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» Myrtle with round leaves. Myrtle - an overview of varieties suitable for rooms and gardens (63 photos). Trimming and pinching

Myrtle with round leaves. Myrtle - an overview of varieties suitable for rooms and gardens (63 photos). Trimming and pinching

Myrtle is a pretty, aromatic tree that can be grown indoors along with other houseplants. Caring for this tree is not entirely easy, but it is also not as difficult as it might seem.

The myrtle tree, a photo of which you can see in the article, attracts with its unusual appearance and pleasant aroma. It will be discussed below.

Description of the myrtle tree

A houseplant like myrtle looks great as an independent flower or in a composition with other house flowers. Myrtle is believed to have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. At home, this flower performs not only an aesthetic function, because its leaves and cuttings can be used as seasonings for various dishes.

In many countries, the myrtle tree is considered the embodiment of moral purity, love and fidelity. These traditions known since biblical times and are still relevant today. For example, in some cultures, a peace flower given as a wedding gift is considered a symbol of a good marriage and prosperity.

Under natural conditions, the myrtle flower grows in the Mediterranean in a subtropical climate. In the photo you can see what this plant looks like:

  • the leaves are small and shiny, have an elongated shape;
  • white and pink flowers contain essential oils;
  • Myrtle fruits are nuts or dark blue drupes.

Application of the plant

The plant's attractiveness has made it a welcome choice as an indoor color that fits into any kitchen or room style. However aesthetic side- This is far from the only purpose of myrtle.

Myrtle is also used in the following ways:

Famous varieties of myrtle

The plant has a huge number of species and varieties, which differ from each other in the following parameters:

  • color;
  • leaf shape;
  • fruit color;
  • tree height.

The most attractive varieties are:

  • Flora Pleno, having double flowers;
  • Tarentina Variegata;
  • Variegata;
  • Microphylla Tarentina, characterized by its small size;
  • La Clapé;
  • La Clape Blanc.

However, despite the large number of varieties of this flower, the most popular as a houseplant remains the common myrtle, the intricacies of caring for which will be discussed below.

Myrtle: home care

You can see photos of these plants grown at home both in the article and on the Internet. And so that they look so attractive, care rules must be followed behind them in room conditions.

Remember that myrtle is a subtropical plant; therefore, it needs high humidity, which can be provided through regular spraying. For watering and spraying myrtle, settled soft water is used. There is no need to specially soften it for these purposes, but lime in the soil of a flower can cause harm to it.

The composition of the soil should preferably be close to natural. The proportions of the substrate for myrtle should be approximately as follows:

  • 30 percent turf;
  • 30 percent peat soil;
  • 20 percent river or sifted sand;
  • 20 percent humus.

You can use greenhouse soil or a ready-made soil mixture.

Even short-term drying out of the soil is dangerous for the world; the plant can turn yellow and wither. When the soil dries out, the flower in the pot is immersed in water. However There should also be no stagnation of water in the container for the flower..

To feed the plant, use special complex formulations for flowering indoor plants.

Myrtle loves to be in the fresh air and is not afraid of drafts. That's why at home it can be kept in places such as a kitchen window sill or balcony. Thus, phytoncides, which improve the atmosphere of the room, will be released even more actively.

The optimal place for myrtle indoors is a south-lit window. You can keep the plant in another place, but it will bloom comfortably here.

Features of caring for myrtle also depend on the time of year. Let's talk about this in more detail below.

Features of summer plant care

At home, from spring to autumn inclusive, myrtle needs moderate temperature conditions, the optimal indicator is about 23 degrees. It is better to keep the plant in a lighted place, but at the same time it needs to be shaded from the heat with the help of curtains or special screens.

If possible, move the world to the balcony or veranda, where there is more air. If he stays indoors for the summer, the room needs to be ventilated regularly.

Watering in the warm season should be regular, but not abundant. You need to feed the plant once a week. In the spring, the myrtle is pruned and replanted. Transplantation should be performed maximum once every two years.

Caring for myrtle in winter

Winter is a dormant period for this flower. Watering should be moderate, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out. One watering per week will be enough. Spray the plant only necessary when it is located in a warm room. Feeding is carried out once every 4–5 weeks.

For the winter, the world should be moved to a bright and cool place and kept at a temperature of about 10 degrees. If a flower sheds its leaves, that means he's hot. Don't be sad if it loses a lot of leaves, because in the spring it will regain its lushness.

How to prune myrtle

The plant responds well to this procedure, so it is advisable to give the desired shape to its crown. It is advisable to leave side shoots, since the barrel is not very strong. However, pruning and pinching are not always beneficial for bud formation.

During pruning, myrtle is fed with chlorine-free houseplant fertilizers.

Features of myrtle propagation

Myrtle propagates by seeds and cuttings. To preserve the maternal characteristics of the plant, it is better to do this using cuttings. The soil must have a temperature of at least 25 degrees. Cuttings are carried out in winter or mid-summer as follows:

  • cut a cutting up to 9 cm in length from a side shoot;
  • remove the lower leaves and treat the cut with Kornevin;
  • we plant the cuttings in sand and peat soil;
  • cover the top with glass or film;
  • leave to take root for 2–3 weeks;
  • We plant the cuttings in separate pots.

The second method of plant propagation, seed, has a key drawback– it is impossible to preserve varietal characteristics in their original form. And growth also takes a long time.

Sowing of seeds is carried out in early spring. They are planted in a sand-peat substrate, then covered with soil. Then d orchok is covered with glass or film, and the room is given diffused lighting and a temperature of about 21 degrees.

After a couple of weeks, the first shoots appear. Myrtles are planted in separate containers when at least 4 leaves appear.

When growing a plant from seeds, a crown must be formed, so the sprout must be pinched at the desired height.

How to replant a myrtle tree?

Myrtle does not grow too quickly, so it does not need to be replanted often. However, if necessary, this should be done when it becomes crowded in the pot. It is recommended to transplant no more than once every three years.. It is best to do this in winter.

To make it easier to remove the plant from the container, do not water it for several days. Then the tree is carefully removed, holding it by the trunk.

In order for the roots to take root better, they are treated with a stimulant. You need to pour the substrate into a pot with drainage and expanded clay, then add myrtle, then pour out the soil and level its surface. You need to water it until water enters the container.. Then the plant is transferred to a dark place.

Flowering period

Myrtle blooms in early to mid-summer. Its flowers can be simple or double, be located in the axils of the leaves separately or be collected in brushes. Basically they bloom in the upper most illuminated part.

To ensure successful flowering, follow these care rules:

  • do not prune myrtle in early spring, it is better to do it after flowering;
  • Provide regular ventilation to the flower.

Diseases and pests

If the soil under myrtle is poorly drained, then this may cause root rot. Also, if not properly cared for, the plant is susceptible to many diseases.

Pests dangerous to myrtle are:

  • spider mite;
  • thrips;
  • scale insect;
  • whitefly

Inspect the plant regularly for strange rashes or other manifestations. If you find traces of pests, treat the plant with special products.

It is also worth remembering that myrtle leaves contain poisonous components, which, if a person is sensitive, can cause headaches and nausea.

Improper flower care can cause lethargy and yellowing of the leaves. Make sure the soil doesn't dry out lighting and temperature were always normal, don’t leave things to chance. Monitor the frequency of watering and, if necessary, replant the plant on time.

The rules for caring for myrtle at home are not that complicated. And if you stick to them, your indoor plant will give you peace and joy.

Myrtle (Myrtus) – beautiful evergreen tree or shrub. Belongs to the Myrtaceae family. It is a woody southern plant. It has glossy, opposite leaves, emerald green.

The flowers are snow-white, pubescent, containing essential oil. The flowers have a pleasant fragrant aroma. The essential oil of this tree is used in perfumes, medicine and in the manufacture of incense sticks. The aromatic liqueur “Mirto” is also infused from the leaves. This representative of the flora is a symbol of peace and silence.

Myrtle species

Myrtle has more than 100 varieties. Many varieties of myrtle are grown in botanical gardens and greenhouses. Under natural conditions, the plant reaches 3-5 m. But in cultivation it does not exceed more than 60 cm. Myrtle grows in the USA, Europe, Australia, and Asia.

Swamp Myrtle(calyculata) is an evergreen shrub. It reaches a height of no more than 1 m. It has a spreading crown with straight stems. The branches are covered with miniature scales. The leaves are small, reaching a length of no more than 1-4 cm. The leaf petiole is shortened. The flowers are snow-white, collected in racemes. A special feature of the plant is its adaptability to Russian winters.

Under the snow you can see dry bare branches of myrtle. But if you cut them and put them in a vase, they will turn green. Every spring the plant is reborn again. The growing season lasts from spring until the onset of cold weather. The plant prefers wetlands. Grows well in sphagnum bogs. Commonly called Cassandra. Lives for more than 50 years.

Important! This representative of the flora contains a large amount of poison in its leaves and shoots. Therefore, feeding bog myrtle to livestock is strictly prohibited!

Variegated Myrtle(Variegata) has perfect variegated leaves. The edges are covered with amber dots and stripes. Requires a lot of sunlight for bright colors. Blooms in good conditions. It has golden-hued stamens and beige-white miniature flowers. Gives off a pleasant aroma. Disinfects the air, removes carbon dioxide.

Can be used to decorate flower arrangements. It grows both indoors and wild. Prefers loose, breathable soil. Responds well to fertilizing. During the growing season it likes frequent spraying. Contains essential oils. Amenable to crown formation. Is a symbol of fertility.

Myrtle Hymen named after the God of Marriage. Therefore, this plant is sometimes called “the bride’s happiness.” It is considered a symbol of beauty and youth. It is a variation of the common subspecies. It is an evergreen shrub. In the wild it reaches a height of 3-5 m. In indoor conditions it does not exceed 0.8-1 m. It has miniature lanceolate leaves of an emerald hue.

marsh myrtle

Variegated myrtle

Myrtle Hymen

Contains a large amount of essential oil. In spring, miniature flowers form in the axils of the leaves. The flowers are snow-white, reaching 1.5-2 cm in diameter. They have a large number of golden stamens. After flowering, fruits are formed in the form of blue-black berries. The fruits have a strong pleasant aroma.

Bigleaf Myrtle is a variation of the common subspecies. Has an antimicrobial effect. Eliminates pathogenic sticks and bacteria. Helps cope with sore throat and flu. It is used in the prevention and treatment of prostatitis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and intestines. Eliminates sinusitis, diphtheria.

It reaches a height of 3-4 m. It has tetrahedral stems. The leaves are very large, opposite, reaching a length of 4-5 cm. They have pointed edges and a glossy surface. The flowers are miniature, snow-white. Formed on elongated stalks. Each flower has five petals. The stamens are symmetrical and golden.

Myrtle Alhambra(Alhambra) is an excellent ornamental plant. Can be grown in wild and indoor conditions. It is an excellent decoration for compositions. Loves plenty of sunlight. It has compacted leathery leaves.

The leaves contain a large amount of essential oil. The flowers are snow-white, miniature, very fragrant. Flowering occurs 3 years after planting. The plant blooms in late spring. Forms oval seed pods. A distinctive feature of the plant from other subspecies is its fragrant snow-white fruits. The plant prefers light, breathable soils. Responds well to fertilizing.

Myrtle macrofolia

Myrtle Alhambra

Myrtle of Tarentina

Myrtle of Tarentina(Tarentina) is a dwarf form of the common subspecies. It blooms very profusely. It has miniature snow-white flowers in large quantities. Flowers grow in inflorescences. Thanks to essential oils, the plant has a wonderful aroma. It has elongated leaves reaching 1.5 cm.

Leaves with pointed edges and serrated edges. They are formed on short petioles of an emerald hue. The plant has a fast growth rate. It reaches a height of more than 5 m. In room conditions it grows up to 1 m. It prefers systematic watering and water spraying from a spray bottle. Grows well in breathable soils. Loves plenty of sunlight.

Myrt Communis(communis) is a small evergreen tree reaching a height of 3-5 m. It has single elongated leaves. The flowers are snow-white, in large quantities. They grow on short racemes. In common parlance, this representative of the flora is called a dead tree. Refers to ornamental crops.

Lemon Myrtle(lemon) has a wonderful lemon scent. Grows in the tropics of Australia. Used in cooking. Essential oil, various sauces, dressings, syrups and lemon drinks are made from it. Seasoning and spices are made from dry leaves.

Common Myrtle(communis) grows in oak forests next to bushes. It reaches a height of no more than 4 m. It has bare, tetrahedral stems. The leaves are opposite, oval, growing in groups of three. The flowers are miniature and very fragrant.

Myrt Communis

Lemon Myrtle

Common myrtle

Myrtle has about 100 different subspecies. It has a fast growth rate. Loves systematic watering and fertilizing. Used for decorating compositions. It grows in botanical gardens and in the wild. Distributed throughout the world.

Useful video

Watch the video: 53 stunning myrtle creations

Common myrtle is an evergreen plant glorified in myths. It captivates with the aroma of flowers, shiny green leaves and the ability to create a bush, tree or bonsai from it at home. The common myrtle flower is grown in closed circuits of greenhouses, apartments, and offices. It is believed that this is a tree of paradise that has taken root on earth.

How myrtle has conquered indoor gardeners

In the Mediterranean, myrtle is a tree up to 4 meters high. All parts of it are healing, it’s not for nothing that the name is translated as balm. Indoor myrtle has retained its beneficial properties. Only he has become shorter in height; he cannot rise more than a meter in height in room conditions. But obedient branches can be directed according to the designer’s idea and even grow a small grove of trees on a tray. Common myrtle, a flower, you can look at photos of its compositions endlessly.

Many years will pass, jewelry work will be required before the master will create such a miracle from the bush. This is art. But even a simple fragrant myrtle bush is not easy to grow. In Germany, every girl used to take care of her own tree from a very young age. When she got married, the flower became the talisman of the young family. The more beautiful the bride’s myrtle, the more marital happiness was predicted for this family. The subtext could be such an understanding. If a girl has already found an approach to a flower, she will also understand her husband, tame her, and there will be happiness in the family.

Myrtle is known as a cult plant not only in ancient Greece. It is a symbol of marital fidelity, peace and quiet in the home now. Wedding wreaths made from myrtle and rose ropes symbolize the fidelity of the spouses.

Myrtle brings health to the house. The leaves of the crop emit a pleasant smell, the flowers are fragrant. Scientists have determined that a small bush destroys up to 80% of microbes flying in the air. The smell of the flower has a calming effect on all inhabitants of the room - it pacifies!

For colds, steam inhalation with myrtle leaves is useful. And when the plant blooms with white and pinkish flowers, it is impossible to take your eyes off it. Its dried berries are a spice.

Common myrtle, caring for it at home

It is not easy to create conditions under which a plant thrives while sharing a home with a person. And myrtle is a special plant. He requires love and care more than other residents of the windowsill.

The main task for the development of a flower is the ability to provide it with a cold winter. In a city apartment with central heating, there is hardly a bright corner with a temperature of about 10 degrees. A closed loggia or balcony can save the situation, where you can keep the common myrtle plant in winter.

Let's start with the fact that we bought a flower in a store, grown in distant Holland. The beautiful tree captivated us with its bright foliage and healthy appearance.

But a little time passed, and it became clear that the leaves were beginning to dry out and fall off. And although there are a lot of them, the bush is still fluffy, but the urgent need to see what happened to the roots forced me to carefully remove it from the container. There, among the tangle of tangled roots, there was almost no soil. An incomprehensible composition, similar to household garbage and granules of some substance, probably fertilizer that the plant feeds on. It is necessary to replant the myrtle, this is a common practice for all purchased flowers, replant after a two-week quarantine.

Caring for common myrtle includes the following steps:

  • transfer;
  • pruning;
  • content temperature;
  • mode of watering, wetting leaves, fertilizer;
  • eliminating problems that have arisen.

The plant is transplanted into a pot with a good drainage hole. Take a pot larger than the one in which the plant is located. The roots are freed from the substrate and planted in new soil of the required composition. Do not bury the trunk. Create a drainage layer of at least 5 cm. The soil composition is half composed of turf soil, the other half consists of equal shares of peat, sand and humus. In the future, replanting the flower should be done using the transshipment method, if the myrtle does not dry out and the roots are healthy.

Pruning or pinching the growing crown is necessary so that the branches do not stretch and the plant is compact. After spring pruning, the plant quickly produces young foliage and begins to bloom.

The cut off tops can be rooted to produce young myrtles. The cuttings are germinated in water, then placed in light soil under a cover until new leaves begin to appear.

The room where common myrtle is kept should be bright, with good air exchange. Direct rays of the sun will dry out the foliage and it will begin to fall. In summer, the plant likes to be outdoors. In winter, the room should also be bright, cool, and with high humidity.

The plant should be watered moderately, but often, so that the soil is constantly moist, but not wet. Water should not contain chlorine or hardness salts. It is better if it is filtered in a jug with carbon cartridges. Regular spraying and a tray of moss will help maintain the required humidity around the myrtle.

Common myrtle should not have a place in the bedroom. Its essential oils have a stimulating effect and restful sleep will be disturbed. For the same reason, you should not take myrtle medicine at night.

Twice a month during the warm period, from March, you need to do fertilizing watering. If a green tree is grown or a bonsai is formed, fertilizers are taken for decorative indoor plants. For a flowering bush, you need to take a different composition, with a predominance of phosphorus salt.

The plant rebels and sheds its leaves if the following conditions are created for it:

  • sun rays burning the crown;
  • non-compliance with water regime and microclimate;
  • wintering in warmth;
  • lack of light in summer and winter;

He regards all this as a lack of love and sheds his leaves.

Is it possible to revive a dying plant?

As soon as drying, falling leaves become noticeable, you need to arm yourself with a magnifying glass. There may be a spider mite on your flower. The first sign will be yellowing of individual leaves. It can settle if the leaves are rarely moistened and the air in the room is dry. If the yellowing of leaves is widespread, then the reason may be overwatering and rotting of the roots.

If there are living branches, the plant needs to be revived. First of all, inspect the roots and remove all damaged ones. Sprinkle the cut areas with crushed coal, then with Kornevin. Remove the leaves from the ground part and perform deep pruning. Leave only living branches. Take light soil for planting so that it does not hold water. Do frequent watering with water containing microdoses of Kornevin. And wait, perhaps the plant will come to life. It is better not to bring the flower to this state.

Contents of the common myrtle at home - video

We associate myrtle with the gentle southern sun and ancient Greek legends. The name of this shrub actually has Greek roots and is derived from the word “incense.” According to ancient myths, this fragrant tree is the embodiment of the nymph Myrsina, and the goddess Aphrodite herself wore a myrtle wreath.

In many cultural traditions, myrtle has become the personification of moral purity and sublimity. In biblical traditions it is also mentioned as a noble plant. According to Arabic legend, Adam took a myrtle branch from the Garden of Eden.

During the Renaissance, the fragrant myrtle became a symbol of love and fidelity. Until now, in some countries it is given to the bride on her wedding day as a sign of wishes for a successful marriage and family well-being.


In its homeland in the Mediterranean countries, this evergreen shrub from the myrtle family grows in a subtropical climate. Its small, shiny, elongated leaves and white or pinkish flowers contain essential oils that have numerous healing properties. Myrtle fruits are dark blue drupes or nuts.

Myrtle essential oils are used in folk medicine

Myrtle is very beautiful, so recently more and more people want to grow it at home as a houseplant. It can decorate any interior and fit into almost any style of room.

In addition, the phytoncides contained in its essential oils purify the air from viruses and bacteria. They create a special microclimate in the room, helping to avoid colds, as well as increase performance and stress resistance. In addition, the medicinal properties of myrtle can reduce allergic reactions in children.

Due to its antibacterial effect, an infusion of myrtle leaves and flowers has long been used as a cosmetic product that makes the skin clean and healthy. Essential oils are used in folk medicine, cosmetology, and cooking.

Dried leaves and fruits of the myrtle tree are added to food as a spice.. By the way, a common seasoning in our area, cloves, is also obtained from a plant of the myrtle family.

Varieties, types and photos of plants

There are many varieties and types of myrtle, which differ in the color and shape of the leaves, the color of the fruit and the height of the tree. Among the most interesting and modern varieties are Flore Pleno with double flowers, Tarentina Variegata and Variegata, which have an unusual variegated foliage color, tiny Microphylla Tarentina, luxurious La Clapé and La Clapé Blanc, respectively, with purple and white berries.

Of course, despite all this diversity, the most famous and popular species remains the common myrtle, which will be discussed further.

Features of care

Place myrtle in well-lit windows

Caring for myrtle at home is quite simple, but it requires compliance with some rules.

We must not forget that myrtle comes from the subtropics, which means it needs high humidity. Daily spraying will help ensure this.

The plant should be watered and sprayed with soft, settled water. Myrtle does not require special water softening, but the presence of lime in the soil can be detrimental to it.

It is desirable that the soil composition be as close as possible to that in which myrtle grows in natural conditions. The proportions of the substrate are approximately the following: turf - 30%, peat soil - 30%, sand (river or sifted) - 20%, humus - 20%. You can also use ready-made soil mixtures or greenhouse soil.

Myrtle does not tolerate even short-term drying out of the soil, it begins to turn yellow and wither. If the soil is still dry, you need to immerse the flower pot in water. On the other hand, you should not allow water to stagnate in the pan.

The green friend should be fed with complex fertilizers for flowering indoor plants.

This graceful tree loves fresh air and is not afraid of drafts, which allows it to be placed even in constantly ventilated rooms, in particular, on the windowsill in the kitchen. Under these conditions, myrtle will release phytoncides even more actively, helping to improve the atmosphere in the room.

The best place for myrtle in the apartment is the most illuminated southern windows. It can grow in another part of the house, but it can only bloom here.

There are some features of caring for this plant in winter and summer.

Care in the warm season

Prune myrtle in spring

From spring to autumn, myrtle requires moderate temperature conditions, i.e. in the room where it is located it should be +22 – 24 ºC. It is better to place the plant in a well-lit place, while providing it with shade from the heat (for this you can use a curtain or screen).

If possible, with the onset of warm weather the tree should be moved to fresh air, for example, to a balcony or veranda. When myrtle is in an apartment, the room should be ventilated periodically.

Myrtle should be watered regularly, but not abundantly, and fed about once a week.

Pruning and replanting of myrtle is carried out in the spring. The plant is replanted no more often than once every two years.

Winter care

Winter for myrtle is a period of rest

Winter for this southern resident is a period of rest. Watering should be limited without drying out the soil. It is enough to water your sleeping pet once a week. Spraying during this period is carried out only if the tree is left in a warm room. Myrtle continues to be fed once every 4-5 weeks.

The plant must be moved to a bright but cool place. Temperature range – +8 – 10 ºC. If the myrtle begins to shed its leaves, it means that the temperature in the room is too high for it. However, even if the tree loses a significant part of its foliage in winter, you should not be upset. In the spring, the myrtle will regain its strength and again become as lush as before.

Pruning myrtle

Myrtle responds well to pruning, so its crown can be given the desired shape. You can achieve results in just a couple of years. If possible, side shoots should be left, because its trunk is not particularly strong. It is worth keeping in mind that excessive cutting and pinching will interfere with the formation of flower buds.

During the pruning period, be sure to feed your green pet with fertilizers for indoor plants that do not contain chlorine.

Myrtle can be propagated by cuttings and seeds.

To preserve maternal characteristics, propagation of myrtle is best done by cuttings. To do this, it is necessary that the soil temperature is at least +25 ºC. It can be carried out in winter or mid-summer.

A cutting 7-9 cm long is cut from a side shoot of a healthy plant. You can also use a shorter cutting (5-7 cm), but in this case it should be taken from the main, but not flowering, shoot. The lower leaves are removed, and the cut is processed using Kornevin.

Then the cuttings are planted in sand and peat soil and covered with film or glass. The rooting process takes 2-3 weeks. After their expiration, the cuttings can be planted in separate pots.

Another way to propagate myrtle at home is using seeds. True, this option has a significant drawback: the varietal characteristics are unlikely to remain unchanged. In addition, the seeds take a long time to germinate.

Sowing is done in early spring in a sand-peat substrate, and the top is sprinkled with soil. The container is covered with film or a glass sheet. For the success of the enterprise, it is necessary to provide diffused light in the room and a temperature of about +21 ºC. The first shoots will appear in 1-2 weeks. After four leaves appear, the young plants are planted in separate containers.

When growing myrtle from seeds, it is necessary to form a crown. To do this, the sprout is pinched at a certain height.

It is better to replant myrtle in winter

Myrtle grows slowly, so replanting should not be done too often. However, a young plant needs to increase the volume of the pot annually. Mature trees can be replanted once every 3-4 years.

The best time to replant is winter, when the myrtle is dormant.

To make it easier to remove the plant from the pot, do not water it for several days, drying out the earthen ball. Then carefully remove the tree, holding it by the trunk.

To improve survival rate, the roots can be treated with a stimulant. The substrate is partially filled into a prepared pot with expanded clay and drainage, the plant is installed, the remaining soil is poured out and the surface is leveled. The myrtle is watered abundantly until water seeps into the pan, and transferred to a shaded place.


Myrtle blooms in early to mid-summer. The flowers can be regular or double and are located either in the axils of the leaves one at a time or collected in racemes. Most of them bloom in the most illuminated upper part of the plant.

True, in order to wait for flowering, several rules should be followed. Firstly, there is no need to prune the plant in the spring. It would be better to postpone it completely until after flowering.

Secondly, it is necessary to ensure a regular supply of fresh air and proper care. If the room is not ventilated, myrtle is unlikely to bloom.

Watch a video about how the myrtle plant blooms


If the soil drains poorly, myrtle may develop root rot. Problems can also arise as a result of improper plant care, in particular, insufficient watering or poor lighting.

Insects can also cause harm to the myrtle tree: aphids, spider mites, whiteflies, thrips, and scale insects. For this reason, the plant should be periodically inspected, especially if any undesirable signs appear. If pests are detected, myrtle should be treated with a special product in accordance with the instructions.

Memo to the florist

Myrtle leaves contain toxic substances that, with prolonged exposure, can cause nausea and headaches in the most sensitive people.

If myrtle leaves turn yellow or wither, most likely, any rules for caring for the plant are not followed.. Drying out of the soil or, conversely, stagnation of water in the pan, excessively bright lighting or high temperature in the room in winter - all this can cause such problems. When the first signs of wilting appear, the myrtle should be moved to a place protected from scorching sunlight, monitor watering and spray more often.

Thus, if you follow simple care rules, myrtle will always delight you with its beauty.

Watch a video about how to grow myrtle at home and why it is customary to give it to the bride.

Myrtle belongs to the genus of evergreen and ethereal species of trees and shrubs. This crop has received particular recognition among gardeners due to its fragrant oils, which are widely used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. The habitat of the myrtle plant extends from the Mediterranean to Africa.

Since ancient times, this tree crop has been considered a symbol of well-being and health. It is surrounded by many secrets and myths.

Today, many flower growers admire its aesthetic appearance and pleasant smell. Common myrtle does not require much care. The main requirement of the plant is to maintain a constant temperature and sunlight.

Description of indoor myrtle

Indoor myrtle has up to forty species. Under natural conditions, the height of an adult plant reaches about 4 m. The appearance of the plant is a neat tree with a round crown. The leaves are dense with a glossy surface.

They are located opposite each other. During the flowering period of the breed, the flowers are connected in terry brushes. The myrtle family includes valuable species of tea tree and eucalyptus.

When you touch the leaves, a pleasant aroma remains on the surface of your fingers. Depending on the variety, the fruit is a drupe or a small nut.

Growing myrtle from seeds

Growing myrtle at home is quite simple. Here it is important to follow the advice of experienced gardeners who know all the intricacies of this breed.

Flower shops offer a huge selection of soil for different types of indoor plants.

Experts advise preparing the soil yourself. For this you will need:

  • peat;
  • river sand.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed together. The finished substrate is placed in small pots. The height of the container should not exceed 10 cm. This volume is necessary for a young plant in the first year of life.

The next step is to sow the seeds into the soil. To do this, small depressions are made on the surface of the substrate. Planting material is placed 7-8 cm into the soil mixture.

At the end of planting, the soil is watered abundantly and covered with glass. This allows you to speed up the growth process of young shoots.

As young seedlings grow, it is necessary to maintain the temperature regime. It ranges from 20 to 25 s.

After 2 weeks you can observe the first shoots. Picking of young plants is carried out 3 weeks from the moment of planting. By this time, 2-4 leaves are formed on the stem.

It is necessary to plant shoots in individual containers. After the first transplant, myrtle must be fed with nitrogen fertilizer.

How to care?

Beginning flower growers often ask the question: “How to properly care for this type of plant?”

It's actually quite simple. Basic care includes:

  • watering;
  • loosening;
  • proper lighting;
  • feeding with fertilizers;
  • pruning

It is necessary to water the myrtle flower with clean and warm water. The soil ball should not dry out too much. In summer, it is recommended to spray the crop every day.

Insufficient soil moisture can provoke a stressful condition in which the flower sheds its leaves.

Myrtle prefers well-lit areas. That is why it must be placed on a southern or eastern window sill. In summer, it is recommended to place the plant outdoors.

Trimming the crown of the plant helps to obtain a beautiful and lush crown. To do this, it is necessary to adjust the top and side shoots. After a couple of weeks, new leaves appear at the cut site.

It is best to feed the flower in spring and autumn. For this purpose, nitrogen-potassium fertilizers are used.

The components included in the liquid allow you to accelerate the growth of young shoots.

In winter, nitrogen compounds provide adequate nutrition for indoor crops. In the photo of myrtle you can see all the beauty and aesthetic appearance of this culture.

Photo of myrtle