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» Master class for beginners: how to plaster walls with your own hands - a video to help a beginner. How to plaster the walls yourself and without too much headache How to properly apply plaster on the walls

Master class for beginners: how to plaster walls with your own hands - a video to help a beginner. How to plaster the walls yourself and without too much headache How to properly apply plaster on the walls

Qualitatively prepared walls for further repair are a guarantee that in the future any coating will fall on them perfectly evenly and beautifully. Therefore, do not neglect such a type of work as do-it-yourself wall plastering, even if you decide to change the interior not in a new apartment, but in a house where you have been living for a long time. How to choose the right material, and what should be the sequence of work - we will understand further.

How to choose the type of plaster

To begin with, it is worth deciding what type of plaster to choose - the so-called dry or wet. The wall cladding with gypsum boards will be dry, which will save some time. However, this type of work is beneficial only for rooms with a large area, since in the conditions of small apartments, drywall slabs will significantly “hide” the area.

Plastering walls in an apartment in a “wet” way involves applying various building mixtures to the surface. It is also worth considering one important point here - what material the walls of the renovated room are made of and where we are going to plaster - outside or inside the building. Let's take a closer look at the examples.

Brickwork walls

  1. For masonry walls, cement-based mixtures are best suited, in some cases with the addition of lime in small volumes, which gives the plaster greater plasticity. It makes sense to add some lime when plastering walls with cement mortar outside the building or in rooms where there is or is expected to be high humidity.
  2. The thickness of the plaster for bricks should not exceed 3 cm, in cases where a layer of more than 2 cm is supposed to be applied. It is necessary to cover the walls with a layer of chain-link mesh before applying the cement mixture, which will keep the heavy dried mixture on the surface.
  3. We knead the cement mixture as follows - mix clean sand and dry cement and dilute with water to a thick consistency. If we decide to add a lime component, sand will be added in slightly larger proportions, and an aqueous lime mortar will be added to the composition of the finished cement-sand mortar.
  4. An important point is that if our brickwork of the walls consists of facing bricks, the work will be difficult due to the fact that this material has a too smooth surface and it will be difficult to keep heavy cement mixtures on it, even with the use of a chain-link mesh. In such a situation, it is better to choose special compositions or entrust the work to persons with the appropriate qualifications who know how to apply plastering technologies on surfaces that are difficult for the average person and know what materials to choose for wall treatment.

concrete walls

If the surface of the walls of the room consists of concrete, then before applying the plaster it must be primed with a special solution. It is advisable to choose a primer with the addition of quartz particles, they will ensure reliable adhesion of the wall material to the future plaster mixture.
For concrete surfaces, wall plastering with gypsum plaster is suitable - the case when gypsum powder is added to the cement mixture, or a mortar based on a mixture of gypsum and lime.

An important addition is that lime, gypsum and cement mixtures are prepared separately and only then mixed to a homogeneous and thick consistency.

Walls made of concrete blocks

Modern houses and buildings most often, recently, are built using foam concrete blocks. Such surfaces must not only be primed before the plastering process, but also apply a special reinforcing mesh - "sickle", made of special fiberglass.
The mortar for the manufacture of the plaster mixture can be used as gypsum, and cement, and with the addition of a lime mixture. In any case, you should carefully study the instructions for all components and do not neglect the quality of the selected materials.

The key to the durability of walls is not only in the right materials for their manufacture, but also in well-chosen mixtures for their processing.

wooden walls

If you decide to plaster walls made of wood, then before applying the plaster mixture, it is necessary to make and fix a special mesh (shingles) of wooden slats on all treated surfaces. The shingles in a mesh form are gradually stuffed onto the wall, an important point is that the nails are not driven in to the end, half of the nail, together with the cap, is bent to the side.

Another option for preparing wooden walls is to install a specially reinforcing metal mesh and fix it on the wall surface before applying the plaster mixture.

Preparation of the repaired premises

After we have decided on the type of walls, selected and purchased all the necessary building materials, we begin to prepare the room to be processed.

Stages of our preparation

  1. First of all, it is worth considering that any work using plaster is a “dirty” business. Dust and particles of the composition can scatter throughout the room and, after drying, will be removed with maximum effort. Therefore, if you started a repair in an already living room or an “inhabited” office, you should take out all the furniture, appliances and things as much as possible. Move the remaining items to the center of the room and carefully cover with foil or unnecessary newspapers. Ideally, it would be nice to de-energize the room so as not to stain the sockets and secure the lighting fixtures. And do not forget about the floor - if there is already some kind of flooring - it would be better to cover it as well.
  2. We clean the walls from the previous coating. If before that the surface was treated with wallpaper - we moisten them with water or a special mixture and remove the remnants of glue and finish with a spatula. If whitewashing was applied to the walls, we also treat with water, wash off the paint as much as possible with a sponge and brush, and also remove the residue with a scraper or spatula. In particularly difficult cases, craftsmen advise applying a liquid paste to the whitewash and, after it has completely dried, clean everything off with brushes and spatulas.
  3. We repair large cracks in the walls. If, after removing the previous coating, we found irregularities or microcracks under the walls, we prepare them for applying the future plaster mixture. With the help of a knife or a grinder (for large cracks), we deepen and expand especially noticeable cracks. We fill it with a solution of a building mixture and be sure to fix it with a serpentine tape so that the surface to be repaired is as even as possible. If the cracks are not so big, it is quite possible to fill them with building sealant or silicone glue. For large cracks, the use of mounting foam is allowed, even in a situation where the primer has not yet dried.
  4. We improve the adhesion of walls and plaster mortar by making notches. If the wall is made of bricks, you can deepen the distance between the bricks at the seams up to 1 cm, but if the wall is made of concrete, we make notches ourselves with a hammer and chisel. It is necessary to apply notches no more than 1.5 cm long and up to 0.3 cm deep for each square meter of the surface.
  5. We process the repaired surface by applying a primer solution. We dilute it in proportions of 1:6 or 1:10 in accordance with the dosage indicated in the instructions. In some situations, it is possible to combine the stages of priming and notching by simply adding fine quartz sand to the primer mixture. Such a composition will improve the adhesion of the wall and plaster during its application.
  6. Work on plastering walls must begin in a room previously cleaned of dirt and debris with a dried primer mixture.

Wall primer

If all the preparatory work has been carried out with due diligence, then the next stage of our work is the actual plastering of the walls for wallpaper or another coating of your choice.

If you work in a room with uneven walls or you need to plaster the walls for painting, then it is better to carry out work on plastering the surface using so-called beacons.

Since when painting or any further processing of the walls it is necessary to obtain the most even surface of the wall, then the application of the plaster mixture must be done in an even and uniform layer, for this it is necessary.

Beacons for walls made of wood will serve as a fixed mesh or wooden shingles, for surfaces with brickwork or consisting of concrete, it is possible to install metal guides or beacons from building or gypsum mortar.

Stages of ongoing work

  • do-it-yourself wall plastering on beacons begins with marking on the surface to be repaired - at a distance of no more than 20 cm we drive a self-tapping screw with a weight onto the ropes at the top of the wall, at the bottom of an impromptu plumb line at the right level we fix another nail;
  • between the installed screws we throw several heaps of mortar and fix the metal profile of the lighthouse;
  • according to the worked out scheme, we install metal beacons at the end of the wall, in the middle and between them, observing the rule that the distance between the beacons should be kept at 1 meter;
  • after the mortar has hardened on the lighthouses, rough plastering of the walls is carried out - a building mixture is applied over the entire surface of the lighthouses with protrusion beyond their borders by no more than 2-3 cm;
  • using the rule, we fill in the remaining voids - we apply plaster from the bottom up, thus filling all the voids and removing the existing excess mortar;
  • plaster using the rule is applied to the walls until the surface looks perfectly even, and, of course, within the maximum possible thickness of the plaster layer - up to 3 cm, after that we wait for the building mixture to dry completely and begin further processing surfaces - painting, pasting or processing with other finishing materials.

Using the rule for plaster

Features of the manufactured plaster mix

We have already talked about the types of mortar being prepared, now we will note some subtleties depending on the composition of the plaster:

  1. Cement-based plaster is prepared from 3 parts of sand and 1 part of cement mixture and is used within an hour after production. That is why you should be extremely careful and prepare only the required amount of the mixture, otherwise the remaining composition will dry out, its use will be impossible.
  2. A cement-lime mixture is obtained from 1 part of cement, 5-6 parts of sand and 1 part of lime composition.
  3. Gypsum plaster from 3 parts of lime diluted to the dough and 1 part of powdered gypsum dries and hardens the fastest, so it is recommended to make them before the application process itself and in small quantities.

How to apply plaster correctly

If we plaster the walls with our own hands without beacons or with them, it is important to know not only the sequence of work, but also the technique of applying the plaster mix:

  • The first layer of plaster will be a spray applied using a special device - a trowel. The mixture is collected on it in the right amount and applied to the surface of the walls with a wave of the hand from a close distance, we do this not so sharply so that the entire solution does not scatter in different directions.
  • We apply a light primer layer using a float or spatula.
  • We lay the covering layer of the mixture on top of the wet soil, it is important not to allow it to dry out, otherwise you will have to re-wet the surface.
  • We level the surface of the walls with the rule, and after drying, we go through them with sandpaper or a special machine, only then the plastering of the walls will be considered complete.

So, no matter how difficult the process of plastering walls may seem to us, with a sufficient level of preparation and simple building skills, it is quite possible to do it yourself. If you doubt your abilities, the surface of the walls is quite uneven or consists of complex materials that require the use of special skills, do not be too lazy to include in the repair costs the appeal and help of real experts in their field.

The effective work of a plasterer depends on three factors - the composition of the plaster mixture, a well-prepared surface and correctly set beacons. Plastering walls is a rather laborious and expensive process. For plastering an average apartment, you can pay several hundred thousand rubles. Therefore, independent carrying out of such work is an urgent task for many masters. In this article, we will give the most detailed and complete instructions for plastering walls with our own hands. There will be no unnecessary complications in it, everything is only the most important and useful.

There are many materials for building walls at home. All of them form surfaces of varying degrees of evenness. But documents and standards set the same requirements for the finished wall surface. For residential premises, the standard is a maximum unevenness of 1 mm per 1 meter of wall surface. In order to obtain an even, smooth plane, plastering and subsequent plastering is carried out.

In order to check the evenness of the walls after plastering, they use the long rule that plastering is carried out. The rule is applied to the wall in different positions - vertically, horizontally, diagonally, and look at the gaps formed between the wall and the plane of the rule. If these gaps do not exceed the allowable, this indicates a high quality of plastering.

Materials for wall plastering

Plaster is a mortar for application to walls or other surfaces of premises and buildings for their alignment and further use for fine finishing work.

Depending on the base, cement and gypsum mortars are distinguished. There are other types, for example, cement-lime plasters and clay-based plasters. But the first two types received the greatest use because of their versatility and accessibility. Let's find out their main advantages and disadvantages.

cement plaster

This type of plaster mixture is the most common. This is a basic cheap material, easy to use. The disadvantage is that cement, which is the main binder, shrinks and also reacts to fluctuations in humidity and air temperature. For this reason, due attention should be paid to the preparation of the mortar, especially the ratio of the binder and the filler, which smooths out the negative effects of the coating.

It is possible to improve the quality of the dry mix by adding sand of various fractions, which will form a denser structure, levels stress, and reduces the likelihood of cracks. Porous surfaces tend to draw out moisture, which is why they must be coated with a special primer before applying the plaster.

The main inconvenience when using such plaster is a long time for its complete drying - up to 1 month in natural conditions. Also, due to the presence of heavy sand filler, such a plaster mixture is applied and leveled more difficult than a gypsum mixture.

Gypsum plaster

The gypsum mix with filler in the form of fine sand hardens and dries in just a few hours. The property of the mixture to stick together perfectly with all surfaces makes it the most preferable for plastering ceilings.

Gypsum has low thermal conductivity, which makes it a good thermal insulator. In addition, it is able to take in excess moisture, and then give it away, which is shown when used in rooms where it is required to maintain a stable microclimate. If the humidity in the room exceeds 60%, then the use of gypsum plaster is not recommended. Perhaps this is the only limitation in the use of this type of mixture.

What you need for plastering walls - selection of tools

Do-it-yourself plastering of walls does not require special expensive equipment, as, for example, with. The necessary materials and fixtures include the following set:

  • Stucco mixture. The required number of bags of plaster can be approximately calculated by reading the manufacturer's information. Usually the plaster consumption per 1 square meter of the wall, with a layer thickness of 1 cm, is indicated on the back of the bag.
  • Container for mixing the mixture. Such containers of different capacities are sold in all construction hypermarkets. Containers with a volume of 70-100 liters will be enough for one person so that the mixture does not have time to dry before applying to the wall.
  • A drill with a mixer nozzle for mixing the solution, or a construction mixer.
  • Hammer for cleaning the rough masonry from the influx of mortar and excess debris.
  • Plaster beacons as guides for plastering.
  • Building level and square for the correct placement of beacons and the formation of corners in the room.
  • A fast-drying mixture, such as alabaster, for setting and quickly fixing beacons. For these purposes, you can use the usual plaster mixture, but to start plastering, you need to wait for it to harden. Otherwise, when holding the rule on the beacons, they will be pressed into the plaster.
  • A set of spatulas for applying mortar to the wall and a spatula for fishish sanding.
  • Construction rules of different sizes for leveling the plaster on the wall. A short rule will be convenient in places of difficult accessibility, and long ones in straight wide sections.
  • Water-based primer or concrete contact, brush or roller for application.
  • Protective work clothes, gloves.

As you can see from the list, specialized and expensive plastering tools are not required, so you can start work on your own.

Step-by-step instructions for plastering walls on lighthouses

Before talking about the stages of work, it is important to note that working alone, although possible, requires a lot of effort. This is due to the labor costs that are needed to mix the solution. Therefore, the ideal condition is the presence of an assistant who will knead this solution.

Preparing walls for plaster

Preparation of the premises begins with its complete release. All wires must be insulated to prevent moisture ingress. The next step is to clean the walls to the ground from dust or other finishing materials if plastering takes place in an already lived-in house.

After cleaning from dust and beating, the walls are primed. For brick walls, a conventional water-based primer is suitable, which increases the adhesion of the mortar to the wall. For smooth concrete walls, a primer with the addition of quartz sand is suitable - concrete contact, which creates a rough structure on the wall surface that is favorable for adhesion to plaster.

After the room and the necessary tools for plastering are prepared, you can start work, which is divided into several stages.

Preparation for leveling - how to correctly set beacons for wall plastering

Beacons act as guides, greatly facilitating the work of leveling the plaster mixture with the rule, and also make it possible to make the wall perfectly even due to a preliminary verified installation. Nowadays, the most common use of a special beacon profile, which can be metal or plastic, but a few decades ago, wooden blocks did an excellent job with this task.

Below is the procedure for installing beacons using a laser level. This method is by far the simplest and most advanced.

Preparation of mortar for wall plaster

For each type of plaster mixture, their own dilution standards with water are installed and written on the bags, so there is no point in dwelling on this in detail. Here we need to talk about two important points.

First, it is the consistency of the solution. Plaster for application to the walls should have the consistency of thick sour cream. This can only be achieved through practice. The convenience and ease of work will depend on how well the consistency of the solution is chosen. The liquid mortar will gradually drain from the wall, and an excessively thick mixture will be difficult to spread along the wall and tend to dry quickly.

The second important point is the lifetime of the solution. It is also indicated on the packaging and differs for each type of plaster. This parameter should be guided in order to understand how long it will take you to apply to the wall and distribute the mixture. To do this, you need to start mixing with small volumes in order to prevent the plaster from hardening in the container.

How to apply plaster on the wall

Wall plastering technology involves applying 3 layers of mortar:

  1. Spray - the first creamy layer, thrown onto the wall with a special bucket or spatula. When plastering a brick or concrete surface, it should not exceed 5-10 mm. This draft layer serves to correct large irregularities in the wall.
  2. The primer is a doughy mortar applied with a basic layer of 10 mm until the plaster beacons are completely covered.
  3. Nakryvka. Finishing coat applied on top of the base coat that has not yet cured. Serves for fine alignment of the plastered surface.

The initial layer (spray) is applied with a trowel, bucket or spatula. To do this, a solution is collected on it and with a sharp wave of the brush it is thrown onto the wall into the space between two lighthouses from a short distance. Spraying is done from the bottom up.

When plastering on beacons, the minimum layer of plaster on the wall is determined by the thickness of these beacons. As a rule, 10 mm is considered the standard thickness. The maximum wall plaster thickness is determined by the manufacturer of the plaster mixture and is also indicated on the packaging. Typically, manufacturers set a value of 20 mm for one layer.

Do not try to cover the entire space from floor to ceiling with the first layer at once, start with a gap of 1 meter.

After applying the solution to the wall, proceed to its leveling. To do this, they take a rule, lean its tip against two beacons and carry out translational movements from the bottom up, evenly distributing the mixture in the space between the beacon profiles.

After that, spraying and leveling are carried out again until the entire space from floor to ceiling is covered with plaster.

The next layer (primer) is applied to the previous one with a wide spatula. The primer can be applied as one layer or several - depending on the thickness of the plaster. This layer serves to fill the voids formed after the first pass with the rule and the final alignment of the wall plane. The primer coat should be applied after the first coat of plaster has dried.

Here it is necessary to stop and recall an important point that many people forget about - the extraction of lighthouses. Often, inexperienced plasterers wonder whether it is necessary to pull out the beacons after plastering the walls. The answer is definitely yes, it is necessary to remove the beacons. There are two reasons for this.

Firstly, if you use metal beacon profiles, then sooner or later the corrosion process will overtake them, and red spots will form on the wall, which will easily show up even through the wallpaper. The exception is aluminum profiles or galvanized beacons.

Secondly, this is the shrinkage of the plaster layer, no matter what type of beacons you use, they are not subject to shrinkage, unlike the plaster mixture. Therefore, if the guides are left in the thickness of the plaster layer, over time the surface of the wall will become undulating.

After removing the beacons, the voids are filled with the same plaster that was used for the primer layer.

The coating is applied only on wet soil that has not had time to dry. If the main layer had time to dry, it should be slightly moistened with water using a brush or roller. For the finishing layer, plaster with the consistency of liquid sour cream is used. It serves to fill in small irregularities left from the tool and to give the surface a finer and smoother structure.

After the top layer dries, it is sanded with a plastic or wooden float. Grinding the walls after plastering is carried out in a circular motion over the entire surface of the wall, pressing the grater with sufficient force. The final step is grouting with a grater upholstered with felt or felt.

After all the described actions, a necessary condition is the correct drying of the plastered wall with the correct temperature and humidity. It is impossible to allow a sharp drying of the plaster layer, as this can lead to its cracking. Only after the walls have completely dried, do they proceed to the next stages of finishing. The plaster on the walls dries on average from 48 to 72 hours.

The video above shows the process of plastering clearly:

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Sooner or later, the topic of repair comes up in every home. The final appearance of the premises will also depend on the quality of the preparatory work carried out. Having once applied strength to a high-quality finish, in the future it will only be possible to periodically re-paste the wallpaper or change the color of the walls. Initially, it may seem that the work of a non-professional master cannot be done. But you can try to make at least rough sketches. In addition to moral satisfaction, it will also significantly save your personal budget. This review describes in detail the entire technological process of how to plaster walls with your own hands for a beginner. Video and step-by-step instructions will help you understand the construction nuances.

Beginning the process

The main purpose of plaster is to level the geometry of wall and ceiling bases in order to eliminate irregularities or defects. It serves as a rough finish. The technology of application allows the mixture to be applied in a thick layer in case of large deviations. With the help of plaster walls in the apartment, you can get the most even bases.

According to its composition, plaster is as follows:

  • plaster;
  • cement.
  • calcareous;
  • lime-cement;
  • lime-gypsum;
  • gypsum cement.

The most important difference between them is the drying time of the solution. Gypsum mortar takes up to a week to dry completely, cement mortar will take about a month. Therefore, compositions with should be used when it is necessary to achieve maximum durability.

This coating will last for decades. Modern manufacturers introduce polymer additives into the mortar mixture, which accelerate drying up to two days. The cement mixture is used for leveling surfaces in basements or for laying tiles.

The process of leveling the walls with plaster with your own hands is quite laborious, so gypsum solutions are more often used. With gypsum compositions, it is important to observe the conditions of humidity. Gypsum plaster can be applied in one layer, which significantly saves the budget. Finishing is carried out both on a brick base and on wooden surfaces. To give perfect smoothness, the coating should be puttied after the plaster has dried.

For novice masters, cement wall plaster with polymer additives is better suited. Video tutorials will help you understand and painstakingly complete the entire process in compliance with the technological sequence.

Plaster, putty - similarities and differences

A person who is far from building terms will at first glance decide that these are synonyms for one type of construction work. In fact, these concepts have both similarities and significant differences. Both materials are designed to level surfaces, but the similarity ends there.

Related article:

Plaster and putty - what's the difference and general features, in which cases they should be used, recommendations from experts - read about this and much more in our review.


Manufacturers offer a dry composition or a ready-made plastic solution. Cement, gypsum and polymers are added as a binder. With the help of putty, you can even out small surface defects, make the base smooth after plastering. For cracks up to 10 mm in size, use the starting composition. used for the final leveling of surfaces.

It is impossible to mix starting and finishing putty. Compositions of different homogeneity can form additional defects on the bases.


With the help of plaster, surfaces with deviations of up to 15 centimeters can be leveled. In addition, it acts as a thermal insulation of surfaces, in some cases additional moisture protection.

Plaster is ordinary and decorative. Contains large grains. It is used as a rough leveling or finishing structural coating.

When applying putty and plaster, different technologies are used. For plaster, this happens as follows:

  • The first layer is applied by spraying, which hides large surface defects. In addition, it serves as additional adhesion to subsequent layers;
  • the implementation of the middle layer ensures the alignment of surfaces;
  • finishing putty or coating - finally smoothes the base.

Apply according to individual technology. The plaster composition needs several days to dry completely, the putty is ready the very next day.

Tips from an experienced craftsman: how to plaster walls correctly

Before performing repair work, it is necessary to study the features of the base of wall surfaces. This will depend on how the work is done. For even walls, a spatula and a level are enough. Bases with large defects and deviations can only be leveled using. You may need a large amount of the mixture. In this case, additional reinforcement should be performed on the wall.

There are several rules for plastering walls:

  • first of all, wall surfaces are cleaned and primed;
  • the second stage is applied and distributed the bulk of the plaster;
  • at the final stage, the base is covered and cleaned.

A video on how to properly plaster walls will help you do all the work correctly:

Consumables and tools for wall plastering

  • plaster;
  • primer for pre-treatment of wall bases;
  • beacons in case of large surface deviations;
  • a rule for aluminum plaster 2 m long for stretching the composition and 2.5 m for installing beacons;
  • bubble level at least 2 meters long;
  • spatula 15 cm wide;
  • construction grater;
  • trowel;
  • bucket;
  • a roller with a bath or a primer brush;
  • gloves;
  • perforator with a nozzle for stirring the mixture;
  • dowels, screws, Phillips screwdriver, metal scissors for cutting beacons;
  • hammer;
  • metal stroked;
  • roulette;
  • plumb.

Some tools are already available in every home. Something will have to be bought or rented. But after all, this is not a tool for one repair, everything will come in handy in subsequent repairs. We can say - an investment in the future. Now we know what tools are needed for plastering walls, we can start repairing.

What you need to know for the preparation of high-quality plaster

To prepare cement plaster, mix cement with sand in a ratio of 1: 3. Water is gradually poured into the composition with constant stirring. You should get a solution according to the consistency of sour cream with high fat content. Before mixing, read the instructions and manufacturer's recommendations. If repairs are carried out in a room with high humidity, experts advise adding lime. It will take away excess moisture and make the microclimate more comfortable.

For surfaces made of concrete and foam concrete blocks, it is recommended to use gypsum-lime plaster. Its plasticity is well kept on the base. To prepare such a solution, gypsum is poured into a bucket of water in a thin stream, then everything should be quickly mixed by adding lime milk. This mixture is applied quite easily, and will help beginners get their hands on finishing work.

For plastering walls with your own hands, you can buy a ready-made mixture, which is offered in a wide variety in building hypermarkets and stores. This is the easiest way to prepare.

Preparing walls for plaster

The execution of the workflow of preparing the surface for plastering begins with the cleansing of the bases from the previous coatings. After that, the amount of deviations should be determined by the level in order to determine whether additional work is needed or can be dispensed with.

Then all substrates should be carefully primed with a brush or roller. It is necessary to choose a deep penetration primer, it is not necessary to save on the composition at this stage, this will help the putty to adhere well to the surfaces. In addition, it will protect the walls from excess moisture and prevent the occurrence of mold and fungus, which can cause corrosion of the material.

Do-it-yourself wall plastering without beacons, video of step-by-step application

Before applying plaster on the walls with your own hands without beacons, after the primer has dried, moisten all bases well with water.

PhotoDescription of works
Before starting work, we clean the floor of debris so that it is convenient to collect the fallen solution, and all sockets are closed.
All walls are wet
We throw the mixture with a spatula on a base of 1 m² in random order. All actions are performed with the hand. This is important so that the mixture hits the base pointwise and does not scatter. It is necessary to throw it, then the plaster penetrates into the hollow places of the walls, in addition, this method will increase adhesion to the surface.
With a grater, we level the wall with arbitrary movements. The layer thickness is about 5-7 mm. All surfaces are gradually plastered with similar movements. Work should begin from the floor to the ceiling. It is not necessary to perfectly level the base, a rough surface will improve the adhesion of the second layer. The drying time of the first layer should be at least 2 hours.
After the first layer has dried, it is necessary to walk on all surfaces with the rule. It will remove all the big bumps. The construction tool should be pressed tightly to the base and all walls should be leveled with arbitrary movements.
When performing the second layer, the solution is applied to the base with a float using a spatula. Leveling should be done with some effort by arbitrary movements.
After setting, it is necessary to check the quality of the application as a rule. Protruding bumps are removed in a circular motion with a construction grater, which should be periodically moistened with water. This will help to quickly soak and better remove the mixture. To remove depressions, it is necessary to rub a small amount of plaster into these places. The second stage aligns the walls as much as possible. Drying time - about 3 hours.
The third stage is the most painstaking. It is necessary to level the wall surfaces with a thin layer to the smoothest possible state. The plaster should be diluted with a small amount of water to a more liquid state. Work is done from top to bottom. With a ladle, the solution is poured onto the walls and smoothed out by the rule in a circular motion to perfect smoothness. Drying time - up to 8 hours.
The grout will give the walls a velvety touch. Surfaces are shed with water, then they should be walked over with a construction grater. This stage can be omitted if tiling or stone cladding is planned in the future.
Excess solution on the ceiling surface is removed.

Drying time - a few days at an average temperature and moderate humidity. At elevated temperatures, periodically wet all surfaces with water to avoid cracking.

If some points are incomprehensible in the instructions on how to level walls without beacons, watch a video with an accessible description of the entire process:

Do-it-yourself step-by-step application of plaster on walls using lighthouses: a video with a detailed description

If the deviations on the base are large enough, plastering should be carried out with the additional installation of beacons. After preliminary preparation and surface treatment with a primer, their installation begins. If work is carried out in rooms with high humidity or with large defects in the bases, you should fix the mesh for additional reinforcement before leveling the walls with the beacons with your own hands. Video tutorials will help you get the job done right. It is fixed with a mixture or dowels.

The sequence of plastering works is similar to the process without installing beacons. The solution is applied in a dense layer between the beacons with a small exit beyond them. The plaster is leveled by the rule with zigzag movements from the bottom upwards. The excess is removed with a spatula, the voids are filled with a new solution. After passing the entire surface, the alignment must be repeated from top to bottom.

At the end of the work, the result should be checked by the rule. The protruding parts are overwritten. After that, it is necessary to perform leveling with a liquid mixture. Before work, you can watch professional videos of plastering on lighthouses for beginners. This will prevent mistakes in repair work.

Methods for installing beacons - the advantages of mounting on self-tapping screws

The exposure of beacons for plaster can be done in two ways: on the plaster mix or with self-tapping screws. It is better for non-professional craftsmen to choose the second method of fastening. A reliable and fast method proves the advantages of such fastening, including financial ones.

PhotoDescription of works
The level performs vertical marking at a distance less than the length of the rule by 20 centimeters.
Holes for beacons around the perimeter are drilled with a perforator.
Dowels 8x40 mm are clogged with a hammer.
Screws 40-45 mm long for plaster layer up to 30 mm. In places with a thicker layer, longer fasteners should be used.
The level should align the screw heads of the beacons around the perimeter.
Fasteners for beacons are fixed on the screws.
Fastening beacons around the perimeter.
Similarly, work is carried out on the entire surface of the walls.
The wall is checked with a thread for protrusions. If the base protrudes strongly, it can be corrected by screwing in the screw.
The template checks and aligns all hats.
All elements and beacons are fixed.

Time with this method is saved exactly four times. The video below describes the entire installation process quite clearly:

At the end of the work, professionals recommend removing the beacons and sealing the resulting stripes with a solution so that rust does not appear during operation. This is a controversial opinion. If the beacons were purchased from a branded trade and they are of good quality, removal is not necessary.

Plaster mixtures - varieties, advantages, disadvantages

A wide variety of solutions puts the non-professional master in a difficult position. Before choosing the better to plaster the walls in the apartment, you should study the manufacturer's instructions for the use of the compositions. Properly selected mixture will last for decades.

Do-it-yourself wall plastering with cement mortar: video tutorials from masters

One of the most durable and labor-intensive solutions, on the one hand, and the longest used when properly applied, on the other. The main disadvantage of the coating is the need to perform finishing putty. Applying wall plaster with cement mortar over the lighthouses allows you to hide large deviations and surface defects. To properly complete the entire process, you can preview various videos of professional craftsmen that are posted on the Internet.

The cement mixture behaves well in rooms with high humidity, such as the kitchen or bathroom. It does not lose its properties in garages, on plinths, in basements.

How to plaster walls with gypsum plaster: video and professional nuances

Gypsum compositions are suitable only for indoor work. The main advantage of this method is that additional surface plastering is not required. With a plastic composition, you can level the base to an ideal state. The negative aspects of leveling the walls with gypsum plaster include the increased humidity of the premises, for the finishing of which other compositions should be used.

A significant difference from other solutions is the drying time. Literally after 10-15 minutes, the solution becomes unusable, so you should calculate the speed of work, and do not dilute the mixture in large quantities. Gypsum plaster is convenient to work on ceiling surfaces or corners. You can see the video master class on leveling ceiling and other bases.

Do-it-yourself finishing plaster: video of interesting applications

For finishing, dry mixes or ready-made formulations are used. The choice should be made depending on the purpose of the room. For interior or you can take cement-based plaster. Gypsum composition is suitable for internal bases. Polymer is a universal mixture, various additives allow it to be used for almost any surface.

To perform wall plastering for painting, manufacturers offer special compositions with different structures.

PhotoSolution type
Structural solution - the composition contains large grains, wood fibers. The final design of the surfaces depends on the particle size.
The relief composition is interspersed with marble elements and artificial fibers.
Textured mixture - various additives and a heterogeneous structure, it is possible to perform an application that imitates a bark beetle.
Terrazitic composition - glass particles, mica and marble chips are added to the mixture. Grains can be up to 6 mm.
Flock plaster - composition with acrylic flakes. The final coating can be treated with a varnish composition.

For plastering walls under wallpaper, perfect alignment can not be achieved. Textured wallpaper will partially hide small irregularities. Absolute gloss is important for painting. The process of finishing putty is quite laborious, it can take a lot of time and attention. But the result will please with its impeccability.

How to plaster walls with your own hands for a beginner: video and application features on various surfaces

Modern production offers a wide variety of plaster mixtures. Before you plaster the walls with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics, composition and recommendations for use. Different surfaces require a different approach.

Bricklaying work

Plastering of walls from can be done with both cement mortar and gypsum mixture. For outdoor use, only a cement mixture is suitable. Since this type of work is carried out on the initial masonry, they must be performed flawlessly, avoiding blisters and defects. It is important to consider the execution time. If the construction work was carried out not very long ago, the wall should be allowed to shrink for some time so that cracking does not pass.

If it is necessary to plaster brick walls with a previously applied finish, it should be completely removed. And only after complete cleansing of dust and dirt, you should start repair work. The brick base implies the installation of beacons, since the walls have rather large defects and deviations. All the following works are similar.

To help you how to plaster a brick wall with your own hands, you can familiarize yourself with the step-by-step process in the review, watch this video tutorial:

Works on concrete surfaces

For concrete walls, plastering work should be carried out more carefully. For better adhesion with the previous layer, the plaster should be rubbed with some force for a stronger connection. Otherwise, the entire application process does not differ from the work on beacons.

Wooden wall plaster

The process of plastering wooden walls inside the house is somewhat different from the previous ones. The main difference is that plaster does not adhere to a clean wooden surface. First, you should make a frame from a crate, which can be made of wooden slats or metal mesh.

When mounting a wooden crate or shingles, thin slats with dimensions from 3 × 15 to 5 × 20 mm are used. It is important when buying to pay attention to the quality of the tree, it should have a light color. When fastening, the nails are not driven in completely, but to the middle, so that the hat can be bent and additionally pressed against the rail.

Advice! In order to avoid deformation of the shingles, all ends of the planks should be well fixed.

Under the crate, you can arrange additional thermal insulation made of felt, after soaking it with an antiseptic. The metal mesh is attached in the same way.

Before you plaster a wooden wall, carefully watch the instructional videos. The process is not complicated, but you should know many nuances of the technological sequence. The mixture is applied in the usual way. You need to be careful when throwing the solution on the crate, voids may remain behind it. Therefore, work should be performed at an angle of 45 ° alternately on one side and the other.

Foundation plaster

Before you plaster the foundation of the house with your own hands, you must completely clean all surfaces from dirt, dust and greasy deposits. If the concrete base is more than a year old, notches can be applied for better adhesion of the mortar. On a brick foundation with a spatula, you need to clean all the seams from the old mortar.

In the second stage, all surfaces are abundantly primed, then deep defects are leveled with cement mortar. The previously cleaned seams in the brickwork should be filled with the same mixture.

For reliable adhesion of the solution to the foundation, you can pre-tension and fix the metal mesh. After that, you can proceed to the technological sequence of applying the cement mortar. All work must be done in warm, dry weather.

Good to know! To improve the quality of the cement mortar, you can add PVA glue, thanks to which the mortar will acquire some plasticity and it will be easier to work with it.


Now we know all the features and possibilities of wall plastering and can independently carry out the entire process, from rough wall finishing to decoration. The acquired knowledge will help with all responsibility to approach the choice of material and the technological process. And additional physical activity will only be useful.

How to plaster the walls in an apartment is a question that worries those who want to make repairs or build a house.

The quality of this stage of work depends on the durability and reliability of the finish, its aesthetic appearance and the frequency of repairs in the future. Doing repairs on your own or trusting professionals is everyone’s business, but more and more often, owners decide to do their own home improvement.

About how to properly plaster the walls in the apartment and what type of mixture to choose is described in detail in the article.

What is plastering for?

Plastering indoor surfaces is necessary to achieve several goals:

  • alignment of walls and ceiling;
  • sound and heat insulation;
  • creating adhesion for finishes;
  • use as a decorative coating.

For housing, plaster can become both a decorative and functional element of decoration.

Types of plasters

All types of plastering mixtures are divided into three groups: standard, special and decorative. Standard mixtures are sold in the markets and in specialized hardware stores. This is the most popular type of plaster. In turn, the standard compositions are divided into 4 types.

Type Compound Properties
Universal Based on cement, gypsum or resins with the addition of polymer compounds. Such plaster protects the house from dampness and heat loss, and also has noise-absorbing properties.
waterproofing Basis - cement with the addition of polymers Reliably protects the room from moisture and mold. Ideal for bathrooms and kitchens.
Soundproof Plaster base - gypsum or cement Rarely used in residential areas. It is popular for finishing the premises of cinemas, concert halls, sports and industrial premises.
Heat shield The basis is gypsum or cement. Foamed perlite, foam glass, vermiculite and granulated polystyrene foam are also added. Holds heat very well. It is used for thermal insulation of the entire room and engineering communications. It does not have soundproofing properties and requires the application of finishing plaster.

Special solutions

When working with this group of plasters, you need to have on hand the documentation with the project of the room and research on the chemical composition of the solution. Their use is quite expensive and time-consuming, and also requires certain skills. There are two types of special mixtures:

  1. Solutions with protection against various types of hazardous radiation. These include the well-known barite plaster, which is used to decorate X-ray rooms and various laboratories. It is rarely used to protect residential buildings. Before you plaster the walls in an apartment for painting with barite plaster, you need to take care of a reliable finish of the material to avoid toxic fumes.
  2. Acid-resistant mixtures are used in industrial premises where chemical fumes are active and can be harmful to health. In everyday life, they are used as a finish. Such plaster is not afraid of chemical attack, so it can be washed with any household products without harm.

Decorative plaster

How to plaster the walls in the apartment before painting? Decorative plaster is one of the most beautiful and original types of finishing materials. From simple patterns like bark beetles to elegant Venetian patterns, applying this mixture requires patience and skill. Only a professional can choose the ideal decorative plaster for the interior and the basis for application. You can try to decorate your house yourself with the help of photos on the Internet, video tutorials and step-by-step instructions.

Varieties of plasters by composition

There are three main types of plaster in terms of composition. Cement is considered universal and suitable for interior and exterior use. Gypsum - used for finishing concrete, wood and brick surfaces in rooms with moderate humidity. Polymer plasters - the last word in the field of finishing materials. They are used to decorate an already flat surface.

cement mixtures

How to plaster the walls in an apartment with a rough finish? Cement compositions are suitable for this type of coating and have several advantages:

  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • the plasticity of the material allows you to work with it even a few hours after application;
  • vapor tightness and frost resistance;
  • low cost;
  • durability;
  • strength.

Despite all the advantages, cement plaster also has disadvantages. For example, a long drying period and a complex technology for working with the composition.

Tip: If you need a layer with a thickness of more than 20 mm, you must use a reinforcing mesh.

Gypsum compositions

How to plaster the walls in the apartment under the wallpaper? Gypsum plaster is the best option for indoors with normal humidity. Among its advantages it is worth highlighting:

  • high speed of work;
  • drying period - several hours;
  • layer strength gain is from 2 days to a week;
  • plaster does not require additional leveling with putty, after its application and curing, you can start painting or wallpapering.

The main disadvantage of the gypsum mixture is its instability to moisture. At high humidity, the plaster quickly deforms and cracks.

Polymer compositions

Polymer-based plaster mixtures are applied in a thin layer and are able to hide small cracks or irregularities on the surface. They can be used on a drywall, concrete or brick base.

Advantages of using decorative plaster in the interior of an apartment:

  • antiseptic properties;
  • suitable for use in rooms with a high level of humidity;
  • has decorative properties and gives an aesthetic appearance to the room;
  • suitable for both outdoor and indoor work;
  • has waterproofing properties.

The main disadvantage of polymer compositions is that they must be applied on a perfectly flat surface.

What plaster to stop on?

The base surface plays a significant role in choosing the right type of plaster.

  • What is the best way to plaster a brick wall in an apartment? For a brick wall, cement mortar is perfect. A thicker layer can be applied to such a surface. Before applying the plaster, the wall must be wetted with water or primed to improve adhesion with the mixture. Then a solution is thrown onto the surface and leveled with a rule. Further, depending on the finishing works, the plaster is rubbed and polished, minor flaws are eliminated (preparation for painting or wallpapering). If the facing material is tile, then it is not necessary to grind the surface. For better adhesion to the tiles, the wall should be rough.
  • The foam concrete base is plastered mainly with gypsum mixtures, but cement mortar can also be used.

Important! Before starting work, the wall is treated with a special deep penetration primer for porous and weak surfaces.

  • What is the best way to plaster concrete walls in an apartment? For a smooth concrete surface, it is best to choose Rotband-type gypsum mixes. Before work, the wall must be treated with a special primer - concrete contact. It differs from the classical primer in the presence of quartz sand, which forms a rough layer on a smooth concrete surface. This improves the adhesion of the base to the mixture and ensures a secure fit. Unlike cement mortars, gypsum is reinforced with a polymer mesh with cells of approximately 5 by 5 mm.
  1. With significant unevenness of the walls or ceiling, you need to use beacons, they will help to achieve a perfectly even layer.
  2. The evenness of the layer must be controlled throughout the work. For this, a rule is used.
  3. The choice of plaster should be guided by the financial situation, the timing of work, experience and the type of surface that is being processed.
  4. Each next ball of plaster can be applied only after the previous one has completely dried.
  5. Plastering works require a certain temperature regime in the room. So, for cement mortars, the temperature should be from 5 to 30 ℃.
  6. When choosing a mixture, you need to carefully read the instructions for its use and expiration date. For best results, mix the solution according to the proportions indicated on the package.
  7. Ready-made mixtures from trusted manufacturers are the best option for small to medium-sized jobs, as well as for beginners who want to do their own repairs.

Plastering walls is painstaking and complex work. For its implementation, special compositions are usually used, most often on a gypsum basis. In addition, for a high-quality result, it is very important to follow the correct sequence of the process: it is performed in several stages.

Plastering walls is a matter that requires special knowledge, skills and abilities from the performer. Properly executed alignment of the walls will facilitate the process of wallpapering and significantly improve the appearance of the room. Such work can be done independently, but more often it is still trusted by the masters. In any case, when carrying out this procedure, you will have to take into account some nuances.


To get a quality result (perfectly smooth walls), you need 4 components of success:

  • experienced master plasterer;
  • high-quality plaster mixture (you need to carefully read its composition and manufacturer);
  • correct preparation of the solution;
  • proper storage conditions for the plaster mixture before starting work (no moisture ingress is allowed).

In addition, you need to clearly understand the purpose for which the walls of this room are finished with plaster. Plastering walls under wallpaper is a slightly different situation than plastering bathroom walls under tiles. In this case, you need to properly plaster the walls with gypsum plaster so that the main decor (tile or wallpaper) holds.

The better to plaster the walls depends on the wallet of the owner of the house, as well as on the characteristics of the room in which repairs are required. In addition, it is important to understand why plaster walls - for wallpaper, tiles or just painting.

What plaster is better to use? First, you need to know that the plaster is dry or wet. Secondly, there are three types of both dry and wet plaster:

  • ordinary (actual composition for leveling walls);
  • decorative (color, terrasite or stone);
  • special.

The cheapest option - lime plaster. But this option, unfortunately, is short-lived and is only suitable for plastering walls inside the building. The outer part is plastered with a different composition. In addition, lime is categorically not suitable for the bathroom. The fact is that lime is afraid of moisture.

Main advantages gypsum plasters- good sound and heat insulation. It is a ductile material that rarely cracks. Such plaster quickly dries and hardens. A few hours are enough for this.

Unfortunately, such mixtures are not sufficiently resistant to moisture and mechanical damage. Before plastering the walls with gypsum plaster, you need to study all the features of the room. At the same time, you can finish the walls with Rotband (popular gypsum plaster) even in the bathroom.


Cement is a versatile option for plastering walls both inside and out. The main advantages of the material are resistance to moisture and temperature extremes. They can also be used for plastering bathroom walls before laying tiles. It is recommended to choose it if the owners do not know which dry or wet plaster is better to finish the interior or exterior walls.

Also, many users are interested in how quickly the applied plaster dries. From this point of view, cement and gypsum mixtures are practical. In addition, on a bag or bucket with a mixture, you need to read at what temperature the mixture dries the fastest.

Dry plaster can be:

  • simple;
  • improved;
  • high quality.

The quality of dry plaster is determined by differences. Normal - with drops no more than 3 mm, improved - with drops no more than 2 mm. In high quality, differences of a maximum of 1 mm are allowed.

A simple one is usually finished with warehouses, basements and other household premises, the second one is used in public institutions - hospitals and schools. But high-quality trim the walls of residential buildings.

To know how to plaster walls with your own hands, you can read a lot of tips on the Internet.

However, it all comes down to two options:

  • lighthouse plastering
  • plastering without beacons.

Everyone can learn how to plaster walls, although it will be more difficult for a beginner than for a professional plasterer.

When deciding how and with what to plaster the walls in the bathroom under the tiles or the walls of the living rooms before wallpapering, it is important to correctly assess the quality of the existing surface.

To plaster the walls yourself, you will need to apply the solution in three layers. The resulting excess is removed with a trapezoidal spatula. You will have to buy it before you plaster walls from any material with your own hands.

In any case, the solution must be applied very carefully.

Plastering without beacons
Plastering in a plane (using a rule) is a good option if the walls are relatively even. If there are serious irregularities on the walls, the performer has no other choice but to plaster the walls on the lighthouses. Thanks to beacon profiles, irregularities are eliminated with an accuracy of 1 mm/m2.

Plastering without beacons Usually, metal beacons are used for this, although artificial gypsum beacons can also be created. In the second case, you can save the plaster mixture (the layer with iron beacons will be at least 6 mm).

Before plastering aerated concrete walls, you need to make sure that the plaster mixture is ideal for them. This material is environmentally friendly, it lets in oxygen and removes carbon dioxide from the room, so the choice of plaster should be taken responsibly.

The technologies of how to plaster walls made of foam block, foam concrete, as well as how to plaster concrete walls differ little from each other. It is important to choose only the right mixture here. The technology is similar to how to plaster wooden walls.

How to plaster brick walls depends on the location of the surface being trimmed. Concrete and other moisture-resistant products are suitable from the outside, and it is also permissible to plaster brick walls inside the house with gypsum mixtures.

The technique for plastering walls with a cement-sand mortar is similar to working with any other wall finishing products. The main thing is to add the required amount of water.

How to plaster walls with beacons?
Many users are looking for tips on how to plaster walls without beacons. Here it is necessary to determine the thickness of the layer and the quality of the surface by eye. This method is suitable for relatively flat surfaces. Thus, small imperfections are smoothed out.

Plastered walls are already trimmed with selected paint, wallpaper or tiles - it depends on the purpose of the room and the desire of the owner.