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» Personal number 9. Funeral home "grail". The meaning of nine in numerology

Personal number 9. Funeral home "grail". The meaning of nine in numerology

Very interesting, exciting and at the same time annoying, the number 9 interests the minds of all who are fond of numerology. Every aspect inherent in the three, in the nine is strengthened by 3 times. This number means the end of the old and the beginning of a new cycle.

Multiplying nine by any number, you can notice one interesting pattern, it always returns to itself. This speaks of the nine as a person who has his own center (example: 18, 27, 36, if you add the adjacent numbers, you get 9 again).

The mechanism of the nine denotes her domineering nature, which, in addition to everything, has sympathy and understanding, which makes her popular among other people.

In most cases, people around are very positive about people of this number. The number 9 in numerology is undoubtedly the number of success.

Those born under the number 9 can easily reveal themselves in the literary field. The nine has a great ability to convey their mood through paper. Also, this figure will easily be able to prove itself in the theatrical and artistic fields.

People of the number 9 may be interested in professions such as a doctor or designer working with luxury goods, as well as any work related to food.. This number strives for perfection in everything, and there is nothing that it does not succeed in.

"Nine" is excellently versed in music, in color, in drawing, she could easily become a cameraman or sound engineer.

The value of the number 9 indicates an honest person with a strong character and potential intelligence.. This means that she is a very sensitive person who can always support, understand and forgive. She is also distinguished by good health, but negative emotions can shake this strong side, since 9 is very emotional and often takes everything to heart.

The number 9 easily begins to be addicted to bad habits, therefore, going through life with this number, it is better not to acquire them, since it will be almost impossible to get rid of them.

Advantages of talented "nines"

People under the auspices of the number nine set high goals for themselves and achieve their goal with all their might. They selflessly strive for perfection, which is important to them in everything, even in small things. In a sense, the "nines" are very cruel to themselves, this is indicated by the too rigid framework that they set in order to achieve complete ideality.

"Nines" are very romantic natures, they give themselves to love completely. Perhaps love is the only area of ​​life where they can show their weakness. They are very amorous, but in relationships they are always honest and faithful to their soul mate. If, nevertheless, there was a break in relations, the “nine” is not one of those who will cry into the pillow at night, they quickly forget about their past passion and go towards a new relationship.

However, they do not always manage to stay in high positions for a long time, since, having set such a level, it is very difficult to maintain it constantly. Everything is not given to them as simply as it seems at first glance, all their achievements are earned through labor and strength, but they have one bonus. "Nines" are naturally endowed with many talents, in particular in art, painting, and music. Their romance fills life with colors and inspires them to new ideas..

"Nine" is almost impossible to deceive. These people are born with strong intuition, they will instantly notice even a hint of falseness in the words of the interlocutor. A big plus for the number 9 is its magical property to attract money.

Disadvantages of dreaming "nines"

"Nines" very often fly in the clouds, which slows them down. They can dream for a very long time without returning to reality. In some cases, they completely cease to take the world around them seriously. Emotionality and spontaneity do not always benefit them. "Nines" are not recommended to join any sects, get too carried away with religion or mysticism, this clouds their minds and distracts them from more important matters, and also fences them off from society, which is highly undesirable.

"Nines" should be more loyal, both to themselves and to the people around them.

The ideal concept is very versatile and you can’t please everyone, so it’s worth remembering that the main thing is to please yourself and your loved ones, and not get hung up on standards. Number 9 people like to impose their opinions and habits on others, which is a big minus.. They are not very picky in financial matters, impulsive in spending, and all because this number is particularly egocentric. In addition, the number 9 is very depressing, it can both lift itself to the top and bury all its talents.

Mystical number 9 in history

Many signs and superstitions are associated with the nine in history. This number has long been considered magical, it is possible that because of the connection with the sacred trinity, because nine is three times three.

Here are some facts that indicate that the meaning of the number 9 has a mystical beginning.

The secret meaning of the number 9 dates back to the time of Russia, the people believed that cats have 9 lives, so already at that time 9 was referred to as magic numbers.

In ancient Greece there were 9 muses: Calliope (epic poetry), Clio (history), Melpomene (tragedy), Euterpe (lyric poetry), Erato (love poetry), Terpsichore (dance), Urania (astronomy), Thalia (comedy) and Polyhymnia (hymns).

There are 9 angelic ranks: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Forces, Authorities, Beginnings, Archangels and Angels. On the other hand, there are 9 divisions of demons: False Enlightened, Liars, Unjust, Perverse, Pretenders, Demons of the Mind, Violent, Tempters and Persecutors.

Like the septenary cycles to which some ancient traditions refer, there are also ninefold cycles. According to this system, the turning points of a person's life come at the age of 9, then at 18, 27, 36, etc.

Video: The meaning of the number 9

The death of a person is accompanied by certain traditions. People who have lost a loved one or an acquaintance often face the following dates after the funeral: 3 days, 9 days, 40 days. There is a desire to gather in a close circle and. But how to count 9 days after death?

Detailed timing

The day of death is considered the first day. To calculate 9 days, you need to add the number 8. For example, the 5th of the month. The 9th day falls on the 13th. Before midnight is the first day, even if death occurs a few minutes before 24 hours. A special commemoration takes place on the 9th day, because the soul is in paradise.

Carefully, without breaking the silence, acquaintances meet at the same table and talk about a person who is in another world. Lay people, attending memorial dinners, often forget about the mission entrusted to them, and instead of intense prayer, they begin to talk about their own affairs.

From the 3rd to the 9th day, the soul is assigned a place in paradise. There she rests and prepares for serious trials that come after 9 days. You can help her with frank prayer and conversation about the good deeds of a deceased person. Do not remember misconduct that causes resentment or bitterness.

Sincere prayer is able to support both the soul of the deceased and the one who prays. Sacred words help reduce the pain of loss, soothe excitement and anxiety. Saying phrases, the layman gradually begins to think without sorrow. You should not give yourself up to fuss on this day, spend time in humility.

The person dies and the body is buried. Relatives are responsible for the observance of rites of remembrance. In ancient times, meals were held, to which the homeless and the poor were invited. Now such traditions are not performed, and those who were familiar with the deceased sit down at the table.

Alms are distributed in the cemetery or in the church. Particularly needy parishioners are happy to receive alms. With an open heart and pure thoughts, they will pray for the repose of the soul, calling the name and reading the necessary prayers. By giving away the bundle, you are simultaneously helping those who ask for help and remembering a loved one.

According to Scripture, the soul of a dead person is busy finding a way. She does not know what is prepared for her and what trials for sins she will have to endure. But there is no other way out, and everything that has already been done cannot be corrected. Relatives can help the soul with prayers and pleasant memories. It is not in vain that they say: “They say either well or nothing about the dead.”

On the ninth day, the deceased forgets about grief and pain. He begins to sincerely repent for his sins and a great support for him is the prayer of his relatives. The soul in Paradise understands that the time is coming to answer for the misdeeds committed, but the perfect cannot be erased from the former life.

A special prayer joins the soul to the number of angels. The closest people who have departed to another world become guardian angels, protecting the living for a long time. Very often, the dead mother guards the child, appearing to him in a dream. Prompting, it often prevents an accident.

Important points for the 9th day

  • Relatives and friends are encouraged to visit the church. A small prayer and a candle for the repose are the main details of this day.
  • Visiting the grave of the deceased is not just a tribute to tradition. At the cemetery, a person begins to correlate his actions and evaluate his life. With memories comes awareness and understanding.
  • Caramel and cookies are placed on the grave, millet is scattered and eggs are crumbled.
  • On the 9th day, mirrors are opened, with the exception of the room of the deceased.
  • Alms and small offerings of cookies and sweets are distributed.

In the church, a prayer service is ordered for the deceased. near the icon it is not always possible to read, because not all churches hold daily services. Home reading of the sacred word also has power. The main thing is that the spoken word be sincere and open. If you are in a hurry and the fussiness is associated with a memorial dinner, postpone the prayer until the evening when you can retire.

Prayer is read not only by relatives. The more appeals, the more likely the positive decision of the heavenly court. Relatives and acquaintances, uniting, beg for indulgence to the soul. Therefore, it is important not only how to count 9 days after death, but also the behavior of relatives on this day.

Numerology uses various methods to determine the character of a person and his fate with the help of numbers. Dates of birth, phone and car numbers, and even the serial numbers of the letters that make up the first and last name can be interpreted. As a result of adding polysyllabic numbers, you should get a number from 1 to 9.

Different schools interpret differently what the number 9 means in numerology: impulsiveness, anxiety, talent, generosity, etc. Nine is the largest number obtained by adding multi-digit numbers. It has many dimensions. This number is ruled by the planet Neptune. Its influence affects the romanticism and dreaminess of people, with the number and number 9. It enhances the effect of all the qualities and character traits inherent in the trio. If the owner of the triple is intellectual, then a person with 9 will be triple intellectual.

What does the number 9 mean

The number 9 is a magic number, a symbol of constancy and success. If the nine is obtained as a result of adding the numbers of the day, month and year of a person's birth, then this will indicate the strength of his character, potential intelligence, and the ability to self-development. A person with a nine can have the gift of clairvoyance, an extraordinary mind and a unique memory. He is a creative and artistic person. The magic of the number 9 has helped many musicians, inventors, artists and other creative personalities become famous.

If, as a result of adding the numbers of your date of birth, you get a nine, then you have many different abilities and you are very purposeful. But often you are unrestrained and impatient. Control your emotions, restrain yourself in some situations and communicate with people more tactfully.

Negative qualities of the number 9 in numerology

People who, when adding up the numbers of their date of birth, come out with 9, are characterized by excessive sensitivity, a tendency to loneliness, false idealism. They have various mental deviations, fears, phobias.

The number 9 is the number of the triumph of spirit over matter, the number of spiritual maturity of a person. The number 9 is the last and strongest of the three main spiritual numbers in numerology. Let us remind ourselves that spiritual numbers include: seven, eight, nine.

The nine absorbs all the best from the number 7 and the number 8. The best - from the point of view of the spiritual maturity of a person. The nine takes divine participation in the fate of the individual. And from the number 8, the nine borrows humility and voluntary acceptance of the Higher Will.

The number 9 in the language of numbers means spiritual wisdom. However, there is no material wisdom, any wisdom is spiritual. Moreover, ironically, the bearers of spiritual wisdom sometimes become people who are far from the universally recognized ideals of holiness and purity.

The meaning of the number 9

To understand the number 9, you need to have some elementary knowledge, which, if you do not go into details, can be expressed in a few sentences. Every person lives simultaneously both in the material and in the spiritual world, although he does not see this simultaneity. People with light states of soul live well in the spiritual world, people with gloomy states of soul live badly in the spiritual world.

Of course, everything is much more complicated than just "bad" or "good", but there is no point in going into details now. For now, it is enough to know that for the spiritual world the degree of “goodness” is the degree of perception of love and wisdom emanating from the Creator.

Strictly speaking, there are no "good" and "evil" people in the world. It's just that some human souls have a weak degree of perception of love and wisdom, while others have a strong one.

To use the number 9 in numerology (numerology of dates, numerology of life, etc.), you must remember: all the causes of what happens to people lie in the spiritual world, and all the consequences in the material world.

Translated into the language of numbers, it sounds like this: all causes are in the number 9, all effects are in the number 6, since the nine governs the spiritual world, and the six governs the material world. Everything is very simple!

Number 9 and number 6

The number 9 is very convenient to comprehend, comparing it with the number 6. Nine removes the “husk”, everything is pretense and insincere in people. The number 9 seems to “undress” a person, exposing his soul. The six does everything exactly the opposite, dresses us in everything unnecessary, deceptive, false.

In general, the interaction of numbers 6 and 9 is very interesting to observe in. Or in the number 96. The difference between the numbers 69 and 96 is that in the first, knowledge of the world begins "from below", that is, from the material layers of being and consciousness. And in the number 96, the knowledge of the world by a person occurs “from top to bottom” - from the spiritual to the physical.

The task of the number 6 is to “dress” a person, at any cost to hide, veil his real, spiritual essence. The number 9 openly and honestly seeks the truth. The Six is ​​afraid of Truth, like fire, and by all available means hides from it behind a veil of all kinds of bodily pleasures.

The number 6 in the Bible is the serpent that seduced Eve. Six is ​​the most sophisticated number in lies. From the language of numbers, the six is ​​translated not only as “the triumph of the body over the spirit”, but also as “a lie”.

Six - the number of cheaters, swindlers and actors. The number 6 is unusually beautiful when it manifests itself, for example, in the theater - a relatively harmless "lie" of the actors on the stage. But the number 6 can be ugly - when entire cultures and peoples are exterminated in the name of deceptive political slogans ...

Nine or six - which is better

It is a mistake to think that the number 9 is better than the number 6, because it is more truthful and wiser than it. The essence of spiritual numerology is that each number reflects its own side of life - the one that other numbers do not see.

And in general, there are no bad numbers. In no case should you connect your personal understanding of good and evil to spiritual numerology. In any case, such "understanding" should not be cultivated.

Another thing is that there are numbers more or less suitable (not “good”, but suitable) for certain events in a person’s life. But - again! - suitable for what? For earning money or for spiritual development? To create a family or create a state? For war or peace? All this must be taken into account in order to correctly interpret the numbers.

Well, how much the number 9 can be considered suitable depends on many numerological factors. The number 6, for example, cooperates fruitfully with the inventive five (the number of creativity and war), as well as with the two (the number of rational thinking).

And the number 9 goes well with (energy and will). Another nine successfully interacts with the seven and (the fate of a person is in the correct, spiritual sense of it).

If we perceive the fate of a person as hopelessness and an excuse for one’s own laziness (they say, why strain, you can’t argue against fate!), Then the number 8 becomes a pitiful and worthless servant of the six, and has nothing to do with the number 9.

But if we consider the fate of a person correctly - as an opportunity to break through the closed rings of the eight and reach a new level of evolution of the Spirit, then the number 8 becomes the closest friend and ally of the number 9! This interaction is reflected in the wonderful numbers 89 and 98.


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Numbers play an important role in people's lives. They meet and help us everywhere. Today, many people, based on their meaning, plan their lives: choose a date for a significant event or a name for an unborn child in accordance with alphanumeric codes. In this article we will write about one of them - the number 9, what it means for science and people who are interested in numerology.

9 - what is this number?

In the beginning, I would like to talk about the scientific classification. In mathematics, it is primarily natural number, which occurs in sequence when counting.

In addition, "nine" is:

  • The square of the number "three";
  • The first odd composite number that is the product of two others. "Nine" is obtained by multiplying 3 by 3 and is not divisible by 2, which means that it is odd;
  • A billion (1,000,000,000) is represented in decimal as a unit followed by nine zeros;
  • There is another amazing fact. If we multiply “nine”, for example, by 5, then adding the numbers obtained in the product together, we get 9.

And in other sciences, it takes its place:

  • Fluorine in Mendeleev's periodic system has the ninth number;
  • Until 2006, it was thought that there were "nine" planets in the solar system. Then Pluto was ranked in the Kuiper belt;
  • Exactly this number of the brightest stars from the constellation Taurus, we can see just by looking at the sky in clear weather.

This is what concerns official sciences. But there is more numerology- a system of connections of numbers with objects and processes, people and their consciousness, the interaction of which was determined by a set of fortune-telling and interpretations. Previously, this kind of fortune-telling was also popular among mathematicians, but now they have no scientific significance, but have separated into a separate direction.

How to get a personal numerological code and why?

Everyone has their own code. It is believed that it can determine the fate of a person. "9" plays a big role in it. It is calculated by date of birth:

  • Take a piece of paper and write down your date of birth on it. for example 08/22/1956;
  • Then add up: 2+2+8+1+9+5+6 = 33;
  • Now you need to get a single-digit number, for this add up again: 3 + 3 \u003d 6. If you got two digits again, add up again until you get one;
  • Further, those who were born before 2000 must be subtracted from the first sum 2 (33-2 = 31). For those who were born later, add 19;
  • And calculate the sum again: 3+1 = 32;
  • We add again 3 + 2 = 5. Here, even if we get two digits, we leave it like that and do not add any more;
  • We write down the date of birth and all the results obtained in the line: 2281956336315.

Next, write down all the numbers in a column and indicate their number opposite each one (2-2, 8-1, 1-2, etc.). Now you can see how many nines are in your code and if there are any. Everything, it remains to look into the decryption.

The meaning of the number 9

So, the more in the resulting code 9 , the stronger the traits that we list below. In a general sense, its presence speaks of the stamina of character and determination.

Let's take a closer look:

  1. "Nine" symbolizes the flexibility of a person's character, but he will use his resourcefulness only for selfish purposes, when he can benefit or he needs to achieve a certain result;
  2. It is better not to enter into disputes with the Nine, especially for money. He will compromise, agree, but in the end he will win;
  3. The ability to impress is the main trump card of the Nine. And again, he turns on his charm only when necessary;
  4. However, with loved ones, this type of people behaves differently. They know how to be good parents, grateful children and best friends. They will never be deceived, they will not betray, and they will remove the last from themselves.

Of great importance is also the total number of digits in the final code and even their absence.

Two nines or more

Those who do not have 9 in the numerological chart do not have the above qualities. On the contrary, they are compliant in life, which is why they often cannot achieve much. The only quality here that helps to move on is stubbornness, but it also makes it difficult to establish contact with others.

But two or even three numbers indicate that their owner is really dodgy. Often this is how the codes of scammers, adventurers and actors look like. All people capable of manipulation.

Communicating with them, you will never understand where is the lie and where is the truth. The “multi-niners” have a natural talent to quickly reincarnate when the situation requires it. For them, the most important achieve the desired result as quickly as possible.

Angelic numerology

This is a special section. It is necessary to turn to him for those who have repeatedly caught themselves thinking that they see messages from above in simple things. They do not tell about the fate or character of a person, these signs simply warn.

"Nine" you can meet anywhere. For example, a car that sprayed you on the street has a number of three nines. How to decrypt it?

  • One number - to change. The next stage in life has ended, but the next one brings many new opportunities. And if you've been in doubt about something, now is the time to stop doing it;
  • « 99 "- now you need to listen to your intuition, do as she tells and you will not be mistaken;
  • « 999 "- an inverted devilish sign. They are trying to deceive you, be careful.

It is also important what other quantities are encountered along the way. A car with the above-mentioned number passed by - a sign, they saw a ball flying across the sky - a sign. In such cases, it is necessary to compose and combine interpretations. Remember that no power definitely won't tell you they can only hint.

Today, people often turn to numbers. Someone is trying to check a partner for compatibility in order to create a successful union, others use numerology when doing business.

The number 9 is a small but important link in a huge system. His patronage speaks of the complex nature of the owner and even warns of danger. However, do not take everything so literally, try to get to know the person better before drawing conclusions.

Video about the meaning of nine

In this video, numerologist Boris Solodovnikov will show you where else in life you can meet the number 9: