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» Frozen seafood cocktail: composition, benefits and recipes. Sea cocktail: a dish that will delight you What to eat with a sea cocktail

Frozen seafood cocktail: composition, benefits and recipes. Sea cocktail: a dish that will delight you What to eat with a sea cocktail

Part sea ​​cocktail Most often, they include inhabitants of the ocean depths - shrimp, squid, mussels, and less often octopuses and cuttlefish.

Sea cocktail is a truly universal product. It can be fried, boiled, pickled, and also used as a filling for pizza or tartlets or for making paella, pilaf, all kinds of pies and soup.

Dry white wine is considered an ideal complement to seafood dishes. And the most suitable side dish that can fully reveal the rich taste of each component is white or brown rice.

Culinary traditions allow you to serve a seafood cocktail with any sauce, but the most subtle is considered to be ordinary lemon juice, which should be poured generously over the product.

Benefits of sea cocktail:

In addition to the original and delicate taste of the product, the seafood cocktail is a source of protein, as well as unique trace elements and amino acids that are absent in the meat of land animals. The low calorie content of the dish makes it a favorite component of all kinds of diets, allowing you to safely and quickly get rid of extra pounds.

Harm and contraindications:

Sea cocktail is considered a perishable product. A few hours at room temperature can ruin the mixture beyond repair. Therefore, you should not buy a cocktail at spontaneous markets or at retail outlets that do not inspire confidence.

You don't have to go to an expensive restaurant to enjoy healthy frozen seafood dishes. Now every housewife can prepare a delicious cocktail in the walls of her own kitchen!

What's included

Frozen seafood platter consists of the following components:

Each of them is present in different quantities. Most often, the mixture is packaged in bags of 400 to 1500 grams.

How to choose the right seafood cocktail

How to prepare a sea cocktail so that it is tasty, healthy, and extraordinarily beautiful? By following a few rules, you will bring your talent to perfection:

  • Thoroughly rinse seafood under cold running water. This will remove sand and harmful components;
  • During marinating, the cocktail should put in the refrigerator. At room temperature, the seafood mixture can only be left for thirty minutes. Remaining Pour out the marinade immediately;
  • As seasonings for sea cocktail you can use freshly squeezed lemon juice, still mineral water, white wine and citrus juices;
  • The best side dish for seafood is rice;
  • When preparing a seafood cocktail, do not overdo it - the ingredients will become hard and lose their taste. Cook the mixture for about four minutes, throw it in a colander and let the water drain. If the cocktail is not purchased by weight, follow the instructions printed on the package;
  • If desired, pour boiled water over the mixture, and only then put it on low heat;
  • Do I need to defrost the cocktail before preparing it? We haven't found a clear answer. How are you doing? Our readers are ready to listen to any comments on this matter.

How to cook the best seafood dish? You can leaf through dozens of magazines or call all your friends, or you can use the recipes on our website.

Preparing this dish cannot be done without a number of products:

  • Sea cocktail – 0.5 kg;
  • Cream – 1 glass;
  • Flour – 3 tablespoons;
  • Butter – 80 grams;
  • Onions – 2-3 heads;
  • Hard cheese – 200 grams;
  • Pepper (peas and ground) - to taste;
  • Bay leaf – 2 pieces;
  • Salt - to taste.
  1. Pour salted cold water over the frozen mixture.
  2. Bring it to a boil.
  3. Add bay leaf and peppercorns.
  4. Drain the water after four minutes.
  5. Fry the onion until golden brown.
  6. Mix it with flour, cream and boiled cocktail.
  7. Let it boil again.
  8. Throw in salt and ground pepper.
  9. Place the dish on a baking sheet and sprinkle with grated cheese.
  10. Place the container in the oven and let the cheese melt.

Seafood with creamy sauce

To make a cocktail with sauce, you will need:

  • Cream – 150 grams;
  • Soy sauce – 5 tablespoons;
  • Onion – 1 piece;
  • Garlic – 3-4 cloves;
  • Sea cocktail – 500 grams;
  • Olive oil – for frying;
  • Pepper and salt - to taste.
  1. Pour the cocktail into a deep bowl, pour cream and soy sauce over it, salt and leave for about half an hour.
  2. Fry the onion and garlic in olive oil mixed with 0.5 tbsp. l. soy sauce and 0.5 tsp. pepper
  3. Thaw the seafood cocktail and fry it in another frying pan for another 5 minutes.
  4. Mix all the ingredients and simmer - it will turn out very tasty!

Sea cocktail soup

You can prepare not only second courses, but also first courses from seafood. Here is a recipe for one of them.

  • Dry white wine – 0.5 cups;
  • Olive oil – for frying;
  • Sea cocktail - 500 grams;
  • Celery root, onion, leek, carrot - 1 piece each;
  • Peppercorns – 10 pieces;
  • Fresh herbs - 1 bunch.
  1. Fry onions and carrots in olive oil.
  2. Peel the celery and cut it into pieces.
  3. Place all vegetables in boiling water.
  4. After 20 minutes, strain the hot broth and add half a glass of wine to it.
  5. Bring the broth to a boil again.
  6. Pour hot water over the sea cocktail and plunge it into the boiling broth.
  7. Further preparation of the dish takes about a quarter of an hour.
  8. Sprinkle the finished soup with chopped herbs and serve.

Mushrooms and seafood

Do you like to eat delicious food? You can make a seafood casserole with mushrooms.

Stock up on the following ingredients:

  • Sea cocktail – 1 kg;
  • Flour – 4 tablespoons;
  • Hard cheese – 400 grams;
  • Cream – 400 grams;
  • Butter – 150 grams;
  • Champignons – 400 grams;
  • Onions – 2 pieces;
  • Olive oil – for frying;
  • Bay leaf – 5 pieces.
  1. Boil seafood in salted water with bay leaf.
  2. Drain off any unnecessary broth.
  3. Fry mushrooms and onions in olive oil.
  4. Add flour, boiled cocktail, salt, pepper and cream.
  5. Place the mixture in a deep pan, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake for about twenty minutes.

Sea cocktail with rice

What else can you make from a sea cocktail? Try mixing it with rice or pasta. For this you need:

  • Sunflower oil – 2 tablespoons;
  • Parsley – 1 bunch;
  • Rice (250 grams or pasta (300 grams);
  • Sea cocktail – 0.5 kg;
  • Tomato – 1 tablespoon;
  • Garlic – 3 cloves;
  • Butter – 50 grams;
  • Cream – 1 tablespoon.
  1. Boil rice or pasta until half cooked, drain.
  2. Fry seafood in sunflower oil mixed with tomato, garlic and cream.
  3. Place pasta/rice and stew there for about a quarter of an hour.
  4. Place the dish on a plate and sprinkle it with herbs.

Sea cocktail with rice noodles

Making a seafood cocktail using this recipe couldn’t be easier!

  • Rice noodles – 100 grams;
  • Soy sauce – 3 tablespoons;
  • Olive oil – 4 tablespoons;
  • Sea cocktail – 0.5 kg;
  • Garlic – 3 cloves.
  1. Cook frozen seafood for about 3 minutes, drain and dry with a towel.
  2. Chop the garlic cloves and fry them in olive oil.
  3. Add soy sauce and seafood mixture there and fry them for another five minutes.
  4. Place rice noodles in a separate container, pour boiling water over them and set aside for 5 minutes.
  5. Combine the prepared noodles with a hot cocktail and the dish is ready.

Seafood pizza

  • Pizza dough – 1 piece;
  • Seafood – 400 grams;
  • Hard cheese – 200 grams.
  1. Boil the cocktail and let the water drain.
  2. Place the mixture on the pizza dough, sprinkle it with grated cheese and bake for about twenty-five minutes.

Salad Tenderness

Another very good recipe. You will need:

  • Marine mixture - 300 grams;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Avocado - half;
  • Lettuce leaves - 5 pieces;
  • Canned pineapples - 250 grams;
  • Olive oil - 10 ml;
  • Lemon - half;
  • Parsley - 1 bunch.
  1. Drain excess liquid from defrosted cocktail.
  2. Cut the peeled half of an avocado into slices. Pour lemon juice over the fruit.
  3. Tear the lettuce leaves with your hands.
  4. Drain the pineapple in a colander and let the marinade drain. If the pieces are quite large, cut into cubes or strips.
  5. Place lettuce leaves, pineapples, seafood cocktail and avocado on the bottom of the salad bowl.
  6. Drizzle it with oil, salt and garnish with chopped herbs.

Both you and your loved ones will like sea cocktail dishes. Plus, they do not lead to excess weight gain! Bon appetit everyone!

For this cocktail, boiled seafood is used: pieces of squid, mussels, small whole octopuses or pieces of larger specimens, all seasoned with spices (calorizer). The cocktail is filled with oil and sold as such.

Calorie content of seafood cocktail in oil

The calorie content of a seafood cocktail in oil is 319 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of seafood cocktail in oil

The special value of a seafood cocktail in oil is the presence of several types of seafood under one lid. The method of processing components allows you to preserve the components of the original product without destroying them.

Vitamins: B9, B2, B6, B1. Among the microelements, the presence of nickel, cobalt, along with iodine, phosphorus and others is important.

Drinking a cocktail has a rehabilitative effect on internal organs, especially the digestive system. The components of the cocktail accelerate the cleansing of the body and promote the natural removal of radionuclides.

It is worth mentioning the positive effect that the components of the cocktail have on all muscle tissue.

Use of seafood cocktail in oil in cooking

More often, a seafood cocktail in oil is consumed as an independent cold appetizer, but it can be used to prepare a variety of salads (calorizator).

The cocktail components are supplemented with vegetables, preferably fresh, but canned ones are also allowed.

The cocktail is suitable for any type of side dishes, combined with pasta or risotto. The cocktail can be included in the hot sauce.

Part sea ​​cocktail Most often, they include inhabitants of the ocean depths - shrimp, squid, mussels, and less often octopuses and cuttlefish.

Sea cocktail is a truly universal product. It can be fried, boiled, pickled, and also used as a filling for pizza or tartlets or for making paella, pilaf, all kinds of pies and soup.

Dry white wine is considered an ideal complement to seafood dishes. And the most suitable side dish that can fully reveal the rich taste of each component is white or brown rice.

Culinary traditions allow you to serve a seafood cocktail with any sauce, but the most subtle is considered to be ordinary lemon juice, which should be poured generously over the product.

Benefits of sea cocktail:

In addition to the original and delicate taste of the product, the seafood cocktail is a source of protein, as well as unique trace elements and amino acids that are absent in the meat of land animals. The low calorie content of the dish makes it a favorite component of all kinds of diets, allowing you to safely and quickly get rid of extra pounds.

Harm and contraindications:

Sea cocktail is considered a perishable product. A few hours at room temperature can ruin the mixture beyond repair. Therefore, you should not buy a cocktail at spontaneous markets or at retail outlets that do not inspire confidence.

In cooking, a seafood cocktail is a universal ingredient from which more than 20 dishes are prepared. It is also good for your figure, and the taste of the cocktail is amazing, and the vitamin and mineral composition is not destroyed by heat treatment.

General information about frozen seafood cocktail

The composition of a sea cocktail most often includes the following ingredients:

  • Octopuses.
  • Shellfish.
  • Squid.
  • Shrimps.
  • Mussels.
  • Cuttlefish.

The ingredients enter the cocktail already peeled and chopped, which allows you to simply defrost them and add them during the preparation process.

Important! The uniqueness of the frozen sea cocktail is that it contains only natural products. There are no chemical additives, flavors, dyes or preservatives.

Composition of frozen sea cocktail

Sea cocktail is considered a dietary low-calorie product, which contains vitamins A, E, D, polyunsaturated acids, as well as trace elements (phosphorus, iodine, zinc, iron, etc.)

Interesting! In total, the general composition of the sea cocktail from various ingredients contains about 30 useful substances, half of which the human body is not able to synthesize on its own.

Useful properties of frozen sea cocktail

The benefits of a frozen cocktail for the human body are obvious: the composition of the product is different and you can independently choose the one that suits your taste. Seafood cocktail is high in protein and is very nutritious but low in calories.

The sea cocktail also contains a sufficient amount of iodine, which stimulates brain function and normalizes the endocrine system. A balanced composition of nutrients and nutrients helps restore normal metabolism, which leads to weight loss.

Vitamins A and E prevent aging, carotene is good for good vision, and vitamin E for beautiful and smooth skin. Amino acids found in seafood can lower blood sugar and blood pressure.

Frozen seafood cocktail is useful for eating for the following diseases and for their prevention:

  • Diabetes.
  • Diseases of the heart and endocrine system.
  • High cholesterol
  • Lack of muscle mass due to diets and strength training, especially when gaining athletic mass.
  • Atherosclerosis.

Frozen seafood cocktail in cooking

A seafood cocktail is an independent dish that requires a suitable side dish. Typically, seafood is cooked in sour cream or white wine, avoiding the addition of seasonings or garlic. After preparation, the seafood cocktail has a pleasant marine aroma with a slight hint of sweetness. You can use 1-2 tsp as seasoning. lemon juice.

Advice! Before cooking, the seafood cocktail is boiled for 5 minutes, after which the resulting broth must be drained. Seafood is drained in a colander and then added to pasta or fried with butter.

To understand what is best to serve a seafood cocktail with, you need to look back at its homeland - these are the countries of the east, in particular China and Japan. Traditionally, a seafood cocktail is served with rice, the neutral taste of which does not overwhelm the taste of seafood. And in Italy, a seafood cocktail is served accompanied by white wine, and spaghetti is offered as a side dish.

Gastronomic advice! To prepare creamy seafood paste, boil the seafood cocktail for 5 minutes, drain the water. After this, place the seafood in heated butter, add 2 tbsp. l. sour cream (for 300 g seafood) and 1 tsp. lemon juice. Simmer under a closed lid for 7 to 15 minutes. It is recommended to serve the dish with spaghetti.

How to choose a frozen seafood cocktail?

To choose a high-quality seafood cocktail, purchase seafood processed by quick freezing at a temperature of -40 °C. It is recommended to pay attention to the following product information:

  • Seafood produced in Europe is subject to more rigorous controls than in Asian countries.
  • When purchasing, carefully remember the package with a seafood cocktail: if there are ice crystals in it, then the seafood has been subjected to repeated freezing and thawing. And this storage mode clearly does not benefit either freshness or quality.
  • Read the composition. Very often, species of marine life are unevenly distributed in a seafood cocktail. For example, there may be 55% of the weight of squid, and the remaining products account for 4-5% of the weight.


“For this cocktail, boiled seafood is used: pieces of squid, mussels, small whole octopuses or pieces of larger specimens, all seasoned with spices. The cocktail is filled with oil and sold as such. The special value of this cocktail is the presence of several types of seafood under one lid. The method of processing components allows you to preserve the components of the original product without destroying them. Vitamins: B9, B2, B6, B1. Among the microelements, the presence of nickel, cobalt, along with iodine, phosphorus and others is important. Drinking a cocktail has a rehabilitative effect on internal organs, especially the digestive system. The components of the cocktail accelerate the cleansing of the body and promote the natural removal of radionuclides. It is worth mentioning the positive effect that the components of the cocktail have on all muscle tissue. More often this product is consumed as an independent cold appetizer, but it can be used to prepare a variety of salads. The cocktail components are supplemented with vegetables, preferably fresh, but canned ones are also allowed. The cocktail is suitable for any type of side dishes, combined with pasta or risotto. The cocktail can be included in the hot sauce.”

Seafood cocktail in oil: Useful properties.

Seafood cocktail in oil: Harmful properties.

Seafood cocktail in oil: Vitamins.

Once unattainable for the common people and once the preserve of only self-sufficient people, seafood is now a frequent guest on our table. Frozen seafood cocktails can be seen in any store, and not necessarily only in the supermarket.

But buying is not enough. Does everyone know how to cook this healthy and delicious beauty correctly and deliciously? After all, this must be done according to all the rules, and not as necessary. Only then will you receive both benefit and pleasure from the prepared food. Let's look at a few recipes and learn more about assorted seafood.

What you need to know about sea cocktails (frozen)

  • Composition of the semi-finished product: starting with crustaceans (shrimp), bivalves (mussels) and ending with cephalopods (squid, octopuses), echinoderms.
  • Benefit: contains iodine and fats, amino acids, microelements, fat-soluble vitamins, of which there are a huge variety, environmentally friendly, low in calories (depending on what it is served with - mixtures with shellfish and crustaceans, cooked with vegetables and pasta are less high in calories).
  • Minus: seafood cocktail is a perishable product; if stored incorrectly, it may become unsafe for food (poisoning); You can’t cook often, because... Unsafe mercury, etc. can accumulate in fresh products (therefore it is better to take them frozen); For some, seafood is generally contraindicated due to intolerance or allergies to certain components.
  • Where to buy and how to choose: only in specialized stores; the fresh set smells normal, not like ammonia; The entire original packaging must be marked with the manufacturer, supplier, composition, and expiration date.
  • What's the best way to cook: making a cocktail that does not involve defrosting is preferable; but seafood fried under a lid will be very tasty and no less healthy.

What is the best way to prepare a seafood cocktail? On what? It could be a pot, a frying pan, a slow cooker, or a microwave. But, no matter how this healthy dish is prepared, you must follow a number of rules (more on them below). So, delicious recipes.

Sea cocktail with tiger shrimps and vegetables

The combination is simply fabulous! Gourmets don’t even need to introduce this dish. Lightly fried seafood with some kind of sauce in the company of vegetables that are bright in all respects - it’s hard to come up with something even more pleasant. Let's cook!


  • Sea cocktail (frozen) – 200 g
  • Tiger shrimps – 3-4 pcs.
  • Carrots – 100 g
  • Bell pepper – 100 g
  • Leek – 100 g
  • Celery – 70 g
  • Garlic – 4-5 cloves
  • Spices
  • Vegetable oil for frying

Step-by-step recipe for preparing a seafood cocktail with tiger prawns and vegetables

The seafood cocktail does not need to be defrosted. Firstly, it is possible, secondly, it is useful and thirdly, it will save time. But if they have already defrosted, you need to sprinkle them with vegetable (preferably olive) oil.

Step 1. Sea cocktail

Another key character is tiger shrimp. They must be very carefully cleared of their shell. Then lightly add salt and marinate in spices, lightly sprinkling with vegetable oil.

Step 2. Tiger prawns in marinade

While the seafood needs to marinate, let's start with the vegetables. Since the first process involves garlic, let's chop it finely, but not into a paste.

Step 3. Chop the garlic

Carrots and seafood? Nonsense? No. Tasty, healthy and very beautiful if we cut ordinary products in a special way. Let's say carrots. It will look great, say, in the form of thin slices cut into strips.

Step 4. Carrots cut into strips

We'll do the same with bell peppers. It would be nice if you came across specimens of different colors. There's so much positivity in this delicious plate! The format is the same.

Step 5. Bulgarian pepper strips

Leeks would be more appropriate here. After all, he is soft and gentle. Let's cut it into circles. Yes, and it will look impressive.

Step 6. Cut the leek into slices

Let's stop here. It's time to turn on the multicooker (or put the frying pan on the fire) to the frying mode. Pour some oil into the bowl and fry the garlic for a minute or two. Letting it lightly let us send the shrimp here to fry.

Step 7. Fry the shrimp

Before this, it is advisable to bread the shrimp, but not in the usual breading. All this will look good if they are dipped in sesame seeds or other chopped nuts. But in this case it is necessary to finish frying in a large amount of oil. And literally after a few minutes they can be removed.

Step 8. Sesame shrimp

In the same oil, cut the stalk celery crosswise into thin slices and place it and the rest of the vegetables in a bowl. Those. into the oil that remains after the shrimp. Let them simmer for a few minutes, take them out and place them on a napkin (let the excess oil drain off). After washing the bowl, pour literally a few drops of oil into it (or you can do without it) and add the vegetables here.

Step 9. Vegetables in a slow cooker

There is no need to fry vegetables for a long time. It is only advisable to simmer them slightly - they will crunch so pleasantly, delighting with their taste and filling the seafood with aroma. Yes, and don’t forget to chop the greens. Sprinkle it over the finished dish.

Step 10. Chopped greens

If the seafood has cooled slightly, you can hold it over steam or in the microwave. Serve hot only. How? You can do it separately, or all in one plate.

Step 11. Ready dish

Recipe for delicious seafood pilaf without carrots


  • 1 package of cocktail
  • 150 g rice
  • 50 g sunflower oil
  • 1 onion
  • 100 g bell pepper

We prepare incredibly tasty pilaf with sea cocktail

Boil rice in salted water; fry finely chopped onion in oil, almost immediately add strips of bell pepper with finely chopped garlic; simmer the vegetables until half cooked and add seafood to them, simmer again for about three minutes; Put the rice here, mix everything, add salt and simmer until done.

Delicious pizza stuffed with seafood


  • Pizza base
  • 1 package of sea cocktail
  • Tomato paste
  • Mayonnaise
  • Several olives
  • Tomato

Pizza with seafood - step-by-step recipe with photos

Having greased the base with tomato paste and mayonnaise (thinly!), put seafood with tomatoes and olives here (pre-cut). Keep in the oven for about twenty minutes. And everything is ready!

Salad with seafood and eggs - a recipe for healthy nutrition


  • 1 package of sea cocktail
  • 50 g vegetable oil
  • 200 g rice
  • 2 eggs

Preparing a salad with sea cocktail and egg - a recipe for weight loss

Let's cook the eggs and rice separately; Cool the finished rice and eggs; After boiling the sea mixture for 5 minutes, fry it and the finely chopped eggs in oil; combine and serve the salad!

Delicious salad with sea cocktail and vegetables


  • 1 package of sea cocktail
  • Lettuce leaves
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 100 g bell pepper
  • Olive oil
  • Mayonnaise to taste

Quickly prepare a delicious vegetable salad with seafood

Boil the sea mixture lightly (about five minutes) and dry, draining the water; mix seafood with chopped pepper; add mayonnaise mixed with oil (equal parts) and add finely chopped garlic to the mixture; Add pepper and seafood to the lettuce leaves, laid out on a dish, and pour the resulting sauce on top.

The simplest seafood salad - diet food


  • 1 pack of sea cocktail
  • Lettuce leaves
  • Lemon juice
  • Salt to taste
  • Spices to taste
  • Olive oil for frying

Preparing the most delicious seafood salad for those losing weight

Combine the boiled seafood mixture with torn lettuce leaves; pour in olive oil mixed with a few drops of lemon juice.

Some useful tips on how to choose a frozen seafood cocktail

  1. Choose a cocktail that doesn't have a lot of frost or ice inside.
  2. Look carefully at the contents of the package. For example, there should be no blackening on the shells of mussels. The color of the octopus should be a little dark and the consistency of the squid should be firm.
  3. Cook in salted water, but no more than 5 minutes.
  4. When frying, seafood is cooked for no more than 2-3 minutes.
  5. (No ratings yet)

What to eat to lose weight? What to cook for dinner? What to serve on the holiday table? A frozen seafood cocktail is suitable for any situation - a tasty and healthy mixture of seafood that is prepared easily and very quickly. Most often, a seafood cocktail is served as a salad, but this semi-finished product can be prepared in many other ways.

The composition of the sea cocktail and its features

A seafood cocktail is an assortment of boiled and frozen seafood. The composition may vary, but, as a rule, the mixture consists of shrimp, squid rings , tentacles of octopuses and mussels. Rarely are scallops or cuttlefish added to these seafood.

On average, the calorie content of a frozen sea cocktail is eighty to one hundred kilocalories per hundred grams. Protein content is about 15%, fat is about 2%, carbohydrate content in seafood is no more than one percent. Of course, depending on the composition, the calorie content and nutritional value may change: if you add more squid and octopus to the mixture, the seafood cocktail will be more nutritious, and if crustaceans and mollusks predominate, the calorie content will decrease. It must be taken into account that no matter how healthy a seafood cocktail is, the energy value of the finished dish also depends on what products it is combined with. Obviously, pasta with a seafood cocktail will be more nutritious than a seafood cocktail with vegetables.

The product is rich not only in protein, but also in vitamins, as well as iodine, phosphorus, and calcium. Seafood is considered a healthy food: low fat and low calorie content are combined with high protein content and a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Frequently including seafood in your diet will help you lose weight. Of course, we are talking only about seafood in its pure form, without fatty sauces: a seafood cocktail in creamy sauce will not contribute to weight loss in any way. A sea cocktail in oil is also not recommended for those who are watching their figure - it is better to give preference to a frozen mixture that does not contain excess fat. A sea cocktail in brine would not be the best choice for those who suffer from kidney disease or hypertension.

It must be taken into account that the sea cocktail may cause allergic reactions in some people. For this reason, shrimp, mussels and octopus are not recommended for young children. However, in the absence of allergies, you can safely introduce a sea cocktail in sour cream or in its natural form into the diet of older children.

Subject approach

Each manufacturer combines seafood in its own way when preparing a seafood cocktail - this is reflected both in the energy value and in the taste and usefulness of the product. It's worth looking at the most common ingredients in this mixture individually.

Shrimp are small crustaceans with a delicate, slightly sweet taste. In addition to calcium, iodine, sodium, potassium and magnesium, shrimp contain rare compounds of molybdenum, cobalt and manganese. Shrimp contain a lot of B vitamins, as well as vitamins PP, A, D, E. At the same time, these small crustaceans are real champions in cholesterol content;

Tender squid meat is rich in vitamins B, PP and E, as well as microelements: iodine, copper, phosphorus, selenium, iron. Squid also contains polyunsaturated fatty acids and components that can reduce cholesterol in the blood. But like shrimp, squid can be dangerous if caught in contaminated water;

Mussels are low in calories. They contain a lot of iodine, iron, phosphorus and cobalt. But it is necessary to take into account that mussels accumulate toxic substances contained in sea water. Therefore, it is recommended to eat artificially bred shellfish;

Octopus meat contains Omega-3 fatty acids in abundance, which today are considered almost a panacea and the best remedy for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. High protein content and low calorie content make octopus a highly desirable food for those who want to lose weight. Octopuses may also contain a lot of dangerous heavy metal compounds – consequences of pollution of the world’s oceans.

How to cook, how to marinate, how to fry a seafood cocktail

The taste of a seafood dish largely depends on how you cook the seafood cocktail - frozen or defrosted. The cooking time is also of great importance. In fact, the seafood cocktail comes on sale already brewed, which means it should not be cooked for a long time. For example, a seafood cocktail in a slow cooker is prepared in just a few minutes, and a seafood cocktail in a frying pan does not take much longer. Chefs recommend different stewing times: julienne a sea cocktail will be ready five minutes after the start of baking; a sea cocktail in tomato sauce or a sea cocktail with cream are also prepared within ten minutes.

You don’t have to cook a seafood cocktail at all, but simply serve it defrosted with sauce or aromatic marinade. You don’t need any special knowledge on how to marinate a seafood cocktail. To prepare a marinade for a sea cocktail, you just need to mix lemon juice, a drop of oil and pepper, garlic in arbitrary proportions to taste or ginger.

Seafood goes well with rice. Sea cocktail pilaf is an excellent replacement for regular pilaf with fatty meat. Lovers of Italian cuisine will prefer risotto with sea cocktail. Even a simply cooked seafood cocktail with rice will turn into a hearty, tasty, low-fat dish.

Another proven combination is a sea cocktail with pasta. Spaghetti with sea cocktail has long become a real symbol of Italian cuisine along with pizza.

Maria Bykova