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» Microwave photonics. What is photonics? What are they?

Microwave photonics. What is photonics? What are they?

Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation

State educational institution of higher education

vocational education

"Volga State University of Telecommunications"

cation and computer science"

Glushchenko A.G., Zhukov S.V.


Fundamentals of photonics. Lecture notes. – Samara: GOUVPO

PGUTI, 2009. – 100 p.

Department of Physics

(Discipline Abstract).

A.G. Glushchenko, S.V. Zhukov




Petrov P.P. – Ph.D., associate professor, associate professor of the department “………..



Field of study: Photonics and optoinformatics ()

Samara – 2009


section of discipline

sources of continuous

thermal sources, gas

and line spec-

discharge lamps, LED

odes, laser spark;

main types of lasers

(solid state, gas,

ionic, semiconductor

high, continuous and im-

sources of coge-

pulse, with adjustment

rental radiation

radiation frequencies and lengths

pulse activity), gene-

harmonic nerators, SRS and

SBS converters,

spectral generators


photocathodes and photomultipliers, semi-

radiation receivers

wire receivers,

photosensitive mat-

rits, microbolometers;

electro-optical and acoustic

sto-optic light

control devices

valves, liquid


crystalline and semi-

coherent sticks

conductor transpa-

ny beams:

welts, devices based on

ve photorefractive media,

Faraday isolators;

electron beam and

liquid crystal

display devices

displays, laser projectors


tion systems, holo-

graphic displays, si-

volume formation systems


section of discipline

a lot of image;

principles for creating micro



devices and photolithography

fiya, optical micro-

technical design

electromechanical elements

cops, the use of micro-



fiber components

control devices

optical lines, module-

tori, multiplexers and

leniya light in op-

demultiplexers, isolators


tors, connectors, distributors

horse light guides:

drivers focusing


planar dielectric

control devices

waveguides, nonlinear

radiation converters

leniya light in in-

tions, channel waves

integrated optics:

yes, input/output elements


optical circuits, optical

control devices

ical transistor, micro

shining light on

chip, optical limits

based on photonic

readers, photonic


crystal fibers


Photonics is a science that studies different forms of radiation that are created by particles of light, that is, photons.

Definitions of the term

Interestingly, there is no generally accepted definition of the term “Photonics”.

Photonics is the science of generating, controlling and detecting photons, especially in the visible and near-infrared spectrum, and their propagation into the ultraviolet (wavelength 10-380 nm), long-wave infrared (wavelength 15-150 µm) and ultra-infrared parts of the spectrum (for example, 2-4 THz corresponds to a wavelength of 75-150 microns), where quantum cascade lasers are actively being developed today.

Photonics can also be characterized as a field of physics and technology concerned with the emission, detection, behavior, consequences of the existence and destruction of photons. This means that photonics deals with the control and conversion of optical signals and has a wide range of applications: from transmitting information through optical fibers to creating new sensors that modulate light signals in accordance with the slightest changes in the environment.

Some sources note that the term “optics” is gradually being replaced by a new generalized name - “photonics”.

Photonics covers a wide range of optical, electro-optical and optoelectronic devices and their varied applications. Core areas of photonics research include fiber and integrated optics, including nonlinear optics, semiconductor physics and technology, semiconductor lasers, optoelectronic devices, and high-speed electronic devices.

Interdisciplinary directions

Thanks to the high global scientific and technical activity and the huge demand for new results

New interdisciplinary directions are emerging within photonics:

Microwave photonics studies the interaction between an optical signal and a high-frequency (greater than 1 GHz) electrical signal. This area includes the fundamentals of microwave optics, microwave operation of photonic devices, photonic control of microwave devices, high frequency transmission lines, and the use of photonics to perform various functions in microwave circuits.

Computer photonics combines modern physical and quantum optics, mathematics and computer technologies and is at a stage of active development when it becomes possible to implement new ideas, methods and technologies.

Optoinformatics is a field of science and technology associated with the research, creation and operation of new materials, technologies and devices for transmitting, receiving, processing, storing and displaying information based on optical technologies.

Relationship between photonics and other fields of science

Classic optics. Photonics is closely related to optics. However, optics preceded the discovery of the quantization of light (when the photoelectric effect was explained by Albert Einstein in 1905). The tools of optics are the refractive lens, the reflecting mirror, and various optical assemblies, which were known long before 1900. In this case, the key principles of classical optics, such as Huygens' rule, Maxwell's Equations, and the alignment of light waves do not depend on the quantum properties of light, and are used both in optics and photonics.

Modern Optics The term "Photonics" in this field is roughly synonymous with the terms "Quantum Optics", "Quantum Electronics", "Electro-Optics", and "Optoelectronics". However, each term is used by different scientific societies with different additional meanings: for example, the term "quantum optics" often denotes basic research, while the term "Photonics" often denotes applied research.

The term “Photonics” in the field of modern optics most often refers to:

Particular properties of light Possibility of creating photonic processing technologies

signals Analogy to the term “Electronics”.

History of photonics

Photonics as a field of science began in 1960 with the invention of the laser, as well as the invention of the laser diode in the 1970s, followed by the development of fiber optic communication systems as a means of transmitting information using light-based techniques. These inventions formed the basis for the telecommunications revolution at the end of the 20th century and helped fuel the development of the Internet.

Historically, the beginning of the use of the term “photonics” in the scientific community is associated with the publication in 1967 of Academician A. N. Terenin’s book “Photonics of Dye Molecules.” Three years earlier, on his initiative, the Department of Biomolecular and Photon Physics was created at the Faculty of Physics of Leningrad State University, which since 1970 has been called the Department of Photonics.

A. N. Terenin defined photonics as “a set of interrelated photophysical and photochemical processes.” In world science, a later and broader definition of photonics has become widespread, as a branch of science that studies systems in which photons are information carriers. In this sense, the term “photonics” was first heard at the 9th International Congress on Speed ​​Photography.

The term "Photonics" began to be widely used in the 1980s in connection with the widespread use of fiber optic transmission of electronic data by telecommunications network providers (although fiber optics had been used in limited usage earlier). The use of the term was confirmed when the IEEE community installed an archived report

With title "Photonics Technology Letters" at the end 1980s

IN During this period until approximately 2001, photonics as a field of science was heavily focused on telecommunications. Since 2001 the term

Photonics also covers a huge area of ​​science and technology, including:

laser manufacturing, biological and chemical research, medical diagnostics and therapy, display and projection technology, optical computing.


Optoinformatics is a field of photonics in which new technologies for transmitting, receiving, processing, storing and displaying information based on photons are created. Essentially, the modern Internet is unthinkable without optoinformatics.

Promising examples of optoinformatics systems include:

Optical telecommunication systems with data transfer rates of up to 40 terabits per second over one channel;

ultra-high-capacity optical holographic storage devices up to 1.5 terabytes per disk of standard sizes;

multiprocessor computers with optical interprocessor communication;

an optical computer in which light is controlled by light. The maximum clock frequency of such a computer can be 1012-1014 Hz, which is 3-5 orders of magnitude higher than existing electronic analogues;

photonic crystals are new artificial crystals with gigantic dispersion and record low optical losses (0.001 dB/km).

Lecture 1 Topic 1. History of photonics. Problem

We are electronic computers.

Section 1.1. The history of photonics.

The use of light to transmit information has a long history. Sailors used signal lamps to transmit information using Morse code, and lighthouses warned sailors of danger for centuries.

Cloud Chappe built an optical telegraph in France in the 1890s. The signalmen were located on towers located from Paris to Lille along a chain 230 km long. Messages were transmitted from one end to the other in 15 minutes. In the United States, an optical telegraph connected Boston with the island of Martha's Vineyard, located near the city. All these systems were eventually replaced by electric telegraphs.

English physicist John Tyndall in 1870 demonstrated the possibility of controlling light based on internal reflections. At a meeting of the Royal Society it was shown that light propagating in a stream of purified water can bend around any angle. In the experiment, water flowed over the horizontal bottom of one trench and fell along a parabolic path into another trench. The light entered the stream of water through a transparent window at the bottom of the first trench. When Tindall directed the light tangentially to the jet, the audience could observe the zigzag spread of light within the curved part of the jet. A similar zigzag distribution

Light diffusion also occurs in optical fiber.

A decade later, Alexander Graham Bell patented a photophone (Fig.), in which a directional

Using a system of lenses and mirrors, the light was directed onto a flat mirror mounted on a horn. Under the influence of sound, the mirror oscillated, which led to modulation of the reflected light. The receiving device used a selenium-based detector, the electrical resistance of which varies depending on the intensity of the incident light. Voice-modulated sunlight falling on a selenium sample changed the current flowing through the receiver circuit and produced the voice. This device made it possible to transmit a speech signal over a distance of more than 200 m.

IN At the beginning of the 20th century, theoretical and experimental studies of dielectric waveguides, including flexible glass rods, were carried out.

In the 50s, fibers designed for image transmission were developed by Brian O'Brien, who worked at the American Optical Company, and Narinder Kapani and colleagues at the Imperial College of Science and Technology in London. These fibers found application in light guides used in medicine for visual observation of human internal organs. Dr. Capani was the first to develop glass fibers in a glass shell and coined the term "fiber optics" in 1956. In 1973, Dr. Capani founded Kaptron, a company specializing in fiber optic splitters and switches.

IN In 1957, Gordon Gold, a graduate of Columbia University, formulated the principles of the laser as an intense source of light. The theoretical work of Charles Townes with Arthur Schawlow at Bell Laboratories helped popularize the idea of ​​a laser in scientific circles and sparked an explosion of experimental research aimed at creating a working laser. In 1960, Theodore Mayman at Hughes Laboratories created the world's first ruby ​​laser. In the same year, Townes demonstrated his work helium-neon laser. In 1962, laser generation was obtained on a semiconductor crystal. This is the type of laser used in fiber optics. Gold, with great delay, only in 1988, managed to obtain four

new patents based on the results of work he performed in the 50s

The US Navy has introduced fiber

years and devoted to the principle of laser operation.

optical link aboard the USS Little Rock in 1973. IN

The use of laser radiation as an information carrier

1976, as part of the ALOFT program, the Air Force

communication was not ignored by communication specialists

replaced the cable equipment of the A-7 aircraft with fiber

nication. Possibilities of laser radiation for transmitting information

optical At the same time, the cable system of 302 copper cables

formations are 10,000 times greater than the capabilities of radiofrequency

lei, which had a total length of 1260 m and weighed 40

th radiation. Despite this, laser radiation is not completely

kg, was replaced by 12 fibers with a total length of 76 m and a weight of 1.7

Suitable for outdoor signal transmission. To work

kg. The military was also the first to introduce fiber

This kind of line is significantly affected by fog, smog and rain,

optical line. In 1977, a 2 km system was launched with

as well as the state of the atmosphere. Much more than a laser beam

information transfer speed 20 Mb/sec (megabits per second)

it is easier to overcome the distance between the Earth and the Moon than between

du), connecting the satellite ground station with the center

from the opposite borders of Manhattan. Thus,


originally the laser was a communication

In 1977, AT&T and GTE established commercial

a light source that does not have a suitable transmission medium.

ical telephone systems based on optical fiber.

In 1966, Charles Kao and Charles Hockham, who worked at

These systems surpassed those considered in their characteristics.

English Telecommunications Standards Laboratory,

previously unshakable performance standards, which led to

led to their rapid spread in the late 70s and early 80s

use as a transmission medium when achieving transparency,

years. In 1980, AT&T announced an ambitious hair-wire project.

providing attenuation (determines transmission losses

horse optical system connecting Boston and

signal) less than 20 dB/km (decibels per kilometer). They came to

Richmond. The implementation of the project has demonstrated first-hand the speed

conclusion that the high level of attenuation inherent in the first

growth qualities of new technology in serial high-speed

fibers (about 1000 dB/km), associated with those present in the glass

systems, and not just in experimental setups. By-

impurities. The way to create suitable for those

After this, it became clear that in the future the emphasis must be placed on hair.

fiber communication associated with a decrease in the level

horse-optic technology, which has shown the possibility of bus-

impurities in glass.

wide practical application.

In 1970, Robert Maurer and his colleagues from

As technology develops, it expands just as quickly

Corning Glass Works received the first fiber with attenuation of me-

elk and production grew stronger. Already in 1983, one

it is 20 dB/km. By 1972, in laboratory conditions it was achieved

modal fiber optic cable, but its practical use

the level was 4 dB/km, which corresponded to the Kao criterion and

use was associated with many problems, so

Hockham. Currently, the best fibers have a level

for many years to fully use such cables

losses of 0.2 dB/km.

succeeded only in some specialized developments.

No less significant success has been achieved in the field of semi-

By 1985, the main data transmission organizations on

conductive sources and detectors, connectors, techno-

long distances, AT&T and Moscow Region have not only implemented

transmission technology, communication theory and other related

whether single-mode optical systems, but also approved them as

fiber optics areas. All this together with great interest

standard for future projects.

som to take advantage of the obvious advantages of fiber optic

Despite the fact that the computer industry, technology

tics caused significant

The technology of computer networks and production management is not so

progress towards the creation of fiber-optic systems.

quickly, like the military and telecommunications companies, took

fiber optics were introduced into service, however, in these areas, experimental work was also carried out on the research and implementation of new technology. The advent of the information age and the resulting need for more productive telecommunications systems have only spurred the further development of fiber optic technology. Today, this technology is widely used outside the field of telecommunications.

For example, IBM, a leader in computer manufacturing, announced in 1990 the release of a new high-speed computer that uses a communication link controller with external disk and tape drives based on fiber optics. This marked the first use of fiber optics in mass-produced equipment. The introduction of a fiber controller, called ESCON, made it possible to transmit information at higher speeds and over longer distances. The previous copper controller model had a data transfer rate of 4.5 Mbps with a maximum transmission line length of 400 feet. The new controller operates at 10 Mbps over distances of several miles.

In 1990, Lynn Mollinar demonstrated the ability to transmit a signal without regeneration at a speed of 2.5 Gb/sec over a distance of about 7500 km. Typically, a fiber optic signal needs to be amplified and reshaped periodically - approximately every 25 km. During transmission, the fiber optic signal loses power and becomes distorted. In Mollinard's system, the laser operated in the soliton mode and used a self-amplifying fiber with erbium additives. Soliton (very narrow range) pulses do not dissipate and retain their original shape as they travel along the fiber. At the same time, the Japanese company Nippon Telephone & Telegraph achieved a speed of 20 Gb/sec, although over a significantly shorter distance. The value of soliton technology lies in the fundamental possibility of laying a fiber-optic telephone system along the bottom of the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean, which does not require the installation of intermediate amplifiers. However, with

Since 1992, soliton technology remains at the level of laboratory demonstrations and has not yet found commercial application.

Information Age Four processes associated with the manipulation of information

formation, based on the use of electronics: 1.Sbrr

2. Storage

3. Processing and analysis

4. Transfer

To implement these processes, fairly modern equipment is used: computers, electronic offices, extensive telephone networks, satellites, television, etc. Looking around, you can find a lot of evidence of the coming of a new era. The annual increase in services in the information industry is now about 15%.

Below are facts that demonstrate the importance

And prospects of electronics in modern life.

IN In the United States in 1988 there were 165 million telephones, while in In 1950 there were only 39 million. In addition, the services provided by telephone companies have become much more diverse.

From 1950 to 1981, telephone system wire lengths increased from 147 million miles to 1.1 billion.

IN In 1990, the total length of optical fiber in US telephone systems was approximately 5 million miles. By 2000 it will increase to 15 million miles. In this case, the capabilities of each fiber correspond to the capabilities of several copper cables.

IN In 1989, about 10 million personal computers were sold in the United States. Back in 1976, there were no personal computers at all. Now this is a common element of equipment in any office and industrial production.

IN Currently, in the United States, access to thousands of computer databases is available through a personal computer and a regular telephone network.

Facsimile messages (faxes) have become dominant in business correspondence.

First fiber optic telephone system

Telecommunications and computers

cable, installed in 1977, made it possible to transmit information

Until recently, there was a clear distinction between

formation at a speed of 44.7 Mb/sec and negotiate

difference between what was part of the telephone system and

simultaneously on 672 channels. Today the Sonet system is

those related to the computer system. For example, television

which is a standard system in optical telephony, allows

background companies were prohibited from participating in the computer market

transmit information at a maximum speed of 10 Gb/sec,

thorn technology. Today the ban formally remains in force,

which is approximately 200 times greater than the capabilities of the first optical

but its effect is significantly weakened. Computers

chesical system. Achievement and standardization expected

can now transmit data over telephone lines, and those

significantly higher speeds, which are not yet available

us on modern electronic components.

computer) signal before transmission. Telephone and com-

All the examples above involve the use of

Computer companies are increasingly competing in the information market.

sources of information and means of combining them. Under the information

mation technologies.

here can be understood as the content of a telephone conversation

The reasons that led to the weakening of this ban are:

a thief with a friend, or any project. Information transmission media

clear. The development of electronic technology implies close

transfers from one place to another are important from the point of view of possession

interaction of its various directions. Difference between

full volume of information anywhere in the country. As

computer and telephone technology has weakened even more in

An example of information transfer can be given as television

1982 after the collapse of AT&T, the largest corporation

background conversation with the subscriber at the other end

portions on a global scale. The information network is becoming

countries, and the conversation between neighboring offices, separated

a single system. It is now increasingly difficult to determine for what

a couple of doors. Telephone companies are increasingly using

phone companies are responsible for part of the network, what part of the network

use the same digital technologies for transmission

belongs to computer companies, and which is located in

homeowner's property.

sure, but from the point of view of digital technologies for transmitting information

The development of the cable network in the United States, along with the inclusion

transfer of computer data to the scope of services provided

telephone companies are the best proof

digital pulses or numbers, the type of which exactly corresponds

benefits associated with the advent of the information age.

corresponds to computer data. This kind of transformation

Previously, telephone companies provided two-way communication

digital audio signal allows telephone companies to

between subscribers, called POTS (Plain Old Telephone Ser-

better transmit the conversation with less distortion. In most

vices - regular old telephone services). Currently

Most new telephone systems use digital

Many other services have appeared, such as automatic

technology. In 1984, about 34% of central telephone lines

Chinese dial-up, answering machine, etc. (these services are called PANS

stations used digital transmission equipment. TO

Pretty Amazing New Services - simply amazing new

In 1994, this value increased to 82%. Fiber optics

services). Telephone companies are focused on creating integrated

exceptionally convenient for digital telecommunications. By-

Integrated Services Digital Network,

increasing demands for efficiency, reliability, speed and

ISDN), intended for transmission over the telephone network of the state

economical data transmission is ensured by the characteristics

los, data and video images. Networks of this kind are represented

kami of fiber optic systems.

make it possible to transfer any type of information to

anywhere and anytime.

Fiber Optic Alternative

The global network discussed in this chapter requires an efficient medium for information transfer. Traditional technologies based on the use of copper cable or microwave transmission have disadvantages and are significantly inferior in performance to fiber optics. For example, copper cables have a limited transmission speed and are susceptible to external fields. Microwave transmission, although it can provide a fairly high speed of information transfer, requires the use of expensive equipment and is limited by line of sight. Fiber optics can transmit information at significantly higher speeds than copper cables and is much more affordable and less restrictive than microwave technology. The possibilities of fiber optics are just beginning to be realized. Already now, fiber-optic lines are superior in their characteristics to their counterparts based on copper cable, and it must be taken into account that the technological capabilities of copper cables have less development potential than the fiber-optic technology that is beginning to develop. Fiber optics promises to become an integral part of the information revolution, as well as part of the worldwide cable network.

Fiber optics will impact everyone's lives, sometimes almost unnoticed. Here are a few examples of the unnoticed entry of fiber optics into our lives:

access to your home via cable; connecting electronic equipment in your office with

equipment in other offices; connecting electronic components in your car;

industrial process management.

Fiber optics is a new technology that is just beginning its development, but the need for its use as a transmission medium for various applications has already been proven.

dachas, and the characteristics of fiber optics will significantly expand the scope of its application in the future.

1.2. Problems of electronic computers.

The first mass-produced mainframe computers with transistors were released in 1958 simultaneously in the USA, Germany and Japan. In the Soviet Union, the first lampless machines “Setun”, “Razdan” and “Razdan 2” were created in 1959-1961. In the 60s, Soviet designers developed about 30 models of transistor computers, most of which began to be mass-produced. The most powerful of them, Minsk 32, performed 65 thousand operations per second. Entire families of vehicles appeared: “Ural”, “Minsk”, BESM. The record holder among second-generation computers was BESM 6, which had a speed of about a million operations per second - one of the most productive in the world.

Priority in the invention of integrated circuits, which became the elemental base of third-generation computers, belongs to the American scientists D. Kilby and R. Noyce, who made this discovery independently of each other. Mass production of integrated circuits began in 1962

year, and in 1964 the transition from discrete to integral elements began to rapidly take place. The ENIAC mentioned above measuring 9x15 meters in 1971 could be assembled on a plate of 1.5 square centimeters. In 1964, IBM announced the creation of six models of the IBM family (System 360), which became the first computers of the third generation. The models had a single command system and differed from each other in the amount of RAM and performance.

The beginning of the 70s marks the transition to fourth generation computers - on ultra-large integrated circuits

(VLSI). Another sign of a new generation of computers is dramatic changes in architecture.

The fourth generation technology gave birth to a qualitatively new computer element - a microprocessor or chip (from the English word chip). In 1971, they came up with the idea of ​​​​limiting the capabilities of the processor by introducing into it a small set of operations, the microprograms of which must be previously entered into permanent memory. Estimates have shown that using a 16-kilobit read-only memory will eliminate 100-200 conventional integrated circuits. This is how the idea of ​​a microprocessor arose, which can be implemented even on a single chip, and the program can be stored in its memory forever.

By the mid-70s, the situation in the computer market began to change dramatically and unexpectedly. Two concepts for the development of computers clearly emerged. The first concept was embodied in supercomputers, and the second in personal computers. Of the large fourth-generation computers based on ultra-large integrated circuits, the American machines “Krey-1” and “Krey-2”, as well as the Soviet models “Elbrus-1” and “Elbrus-2”, stood out especially well. Their first samples appeared around

at the same time - in 1976. All of them belong to the category of supercomputers, as they have the characteristics that are extremely achievable for their time and are very expensive. By the early 1980s, personal productivity

computers amounted to hundreds of thousands of operations per second, the performance of supercomputers reached hundreds of millions of operations per second, and the world computer fleet exceeded 100 million.

Gordon Moore's now famous article was published

"Overflow of the number of elements on integrated circuits"

(“Cramming more components onto integrated circuits”), in which the then director of development at Fairchild Semiconductors and future co-founder of Intel Corporation gave a forecast for the development of microelectronics for the next ten years, predicting that the number of elements on the chips of electronic circuits will continue to double every year. Later, speaking to an audience at the International Electron Devices Meeting in 1975, Godron Moore noted that the number of elements on chips had actually doubled every year over the past decade, but in the future, as the complexity of chips increases, the number of transistors on chips will double every two years . This new prediction also came true, and Moore’s law continues in this form (doubling in two years) to this day, which can be clearly seen from the following table (Fig. 1.4.) and graph

Judging by the latest technological leap that Intel managed to make over the past year, preparing dual-core processors with double the number of transistors on the chip, and in the case of the transition from Madison to Montecito, quadrupling this number, then Moore’s law is returning, albeit for a short time, to its original form - doubling the number of elements on the chip per year. One can consider the corollary of the law for the clock speed of microprocessors, although Gordon Moore has repeatedly argued that his law applies only to the number of transistors on the chip and reflects

Photonics is the physical study of light (photon) generation, detection, conversion, emission, transmission, modulation, signal processing, switching, amplification and indication. Most applications involve visible and infrared radiation, although applications extend throughout the entire spectrum.

A promising area of ​​research is silicon photonics, and the further development of the industry is associated with the growing success of this area.


Photonics emerged with the creation of the laser in 1960. This invention was followed by a laser diode in the 1970s for data transmission, and an erbium-doped fiber optical amplifier. These inventions set the stage for the telecommunications revolution of the late 20th century and provided the infrastructure for the Internet.

The term became widespread in the 1980s, when telecommunications network operators mastered the transmission of data over optical fiber, and Bell Laboratories contributed to its spread. The use of the word was cemented when the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' Laser and Electron Optics Society established the journal Photonics Technology Letters in the late 1980s.

During the period leading up to the dot-com (internet) crash around 2001, the photonics field primarily focused on optical communications networks. It now encompasses a vast array of scientific and technological applications, including laser manufacturing, biological and chemical sensing, medical diagnostics and therapeutics, display technology, and optical computing.

Photonics, connections to other areas
Classical optics

The connection here is very close. Classical optics preceded the discovery that light is discrete, which became abundantly clear when Albert Einstein triumphantly explained the nature of the photoelectric effect in 1905. Optical instruments include refractive lenses, reflecting mirrors, and numerous optical components and instruments developed from the 15th to the 19th centuries. The fundamental principles of classical optics, such as Huygens's principle, discovered in the 17th century, and Maxwell's equations and wave equations written in the 19th century, are not based on the quantum properties of light.

Modern optics

This field of science is associated with optomechanics, electro-optics, optoelectronics and quantum electronics. However, each area has its own characteristics, its own scientific communities and place in the market.

Quantum optics usually refers to fundamental research, while photonics refers to applied research and development:
  • Studying the properties of light particles.
  • Creation of signal processing devices using photons.
  • Practical applications of optics.
  • Creation of devices similar to electronic ones.

The term “optoelectronics” is applied to devices or circuits that simultaneously have electrical and optical functions, i.e. to thin film semiconductor devices. Previously, the term "electro-optics" was used, and electro-optics included nonlinear devices with electro-optical interactions, such as bulk crystal modulators (Pockels cells), as well as advanced image sensors typically used by civil or government organizations for surveillance.

Emerging areas

Photonics is closely related to the emerging fields of quantum information science and quantum optics, to the extent that they share common techniques. Other emerging areas include optomechanics, which studies how light is affected by mechanical vibrations of mesoscopic or macroscopic objects, and devices that combine photonic and atomic instrumentation for timekeeping, navigation, and metrology services. The difference between polaritonics is that the fundamental information carriers are polaritons (mixtures of photons and phonons), operating in the frequency range from 300 GHz to about 10 THz.

Research Review

Photonics is the study of the emission, transmission, amplification, detection and modulation of light.

Sources of light

Light sources in photonics are usually structurally more complex. Superluminescent diodes and lasers are used, as well as single-photon sources, cathode ray tubes and plasma screens. Cathode ray tubes, plasma screens and displays generate their own light, while LCDs (like TTF screens) require a cold cathode backlight or, more commonly, LEDs.

It is characteristic of semiconductor light sources that intermetallic compounds are more often used instead of classical semiconductors (silicon and germanium). Examples of material systems used are gallium arsenide (GaAs) and gallium aluminum arsenide (AlGaAs), or other compound semiconductors. These materials are also used in combination with silicon to make hybrid silicon lasers.

Data transmission medium

Light can pass through any transparent medium. Fiberglass or plastic fiber can be used to direct the light along the desired path. In optical communication systems, optical fiber allows data to be transmitted over distances of over 100 km without amplification, depending on the digital bit rate and the type of modulation used for transmission. A very promising area of ​​research is the development and production of special structures and materials with specified optical properties - photonic crystals, photonic crystal optical fiber and metamaterials.


Optical amplifiers are used to amplify optical signals. Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers, semiconductor optical amplifiers, Raman amplifiers, and optical parametric amplifiers are used in optical communication links. A very promising area is the research of quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifiers.

Detection (detection)

Photodetectors are designed to detect light; they include devices of varying degrees of performance: high-speed photodiodes, medium-speed charge-coupled devices, inert devices used to convert solar light energy into electrical energy. There are also many photodetectors based on thermal, chemical, quantum, photoelectric and other effects.


Light source modulation is used to encode the information transmitted by light sources. One of the simplest examples of direct modulation of a light source is turning a flashlight on and off to transmit a Morse code message. It is also possible to control the light source using an external optical modulator.

An additional area of ​​research is the type of modulation. In optical communications, a commonly used type of modulation is on-off switching. In recent years, more advanced types of modulation, such as phase shift or orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, have been developed to counteract signal-degrading effects such as dispersion.

Photonic systems

Science is also engaged in research into photonic devices for use in optical communication systems. This area of ​​research focuses on the implementation of photonic devices, similar to high-speed photonic networks, and includes research into optical regenerators that improve the quality of optical signals.

Photonic integrated circuits

The fields of microphotonics and nanophotonics typically include photonic crystal devices and solid-state devices.

Photonic integrated circuits are optical active integrated semiconductor photonic devices consisting of at least two different functional blocks (gain region and grating-based laser mirrors). These enhanced performance devices are responsible for the commercial success of optical communications and the ability to increase the available bandwidth without significantly increasing the cost of communication to the end consumer. The most commonly used photonic integrated circuits are based on indium phosphide.


Photonics has become ubiquitous and permeated every area of ​​everyday life. Just as the invention of the transistor in 1948 greatly expanded the applications of electronics, the industry's unique applications continue to evolve and are virtually limitless.

Economically important applications of semiconductor photonic devices include:
  • Recording and processing of optical data.
  • Display information.
  • Optical pumping of high-power lasers.
  • Telecommunications: communication via optical fiber, optical downconverters.
  • Computing via photonic computers: clock distribution and communication between computers, printed circuit boards, or within optoelectronic integrated circuits.
  • Household equipment.
  • Lighting.
  • Laser printing based on xerography.
  • Barcode scanners, printers.
  • CD/DVD/Blu-Ray devices.
  • Remote control devices.
  • Medicine: health monitoring, diagnostics, correction of low vision, laser surgery, surgical endoscopy, tattoo removal.
  • Industry: Use of laser for welding, drilling, cutting and surface finishing using various methods.
  • Robotics.
  • Agriculture.
  • Chemical synthesis.
  • Thermonuclear energy.
  • Construction: laser leveling, laser rangefinders, intelligent structures.
  • Aviation: photonic gyroscopes without moving parts.
  • Military equipment: laser defense systems, IR sensors, control, navigation, search and rescue operations.
  • Metrology: measurement of time, frequency and distances.
  • spectroscopy.
  • Occurrence and detection of layers in mines.
  • Entertainment industry: laser shows, holographic art.
  • In the future: quantum computing.

Photonics- a field of science and technology associated with the use of light radiation (or a stream of photons) in systems that generate, amplify, modulate, propagate and detect optical signals.

Optoinformatics- the area of ​​photonics that has emerged and dominated in recent years, in which new technologies for transmitting, receiving, processing, storing and displaying information based on photons are created.

Photonics and optoinformatics is a rapidly developing high-tech industry, the annual income from sales of devices and systems of which amounts to tens of trillions of rubles in the world.

Egor Litvinov, student

Photonics for me is the art of controlling light, the art of using light for the benefit of man. Like any art, photonics has many images, ideas and interpretations and each person sees it in his own way. Practicing this kind of art gives you a range of tools from which you can choose the ones you need, learn how to use them perfectly, and apply them to get photonics the way you see it. Mastery of this art can bring inspiration and just pleasure. And in an effort to get something new, you risk being completely captured.

Tatyana Vovk, student

I am studying in the educational program “Physics and Technology of Nanostructures”, and it would be logical to assume that my area of ​​knowledge and interests is precisely nanophotonics, the science of the interaction of light with various nanostructures and particles. This is true: as a scientific work, I am conducting research on optical cooling of nanocrystals. However, in the third year, the teacher of our group in quantum mechanics, Yuri Vladimirovich Rozhdestvensky (also my supervisor), analyzed the classical problem of the states of electrons in the gravitational field of the Earth. He suggested that the most active students consider this problem not near the Earth, but near a neutron star with a powerful gravitational field. It was very exciting to discover that this problem could be used to explain the radio emission from neutron stars, about which astrophysicists still have no consensus. As a result, my classmate and I and our supervisors published a study in a highly rated foreign journal - The Astrophysical Journal! Such recognition from the scientific community is very valuable, because none of us had worked in astrophysics before. It was very interesting for us to develop and obtain results in a completely different area of ​​physics - “Physics of Nanostructures” has everything necessary for this. Our leaders and teachers always welcome initiative and are happy to “start the process” of scientific creativity. With due persistence, this sometimes leads to surprising results!

Maxim Masyukov, student

Having a broad outlook, it was quite difficult for me to choose my future profession. Basically, I was interested in three disciplines: computer science, physics, mathematics, and it was important for me that these three disciplines were dominant in the learning process. While participating in an Olympiad for schoolchildren, I heard about the Faculty of Photonics and Optoinformatics at ITMO University. After studying the site and training disciplines, I realized that this is what I need. Photonics is one of the youngest and fastest growing branches of science. Burning with the desire to contribute to scientific progress, I entered this faculty, and was satisfied. Since the 2nd year I have been engaged in scientific work, which includes the study of recent foreign articles in this scientific field, programming, mathematical calculations, and computer modeling. Diverse knowledge guarantees success in your future career.

Vladimir Borisov, graduate student

Photonics, if you like, is optics of the 21st century. Why not continue to call it optics? The fact is that over the past 50-60 years, the science studying the physics of light has moved so far forward that it can hardly be compared with generally accepted optics. There are nonlinear effects, ultra-high power densities, and ultra-short pulses. There are, of course, a variety of quantum effects and their applications. In short, the cutting edge of optical science. And, since such a science no longer resembles the old lady optics, a new word was found for it - “Photonics”.
Photonics is a largely applied science. Before photonics, no one could have imagined how useful light could be in our lives. We are now moving towards more and more new technologies using light. We already know how to transmit information over vast distances at the speed of light. And soon we will learn to encrypt it so that no one can “overhear” us. We are moving towards treating various serious diseases with the help of light technologies. Nowadays, during complex operations, surgeons use laser scalpels to make the most precise cuts. Imagine that advances in photonics will soon allow us to avoid making an incision at all to remove a tumor or patch an artery. Thanks to photonics, deep space exploration is not such an unattainable goal for us. And if scientists, including those at our faculty, try hard, then photonics will soon give us a real invisibility hat and, perhaps, a lightsaber. And, of course, we should not forget about the quantum computer - one of the peaks of modern science, the achievement of which is impossible without photonics.
In short, photonics is now at the forefront of modern science. It combines the opportunity to explore unexplored issues, as well as apply your knowledge for the benefit of society. Perhaps this is the area of ​​physics where an inquisitive student can maximize his potential, realizing his best potential as a scientist.

Yaroslav Grachev, Ph.D., assistant, graduate of the faculty

Photonics is currently called optics in its modern aspect. The faculty is engaged in the development of current trends in optics using modern information technologies, and these are:
- and work with laser pulsed radiation of high energy and ultra-short duration;
- and, conversely, the use of low-energy radiation in the terahertz range of electromagnetic waves for non-contact, non-destructive diagnostics and visualization of objects with substance recognition;
- and holography, including both visual holography and the creation and processing of three-dimensional digital copies of an object in real time.
For me, working in this field of science has become an excellent opportunity to acquire practical skills in design and experimental activities. And a person with practical skills and knowledge is always in demand.

Olga Smolyanskaya, Ph.D., head of the Femtomedicine laboratory of the International Institute of Photonics and Optoinformatics

The term “Photonics” was first used in 1970 at the 9th International Congress on Speed ​​Photography in the USA, Denver. And at the first stage, “photonics” was understood as a field of science that studies optical systems in which photons are information carriers. In connection with the development of laser technologies and the invention of laser diodes and fiber-optic communication systems, the concept of “photonics” included optical telecommunications. Today “photonics” is: optical and quantum communication systems; transmission, recording and storage of information; medical diagnostics and therapy (biophotonics); development and production of lasers; biological and chemical studies of various objects; environmental monitoring; lighting design, etc.
Biophotonics is related to photobiology and medical physics. Therefore, on the one hand, biophotonics deals with the diagnosis and study of biological molecules, cells and tissues. On the other hand, it uses light to influence biological tissues, for example in surgery and therapy. Biophotonics studies various aspects of the interaction of biological objects and photons. Therefore, the area of ​​application of biophotonics is, first of all, human health. Specialists in the field of biophotonics are also involved in the creation of light sources for medical purposes, detectors, imaging systems and mathematical processing of optical signals.

Maria Zhukova, graduate student

Photonics is the science of light, the technologies of its creation, transformation, application and detection. Light has always played an important role in human life - think about it, thanks to it we navigate space and see each other. First, people learned to create artificial light sources to ensure a comfortable existence, and now we have a huge number of high-tech devices that are used in numerous and varied fields of technology.
Photonics includes the use of lasers, optics, crystals, fiber optics, electro-optical, acousto-optical devices, cameras, and complex integrated systems. Photonics today is both scientific research and real developments in the fields of: medicine, alternative energy, fast computing, the creation of high-performance computers, new materials, telecommunications, environmental monitoring, security, the aerospace industry, time standards, art, printing, prototyping, and almost everything that surrounds us.
Today, in Russia, as well as throughout the world, more and more companies and large manufacturing enterprises are beginning to create and use new technologies related to photonics. F otonics opens up wide opportunities and prospects for development in the scientific academic environment, as well as in the field of real developments. This area of ​​knowledge will undoubtedly develop from year to year!

I. Definition of radiophotonics

In recent decades, in the field of ultra-wideband transmission systems, we have observed the process of replacing “electronic” systems with “photonic” ones. This is primarily due to the different physical nature of the photon. The absence of charge and mass gives it properties impossible for an electron. As a result, photonic systems (compared to “electronic ones”) are not subject to external electromagnetic fields and have a much greater transmission range and signal bandwidth.

These, and many other advantages already realized on the basis of photonics in the field of telecommunications, give the right to talk about the emergence of a new direction - radio photonics, which arose from the merger of radio electronics, integrated and wave optics, microwave optoelectronics and a number of other branches of science and industrial production.

In other words, under radiophotonics (microwave photonics) we will understand that unites a wide range of fields of science and technology related mainly to the problems of transmitting, receiving and converting signals using electromagnetic waves in the microwave range and photonic devices and systems.

II. Radiophotonics - it's easy!

  1. .
  2. Download the archive with the presentation and transcript of the report.

III. Basics of radiophotonics

  1. A new direction in photonics is ultra-high-frequency optoelectronics. M.E. Belkin, A.S. Sigov. // Radio engineering and electronics, volume 54, no. 8, pp. 901-914. 2009 // .
  2. Fundamentals of microwave photonics. Vincent Ju Urick Jr., Jason D. McKinney, Keith J. Williams. // Moscow. Technosphere. 2016 // .

IV. Photonic and radiophotonic components, devices and systems


  1. Principles of lasers. 4th ed. O. Zvelto. // St. Petersburg Doe. 2008 // .

Optoelectronic generators

  1. The optoelectronic generator is the first microwave optoelectronics device. M.E. Belkin, A.V. Loparev. // Electronics: Science, technology, business No. 6. 2010 // .
  2. Tunable spin-wave optoelectronic microwave generator. A.B. Ustinov, A.A. Nikitin, B.A. Kalinikos. // All-Russian Conference “Electronics and Microelectronics of Microwaves”. 2015 // .

Electro-optical modulators

  1. Electro-optical materials based on thin films of molecular crystals - advantages and prospects for use. I.Yu. Denisyuk, Yu.E. Burunkova, T.V. Smirnova. // Optical Journal, vol. 74, p. 63-69. 2007 // .
  2. Low-voltage electro-optical modulator based on molecular thin-film crystals DAST. I.Yu. Denisyuk, Yu.E. Burunkova. // CriMiCo. 2007 // .
  3. Integrated electro-optical Mach-Zehnder modulators and other passive component base of radiophotonics. A.A. Belousov, Yu.N. Volkhin, A.V. Gamilovskaya, A.A. Dubrovskaya, T.V. Smirnova. // Russian scientific and practical conference “Development and production of domestic electronic component base” (“Component-2014”). 2014 // Download the archive with the presentation and transcript of the report.
  4. Electro-optical modulator based on the Mach-Zehnder interferometer circuit. V.M. Afanasiev. // Applied photonics. T3. No. 4. 2016 // .

Radio photonic ADCs and analog processors

  1. Analog-to-Digital Converter Survey and Analysis. Robert H. Walden. // IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 17, NO. 4, APRIL. 1999 // .
  2. Prospects for the implementation of ADCs using microwave photonics methods. Yu.N. Volkhin.// Scientific seminar “Modern problems of radiophysics and radio engineering” 01/29/2011. 2015 // Download the archive with the presentation and transcript of the report.
  3. Review of possible ways to implement radio-photonic ADCs. E.V. Tikhonov, Yu.N. Volkhin.// V All-Russian scientific and technical conference “Exchange of experience in the field of creating ultra-wideband radio-electronic systems” (UHF-2014). 2014 // .
  4. Review and study of possible options for the implementation of ultra-wideband analog processors in the microwave range using methods and means of radio photonics. A.V. Gamilovskaya, A.A. Belousov, E.V. Tikhonov, A.A. Dubrovskaya, Yu.N. Volkhin.// Electronic equipment. Series 2: Semiconductor devices. No. 5 (239). pp. 4-11. 2015 // .

Radar. AFAR

  1. Towards the implementation of radiophotonics technologies in AFAR radar systems. M.B. Mityashev. // Bulletin of SibGUTI. No. 2. 2015 // .
  2. The concept of constructing a radar station based on elements of radio photonics. A.V. Shumov, S.I. Nefedov, A.R. Bikmetov. // Science and education. MSTU im. N.E. Bauman. Electron. magazine No. 05. pp. 41–65. 2016 // .
  3. On the prospects for using methods and means of microwave photonics in ultra-wideband radar and ultra-wideband radio communications. Yu.N. Volkhin, A.M. Mandrik, Yu.I. Nosov. // Scientific seminar "Modern problems of radiophysics and radio engineering." 11/27/2010 // Download the archive with the presentation and transcript of the report.

Radio-photonic paths and analog microwave fiber optics

  1. Analog microwave fiber optic lines with positive transmission coefficients. Yu.N. Volkhin, T.A. Gomzikova. // IV All-Russian scientific and technical conference “Exchange of experience in the field of creating ultra-wideband radio-electronic systems” (UHF-2012). 2012 // Download the archive with the presentation and transcript of the report.
  2. On the possibility of implementing ultra-wideband analog radio-photonic paths in the microwave range with positive transmission coefficients. Yu.N. Volkhin, A.V. Gamilovskaya. // XVIII coordination scientific and technical seminar on microwave technology: materials. Nizhny Novgorod region, Khakhaly village. 2013 // .
  3. Analog microwave fiber optic lines with positive transmission coefficients. Yu.N. Volkhin, A.V. Gamilovskaya. // XXXX Scientific seminar “Modern problems of radiophysics and radio engineering” 04/27/2013 // Download the archive with the presentation and transcript of the report.
  4. Ultra-wideband multifunctional radio-photonic receiving path for analog processing of signals in the decimeter, centimeter and millimeter wavelength ranges. A.A. Belousov, Yu.N. Volkhin, A.V. Gamilovskaya, A.A. Dubrovskaya, E.V. Quietly. // All-Russian conference “Microwave Electronics and Microelectronics” 2015 // .
  5. Microwave radio-photonic receiving channel with optical heterodyning. S.F. Boev, V.V. Valuev, V.V. Kulagin, V.A. Cherepenin. // Journal of Radioelectronics No. 2, 2015 // .

Fiber gratings

  1. Refractive index fiber gratings and their applications. S.A. Vasiliev, O.I. Medvedkov, A.S. Bozhkov. // Quantum Electronics, 35, no. 12. 2005 // .

Delay lines

  1. Fiber optic delay lines. V.A. Kuznetsov, V.N. Tsukanov, M.Ya. Yakovlev. // ??????????. ???? G. // .

Optical waveguides

  1. Planar and fiber optical waveguides. H-G Unger. // Moscow. WORLD. 1980 // .
  2. Special fiber light guides. Tutorial. D.B. Shumkova. // Permian. PNIPU. 2011 // .
  3. Theory of optical waveguides. A. Snyder, J. Love. // Moscow. Radio and communications. 1987 // .
  4. Introduction to the theory of optical waveguides. M. Adams. // Moscow. WORLD. 1984 // .
  5. Waveguide photonics. Tutorial. N.V. Nikonorov, S.M. Shandarov. // Saint Petersburg. ITMO. 2008 // .
  6. Waveguide transmission lines. I.E. Efimov, G.A. Shermina. // Moscow. Connection. 1979 // .
  7. Optical solitons. From light guides to photonic crystals. Yu.S. Kivshar, G.P. Agrawal. // Moscow. PhysMatLit. 2005 // .

V. Modeling and calculation of parameters of photonic and radio-photonic systems.

Modeling. Numerical methods. CAD

  1. Computational photonics. E.D. Ka. // ??????????, ???? G. // .
  2. Numerical modeling of an electro-optical modulator based on a Fabry-Perot microresensor for a microwave optical receiver. A.K. Aharonyan, O.V. Bagdasaryan, T.M. Princes. // Izv. NAS RA and SEUA. Ser. TN., vol. LXIV, no. 3. 2011 // .

VI. Measurement of parameters of photonic and radiophotonic systems

Measurements. Metrology

  1. Methods of measurements in fiber optics. Tutorial. A.I. Tsaplin, M.E. Likhachev. // Permian. PNIPU. 2011 // .
  2. Reflectometry of optical fibers. A.V. Listvin, V.N. Listvin. // Moscow. LESARart. 2005 // .

VII. Fundamentals of photonics, optoelectronics, fiber and integrated optics, fiber technology, digital fiber-optic communication and transmission lines (FOCL, FOLP)

Photonics and nanophotonics

  1. Nanophotonics and its applications. D.F. Zaitsev. // Moscow. Actaeon. 2011 // .
  2. Elements of photonics. Volume I. In Free Space and Special Media. Keigo Iizuka. // John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2002 // .
  3. Fundamentals of photonics. Bahaa E.A. Saleh, Malvin Carl Teichh. // John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1991 // .


  1. Optoelectronics. E.D. Karikh. // Minsk. BSU. 2002 // .
  2. Optoelectronics in questions and answers. S. Gonda, D. Seko. // Leningrad. Energoatomizdat. 1989 // .

Fiber and integrated optics

  1. Fiber optics: forty years later. EAT. Dianov. // Quantum Electronics, 40, no. 1. 2010 // .
  2. An introduction to fiber optic system. second edit. John Powers. // Mc-Graw - Hill. 1996 // .
  3. Nonlinear fiber optics. G. Agrawal. // Moscow. WORLD. 1996 // .
  4. Fiber Optics Technical Guide. 2nd edition. Donald J. Sterling. 1998 // Moscow. Laurie. 1998 // .
  5. Materials and technologies of integrated and fiber optics. Tutorial. A.I. Ignatiev, S.S. Kiselev, N.V. Nikanorov, A.I. Sidorov, A.S. Rokhman. //
  6. Materials and technologies of integrated optics. Tutorial. N.V. Nikanorov, A.I. Sidorov. // Saint Petersburg. ITMO. 2009 // .
  7. Optics and Lasers, including fiber optics and optical waveguides. Matt Young. // Moscow. WORLD. 2005 // .

Fiber technology and digital fiber-optic communication and transmission lines (FOCL, FOL)

  1. Fiber optic technology: current state and prospects. 2nd edition. Ed. S.A. Dmitrieva, N.N. Slepova. // Moscow. Fiber optic technology. 2005 // .
  2. Fiber optic technology. Practical guide. V.N. Tsukanov, M.Ya. Yakovlev. // Moscow. Infra-engineering. 2014 // .

VIII. Fundamentals of electronics and semiconductor circuitry

  1. Pocket Guide to Electronics. M. Tooley. // Moscow. Energoatomizdat. 1993 // .
  2. The art of circuit design. 4th ed. P. Horowitz, W. Hill. // Moscow. WORLD. 1993 // .
  3. Semiconductor circuit technology. 12th ed. W. Tietze, K. Schenk. // Moscow. DMK. 2008 // .

Interdisciplinary directions

Thanks to the high global scientific and technical activity and the huge demand for new results, new interdisciplinary directions are emerging within photonics:

Relationship between photonics and other fields of science

Classical optics Photonics is closely related to optics. However, optics preceded the discovery of the quantization of light (when the photoelectric effect was explained by Albert Einstein in 1905). The tools of optics are the refractive lens, reflecting mirror, and various optical assemblies, which were known long before 1900. The key principles of classical optics, such as Huygens' rule, Maxwell's equations, and light wave alignment are independent of the quantum properties of light, and are used as in optics and photonics.

Modern optics The term "Photonics" in this field is roughly synonymous with the terms "Quantum optics", "Quantum electronics", "Electro-optics", and "Optoelectronics". However, each term is used by different scientific societies with different additional meanings: for example, the term "quantum optics" often denotes basic research, while the term "Photonics" often denotes applied research.

History of photonics

Historically, the beginning of the use of the term “photonics” in the scientific community is associated with the publication in 1967 of Academician A. N. Terenin’s book “Photonics of Dye Molecules.” Three years earlier, on his initiative, the Department of Biomolecular and Photon Physics was created at the Faculty of Physics of Leningrad State University, which since 1970 has been called the Department of Photonics.

A. N. Terenin defined photonics as “a set of interrelated photophysical and photochemical processes.” In world science, a later and broader definition of photonics has become widespread, as a branch of science that studies systems in which photons are information carriers. In this sense, the term “photonics” was first used at the 9th International Congress on High-Speed ​​Photography (Denver, USA, 1970).

The term "Photonics" began to be widely used in the 1980s in connection with the widespread use of fiber-optic electronic data transmission by telecommunications network providers (although optical fiber had been used in limited usage earlier). The use of the term was confirmed when the IEEE community identified an archived paper titled "Photonics Technology Letters" in the late 1980s.

see also


  • Website of the Department of Photonics and Optical Informatics
  • Website of the Department of Computer Photonics and Video Informatics of the St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
  • Website of the Department of Photonics, Faculty of Physics, St. Petersburg State University
  • Website of the Department of Photonics and Electrical Engineering of the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics
  • Educational materials of the Laboratory of Laser Systems of Novosibirsk State University
  • Glossary of Photonics Terms. Siberian State Geodetic Academy
  • Journal "Photonics" Scientific and technical journal
  • Problems of laser radiation scattering in photonics and biophotonics Quantum Electronics, Special issue, Volume 36, No. 11-12, (2006)


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    photonics- A section of electronics, including the study of the nature and physical principles of various light sources, electromagnetic oscillations of the optical wavelength range, as well as their use in engineering systems of generation, radiation, transmission... Technical Translator's Guide

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