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» Small bone in the throat. What to do if a fish bone is stuck in your throat. Actions after removing the bone

Small bone in the throat. What to do if a fish bone is stuck in your throat. Actions after removing the bone

Some foods need to be consumed with caution. Take fish, for example. This healthy product contains a large number of large and small bones that can get stuck in the throat even if swallowed slowly and carefully.

A bone stuck in the throat is not only painful, but extremely dangerous. Therefore, the injured person should know what to do in this situation, how to remove a foreign object from the throat without causing harm to the respiratory tract. In most cases, people turn to doctors, but the bone can be removed from the throat at home. The main thing is to act carefully and carefully.

How to properly remove a bone from your throat?

Most often, a thin and sharp fish bone gets stuck in the human throat. However, a problem can also arise if you accidentally swallow chicken bones or small fragments of pork and beef bones.

The fragments are easier to remove than thin fish bones, but they cause significant harm to the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.

Pork and beef bones are larger and thicker than fish bones, and they often have sharp edges that damage mucous membranes and cut blood vessels. But in the vast majority of cases, doctors have to pull fish bones out of patients’ throats.

So what should you do if you have a bone stuck in your throat? The first step is to examine the throat to find out where the bone has stuck into the mucous membranes. The examination is carried out as follows: the injured person stands in front of the mirror, opens his mouth, and directs the flashlight beam into the oral cavity. You can ask a relative to conduct an examination.

An adult can try to pull the foreign body out of the throat with his fingers, unless, of course, he has a strong gag reflex. Before diving into the throat, your fingers need to be washed. Sometimes you can hear advice: treat the throat with an anesthetic solution of Lidocaine.

In fact, it is better not to use this medicine at home. The anesthetic makes the mucous membranes of the pharynx insensitive, as a result of which the injured person cannot determine exactly where the bone is located.

What to do if the bone is small, deeply stuck, invisible when examining the oral cavity? In such a situation, you should take any liquid antiseptic drug and rinse your throat thoroughly with it.

When fluid boils in the oral cavity, the muscles of the larynx actively contract, resulting in the bone coming out.

The antiseptic also prevents the occurrence of an inflammatory reaction when the mucous membranes of the pharynx are damaged.

The most serious problem is pulling the bone out of the child's throat. Babies usually cannot sit quietly, they fidget, become capricious, and begin to scream and cry when the parent tries to pull the bone out of their neck. Therefore, in this situation, it is better to immediately take the child to the doctor.

If a parent begins to hold the baby and forcibly pick at his mouth, he can seriously damage the thin and delicate mucous membranes of the child's throat.

What should you not do if you have a bone stuck in your throat?

You cannot remove a foreign object from your throat with a toothbrush. The thin bone will slip between the bristles and become lodged deeper in the respiratory tract. As a result, damage to the mucous membranes will increase, and pain will intensify. Attempts to move the bone with swallowing movements can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

A large bone can not only scratch, but also pierce the mucous walls of the respiratory tract. As a result, bleeding occurs, and in the absence of surgical treatment, a purulent inflammatory reaction develops.

Methods for removing bones from the throat offered by traditional medicine

Traditional medicine offers several ways to remove bones from the upper respiratory tract. However, it should be borne in mind that traditional methods are not always effective and safe.

Below are the most popular and proven methods to get rid of a bone in the throat at home.

But it is recommended to use these methods only if the bone is small and thin, stuck shallowly. If the foreign body is large, wide, or stuck deeply, then it is better not to self-medicate, but to go to the doctor.

Dry bread crust

The oldest and most common way to get rid of a sore throat. However, this method cannot be called safe. Take a small piece of stale bread crust and swallow it, practically without chewing.

The solid product, moving through the esophagus, pushes the foreign object towards the stomach. In the stomach, the bone dissolves in digestive juices. The injured person may have an unpleasant sensation in the throat caused by scratches on the mucous membranes.

But sometimes the bone does not enter the stomach, but breaks under the pressure of the bread crust and gets stuck deep in the esophagus. In such a situation, it is difficult even for a medical specialist to remove the bone.

Viscous products

Viscous drinks sometimes help get rid of a bone in the throat: kefir, yogurt, jelly. These drinks envelop the foreign object and promote its movement through the esophagus to the stomach.

This method also cannot be called safe, since the advancing bone can damage the mucous membranes of the pharynx and esophagus.


It is advisable to take fresh honey, which has a viscous consistency. This option for getting rid of bone is considered the most effective and safe.

Natural honey, rich in healing substances, not only moves the foreign body to the stomach, but also has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the pharynx and esophagus. The bee product has a restorative effect and prevents the development of purulent inflammation.

Wax or paraffin

This method is simple and quite effective, but unsafe, often leading to burns of the pharyngeal mucosa. You can use this method only if the bone is stuck shallowly and is clearly visible. Wax or soft paraffin is taken.

The injured person stands in front of a mirror, directs a beam of light directly into the oral cavity so that the bone is clearly illuminated. Wax or paraffin melts to a viscous mass, quickly, before it hardens, sticks to the bone protruding from the throat.

Then you need to wait for the wax mass to harden and remove it from the throat along with the bone. After the procedure, it is recommended to gargle with a decoction of calendula or chamomile.

In what cases is medical attention required?

You should definitely see a doctor if a bone stuck in your throat causes intense pain and interferes with normal swallowing of food. In this case, self-medication is strictly prohibited.

You should also contact an otolaryngologist if a foreign object is stuck in a hard-to-reach place, is difficult to see, or cannot be reached due to swelling of the mucous membranes.

The doctor, under sterile conditions, will remove the bone from the throat using special instruments.

How does an otolaryngologist remove a deeply stuck bone from the throat? The patient, when visiting the doctor, must tell him what bone was swallowed, what size it is, whether there is pain, and at what time the trouble happened.

Next, the otolaryngologist performs pharyngoscopy - examines the pharynx in order to find the place where the bone has dug into the mucous membranes. To remove a foreign object from the throat, the doctor uses the following tools:

  • Bayonet tweezers;
  • Putty knife;

The doctor picks up the bone with an instrument and carefully removes it from the throat. The operation takes a little time. If a patient experiences pain or a gag reflex during medical procedures, the doctor has to perform superficial anesthesia - apply an anesthetic drug, usually Lidocaine, to the mucous membranes of the pharynx.

If the affected person is allergic to medications, then the doctor must be informed about this.

Bones and other foreign objects usually get stuck in the throat due to hasty eating or improper behavior at the dinner table.

Since childhood, everyone knows the old saying: “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb.” While eating, you should not fuss or be distracted; this applies to both adults and children. From the first day of eating at the table, children must be taught a culture of nutrition.

The child needs to be taught that it is impossible to:

  • Stuff large pieces of food into your mouth;
  • Picking your mouth with forks, toothpicks and other cutlery;
  • Talk while eating;
  • Indulging at the dinner table.

Unfortunately, even adults do not always adhere to the above recommendations. During friendly meetings, corporate parties, family celebrations, people talk and laugh with their mouths full, stuff a lot of food into their mouths, do not chew it thoroughly, but only wash it down with alcohol. Such fun events can end very unpleasantly.

When you have a bone stuck in your throat, it's hard not to pay attention. The consequences of the introduction of a foreign body can be quite painful.

If the larynx is injured, suppuration of the mucous membrane, abscess, and damage to surrounding organs may occur. The inflammatory process, when it grows, extends beyond the nasopharynx. In addition, the constant innervation of nerve endings causes acute pain - it is impossible to forget about the discomfort.

What should you do if you have a bone stuck in your throat and can you get rid of it yourself?

First stage of extraction operation

For some reason, when talking about a bone in a person’s throat, a fish bone immediately comes to mind. However, a bone fragment from a chicken or a fragment of part of the skeleton of a pig or cow can also cause trouble. By the way, such fragments are easier to remove, but they lead to more severe injuries, since they are larger, sharper, and violate the integrity of blood vessels.

But most often you still have to get a fish bone, a sharp fragment of which is embedded in the mucosa.

What to do when a fish bone is stuck in your throat?

  1. It is advisable to examine the throat to determine where it is stuck. In some cases, there is no need to remove anything - the bone has already slipped through, and the sensation of a foreign body is caused by a scratch. An examination of the throat is carried out as follows - you need to open your mouth wide in front of the mirror and point a flashlight there. There is no flashlight; you can carefully hold a lit match in front of your open mouth. If the bone is visible, then you can pull it out with ordinary tweezers from a manicure set - just pre-treat it with an antiseptic.
  2. It is much more difficult to solve the problem how to remove a bone from a child's throat, even if it is visible. It is unlikely that the child will sit quietly and allow him to pick in his mouth. It is better to seek medical help immediately. If you apply force, the baby can be seriously injured.
  3. The bone is small, you can feel it, but you can’t see it. Need to do antiseptic solution and rinse the nasopharynx vigorously. The possibility of an inflammatory process due to the use of an antiseptic is reduced, and vigorous contractions of the laryngeal muscles promote the release of the bone.
  4. In an adult you can try remove the foreign body with your fingers– You must wash your hands thoroughly first. An adult can try to do these manipulations himself - if the emetic effect is not pronounced. Some advise lubricating the larynx with lidocaine, but this is not recommended for self-manipulation - the anesthetic reduces sensitivity, and it is unlikely that you will be able to determine the location of the foreign body yourself.
  5. You should not try to remove a foreign object with a toothbrush. There is no guarantee that a thin fish bone will get between the bristles and jump out; it can be “drowned” even deeper and the painful sensations will intensify.

Folk remedies that help get rid of the problem are presented in a wide range.

  • Consumption of viscous products– yogurt, thick kefir, mashed potatoes, viscous porridge. The effect of such products is enveloping. They pass through the esophagus slowly, “pulling” the bone along with them, giving it the opportunity to pass into the stomach, but without damaging it, since they enclose this foreign body in a dense cocoon. Even if the cocoon does not work out, mucous foods create a protective layer in the stomach and the likelihood of damage to it is reduced;
  • Many people recommend finely chewing and swallowing the crust of black bread.– You can also use regular bread. The likelihood that the chewed crust, passing through the larynx, will catch a foreign body is high. However, there is no guarantee that the bone will not get stuck below or in the stomach lining;
  • A method in which the bone is advanced is considered effective. using liquid honey. Honey has a triple effect - it is viscous in consistency, protects the mucous membrane of the larynx and digestive organs from damage, and has an antiseptic effect. This reduces the likelihood of an inflammatory process and further suppuration;
  • Use to extract bone melted paraffin or stearin is quite problematic, although such a recipe exists. A hot substance can cause a burn to the mouth or larynx, and after cooling, these products coagulate and can no longer catch a foreign object. In addition, paraffin and stearin are inedible, so they are placed under the pit only if it is visible.

A rescue operation using paraffin or stearin is carried out as follows:

  1. the throat is examined;
  2. near a candle – long enough – the wick is lit;
  3. allow the melting product to accumulate in the recess near the wick;
  4. insert the extinguished candle into the throat and try to pick up the bone with soft paraffin (or stearin).

Under no circumstances should you stick your fingers or other auxiliary objects deep in order to pull a fish bone out of the throat. These actions can aggravate the victim's condition.

The method of letting the victim smell something sharp so that he sneezes is also questionable. Active muscle contractions do not always cause foreign body rejection. And where is the guarantee that the bone will fall into the oral cavity and be spat out? It can move further and enter the esophagus, and even the trachea, blocking breathing. It is especially dangerous to do this if the bone is stuck in the child’s throat.

If you managed to get rid of the foreign body, you need to immediately carry out anti-inflammatory prophylaxis - rinse the nasopharynx with antiseptic solutions.

This needs to be done for another 2-3 days, no less, until the mucous membrane has completely healed. When you cannot cope with the problem on your own, you need to seek medical help. A bone in the throat is not just discomfort; trauma to the mucous membrane is a gateway to infection.

The inflammatory process can cause suppuration in the surrounding tissues and disrupt the function of speech and breathing.

A bone stuck in the throat is one of the most common fears among river fish lovers. Of course, these experiences are not a reason to refuse a portion of a fragrant fish dish, but if trouble does occur, you should not hope that the bone will move on its own. To eliminate the irritant, you can use home methods and means to remove it, the effectiveness of which has been proven in practice.

If the bone is not that large, it will eventually move and come out on its own, but the sensation can be so unpleasant and painful that it is better not to delay removing it.

Symptoms of a foreign body in the throat

A bone stuck in the throat causes extremely unpleasant sensations: sharp pain, discomfort when swallowing, irritation, and possibly a strong gag reflex and swelling.

We have it written on a separate page. It’s not just the fish bone that causes discomfort.

At first, these sensations appear only at the moment of swallowing, but due to the fact that the bone “scrapes” the muscles of the larynx, the pain becomes almost constant.

You can check yourself whether the cause of the discomfort in the throat is a fish bone stuck there.

In order to find it, you need to stand in front of a mirror and, using a flashlight, open your mouth wide in order to try to make out the stuck bone.

There is a possibility that this will not be possible because the bone may be located too deep in the throat.

The safe bone removal techniques outlined below should help resolve the problem. However, they should be used only if there is no bleeding and the pain is tolerable.

Otherwise, a visit to the doctor is the only way to solve the problem, especially if the problem affects a child.

Methods for removing a fish bone from the throat

There are several ways to remove bone from the throat. They can be used again and again without fear of consequences.

The easiest way is to drink a lot of water, preferably with a pinch of salt. This method works when a small fish bone needs to be dislodged.

Many people have been familiar with another method since childhood - swallowing solid food. The food “grabs” the stuck bone and pulls it down along the esophagus.

In addition, the products envelop the bone, preventing it from damaging the walls of the stomach.

When the bone is removed, the pain and discomfort disappears.

If none of these methods work, you can see a doctor, but there are no specific medical treatments for bone choking patients other than tweezers.

At best, the doctor can use medical instruments to remove it. Or he will prescribe Rotokan for a sore throat, the benefits and contraindications of which are written on the page.

Bone in the throat: what not to do

Often, victims, risking their health, try to use the wrong methods to get the unfortunate bone. Some of them are useless, while others can cause even more harm:

  • Do not cough or strain your throat, as these actions can push the bone further into the esophagus;
  • Never try to insert foreign objects into the throat (tweezers, fingers, toothbrush) to remove a fish bone;
  • Do not try to press or massage the throat from the outside, as the fish bone may get stuck even deeper;
  • You should not leave the bone in your throat for a day or two as this can lead to infection.

If your throat becomes swollen or your breathing becomes difficult, you can’t wait – you need to see a doctor.

After the bone is removed, you can gargle with a decoction of chamomile or calendula. This decoction will help “calm” irritation, heal damaged tissue and disinfect it.

To prevent this from happening again, you should chew food slowly, avoid eating fish with bones, or make fish cutlets.

Listen to your doctor's advice on what to do and what not to do if a person has a fish bone stuck in their throat.

Seafood, fish, chicken are healthy foods for our body. Plus, many of us love them very much. However, there may be a danger in these dishes - a bone stuck in your throat. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is quite common, and it brings with it only troubles: painful sensations in the throat when swallowing, soreness and inflammation. If you have a bone stuck in your throat, what should you do? A question that will always be relevant.

What bones can get stuck in the throat?

This is a common problem that is addressed to an ENT doctor or to trauma centers. Let's look at which bones can get stuck in the throat:

  • fish;
  • from poultry (chicken, quail);
  • from fruits (apricots, peaches).

Fish bones have sharp edges, so they immediately “cut” into the soft tissue of the throat.

The seeds from your favorite fruits usually get stuck in the throat due to their rather large size.

This usually occurs due to accidental ingestion. Most often this concerns fish bones. They are thin, so they can easily get “lost” in a dish; a person may simply not notice them while eating.

By the way, experts in the field of proper nutrition recommend eating fish when a person is not very hungry. Since a hungry person will quickly eat food, the risk of accidentally swallowing a bone increases significantly.

People swallow chicken bones less often. However, they also have sharp edges, but they are larger in size than fish.

Even less common are cases where a person can swallow a fruit seed.

Moreover, for frivolous reasons: banal haste and inattention. Fruit bones are usually round in shape, so they are most likely to end up in the digestive system. They are removed naturally. There have been cases when a large bone from a fruit got stuck in the esophagus or throat; this situation is fraught with complications.

Why is this dangerous?

People usually talk during meals. If you talk, laugh, or read while eating, a bone can get stuck in your throat. At the same time, discomfort and stabbing pain are felt during swallowing.

Difficulty may also arise if you remove the bone yourself. If you remove the bone yourself, you can move it even further to the lateral ridges, tongue, and tonsil. In this case, the pain may intensify, since if removed incorrectly, the mucous membrane in the throat may be irritated.

If it gets stuck in the throat, severe swelling may occur. It becomes difficult to breathe, and suffocation may occur. What to do if there is a bone stuck in your throat? If a bone from a fish gets into the esophagus, it can cause esophagitis. This is a disease of the esophagus in which the mucous membrane becomes inflamed.

Symptoms of a bone stuck in the throat

If you eat fish with a big appetite, you can skip the soft piece with a sharp bone. It easily gets stuck in the throat, this can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • excessive salivation;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • gag reflex with blood;
  • heat.

If at least one of the above symptoms is present, you should immediately consult an ENT doctor. With the help of special modern tools, he will be able to remove the bone from the throat. Otherwise, purulent inflammation or poisoning of the body will not be avoided. If you ignore the increase in pain, the situation can end in failure - death. Rarely, there have been cases where surgical intervention was required.

If a foreign object is stuck in the throat: children's behavior

This situation with children is much more complicated than with adults. A small child has difficulty distinguishing between pain and its source. Older children may be very frightened and hide painful sensations for a long time.

Symptoms of a bone stuck in the throat in children include:

  • moodiness;
  • constant crying;
  • restless behavior;
  • The child will constantly touch his throat.

Older children become silent and hide pain.

What to do if a child has a bone stuck in his throat? Definitely seek help from a doctor. If you start to remove the bone from a child’s throat yourself, you can frighten him even more and cause harm.

What to do if you have a fish bone stuck in your throat?

The first thing we pay attention to is the symptoms. So, if a fish bone is stuck in the throat, then the following unpleasant sensations appear:

  • painful to swallow;
  • sore throat;
  • cough.

All signs correspond to an infectious disease of the respiratory tract. However, despite the identical symptoms, it is easy to distinguish a bone in the throat from an acute respiratory infection if you did not come into contact with a patient with an acute respiratory infection the day before and were not hypothermic. ARI is characterized by chills, runny nose, headache. If you have eaten a fish dish, then there is no reason to doubt that you have a sore throat.

If many mistakenly believe that nothing needs to be done, it can resolve and rot on its own. However, such judgments are erroneous.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We determine the size of the bone visually.
  2. Let's see how deep it is stuck.

If you can visually examine the bone in the throat, then you can try to get it out yourself. How to do it? It will be difficult to pull out the bone yourself in such an uncharacteristically stressful situation. It's better to ask for outside help.

The “victim” of the bone should sit comfortably and open his mouth wide. A rescue friend should use tweezers to carefully grasp the bone and pull it out.

The difficulty may arise in that the victim may develop a gag reflex. In this case, use an analgesic before removing the bone.

After the bone has been pulled out, it is necessary to gargle for a couple of days to restore the integrity of the mucous membrane. At the same time, you should eat only light food to prevent a recurrence of this incident.

If small bones from the fish have fallen deep and are practically invisible upon inspection, then it is better not to risk it. It is better to entrust the rescue mission to a doctor.

If you still have pain when swallowing after removing the bone, it is possible that the fish bone has broken. A piece of it remained in the soft tissues of the larynx or in the upper esophagus. If the residue is not removed, inflammation may develop.

Chicken bone

If a chicken bone gets stuck in your throat, what should you do? An intense cough usually helps solve the problem. If you can’t get rid of a chicken bone in your throat on your own, you can use it. To do this, you need to stand behind the person and circle your hands around him. Then clench one hand into a fist and place it between the navel and sternum.

Place the second hand on top of the first. Push your fist into your stomach with a sharp push. The manipulations must be done several times.

In this case, all movements must be as fast and accurate as possible.

Contact a doctor

What to do if there is a bone stuck in your throat? The most frequently asked question. The best solution is to see a doctor.

  1. We call an ambulance.
  2. Go to the emergency room. This method is suitable if the pain is not acute.
  3. Contact the lore. Doctors in this area specialize in throat problems. Accordingly, they will provide assistance.

We seize it ourselves

Removing a bone from the throat yourself is not recommended for people suffering from chronic diseases of the heart, larynx, oral cavity, and respiratory organs. With external influence, the disease can worsen, and accordingly, the state of health will sharply deteriorate.

Bone stuck in throat: how to get it out? If you can see it visually, then you can get it with your hands. They must be washed thoroughly first. It's best to ask someone to do this. Tweezers are great for this, and be sure to use a flashlight. Other objects cannot be used, as they can injure the mucous membrane.

Clear instructions:

  • The victim should sit comfortably and open his mouth wide.
  • The other person needs to examine the bone in the throat.
  • Use a flashlight and tweezers to grab the bone.
  • Slowly remove it, paying attention to the condition of the victim.
  • After removing the bone, treat the throat with a disinfectant.

If the bone is not visually visible, then you should not try to get it out yourself. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

When can you not remove a stuck bone yourself?

If the person loses consciousness, immediately place him on his back on the floor. Sit on his legs and clench one hand into a fist. Place your other hand on top. After this, between the navel and the xiphoid process, press sharply upward, towards the diaphragm. In this case, the head of a choking person should be in a level position and should not be turned to its side.

What not to do?

Under no circumstances should you hit a choking person on the back. The stuck bone may sink even lower.

If the bone has penetrated deep into the throat and cannot be seen visually, then tweezers cannot be used. In this case, the risk of damage to the mucous membrane increases.

Also, you should not remove the bone from your throat yourself if it causes bleeding. If blood starts to flow during extraction, immediately call an ambulance and stop the “rescue operation.”

If the victim feels severe pain when removing a bone, then it is better not to remove the bone yourself.

Traditional methods

The most popular folk methods for removing bones from the throat.

However, each of these methods can lead to negative consequences. Regardless of the chosen method of bone removal, it is necessary to treat the throat with a disinfectant solution. You can use chamomile infusion, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Tantum Verde.

The best way to prevent a bone from getting into your throat is to follow a rhythm in eating: take your time and chew thoroughly. And the most accurate answer to the question of what to do if a bone is stuck in your throat is to immediately call an ambulance.

Fans of fish dishes know how important it is to remove all the bones when cooking fish. Even a small bone stuck in the throat is an unpleasant and even dangerous phenomenon. And if it is stuck with a child, the parents’ panic is understandable. What to do in this situation and how to remove a bone from the throat at home?

How to remove a bone from your throat?

What is the danger of a fish bone stuck in your throat?

Fish bones are very thin, quite flexible, but strong and unusually sharp. When a bone penetrates the throat, it can stick its sharp end into the mucous membrane, like a needle into a needle pad. Pain can be felt immediately, but it can only be felt when the bone is touched by food passing through the larynx.

Due to its size, the bone can be difficult to detect by visual inspection. Sometimes people live with a bone in their throat for weeks and months, without even suspecting that anything is wrong. True, many complain of soreness and discomfort when swallowing. If a bone gets stuck in the area of ​​the tonsils or palate, where there are many nerve endings, the foreign body is difficult to miss: the pain is almost constant. In addition, swelling of the mucous membrane, vomiting, and fever may occur. Prolonged presence of bone in the larynx can cause mediastenitis (suppuration), in which case surgical intervention cannot be avoided.

Before you remove a fish bone from your throat yourself, it is worth remembering approximately how big it was, then it will become clear whether you can remove it: as a rule, very small bones can rarely be removed without the help of an otolaryngologist.

How to remove a bone from your throat: several effective folk methods

What can be used to push the bone into the esophagus?

1. Products with viscous consistency: semolina, mashed potatoes, thick yogurt, kefir.

2. A crust of rye bread (try not to chew).

3. Liquid honey.

A fish bone that slips into the esophagus will not cause much harm. It is possible that the mucous membrane will be scratched, but there is no need to be afraid that the bone will get stuck in the esophagus. Gastric juice will perfectly digest this fish “trouble”, and therefore the swallowed fragment of the fish skeleton will not have a negative effect on the appendix. Such methods help with small, shallowly stuck bones. But, for example, the “hidden” bone behind the tonsil cannot be removed like that!

In addition to the “food” methods of pushing the bone, mechanical extraction methods can also be used. For example, tweezers. Before using tweezers, it should be disinfected with alcohol or treated with boiling water. However, this method will work when the bone is high and visible.

The situation can be corrected by deliberately induced vomiting. However, this method does not always work.