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» Methods of cleansing fasting. Cleansing by fasting Physiological fasting according to Neumyvakin

Methods of cleansing fasting. Cleansing by fasting Physiological fasting according to Neumyvakin

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One of the most effective means of cleansing the body is medicinal starvation.

It was used in ancient times in China, India, Egypt, Greece, etc., including for spiritual healing and strengthening mental abilities.

However, it should be emphasized that fasting is associated with extreme stress on all functions of the body, so it should be used for health purposes only after coordinating your actions with a doctor and preliminary preparation.

Fasting means the existence of an organism either without food coming from outside, or in conditions of its extreme deficiency.

There are absolute (exclusion of food and water), complete (exclusion of food), partial (exclusion of certain foods from the diet) fasting.

Absolute fasting which is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, usually does not last more than a day.

Complete fasting is divided into short (1-3 days), medium duration (7-10 days) and long (2 weeks or more).

The effects of fasting on the body

In conditions of fasting, the body switches to using its internal reserves, all its vital force is directed towards cleansing and healing. All deposits of unnecessary and harmful substances accumulated in it are processed.

Properly carried out fasting has a healing effect on all organs and systems of the body.

At therapeutic fasting the composition of the blood and the condition of the blood vessels improve. As soon as the supply of nutrients coming from the outside stops, the bloodstream “looks” for a new source of fuel for oxidation processes. By extracting “fuel”, he begins to develop deposits that have accumulated on the inner walls of the vessels. Unused particles are eliminated from the body.

Fasting has a particularly beneficial effect on gastrointestinal tract, since the only way to give him rest is to not eat. In medical practice, there are often cases where stomach ulcers were cured by starvation. As soon as the process of digestion of the last piece of food ends and the gastrointestinal tract is cleared, the process of restoration of the mucous membranes begins in it: all outdated and damaged cells are replaced with new ones.


When treating gastrointestinal diseases with fasting, you should not replace water with fruit juices, since the latter, when entering the stomach, cause abundant secretion of gastric juice, and since there is nothing to digest, the acid begins to act directly on the gastric mucosa and can provoke the appearance of ulcers.

During complete fasting, the stomach quickly stops secreting acid, which provokes irritation of its mucous membrane.

During fasting, it is important to drink plenty of water, as the kidneys play a big role in the cleansing process. Each of the two kidneys has a million efficient filters, and when the body is fasting, the kidneys actively remove toxins.

Indications and contraindications for fasting


Currently, the generally accepted indications for fasting are:
  • dystonia of hypertensive and mixed type and hypertension stages I-II;
  • initial manifestations of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease (with the exception of the condition after a severe myocardial infarction and atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis with disturbances of heart rhythm and conduction, as well as severe circulatory failure of II-III degree);
  • bronchial asthma and obstructive bronchitis;
  • stage I-II pulmonary sarcoidosis;
  • functional diseases of the digestive system (functional indigestion, biliary dyskinesia, irritable bowel syndrome);
  • chronic gastritis and gastroduodenitis;
  • chronic non-calculous cholecystitis and pancreatitis;
  • chronic enteritis and colitis;
  • deforming osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatoid arthritis (except for cases occurring with high activity and corticosteroid dependence);
  • obesity;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • skin allergies (chronic urticaria, neurodermatitis, psoriasis,
  • eczema, drug and food allergies);
  • trophic ulcers;
  • neuroses, depressive states, low-grade schizophrenia; resistance to drug therapy.


The prescription of fasting for a number of diseases requires caution and an individual approach, the presence of which is a relative contraindication to the use of this method of cleansing:
  • neurocircular dystonia of the hypotonic type;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • gout.
Therapeutic fasting is absolutely contraindicated if:

In the absence of contraindications, short-term fasting can be regularly used by any person who is not exhausted and not constitutionally predisposed to thinness.

Fasting periods

The question of the duration of fasting in each case is decided individually, after consultation with attending physician.

To fully cleanse the body, it is enough to go without food 24-36 hours a week, 3 days a month, 1 week every 3 months and 2 weeks every six months.

At first, you should fast one day a week. But if fasting of medium duration or long is indicated for you, then after a month you can switch to 2 times a week, and in the third month you can do a 6-day fast. After such preliminary preparation, you can proceed to therapeutic fasting for 21-24 days. For persistent chronic diseases, 2-3 such courses are usually carried out.

Cleansing fasting techniques

Before considering specific techniques, let us dwell on the general principles of any fasting.

Some people find it difficult to tolerate fasting, so at first you should not suddenly stop eating - to begin with, it is better to choose a short-term fast on juices, vegetables and fruits, or fermented milk products. On the first day of fasting, those with low blood sugar usually feel unwell. They need to fast very carefully, keeping a piece of sugar at hand, and try not to go far from home.

If you experience nausea, weakness, headache or dizziness, you should drink alkaline mineral water or soda diluted in water, you can take a contrast shower.

A week before starting a long fast, you should switch to plant nutrition, which will allow you to cleanse the body without overloading yourself with frequent enemas.

Enemas During fasting, it is advisable to do it daily. (However, P. Bragg advised avoiding them altogether, and some authors recommend doing them 3 times: at the beginning, middle and end of fasting.) Enemas with the addition of a decoction of chamomile, sage, and St. John's wort are useful.

Having eaten your last meal at 6 pm, at 10-11 pm, before going to bed, you should take either a saline laxative (50-60 g of magnesium in 300-400 ml of water) or a laxative herbal decoction. In the morning (after visiting the toilet) you need to do an enema and take a contrast shower. Throughout the day, you should periodically drink water (as much as you want, but at least 2 liters per day).


During the entire course of fasting, you should shower at least 2 times a day, since cleansing occurs through the skin.

During the fasting period, it is advisable to move as much as possible, spend more time in the fresh air, visit a steam bath, wear clothes only made from natural fibers, and regularly clean plaque from the tongue with a soft brush. Saliva should be spat out during fasting, since toxic substances are also secreted by the salivary glands.

Try not to smoke, as smoking can cause vasospasm and irritation of the stomach lining.

If possible, it is useful to lie down and rest in bed during the day. During the working day, it is recommended to rest for 5 minutes every hour.

Short-term fasting according to I. Samoilova

Doctor of Medical Sciences I.K. Samoilova classifies the types of short-term fasting as follows.

Water fasting

A 24-hour fast should last from morning to morning or from dinner to dinner. You should avoid all solid foods and fruits, as well as fruit and vegetable juices. This type of fasting is known as complete fasting.

A person drinks only water - distilled or regular (settled after boiling), cold or hot, rosehip decoction, herbal infusions. You can add lemon juice (1 teaspoon per 1 glass) and 3-4 teaspoons of honey to the water throughout the day. In case of combined heart defects with a predominance of stenosis and congestion in the liver, the amount of fluid consumed must be limited.

Juice fasting

Drink 1-1.5 liters of freshly prepared fruit or vegetable juice per day. The most commonly used juices are carrot, cabbage, beet, apple, and grape juices. Any juice should be kept in the refrigerator before consumption. It is not recommended for people with hypotension to drink beet juice, as it lowers blood pressure.

Fruit and vegetable fasting

Eat 250-300 g of fruits or vegetables 2 times a day with an interval of 6-7 hours.

Fasting on whey, yogurt, kefir

Consume 400-600 g of these products during the day.

Morning fasting

In the morning, drink 1 glass of water or juice. Have breakfast after 4-5 hours.

Fasting according to P. Bragg

American naturopathic doctor P. Bragg spent 24 or 36 hours without food every week, drinking only distilled water. When I came out of fasting, I ate a salad of raw vegetables without salt and oil, but with the addition of lemon juice. After 4 months of such weekly fasting, he recommended starting a 7-day fast, and after a few more months - a 10-day fast. Usually P. Bragg carried out a 7-9-day fast in early January.

An inner voice told him when to interrupt. In the spring, he abstained from food for 10 days in order to better cleanse himself of toxins after winter. During the fast, he maintained good physical shape by taking walks in the fresh air. On such days, he specially left the city.

He recommended breaking a 7-10 day fast as follows: on the last day, at about 5 pm, peel the skins from 4-5 medium-sized tomatoes, cut them, throw them into boiling water and remove from the heat. This is the first food.

On the morning of the 8th day, eat a salad of grated carrots, cabbage and orange, and after that, a small plate of stewed greens with two toasted slices of whole grain bread. For lunch - again a salad of fresh vegetables, then - boiled vegetables.

On the morning of the 10th day, eat fresh fruit and 2 tablespoons of sprouted wheat with honey. Then you need to switch to normal mode, but it is advisable that it does not differ too much from the above.

Fasting according to I. Neumyvakin

From the point of view of I.P. Neumyvakin, fasting should be carried out only after cleansing the intestines, liver and ascending colon, since the body’s processing of the “deposits” accumulated in them can cause harm at first. You need to start with a 1-2-day fast, gradually increasing the period to 12-14 days. At this time, you should lead an active lifestyle: walk more, jog, get a massage, take a contrast shower.

Fasting according to P. Ivanov

Here are the tips of a famous folk healer: “Try to go completely without food and water at least once a week: from 18-20 pm on Friday until 12 pm on Sunday. This is your merit and peace. If it’s difficult for you, then wait at least a day... on Sunday at 12 o’clock, go out into nature barefoot and breathe and think several times... after that you can eat whatever you like.”

Fasting according to Yu. Andreev

Yu. A. Andreev connects periods of fasting with the emergence of such a need in a person: “...I fasted for 3 days or 2 weeks, or even went on hunger without a limited period.” The signal for the completion of the cleansing process is a completely scarlet tongue, without a single spot of plaque. Energy support during fasting is drinking water and regular daily jogging for at least 40-50 minutes.

For a more pleasant taste of water and better assistance in removing poisons from the body, to a daily dose of 1.5-2 liters Yu. Andreev adds the juice of 1/4 or 1/3 lemon, and a few drops into the glass immediately before drinking mint infusion with honey. When coming out of fasting, he does not allow haste.

Even after a short, for example 5-day, fast, on the first day he allows himself only to drink juices diluted by half, on the second - undiluted, and only on the third day he begins to gradually eat light porridges in water (but not semolina - it is from the “dead” cereals), grated and boiled vegetables, prunes.

If, a few days after fasting, a monstrous appetite arises and there is a danger of gluttony, he eats "roughage"- foods rich in fiber, “so that the feeling of a full stomach calms a panicked body.”

Yu. A. Andreev is convinced that the exit from fasting, gentle in its schedule, should last the same amount of time, or at least 3/4 of the period that the fasting itself took. Meat can be included in the diet only 2-3 weeks after a long fast.

Fasting according to A. Mikulin

A. A. Mikulin’s method involves one or two 7-day fasts per year. To do this, you need to do an enema the night before, repeating it every morning and evening throughout the week. If you feel weak, do another enema. When you feel hungry, drink only boiled water (this is a general rule for all fasting methods: drinking helps you endure hunger, as you feel a feeling of fullness in your stomach).

If all fasting conditions are observed correctly, then after a few days, according to A. A. Mikulin, gastric juice stops secreting, and the body begins to eat its cells, primarily the sick ones. This is how healing and cleansing occurs.

On the first day after fasting, A. A. Mikulin recommends drinking juice, fresh yogurt, tea; on the second day, add cottage cheese, boiled vegetables, crackers, taking them in small doses after 2-3 hours. On the third day, you can introduce potatoes and rice into your diet and continue to eat as usual.

Fasting according to E. Frolov

Biologist E.K. Frolov developed a theory subthreshold nutrition. Its essence is that a person eats tiny portions of food: one carrot, or one nut, or a handful of seeds a day, but the main thing is that it is living plant food, which helps to endure hunger more easily and not leave the regime of therapeutic fasting, prevent appetite. Using this method, very serious illnesses were cured.

Fasting according to S. Borodin

Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences S. A. Borodin recommends a 7-10-day fast, while drinking a huge amount of water (up to 40 liters!) and doing enemas from beet broth.

Urine fasting

Proponents of urine therapy offer different methods of urine fasting (it can only be used after cleansing the body!). With the help of urine fasting, you can not only cleanse your body, but also successfully treat all gastrointestinal diseases and kidney diseases.

Urine fasting according to V. A. Erofeev

2 days before the start of fasting, sharply reduce the amount of protein, fatty and fried foods consumed. On the first day of fasting, starting in the morning, take a medium portion of urine with clean water. Next, as urine is released, you can drink it completely. Do not take the last portion before bed to allow the body to rest.

Such fasting, according to the author, can be carried out for 4-7 days, and you need to move on to nutrition with caution, restoring it within a week. The best way out of fasting is to stop drinking water and urine on the last day in the evening, and an hour later drink a glass of fruit juice. The next day, drink juice and eat fresh fruits, on the third day - legume soup, boiled rice, boiled vegetables.

To recover from kidney diseases, you need to fast for at least 24 days, while drinking spring water as needed. Make urine compresses on the stomach and kidney area, massage the whole body using urine for 2 hours.

Urine fasting is also used to treat rheumatism, hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis and other diseases.

If such fasting is difficult to carry out, you can combine it with subthreshold nutrition: for example, once a day eat a light meal consisting of 3 flatbreads (without yeast), or a small amount of rice with vegetables, or fresh vegetables and fruits.

It is advisable to take food between 17:00 and 18:00, before sunset. No urine, water, or any other liquid or solid food should be taken for an hour afterwards. Urinary therapy can then be continued again.

Urine fasting according to G. P. Malakhov

He calls urine fasting “the crown of all fasting” and recommends doing it as follows: for 3 or 7 days, abstain from food, but drink the excreted urine - all or partly, you can also drink water. Body massage and enemas with evaporated urine (100-200 g one or several times a day) will help achieve an even greater effect.

Understanding his own experience of fasting led G.P. Malakhov to the conclusion: fasting should be carried out only after cleansing procedures and combined with high physical activity.

Hidden fasting

Hidden fasting (mono-diet)- This is a diet exclusively of cereals cooked in water without salt. With such fasting, you can lose up to 5 kg in weight in a week - these are waste products.

It is better to cook porridge liquid. It can be sprinkled with a mixture of sea salt, sesame seeds and hemp or flax seeds. The seeds should be ground, but before that they must be dried in a frying pan. For 4 parts of ground seeds, take 1 part of sea salt.

If this dosage is too strong for a person, take 1 part salt to 16 parts seeds. Sesame opens all blockages and removes toxins. Hemp seed dissolves and removes kidney stones. Porridges cooked in water without salt and milk can be sprinkled with dry herbs, especially nettles.

With hidden fasting, many organs are cleansed. First of all, the mouth and tongue are cleansed, as a result of which taste is better felt, and then the sense of smell is enhanced.

The optimal option for hidden fasting is 3 days. A 3-day fast can be done once a month. Before you start such fasting, you need to cleanse your intestines. After a 3-day fast, there may be no bowel movements for 2 days. This is not scary, since cereals do not rot in the body. But you can do an enema.

7 day fast can be done once a month. If you carry out a long 21-day fast, the body will be completely cleansed.

During hidden fasting, you can drink boiled water with honey, adding a few drops of lemon or grapefruit juice.

You need to come out of hidden fasting carefully. On the fourth day of the mono-diet, you can eat porridge in the morning, but with regular salt and a small piece of butter, boiled vegetables for lunch, and at dinner limit yourself to only liquid food.

Breaking out of fasting

Coming out of fasting requires a very serious attitude. During this period, a person, as a rule, does not feel completely healthy, since recovery processes continue to occur in the body.

Coming out of fasting lasts the same number of days as the fasting itself lasted. It is advisable that the first days of breaking fast fall on Saturday and Sunday. At this time, salt, meat, fish, eggs, and mushrooms are excluded from the diet. With a 4-5-day fast, the first day of fasting should be spent on juices, vegetables, and herbal decoctions. It is very important to eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly.

There are three options restorative nutrition.

Restorative nutrition - 1

1st day: 1 liter of natural juices for 5 doses (for the 1st dose, dilute with water 2 times).

Day 2:
juices - 1 l and pureed fruits - 500 g evenly in 5 doses.

3-4th days:
juices - 0.5 l, pureed fruits - 500 g, grated carrots - 500 g, kefir - 0.5 l; for 5 appointments.

Days 5-6:
juices - 0.4 l, pureed fruits - 400 g, grated carrots - 400 g, kefir - 1 l, gray bread - 400 g, honey - 40 g; for 4 doses.

Days 7-10:
fruits - 600 g, grated carrots - 600 g, kefir - 1 l, gray bread - 600 g, honey - 60 g, vinaigrette - 250 g (boiled potatoes, raw carrots, boiled beets, raw cabbage, vegetable oil, onions) .

Days 11-15:
fruits - 600 g, grated carrots with sour cream - 150 g/50 g, kefir - 0.85 l, gray bread - 600 g, honey - 60 g, vinaigrette - 100 g, butter 50 g, nuts - 90 g, porridge with milk (cereals - 80 g, milk - 200 ml); for 4 doses.

Days 16-30:
fruits - 600 g, grated carrots with sour cream - 150 g/50 g, kefir - 0.8 l, gray bread - 600 g, honey - 60 g, vinaigrette - 400 g (add fresh cucumbers and green peas), butter - 50 g, nuts - 90 g, porridge with butter - 400 g (any cereal except oatmeal for allergies - 80 g, butter - 10 g of the total), mashed potatoes (with tomatoes or with green peas and butter - 450 g, including tomatoes 120 g); for 4 doses.

Restorative nutrition - 2

1st day: Cereal decoction (1:15) - 1 liter for 5 doses.

Day 2:
Cereal decoction (1:10) - 1 liter for 5 doses.

3-4th days:
“muddy” porridge - 1 kg (cereals - 150 g, butter - 25 g); for 5 appointments.

Days 5-6:
crumbly porridge - 400 g (cereals - 80 g, butter - 10 g), kefir - 0.4 l, gray bread - 200 g; for 4 doses.

Days 7-10:
crumbly porridge with butter - 400 g/10 g, mashed potatoes with milk and butter - 320 g/80 g/10 g, tea without sugar - 0.4 l, kefir - 0.4 l, gray bread - 200 g; for 4 doses.

Days 11-12:
crumbly porridge - 400 g/10 g, vegetable soup - 500 g (potatoes - 100 g, carrots - 50 g, milk - 50 ml, butter - 10 g, tomato paste - 5 g), mashed potatoes with milk and butter - 320 g/80 ml/10 g, tea without sugar - 0.4 l, kefir - 0.4 l, gray bread - 400 g, boiled vegetables - 250 g (potatoes - 100 g, carrots - 150 g , vegetable oil - 15 g); for 4 doses.

Days 13-14:
crumbly porridge with butter - 200 g/5 g, vinaigrette - 300 g, sour cream - 200 g, crackers - 100 g, vegetable soup with cereals and croutons - 500 g (rice - 20 g, potatoes - 100 g, green peas - 30 g, butter - 5 g, croutons - 50 g), mashed potatoes with milk and butter - 160 g/40 ml/5 g, tea without sugar - 0.4 l, kefir - 0.4 l, gray bread - 200 g; for 4 doses.

Days 15-17:
crumbly porridge with butter - 200 g/5 g, vinaigrette - 300 g, sour cream - 150 g, crackers - 100 g, vegetable soup with cereals and croutons - 500 ml/50 g, tea without sugar - 0.2 l, pasta with cottage cheese - 200 g/50 g, milk jelly - 0.2 l (milk - 50 ml, sugar - 20 g, starch - 7 g), dried fruit compote without sugar - 0.2 l, milk - 0.2 l, gray bread - 200 g; for 4 doses.

Days 18-21:
grated raw carrots - 150 g, crumbly porridge with butter - 200 g/5 g, vinaigrette - 300 g, sour cream - 150 g, crackers - 100 g, pureed vegetable soup with croutons - 500 ml/50 g, buckwheat porridge with cottage cheese and butter - 200 g (buckwheat - 40 g, cottage cheese - 80 g, butter - 5 g), tea without sugar - 0.2 l, milk jelly - 0.2 l, kefir - 0.2 l, milk - 0.2 l, gray bread - 300 g; for 4 doses.

Restorative nutrition - 3

IN 1st day- 1.25 liters of whey from yogurt for 5 doses.

In 2nd day- 1 liter of kefir, diluted with water 2 times, for 5 doses.

IN 3rd day- 1 liter of kefir for 5 doses.

4th day
and then you can combine from the 1st and 2nd options.


When breaking fast, you should consider the following recommendations:
  • During the recovery period, eat everything without salt.
  • The diet from the 11-15th to the 30th day of nutrition can be varied depending on the availability of products, adhering to a vegetable-dairy diet.
  • You can replace fresh fruits and vegetables with an equal amount of canned (without sugar and with a minimum of salt) or dry.
  • Kefir can be replaced with any fermented milk products.
  • For peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, the recovery period should begin with decoctions of cereals, jelly, and boiled vegetables. You should not consume canned juices, raw fruits and vegetables.
  • During the recovery period, people prone to allergies should exclude from their diet all foods that can cause an allergic reaction in them.
Since the greatest loss of body weight during fasting occurs in the first 7-10 days, fasting for obesity should be carried out in 2-3 cycles: 7-10 days - fasting, 5-7 days - recovery, then fasting again for 7-10 days.

The best results are achieved precisely with such fasting cycles, followed by regular weekly daily fasting and refusal to eat after 18-19 hours. During the recovery period, obese people should reduce the amount of foods recommended above by approximately 20-30%.

Lisovsky P. P.

There has been a lot of controversy about fasting lately. We can immediately say that if you do not have serious illnesses, then abstaining from food for 1 - 3 days will bring you nothing but benefit. Such fasting days not only increase the efficiency of the body and increase life expectancy, but also allow you to rest the digestive system, slightly cleanse the blood and intercellular fluid of toxins, etc.

There are also longer periods of fasting. The meaning of long-term abstinence from food is that due to a long-term lack of nutrients, the body tries to preserve everything it needs, but this can only be achieved by processing everything that is not needed.

Recipe N1. Fasting according to P. Bragg:

every week P. Bragg stayed without food for 24 or 36 hours, drinking only distilled water. When I came out of fasting, I ate a salad of raw vegetables without salt and oil, but with the addition of lemon juice. After four months of such weekly fasting, he recommended starting a 7-day fast, and after a few more months - a 10-day fast. Usually P. Bragg carried out a 7-9-day fast in early January. An inner voice told him when to interrupt. In the spring, he abstained from food for 10 days in order to better cleanse himself of toxins after winter. During the fast, he maintained good physical shape by taking walks in the fresh air. On such days, he specially left the city.

He recommends breaking a 7-10-day fast like this: on the last day, at about 5 pm, remove the skin from 4-5 medium-sized tomatoes, cut them, throw them into boiling water and remove from heat. This is the first food. On the morning of the eighth day, eat a salad of grated carrots, cabbage and orange, and after that, a small plate of stewed greens with two dried slices of whole bread. For lunch - again a salad of fresh vegetables, then - boiled vegetables. On the morning of the tenth day, eat fresh fruit and 2 tablespoons of sprouted wheat with honey. Then you need to switch to your usual mode, which, however, is not too different from what was described above.

Thus, the American naturopathic doctor came out of hunger quite quickly and easily. But he had many years of fasting practice behind him, which trained his well-cleansed body. And in a country house in California it is more pleasant to carry out this procedure than in standard apartments saturated with various odors.

Recipe N2. Fasting according to P. Ivanov:

“Try at least once a week to completely go without food and water from 6-8 pm on Friday until 12 pm on Sunday. This is your merit and peace. If it’s difficult for you, then wait at least 24 hours.” “On Sunday at 12 o’clock, go out into nature barefoot and breathe and think a few times... after that you can eat whatever you like.”

Recipe N3. Fasting according to A. Mikulin:

A. A. Mikulin suggested carrying out one or two 7-day fasts per year. To do this, you need to do an enema the night before, repeating it every morning and evening throughout the week. If you feel weak, do another enema. When you feel hungry, drink only boiled water (this is a general rule for all fasting methods: drinking helps you endure hunger, as you feel a feeling of fullness in your stomach).

If all fasting conditions are observed correctly, then after a few days, according to A. A. Mikulin, gastric juice stops secreting and the body begins to eat its cells, primarily the sick ones. This is how healing and cleansing occurs.

On the first day after fasting, A. A. Mikulin recommends drinking juice, fresh yogurt, tea, on the second day adding cottage cheese, boiled vegetables, crackers, taking them in small doses every 2-3 hours. On the third day, you can introduce potatoes and rice into your diet and continue to eat as usual.

Recipe N4. Fasting according to I. Neumyvakin:

Carry out fasting only after cleansing the intestines, liver and ascending colon, since the body’s processing of the “deposits” accumulated in them can even cause harm at first. You need to start with a 1-2-day fast, gradually increasing the period to 12-14 days. At this time, you should lead an active lifestyle, walk more, jog, massage, and take a contrast shower.

Recipe N5. Fasting according to Yu. Andreev:

A need arose - to fast for 3 days or 2 weeks, or even to fast for an unlimited period of time, and the signal for the completion of the cleansing process is an absolutely scarlet tongue, without a single spot of plaque. Energy support during fasting is provided by drinking melt water and regular daily jogging for at least 40-50 minutes.

For a more pleasant taste of water and better assistance in removing poisons from the body, Yu. A. Andreev adds 1/4 or 1/3 lemon juice to a daily dose of 1.5-2 liters, and a few drops of mint infusion with honey into the glass immediately before drinking .

When exiting fasting, haste is not allowed. Even after a short, for example, 5-day fast, on the first day he allows himself to eat only juices, diluted by half, and then whole, and only on the third day he begins to consume small doses of light porridge with water (but not semolina - it is from the “dead” cereals), grated and boiled vegetables, prunes.

If, a few days after the fast, a monstrous appetite arises and there is a danger of gluttony, he eats “roughage” - foods rich in fiber, “so that the feeling of a full stomach calms the panicked body.”

Yu. A. Andreev is convinced that the exit from fasting, gentle in its schedule, should last the same amount of time, or at least 3/4 of the period that the fasting itself took. Meat can be included in the diet only 2-3 weeks after a long fast.

Recipe N6. Fasting according to E. Frolov:

Biologist E. Frolov developed the theory of subthreshold nutrition. It lies in the fact that a person eats tiny portions of food: one carrot, or one nut, or a handful of seeds a day, but the main thing is that it is living plant food, which helps to more easily endure hunger and not leave the regime of therapeutic fasting, prevent appetite. Using this method, very serious illnesses were cured.

Recipe N7. Fasting according to S. Borodin:

Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences S. Borodin recommends a 7-10-day fast, while drinking a huge amount of water (up to 40 liters!) and doing enemas from beet broth. Using his cleaning method, S. Borodin was able to cure his ankylosing spondylitis.

At the same time, directly opposite methods are known that prohibit drinking water.

Recipe N8. Urine fasting:

Proponents of urine therapy offer different methods of urine fasting (we emphasize once again: it can only be used after cleansing the body). With the help of urine fasting, you can not only cleanse your body, but also successfully treat all gastrointestinal diseases and kidney diseases. And the kidneys are cleansed during urine fasting much better than when using watermelons or vegetable juices.

Urine fasting according to V. A. Erofeev. 2 days before it starts, sharply reduce the amount of protein, fatty and fried foods consumed. On the first day of fasting, starting in the morning, take a medium portion of urine with clean water. Next, as urine is released, you can drink it completely. The last portion before bedtime is thrown away so that the body can rest. Such fasting, according to the author, can be carried out for 4-7 days, and you need to move on to nutrition with caution, restoring it within a week. The best way out of fasting is to stop drinking water and urine on the last day in the evening, and an hour later drink a glass of fruit juice. The next day, drink juice and eat fresh fruits, on the third day - legume soup, boiled rice, boiled vegetables.

In order to recover from kidney disease, you need to fast for at least 24 days, while drinking spring water as needed. Make urine compresses on the stomach and kidney area, massage the whole body using urine for 2 hours.

Rheumatism, hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis and other diseases are also treated with the help of urine fasting.

If such fasting is difficult to carry out, you can combine it with subthreshold nutrition: for example, once a day eat a light meal consisting of 3 flatbreads (without yeast), or a small amount of rice with vegetables, or fresh vegetables and fruits. It is advisable to take food between 17:00 and 18:00, before sunset. No urine, water, or any other liquid or solid food should be taken for an hour afterwards. Urinary therapy can then be continued again.

G. P. Malakhov calls urine fasting the crown of all fasting. He recommends doing it as follows: for 3 or 7 days, abstain from food, but drink the excreted urine - all or partly, you can also drink water. Body massage and enemas with evaporated urine (100-200 g one or several times a day) will help achieve an even greater effect.

Understanding his own experience of fasting, as well as the mistakes he made, led G. P. Malakhov to the main conclusions: fasting must be carried out after cleansing procedures and combined with high physical activity.

Recipe N9. Mono-diet:

Hidden fasting, or mono-diet, is eating exclusively cereals cooked in water without salt. With such fasting, you can lose up to five kilograms in weight in a week - these are waste products. It is better to cook porridge liquid. It can be sprinkled with a mixture of sea salt, sesame seeds and hemp or flax seeds. The seeds should be ground, but before that they must be dried in a frying pan. For 4 parts of ground seeds, take 1 part of sea salt. If this dosage is too strong for a person, take 1 part salt to 16 parts seeds. Sesame opens all blockages and removes toxins. Hemp seed dissolves and removes kidney stones. Gamasio, based on any seed, removes not only toxins, but also hormones. Porridges cooked in water without salt and milk can be sprinkled with dry herbs, especially nettles.

With hidden fasting, many organs are cleansed. First of all, the mouth and tongue are cleansed, as a result of which we sense taste better. Secondly, the olfactory organs are cleansed.

The optimal option for hidden fasting is 3 days. A 3-day fast can be done once a month. Before you start such fasting, you need to cleanse your intestines. After a 3-day fast, there may be no bowel movements for 2 days. This is not scary, since cereals do not rot in the body. But you can do an enema.

A 7-day fast can be done once a month. If you carry out a long 21-day fast, all antibiotics and steroid hormones accumulated over a lifetime are removed from the body.

For any period of fasting, it is necessary to take a shower 2 times a day, since cleansing occurs through the skin (you can shower more often).

During hidden fasting, you can drink boiled water with honey, adding a few drops of lemon juice or grapefruit juice.

Exiting hidden fasting must be done carefully. After three days of a mono-diet, on the fourth day, eat porridge in the morning, but with regular salt and a small piece of butter, for lunch - boiled vegetables, for dinner you can eat anything liquid.

1.Hidden fasting (mono-diet) - this is a diet exclusively of cereals cooked in water without salt. With such fasting, you can lose up to 5 kg in weight in a week - these are waste products.

It is better to cook porridge liquid. It can be sprinkled with a mixture of sea salt, sesame seeds and hemp or flax seeds. The seeds should be ground, but before that they must be dried in a frying pan. For 4 parts of ground seeds, take 1 part of sea salt. If this dosage is too strong for a person, take 1 part salt to 16 parts seeds.

Sesame opens all blockages and removes toxins. Hemp seed dissolves and removes kidney stones. Porridges cooked in water without salt and milk can be sprinkled with dry herbs, especially nettles.

With hidden fasting, many organs are cleansed. First of all, the mouth and tongue are cleansed, as a result of which taste is better felt, and then the sense of smell is enhanced.

The optimal option for hidden fasting is 3 days. A 3-day fast can be done once a month. Before you start such fasting, you need to cleanse your intestines. After a 3-day fast, there may be no bowel movements for 2 days. This is not scary, since cereals do not rot in the body. But you can do an enema.

A 7-day fast can be done once a month. If you carry out a long 21-day fast, the body will be completely cleansed.

During hidden fasting, you can drink boiled water with honey, adding a few drops of lemon or grapefruit juice.

You need to come out of hidden fasting carefully. On the fourth day of the mono-diet, you can eat porridge in the morning, but with regular salt and a small piece of butter, boiled vegetables for lunch, and at dinner limit yourself to only liquid food.

2. Fasting according to P. Bragg. American naturopathic doctor P. Bragg spent 24 or 36 hours without food every week, drinking only distilled water. When I came out of fasting, I ate a salad of raw vegetables without salt and oil, but with the addition of lemon juice.

After 4 months of such weekly fasting, he recommended starting a 7-day fast, and after a few more months - a 10-day fast. Usually P. Bragg carried out a 7-9-day fast in early January.

An inner voice told him when to interrupt. In the spring, he abstained from food for 10 days in order to better cleanse himself of toxins after winter. During the fast, he maintained good physical shape by taking walks in the fresh air. On such days, he specially left the city.

On the morning of the 8th day, eat a salad of grated carrots, cabbage and orange, and after that, a small plate of stewed greens with two toasted slices of whole grain bread. For lunch - again a salad of fresh vegetables, then - boiled vegetables.

On the morning of the 10th day, eat fresh fruit and 2 tablespoons of sprouted wheat with honey. Then you need to switch to normal mode, but it is advisable that it does not differ too much from the above.

3. Short-term fasting according to I. Samoilova. Doctor of Medical Sciences I.K. Samoilova classifies the types of short-term fasting as follows.

  • Water fasting. A 24-hour fast should last from morning to morning or from dinner to dinner. You should avoid all solid foods and fruits, as well as fruit and vegetable juices. This type of fasting is known as complete fasting. A person drinks only water - distilled or regular (settled after boiling), cold or hot, rosehip decoction, herbal infusions. You can add lemon juice to the water (1 teaspoon per 1 glass) and 3-4 teaspoons of honey throughout the day. In case of combined heart defects with a predominance of stenosis and congestion in the liver, the amount of fluid consumed must be limited.
  • Juice fasting. Drink 1-1.5 liters of freshly prepared fruit or vegetable juice per day. The most commonly used juices are carrot, cabbage, beet, apple, and grape juices. Any juice should be kept in the refrigerator before consumption. It is not recommended for people with hypotension to drink beet juice, as it lowers blood pressure.
  • Fruit and vegetable fasting. Eat 250-300 g of fruits or vegetables 2 times a day with an interval of 6-7 hours.
  • Fasting on whey, yogurt, kefir. Consume 400-600 g of these products during the day.
  • Morning fasting. In the morning, drink 1 glass of water or juice. Have breakfast after 4-5 hours.

4. Fasting according to Yu. Andreev. Yu. A. Andreev connects periods of fasting with the emergence of such a need in a person: “...I fasted for 3 days or 2 weeks, or even went on hunger without a limited period.”

The signal for the completion of the cleansing process is a completely scarlet tongue, without a single spot of plaque. Energy support during fasting is drinking water and regular daily jogging for at least 40-50 minutes.

For a more pleasant taste of water and better assistance in removing poisons from the body, to a daily dose of 1.5-2 liters Yu. Andreev adds the juice of 1/4 or 1/3 lemon, and a few drops of mint infusion with honey into the glass immediately before drinking.

When coming out of fasting, he does not allow haste. Even after a short, for example 5-day, fast, on the first day he allows himself only to drink juices diluted by half, on the second - undiluted, and only on the third day he begins to gradually eat light porridges in water (but not semolina - it is from the “dead” cereals), grated and boiled vegetables, prunes.

If, a few days after the fast, a monstrous appetite arises and there is a danger of gluttony, he eats “roughage” - foods rich in fiber, “so that the feeling of a full stomach calms the panicked body.”

Yu. A. Andreev is convinced that the exit from fasting, gentle in its schedule, should last the same amount of time, or at least 3/4 of the period that the fasting itself took.

Meat can be included in the diet only 2-3 weeks after a long fast.

5. Fasting according to E. Frolov. Biologist E.K. Frolov developed the theory of subthreshold nutrition. Its essence is that a person eats tiny portions of food: one carrot, or one nut, or a handful of seeds a day, but the main thing is that it is living plant food, which helps to endure hunger more easily and not leave the regime of therapeutic fasting, prevent appetite. Using this method, very serious illnesses were cured.

6. Fasting according to A. Mikulin. A. A. Mikulin’s method involves one or two 7-day fasts per year.

To do this, you need to do an enema the night before, repeating it every morning and evening throughout the week. If you feel weak, do another enema.

When you feel hungry, drink only boiled water (this is a general rule for all fasting methods: drinking helps you endure hunger, as you feel a feeling of fullness in your stomach).

If all fasting conditions are observed correctly, then after a few days, according to A. A. Mikulin, gastric juice stops secreting, and the body begins to eat its cells, primarily the sick ones. This is how healing and cleansing occurs.

On the first day after fasting, A. A. Mikulin recommends drinking juice, fresh yogurt, tea; on the second day, add cottage cheese, boiled vegetables, crackers, taking them in small doses after 2-3 hours. On the third day, you can introduce potatoes and rice into your diet and continue to eat as usual.

7. Fasting according to I. Neumyvakin. From the point of view of I.P. Neumyvakin, fasting should be carried out only after cleansing the intestines, liver and ascending colon, since the body’s processing of the “deposits” accumulated in them can cause harm at first.

You need to start with a 1-2-day fast, gradually increasing the period to 12-14 days. At this time, you should lead an active lifestyle: walk more, jog, get a massage, take a contrast shower.

8. Fasting according to Porfiry Ivanov. Here are the tips of the famous folk healer Porfiry Ivanov: “Try to go completely without food and water at least once a week: from 18-20 pm on Friday until 12 pm on Sunday. This is your merit and peace. If it’s difficult for you, then wait at least a day... on Sunday at 12 o’clock, go out into nature barefoot and breathe and think several times... after that you can eat whatever you like.”

Thousands of people call him Teacher with respect and love. His teachings on hardening, a healthy lifestyle and moral behavior, his 12 commandments, replace the Sermon on the Mount for followers. Porfiry Korneevich Ivanov, an illiterate Russian man who completed only four years of primary school, became for many people the new Messiah.

His personality has always aroused admiration and controversy, bewilderment and veneration, rumors and legends. Eastern martial arts, Tibetan auto-training and other ancient systems of human health are currently attracting more and more fans in Russia and abroad. But each country has its own traditions, its own national characteristics. Being carried away by overseas methods of treatment, a person forgets that in Russia there are healing systems that are in no way inferior in effectiveness to yoga or Tibetan medicine. Such a unique Russian nugget is Porfiry Ivanov.

He wrote his famous “Baby” in 1982. The effectiveness of this system is amazing, and its name is completely justified. “Nature is our mother...” says Porfiry Ivanov. And we are all children of Mother Nature.

“Baby” by Porfiry Ivanov includes 12 simple tips, which represent a real set of health-improving measures that allow anyone, even a completely weakened and sick person, to turn on the body’s defenses to their full potential and unlock all the available resources of human physiology. Here is just a very short list of what the “baby” treats: asthma, diabetes, depression, ischemia, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, hypo- and hypertension, early stage cancer, peptic ulcers. The system is also effective for recovery after heart attacks and strokes.

First of all, this system is based on the fact that anyone can start getting healthier, regardless of their physical fitness. He will not need any preliminary exercises or additional measures, even if he is weak or sick. It is important to believe in your capabilities, to “open up” to the life-giving forces of the surrounding nature.

9. Fasting according to S. Borodin. Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences S. A. Borodin recommends a 7-10-day fast, while drinking a huge amount of water (up to 40 liters!) and doing enemas from beet broth.

Bragg fasting is one of the methods for cleansing the body and restoring energy, and also helps to regain good physical shape. Everyone knows that the human body cannot exist without such a basic physical need as eating food. It is this factor that plays a very important role in human health. Today, there are a large number of different weight loss techniques, which are based on abstinence from food. But they are all based on a system of proper nutrition and cleansing developed by doctor of alternative medicine and famous nutritionist Paul Bragg.

The story of the scientist himself is quite interesting and deserves attention. At a young age, Breg was hospitalized with a diagnosis of tuberculosis and was treated in the hospital; doctors did not give comforting prognoses, and his health deteriorated. He decides to go to Switzerland and there undergoes treatment with Dr. Auguste Rolier, who helped Paul Bragg completely overcome the disease in 2 years. His methods were based on the healing effects of sunlight, eating only natural products and a system of fasting. It was during this period that rebirth occurred, both spiritual and physical, for the young Field. He took this system as a rule of life and applied it to himself, the scientist lived until he was 96 years old and all the time possessed considerable fortitude, remained cheerful and cheerful.

Fasting according to the Bragg system involves, first of all, cleansing the body of accumulated toxins and wastes. The doctor believed that it was an incorrect and unnatural diet that led people to illness and rapid aging. Along with proper nutrition is the physical development of human strength. The nutritionist argued that physical activity is necessary for a person to maintain a healthy spirit and strength. He himself performed physical activity every day, preferring sports such as swimming and running.

Paul Bragg never considered fasting as an independent and perfect method of healing and losing weight; he inextricably linked the following actions into one system:

  1. Daily exposure to fresh air and walking.
  2. Sunbathing at sunrise and sunset. It is during this period that solar energy has a beneficial effect on human health.
  3. Everyday sport. The doctor recommends choosing a sport based on your strength and inner spirit, but he gave great preference to tennis, swimming, running and cycling.
  4. Proper nutrition. By these words, the famous nutritionist meant that a person’s diet should consist of 60% raw vegetables and fruits, 20% from animal products, but preference is always given to lean meats and fish, and 20% from plant proteins. These are nuts, honey, rice, bread and oils.
  5. The human body must rest at least 8 hours a day. He categorically forbade disregarding this rule, since in this case all internal processes in people slowed down, and the body began to malfunction.
  6. Positive thinking and a good perception of oneself and others in this world, according to the scientist, have a great influence on human health. Negative feelings, resentments, anger, malice, envy and despondency destroy positive energy and lead to self-destruction.
  7. Systematic fasting. The famous nutritionist developed a method that, in his opinion, made it possible to harmlessly and most effectively cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins and rejuvenate it.

A person fasting according to this system must first of all get in the right mood and introduce sports, proper nutrition and positive thinking into his life, only then can he begin the healing method.

Breg fasting system

The developer of this technique does not deny that success depends on the internal mood of the person himself and on how much he believes in his own strength. Therapeutic fasting according to Paul Bragg is as follows:

  1. One-day fasting occurs once every 7 days. If we take the days of the week as an example, then every Sunday you must completely abstain from eating.
  2. A complete refusal to eat for a week is carried out every 3 months. For example, from the beginning of the year it could be March, June, September, December. In other words, there are only 4 such weeks during the year.
  3. And once a year you need to spend 3-4 weeks without food.

For an unprepared person, such a method may not only be impossible, but also harmful. The nutritionist initially said that first of all it is necessary to hear your body and the signals it gives us. This technique can be quite flexible; you should not drive yourself to exhaustion and test your strength to the limits. It is necessary to start fasting from day 1 and stick to this system for not 3-4 months, but in some cases even more. After the body gets used to these changes, you can test your strength by abstaining from food for a week. But even here the nutritionist says that you should be very careful and listen to yourself and your body. It would be better to have 3-4 fasting days, but they will bring benefits and moral satisfaction.

The main rule during these days is that the body must receive enough fluid, this can be not only purified water, but also herbal teas and juices. It is best to abstain from sugar during these days, but you can sweeten your drinks with honey or add lemon juice.

The nutritionist himself recommended long-term fasting under the supervision of doctors. Before starting unloading, it would be correct to consult a nutritionist or your doctor; he will give individual recommendations and help monitor your health throughout the entire process.

Bragg fasting has quite positive reviews; this system for weight loss and health improvement was popular at the end of the twentieth century. The doctor has published about 100 books dedicated to the strength and capabilities of the human body with a correct and natural lifestyle. Thus, his theory and method of healing and wellness became the head of numerous weight loss systems.

Various healing techniques based on fasting

In principle, all diets and weight loss systems until recently were based on strict and long-term abstinence from eating. But each of them had a certain distinctive concept. For example, according to one method it was necessary to replenish strength with natural juices and raw vegetables, according to another system it was necessary to alternate hunger with the intake of various foods. Treatment with hunger is still practiced and has effective results.

It is worth considering some methods based on temporary food abstinence.

Breuss system

Fasting according to Breuss includes a course of healing lasting 42 days. For exactly 6 weeks you need to eat only natural juices and herbal infusions. Fasting according to Breuss is based on drinking fresh beet juice, celery, black radish, carrots, and potatoes. Take herbal teas and infusions throughout the entire period of time. Red geranium, St. John's wort, knotweed, nettle, horsetail and sage are used to create infusions, and tea is prepared from the buds of young plants. This system was developed not for weight loss, but for the purpose of recovery and healing.

The creator of this method himself took this course during a long search for drugs that would help him overcome cancer. Fasting according to Breuss is one of the few healing methods developed by an ordinary person who does not have a medical education. Rudolf Breuss was able to completely recover from his illness with the help of this nutritional system. There is evidence that Breuss fasting has helped more than 40,000 people recover from illness.

Popular healer Gennady Malakhov is actively developing his theory of restoring strength and healing through periodic refusal of food. He claims that such fasting allows the body to get rid of harmful waste and toxins, as well as restore its strength. According to this technique, Malakhov offers three levels of fasting:

  1. Short term. It lasts from 1-3 days, is designed for people who are not capable of a stricter diet, or who have certain health contraindications.
  2. Interrupted. The periods of abstinence from food vary from 3 days to a week.
  3. Cascade. This is a specific nutrition system that combines fasting with diet.

Fasting according to Malakhov has many additions from the healer; he gives certain recommendations on cleansing the body and selecting foods for the diet.

Neumyvakin's diet

The professor and doctor of medical sciences devoted a lot of his work to developing a health system based on fasting. Fasting according to Neumyvakin includes several stages.

Initially, it is necessary to prepare the body for a course of cleansing, the emphasis is on cleansing the liver, intestines and its upper section, and only after that can you begin a wellness program. The doctor recommends starting abstinence from food initially for 1-2 days, in the future the period should be increased and increased to 7-10 days. At the same time, I.P. Neumyvakin strongly recommends maintaining physical activity, this allows you to speed up the body’s metabolic processes.

Nikolaev's methods

This program is based on a classic therapeutic diet. The method for cleansing the body is designed for 2-3 weeks; it has some limitations and additions. Dr. Nikolaev believed that such events should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor, since these courses are used not only by those who want to lose extra pounds, but also, to a greater extent, by people with various diseases.

Fasting according to Nikolaev allows the consumption of fresh vegetable juices and herbal teas. It is worth leaving the diet according to the rules. Initially, they introduce non-concentrated juices and vegetable purees into their diet, and later switch to cereals and puddings. Products are introduced according to a certain scheme, and it is also worth adhering to the rules for preparing dishes. Fasting according to Nikolaev gives quite good results. Thanks to this program, you can cleanse your body of toxins and harmful waste. According to Nikolaev, fasting is a natural process that launches a program in the body to cleanse the entire internal system.

Suvorin system

This comprehensive program includes a number of necessary procedures to obtain the long-awaited effect. Having chosen fasting according to Suvorin, it is important not only to refuse food for a certain time, but also to help the body remove toxins from all organs.

Cleansing the body is carried out by washing the stomach, mouth, nose and throat. In addition, it is necessary to perform light massages and lead a fairly active lifestyle, as this will promote the movement of slag blockages.

Ziganshin and Filonov programs

Velvet fasting according to Ziganshin was originally designed for older people, which is why it was supplemented with decoctions of dried apricots and apricots. It is these drinks that help the body smoothly enter and exit the diet, and also replenish the body with useful microelements and substances. In addition to various decoctions, you can include some biological supplements in your diet that will help maintain strength during fasting.

Dry fasting was proposed by Professor Filonov. The main difference between this method is that it is necessary to give up not only food, but also the use of liquid, which is why it is called the “dry” fasting system. You should not resort to this technique without the recommendations or supervision of a doctor, since it actually gives a very powerful shift in the usual functioning of the body. They resort to this system to treat quite complex diseases. It is believed that avoiding water minimizes the development of inflammatory processes in the body. This system is also used for weight loss, but abstaining from water and food for more than 3 days is still not recommended.

There is a wide variety of programs for healing and cleansing the human body, and each of them has its own contraindications. It is still worth resorting to such methods gradually; initially, you need to switch to a proper nutrition system and lead an active lifestyle, and only then test your strength in hunger. It is worth accustoming the body to such tests gradually, otherwise you can harm your health.