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» Is it possible in a rented apartment? How to make a rented apartment cozy. Why and who needs it

Is it possible in a rented apartment? How to make a rented apartment cozy. Why and who needs it

Nowadays, rental housing has become very common. Not many people can afford to buy their own apartment. Therefore, for the majority of people, rented apartments are not temporary, but permanent places of residence.

Is it worth renovating a rented apartment?

If you have moved into a rental property with fresh renovations and beautiful furniture, consider yourself lucky. Less fortunate comrades are thinking about how to improve their temporary shelter and whether it is worth doing it at all. Many apartments that are for rent are in frankly poor condition.

There are a lot of apartments with poor repairs. Part of the reason is... that financial difficulties forced even those who were uncomfortable with the idea of ​​strangers settling in their own walls to rent out empty apartments. In addition, some of the once purchased “investment” apartments, which did not find their buyers amid stagnant prices, also replenished the rental market.

According to experts, before the crisis, many owners really seriously invested in repairs and actively changed household appliances. Today, most apartments are in poor condition because there is simply no point in renovating them: the costs will take too long to pay off.

If you decide to make renovations in a rented apartment, the first step is to obtain permission from the owners. True, they rarely object to the improvement of the apartment at the expense of the residents. Otherwise, you will have to get out, making do with small but noticeable alterations.

“When we rented the apartment, we were horrified by the condition it was in,” says tenant Anton Korovkin. – Normal repairs were only in the bathroom. And the kitchen, hallway and corridor - it was something. However, the price for the apartment was very low, and the location suited us perfectly - it was a 10-minute walk to work. We agreed with the owner and made cosmetic repairs as payment. After all, I want cleanliness and comfort, I want this apartment to become a Home where it’s pleasant to be.”

But how beneficial is this rental concept to the parties? There are many cases where, having noticeably improved the condition of the apartment, the tenant was forced to move out a year later: the owner suddenly found valid and urgent reasons not to renew the expired lease agreement. It is clear that he then rented out the apartment, renovated at someone else’s expense, at an increased price.

Repair rules

If you decide to make repairs in a rented apartment, follow these rules:

Finish the apartment, keeping in mind that it will be better for you if you can take as many items with you as possible when moving. Work on walls, suspended ceilings, false floors does not make sense: their implementation will be too expensive and uneconomical. Basically, to carry out renovations in rented apartments, they use the principle of equipping the rooms with various equipment, appliances, and comfortable furniture.

Original designer solutions when renovating rented apartments can be the ideal way out of the situation. Thanks to imagination and ingenuity, even the most standard, simple walls can be refined so that it looks no worse than an exclusive interior. Examples of such solutions are often found in bars or cafes, where a brick wall is not even noticeable, since it is stylized to match the original interior.

Often the landlord is not happy if the appearance of the premises is changed, which becomes an additional problem. In this case, you can again resort to the services of a designer who, with the help of decoration, will easily and quickly help you turn an ordinary room into a unique and fashionable office, without carrying out construction work.

“If your owner’s refrigerator, kitchen stove, electric bell is broken, or, for example, the telephone bill you received is clearly not yours, then you are not obligated to pay for it at all,” explains lawyer Marina Lobacheva. - Landlords will not be able to place the blame on the tenant living in the apartment if he has executed a rental agreement for residential premises. The tenant has the right to be responsible only for those problems that occurred through his fault. The rest of the difficulties are on the shoulders of the apartment owner.”

So if they are trying to rip off money from you for repairs that you clearly were not the culprit of, refuse - the law is on your side. Now, if repairs had to be done because you forgot to turn off the tap, and as a result the neighbors were flooded, then it would be a different matter.

Finish with calculator

Let's try to calculate how cost-effective it is to make cosmetic repairs to a typical apartment today, if the furniture with which it is furnished is in good condition. How quickly will it pay for itself? As an example to calculate the cost of work, let's take a typical one-room apartment with a total area of ​​39 square meters (with a 19-meter room and an eight-meter kitchen). This is an average one-room economy class apartment.

The cost of renovating a room, kitchen and hallway in a turnkey apartment of this size will cost a minimum of 80-100 thousand rubles. Plus about 25-30 thousand rubles will be the price of finishing materials. For this money, the wallpaper will be replaced, the ceilings will be updated, a tiled “apron” will be made in the kitchen along one of the walls, and a choice of linoleum or laminate will be laid on the floor.

Of course, the cost of materials is based on the purchase of the most inexpensive, although quite decent ones. Installing new doors is not included in the concept of “cosmetic repairs”.

Thus, the cost of redecorating a one-room apartment will average 105-130 thousand rubles (without updating the bathroom and toilet).

Let’s assume that the landlord does not bear the cost of paying utility bills. Then the payback period for apartment renovation costs will be just over two years.

What is the conclusion? It is, of course, possible to start renovating an apartment that in its current state is in demand among tenants. But the landlord should be satisfied that the money spent according to the most economical budget will be returned only after two to three years. Renovating the bathroom and toilet room, purchasing furniture and household appliances will further delay the payback period. But after this, the renovated apartment will consistently bring in a third more than an apartment where the renovation has not yet been done. Of course, provided that tidy tenants live in it. All you have to do is think carefully about which option you like.

If available several owners The tenant must agree with everyone, otherwise registration will not be possible.

Why and who needs this?

Availability of temporary registration necessary not only for foreigners.

Many Russian citizens come from villages, hamlets and small towns to other places (mostly big cities) for a long time(including to Moscow, which gave rise to many jokes about “coming in large numbers”) for different purposes (paid work, study, forced measures).

Most of these citizens cannot afford full-fledged buying an apartment, so they take it down. For the complete legality of the rental, as well as the absence of problems with the authorities, they must issue temporary registration.

It is necessary to register it even if you have permanent registration in another apartment in the same city, but for some reason you decided to find yourself temporary housing.

Although Russian legislation and not prohibited to get a job in a particular city without a place of registration, most employers refuses enter into a contract with an employee who does not have a residence permit in this city.

Similar situation with kindergartens and schools. At the same time, stay in the city for persons without temporary registration is legally limited to 90 days, after which administrative liability follows.

Required documents

Required documents for temporary registration:

  1. Passport or other identification document (birth certificate or international passport).
  2. A document that serves as the basis for sharing (for example, a lease or sublease agreement).
  3. Written consent of shareholders of the apartment/house.

Design algorithm

Step 1

Submission of a statement by the owner or tenant to the police station.

You must have the documents of the owner of the apartment with you.

After receiving the application, the district police officer issues a resolution.

The tenant applies to the Federal Migration Service, where the issue of settlement is considered within three days. In case of a positive decision, a passport insert is issued - a certificate of temporary residence.

Re-registration of payment books for housing and communal services for the tenant in the EIRC (unified information and settlement center).


You can temporarily register not only in residential buildings or apartments. Temporary registration possible and to places such as hotels, hospitals and boarding houses.

To do this, you will only need to provide your passport and fill out a special questionnaire in the administration of these institutions. After this, the rest of the registration process will be carried out by officials of the boarding house, hotel, holiday home, etc.

What difficulties might arise?

The main obstacle to obtaining registration is most often a conflict of interest.

If in the rented apartment, in addition to the tenant on an ongoing basis If some other residents are registered, then to obtain temporary registration you will also need theirs agreement.

Also, owners do not always want to register tenants because they are afraid lose your apartment.

This fear is completely groundless, since temporary registration is not a stamp in the passport, therefore legally the tenant will not have the rights of an heir to the apartment he is renting.

Obtaining registration is also affected no criminal record from the tenant (otherwise he may not receive permission from government authorities). In general, first of all, the tenant needs agree on registration with the landlord and other owners.

Human rights with temporary registration

Temporary registration does not give ownership(if the tenant is not one of the owner’s family members), therefore it only gives him the right to use the premises with the consent of the landlord and other owners of the premises.

For this reason, the tenant cannot claim to any share of the landlord’s home, relying only on your registration certificate.

What is it for?

Temporary registration is needed not only for staying in the city on a legal basis. According to Russian law, registration, although temporary, gives the right on the:

As already written above, registration in the city gives you more chances to get a job. Although registration is not a mandatory condition for getting a job by law, the employer may refuse you due to lack of trust. The situation is approximately the same with kindergartens/schools.

Issue price

According to the law, the registration of temporary registration in itself is free.

The owner also has no right demand money from the tenant for the procedure of registering him in the home. All necessary documents will be completed free of charge by authorized persons.

On the other hand, there are many companies solving this issue for money. We advise you to be careful, since there are many known cases of deception.

What to do if you lose your certificate?

If you lost your certificate of temporary registration, then you should not panic. This won't for you the reason for instant discharge. A way out of this situation is provided for in the Administrative Regulations.

In order to restore your certificate, you will have to re-apply to the FMS department where you originally issued lost certificate. Service workers will give you duplicate with the same registration number.

None fines or there are no sanctions for the loss of this document.


First of all, obtaining temporary registration exactly in your interests.

Without it you will not be able to receive such privilege, enshrined in Russian legislation, such as medical care, driver’s license, international passport, lending and much more.

Also you are not only you're taking risks not get a job, but also deprive their children of the opportunity to attend children's educational institutions. And finally, for the lack of temporary registration there are penalties administrative responsibility and a system of fines.

Therefore, if you do not want to fear for your future in a new place, then we recommend you need to register at your place of stay.

A tenancy agreement is a fundamental document that regulates the relationship between the employer and the lessor. However, it is impossible to take into account absolutely everything in it. In addition, often the requirements of the owner and the wishes of the tenant may contradict the law. talks about what you can and cannot do in a rented apartment.

Replacing the lock— the first thing the tenant wants to do after signing the rental agreement, because it is unknown who rented this apartment before him. However, the landlord usually requires a copy of the keys from the tenant, and this often causes disputes. The opinions of the lawyers surveyed were divided on this matter. “The requirement to hand over the keys is legal, regardless of the terms of the contract, since the owner of the premises, on the basis of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, has the rights to own, use and dispose of the property belonging to him at his own discretion,” says lawyer at the Yukov and Partners Bar Association Ekaterina Baglaeva. At the same time, there are nuances in the legislation that can play into the hands of the tenant. “The procedure for renting out an apartment is regulated by the norms of Chapter 35 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (renting residential premises). However, these rules do not regulate the issue of replacing the door lock by the tenant. At the same time, the replacement of the door lock by the tenant without the consent of the apartment owner is not a significant violation of the lease agreement, and in this case the apartment owner does not have the right to demand early termination of the agreement and eviction of the tenant,” - says Alexey Lipskerov, development director at According to experts, the only way to save yourself from the headache of duplicate keys is to think about this situation in advance and write it down in the contract.

Right of visitation by the owner of the apartment also often causes controversy . « The Civil Code of the Russian Federation does not contain a direct rule allowing the apartment owner to inspect the apartment and check its condition, Lipskerov said. - However, Art. 678 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for the tenant’s obligation to use the apartment only for living, ensure its safety and maintain it in proper condition. Accordingly, the apartment owner has the right to demand that the tenant fulfill these obligations. It follows from this that the owner of the apartment has the right to check the condition of the apartment, however, the frequency and order of such inspections must also be agreed upon by the parties either by verbal agreement or by introducing appropriate conditions into the contract.”

Drill walls It is forbidden to enter the apartment without the permission of the owner, since according to Art. 678 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, “the tenant has no right to carry out reorganization and reconstruction of residential premises without the consent of the landlord.” Therefore, before hanging a picture, the tenant must contact the owner. Throwing out the owner's furniture the tenant cannot either. If an old sofa, a lacquered wardrobe and a sagging armchair are the property of the landlord, they cannot be disposed of without his knowledge.

Accommodate friends and relatives in an apartment The tenant has no right without the consent of the owner. According to Article 209 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the owner has the right to own, use and dispose of his property, which he transfers to the tenant, but not to his guests. If the guests caused losses to the landlord, he has the right to file a lawsuit in order to recover them. In order to save yourself from claims from the owner, this point must also be taken into account in the rental agreement.

Repair plumbing must be the owner of the apartment, unless its breakdown occurred due to the fault of the tenant. This is especially important when in an apartment pipe burst, and flooded the neighbors. The question arises who will pay. “If it is established that the pipe burst in the owner’s apartment, then he will pay for the repairs to the neighbors. The owner of the residential premises in accordance with Part 3 of Art. 30 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation bears the burden of maintaining this premises. Part 4 of this article establishes that he is obliged to maintain the premises in proper condition, preventing mismanagement of it,” Baglaeva explained.

Set up a warehouse or office in a rented apartment the tenant has no right. Article 678 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for the tenant’s obligation to use the apartment only for living, and its violation may serve as a reason for early termination of the rental agreement.

In case of fire it is also important to determine the culprit, and if the tenant is guilty, then he is liable in accordance with Art. 1064 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. However, difficulties may arise here. The fact is that most rental agreements in Russia are not registered with government agencies, which means that the court may recognize them as not concluded. “Courts of general jurisdiction very often refuse to satisfy claims for the collection of arrears of rent payments, since the lease agreement for real estate was not registered in the prescribed manner, and accordingly, it is considered unconcluded. Consequently, it does not give rise to rights and obligations for the parties, and therefore, you as the owner will have to answer for damage caused by a tenant with whom you have not registered an agreement,” the expert said.

Is it worth doing expensive renovations to an apartment for rent? And is it necessary to buy an air conditioner and a large TV there? We interviewed our experts and tried to figure out how to properly increase the rental rate for a Moscow apartment.

Wrong: buying extra household appliances and electronics for your apartment

The presence of a washing machine, stove and refrigerator in the apartment has long become a mandatory attribute for a rented apartment. You won’t surprise a tenant with such a set of equipment, and it makes no sense to ask for additional payment for something. This means that it is also not worth purchasing expensive appliances and gadgets for an apartment intended for rent. The only exception is air conditioning: if you are targeting a client with average (or higher) income, the presence of air conditioning will play a significant role both in pricing and in attracting potential tenants.

But instead of a full-fledged stove, you can get by with just one hob; If your apartment is rented, for example, by a single working man, he is unlikely to have an urgent need to use the oven.

“A rented apartment should have everything you need, but there shouldn’t be anything superfluous - something that your client simply won’t need,” says hotelier Dmitry Shilov.

That is, if, for example, not everyone has their own TV, then your new tenant will most likely bring an iron, hairdryer and kettle with them (if we are talking about long-term rent). It is best to discuss this issue with the client separately and in advance: if the apartment is suitable for him, but there is no TV in it, you can agree on a purchase next month at the expense of his rent.

That's right: install good new plumbing fixtures

Even if the bathroom in your apartment is shared and is decorated not with Venetian tiles, but with ordinary plastic panels, the main thing is that it is clean, neat and with good plumbing. Nothing turns off tenants (especially women and especially those with children) more than a yellowed toilet, a leaking tank and a rusty bathtub. So it’s better to immediately spend money on updating or completely replacing the plumbing in the toilet and bathroom, and then feel free to add the amount of your costs divided by 12 to the price.

Wrong: make expensive repairs

Of course, if you want to rent out your property at a higher price, renovations to the apartment are necessary, but in no case will they be pretentious or expensive.

Firstly, refuse any flashy and non-standard design solutions: they are, as a rule, unreasonably expensive, and not every potential client will be able to appreciate them. The apartment should be as impersonal as possible and ready for any transformation at the request of the future tenant.

Secondly, make a simple calculation: make an estimate for your proposed repairs (let’s say you got 400 thousand rubles), estimate how many years you expect to pay back these costs (for example, 4 years), and then divide the first figure by the second and by another 12. Thus, you will receive the amount by which you will have to increase the rental rate in order for your renovation to be economically justified (400,000: 4: 1 = 8,333 rubles).

Now think: who is your potential tenant? What amenities does he need? And how much is he willing to pay for housing? When answering these questions, first consider the size and location of your apartment. If you want to rent out a three-ruble rent in the center or another prestigious area of ​​the city, most likely, your client will have high income and relevant demands. In this case, expensive repairs may be worth it. But if you rent out a one-room apartment somewhere not far from the outskirts, expensive renovations will not attract, but on the contrary, scare away customers. Your target audience is people with low incomes or those hoping to save money, so they don’t need expensive repairs, and the high price is simply unacceptable.

“In my experience, repairs in a rented apartment should not be expensive, but of high quality,” says Dmitry Shilov.

According to the hotelier, in this case it is better to be guided by the principle “the simpler, the better.” In addition, it is worth considering that during operation, certain finishing elements will wear out and deteriorate, no matter how high their quality. This means that when a tenant changes, all this will require updating, which means new costs on your part.

That's right: tidy up the entrance and staircase

Oddly enough, even a banal cleanliness and order in the apartment (as well as removing from it all old furniture, carpets, curtains and other things that have a worn and shabby appearance) can increase its cost by one or two thousand per month. And, of course, attract a much larger number of potential clients.

The same applies to cleaning the entrance and staircases. If you are unable to make cosmetic repairs there, make sure that on the days of showings of your apartment, wherever potential tenants will pass, it is bright, clean and well ventilated. As Dmitry Shilov notes, “a neat entrance, corridor, courtyard - in general, everything that is called the entrance group - are a big plus for the client when deciding on choosing housing.”

Living in a rented apartment is not a test for the faint of heart, but it is necessary for those who want to learn to be independent. The Village magazine wrote that 54% of Russians believe that after the age of 18, young people should leave their parents and take on the responsibility of living separately. I talked to two girls who tried to live in rented apartments and found out what this experience taught them.

Svetlana, 27 years old, Saratov

The reason for starting an independent life is banal - I went to college, and my parents lived outside the city. Of course, every day it would be possible to travel from the suburbs to the city, but renting an apartment seemed more convenient and safer.

The first move was somehow long and dreary. I was 16 years old, and everyone helped: parents, relatives, friends. It felt like I was being sent on an expedition somewhere far away.

Now I can pack all my things in an hour.

I moved out from my parents several times. In this regard, I, like a star on my farewell tour, am currently looking for an apartment to move again. Relatives react calmly every time, because I am an adult, I have my own life, and it’s normal to live independently.
At first, my parents paid for my apartment, and when I started working, they simply helped with moving, repairs and donated food.

Every time for me it all starts with the decision that I need to look for an apartment and live separately. The right apartment finds me on its own: either a friend rents out a room, or someone is looking for a neighbor with whom they can share the burden of rent. A couple of times I tried to find it through advertisements and through realtors, but they offered terrible apartments at inflated prices.
There was one apartment in which half belonged to some crazy grandmother; it was impossible to connect to the Internet, hang anything and remove other people’s things. I found out about this when I had already agreed to move in.
The biggest headache for me at the search stage were realtors who pretend to be owners, and scammers who rent out apartments that are not their own. There are also inadequate owners who consider their apartment, smelly or renovated from the times of the Soviet Union, to be Buckingham Palace.

When you start looking for an apartment, you have to accept the fact that you will encounter shacks that people mistakenly call housing. Or maybe not, because some people are lucky enough to immediately find their dream apartment.
I was not so lucky, although my housing requirements are minimal: hot water; the neighbors are not alcoholics, party animals or drug addicts; the apartment itself should be warm, dry and free of pets such as mice and cockroaches.

One of the disadvantages of renting an apartment is the risk of constant moving. It takes some getting used to. I had to move 4 times in six months. In the end, I no longer unpacked my things; they simply lay in large 120-liter garbage bags, into which you can, if desired, put a corpse or construction waste.

At 16 years old there is no talk of living independently, even if you rent an apartment. My parents not only helped me, but supported me. But in my 4th year I was already practically independent and paid the rent myself.

Living in an apartment is a lot of emotions. Moving, not being sure whether you will live in this apartment next month. The landlady or owner may ask to vacate the apartment, and this is always sudden.

In 90% of cases, my move was due to the fact that the landlords had relatives who had nowhere to live.

But there is also a plus: there are no unnecessary things, in principle, even personal ones, only what is necessary.

Living in an apartment eliminates materialism and teaches enlightenment. By the end I had two garbage bags full of things. I threw away everything that didn’t fit in them when moving. Minimalism is our everything.

What I like most is that I don’t have to answer to anyone because I haven’t slept at home for three days. Now there is no such luxury. Already at seven in the evening they call and ask where I am, when I will be and how long I can stay at work.
You rely only on yourself, and if somewhere you have a cash gap, a hole in the budget, only you are responsible for it. Therefore, you learn to think about the consequences, to handle money, because the owner of the apartment does not care that your salary is delayed, you are on vacation or without work at all.
You think about any move with money several times.

Apartment neighbors, and they will be, because renting an apartment for one person is not a cheap pleasure - it’s always a pig in a poke. You will never know what kind of relationship will develop with them until you start living together.

Living with your parents is much easier and calmer, but you have no freedom. You're like a dog that's always being walked on a leash. On a very short leash. Now my parents know if I have a boyfriend. They are aware of everything that is going on with me, because I am very emotional.

Now that I live with my parents again, nothing has changed in my life. I still hate bringing anyone onto my property. But, in general, it’s stupid to hope that this is how you’ll move out and how everything will work out! No, there will be a lot more problems and obligations. But no leash.

There are always hardships, but you need to look for the positives in everything. When I started paying for everything myself, it turned out that once a month I could afford McDonald’s and a movie. This brought variety to my life, consisting of “every day” products from Auchan.

Financial difficulties are a great motivation to look for a job in order to secure better conditions for yourself. Soon I began to have enough for travel, normal groceries, and some major purchases.

But no matter how enjoyable adult life is, no one is immune from falls. At some point, I simply burned out, tired of running this lifelong marathon. She quit her job and came to her parents to lick her wounds.
I sat at home for six months, sluggishly looked for work and almost didn’t go anywhere. My parents silently waited for me to rest, and they did.
It's important to remember that going back is not a bad thing; It's worse when there is nowhere to return. And when you have the opportunity to lie down somewhere and heal your wounds, or at least know that there is a place where they are waiting for you and will accept you in any condition - this already gives strength and confidence.
For those who can’t decide to move out of their parents’ house, I advise them not to be afraid. Yes, these are very big changes. Living on your own is very scary; a series of problems arise. But you need to fly out of your parents’ nest and start living your own life as early as possible.

And at first it will be difficult, but then this will be your life, your way of life. It will be possible not to iron clothes, not to wash dishes and not to worry about the mess, or, on the contrary, to arrange all things according to colors and shapes.
In any case: it will be as you want, and a little as the apartment owners want.

Daria, 23 years old, Krasnodar

I decided to rent an apartment when I realized that living with my parents was very difficult. From the age of 16, I got used to independence: I lived with my grandfather while my mother and father arranged their lives in their own houses. There was no sadness for the family as such, because I was used to the fact that I needed to take care of myself.

I had my own room, in which I created comfort out of emptiness, and freedom of action, which was limited only by the uncomfortable conditions that my grandfather created. I grew up next to him, and new interests and goals appeared in my life, but there were no opportunities to realize them in the conditions in which I lived.

I started dating a guy, and bringing other people home was strictly prohibited. But scandals on this basis were the most insignificant problem. I was used to seeing chaos around me and accepted that nothing could be fixed. I was simply ashamed to bring home friends or young people. Maybe I was just looking for excuses.

Constant quarrels and hysterics with my grandfather escalated the situation to the limit: I packed my things and went to live with my father. A wonderful house was waiting for me there, full of care, affection and comfort. I didn't have to cook, clean, or worry about anything. My father's wife took care of me as if she were her own child. This piece of paradise was far from the city, so I was soon faced with the problem of time.

Going to work, staying out late, inviting guests was problematic due to the fact that my father lived far away. In addition to problems with transportation, I was faced with the fact that there was simply nothing to do in a cozy and quiet house, and I was young - I wanted to have fun and be easy-going.

A month later I moved in with my mother. She lived in a residential area, far from the center, but tolerable because transport runs until late. Life became more convenient, but conflicts with the new family were not long in coming. After another quarrel, I realized: it’s time to live separately.

When renting an apartment, the worst thing for me was the money issue. I was used to spending my salary on myself, and now I had utilities and rent waiting for me.

While I was looking for apartment options on the website, the prices did not seem terrible to me, and besides, my parents promised to help. All that remained was to find an option that would suit me.

In terms of housing, I am very demanding: I want the apartment to be beautiful. My dream version is a one-room apartment, whose clever owner furnished everything with furniture from Ikea. In addition, the apartment should be in the center or at least in an area that I like.

After looking through hundreds of options, I realized that the real estate market is hell. The prices are high and the atmosphere is depressing. Terrible wallpaper with monograms or giant bright flowers, old furniture, an unorganized kitchen, no hint of a sense of taste. The furniture is in random order (we call it “where it fits”), there is rubbish everywhere that you wouldn’t mind throwing away, but for the owners it is obviously a source of pride.
After my aesthetic views fell under the yoke of the harsh Russian reality, I, gritting my teeth, began to call advertisements that caused me a minimal amount of disgust.

Now I'm faced with a new problem: realtors. They were everywhere.

In my romantic fantasies, a well-dressed specialist took me from apartment to apartment, showed me the situation and persuaded me to rent something. In reality, it turned out that finding a good realtor is even more difficult than finding a decent apartment.

All sorts of people constantly called me back, obviously having completed the NLP course, and literally forced me to see them, promising that they wouldn’t take any money until I found the apartment of my dreams. Completely desperate, I turned to one of these specialists - a young girl who promised to send me dozens of apartment options every day until I was satisfied. This pleasure cost 3000 rubles.

In front of me, she called with a wonderful ad: an apartment in my favorite area, at a great price, with wonderful furniture and amenities. But it has already been handed over. The following options did not have photos, and I had to call and go myself.

And so at about 8 pm I’m standing somewhere in the area of ​​the city station, next to a house that looks like a dungeon from porn, and I’m met by a woman who doesn’t want me to go inside at all. She asked if I was going to live here alone. This question surprised me, but just in case, I let her know that I love guests, and there is always a possibility that I will want to move in with a guy.

The owner of the dungeon stunned me with the fact that her house is a kind of women’s community, and men are strictly prohibited from entering here. I said goodbye to her and went home angry and disappointed.

In desperation, I told my best friend's father about my difficulties, and he scolded me for not looking at ads and collaborating with just anyone. I shrugged my shoulders, not even bothering to tell how long I had been flipping through sites with advertisements.

Maybe this is the magic of an adult and experienced person, but in 30 minutes of our communication, my friend’s father gave me 5 different options, among which was the apartment of my dreams.
I called the phone and the very next day I came to inspect the future properties.

The man who brought me to the apartment turned out to be a realtor, but only a normal one, thus from a dream. He explained to me that the owners live outside the city and therefore he selects clients himself. I needed to pay the first month and utilities. No other additional payments were required.
The very next day the owners arrived, we signed an agreement, and I moved into my new house, where I still live.
My apartment is the most wonderful in the world. There is no ugly furniture here, and the wallpaper is a beautiful pink color. The kitchen is small, but everything in it is done the way I would like. And the most pleasant thing is the area, the one in which I grew up and know everything around.

The fact that I absolutely love the environment saves me from financial sadness. I pay almost everything I earn for my home.

In six months of living independently, I learned to get by with less money than before. I buy clothes less often and don’t travel, but I can’t say that life revolves only around rent. If you wish, you can find funds for everything.

But now I am calm and happy. I always have a place to return to after a hard day at work, I can invite guests, and I even lived in an apartment with a young man for some time. I can walk until the morning and crawl into my native pink walls without worrying about anything.

Living independently also gives room for creativity. I only do what I want, when I want. No one will tell me that I forgot to buy bread or didn’t wash the dishes. No one will ask where I am going or what time I will be back.

Even when I'm completely alone, I feel good - before I didn't have enough of my own place. I had the feeling that there were many places I could go to after work, but I equally didn't want to go to any of them. And after renting an apartment, this feeling went away. Now I know: I'm going home.

Even though this is a rented apartment, I still feel like a hostess. I cook, clean, add decor to my liking. After moving, I immediately changed the curtains in the living room and bathroom, placed candles, laid a rug in front of the chair, and brought in musical instruments and flowers.
When you try to restore order, you realize that after all, a person decorates a place, and not vice versa.

Since my arrival, the apartment has become more comfortable, which means I can adapt to any conditions.

With new housing came new responsibility. When the water heater broke, I had to look for technicians on my own to fix it. The filter in the faucet was clogged - I had to look for a solution. There were cockroaches and they started poisoning them. The light bulbs have burned out - you stand on a stool and screw them in.
Something is constantly breaking, breaking or running out. And I have to do general cleaning more often than I was used to, living with my parents.

But I have long perceived all this as part of life. Anything can be dealt with, any difficulty can be solved. The main thing is that the owners are adequate, and I was lucky with them.

For those who have not yet decided to live independently, I advise you to take this step as soon as possible. This is a school of life, in which, in addition to valuable lessons, there is also pleasure, tranquility and adventure.

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