Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» The accounting method includes elements such as. Basic elements of accounting. The balance sheet represents

The accounting method includes elements such as. Basic elements of accounting. The balance sheet represents

Overdose is the most common reason death of drug addicts. Official statistics recent years has at least 10,000 overdose deaths per year. Both new and experienced drug addicts are at risk of dying from an overdose. The most common fatal overdose occurs with opioids. However, consumption of stimulants can also cause life-threatening conditions.

First aid in case of overdose

Faced with symptoms of overdose call an ambulance immediately:

  • by number 03 from home (stationary)
  • by number 103 from a cell phone or home phone, from a payphone
  • by calling the unified emergency service number 112 from a cell phone (the call will work even from a blocked SIM card or without a SIM card)

While the ambulance is on the way

Important: stay with the victim until paramedics arrive!
First aid provided before doctors arrive can save lives.

1. Do not allow the victim to lose consciousness, talk to him. Loss of consciousness is dangerous by falling into a coma. If he does not respond to your voice, does not move, or has weak or absent breathing, do the following:

2. If there is still no breathing, feel the pulse on the carotid artery under the lower jaw.

If the pulse is palpable, start artificial respiration:

Cover the victim's mouth with a gauze pad or a piece of thin cloth.
- pinch the victim's nose
- take a deep breath and immediately forcefully blow air into the victim’s mouth (as if you were inflating a ball)

Repeat exhalations until signs of spontaneous breathing appear. If the chest rises by 3 cm, then breathing has been restored.

If there is no pulse, start chest compressions:

Elevate the victim's legs and place a folded jacket or bag underneath
- take two breaths as described above
- kneel to the side of the victim
- place one palm at the base of the sternum, close the other. Raise your fingers above your ribs, do not bend your elbows
- Press firmly, then release. The amplitude of the chest movement should be approximately 5 cm. Repeat the compressions quickly - each should take no more than a second
- every 15 presses, take two artificial breaths
- check your pulse once a minute

Repeat the steps until the condition improves: a pulse appears, spontaneous breathing, the face and earlobes turn pink. But even then, do not stop, continue resuscitation until the pulse and breathing return completely. Stay with the patient until the ambulance arrives.

In case of overdose it is impossible

  • leaving a patient unattended
  • put it in the bath
  • allow one to fall asleep or lose consciousness
  • use psychostimulants as an antidote for opioid overdose, and vice versa

Overdose of opioids (opiates)

Opioids include: heroin, opium, methadone, morphine, oxymorphone, hydromorphone, codeine, fentanyl, etc.

Signs of overdose:

  • extreme pallor
  • bluish lips
  • weak pulse
  • decrease in breathing rate, up to complete stop
  • constriction of the pupils
  • lethargy, motionless posture
  • lack of muscle tone, general relaxation
  • vomit
  • confusion

In case of opioid overdose, if the heartbeat and breathing are restored, you can give Cordiamine or Naloxone. Loved ones of an opioid addict need to have these medications at home.

Cordiamine (other names of the drug: cordimid, niketamide)

Indications for use: fainting, shock, respiratory failure, suffocation, poisoning with sedatives, opioids, barbiturates.
In case of opioid overdose, give one injection of the drug intravenously or intramuscularly in a volume of 2-5 mg. Introduce the substance very slowly, because the drug is very painful. Possible side effects in the form of convulsions, vomiting, allergic reactions.
Important: Cordimin should not be used in case of an overdose of psychostimulants, as it enhances their effect!


The drug is used as an antidote for opioid overdose. In case of poisoning with other substances, nolaxon is useless. The drug blocks the effect of opiates for up to an hour and a half; if emergency doctors have not arrived during this time, repeat the administration of naloxone. The injection is given intramuscularly into the shoulder or thigh in a dosage of 1-2 ml. If 5 minutes after the injection the patient has not regained consciousness, opened his eyes, or taken a deep breath, then the effect has not been achieved - repeat the injection.

Overdose of psychostimulants

Psychostimulant drugs include amphetamine, cocaine, methamphetamine, ephedrine, crack, salts

Signs of an overdose of psychostimulants:

  • panic, delirium of persecution
  • increased physical activity
  • dilated pupils
  • acute headaches
  • fast pulse or arrhythmia
  • profuse sweating
  • convulsions
  • vomit
  • heat(up to lethal values)

How to help with an overdose of psychostimulants

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. Do not leave the person alone; cases of suicide are not uncommon in a state of panic.
  3. Take the victim to a quiet place, talk to him, try to calm him down, make him concentrate on breathing in and out evenly.
  4. If the victim has a high fever, apply a wet towel to the head or help the victim take a cool shower. Let's drink a lot of water.
  5. If the victim faints, lay him on his back, turn his head to the side, and make sure that he does not choke on his tongue or choke on vomit.

Causes of overdoses

Simultaneous use of several surfactants of various narcotic substances, drugs in combination with alcohol, illegal drugs and substitution drugs
- Taking repeated doses at short intervals
- Take the dose immediately after detoxification
- Incorrect dosage calculation
- Unknown concentration of synthetic drugs

Who's at risk

Most often, beginner drug addicts, teenagers who use cheap drugs, and experienced drug addicts after a detoxification course suffer from overdose.

What are the dangers of overdose?

In 93% of cases, the death of a drug addict is caused by an overdose. It occurs due to depression of the respiratory center and cardiac arrest, drug-induced coma, hemorrhagic stroke, hyperthermia (overheating) of the brain.

Even if it is possible to avoid death, an overdose causes irreversible harm to health: it affects the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, and nervous system.

Remember: an overdose develops rapidly and is life-threatening. The outcome depends on your actions in an emergency situation. Be sure to call an ambulance, do not leave the victim, try to provide first aid.

Drug addiction?

Get a consultation now

| Materials for life safety lessons for grade 9 | Lesson plan for the academic year | First aid

Basics of life safety
9th grade

Lesson 33
First aid

First aid for mass casualties

Massive casualties of people may occur due to natural natural Disasters(earthquakes, hurricanes, floods) or man-made disasters, accompanied by the destruction of containers containing hazardous chemical substances (hazardous chemical substances), or during accidents on nuclear power plants, when used modern means defeat, or as a result of a terrorist act.

At the same time, the population can be simultaneously affected by various damaging factors (traumatic injury, radiation injury, chemical injury, or combinations thereof).

When an outbreak occurs mass destruction It is impossible to provide first aid to all victims at the same time. Therefore, in such an environment the population itself should be able to provide it.

First medical aid for mass casualties is a set of simple measures carried out at the site of injury by the victim himself (self-help) or by another person. Providing first medical care carried out using standard or improvised means in order to eliminate the consequences of life-threatening damage and prevent dangerous complications.

First aid in places of mass destruction of people may include the following activities:

Removing the victim from under the rubble, from a shelter, shelter;
putting out burning clothes on him;
administration of painkillers using a syringe tube;
clearing the upper respiratory tract from mucus, blood, objects;
giving the body correct position, carrying out artificial ventilation of the lungs and indirect cardiac massage.

In this lesson, according to the teacher’s plan, one activity can be practiced, taking into account the students’ level of preparation.


1. What first aid measures can be carried out in places of mass casualty?

2. Due to what reasons can mass casualties occur?

3. What is medical first aid in case of mass casualty?

4. What examples of mass casualties in Russia and abroad do you know?

5. What damaging factors can affect the population simultaneously during mass casualties?


Name the main damaging factors that can affect the population in places of mass destruction of people.

First aid for an overdose of psychoactive substances

In case of an overdose while using drugs, the addict may develop a life-threatening condition.

Opiate overdose or sleeping pills may cause respiratory arrest. Stopping breathing in this case is not sudden, it seems to develop gradually, that is, the patient’s breathing becomes less deep and increasingly rare. Outwardly, it looks as if the person is simply sleeping deeply. The skin is very pale, cold to the touch, lips, fingertips and ears are bluish in color.

In case of an overdose of a psychoactive substance, death can occur from respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest, or blockage of the respiratory tract by vomit.

Signs of overdose are:

Loss of consciousness;
severe pallor;
shallow and rare breathing;
poorly palpable pulse;
lack of response to external stimuli;

Rules for providing first aid in case of overdose:

1. Call an ambulance by calling 03, give your address, phone number and what happened.
2. Turn the victim on his side.
3. Clear the airways of mucus and vomit.
4. Monitor your breathing pattern until the ambulance arrives.
5. If the respiratory rate is less than 8-10 per minute, begin mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration.


1. What can cause an overdose of opiates or sleeping pills?

2. As a result of what reactions in the drug addict’s body can death occur during an overdose of a psychoactive substance?

3. Why should the victim be turned on his side when providing first aid?

4. At what frequency of respiratory movements do mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration begin?

5. What is the main means of preventing drug addiction?


List, in the correct order, your first aid steps for an opiate overdose.

Psychotropic substances are substances or drugs that affect the central nervous system. In this article we will look at what happens to the body during poisoning with psychotropic substances.

What it is?

Psychotropic substances, affecting the central nervous system, disrupt the human psyche and consciousness. Such drugs are used in surgery, therapy and psychiatric practice to treat patients. The first psychoactive substances were created in the mid-twentieth century. Their use without a doctor’s prescription can have a detrimental effect on a person’s psyche and health, causing severe addiction.

These include: tranquilizers, sedatives, antipsychotics, nootropic substances, adaptogens, psychostimulants.

Classification of psychotropic drugs

Negative effects on the human body

During the use of psychotropic substances or immediately after it, processes occur in the nervous system, which are characterized by the appearance of hallucinations, severe excitability or stupor. Possible confusion of consciousness, a feeling of fear or, conversely, ecstasy.

Over time, memory impairment occurs; a person does not even remember events that occurred very recently. There is no opportunity to assimilate new information, acquire skills, the sense of time is disrupted. Excessive use of sleeping pills and psychoactive substances can lead to coma.

A person may be in a state of apathy and not take care of himself or his health. Significant changes occur throughout the body, which can lead to disruption of metabolic processes in the body. As a result of application harmful substances the functioning of every human organ and system is disrupted. The use of such drugs leads to severe dependence.

Causes and symptoms of poisoning

Psychotropic substances and drugs are prescribed strictly by the attending physician. The dosage is selected individually for each patient. In the case when the patient intentionally or accidentally changes the dose or number of doses, poisoning of the body occurs.

Depending on the individual characteristics body and the accepted dosage of the substance, after half an hour or an hour weakness, apathy, drowsiness, lethargy occurs, and in rare cases, nervous excitability. The person may fall into a coma.

Symptoms of acute poisoning with psychotropic drugs

The speed of onset of symptoms depends on the form in which the psychoactive substances were taken, on an empty or full stomach. The functioning of the human intestine plays a role in many respects. The longer the drug is removed from the body, the stronger its toxic effect. The combined use of alcohol and psychotropic substances increases harm to the body.

Poisoning with antipsychotics does not cause acute poisoning and death, but is characterized by symptoms:

  • dry mouth;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • retention of urine;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • in rare cases, disturbance of consciousness.

An overdose of antidepressants can cause death. Symptoms:

  • urinary retention;
  • increased body temperature;
  • dry mouth;
  • intestinal atony;
  • coma;
  • convulsions and seizures;
  • disturbance of blood supply and heart rhythm.

Lithium preparations have a stronger effect that is life-threatening and is accompanied by symptoms:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • disruption of the heart;
  • nausea;
  • pain and cramps in the abdomen;
  • vomit;
  • confusion;
  • convulsions;
  • tremor.

Poisoning with psychotropic drugs: clinical picture

Depending on how much the central nervous system, there are four stages of poisoning.

  1. The first stage is characterized by lethargy, drowsiness, and inappropriate behavior. At the same time, the person’s speech is not impaired, breathing is smooth. The person recovers within a few hours without complications.
  2. The second stage is more severe. The person is in a comatose state and cannot be awakened. The pupils react to light, sensitivity is not impaired. In some cases, the coma is complicated by breathing problems, lack of oxygen, arterial pressure may decrease.
  3. In the third stage, there are no reflexes and sensitivity. The pupils are dilated, the pressure is low, collapse is possible, breathing is rare, body temperature is low.
  4. The fourth stage is characterized by recovery from coma, restoration of body functions, and mood instability. During your stay in a coma, more dangerous complications develop, such as pneumonia (as a result of hypothermia), cerebral edema. Human skin is red, very similar to burns. Possible death due to pneumonia, infection and inflammation.

First aid for poisoning

In case of an overdose of psychoactive substances, the following signs are observed:

  • a person loses consciousness;
  • the pulse is difficult to palpate;
  • vomiting occurs;
  • the skin becomes pale;
  • breathing is impaired, it becomes rare and shallow;
  • no reaction to external stimuli.

Effects of various psychotropic drugs

Poisoning with psychotropic substances can cause respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest, and blockage of the airways with vomit. If signs of overdose are observed, then you first need to make sure that the person is adequate. You should not forcefully provide first aid to inadequate and aggressive people. Especially if they have weapons or piercing and cutting objects. This way you can harm yourself.

You must call an ambulance immediately. Psychotropic substances can have a detrimental effect on the human body, which will require resuscitation measures using special equipment.

First aid for overdose

Help consists of making sure whether a person is conscious or not, pinching him, shouting loudly or addressing him. Pressing on your earlobe will also work. After such manipulations, the person must react to the stimulus and shudder. In the absence of consciousness, it is necessary to bring a swab moistened with an ammonia solution to the nose. If such a remedy is not at hand, then patting the face, rubbing the back of the neck, or tugging the ears will do.

Respiratory depression occurs after taking opioid medications. In this case, you need to free the person from constricting things, unbutton your jacket or other clothing. Check to see if your tongue is stuck. To do this, tilt the person's head back and push out the lower jaw.

If a person chokes on vomit, you need to turn him on his side and clean him up. oral cavity. Then the person needs to be shown how to breathe correctly (slow inhalation, calm exhalation).

Prevent the person from falling asleep. You need to constantly talk to him, force him to talk. In case of loss of breathing and pulse, it is necessary to perform artificial ventilation and chest compressions.

Stages and methods of treatment of poisoning with psychotropic drugs

It is important to remember the rules of hygiene; put a handkerchief or gauze over your mouth. Before the ambulance arrives, the victim’s face can be moistened with a cool, wet cloth and a cold compress applied to the head.

Health implications

The influence of substances on the human body is very great and leaves behind a lot unpleasant consequences. People who take psychoactive substances have reduced immunity and worsening appearance. A lack of vitamins and microelements leads to hair loss, splitting and brittle nails, irritation and redness of the skin.

Digestive upset manifests itself in the form of constipation and diarrhea. As a result of irritation of the gastric mucosa peptic ulcers, gastritis, lack of appetite and other diseases may occur. Psychotropic substances leave their mark on the human psyche. This effect manifests itself in mood instability and attacks of aggression.


Watch a video about a real case of child poisoning with psychotropic substances.