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» Model of a large house made of paper. How to make a building layout out of paper. Paper House - Application Ideas

Model of a large house made of paper. How to make a building layout out of paper. Paper House - Application Ideas

For staining sawdust, ultramarine blue is taken, diluted in hot water, where wood powder is immersed, stained before our eyes to a degree desired color. Removed from the paint, it is wrung out and placed in a thin layer on a baking sheet to dry.

Wood powder can be used to cover models instead of paint, but for this it is harvested in a wide variety of colors, dried and folded into jars. best paint for this - aniline, sold in bags for dyeing cotton fabrics. The powder is applied in a thin layer to hot carpentry glue and pressed down. After drying, its excess is poured into a jar and stored for the next work.

The snow surface is done like this: the right part smeared with glue and sprinkled with borax with an admixture boric acid to add shine. You can also make a surface of cotton wool (hygroscopic), which spreads evenly and thinly over white paper. Cotton wool is sprinkled on top with boric acid.
When the glued parts dry, they are covered with a putty made from chalk (tooth powder) and glue. Depending on the color that the soil should have, various paints are added to the chalk. Putty is applied in a thin layer, and in those places where required, it takes the form of the necessary bulges, relief, ledges, banks, etc.

Putty coating aims to fasten the layout, smooth out irregularities or create them, make it dense and monolithic. Pebbles, roots imitating one or another object can be interspersed in the putty when it is applied.

The background of the layout can be painted with brown paint or sprinkled with wood powder over glue, or pasted over with dark paper. The whole layout after finishing, while it is damp, sprinkled with diamond mounds, from which it comes to life, especially in the evening light.

The inscriptions are made on drawing paper with ink and placed under glass, like labels, and the layout is ready.
Let's turn to the manufacture of some details of the layouts.

The forest and bushes conditionally depict green deciduous mosses. They are going ahead. You need to choose the greenest, brightest and not very juicy, dry them in a draft, but not in the sun. Very dense bouquets are tied from mosses, which are inserted into the holes made in the layout with an awl.

Grass layout

The grassy surface on the models can also be depicted with moss. The surface is pasted over with matte green paper or painted with green paint. The green background is smeared with glue and sprinkled with finely trimmed moss. You can replace the moss with dyed green color small sawdust. If it is necessary to present a part of the vegetation in natural form, then you have to take real plants or parts of them, dried in the sand.

Surface irregularities, pits, small elevations, etc. do this: moisten in liquid wood glue the desired size of a piece of thin paper and stick on the surface of the stand. Wet another piece of colored paper in glue. When it becomes soft, put it on a lump and press the edges around the lump to the surface of the stand. Coat the irregularities made with glue and sprinkle with sheared moss or earth.

Simulation of the earth's surface. The easiest way is to arrange a flat surface of the soil. It is enough to grease a piece of cardboard and sprinkle it with earth or sand. The cardboard must be painted in the color that the prepared soil has.

"Earth" is done like this. Take thin cardboard and black matte paper. Cut out a piece of cardboard of the desired size, paste over it with matte black paper, reverse side Cardboards must be immediately pasted over with paper, otherwise it will warp. In the absence of paper, cardboard can be successfully painted with soot on glue. Apply carpenter's glue to the black side of the cardboard, cover it with earth in an even layer, let it dry for half an hour and only then shake off excess earth.

Dry land is not black, but grey colour and therefore, in order for it to remain black, it must be dyed. This is done before the sticker. Take the black mineral paint, spread on a silver platter and pour earth into it. Dry the soil soaked with paint in the sun or in an oven.

The sandy surface is made with exactly the same methods, it is only necessary to take yellow instead of black paper, best of all ordinary wrapping paper. Occasionally it is necessary to paint the background with watercolors if the prepared “breed” has a shade of a different color.

For sandy landscapes, artificial sand is prepared. It is made up of 20% natural sand and 80% ocher. The mixture is thoroughly mixed.

From natural pebbles, it is best to use pebbles extracted from a stream, as well as fine gravel. In order to attach pebbles, sticks or any objects to the cardboard, they are smeared with very thick wood glue and lowered to their intended places. When cooking lei, a little sugar is added for strength.

Creek layout

The brook is decorated with paints, and its bed is covered with a specially applied putty. of blue color powder of a blue mound, which emits a brilliance, and the shore - with earth and pebbles.

Animals to enliven the landscape can be sawn out of plywood, painted and attached to the appropriate places on the layout. Also foreground plants. Stones must be prepared from paper pulp, and then painted. You can also use the corresponding drawings for this purpose by cutting and pasting them on cardboard, and then attaching them to the layout.

High slopes and cliffs. A box of the desired size is bent and glued from cardboard. Bottom up, it is glued to a piece of cardboard. This will be the skeleton of the mountain. On all or some sides, you can stick a sheet of thick paper so that with one edge it is attached to the edge of the bottom of the box, and with the other to the cardboard, you get a slope of the desired steepness. The paper is taken in the appropriate color, depending on whether it is an earthen, sandy or grassy slope. When the model is completed, this slope is smeared with glue and sprinkled with sand, earth or sheared moss.

For a break, thin gray wrapping paper is taken. Cut off the desired piece, soak it in liquid wood glue and apply in the same way as the “slope”, but, of course, lower it much steeper. The glue will dry soon, and you can easily collect the paper into any folds and folds. When the glue dries and the paper hardens, coat again with glue and, holding the "cliff" up, sprinkle with sand. Then the assemblies and folds will resemble potholes washed with water on the slope of a ravine. You can sprinkle the "cliff" not only with sand. Having collected multi-colored clays, pour them on the glue in horizontal stripes and visualize the layering of the earth's crust.

Such models of mountains, cliffs, coasts and even ravines can be easily made from nature if you have drawings and maps of the area.

If you are assembling a rock collection from a cliff, then an accurate, proportionate model of the cliff, made (sprinkled with glue) from authentic, locally sourced materials, will greatly enhance the value of your collection.

The construction of models of dwellings or villages develops in students resourcefulness and creative initiative. And the made such models will serve as valuable aids for the geographical office. You can use pictures, drawings, etc., as well as descriptions in magazines and books for guidance. Let's take a description of one layout as an example.

A man sits by a fire in front of the entrance to the cave. All the inhabitants of the cave went hunting. The rest must protect the dwelling and maintain the "eternal fire".

Well done cave model primitive man will help you imagine the life of our ancient ancestors. The size of the mock-up is 40 X 40 cm. The height of the back wall is 40 cm. Model a model of a mountain with a cave from clay. Paste the model with layers of paper. Pre-tear the paper into pieces 150 × 150 mm. You will get a cast of the mountain from papier-mâché. Sew the mountain to the underlay and to the back wall of the layout.

Cover the area around the mountain with earth and green sawdust. Color the mountain so that it looks like it is made of stone. Animal skins are well obtained from pieces of an old shaggy towel. Color the "skins" and glue them inside the cave. There are stone tools in the cave. Model the stone parts of the ax and spear from plasticine or other material. Make a fire out of tissue paper dyed red and yellow. For the figure of a primitive man, make a frame of soft thin wire, then apply plasticine to it. Dress the person in a piece of animal skin.

It would be a mistake to assume that only little girls make do-it-yourself paper house models. Of course, your princess will also be happy with such a gift, but they can also be useful in an architectural idea. Before starting construction, always make a small copy. In this case, PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is used, from which the finest details are cut out with a milling machine. Then they are combined with a solvent.

But you can repeat the masterpieces of architects without special equipment. Such a house can be not only a useful model, but also a home decoration. The most common material for this is paper, so the process will not cost you too much.

We buy materials

For work you will need colored paper or cardboard. The latter is preferable for complex models, as it requires increased strength. For scanning it is better to take paper.

All windows, doors and other small parts will be cut with a knife. Make sure that it is sharp enough, it is better to buy at a hardware store.

You can connect the parts with both super-glue - it allows you to speed up the process - and PVA (but it is better to speed up its drying with a hair dryer). In addition, scissors, a pencil and a ruler will come in handy. For decoration, you can use paints.

Choosing a sweep

If this is your first experience in reproducing house models, it is better, of course, to take a ready-made scan. You can not only find them on the Internet, but also make them yourself. This is a very exciting process.

You can choose almost any program. It is desirable that it works with vector images. One of the most convenient in this regard is CorelDRAW. Buildings in it are very easy, you can change the thickness of the lines and load your own textures. But the built-in library also pleases with the proposed photos.

The first step is to draw an oblong rectangle. Now it needs to be split into two pairs identical walls located through one. You need to build a floor along the lower edges, it is attached to one of the edges to the general layout. We divide the roof into segments and also attach it. After that, you can add architectural elements and visual effects. And don't forget the straps.

Assembly steps

We print and cut out the scheme we previously received.

If you do not have a color printer or you have not used textures, you can transfer the blank to cardboard.

Using a needle and an awl, mark the places of windows, doors and decor elements. You need to cut everything at once, entirely. And preferably with a clerical knife - scissors will leave serifs. Lay down a sheet of plywood first.

Additionally, make shutters, doors, awnings and the like. We will glue them at the very end. Use a ruler to work through all the folds - it will be easier to assemble.

Video on the topic of the article

In our selection of video tutorials, you can learn how to create more complex houses and get a lot of interesting ideas:

The creation of miniature models (models) of buildings is usually done by architects. Before you start building a house or an entire residential complex, you first need to make a sample of it on a scale (photo). Real architects make models from PVC (polyvinyl chloride), and cut out details for future buildings on a special milling machine, which is given a specific computer program.

In your future home, you will definitely need a waste disposal system. This is where slurry pumps come in handy. We did not write about this, not quite our profile, but we found an excellent article with reviews of the best manufacturers of slurry pumps. Read for health!

Such a machine is able not only to cut out microscopic details with jewelry precision, but also to apply a section on their surface that imitates brickwork or other coverage. Due to this, the maximum reliability of the layout is achieved. The machine cuts tiny windows, doors and other details. After that, the architect connects them together using a solvent that melts the edges of the PVC plates and tightly fastens them to each other.

All the same can be done at home, but only without milling machine, PVC and solvent, and using cardboard, paper, PVA glue and scissors. The production technology is very similar to that used by the pros. The difference lies only in the materials and, of course, the quality of the layout produced in this way.

But if you really try hard, you can make a paper building no worse than what an architect creates with a high-tech milling machine. So, how to make a do-it-yourself home layout using a basic set of stationery?

What do you need to work

To make a house layout, you will need the following tools:
thick white / color paper A4 (several sheets);
cardboard of the same size;
a sharp construction knife (it is convenient for them to cut the walls of the building, and then cut small windows and doors into them);
brush for glue;
PVA glue;
a wooden or plastic board for modeling (it is convenient to cut out details on it so as not to damage the table);

You can also use a regular household hair dryer to quickly dry the glued parts. You can cut a building out of both paper and cardboard. Last option- more reliable, but a little more difficult to work with. You can cut the entire layout out of paper, and then fix it on several “bearing” cardboard walls (photo). This will strengthen the entire structure and give it more stability.

Creating a scheme of the future building

There are two ways to create the walls of a future building. For the first, such a scheme is used, as in the photo below. This is literally the whole building completely, but in a turn. The adjacent walls can be made together and not cut. They will just need to be bent later, forming the corners of the building.

Immediately mark the location of future windows. They must be on the same level. Do not forget to leave small indents on the sides and bottom of the walls, as in the diagram. After that, with their help, it will be possible to connect the parts of the structure to each other. The whole building should be made to scale so that in the future the walls, roof and other parts of the house are proportional.

Making a layout: method 1

After the whole scheme is drawn on paper, all that remains is to cut out the future building, bend the lines marked with a blue dotted line and cut through construction knife windows. Use a modeling board. On it, cut out parts from cardboard, and then glue them much more conveniently.
The scheme shown in the photo above is suitable for the production of the simplest houses. More complex structure will literally have to be made up of several parts. By the way, the layout can also be made opening (so that you can see interior decoration at home). It is by this principle that children's houses for dolls are made, which can be purchased at the store.

To make such a layout (photo), it is advisable to use the thickest cardboard that you can find. In order for part of the wall to open, an appropriate mount is used (this can be found in old Soviet-made caskets) or simply a piece of cardboard bent in half. In the same way, you can make doors open.

Method 2

The second method is suitable for the production of building models of more complex configurations (photo).

First, a sheet of paper needs to be folded with an accordion, as in the photo. The more folds, the more walls will turn out, but their width will be, accordingly, less. On one fold, you need to draw ½ of the facade of the building. We draw very carefully, with a thick line outlining the places of the cut, and with a thin line, outlining the places of the fold of the paper.

Then cut along the thick lines and unfold the accordion. The result is a whole facade, absolutely proportional and even as in a mirror image. We bend the paper holders as in the photo and cut through the windows with a construction knife.

After that, the parts of the structure are assembled together, smeared with glue at the joints and glued together. From cardboard we make the base for the layout. When the whole building is ready, you can paint it with paints or stick some images (as in the photo).

Making trees and grass

To make the layout look more authentic and to be able to visually assess its scale, it is advisable to decorate the cardboard stand with greenery: grass and trees. This will require:
can of green paint;
acrylic paint of several green shades;
dried twigs (dead wood);
a piece of foam rubber;
paint brush.

First, in any unnecessary container, mix several tones of green acrylic paint(dark and light to achieve the maximum effect of authenticity). After that, you need to cut the foam rubber into small pieces and soak them properly with this paint. When the foam is colored, leave it to dry for a day.

We cut the dried foam rubber into such small pieces that they literally resemble crumbs. She will be our herb. After that, we paint the cardboard stand well several times with greenery, and when the paint dries, cover it with a thick layer of glue. Pour green foam crumbs on wet glue in random order. The grass is ready.

When the glue is completely dry, several holes need to be made in the cardboard base with an awl. Be very careful not to damage the entire layout. We paint dry branches with green spray paint and stick them into the holes in the stand. Now the trees have taken their place. Thanks to all this vegetation, our paper building model looks more realistic.


Templates multi-storey buildings from paper for the layout. Paper house layout with a diagram, cut and glue

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Of course, the main highlight will not be the material of the house, but its style. Let's make a number of houses and from them we will create a game ghost town.

We will need:

  1. White paper.
  2. Pencil, ruler.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Glue.
  5. Black marker or black paper.
  6. Print template (PDF)
  7. Check out our ideas for kids there

Ghostly our city will gain due to the location of windows and doorways, I explain: on the wall of the house there are two windows and a door, located so that their shape resembles a face (windows are eyes, a house is a mouth). The house is watching you. Moreover, the shapes of windows and doors can and should vary in shape, and houses vary slightly in size, color and shape of the roof.

In principle, templates can be found on the Internet and printed. Can be made by yourself.

On a sheet of white paper, we draw a rectangle, its length is equal to the length of the perimeter of the future building, and the height is the height of the house, excluding the roof. If you don’t want to calculate the dimensions simply, first draw a rectangle 16 cm long and 5 centimeters high in the middle of a sheet of landscape paper. Divide it with vertical lines along the long side into four equal rectangles. Then, to the second rectangle from the left (this is the facade), draw a triangle on one free side, the side of the rectangle is the base of the triangle, and the top looks to the opposite side (the triangle is the end side of the roof).

And on the other free side, we add another rectangle to the second rectangle from the left. Its height will be equal to the width of the first rectangle on the left (this is the bottom of our house). To the third rectangle from the left, add a rectangle with a height equal to the length two sides of the triangle (these are the sides of the roof), and we add it on the same side as the triangle. On the last rectangle, counting from the left, draw a triangle (the size is the same as the previous one, the display is mirrored if it is not equilateral).

You can draw a truncated triangle instead of triangles, then the height of the sides of the roof is equal to the sum of the lengths of the sides of the truncated triangle, plus the length of the smaller base. Now it remains to finish the flaps from the outside, so that the house can be folded and glued. Cut out the layout.

We will bend the voluminous paper house, inward relative to the drawn lines, so that they are not visible on the facade. First, draw or paste the windows and take them.

The principle is clear, we make different houses, and play.

This is an instruction on how to make a paper house with your own hands for kids! Hopefully it won't take them long. Note: parts for these toy houses will need to be cut out of thick paper, so it will be better if an adult cuts them out, not a child.

Making a paper house with your own hands


Color the parts of the houses before putting them together. You can draw a door frame around and windows. You can stick cellophane inside the window. You can draw shingles on the roof. Or add windows or even two, and maybe doors.

You can add people and animals. Create your own home. Make a church, a school, a hospital. Or maybe even make an entire village.

You can make a green base to simulate grass. Create your own streets.

New Year's version of decorating a paper house

If you make a small town with a huge number of such houses, could you post a photo of it on the site so that I can look at it?

NOTE: My templates are not very good, but everything is perfectly clear from them. You can download and print templates. If you can print them on heavy paper that will be great, but if not, you will have to transfer the drawing from the printout to heavy paper.

You can also download all templates for Buildings 1 - 5 in one ZIP file listed just below House #5. You can also download all templates for Buildings 6 - 8 in one ZIP file listed just below House #8.

General instructions

After you have cut out all the pieces, transfer ballpoint pen all lines indicating folds, including places for hinges on the doors and leave the doors open. Then glue them together. It is better to take quick-drying glue. If you are making a heavy paper house with some kind of pattern on it, make sure the pattern is on the inside of the house so that it is not visible.

To hold the pieces together until the glue dries, you can use a few staples, old ones will also work.

1. We will start with the simplest projects and move on to the most complex houses. Let's start very simple garage:

for template

2. This one garage slightly larger, designed for two cars:

You only need 2 parts for it, the floor/walls and the roof. Press here for template

3. Now let's move on to our first home:

Press here for floor/wall drawing and click HERE roof

4.Next house very similar to the previous one, but it is a bit longer:

You only need 2 parts for it.

Press here for the roof.

Please note that you will need duct tape to hold some of the pieces together. When gluing the roof to the house, hold the roof upside down in your hand and lower the house onto it to make sure it is centered.

5. And second house not much more complicated, it has a chimney going through a hole in the roof:

You only need 3 parts for it.

Press here for a floor/wall template and click HERE for the roof.

If you want to download BUILDINGS 1 to 5 in one ZIP file, click HERE . Please email me if you have any problems downloading the file.

6. This house is a little more complicated - a multi-level house:

You need 4 pieces for it.

and for lower walls and two roofs click HERE

This house is quite complex! Watch carefully where you cut the pieces.

7. The complexity of this house lies in the roof and "L" shaped floor.

You will need 6 parts for it.

For floor/wall templates click .

For Roof/Canopy/Chimney Roof Templates click HERE

For canopy templates / additional roof for the back click HERE

This house is not for beginners!

8. Last house with unusual roof, canopy and chimney(very similar to the one above).

You will need 6 parts for it:

For floor/wall templates click HERE

For roof, chimney, gabled roof templates click HERE

For canopy and roof templates: click HERE

Be careful with the canopy; mark each end of the house to which it will be attached. In addition, it is inconvenient to install a gabled roof over the main roof. I suggest cutting off the two glued parts of the gabled roof and reattaching them with duct tape on the back.

If you want to download BUILDINGS #6 to #8 in one ZIP file, click HERE .

There are also other houses, just now to design the templates, but you can look at them in finished form and download the sketches:

building 9:

Template 1 >>

Template 2 >>

Template 3 >>

House 10:

Template 1 >>

Template 2 >>

Surely many parents are familiar with the problem: the better to keep the child busy, how to tear him away from the computer or TV. A good option is a walk, but if the weather does not work out, then it immediately disappears. Presented to your attention an exciting activity, which will help your child pass a couple of cold winter evenings. The main thing is that for this you do not need to spend a large amount of money on toys. You only need to download one file and print it. As you can see, everything is quite simple.

We offer an entertaining game - the designer, which will provide you with a couple of hours of peace while the baby is busy building. Better join him, because you have to deal with glue. Such a wonderful time will only bring you closer to your child. Help him build his dream house! In general, the game is intended for children from three years old under adult supervision. However, it is also suitable for children of primary school age. In the latter case, you can afford a couple of hours of rest. But do not rush to deny yourself such an entertaining pleasure.

For a child, the game will be useful, because you need to glue everything according to the instructions. It develops thinking, imagination and motor skills of the hands. You will need paper, scissors, cardboard, glue and, of course, paints. It is better to take, for example, PVA, and glue - a pencil. The latter option is much easier to use and will give you a minimum of inconvenience. We just print the downloaded layout of our future home, carefully cut it out and start building.

If you like the process itself, then you can make a whole miniature town by gluing a few more houses together. In fact, this is a great option for the New Year holiday. You can, for example, place your creations under the Christmas tree and put presents there. When you finish building, using ordinary cotton wool, you can create the illusion that snow has fallen in the town. You can settle several residents there or decorate a window sill with this composition, for example. In a word, the construction of such a paper theater will be a great pastime for your baby and, possibly, for you. Such scope for fantasy and imagination will give you a wonderful mood!

Paper is the simplest and most suitable material for a variety of creativity. From the age of three, the child has been paying attention to the rustling leaves and has been engaged in them for a long time and with enthusiasm. As they get older, children do not lose interest in paper and love to make different objects out of it. They are madly happy when adults make crafts with them.

And if you ask a child what he wants to do, most often it turns out that this is a house. Moreover, both boys and girls love to create houses with their own hands. Apparently, children, albeit unconsciously, already perceive the house as main attribute life. How to quickly and easily make a house out of paper?

Tools and materials for creating a paper house

When you decide to brighten up a family evening or a child at school is given the task of making such a craft, you will need a little imagination, paper, glue and just a few tools. Paper can be any: thin from color sets, sheets of notebooks or albums, drawing paper (which, by the way, sticks together perfectly) or pieces of wallpaper. You will need scissors, a ruler and a pencil, and sometimes a glue brush.

If you have a clerical knife, it will help you quickly and accurately cut through the windows and doors. Glue will suit the most different: in tubes, PVA glue, wallpaper, glue stick, home-made paste or paper in bottles, adhesive tape. The selection of items to decorate the future house depends on the scope of your imagination with your child. Suitable paints, gouache, colored pencils, beads, cotton wool, lace and other items for applique.

You can engage in magical action at a table, on a wide windowsill or sitting on the floor. As long as the surface is smooth and resistant to glue and scratches (you can put a plank or plywood).

Preparing a sketch of a paper house

When designing a house, small or voluminous, simple or complex, a sketch is first created. Work begins with a drawing. If there are only small sheets for making a larger house, you can cut the drawing along the dotted line and perform each part separately.

When cutting the drawing, remember that the right side will remain without a bend for applying glue and it needs to be drawn. You can add a floor to the sketch of the house. But is it necessary? Without it, it is more convenient for a child to place toys: dishes, furniture, "tenants" different size, but not everything can get through the door.

Connecting parts, decorating and assembling a paper house

  • Having marked the places of windows and doors, cuts are made (conveniently with a clerical knife) and paper is removed from them. One side of the door is left uncut, and it will remain slightly ajar for now.
  • Now it is better to start decorating the product, after gluing it will be more difficult to do. The child will be happy to paint the house or paste over with suitable colored paper. You can help him attach a latch to the door. To do this, glue a cardboard rectangle to the edge of the door, and provide a jamb with a slot - the house will immediately look more comfortable and reliable. The roof can be decorated with tiles by cutting "tiles" from suitable paper.
  • Then parts of the house are cut out and “construction” begins, smearing and gluing special bends.
    The product will take some time to dry.
    The new building lacks stability - it is better to install and glue it on a cardboard frame.

    The design of the house can be complicated by adding an extension, a porch, an attic, a second floor, a balcony and other elements. The stages of work remain the same: creating a sketch - cutting out details - decor - gluing - drying.

    Other options for paper houses

    Round houses are made of paper very interesting.
    When creating a sketch, the body of this design looks like a solid long rectangle. The craft is glued in one fold. And the roof is often drawn separately in the form of a circle, then it is trimmed and connected to the body with glue.

    But it is also possible to build a drawing in unity with the roof. Then many cuts are made for the roof, which can then be glued together with an overlap, creating a conical shape.

    With great enthusiasm, children make fabulous "log" huts.
    The materials for work are the same, but the technology for building such a house is completely different. Here they are first prepared construction material. Tubes - “logs” are made from identical long paper rectangles with a pencil.

    Whether it will be a small house or a voluminous house depends on the size and number of rolled tubes. Usually the guys compete with adults or among themselves, who will roll or glue more.

    Then from finished material walls fold neatly. There are options here: the walls are glued with gaps, where there are two logs in a row, or a continuous masonry of four tubes is glued with their displacement to the edges in the next row. The roof of the house can be "log" or smooth.

    Patterns and layouts of houses

    Save the diagram to your computer and print it out.

    How to make an origami paper house

    The creation of origami figures, including houses, according to ready-made schemes, serves to develop the child’s logical and spatial thinking, to activate his thought processes. You can do origami anywhere, for example, in line to the doctor.

    Having created the first simple houses from paper, you can come up with many other unusual and often craft them together with your beloved child.

    Print, cut, glue 3

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    Format: pdf
    Language: English

    New Year's time is coming - the time of miracles, when everyone can feel like a little helper of the kindest old man in the world. After all, think if, in addition to gifts for the children of the whole planet, the old grandfather also had to decorate our houses, how would he manage to do everything. That is why we, adults, help him in every possible way, because it is impossible for children to stop believing in Santa Claus.

    Decorating a home is the most important task in the process of creating new year mood. Buying ready-made decor elements in the store is not a difficult task, but making Christmas decorations with your own hands is a completely different thing! In this article you will find more than 20 master classes and schemes for creating New Year's houses. At first sight unprepared person it may seem that creating a New Year's house from paper, cardboard or any other materials is an impossible task. In fact, this is not the case, especially if you have a ready-made template. So, if you are serious, then get ready to become a real builder, because in this article you will find schemes not only for single houses, but also for entire winter villages!

    A very beautiful New Year's house can be made with your own hands from ordinary cardboard box. The inside of the box is usually Brown color which, in fact, is in our favor. The box will have to be gutted and turned inside out. Draw a house template and cut it out. Next, glue the walls and floor. You can leave the top with a makeshift roof and use the house as a gift box, or you can glue a full roof and put it under the Christmas tree. On top of the cardboard, you can draw with a special white marker, white gouache or a regular corrector. Outwardly, the house is very similar to the gingerbread delicacy that is common in the Western world. Well, we are familiar with the gingerbread house from the famous fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm "Hansel and Gretel". If your kids haven't heard it yet, then it's time to read this story, and a homemade gingerbread house made from a cardboard box will be a great attribute for a little dramatization!

    More gift boxes:

    On the eve new year holidays shop windows are full of gift boxes, decorative bags, wrapping paper for every taste. Smiling sellers helpfully offer to provide services for wrapping New Year's gifts. And all this seems to be great, because you must admit, it is much more pleasant to receive a New Year's trifle in a beautiful package. But on the other hand, the whole meaning of the gift is lost, the very gift that […]

    If you are planning to make not just a house, but a whole Christmas village, then you will definitely need a church. Print out our finished diagram, cut it out of cardboard, glue it in right places and the layout of the church is ready. Now it remains to decorate it with sparkles and artificial snow so that the church becomes truly winter. You can download the finished scheme below.

    So, the church is ready, now it remains to build the houses of local residents. Download the finished scheme from the link below, cut it out of cardboard, glue the house and decorate it. Who to house in the houses? Yes, anyone! Little dolls, cone elves or any other inhabitants that you have. If there is a little Santa Claus, then feel free to settle him too! Get a whole residence!

    If there are any problems with cardboard, then it’s quite possible to make a New Year’s house from salt dough. You can use it as a candlestick, it looks very cool. So get ready salty dough, roll it out to about 1-1.5 cm thick. Cut out the walls, windows and door. You can do this with special molds, and if there are none, then use a clerical knife and a ruler. Glue all the walls and glue the roof. Cover the joints with the rest of the dough. When the house is dry, sand the bumps with a scissor and enjoy your creation!

    Cute houses in the style of Danish architecture can be made using this scheme. At the link below you will find diagrams of all three houses, which you just need to print and bend along the lines. Put an electric candle inside, turn off the lights and enjoy the urban winter landscape!

    If you like corn flakes or eat oatmeal like real Englishmen in the morning, then you will surely find cardboard boxes of the appropriate size. Below is a step-by-step master class for making a New Year's house with your own hands from a cardboard box, follow the instructions clearly and you will succeed!

    Excellent New Year's houses are obtained from magazine clippings. Find a picture of a suitable house or castle, cut it out and glue it around. Put an electric candle inside and enjoy.

    Wonderful New Year's houses can be made from plain white paper, decorating some parts (roof and windows) with sparkles. You can download ready-made templates from the link below. Watch the step-by-step instructions and make your own New Year's house!

    If you have accumulated a lot greeting cards, you can make wonderful houses from them, with which you can decorate an apartment by combining them into garlands. And you can congratulate friends and acquaintances with such postcard houses. You will find step-by-step instructions for making houses from old open houses below.

    You can make crafts houses not only from paper or cardboard. Excellent material for manufacturing is also felt. The manufacturing process is insanely simple, you will find step-by-step instructions below. It remains to get felt and an electric candle. New Year's crafts house is ready!

    With our ready-made scheme and step by step instructions You can make a whole city, especially if your team has little fidgets ready for needlework. You will need more electronic candles or you can use Christmas garland. Add some mini Christmas trees and the New Year's city is ready! And most importantly, the whole family has a New Year's mood!

    Christmas houses can also be made from improvised materials, it is especially great when these materials are no longer suitable for use, such as milk packaging. If you look at it, the house is almost ready, it remains only to make a roof, well, and adjust the size of the house itself. If the box does not look too presentable, you can paste over it with paper and draw windows and doors, but if everything suits you, then the craft house is ready!

    From this step by step wizard class you will learn how to make a simple New Year's house from ordinary cardboard. The main difficulty lies in the template, and if you do not have spatial vision and architectural education, drawing something more or less complex on paper is quite difficult. Therefore, using the link below, you can download the finished scheme of the house and glue it yourself.

    Download the finished house template, cut and glue. New Year's crafts house with your own hands is ready!

    Download this easy template, print and cut out. In our instructions, the house is made from an old music notebook. You can make from plain white paper or "drafts". A little decor, an electric candle and Voila! Do-it-yourself paper house is ready!

    If you don’t have time to mess around with voluminous houses, but you want to decorate an apartment with a whole city, then this option is especially for you. You will need a sheet of drawing paper (dense) A2 format, a printed template and a clerical knife. You can download two from the links below. various options cities. Ready schemes printed on A4 sheets, printed, glued and transferred directly to whatman paper for cutting.

    We are preparing for the new year with the children and making Santa Claus's house out of paper. Download the ready-made template, print it and glue it. Young designers will be delighted!

    As already noted, crafts house can be made from the most different materials, including from wooden sticks. Ice cream sticks are quite suitable for this work, but it was necessary to collect them all year. In any case, you can take note of the idea and be sure to do it next year!

    A very cute New Year's house can be made from paper tubes. For this you will need: thin paper, scissors, glue, pencil, decor elements. Cut the paper into strips of the same size. Wind the paper strip around the pencil and glue it with glue, remove the pencil. You will need about 50 tubes to make a house like in a master class. When the base is ready, glue the roof, and then the windows and other decorative elements.

    Incredible Christmas houses can be made from felt. Volumetric or flat, in the form of gingerbread houses or clocks. In addition, felt houses can be used to decorate pillows or socks for gifts. Ready-made patterns can be found below the photo.