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» Maximum FPS in World of Tanks. How to increase FPS in World of tanks for weak computers

Maximum FPS in World of Tanks. How to increase FPS in World of tanks for weak computers

World of Tanks is a multiplayer computer toy that, over the several years of its existence, has conquered many hearts who are partial to military tank battles. It is at least stupid to talk about what this project is, since you yourself know, since you are interested in the answer to the question regarding how to increase FPS in World of Tanks! This is exactly what we will talk about, away with meaningless ranting...

  1. It is best to install WOT on the same disk where the software is installed, this will allow in-game processes to interact with each other more quickly, as a result of which there will be fewer lags.
  2. Before starting the game, be sure to switch your antivirus software to game mode, if it is supported, otherwise it is better to disable it completely for a while.
  3. The first thing you need to do is turn off all third-party programs that are running when you launch the game - be it Skype or a browser. Thus, a certain amount of RAM will be freed up, due to which the FPS will increase (by how much depends on the memory consumed by switched-off programs).
  4. If you plan to play from a laptop, do not forget that most of these units have two video cards installed, and therefore before starting the game you need to make sure that World of Tanks has a high performance priority (this can be done in the corresponding section of the “Control Panel”).
  5. It's no secret that tank crews everywhere use various types of modifications. So, it will be better if there are fewer such installed mods. Their complete recycling will significantly increase FPS in WoT.

Additional methods to increase FPS in WOT

If the tips listed above did not help you, or you want to further improve your playability, then it is recommended to do the following:
  1. Update video adapter drivers. This can be done using a certain section in the “PC/Laptop Control Panel”.
  2. Reduce game graphics settings. Implement this action you can directly in the game menu.
  3. Clean your PC. If a lot of unnecessary programs and files have accumulated on your computer, they need to be cleaned. The desired can be achieved using the CCleaner utility, which must first be installed.
  4. Disable unnecessary features. Shadows, grass, tracks from tracks - all this, of course, is good, but at the same time it negatively affects the number of displayed frames per second. So it's better to cut them off.
  5. Upgrade your computer. This option is the most reasonable if you want the maximum increase FPS in World of Tanks. First of all, you should pay attention to expanding the RAM and video memory.

By taking into account the above tips and methods, you can easily increase the FPS in the game to the desired level. Well, if the desired result is not achieved, then the only way to correct the situation is to buy a new (more powerful) PC/laptop, and it is better to buy it so that its parameters come with a reserve, since updates are constantly coming out for WOT, and thus The game is becoming more demanding on the system!

Most people who play World of Tanks do not have the most powerful computers. For this reason, the question of how to increase FPS in World of Tanks is especially acute, but is there really nothing that can be done?

Of course, you shouldn’t despair, because even on a frankly weak computer or laptop you can take certain actions that will increase FPS and give the owner a little more freedom, the main thing is to know certain tricks and subtleties, which we will talk about now.

And remember, the minimum acceptable FPS value in the game is 30 or more (the higher this number, the better). If the number of frames per second drops below thirty, get ready for lags, freezes, image jerks, and so on.

Client Graphics Settings

The very first step to how to increase FPS in world of tanks is setting up the client, namely its graphic section. It’s funny, but many people don’t even try to check the characteristics of the game settings, but here you can move the sliders, uncheck a few boxes, and the effect will be very impressive.
To change the settings, you need to click on the gear in the upper left corner of the screen and select “Settings”. Next, go to the “Graphics” tab and look. First of all, make sure that you are playing in full screen mode and not in windowed mode, this greatly affects the CPU load.

Now set the graphics quality to “Low” (maybe “minimum” or “medium”, depending on your computer), uncheck “Dynamic resize” and try reducing the resolution of the 3D render by pulling the slider to the left. This way you will reduce the load on your video card and increase FPS in world of tanks. It is also worth disabling the color filter and anti-aliasing if you have them enabled (the described changes are shown in the screenshot).

The first stage of settings is completed and you can safely move on to the second. Click the “Advanced” button in the same settings section, and you will see an extensive list of configurations for more complete changes. Here we check the box next to the “Graphics - standard” item and set the sliders as follows:
· Texture quality is low;
· Lighting quality - off;
· Shadow quality - off;
· The quality of additional effects is low;
· Add. effects in sniper mode - low;
· Turn off the amount of vegetation and post-processing.
· Uncheck “Grass in sniper mode” and “Effects from under caterpillars”.

So, you can manually adjust the quality of graphics and visualization of effects so that everything matches your hardware as closely as possible. The points described above apply to fairly weak vehicles, so you may need to play with the settings and test the changes in battle in order to find best option. Eventually big picture should look like shown in the screenshot.

Next, go down all the way and enter last changes:
· The quality of the landscape is low;
· Water quality is low;
· Turn off decal quality;
· Object detailing is low;
· Tree detailing is low;
· Drawing distance - it is better to set it to “medium”, since this indicator greatly affects the drawing of rocks, houses and other objects at a distance. If you reduce this scale to a minimum, there is a chance that a piece of rock will not be drawn, and you will shoot at it, trying to target the enemy peeking out from behind it.
· Motion blur quality is low;
· Dynamic change in the quality of effects - it is better to leave the checkbox;
· Turn off the foliage transparency and caterpillar tracks checkboxes.

After all these adjustments (screenshot below), click the “Apply” button, restart the game client and go ahead into battle to see how the FPS has changed in World of Tanks.

Mods to increase FPS in World of Tanks

If changing the graphics in the game client settings did not have enough effect, there is another simple way to lower FPS. You can install mods to reduce the load on your computer's video card and processor.

One of these mods, the most significant and famous, is WoT Tweaker. This modification is good because after running it, you can disable those graphic effects that are not displayed in the client menu, simply by checking a few boxes. This is smoke from the exhaust pipe, clouds, gunshot effects, etc. This script looks very simple, and all the changes subject to it can be seen in the screenshot. By the way, in almost every popular World of Tanks game that is on our website, you can find a built-in tweaker as well.

Installing compressed textures

Another very effective method Raising FPS in World of Tanks means installing compressed textures in the game. What does it mean? To put it simply, all textures in the game, for example, images of tanks and so on, are standardly at a certain level of quality and are archived in the root folder of the game. And subsequently, when you play, the game accesses these textures, loading them into the computer's RAM and video card.

If we change standard textures, tanks, terrain, trees, turn off various smokes, clouds, and other beauties of the game, we thereby reduce the load on RAM and processor time for generating the game landscape and other textures. Thus, if translated into ballroom language, we increase FPS in World of tanks.

Download WoT mod Tweaker Plus on our website in the fashion section for World of Tanks, the settings, as shown in the screenshot, are simple and intuitive. The extended version of the tweaker has the ability to compress textures, and it looks like this.

Driver Update

Another method to increase FPS in world of tanks, which sometimes bears fruit, is updating the video card drivers to latest version. The fact is that the creators of video cards sometimes optimize their performance by releasing new drivers, and installing them can give good result. Although this procedure is unlikely to help much, it is still worth a try.

To update knowledgeable people can go to the official website of the creator of the video card, Nvidia or AMD, and download the driver for their video card there. For those who do not know how this is done, it is recommended to download and install a special utility - Driver Puck Solution. With its help, in the driver menu, you can find the necessary update or even several, if any.

For correct use For this program, in the settings you need to check the box next to “Expert Mode” and start the search. After that, select the required driver and click the “Install” button; how to do this is shown in the screenshot. Next, just restart your computer and you're done.

As you can see, using quite simple tools and knowing some of the subtleties of setting up the game, you can easily increase FPS even on a weak computer. As a result, you will be able to install several mods and play comfortably, and the number of frames per second will not drop below 30, causing hated lags and image jerks.

I love to solve the problems-mysteries that life throws up in IT. This time trouble happened in my favorite toy World of Tanks, where I'm trying to become a nerd extra. The game has long been causing complaints from players in terms of performance, since competent multi-threading has not yet been implemented so that multi-core processors begin to justify their purchase. But it's worth saying Thank you game developers that in the latest patch 9.14 they introduced a new sound engine, which not only added new sounds to the game, but also runs on a separate CPU core, which has a beneficial effect on the overall performance when playing on powerful computers. It would seem that fps should increase a little, but my problem did not look like low Frames per Second in general, but fps drop in WoT after a while.

Since absolutely all available parameters are set to the minimum position, at first I sinned on modifications (mods) that extend the standard game client in Python. There are a couple of mods that are officially recognized by everyone as “fps lowerers”:

  • legendary eXtended Visualization Mod (XVM, olemeter)
  • mod Horizontal angles (UGN)
  • a mod that reflects latency to servers directly in battle.

OK! Let's remove the mods, but that didn't help. Thanks to a video from a well-known professional player and author of modpack ProTanki, I knew about the serious impact of poor Internet (high latency when delivering network packets) on FPS. Many people do not understand how it can be connected net And video card. The fact is that the video card processes a lot of frames into a buffer for you and imagine a situation where, due to large delays, information comes from the server that your tank or the tanks of your allies/enemies are now not at this point, but at another, so called the "teleportation effect". The video card is “forced” to throw out the previously done work and start calculating everything again. If the video card is not top-end, then it turns out that poor Internet adds to its workload.

But logically, poor Internet not-at-my-home should keep fps low throughout the entire battle. And the problem with enviable consistency looked like a drop in fps after a couple of minutes of battle. I started looking at which settings are dynamic in nature. I won’t bore you, the setting is called dynamic change of 3D rendering. I also set the 3D rendering parameter to a satisfactory 95%, which allowed small details to disappear and seriously simplify the silhouettes of tanks in the distance, which will make the work of the video card easier. That's it! Drops from 120 fps to 40 fps disappeared as horrible dream. Stay random, VasiliscCom is going into battle!

Many computer owners are faced with a problem when frame drops occur in their favorite game World of Tanks. Many people immediately try to uninstall and reinstall the game, but this does not change the result, and the game continues to slow down. Now we will try to find out why low fps in World of Tanks.

The first reason is that the video card drivers may be outdated and need to be updated.

Refer to the official website of your Intel, AMD, NVIDIA video adapter and download new version drivers, install them and try to start the game again.

Low FPS is most often observed on computers with a built-in graphics adapter, although World of Tanks is designed to work with built-in Intel or AMD video cards, you should remember that they “eat up” part of the RAM for graphics needs. If you only have 2 GB of RAM, and 40-50% is allocated to graphics, this will cause a decrease in frames per second. To do this, in the graphics adapter utility, move the slider to

"Performance" - this should reduce the amount of graphics memory, and increase the RAM for the game

Large frame drops occur in laptops with a combined discrete video adapter. Thus, for operating system Windows uses the built-in graphics core, and for games it switches between a discrete video card for better performance.

It happens that the game launcher does not keep up or ignores such a switch and the game starts on the built-in video core, while in the battle itself the FPS indicators leave much to be desired. To do this, you also need to switch to maximum performance mode in the settings, disabling the built-in video card

Low FPS is observed on extremely outdated graphics adapters. To play World of Tanks comfortably, you need a video adapter with 1 GB of video memory and a 128-bit bus, preferably with fast GDDR5 memory.

If you don’t have the opportunity to replace the video card, try “playing around” with the settings and adjusting the graphics to the minimum settings.

Another reason why fps is low in World of Tanks is that some processes may be going on in your system, for example, checking for viruses, and you are playing the game at the same time, this noticeably reduces the performance of your PC and wastes frames.

Unload all unnecessary processes from RAM and do not scan for viruses while playing. If it happens that your computer is infected with viruses, you should perform a complete cleaning and removal and try to launch the game again.

Lags, brakes, phrases and low FPS permanent satellites most World of Tanks players. In this article we will tell you the most important and current solutions to increase the performance of tanks, since the game settings are very flexible, and there are a lot of mods to increase FPS, which allows you to configure the game and PC for a comfortable game.

Of course, for maximum speeds and 60 FPS you need a powerful and expensive computer, but you can play normally without lags even on relatively weak hardware. To optimize World of Tanks and your computer, there are several methods and we will look at each one and also describe the principles of operation.

1) Updating the video card driver
2) PC optimization
3) Fine-tuning Wot graphics
4) Programs to disable effects
5) Mods for Wot that increase FPS

Updating drivers for wot

This method will not save you from freezes (periodic freezes), but it will probably increase FPS, especially if you haven’t updated them for a long time, but sometimes the difference is not noticeable at all, but in any case it definitely won’t be worse, so the first thing you need to do is update the drivers to the latest ones versions.
For Radeon video cards
For nVidia video cards

Tuning your computer's performance

This is a very important step, most freezes and lags occur due to insufficient RAM and processor load, however, not only World of Tanks consumes all this, but also Windows itself + processes running in the background. If you have less than 4GB of RAM, then be sure to close Skype, antivirus, browser and similar applications before starting the game, as all this can consume more than 1GB. In addition, we recommend using programs to optimize your PC, for example Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​- an excellent and very easy to learn program that increases the performance of your computer.

Fine-tuning World of Tanks graphics

This is also not an unimportant point (or even the main one), because most players do not understand what the various settings are responsible for, and in some cases, with their help you can remove lags in World of Tanks and increase FPS. Basically, if your game slows down a lot, then you need to set everything to minimum except screen resolution and 3D rendering. Of course, these functions increase FPS, but the image quality will suffer greatly.

Programs to disable effects in Wot

Unfortunately, not all effects can be disabled in the World of Tanks options, but some of them reduce the FPS quite significantly and interfere with comfortable game on weak hardware, but here utilities come to the rescue with which you can disable resource-intensive effects, such as smoke, fire, hot air effect and others. Wot Tweaker plus will handle this best of all; all you need to do is launch it, specify the path to Wot and disable all unnecessary effects. Rest assured, FPS is guaranteed to increase.

Mods to increase FPS

To all of the above, you can also add some modifications; first of all, you need to install compressed textures, they weigh little and will therefore unload your video card. By the way, you can compress the textures yourself using the Wot Tweaker plus program.

We have listed the most basic and effective ways to increase FPS in World of Tanks and eliminate lags, of course you can buy new computer and don’t bother, but World of Tanks is very poorly optimized, so even on modern and top-end PCs it can work with lags.

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