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» Is it possible to give money on Monday evening? Favorable days for deposits and investments. When not to give money

Is it possible to give money on Monday evening? Favorable days for deposits and investments. When not to give money

Paying off debts is a whole science, since any banknotes have a magical side. Therefore, to succeed in the financial field, you need to handle money correctly.

We have prepared an article from which you will learn how to repay debts and much more interesting things.

How to borrow money

Obviously, before paying off debts, you first need to collect them. This means that from this moment we will begin our immersion in the topic.

So, you are going to borrow a certain amount. First of all, determine how long you can pay. And never take more than you can return. Otherwise, you will not be rich or even moderately wealthy.

If you have a bad habit of paying off debts late or not in full, don’t be surprised that sooner or later they will finally stop trusting you. As a result, you simply will have no one to ask. Maybe there will be a couple of devoted and naive friends who turn a blind eye to your sloppiness. But you will probably be ashamed to use their sacred trust.

First of all, remember: you should always pay off debts. No excuses or delays. Taking other people's money for yourself will not make you rich or happy. While you will ruin your karma, as well as your reputation, that’s for sure. Return any amounts without regret. As a result, you will get something much greater in the future.

But, be that as it may, no one likes to repay debts. Therefore, do not borrow unless absolutely necessary! Don't have enough food or do you urgently need to treat your child? These are good reasons to borrow. Do you want a newer phone or shoes from a new collection? These are no longer particularly compelling reasons. The same can be said about purchasing any luxury items. Maybe it’s better to be patient and save up?

Learning to repay debts correctly

Do not pay the lender after sunset, as this is a direct path to poverty. Money doesn’t like this and “takes revenge” on the owner, slipping through his fingers. For example, people begin to lose their wallets or jobs. Therefore, you need to repay debts at a time when there is daylight in the sky.

Sunday, Monday and Tuesday are the most unsuitable days for calculation. This is what ancient folk wisdom says. It’s better to agree with your lender on another date.

However, it may be that it is impossible to reschedule the meeting and the only option is to pay on a non-financial day. The same applies to evening or night time. There are certain rules on how to repay debts in such a situation. First of all, do not pass bills from hand to hand. Try to place them on a natural wood surface.

Collect banknotes with the largest denomination - the more, the better. If you train yourself to repay debts this way, your business will go uphill. Because your wallet will begin to contain the same “serious” bills.

One additional detail worth mentioning is the non-financial time of day or day of the week. When returning funds at such a time, avoid the numbers 0 and 2. Because of them, you will suffer financially. However, we discussed the numerical issue in detail below.

What do the numbers on banknotes hide?

As you already understand, paying off debts is a tricky business. Almost every nuance is important here.

For example, number 1 - what do you know about it? Meanwhile, it is undesirable to borrow a banknote with such a sign, since it is the most insignificant in value. After one comes two - also an unfavorable number. Especially in combination with zeros.

Paying off debts with an amount that includes a three is not bad. A four promises the giver financial stability, and a five promises luck.

Six and seven are faithful companions of those people who dream of saving up for something. However, it should be remembered that such banknotes cannot be handed over under any circumstances. Place them only on wooden objects. Yes, even on positive financial days and in daylight.

It is difficult to say whether it is worth paying off debts in amounts that contain an eight. It doesn't happen once at a time. Maybe you'll get rich, maybe you won't. With nine, everything is much clearer - this number always prevents the giver from saving money.

Debtor's memo

As mentioned above, Tuesday is a negative financial day. Don't borrow on Tuesday! Otherwise, you will struggle with lack of money for a whole year. Funds will be spent quickly, but it will take a long time to replenish reserves.

Money loves active daytime. They say it is very difficult to pay off debts if you borrow after sunset. Even if it seems that you have everything covered, it’s better to wait until the morning. Otherwise, something unexpected will most likely happen and you will let your good lender down.

Speaking of kind lenders: accept financial support only from such. If you like the person, then repaying your debts will not be so difficult. In addition, negatively minded people, along with banknotes, transfer some of their negative energy to you.

When borrowing, offer the person a symbolic deposit. For example, a passport or an inexpensive but favorite piece of jewelry. The trick to this technique is motivation. You will probably want to pay quickly in order to get your things back!

You need to repay debts as quickly as possible and without a drop of doubt. It is best to do this before the appointed time approaches. So, you will “make friends” with the energy of finance. This means that money luck will come to you. Wonderful, isn't it?

Learning to repay debts according to the Lunar calendar

The Waning Moon is your good ally in this matter. By making calculations during this period, you attract success. The debtors of the past discovered this fact long before you were born.

If you followed the advice of your ancestors and decided to pay off your debts on the waning moon, remember a simple ritual. After parting with the amount of money, come home and turn off the light in the room. Light a candle and read “Our Father” over it three times. An important condition: the room should be very quiet at this time. Thirty days will pass, and you will see for yourself that you have become a wealthier person.

The waning moon will help not only to repay debts. There is another ritual indirectly related to our topic. Take a large amount of money and hide it in a corner where no one is looking. Take her from there in 21 days. Repeat the ritual monthly. So, there will never be poverty in your home.

How to pay off debts without becoming poor

Remember that by returning small bills, you, as it were, “pinch off” luck from yourself in favor of the person to whom you give it. And when you give away big ones, on the contrary, you keep all the luck for yourself.

You cannot repay debts with direct pieces of paper. Fold them in half or roll them. So, positive monetary energy will remain with you.

Let us emphasize once again: do not miss deadlines! For this is a direct road to debt or loneliness. No one wants to deal with an unnecessary petitioner. Would you like it yourself?

It is important not only to repay debts competently, but also to charge your living space for material success. Place a money tree planter in the most popular room in your home. And may good luck be with you!

Items to attract money

You've probably seen a golden figurine of a frog on three legs more than once. This is what you need. This powerful amulet attracts money in foreign currency. Feel free to place it on the main desk in your office. So, your business will be successful, which means you will have to take on and repay debts infrequently.

Perhaps you have come across an amulet in the form of three Chinese coins with a red thread across them? This is also a very useful thing. Hang it above the kitchen stove and you will forget about such an annoying phenomenon as an empty refrigerator.

And here is another useful element of interior decor: an amulet in the form of a ship with money. It should definitely be purchased so that the house is full. It is best to place such a thing in the living room. And when you go on a trip, take the money boat with you. It’s not that it will help pay off debts, but it will definitely save you from a lot of problems along the way.

Maybe you have a school-age child? Why doesn’t he already have a fountain-shaped amulet on his desk? This needs to be fixed urgently! The fountain creates a positive atmosphere on an emotional level. This means that your child will always be successful.

However, the listed talismans are not a panacea. For them to work, you must first of all be able to repay debts. It is also important to believe in the power of magical objects and handle them carefully. In a word, show them respect!

And now some money secrets

Well, now you know how to repay debts. It seems it's time to think about smart savings. The more you save, the less you have to ask. Put at least a little bit from each item of income into your piggy bank. And no impulsive spending!

Be sure to count your change. And in general, any money that comes into your hands or leaves them. Don’t be shy about counting bills if you have to borrow or pay off debts. No one will be offended at you for this, and you will receive only continuous benefits.

Try to both repay debts and take them on with a smile and a pure heart. The same goes for charity. Give small amounts occasionally to those in need. You will see, you will not become poorer from this, but rather, on the contrary, you will become richer.

However, when it comes to alms, you also need to know when to stop. Sometimes it happens that you borrow money, hoping for it to be returned, but in the end it turns out that you just gave alms. This is precisely the kind of “charity” that should be avoided. Do not lend to people who cannot and do not want to repay their debts. Thus, you create a “hole” in your wallet.

And finally

Everything described in this article is the fruit of centuries of study of the monetary issue. Respect the heritage of your ancestors! Master the art of repaying debts, and you will not know troubles. At least material ones!

Money is a very delicate substance that requires special treatment. They do not like spenders, but they are also reluctant to go to greedy people. The ability to correctly take and repay debt is very important in relationships with finances. If you lend money to everyone, but you yourself cannot ask for a loan when you need it, or vice versa, you yourself do not want to lend money to anyone, but are always begging for money, then you cannot avoid financial problems.

When and how to take and repay debt correctly?

Take out a loan if you are in dire need. It is advisable to contact only relatives and ask exclusively for food. Spend other people's money only on the most necessary products (bread, milk, potatoes). Sit without sweets and without meat for a week, and maybe learn to plan your budget. Remember that other people’s money “conflicts” with your own; it can attract more and more debts and financial failures. Therefore, the amount of debt should not be large. The most painless compromise in the relationship between your own and other people’s money is a loan, that is, debt with interest. Use a loan only if you are confident that you can repay it painlessly. But remember that in this way you are still robbing yourself of part of your future financial well-being.

Signs for those who borrow:

  1. A very bad day for borrowing money is Tuesday. It is believed that you will be in debt for the whole year.
  2. Don't borrow money in the evening, it will be difficult to pay it back.
  3. Take money only from people you like. Otherwise, you can bring bad energy into your home.
  4. Ask for a loan only in the first week after the new moon
  5. Back up your loan with some kind of collateral, so you will pay it back sooner

Signs for those who repay debt

So, what day is better to pay off debts? In general, it is best to give money when the contract period for its return approaches, day after day. This way you can avoid many problems. But there are also some signs and beliefs associated with debt repayment:

  1. You should not repay your debt in the evening. Money, like all of nature, falls asleep at sunset and wakes up at dawn, so serious manipulations with money are best done in the morning.
  2. You should not pay off your debt on Monday, otherwise you will face financial setbacks.
  3. Return money in small denominations
  4. You should not give away unfolded banknotes. Fold the bill in half and present it with the folded end first.
  5. It is best to repay the debt on the waning moon
  6. Be sure to repay your debts! Other people's money will not bring you happiness.

Everyone has borrowed and lent money at least once in their life. Most people do this so often that the loan process itself has acquired an incredible number of signs that should contribute to future enrichment. People talk about when it is better to repay debts, give advice on how, to whom and where it is best to borrow. Whether to follow them, everyone decides for himself. Only one thing remains immutable - borrowed money is always worth paying back.

Rules for borrowing money

Superstitions regarding material wealth are the most common. Often people are so accustomed to them from birth that they follow their recommendations automatically, without thinking. Therefore, the first thing to do is discuss them. Some of the most popular signs for borrowing money include the following:

  • No one will return funds borrowed on Sunday.
  • It is better to transfer money with your right hand, and take it back with your left.
  • Anyone who borrows money on Monday will waste it on insignificant things when it is returned to him.
  • On Tuesday it is better not to borrow money from anyone, otherwise your whole life will be spent in debt.
  • Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are the best days to receive and lend money.
  • Taking money at Christmas and Easter is a bad omen. In general, it is better not to carry out any financial manipulations on Orthodox church holidays.
  • There are some signs regarding Christmastide and Epiphany: from December 31 to January 19, it is better not to part with your finances, otherwise you will be in need all year.
  • Poor people should be given loans by reciting a spell.
  • It is better not to make any borrowings in the evening (more precisely, at sunset). It is better to do this during the day, or even better in the morning. But if the matter is urgent, then you should at least wait until nightfall. By the way, evening is the time when you cannot take bread and salt out of the house.
  • Popular beliefs say that you should donate at least 10% of your income to those in need.

Various kinds of superstitions also apply to debts.

The listed customs are more magical. But it turns out that astrology is not far behind magic, offering its own rules that recommend when it is better to give back money borrowed:

  • You cannot deal with loans on a new moon or a full moon.
  • To become richer, it is better to give money when the moon is waxing. Accordingly, on the contrary, take it if it decreases.

People have come up with signs that apply to all kinds of signs seen in a dream. Thus, it is considered a good omen if a person borrows money from deceased relatives. But counterfeiting banknotes in a dream is a bad omen that threatens financial losses.

The question of how to lend correctly so that the money flows, related to omens, is a separate topic, widely covered on various Internet resources. It is much more important to know the necessary rules related to legislation, so as not to subsequently face the problem of a non-repaid loan.

Psychology luminaries advise promising to provide a loan only in situations where you are absolutely confident in the person – the borrower, and at the same time are ready for the fact that you will have to say goodbye to the money forever. When it comes to loans, the problem most often concerns the question of whether it is possible to lend money to close friends and relatives. After all, most in such a situation will be embarrassed to ask for a receipt.

Therefore, sometimes the best way out of a situation is to refuse. It is only advisable to present it in a soft, reasoned form. Otherwise, a categorical “no” can alienate loved ones. For example, you can say that the available amount is set aside for very important needs. It would be better in such circumstances to advise how you can get money in another way.

Again, from the experience of many fellow citizens, we can conclude that you should not lend money to a man if he asks for it from a woman. Except for very serious life circumstances, of course. Such as natural disasters, emergency surgery, etc.

The safest way to lend is by concluding an agreement or against a receipt.

Any debt specialist will tell you that a responsible person will only borrow the amount that he is willing to give so that this fact will not undermine the financial stability of the lender and his family.

If a person decides to lend money, then it is necessary to agree in advance on the final date of return. Vague wording “You will return it as soon as you can” is unacceptable. Otherwise, even having received the required amount at his disposal, the borrower often rushes to spend it somewhere, spending it on his own needs. That’s why you shouldn’t be shy, but it’s better to immediately say about your requirements and wishes. This approach, oddly enough, helps to maintain a good relationship between the lender and the borrower much better. Although these are general recommendations, each particular case of a relationship is unique.

If the matter concerns strangers, then the best solution would be to conclude a written agreement, not trusting spoken assurances. Especially if we are talking about impressive amounts. The document will need to disclose the issue of payment deadlines. It is permissible to establish interest on the use of the provided amount. When issuing a loan, it is not prohibited to require collateral. This fact must also be reflected in the contract. You should always remember that all monetary obligations must be stated in the contract only in rubles (Article 317 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

If such a document is not drawn up, then there is always a possibility that the debtor, after some time, will declare that the terms of the agreement were different and will try to evade responsibility.

The document can indicate that in the event of the death of the borrower, his obligations pass to the main heir, and it is he who will be obliged to return the amount of money.

How to repay a debt correctly

If a written agreement or receipt was drawn up when receiving a loan, then the options and terms for repaying the amounts must be specified in the document itself. The person who is the borrower must be guided by them.

It is important not only to lend correctly, but also to get rid of debts

When returning directly, you must agree in advance on the time and place of the meeting by telephone. The fact of transfer of money must be documented. For example, the creditor may write a receipt. As an option, it is permissible to invite witnesses to the meeting who can confirm the reality of the transfer.

When and how not to repay debts

Next, you need to understand when you can repay the debt with money and at what time. Let us first turn once again to folk signs. Firstly, you cannot return borrowed money after the sun has set until dawn. It is also not advisable to do this in the evening. But if there is an urgent need, then you should try and transfer banknotes not from hand to hand. You can put the required amount on the table, and the borrower will take it from the surface.

The worst days for debt repayment are Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. It would also be useful to find out which day of the week is best to repay a monetary debt. Friday is considered the most favorable in this regard. Good days for this are Thursday and Saturday. The environment is considered neutral. So, it would be useful to check the return schedule with the calendar. Especially for those who are accustomed to not rejecting the long-term observations of their ancestors.

The issue of lending is very broad and often comes down to when one should not lend money. Although it would be more correct to focus not on signs and superstitions, but to pay more attention to the legal protection of the transaction. 2018 has not yet brought any significant changes in this area. But Russian legislation periodically undergoes some changes, so the best solution when providing large amounts as a loan is to contact a qualified lawyer.

You can learn about the return of money by receipt from the video:

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date!

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- When a debt is repaid to you, keep the fig in your pocket (do it with your left hand).

— The debt must be repaid in the morning so that the money can be found (it is).

- You cannot lend money or bread in the evening - there will be neither one nor the other in the house (salt should not be given to neighbors at all).

— Don’t lend money on Monday, otherwise all the money will leave the house (there is a popular wisdom that says: Don’t lend money).

- Whoever eats a lot of blueberries is not afraid of poverty (a folk sign promises money, doctors guarantee good health to a person who regularly eats blueberries).

— Changing rubles into small change means tears, large bills into small ones means spending (it’s better to spend money without changing).

- The sun has set - don’t sweep the trash out of the house, you’ll sweep away the wealth (a very correct sign).

— After the guests leave, shake the tablecloth outside so that the money can be found.

- Don’t sit on the table, it leads to poverty.

- If a beggar asks you and looks you in the eyes, give him a coin and say: pray to Jesus Christ, he will give you more.

- A beggar must be given silver, a beggar copper, so as not to become poor. You cannot give paper bills to the poor (a very true sign).

- You can’t whistle in the house - you’ll whistle all the money (an old sign).

— If you give someone a kitten or a puppy or another animal, you need to take money as payment.

- Empty bottles should not be kept on the table to ruin (to grief, to quarrel, to tears).

- If you want money to arrive, keep all paper money in your wallet facing you (a very good sign).

— To have more money, put an aspen leaf in your wallet (this sign is considered folk wisdom).

— To keep money in the house, put a coin in each corner (the main thing is not to touch them later).

- When big money comes to you, put aside some banknote and always carry it with you so that it attracts other money to you. Never waste it or exchange it.

- If your nose starts to bleed, drop it on the largest bill in your wallet, several of them will come.

- To make money flow into the house, place the broom with the handle down (superstition).

— Seeing excrement in a dream means money. The more excrement, the more money you get.

- Don’t stand on the threshold, otherwise it will be difficult for money to enter the house (folk sign).

- Cut your nails on Tuesday or Friday so that the money flows.

- Don’t put money on the table, it will lead to financial losses (more of a life observation than a sign).

— When your left hand itches, unexpected money will come.

- A bird from above marked you, a big money arrival (sign).

- To make big money come, on the young moon, stroke a gray cat with white paws through its fur and scratch its whiskers, and say: “Little cat, give us some money, maybe we’ll get some more.”

Money doesn't like light.

When there is no money, there are many desires for where to spend it, and the larger the amount, the fewer desires there are.

The larger the amount of money, the faster it increases (money attracts money).

Money is not given back if the debtor has any financial or other obligations.

You cannot lend money to a person to whom you have some obligations; he will not return the debt, believing that he has the right to do so.

You cannot lend money if there is no mechanism for returning it.

You need to love money and constantly think about it.

When returning, say: “So that you and I will always have more,” passing the bills from hand to hand.

Money needs to be kept in the house (“Money comes to money”), and regularly counted.

Never crush banknotes, tear them, or trample them underfoot.

There should be a coin under the threshold (silver). Stepping over the threshold, say: “I’m home and the money is with me.”

The coins should be in the corner of the room. The larger the slide, the stronger the vibrations. Do not sweep, do not pick up.

Do not lend on Tuesday and on the waning moon. And also in the evening.

Do not take money from hand to hand - damage can easily be done to it.

Tip generously for a job well done - you'll get back three times as much.

Economic law - the higher your income, the higher your expenses. “As much as it came, so will it go.”

Don't borrow or pay back money in the evening. If the situation is hopeless, put the money on the floor, table, cabinet. Just not on the dinner table.

You have to pay for everything.

The more you give, the more you receive.

When borrowing, say: “So that you and I always have more.” With these mutual spells you close the money circle

Take money with your left hand, give with your right.

Remember, when you return money, you return energy.

Money should always be in circulation. You cannot save money “in your pocket”; it is better to use a bank for savings purposes; to reduce the risk, several different banks. Money loves circulation because this is its native environment.

You need to receive money with pleasure, and part with it without regret.

Never set yourself the goal of accumulating money, since money cannot be a goal, but only a means to achieve goals. (Possible goals achieved with the help of money are an apartment, a car, a trip abroad, etc.).

Respect for money. If you see a coin on the road, be sure to pick it up, because if you pass by, you will show your disrespect for the egregor of money; you don’t need to worship him, but you must respect him.

Handle money politely.

When they come to you, talk to them, for example, “Hello, my coins, my little crispy pieces of paper,” or you can also say the “magic” phrase: “Money to money.”

When they leave you, tell them: “Goodbye, my coins, my little crispy pieces of paper, I hope we see you again soon.”

Signs that will bring you money.

In order for the money you earn to love your home, you cannot spend more than a single ruble on payday; the entire amount must be spent overnight at home. Some priests of worldly wisdom advise saving a large bill for a year, which, they say, “charged” with your energy, will begin to attract money to itself. There will be no money: if you whistle indoors, you will need to clear the crumbs from the table with your hand. You cannot lend bread and salt to your neighbor - wealth may leave your home and go to another family. In order to have money in the house, the broom must be placed with the handle down.

The best time to ask for a salary increase is on Wednesday afternoon. Don't borrow money on Monday, don't borrow on Tuesday, and don't pay back on Friday. Be sure to give and lend in the morning, because... any actions with money in the evening promise ruin. And in general, try never to borrow, but rather lend more often, so that you program the money so that it comes back to you.

Provide the pockets of clothes hung in the closet for the season with small denomination bills; and money doesn’t like torn pockets or torn buttons.

Never keep your wallet empty, even if there is at least a coin in it. All bills must be placed with the front side facing the owner. In the smallest compartment, store a one-dollar bill folded into a triangle. Also in the wallet there should be a “lucky coin” (the first one earned, received from a good person, from a successful transaction, etc.). This coin cannot be spent - it is a lucky talisman of prosperity, otherwise the money will be offended and will not go into your hands.

Thread a red ribbon through three coins with holes in the middle and keep it in your wallet at all times. Each time you open your wallet, gently stroke the talisman - it will respond with profit.

(won, ill-gotten, found, gifted, etc.) do not bring happiness and therefore should not linger in your wallet. Give them to those in need or spend them immediately. Signs that will bring you money.

Every person has at least once encountered financial difficulties and had to borrow money. Few people know that the process of paying off debt affects further well-being in all areas of life. Everything in the Universe consists of energies and obeys laws that people violate out of ignorance. Money is a very fragile and delicate substance that does not tolerate neglect. When borrowing, in order to preserve your material well-being, you need to know how and when it is best to repay debts.

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    How should you repay the debt?

    It often happens that one person borrows a large sum, calmly pays it back and lives happily. And the other borrows a little money, after which he does not get out of the debt hole. The reason is certain rules that people break out of ignorance.

  1. 1. Never accept bills or change from hand to hand. Money knows how to accumulate the energy of its owner, and since people are different, the energy can be both negative and positive, because not every person has pure energy. Finances can convey both illness and good fortune. Often people dump their lack of money or health problems in the form of damage to money, and give it as a loan or for free. When borrowing money, you need to put it on a table, preferably a wooden one, since wood has cleansing properties and neutralizes the possible negative energy of the previous owner, after which you can pick it up. The same must be done when paying off a debt, so that financial success and well-being do not go away with the money. If, due to circumstances, it is not possible to protect yourself in this way, then when you arrive home, you need to put the amount on the table and let it lie there for about an hour or sprinkle salt on the bills.
  2. 2. You only need to take bills with your left hand. It matters which hand you take and give money with. A person's left hand is receiving, and his right hand is giving. Give only to the right one, so as not to disturb the natural flows of energy. It must be remembered that monetary energy loves movement. By taking bills with his left hand, a person allows the financial flow to follow him, which does not happen if he takes them with his right hand.
  3. 3. You cannot repay debt on the first day of pay. Financial success will not flow away forever and will return to the person if it gets used to the owner. Therefore, it is necessary for the salary to remain at home overnight. The same applies to any other large sum that appears in the house. You cannot pay off debts on the day of major purchases.
  4. 4. It is necessary to experience joy. Money doesn't like spenders, but neither do greedy people. By returning banknotes with joy and gratitude, you can be sure that the money will definitely be returned. It is not enough to simply say, “Thank you.” It is necessary to sincerely thank the person both when borrowing and when returning the money.
  5. 5. You need to give a little more than you borrowed. You need to give at least a ruble more to pay for the help itself, otherwise you can still remain a debtor, but only on an energetic, more subtle level. If you want to increase your well-being, then you need to repay the debt with pure gratitude with 10% of the borrowed amount. This is how the principle of gift works - what is given from the Soul will return tenfold. If the loan is given to the bank, then do not take change from the change.
  6. 6. You need to say: “You have and I have multiplied.” When returning money, you need to say this phrase in the present tense, and not in the future. The Universe hears every word and can materialize it. If you say in the future tense, then it is unknown when it will come true, since life is long.
  7. 7. Borrowed money must be repaid in small bills. And take them big. After the loan, if possible, save up to pay back the money and eventually repay the debt in small bills, so that the Higher Powers can see that the person tried, saved and paid a lot of bills. Then the Universe will more often create such coincidences of circumstances where a person will have money for necessary expenses.
  8. 8. Put the bills in order before returning them. It is necessary in a calm atmosphere to count the entire amount at least three times and carefully fold the bills in ascending order - small ones at the bottom and large ones at the top. You can ask out loud for the money to be returned. This is how a person shows his respectful attitude towards money.
  9. 9. You cannot give money on the doorstep. If the cash return takes place in the debtor’s house, then in no case at the threshold or outside the threshold. The front door must be locked.

When borrowing money, someone else's life energy is borrowed, which often comes into conflict with the energy of the debtor, thereby attracting even more debts into his life. Failure to repay a debt is tantamount to theft on the subtle plane, and the Universe will collect it from other sources of the debtor. Thus, you can suffer damage to your health and other areas of life. The debt must always be repaid.

When to repay debts?

There is no need to rush to repay the debt as soon as the required amount appears. There are favorable and unfavorable days and signs for this:

  1. 1. The debt must be repaid in the morning or afternoon. Financial energy weakens in the evening. With twilight comes the power of dark creatures, and they can influence the entire well-being of both the debtor and the borrower. By repaying a debt in the evening, a person disrespects the money, letting it go into the dark. The bills won't be able to find their way home. In the evenings they should be in the house, protected by the owner. If it is not possible to give it in the morning and you need to return it in the evening, then you need to put the money not on the table, but on the floor. The borrower must pick up the bills from the floor. In this case, you can’t expect any financial gain, but there won’t be any damage either. The energy of debt repayment will be neutral.
  2. 2. Give money on Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday. These days are considered favorable for financial manipulation. You cannot borrow or return banknotes on Tuesday, Friday or Sunday - there will be no money for a whole year. On Monday you can’t take or give money either - your finances will melt away all week.
  3. 3. It is advisable to transfer the amount of debt on the 12th and 21st days of the lunar calendar. These are the most favorable days, after which there will definitely be an increase in wealth. If the debtor wants to terminate any financial relationship with the borrower, then the money must be returned to him on the 19th lunar day, in the first half of the day. Unfavorable lunar days are 1, 6, 11 and 23.
  4. 4. Borrow on the waxing moon, give away on the waning moon. In order for money to flow, you need to take it on the waxing moon, then it will increase throughout the month. By giving money on the waning moon, a person says goodbye to debt and reduces any debts he has. It is important to understand the principle of operation. If the debtor regretfully says goodbye to the bills, not rejoicing at being relieved of the burden of debt, then his money will flow away, since the impact of the waning moon will be on wealth, and not on debts.