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» The best sayings about autumn. Phrases, aphorisms, sayings about autumn

The best sayings about autumn. Phrases, aphorisms, sayings about autumn

Autumn is a time to take stock and analyze what has come true. And after that, wash away all the failures with the pouring rain and breathe in Fresh air a future in which the sky will be clear and cloudless, transparent and weightless, as it only happens in autumn.

In autumn it is always easy to think, and eternity, having forgotten time and space, loses the tension of thought, and something quiet and sad pours into the soul...

Autumn is a time of change. How yellow leaves old, long-forgotten friends are returning to us. They come back only for a moment...

One nature is unchangeable, but it also has its own: spring, summer, winter and autumn; How do you want to give immutability to the forms of the human body?!

Perhaps autumn is to blame for everything. I feel it more than you. In the fall, they break the rules and everything becomes so invalid. And the person wants... What does he want? Love.

It is not autumn that is to blame for our sadness, but only the absence of spring in our souls...

Autumn is when you want to capture every moment, every day of the gradual death of nature. Autumn... cold, nasty, rainy, windy... But it becomes warm and cozy... if you are not alone in it... If there is him in it...

Trees do not cry for fallen leaves... Spring will give them new leaves... To be able not to regret is truly happiness... Not to cry about what is gone forever...

I like autumn, when it certainly rains, there are wet naked statues, and black leaves certainly stick to them, and on the unpaved earth, ordinary, natural, dark yellow leaves lie and cover the dirt.

We forgot each other, abandoned each other... I'm leaving barefoot in the fall...

Autumn is the flowering of the beauty of nature in its fading.

I wander alone through October, I don’t boldly use the leaves, I lie to myself that I don’t love it, I lie to myself that I forget.

Such sadness is only at this time of year... The Lord chooses moments for a reason. This is how nature dies in the fall, but how beautifully it dies...

Autumn... There is always something of eternity in it, simple and incomprehensible.

I really hope that this fall each of us will have someone who will warm our hands...

Autumn is the last, most delightful smile of the year.

November. Cold. It's windy. Snow. The weather is perfect for hot tea, chocolate, a warm blanket and beautiful fairy tales.

Someday I will return to you with rain. The autumn rain, noisy in memory... You will tell me: “It was all a dream!” And I will answer: “It was happiness!!!”

Love also has autumn, and the one who has forgotten the taste of the kisses of his beloved knows it.

I buttoned my shirt, tied my tie, put on my jacket and... fell asleep to go for a walk where it is always good, where there is always my favorite weather, my favorite autumn and my favorite... you.

Autumn begins not when the first leaves begin to fall or the first frosts begin, but when you begin to wait for spring.

Autumn is that time of year when people should warm each other with their words, their feelings, their lips... And then no cold will be scary...

I inhale October, I inhale autumn, I inhale hatred, I inhale the resin of pine trees.

Autumn is better than winter, spring is better than autumn, and summer is better than autumn, winter and spring combined.

Autumn depressively covers the city with leaves, Corroding the paint with its wet mood.

Such sadness is only at this time of year... The Lord chooses moments for a reason. This is how nature dies in the fall, but how beautifully it dies...

Autumn is the second spring, when every leaf is a flower.

Even in the most mournful autumn rain, do not forget that the sky is actually blue! You just need to wait a little...

Autumn is all the colors of a traffic light in one park. Life rushes forward when the park is spring-green and slows down when all the colors are on at the same time.

Autumn is a fragment of the reality of this world split into parts...

For some it’s just autumn, but for others it’s warm and eternal. Some people see eight as eight, while others see an infinity sign.

Glorious autumn. Cold, uncomfortable - and at the same time mine, real. so dear, so good.

I wish you an autumn full of love, warm colors, the smell of coffee and kisses...

Autumn again... Again bright spots of leaves swirl in the wind. Again a fine dreary rain.

My dream is in cold weather autumn evenings warm your feet near a real fireplace, read interesting novel and slowly sip tea with you...

Autumn is coffee with cinnamon, Maple leaves, multi-colored, as part children's drawing, warm, delicate buns with vanilla and a subtle smell of smoke.

Spring delayed this year and imperceptibly turned into autumn.

Autumn. But not because it's October. It's just very cold... But not because it's autumn.

Autumn... it always smells of unfulfilled dreams...

Damp October is breathing through my window, autumn let me go...

We recall the description of the most poetic time of year in the prose of classics and modern writers

Text: Year of Literature.RF
Photo: fit4brain. com

Everyone feels autumn. Some enjoy the falling leaves and catch reflections in puddles, while others, wrapped in a scarf against the cold, watch the dull low clouds. Autumn is a time of reflection, summing up what has been lived and acquired. Perhaps there is no poet without a poem about autumn. And weWe suggest you remember how autumn is described in Russian prose. We have collected 10 fragments for you that are worth re-reading again.


“Often in the fall I would closely watch the falling leaves to catchthat imperceptible split second when a leaf separates from a branch and begins to fallto the ground. But I didn’t succeed for a long time. I read in old books about howfalling leaves rustle, but I have never heard this sound. If the leaves andrustled, then only on the ground, under a person’s feet. The rustle of leaves in the airseemed to me as implausible as the stories that in the springYou can hear the grass sprouting.

I was, of course, wrong. Time was needed so that the ear, dulled by the grinding of city streets, could rest and catch the very pure and precise sounds of the autumn land.”

. "Yellow light"


“I loved autumn so much - late autumn, when the grain has already been harvested, all the work has been completed, when gatherings have already begun in the huts, when everyone is already waiting for winter. Then everything becomes gloomier, the sky frowns with clouds, yellow leaves spread in paths along the edges of the naked forest, and the forest turns blue, turns black - especially in the evening, when the damp fog descends and the trees flash out of the fog like giants, like ugly, terrible ghosts.”

Fedor Dostoevsky. "Poor people"


“The days were foggy and strange: the poisonous October passed with a frozen tread; frozen dust swept through the city in brown whirlwinds; and obediently lay down on the paths Summer Garden the golden whisper of the leaves, and the rustling crimson tree obediently lay down at the feet to curl and chase at the feet of a passing pedestrian, and whisper, weaving yellow-red scatterings of words from the leaves; That sweet titmouse that had been bathing all August in the leafy wave had not bathed in the leafy wave for a long time: and the titmouse of the Summer Garden was now forlornly jumping in a black net of twigs, along the bronze fence and on the roof of Peter’s house.”

Andrey Bely. "Petersburg"


“It was already getting dark outside, it was drizzling, fallen leaves floated along the ditch, like a letter torn to shreds, in which summer explained why it fled to the other hemisphere.”

“The geographer drank his globe away”


“Since the end of September, our gardens and threshing floor have been empty, the weather, as usual, has changed dramatically. The wind tore and tore the trees for days on end, and the rains watered them from morning to night.

The liquid blue sky shone coldly and brightly in the north above the heavy lead clouds, and from behind these clouds the ridges of snowy mountains-clouds slowly floated out, the window into the blue sky closed, and the garden became deserted and boring, and the rain began to fall again... at first quietly , carefully, then more and more thickly and finally turned into a downpour with storm and darkness. A long, anxious night was coming..."

Ivan Bunin. "Antonov apples"


“What a drama! unhealthy, gloomy... autumn is outside, and in the fall a person, like all animals, seems to withdraw into himself.

Look, the birds are already flying away - look how the cranes fly! - she said, pointing high above the Volga to a curved line of black dots in the air. “When everything around you becomes gloomy, pale, despondent - and your soul becomes sad... Isn’t it so?”

Ivan Goncharov. "Cliff"


“Through the bare, brown branches of the trees, the motionless sky peacefully whitens; Here and there the last golden leaves hang on the linden trees. The damp earth is elastic underfoot; the tall dry blades of grass do not move; long threads glisten on the pale grass. The chest breathes calmly, but a strange anxiety enters the soul. You walk along the edge of the forest, you look after the dog, and meanwhile your favorite images, your favorite faces, dead and alive, come to mind, long-dormant impressions suddenly awaken; the imagination soars and flutters like a bird, and everything moves so clearly and stands before the eyes. The heart will suddenly tremble and beat, passionately rush forward, then it will irrevocably drown in memories. All life unfolds easily and quickly, like a scroll; A person owns all his past, all his feelings, his powers, his entire soul. And nothing around him bothers him - no sun, no wind, no noise..."

. "Forest and steppe"


“Autumn is like a book that has already been read, but has managed to be forgotten - every page is about what you know and what you vaguely remember, every page is a return to where you have already been. The nights are now filled with the sound of rain, the mornings smell of exhausted but not yet cooled earth, the sun, having lost all its decorous slowness, fussily glides along the edge of the sky, not rising above the hills - the time of the sun is gone, someone else’s times have come.”

Narine Abgaryan. "Zulali"


“In Russian, autumn, like a woman, is called - this is a woman who has fulfilled all her vows and therefore is calm in the clarity of pre-winter anticipation, blue-eyed to the point of pain, intent in all her hidden feelings of a widow who remembers the past, lying alone in the cold , a bed pierced with fluffy frost.”

Anatoly Kim. "Squirrel"


“The long autumn sunset has burned out. The last crimson stripe, narrow as a crack, glowing at the very edge of the horizon, between the gray cloud and the ground, went out. Neither the earth, nor the trees, nor the sky was visible anymore. Only overhead, the large stars trembled with their eyelashes in the middle of the black night, and the blue beam from the lighthouse rose straight up in a thin column and seemed to splash there on the heavenly dome in a liquid, foggy, light circle. Moths beat against the glass covers of the candles. The star-shaped flowers of white tobacco in the front garden smelled sharper because of the darkness and coolness.<…>

“Yes, sir... Autumn, autumn, autumn,” said the old man, looking at the candle fire and shaking his head thoughtfully. - Autumn. Now it's time for me to get ready. Oh, what a pity! Red days have just arrived. I would like to live here and live on the seashore, in silence, calmly..."

. "Garnet bracelet"

It is not autumn that is to blame for our sadness, but only the absence of spring in our souls...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Trees do not cry for fallen leaves... Spring will give them new leaves... To be able not to regret is truly happiness... Not to cry about what is gone forever...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

For some it’s just autumn, but for others it’s warm and eternal. Some people see eight as eight, while others see an infinity sign.

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

I wish you an autumn full of love, warm colors, the smell of coffee and kisses...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Someday I will return to you with rain. The autumn rain, noisy in memory... You will tell me: “It was all a dream!” And I will answer: “It was happiness!!!”

Autumn is that time of year when people should warm each other with their words, their feelings, their lips... And then no cold will be scary...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Even in the most mournful autumn rain, do not forget that the sky is actually blue! You just need to wait a little...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

We forgot each other, abandoned each other... I'm leaving barefoot in the fall...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Such sadness is only at this time of year... The Lord chooses moments for a reason. This is how nature dies in the fall, but how beautifully it dies...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

I really hope that this fall each of us will have someone who will warm our hands...

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

My dream is to warm my feet next to a real fireplace on cold autumn evenings, read an interesting novel and leisurely sip tea with you...

Cool statuses about autumn

Look at the rainy autumn weather through the eyes of your umbrella - he really wants to go out into the world and parade among his colorful relatives!

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Poem about autumn. Tragic. “How quickly, damn it, the leaves fell...”

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Rain, slush. The streets are empty. Well, where are you, lovers of rain, “In which you can hide your tears”? Why don't we go for a walk?!?!

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

If you lubricate the roof of your house with condensed milk in the fall, then in the spring it will be much more pleasant to suck on the icicles!

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Fall is the time to swap out your piles of light and dark socks.

Autumn has come, the leaves are falling. I don't need anyone except YOU)))

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Autumn-autumn! Give me an Audi A8!

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Indian summer is the last chance to decide who you will spend the winter with!

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Neither coffee, nor a jacket, nor a blanket keeps you warm... Summer is ending... Well, hello Autumn!!!

Sad statuses about autumn

Autumn is that time of year when you begin to feel sad, miss someone for some reason, but with the first snow you again understand that life is wonderful.

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

It's autumn outside. There is sadness in my heart. I love you so much! Do not believe? It's a pity...

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

Rain in your face, slush under your feet, the rain speaks to you, it whispers: “Don’t cry.” You will answer: “It hurts.” The rain will say: “Don’t be sad, tell me what’s wrong with you?” You turn your face to the rain, quietly say: “He’s on the other one.”.

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

I wander alone through October, timidly crushing the leaves. I lie to myself that I don't love you. I lie to myself that I forget...

(T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

This article contains short and beautiful quotes about autumn, with meaning about the nature of the autumn season.

Autumn is the flowering of nature, shrouded in wisdom and awareness of the immutability of the flow of life. The time for falling leaves has come again! So much light and color in the last days of autumn!

"His eyes reflected grey colour autumn sky" Marilli Juliet

“Notice that autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature.” Friedrich Nietzsche.

Spring flowers are fairy tales, autumn leaves are tragic dramas. Mehmet Murat Ildan

Our judgment matures; our imagination falls apart. We cannot immediately enjoy the flowers of the Spring of life and the fruits of its autumn. Macaulay Thomas B.

“Autumn is the greatest reminder of the fabulous beauty of nature, that beautiful dreams can easily disappear”

Autumn is nature's last party this year. Debra Welsh

My heart is a garden tired of autumn. Sarah Theusdale

An autumn garden is sad when the sun doesn't shine... Francis Brett Young, Cold Harbor

Autumn... the last, most beautiful smile of the year. William Cullen Bryant

Autumn begins to decorate the earth with its fragile pieces of weakened gold. Teresita Fernandez.

Autumn is the triumph of the last beauty of nature falling asleep.

Autumn teaches us humility. Joko Ono

Autumn is the second spring, when every leaf is a flower. Albert Camus

Autumn is the season of checking for debts to the past... Elchin Safarli.

Autumn is the bite of the apple harvest. Christina Petrovski

Autumn spring in reverse order. Terry Guillemets, "The Fall"

Autumn is a season of change. Taoist proverb

Autumn returns to the earth the leaves that summer lent it.

Why is summer fog romantic, but autumn fog just sad? Dodie Smith

Ah, yellow forest, yellow forest... Here's a piece of happiness for you. Here's your place to think. Gabriel Troepolsky “White Bim Black Ear”

Pale amber sunlight falls on the reddened trees of October. Ernest Dawson.

In the annual cascade autumn leaves there is something incredibly nostalgic and meaningful. Joseph Wheeler

In the autumn forest we step on carpets of gold and crimson, brown and bronze, woven by winds or rain from these fine textures while we slept.

In the autumn sunny forest, a person becomes cleaner” - yes, we all wish we could go to this yellow forest more often. Gabriel Troepolsky “White Bim Black Ear”

There is a snowstorm around the chalk: red, yellow, green. Henry Lyon Oldie. Savages of the Ecumene. Leader

Winter is dead; spring is crazy; Summer is fun and autumn is wise! Mehmet Murat

And every autumn I bloom again. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

And only autumn stretches with gray days, reminiscent of the ghost of lonely nights... Alisa Belousova

No matter how the metropolis stinks, it cannot bury the fresh and clean aroma of autumn. Dim Butcher

The leaves, falling, whisper, saying goodbye forever. M. M. Prishvina

Now the fire of autumn burns slowly through the forest, and day after day the dead leaves fall and melt. William Allingham

I love boundaries. August is the border between summer and autumn; this is the most beautiful month I know.

The music of distant summer trembles around Autumn, looking for its former nest. Rabindranath Tagore Migratory Birds

There is nothing sadder and more silent than autumn twilight. Emile Zola

Nobody dies as beautifully as autumn. Ashley Willis

But still, autumn is only twenty weeks before spring... Al Quotion.

Today there is a smell of autumn coolness outside the window. Elchin Safarli. "You were promised to me"

Autumn is the second spring, and every leaf is a flower. Albert Camus

Autumn is my spring! August Strindberg

Autumn is a hint from God to Old Age. Austin O'Malley

Autumn is a reminder that when the leaves die and fall, there will always be spring, a chance to be refilled and reborn again. We all have the ability to replenish ourselves to be reborn. Tao Porchon-Lynch.

Autumn ripens in the rays of summer. John Armstrong.

Witty people are born in autumn; beautiful in July. Andrew Holleran

October is a symphony of constancy and change. Bonaro Overstreet.

Autumn is a misty shadow that speaks of the sweet, precious things that God has created in the kingdom of nature. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

Autumn is all the colors of a traffic light in one park. Life rushes forward when the park is spring green and slows down when all the colors are on at the same time.

Autumn is a constant change. This is maturity and color, the time of completion; but also breadth, depth and distance. Hal Borland

Autumn for me is a time of magic, when the world is painted with the colors of the masters.

Autumn is both the beginning and the end. Gene Pendzivol. Lighthouse Keeper's Daughters

Autumn comes with its golden days, its reverent days and with you - Oh, this is the most delightful time, my heart burns with anticipation. Byron Caldwell Smith, letter to Kate Stevens

Autumn is good only if summer in your soul is not over yet. Rinat Valiullin. Where are the kisses lying around?

Autumn walked through the streets quietly and confidently, like a cat. Marina Efimova “Ghost in Love”

The rainbow colors of fall remind me of your beautiful smile. Gabor Timis

The most beautiful carpet is a carpet of autumn leaves! Mehmet Murat

Love also has autumn, and it is experienced by those who have forgotten the taste of the kisses of their loved one. Mark Levy

Autumn colors... bright and beautiful. It is nature that is trying to fill us with color, saturate us, turning everything into muted and dreary until winter. Siobhan Vivian.

I still live, remembering our autumn. Ekaterina Sivanova

I don't feel like spring. I feel like warm red Autumn. Marilyn Monroe

Topic of the section: quotes with meaning about autumn, short and beautiful.

Autumn shatters dreams, mixing them with blood-red leaves drowning in the mud.

I went to bed sick and woke up sick. It suddenly seemed to me that the autumn darkness would squeeze out the glass, pour into the room, and I would choke in it like in ink.

You need to leave pleasantly and barely audible, like the rustling of leaves in October.

Autumn is the season of checking for debts to the past...

In the spring the heart makes mistakes, but in the fall it sums up the results.

Hiding the transparency of our eyes behind glasses, the disheveled hair under hoods, we welcome autumn...

Autumn is better than winter, spring is better than autumn, and summer is better than autumn, winter and spring combined.

Autumn is the time of year immediately after which the anticipation of spring begins.

Autumn is when animals look for food to fatten up for the winter, and for humans it is a time when they look for someone to sleep with on a cold night.

Autumn is a time of drafts... what in summer was perceived as a pleasant coolness, a certain “lightness throughout the whole body”, in September makes you shudder with chilly shoulders, in October - you wrap yourself in a woolen scarf with pumpons, and by November requires hot, strong tea with lemon and thick-toed striped socks...

Autumn mood. I close my eyes and speed up. If anyone asks me, I’ll answer: “I’m alive, my mood is autumn.”

The first breath of autumn, just happiness after a hot and sultry summer.

And again autumn smells like her perfume...

Autumn is the time when lonely people warm their frozen hearts with cigarette smoke.

After the rain, marks remain on my palms. Traces of the past. The wind erases them, rustling through my hands in cold streams.

You cannot hide your true colors as the autumn of your life approaches.

Autumn is a fragment of the reality of this world split into parts...

And I want that autumn when I won’t know you.

I like autumn. I love it because of the smells you inhale; also because things die, things you don't have to care about anymore.

Autumn feels happy! She's simply the most beautiful. She's just real and can't breathe without rain. How I love you, Autumn!

I hate missing out on something as beautiful as autumn sunshine by staying indoors. That's why I spend almost the whole day outside.

The leaves are burning, and hardly anyone will notice how autumn, asleep by the fire, is burning.

Beautiful autumn... the leaves are spinning... the cool wind is blowing... and the rain... so dear, because you can hide your tears in it... quotes about autumn are what you need at this time of year.

Autumn is the last, most delightful smile of the year.

I buttoned my shirt, tied my tie, put on my jacket and... fell asleep to go for a walk where it is always good, where there is always my favorite weather, my favorite autumn and my favorite... you.

Autumn is a time to take stock and analyze what has come true. And after that - wash away all the failures with pouring rain and breathe in the fresh air of the future, in which the sky will be clear and cloudless, transparent and weightless, as only happens in autumn.

Spring delayed this year and imperceptibly turned into autumn.

What compares to autumn in New York? Don't think that only leaves fall at this time. Masks also fall off people.

With the first autumn chill, life will begin again.

Love also has autumn, and the one who has forgotten the taste of the kisses of his beloved knows it.