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» Is it possible to clean the house on April 8th? What church holidays are you not allowed to work on? Cleaning on Maundy Thursday - is it possible?

Is it possible to clean the house on April 8th? What church holidays are you not allowed to work on? Cleaning on Maundy Thursday - is it possible?

On April 7, 2017, the Orthodox celebrate Lazarus Saturday - one of the brightest holidays in Christianity. Every year on the eve of Palm Sunday we remember one of the main miracles performed by the Lord Jesus Christ - the resurrection of Lazarus.

The history of the holiday is as follows: Christ often visited the house of his friend Lazarus, and when he fell ill, he told him: “This is not an illness leading to death, but to the Glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.” But four days later Lazarus died. As the Gospel says, Jesus, having heard this news, shed tears, and then asked to remove the stone from the entrance to the cave where Lazarus was buried, read a long prayer, called out to him, and the dead man was resurrected. The news of this miracle quickly spread throughout the area.

After this miraculous resurrection, Lazarus became a bishop, preached Christianity and lived for another thirty years. Today in the church where Lazarus preached, there is an icon near the altar. It depicts Saint Lazarus, flanked by his two sisters Martha and Mary.

A little further is the tomb of Lazarus, next to which a holy spring flows. Believers read the Holy Bible, clear their thoughts and conscience before the great church holiday. On Lazarus Saturday, special dishes are prepared and the nature and behavior of animals is monitored.

What not to do

Lazarus Saturday is a special day on which you cannot do hard work. This is a great sin. You should also not drink alcohol (the only exception is wine, which is allowed in small quantities). You must not eat fast food or trample underfoot any food crumbs that have fallen on the floor.

As for leisure, it is strictly forbidden to hunt, celebrate special occasions, including weddings and birthdays, have sex, sing and dance. Housework must be rescheduled for another day, since it is forbidden to do needlework, work in the garden, construction, washing, ironing, bathing and cleaning. Do not fight, quarrel or refuse people their requests under any circumstances. Violation of these rules is a grave sin, which is very difficult to atone for.

Traditions and customs

On this day, willow twigs are prepared, which then need to be blessed in the church. Women pamper their family with buckwheat pancakes, porridge, and pea dishes. These products must be present on the table so that the harvest of buckwheat and legumes is rich. They serve desserts made from pumpkin or semolina porridge and some wine.

Orthodox Christians drink alcohol to remember Lazarus and honor Jesus, but the celebration itself takes place in the family circle, without excesses and wild fun. It is allowed to add vegetable oil to dishes, because you need to prepare the body for leaving Lent. People can eat caviar and various cereals, vegetable salads and other lean foods.

On Saturday evening the service begins, and Christians come to church with bouquets of willow branches. They wait until they and the twigs are sprinkled with holy water. Returning home, the parishioners hit each other with twigs, saying: “I hit each other so that you and I will be healthy.” Willow twigs that have been in the church bring peace and happiness to the house, filling the souls of believers with grace and joy.


On Lazarus Saturday, not only people feel the arrival of spring and divine grace, but also creeping reptiles. Village residents make sure to observe the behavior of snakes and lizards. If on this day vipers and other cold-blooded animals leave their holes and nests en masse, real spring has come. It will soon become hot, so you can sow grain and go out to the garden.

Some believe that it is on Lazarus Saturday that peas must be sown so that they will bear fruit. If on this day you read “Our Father”, holding a willow twig in your left hand, and cross yourself with your right hand and ask God for financial well-being, then very soon money will appear in the family and the financial situation will improve.

13.04.2019 3,131 Views

Today, April 21, 2019, is Palm Sunday. This holiday does not have a fixed date and is celebrated on different days every year - a week before Easter. In 2019, Easter for the Orthodox falls on April 28, so Palm Sunday falls on April 21 (for Catholics: Easter 2019 is April 21, and Palm Sunday 2019 is April 14).

This is the day when the Son of God entered Jerusalem, so its other name is “The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.” This event took place after Jesus raised Lazarus.

What you can do on Palm Sunday 2019 and what you can’t do

The main tradition of Palm Sunday is the blessing of willow branches in the church. It is believed that these branches will protect houses from fires and floods throughout the year, and their owners from poverty, disease and adversity.

The willow must be prepared in advance - the day before dawn. It is strictly forbidden to pick willows that grow near the cemetery.

After the willow is blessed in the church, it is brought into the house and placed near the icon. It is believed that this willow will protect the house from fires and misfortunes, and the owners from diseases.

The Church and folk traditions do not recommend working on the day of Palm Sunday, especially doing hard and dirty work. There is also a ban on washing, sewing and knitting. True, most priests insist that the ban on work cannot be taken literally, it’s just that on major church holidays you need to think more about God, and not about everyday matters.

Since Palm Sunday falls during Lent, you should not have too much fun, eat food of animal origin (meat, eggs, milk and dairy products) and drink strong alcohol.

On Palm Sunday you cannot prepare hot dishes, so housewives prepare all dishes in advance. On the eve of the holiday, they prepare porridge, buckwheat pancakes, bake bread and cookies. On this day, the fast is relaxed a little and you are allowed to eat fish and drink a little wine.

On Palm Sunday, the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom takes place. This is a quiet holiday that is best spent with family. During this period, Lent is still in progress, and ahead of Christians lies the strictest week of fasting - Holy Week.

Is it possible to clean the house on Palm Sunday?

You cannot clean up on any Christian holiday - this is done in advance. In general, it is not recommended to clean on Sundays; it is better to devote this day to rest, prayer, and being with your family.

Signs and traditions of Palm Sunday - Rituals and conspiracies for Palm Sunday

The signs of the holiday, of course, are also associated with the magical properties that are attributed to the willow. It is believed that if before Palm Sunday many willow “earrings” appear (buds have blossomed), then the whole year will be fruitful, fertile and rich in good events.

According to legend, on this day you need to lightly beat each other with willow branches in order to drive out illness and negativity from the body. There is no better blessing to be found on this holiday.

On Maundy Thursday you need to take out one sprig of willow and brew it in boiling water before sunrise (dip the sprig in 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 1-2 minutes, turn it off and let it brew for 10-15 minutes). You should wash and rinse with this decoction - such a ritual helps to give strength and health.

On the day when Easter cakes are baked, a willow twig will also become a helper. It is with this that all kinds of decorations are attached to Easter cakes (doves, flowers, etc. made from dough). It can also be used as a toothpick when baking meat - since all the dishes that housewives usually prepare for Easter are considered special, the process of preparing them also becomes not entirely traditional.

In the old days, there was another way to use willow branches - for successful conception. A woman who could not become pregnant was to eat ten willow buds five days after the end of her period. Today this method causes a lot of skeptical smiles, but, in the end, the main thing on this holiday is not logic, but faith.

There are a few other simple rituals you can perform on Palm Sunday. First, “put” the consecrated willow on the water. The twig will float away - goodness and prosperity will “float” to the house.

Burning a consecrated willow branch protects the house from fire. A consecrated branch stuck into the roof of the house (you can also attach it in the upper corner of the ceiling) will become a talisman of your health and peace of mind.

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Musical card with Palm Sunday – Listen to the playcast with Palm Sunday for free – Short congratulations on Palm Sunday – Beautiful pictures with Palm Sunday

Home is our home, our space. This is where we relax, live, and receive guests. In , cleanliness and a comfortable atmosphere. There are many folk signs about the house. They also apply to when you can’t clean the house.

All phenomena and actions have their own physical and esoteric, symbolic meaning. Likewise, cleaning a house or apartment can be considered not only as clearing the room of debris and dirt, but also as cleansing the home of energy dirt. It is precisely with this, and also with the fact that the world invisible to our ordinary eyes is inhabited by various entities (brownies, goblins, etc.) that signs are associated that are passed on among the people from generation to generation.

When not to clean

Popular wisdom and popular beliefs say that cleaning should not be done:

  • after sunset, in the evening, at night;
  • when one of your relatives or loved ones is on the road;
  • after matchmaking, viewing of the bride or groom;
  • on major church holidays;
  • with open windows;
  • while cooking.

Let's talk about each sign in more detail.

After sunset, in the evening, at night. It is believed that if you clean in the evening or after sunset, you can “wash away” the well-being and prosperity in the house. Some people also believe that this can anger Domovik, and he will then begin to misbehave and harm the residents of the house.

There are also versions of why you can’t clean your house in the evening, as well as after sunset and at night. After sunset, the time of darkness begins, Navi, when slightly different forces begin to operate in the world than in the light time. After cleaning, a certain energy void is formed for a while, which can be filled by dark energies.

The second statement is logical. As for the brownie, you can argue here. And if he starts to get angry because of the evening cleaning, then you can talk to him and even cajole him.

Here we will answer the question of whether it is possible to do laundry in the evenings. Although washing is not quite the same as cleaning. Signs and popular rumors say that it is better not to wash clothes at night or in the evening.

While relatives and loved ones are on the road. There is a sign about cleaning that is the opposite of this. It is imperative to wash the floors after the deceased has been taken out of the house and buried. It is believed that then his soul will not wander around the house and disturb the household.

If we draw an analogy, it turns out that by washing the floors, cleaning up after the departure of guests, loved ones, relatives, we also make sure that they do not come to us again. But you want to see your friends and loved ones. But if the guests were unwanted, unpleasant (alas, this happens), then it won’t hurt to wash the floors after they leave to remove negativity from the house.

And while our loved ones are on the road, it is advisable, if possible, not to start major cleaning. It is believed that this way they can ruin, “wash away” the road.

Actually, after a holiday, good gatherings, you want to stay in this wonderful state, and at the same time make sure that the guests get home safely.

After matchmaking and viewing. It is believed that on the day of the matchmaking or viewing of the bride or groom, it is forbidden to clean the apartment after coming home. Otherwise, the wedding may not take place. Other versions - you cannot clean it up within 24 hours after such an important event.

Actually, usually, when you come after such an event, you don’t suddenly want to start cleaning up urgently. Moreover, they return home in the evening, when there is no time for it anymore. If such a desire suddenly arises, then we have already discussed whether it is possible to clean up in the evening.

On major church holidays. It is important to understand here that each religion has its own rules and days, and people can practice different religions. For a Muslim, Christian holidays mean nothing. They have their own. But, as a rule, any religious tradition has its own days prohibited for cleaning.

However, people say that then there will be a quarrel in the house.

While cooking. It is believed that it is also impossible to clean the house at the same time as preparing food. Otherwise there won't be enough food in the house.

Superstitions or folk wisdom?

All signs are some kind of information that is passed on from generation to generation. Some signs are logical, others look like superstitions, especially in our time, when many women work, and there is only time for cleaning and washing in the evenings or on weekends. And, by the way, the ban on cleaning in the evenings is a good reason to do nothing after a hard day, when you come home tired.

At the same time, you shouldn’t have an unambiguous attitude towards everything. If a cat knocked a vase off the table or a child, while you were away, pulled out everything he could reach from the closet, and it’s all scattered around the apartment, then maybe you shouldn’t wait for dawn? Especially if you go back to work in the morning.

Therefore, whether it is possible to clean in the evening, in parallel with cooking, or in another case, everyone decides for themselves, as well as to believe or not to believe in various signs.

They say that all people are divided into two types. Some clean so that it is clean, while others clean so that it is not dirty. However, both of them spend time and energy on routine activities. To avoid wasting resources, we advise you to carefully read the recommendations that the Japanese follow when cleaning. They are so pedantic that even in this seemingly simple matter they have developed a special philosophy.

1. Focus on the final result

Cleaning, like any task, should begin with planning. The more detailed you think about how your room will look after the order is restored, the better the result you will get. Take a look at the scale of the disaster, tell yourself what should be done and how, list all the things that will undoubtedly go to waste, and, of course, draw the prospect of a new life in a house freed from trash.

2. Don't let your relatives ruin your plans

One of the most difficult stages of cleaning is disassembling a wardrobe, because every item here was once bought with hard earned money. You can independently cope with the task of sorting things into those that are wearable and those that are time to say goodbye. However, as soon as one of the relatives is involved in this process, the mission becomes almost impossible. Most often, a mother or grandmother may ask that things not be thrown away and given to her to wear, but in practice, most often it turns out that the “new things” just gather dust in the closet.

3. Joy is the main criterion for sorting things

At first glance, your room may have a lot of clutter. But if you take a closer look, all the things turn out to be valuable. To separate the wheat from the chaff (or rather, the trash from the things you value), use a simple technique. Take each item in your hands one by one and answer the question of whether it brings you joy. Leave only what is truly dear to you.

4. Say no! old things, even those that can be worn at home

The time we spend at home should be as pleasant as possible. Being with our family or just alone with ourselves, we relax, gain strength and energy. That is why even at home you need to take care of looking good and liking yourself. Is it possible to admire your reflection in the mirror when you are wearing things that you don’t like or that look unpresentable? Of course not. That is why leave the habit of wearing old things at home in the past. It is worth getting a good home suit, and mercilessly throw away everything else.

5. Vertical storage only

Don't try to build towers of things by piling up endless stacks of books, old magazines and clothes. Try vertical storage technology and you will understand that this method is much more functional. Firstly, you will constantly control the number of things. Secondly, finding the right thing will become much easier. And thirdly, all your things will remain in perfect condition, you will avoid difficulties when, due to the weight of a whole stack, the lower items are deformed.

6. Don't accumulate paper waste

Pocket calendars, stickers, notebooks with a few blank pages left, old newspapers and magazines - all of this is found in abundance in every home. Feel free to get rid of waste paper (if there is a recycling collection center near you, you can donate it right away), transfer all important information to your phone or computer, and use electronic media. This will make the data easier and faster to find, and you will also significantly save space and get rid of the dust collector.

7. Packaging for new things is trash.

Stop leaving new items packed in your closet and you'll immediately have a lot of space freed up. Plastic and cardboard packaging, as well as tags and labels will not be useful in the future, but they will not clutter up the linen shelves.

8. Store out-of-season clothing properly

Store out-of-season clothes in your closet without putting them away so they can be worn throughout the year as needed. Winter accessories and summer marine accessories should be put away so that they do not take up space, since they are not needed during the off-season.

9. No sentimentality about souvenirs.

Each of the souvenirs that are now gathering dust on the shelf came to us in order to preserve in our memory the memory of something experienced once. It is important to understand that souvenirs are just reminders, and in most cases we will save the most important events anyway. Listen to your inner voice, ask yourself what is truly important and what is pointless to keep, and feel free to free your living space from everything that has lost its relevance.

Progress does not stand still. Today they come to the owner's aid. Robot vacuum cleaners, remote-controlled mops and keyboard cleaners are already a reality.

On the eve of the bright holiday of Easter, which in 2020 falls on April 19, we are putting our houses in order. Many people do general cleaning and even cosmetic repairs, if necessary. Some people ask the question: “Is it possible to clean on the Saturday before Easter”?

Although there are no rules in this regard in the church charter, believers try to follow the traditions that have developed over several centuries.

Is it possible to clean the house on the eve of Easter?

All preparations are made in the last week before the holiday. On Holy Monday (April 13, 2020) they begin to clean houses.

In the old days, in the first days of Holy Week, housewives scraped and washed the floors, tidied up the bed linen, and beat out the carpets. At this time they also got rid of old unnecessary things.

But the main preparations for the holiday take place on Maundy Thursday, April 16, 2020, which is also called Maundy Thursday. At this time, water acquires magical powers - it washes away not only dirt, but all negativity and cleanses thoughts.

On Thursday, it is customary to wash before sunrise, thereby symbolically washing away all the sins that have accumulated over the year. At the same time, silver items are lowered into the water and prayers are read.

Girls who wanted to get married within a year, after washing on Maundy Thursday, dried themselves with a clean towel. Then, along with the blessed Easter and colored eggs, these towels were given to the poor near the church.

Girls also cut the ends of their hair to make it grow faster. It is believed that hair cut on Maundy Thursday takes diseases with it, and new ones grow strong after that.
After washing, you should attend services in the temple, where they remember the Last Supper - the last supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples before he was crucified on the cross.

When should you clean your house before Easter?

Returning from church on Thursday, the housewives continue to prepare the house for the holiday: they do general cleaning, wash the floors, wash kitchen utensils, and do a lot of laundry. According to legend, while washing and cleaning on Maundy Thursday, you can find things that have been lost for a long time.

In the old days, it was believed that if the house was properly cleaned on this day, then cleanliness would reign throughout the year. If the house is dirty and dusty, then quarrels and disagreements await the family throughout the year.

On Maundy Thursday you can not only clean the house on the eve of Easter, but also knead dough for Easter cakes and paint eggs. There is a belief that if the baked goods turn out tasty and beautiful, then the whole year will be prosperous for the household. If the cake turns out unsuccessful, expect trouble in the family. Bread prepared for this holiday serves as a talisman against evil spirits.

According to Christian custom, painted eggs, Easter cakes, Easter cakes and other ritual dishes are blessed in Orthodox churches on the Saturday before Easter. In former times in Rus', all products and dishes that were prepared for this holiday were brought to the temple for blessing, and tithes (tenths) were left for the poor.

Is it possible to clean on the Saturday before Easter?

Since Good Friday, April 17, 2020 - the most mournful day of the Christian calendar - the strictest fast has been observed. On Friday you cannot eat until the shroud is taken out during a church service. Holy Saturday before the appearance of the first star is also considered a time of strict fasting.

According to Orthodox traditions, it is believed that on Saturday of Holy Week (April 18, 2020), believers should mourn the death of Christ and pray, and not deal with pressing matters.

During this period, all work around the house and on the plot is not carried out. You cannot do repairs, garden work, washing, ironing, handicrafts (sewing, knitting, embroidery, doing any crafts, etc.), cleaning, otherwise, as they said in the old days, “dust and dirt may get into the eyes of Jesus.” .

Is it allowed to clean on the Saturday before Easter? All significant preparations for the holiday should have been done the day before, but “quiet” (that is, small) cleaning can be done on Saturday.

The prohibitions were established so that believers would be distracted from pressing matters and devote time to spiritual issues. This day should be spent in prayer, in harmony with yourself and the world around you, with thoughts of God.

Saturday should be devoted to caring for the salvation of one’s soul, prayer, studying the Word of God, helping the poor, visiting the sick and other works of mercy. And in the evening, Orthodox Christians attend churches, where the all-night vigil begins.

We hope that you will be able to make the right choice when deciding when to clean the house before Easter, and will be able to adequately prepare for this bright holiday.