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» Is it possible to throw a tennis ball like a boomerang? Intellectual marathon in physics. Improving short-range and under-the-rim shots

Is it possible to throw a tennis ball like a boomerang? Intellectual marathon in physics. Improving short-range and under-the-rim shots

In this article we will talk about one of the most important elements of basketball - the shot. And not just about throwing, but about how to achieve a significant increase in the accuracy of your throws, without radically changing their structure, that is, without relearning.

Of course, the correct throw, or, more precisely, the “classic throw from the forehead” is cool, correct and beautiful. However, it seems to me that what matters is not how you throw, but how effective those throws are. If your throw is difficult to cover and it regularly hits the hoop, you don’t need to change anything radically: look at your throwing technique Larry Bird, Michael Jordan, "Magic" Johnson And Ray Allen. They all shot differently, which didn’t stop them from scoring well; so draw your own conclusions.

Shooting Practice: Aiming Point

The tips you read below are recommendations Jay Wolf– throwing improvement specialist, organizer of summer sports camps, company owner StarShooter, you can read more about him on his website - Well, now, strictly speaking, advice divided into 2 parts: how to improve close-range shots; how to improve mid-range and long-range shots (3-point shots).

Improving short-range and under-the-rim shots

  • All short range shots, both to the right and to the left of the basket, must be performed with a rebound from the backboard and an aiming point.

In principle, nothing new, this is exactly where all shooting training in every sports school begins: they teach how to throw from the backboard, and the ball must touch the upper corner of the “square” drawn above the ring. The ball should touch this corner softly (remember reverse ball spin when throwing) and bounce into the basket. In order to concentrate the thrower’s attention on the aiming point, you can stick a dollar sign or a picture of a sight there. Remember: the shield is your best ally, be sure to learn to throw with a rebound from it.

  • Practice clean throws from under the ring and clean throws with a rebound from the backboard from the second "antennae".

So, let's figure it out. Clean throw- This is a throw in which the ball falls into the basket without touching the ring itself. To achieve such a throw, you need to throw very softly, with reverse rotation, finishing with the brush. Such throws require extreme concentration and change of trajectory from the basketball player. So, we make 5 shots from under the ring in a row, 3 of which must be clean. If it is very simple, then add the number of throws up to 10, trying to do everything cleanly. Throws can be made with a rebound from the backboard, but the ball should not touch the hoop itself. Challenge yourself - and pass this test with honor!

Mid-range and long-range shooting improvements

  • Again perform clean throws: 5 shots in a row from one point.

By the way, for me clean throws are big problem: the peculiarity of my throw is that I, as it were, load the far arch, “strike” which, the ball falls down. But here’s the problem - if the ring is a little higher than usual, then almost all the balls go into the near arc, and while I get used to it, I miss it a lot.

This task allows develop stable throwing accuracy. Five throws in a row help improve accuracy, because the shape of the throw, the effort applied, the trajectory - all this should be the same and repeated all the time. Clean shots force you to “raise” the trajectory, and this is also good: they are more difficult to cover and, as a rule, the ball will fall into the basket when it touches the ring. And one more thing: a high trajectory generates a short rebound, which will be easier for partners to compete for.

  • Execute several free throws in a row, before leaving the site (training).

This move will allow you to repeat all the elements of the throw again and develop confidence in your abilities. After the throw, you pick up the ball yourself, return to the free throw line, and shoot again. It is important to repeat the entire routine that occurs before free throws in the game. In order to recreate even more realistically game situation just add jerks to the exercise: throw the ball, make a dash for the ball (to the middle of the hall, etc.), return to the line again and throw. Players can be stimulated by some kind of competitive effect: who will spend the most time completing 5 (7, 10) free throws in a row - running, doing push-ups, carrying a partner to the locker room, etc.

  • Follow 200 free throws daily for 5 days, or 500 on the first day and 200 in the next 4 days. Goal: 25/25 shots, of which 15 will be clean.

Here you need to understand that you will need at least 1 partner who will “bring the cores”. In America, of course, this is not a problem; there are personnel there who receive money for this kind of service. But here it will be more difficult; we will have to look for like-minded people. According to Jay Wolf, such series of shots will help hone the form of the shot, the moment of release of the ball and the trajectory; and also - will increase the accuracy of 3-point shots. Again, according to Wolf, 100 throws will take 15 minutes.

I once tried to shoot such a series of free throws. My technique is this: I squat a little, then straightening my legs and straightening my body, I simultaneously straighten my arms. As soon as the body fully straightens (I also stand on my toes), the ball is released. It turns out - like one movement. So, from such lifts, my calves quickly began to hurt, my arms were tired, and my hand refused to twist the ball. But some results did appear, so the exercise is useful, even very useful.

  • Determine the places from which you throws most often in games– and practice your “crown points” by performing at least 5 clean throws in a row from these points.

I already wrote about this in an article about ways to develop a throw (), it didn’t turn out exactly the way I imagined it in my head, but it’s still very informative and useful.

  • Practice your throw correctly marked area, in a correctly marked shield. The court must have a properly drawn 3-point line.

And again I’ll complain a little: why in our country is everything done by those people who have no idea how it should be? Why are basketball markings made by people who have never played basketball and don’t know what a baseline is? As a result, it passes under the front arch of the ring. And the “three ruble” - why is it 6 meters on the right, and more than 7 on the left? Why?

So, try to choose good sites with the correct markings. And another note: at first it is very difficult to throw with a rebound from the backboard, if the backboard is a streetball one, i.e. much less than standard.

  • Retain your hands after throwing, as if guiding the ball into the basket until it gets there.

Here it should be noted that in his video about the throw, the legendary Pete Maravich(lessons from which will appear on the site soon) recommends not holding the brush fixed, but rather wave 2-3 times after the ball, repeating the final stage of the brush.

  • And once again about the type of throw: good throw, this is the one that 60% of the time is not covered by the opponent and reaches the basket.

The idea is that by doing these types of throwing workouts, you will be able to develop your confidence and improve your throwing consistency. And the belief that now you can score is a very cool thing.

Another little piece of advice from me personally: visualization– this is a thing that really works (someday I’ll write about it in the context of developing throwing skills, dribbling, muscle development, etc.). So, if, when releasing the ball towards the hoop, you mentally imagine how it will fall into the hoop, pleasantly rustling the net, the percentage of completions may increase. The main thing is to believe!

“Warm-up” 1. You can throw a boomerang so that it comes back without touching anything hard surface. Is it possible to throw a tennis ball like that? Answer: Just throw the ball up. 2. In the room there were 12 chickens, 3 rabbits, 5 puppies, 2 cats, 1 rooster, 2 hens. The owner entered the room with the dog. How many legs are there in the room? Answer: humans have two legs, just like animals have paws.

Guess a riddle! 1) The clothes are white, and the legs 2) May break, they are wearing red boots. It might get cooked, they’ll go out of fashion - that’s the problem! If you want, He will never take them off like a bird. It may turn. 3) It’s long, not a thread, 4) It lives in the water, It’s evil, it’s not a witch, It has no beak, but it pecks. Black, not raven. 5) All day on the water, 6) In the summer he follows the plowman, But he can’t get enough water. And before winter, he leaves screaming. GooseEgg Snake Fish DuckRook

Solve the problem! 1) There were 22 passengers on the trolleybus. Half of them were male. Suddenly, the trolleybus stopped, and the driver Petrov announced that a car was stuck ahead and needed help. All the men agreed to push the car. How many men from the trolleybus pushed the car? Answer: 12 men (including the driver).

5-6 grades




  1. It is known that a boomerang can be thrown so that it comes back. Can you throw a tennis ball and have it come back?
  2. When my father was 33, I was 10 years old, and now my father is twice my age. How old am I now?
  3. Two people are walking next to each other, one of them is the father of the other’s son. How can this be?
  4. Everyone knows that there is a way to put a model ship in a bottle. But how can you get a whole ripe cucumber into the bottle without damaging the bottle?
  5. The man tossed and turned in bed for a long time and could not fall asleep. Then he took the phone, dialed someone's number, listened to several long beeps, hung up and calmly fell asleep. Question: why couldn’t he sleep before?
  6. While changing the wheel of his car, a man dropped all four nuts of its fastening into the sewer drain grate, from where it was impossible to get them. He had already decided that he was stuck here, but a boy passing by gave him a very useful idea that allowed him to move on. What was his idea?
  7. Try to sit up straight and stand up from your chair without leaning forward or moving your legs. Is it possible to do this? Why (suggest options)
  8. A bank was robbed. Imagine for a moment that you are at the scene of an accident. Everything happened in 20 seconds (the time allotted for looking at the picture). Now try to help the investigation and answer a number of questions. (see Appendix 1)
  9. Weigh two objects.
  10. Measure the diameter (width) of the millet.

Criteria for evaluation:


Speed ​​(tasks 8-10)

Correct execution

7-8 grades

Target: development of cognitive interest in the subject;


Contribute to the deepening and generalization of knowledge in physics;

Develop the ability to think logically, reason, establish cause-and-effect relationships, and conduct experiments;

To cultivate in students interest and attention to the world around them.

Develop the ability to work in a team

Equipment: scales, coins, salt, chair, ruler, millet, tripod, paper, tables, water.

dynamometer, comb, pepper

1. What physical error is made in the following poem?

She lived and flowed on the glass,

But suddenly she was shackled with frost,

And the drop became a motionless piece of ice,

And the world has become less warm.
2. It is known that a boomerang can be thrown so that it comes back. Is it possible to throw a tennis ball and make it come back?
3. Why does the front axle of a cart wear out more and catch fire more often than the rear axle?

4. On the Moon, all things weigh 6 times less than on Earth. Imagine that on the Moon there is a lake with fresh water. A steamship was launched onto the lake, which in terrestrial freshwater lakes has a draft of 3 meters. How deep will our steamer sit in the water of the moon lake? At the same time, solve the following problem: where is a person who cannot swim more likely to drown - in an earthly lake or in our imaginary lunar lake??
5. Everyone knows that there is a way to put a model of a ship in a bottle. But how can you get a whole ripe cucumber into the bottle without damaging the bottle?
6. On an ordinary cup scale there are: on one cup there is a cobblestone weighing exactly 2 kg, on the other there is an iron weight weighing the same 2 kg. The scales were carefully lowered under the water. Did the cups remain in balance?
7. A petty thief, running away from the police, decided to jump from a moving train, how should he jump (in the direction of the train or not) so that he could run further?
8. Calculate what material the objects are made of. (Using physical equipment)9. How to get an egg from the bottom of the water with your hands without putting your hands completely into the water?
10. Try to sit up straight and stand up from the chair without leaning forward or moving your legs. Is it possible to do this? Why (suggest options)


Speed ​​(tasks 8-10)

Use of physical terms and ability to work with physical instruments

Correct execution

Maximum points

9-11 grades

Target: development of cognitive interest in the subject;


Contribute to the deepening and generalization of knowledge in physics;

Develop the ability to think logically, reason, establish cause-and-effect relationships, and conduct experiments;

To cultivate in students interest and attention to the world around them.

Develop the ability to work in a team

Equipment: scales, coins, salt, chair, ruler, millet, tripod, paper, tables, water.

dynamometer comb, salt, vegetable oil

1. On an ordinary cup scale there are: on one cup a cobblestone weighing exactly 2 kg, on the other an iron weight also weighing 2 kg. The scales were carefully lowered under the water. Did the cups remain in balance?
2. Suppose you need to knock down concrete wall 20 meters long, 3 meters high and weighing 3 tons. How will you complete this task if you have absolutely no tools at your disposal?
3. A petty thief, running away from the police, decided to jump from a moving train, how should he jump (in the direction of the train or not) so that he could run further?
4. Imagine that a bowl is floating in a basin of water. How to raise the water level in the basin to the maximum level - put a stone in the water or put it in a bowl?
5. It is known that a boomerang can be thrown so that it comes back. Can you throw a tennis ball and have it come back?
6. Which button must be pressed for the bell to ring?

7. A bank was robbed. Imagine for a moment that you are at the scene of an accident. Everything happened in 20 seconds (the time allotted for looking at the picture). Now try to help the investigation and answer a number of questions. (see Appendix 1)
8. Determine the volume of the body.
9. Try to sit up straight and stand up from the chair without leaning forward or moving your legs. Is it possible to do this? Why (suggest options)
10. Is it hard to be Cinderella? Let's check: separate the salt from the pepper without touching it with your hands


Speed ​​(tasks 8-10)

Use of physical terms and ability to work with physical instruments

Correct execution

Max. number of points

Annex 1

A bank was robbed. Imagine for a moment that you are at the scene of an accident. Everything happened in 20 seconds (the time allotted for looking at the picture). Now try to help the investigation and answer a number of questions.

  1. Do you remember the car number?
  2. Was there a radio in the car?
  3. Was the driver sitting on the right or left?
  4. Were there any dents or damage on the car, and if so, where?
  5. How many robbers were there?
  6. What type of hat was the driver wearing?
  7. Did you notice any special features on the bandit carrying the bag?
  8. How many people were standing on the steps?
  9. Was there any particular damage to the building?
  10. Who else witnessed the robbery?

When conducting an interview for an office position, employers try to approach the issue from a creative side and may offer several logic puzzles as one of the tasks. Moreover, it happens that the list of such tasks is the same for different employers. So before the interview, don’t be lazy to practice, or at least remember the answers.

1. A man lives on the 17th floor. He takes the elevator to his floor only when he is standing rainy weather or someone else riding in the elevator with him. If the weather is good and if he is alone in the elevator, he reaches the 9th floor and takes the stairs to his 17th floor. Why?

2. Balloon carried away by a continuous wind in a southerly direction. In which direction do the flags on his gondola flutter?

3. It is believed that there is a good reason why eggs have one end blunter than the other. What is this reason?

4. If it is raining at 12 o'clock at night, can we expect sunny weather 72 hours later?

5. A man tossed and turned in bed for a long time at night and could not fall asleep... Then he took the phone, dialed someone’s number, listened to several long beeps, hung up and calmly fell asleep. Question: why couldn’t he sleep before?

6. Masha and Sasha agreed to meet on a date at the entrance to the park at exactly 9 pm. But bad luck, both Sasha and Masha’s watches are going wrong! Sasha’s watch is 3 minutes behind, but he thinks on the contrary that it is 2 minutes ahead. Masha’s watch is 2 minutes fast, but she thinks that it is 3 minutes behind. Which one of them do you think will be late for the date?

7. A man and a woman are sitting next to each other. “I am a woman,” says the man with dark hair. “I am a man,” says the man with blond hair. Of these, at least one definitely told a lie. Who exactly do you think told the lie? Or are they both lying?

8. How should you throw a tennis ball so that it definitely comes back to you?

9. B bookcase One scientist has two books on one shelf. The first book stands to the left of the second, next to it. The first book has 230 pages, the second 325 pages. How many pages do you think there are between the first page of the first book and the last page of the second book?

10. Two mushroom pickers brag to each other. The first one says: “In 5 weeks I collected 10 buckets of mushrooms.” The second one says: “And in 2 weeks I collected the same amount of mushrooms.” In how many days will they collect 10 buckets of mushrooms, working together?

11. The compass needle, as you know, points north with one end and south with the other. Is there a globe such a place where the compass needle points north at both ends?

12. A father with a sly smile asks his first-grader son a question: “Tell me the largest number.” Having received the answer, he only shakes his head in surprise, not knowing what to object. What did the son answer?

13. They put a pencil on the table and asked several people to jump over it. But no one could do it. Why?

14. In a company of friends, one of them came up with the idea to propose an argument to them:

Guys, I’ll now put the bottle in the middle of the room and crawl into it.

And he succeeded... he won.

How did he do it?

15. There is a road on which only one car can pass. Two cars are driving along the road: one from the mountain, the other downhill. How can they leave?


1. This person is a midget and cannot reach the 17th button... But he can reach it with an umbrella or ask someone to press this button.

2. A ball carried away by an air current is at rest relative to the surrounding air; therefore, the flags will not flutter in the wind in any direction, but will hang down, as if there was no wind.

3. If a spherical or oval egg rolled away, it would move in a straight line. But asymmetrical eggs, in which one end is blunt and the other sharp, tend to roll in a circle when rolled. If the egg is in a precarious place, such as on the edge of a precipice, the tendency to roll in a circle rather than in a straight line will be a good advantage.

4. No, because in 72 hours it will be midnight again.

5. Behind his wall, a neighbor was snoring very loudly, who woke up from a phone call.

6. As a result, Masha will arrive 5 minutes earlier, and Sasha will be 5 minutes late.

7. Both the man and the woman tell lies. Solution: If the first person is telling a lie, then the one with dark hair is a man. Then a man with blond hair cannot be. If the second person is telling a lie, then the one with blond hair is a woman. Then a person with dark hair cannot be a woman. The only true option remains - they are both lying.

8. Throw up.

9. Between these book pages there are only bindings.

10. In 10 days. Solution: the first mushroom picker collects 10 buckets of mushrooms in 35 days, and in 70 days he collects 20 buckets of mushrooms. The second mushroom picker collects 10 buckets of mushrooms in 14 days, and in 70 days he collects 50 buckets of mushrooms. Therefore, acting together, in 70 days they will collect 70 buckets of mushrooms. As a result, they will collect 10 buckets in 10 days.

11. Yes, there is such a place. This is the south geographic pole. No matter which direction you go from it, there will be only one direction - to the north, because everywhere around it is north. Therefore, the needle of a compass placed on South Pole, both ends will point north. Just like a compass needle placed on the north geographic pole of the Earth, its two ends will point south.

12. Thirty-first (meaning the day of the month).

13. They placed him close to the wall.

14. He crawled into her room.

15. Why do they need to leave? They both go downhill (downhill and downhill).