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» Is it possible to store a hoverboard in winter on a balcony. We send the hoverboard for the winter. Temperature regime: what is it

Is it possible to store a hoverboard in winter on a balcony. We send the hoverboard for the winter. Temperature regime: what is it

Many modern models of hoverboards are resistant to the vagaries of the weather. But even with all this, not every owner will decide on long walks in winter period. And therefore, most often the second half of November becomes the final in the season of operation of this two-wheeled device.

In order to start using your hoverboard without problems in the spring, it's time to take care of its safety in the winter.

How to prepare?

Clean the case from dust and dirt, wipe the surface dry.

Fully charge the battery and remove it from the hoverboard key for separate placement. Separate - it means not just in another bag, it means in another closet or on another shelf. So you save its energy intensity. It is also recommended to recharge the battery at least once a month to maintain working condition.

If your model has inflated wheels, be sure to pump up the tires.

Pack the case in a special bag for hoverboards. In its absence, you can use a dense linen bag.

Where to store?

When choosing a place, it should be borne in mind that a hoverboard is primarily an electronic device powered by a battery. Therefore, it requires the adoption of special measures for proper conservation. For example, stable temperature. Sudden changes in temperature can be detrimental to a hoverboard, as well as being in a room where the thermometer shows below 0 or above 20 degrees. should be feared and high humidity. Therefore, storage on the balcony or in the garage is not the most good options. It is better to give preference to a pantry or closet located in a heated room.

Make sure the place is reliable and not too "popular". To avoid frequent peeking and minimize the risk of accidental falls.

How to store?

Vertically or horizontally? Here, experts give us the right to choose and convince us that the position of the hoverboard during storage does not matter.

Agree, there are not so many rules and their observance will not be difficult. But it guarantees you the reliable preservation of the hoverboard during the inactive period.

And if you decide to please yourself with a newer and modern model hoverboard or chose this electronic device as a gift for loved ones on the eve of the upcoming holidays, then we invite you to visit our website in a specialized section. There you can choose the best option for you in terms of price-quality ratio, complete the purchase with all the necessary accessories. Don't delay pleasant chores For later, place your order now!

Any owner of a newfangled device - a gyro scooter, is interested in the question: is it possible to operate the mechanism in winter. In principle, the device is ready for operation at any time, with optimal selection models and configurations. Of course, one should not forget about the peculiar feature of batteries, which does not allow them to constantly work at low temperatures and renders it unusable in frost. That is why the ideal temperature for operation is from +7 to +35 degrees, and for the cold period it is most advisable to refuse the vehicle and organize it proper storage. Let's figure out how to properly store the hoverboard so that it lasts as long as possible:

  • Temperature regime- not lower than 0 0 C. Lower temperatures adversely affect the service life of the battery.
  • Before sending the scooter for storage, you should check the battery level, it should be at around 50%. Next, you need constant monitoring of the charge level and the need to recharge to 50% of the state, preventing it from dropping to 0. It is enough to check the charge once a month.
  • It is not recommended to keep the charge at 100%, especially during long-term storage.
  • In no case should you store the battery of the gyro scooter completely discharged, since the battery charge below 20% will lead to its early failure.
  • It is better to store the gyroboard wrapped in cellophane or cardboard box so that neither dust particles nor moisture enter the inside of the device. But, make sure that all parts are clean and dry before packing for storage. For these purposes, you can wipe it from the outside damp cloth, and then use a conventional heater, which is placed near the hoverboard and dries the internal parts for several hours. Most importantly, do not place the device directly on the heater - maintain a distance of at least 30–40 cm.
  • Another important factor that is recommended to be taken into account when storing a hoverboard in the winter is the humidity indicator in the room. The air must be dry and warm, because the high moisture content reduces the life of the device.
  • For storage, it is best to choose a ventilated room.
  • It is advisable not to allow penetration of direct sunlight, because fluctuations in the temperature of the gyro scooter nodes reduce its service life.
  • After deciding where to store your gero scooter in the winter, you need to carefully prepare it. Separate the battery, clean the device from dirt, charge the battery to 50%, pack it tightly in polyethylene, and put it in a prepared room at a height of 40-70 cm from the floor. Basically, for long-term storage it is not necessary to disconnect the battery from other energy consumers of the gyro scooter, this will not greatly affect the self-discharge rate, but it will save time when assembling the device before starting operation.

If everything is clear with the storage of the battery, then the question arises: is it possible to store the remaining parts of the gero scooter - wheels, platform, board - when negative temperature, because they are not supported by self-discharge. Any technique, whether it is on or off, is very susceptible to all sorts of cataclysms, be it ordinary dust, excessive humidity or critically low air temperature. That is why, in order to optimally maintain the performance of all parts of the hoverboard, it is necessary to select conditions that correspond to three basic rules: the room is only ventilated, there is no direct sunlight, and the temperature regime ranges from 0 0 С to +30 0 С.

We have gone from a funny toy to a full-fledged vehicle for the city. Today it is quite clear that a good ten-inch mini Segway is suitable for both pleasure rides and everyday business trips. And, of course, like any vehicle, the gyrocycle must be kept in order. The same thorough care is required, both for models and from models.

What should I do to take care of my hoverboard?

    Choose your path carefully. Avoid serious obstacles (pronounced paving stones, pits, gravel, sand and other off-road), naturally, do not allow direct collisions with anything: the body of the gyrocycle is strong enough, but a strong blow can damage it. Only gyroscooters can easily drive through many bumps;

    Don't drown your gadget. Gyrobikes are quite waterproof and can handle rain easily, but trying to drive directly through a deep puddle can cost you dearly. In the truest sense of the word;

    Wash the gyrocycle. If the mini Segway has been exposed to rain, mud or snow, it needs to be washed. In no case do not place the gadget directly under a stream of water! Type it into a bucket, wet a rag and wash the wheels. Make sure that water does not flow into the housing. Now moisten the rag again, wring it out and wipe the hoverboard body. Immediately wipe it dry with a soft cloth. IMPORTANT: do not use too strong or abrasive cleaners, ordinary laundry soap will suffice.

Also make sure that the battery is properly charged: try to connect it to the outlet only after it is almost completely discharged and do not hold it for too long. Charged? Disable. It is better not to put it at night: after too long recharging sessions, the battery capacity may drop.

After buying a hoverboard, many do not understand exactly how it should be stored at home, as well as how carefully you need to ride it at home. In fact, there is nothing difficult here, you just need to follow a few rules that will help you maximize the life of your vehicle to the maximum. So what is a hoverboard at home, how to properly store and use it?

Storage in summer and winter

So you bought yourself a gyro scooter and are ready to ride it and use it to the fullest. First of all, you need to learn how to stand on it, and it is clear that many do not carry it on the street for the first experiments, but learn to use it directly at home. In order to learn how to stand on it, you need to choose the most big room in home.

After that, it is advisable to immediately charge it, for this, first we plug the wire of the power supply into the outlet. Then look at the plug from the block, and then at the socket itself - there should not be any extra items, and these things should also be dry and free of dirt and dust. In which case, wipe the hoverboard itself and the charging socket with a dry cloth.

After the hoverboard is fully charged, put the device itself on flat surface floor, it is desirable that the floor is even. Turn on the scooter and try to stand on it. It is advisable that someone belay you and hold your hand, so you can fall and break something in the house.

After you learn how to stand and ride well, you must remember that the hoverboard must be properly stored at home. If this summer time and you constantly use it, be sure to wipe it from dust and dirt after each use, try not to leave it dirty. Similarly, it is advisable to wipe the wheels, which may become covered with dirt.

If your hoverboard has inflatable wheels with chambers, then be sure to make sure that there are inside the wheels correct pressure. It is impossible that the wheels are heavily pumped, otherwise you will simply ruin the tires themselves and the chambers inside, but also they should not be heavily deflated, otherwise you can tear the rubber itself.

AT winter time or when you are not using the hoverboard, be sure to ensure that the battery level does not fall below 10%. The fact is that when the battery level is below this value, rechargeable battery deteriorates and loses its good qualities. It is advisable to charge the device once every two weeks at this time.

Also, for the period of inactivity of your device, you need to slightly reduce the pressure in the wheels, but not much, otherwise the wheels may deform over time. And you should not pump them over, otherwise the wheels will lose their elasticity or shape. If possible, cover the hoverboard with a rag that will prevent dust from settling both inside the device itself and on the case itself.

Skating at home

hoverboard is pretty fast remedy movement, and the gyroscooter at home turns into just a high-speed car. Therefore, try if you have the opportunity to ride at home, then remove all glass and breakable things from the aisles that you can break. If you want your child to ride the scooter at home, then try to protect him and remove all things that can fall from above, such as vases, boxes on cabinets, etc.