place of manifestation in the World of Revealing is the edge of a forest, a river, a chamomile field.
Animal – deer, fox.
Bird - stork (Ukrainian - “leleka”).

The flower is a snowdrop.
Role in agriculture is caring for the first shoots of crops.
Tree - rowan, birch (“In the field there was a birch tree - Lyalya, Lyalya stood” or “... Lyuli, Lyuli, stood”).
Treba (offering) - milk, cheese, flowers (on Lelnik, Krasnaya Gorka), sweet cookies - grouse, Easter cakes, larks (on the Spring Equinox).

Goddess Lelya in the northern tradition of fortune telling

Reza Rod Lelya's number is 20.
Meaning: the time has come to love, new love is expected.
The reason for the appearance of Reza in the scenario: a person is already in a state of harmony with the world around him, so the time has come for bold movements forward.
Challenge (what needs to be done and what quality to show): trust all the proposals of the Native Gods that will follow Reza Lelya, remain in a state of fun, joy and lightness.
A warning (what should not be done): the gifts of fate prepared for the Questioner may pass by if you continue to be stingy, joyless, suspicious or cowardly.
Instruction (mandatory): changes for the benefit of the business should be completed in order to prepare for new ones.
Advice (preferably): there is no need for haste now; it is best to listen to the voice of your inner person.
Consolation (which circumstance should be kept in mind): there are many chances in life - they flutter around like butterflies, but not all of them will land in the palm of your hand, but only a few. Only everything necessary and useful will come into the life of the Questioner.
The appearance of Reza Leli should always be seen as a renewal of life in all areas. These are expected and desired changes. They raise a person to a different, more pleasant and joyful level of life.

Goddess Lelya in the northern tradition of magic

Rituals for fulfilling aspirations:
Getting good luck in your labors, career, affairs, work.
Preservation of beauty and youthfulness.
Maintaining health and well-being.
Receiving respect, honor, recognition from people.
Lelya is the goddess of Spring, Beauty and Love. She has the power to illuminate not only hearts with love, but also the home and family hearth. She can protect from various misfortunes, troubles, misfortunes and make the house a real refuge, where you will always want to return. It must be remembered that aspirations in magic will come true only when Lelya is called for light and easy divination, like a game.

Nauz Lely “Love”

Beautiful and young, bright, young love, but even more beautiful is the one that was created for life, strengthened by long-term family ties. They contact Lela through a special science “Love” when they want:
fall in love;
find your soulmate;
renew feelings in existing relationships;
rekindle faded feelings after many years of living together.
Lelya will help existing loving hearts to feel all the brightness and freshness of their relationship. And for those who have not yet loved, she will reveal this secret and help them plunge into the streams of blissful feelings.

How can science help?
The knot magic of “Love” is very strong. It will help you see the beauty of relationships again, appreciate the reciprocity of feelings, and also light up with light spring love.

How to proceed?
To weave a nauz, two red threads are taken. On one of them knots are tied according to the number of years of the chosen one of the heart. On another thread, knots are tied according to the number of years of the person who turns to the Goddess and will wear the nauz. Therefore, both ropes are tied together in such a way that one long one comes out.
The ends of the combined rope are taken and knots are tied - one on top of the other. Now you should tie as many knots as the number of years you intend to live with your chosen person. You can not count the knots at all and tie as many as you can tie, as long as the rope itself is enough. You need to do this until the rope itself turns into a single large knot. The finished nauz is burned on fire with a special love spell read.

Legends and myths about the Slavic Goddess Lela

There are many legends about Lela - the Goddess of Spring, Love and Beauty. Here, for example, is the legend about how Lelya cut off her hair to save the young enchanted guys of one settlement. They were bewitched by the insidious Morena to prematurely descend to the World of Navi. For a long time Zhiva and Lelya searched for a way to break the spell. Nothing could work as strongly as the decision of the Goddess of Spring and the way she found - to give away her long golden hair. They were supposed to be woven into magical fabric and wrapped around the guys.

“- That’s it, I know!” - all further actions lined up in my head.
A sigh of relief escaped everyone. And Lelya in one motion let down her wonderful hair and approached her father.
- Father, cut every single hair!
Svarog recoiled in fear from his daughter.
- Cut, father, this is the only remedy.
And soon Lelya looked in the mirror, turning her charming cropped head from side to side. Yarilo encouraged her - he told everyone how beautiful Lelya had become, and he quietly trimmed the remaining strands of hair. As soon as Lelya herself was convinced that Yarilo was right, she went to the table where her cut hair lay. They looked like a sheaf of ripe wheat, and they radiated with a warm and soft light! The goddess extended her hands over them and whispered powerful words of counter-spell. Those present could barely catch a few words:
- I stand between Light and Darkness. My thought penetrates between the part and the whole, removing the Darkness and giving way to the Light!
And also snippets of phrases that no one could hear.
Then she turned to Kolyvan and said:
- Now listen to me carefully and remember firmly what you will do.
Then they sewed shirts from woven fabric, into which Lelya’s golden hair was woven with threads. These shirts were put on the enchanted young men with the inside out to the body so that Lelin’s hair would warm and bring healing. Morena, Lelin’s sister, fooled the guys’ heads and cooled their hearts with her winter cold. The young guys did not look at their girls, they forgot that the time had come to send matchmakers in early Spring.
That is why Yarilo did not bring the Goddess of Spring Lelya. So, in a chain, one event after another led to disruption of the rotation of Kolo Svarog. So the Spring Beauty Lela herself had to solve the problem. Yes, only she could break her sister’s spell and return everything to normal. After all, in her hair there was all the strength and power of the spirit of spring!”

From this legend we see that Lelya is not only playful, carefree and always cheerful. But she is capable, at the right time, of taking a rather serious step in her life for the sake of someone. Such self-sacrifice at the right time not only restored the consciousness of the young men, but also established order in the World again - Spring, although late, has come!

Day of the Goddess Lelya - Krasnaya Gorka

On the Krasnaya Gorka holiday they are waiting for Lelya, the Goddess of Spring, who flies in with migratory birds, accompanied by the Yarilo-Sun. People all put on white elegant clothes, embroidered with Slavic symbols. Such a day can also be called Lelnik, in honor of the Goddess herself. On this day, all girls, girls and women always receive flowers as a gift. This is a custom that is designed to preserve and prolong youth, femininity and beauty.

Dates for honoring the Goddess Lelya according to the Slavic folk calendar:

March 8 - spring Calls;
March 20 (Spring Equinox) – The God of the Spring Sun, Yarilo, brings Spring Lelya to Earth.
April 16-22 – First Rusalia, ending with Krasnaya Gorka.
April 22 – Lelnik (Lelnik) or Krasnaya Gorka.
May 26–June 2 – Green Rusalia (dates are determined by location), farewell to the Goddess Lelya.