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» You can drink birch sap if it has become cloudy. Garden Review. How and when to collect birch sap

You can drink birch sap if it has become cloudy. Garden Review. How and when to collect birch sap

In the forests of the Odintsovo region, the time has come to collect birch sap. The correspondent of Odintsovo-INFO has already gone to “reconnaissance” and shares with readers tips on preparing a valuable natural drink.

I realized that the birch sap season had begun a couple of days ago, when on the edge of the city I broke a twig and saw moisture appearing on it. This means that the tree has “awakened” and spring sap flow has begun in it. But it is not recommended to harvest the gifts of nature near roads, industrial zones and other sources of pollution, and therefore it was decided to collect birch trees near Kubinka during a visit to the dacha.

There is still a lot of snow in the dense forest, but you can walk almost without falling through - the ice helps. Among the centuries-old spruce trees we are looking for rare white-trunked trees. It is desirable that the donor birch have a trunk with a diameter of 20 cm. If the forest beauty glorified by Yesenin has a trunk 27-34 cm thick, then two holes can be made, with a diameter of 35-40 cm - three. If the tree in front of you is more than 40 cm thick, four holes are allowed. The distance between the juice holes should be at least 20 cm. The holes can be made with a drill - always at an angle so that the juice flows freely. In this case, the optimal diameter is 1 cm and a depth of 2-3 cm. A path for the juice can also be cut with a hatchet (you should get a triangle about 2 cm deep). A tube or groove is inserted into the resulting hole, under which the dishes are placed. The simplest way to collect juice is to insert a broken branch with a thickness of 3 mm into the bottle and secure the resulting “structure”.

The speed at which birch liquid enters your container mainly depends on the weather (in warm weather, faster), the location of the tree, its condition and the time of collection. Since ancient times, people have noticed that sap flows fastest from the north side of the tree. From my own experience, in the second or third week of April in the Odintsovo region, birch trees growing in relatively flat and unthickened areas usually release sap the fastest. The liquid from old trees in wetlands often comes out cloudy.

From one hole per day you can usually get 2-3 liters of sap, and during the season the average birch tree produces up to 70 liters of a sweetish refreshing drink. The period of sap flow, or “tapping,” in our latitudes usually begins at the end of March - early April and lasts 20-25 days, until the buds swell. In 2009, the Odintsovo spring was slightly delayed, so the dates have been shifted.

To make “blood loss” painless for the birch tree, after collecting the sap, the holes made with a drill must be filled with sticks (so-called “chops”) to the desired diameter. It is advisable to cover windows cut out with an ax with clay, garden varnish, or plug them with moss.

This year's first trip for birch trees did not bring an impressive result - in five hours, your correspondent managed to collect no more than 0.5 liters of the drink from two birch trees. But this is just the beginning of the season. And don’t forget that a walk through the forest is in itself a great value for a city dweller.


Birch sap is rich in vitamins C and B, contains fructose, various trace elements - calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, copper. In folk medicine, it is valued as a means of healing the blood and stimulating metabolism. Berezovik is useful for cancer, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with low acidity. Useful in the treatment of gastric ulcers and duodenal diseases, indicated for people with chronic gastritis. Birch sap is also drunk for gout, arthritis, rheumatism, colds, and tuberculosis. It is also used for many skin diseases, for sick kidneys, if there is no indication of stones. You can wash your hair with birch sap - it perfectly strengthens your hair.

Birch sap tends to ferment and is usually stored fresh for no more than 2-3 days. There are ways to preserve this drink, however, many of its beneficial properties are lost. The juice can also be used to make refreshing kvass. For example, my grandmother used to prepare it according to this recipe: about 0.5 kg of pure roasted barley is poured into a 20-liter bottle of juice, and the bottle is placed in the cellar. In a week or a week and a half, excellent kvass is ready, which can be stored in a dark and cool place for up to six months.

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April is popularly considered the month of birch sap. The earth freezes, along with all of nature, the trees wake up from their winter sleep, their vital juices begin their new rapid run.

Birch sap is always collected at approximately the same period - small time differences depend only on weather conditions. Air temperature also affects how quickly the juice flows - the colder it is, the slower it happens. If the air temperature drops below zero, the juice will freeze and stop flowing. But as soon as it gets a little warmer, it will flow again.

In the first days of distillation, the juice will be completely clear - it contains less protein and such juice is better stored.

What kind of birch is suitable for distilling sap?

There is more sap in those birches that grow in sunny places. The amount of sap also depends on the age of the tree - one “adult” birch tree can give us up to 200 liters of sap in the spring (about 20-30 liters per day).

It is customary to extract sap from birch trees that grow outside the city, but it is not at all necessary to look for this only in those places that are untouched by civilization. Almost any birch tree will give us a pure and high-quality drink.

These trees have natural protective filters that allow only beneficial substances into their “bodies.”

If a birch tree grows next to a road or in an industrial area, it, of course, cannot naturally filter out chemicals that enter the soil. In other cases, there is no reason to worry about the quality of the sap of urban birches. True, it should be remembered that urban birches spend most of their energy cleaning their own “organism”. Also in the city, the birch tree receives less nutrients from the soil, and therefore produces less sap.

To extract sap, if possible, choose a birch tree that grows in a green area.

What does the birch tree itself “think” about the sap?

Forcing the sap will not harm the tree and it will not dry out if you follow simple rules. They mainly relate to the final stage of juice distillation. A hole drilled in wood must be sealed with a suitable size wooden plug. Ideally, such a plug should be coated with clean clay.

When to stop distilling juice?

The period of juice distillation is about a month. When the flow of juice slows down and it becomes cloudy, distillation must be stopped.

Often, during the flow process, birch sap becomes cloudy long before the end of the forcing period. In such cases, you should pay attention to the groove through which the juice flows. Birch, like any living organism, reacts to its “wound” by delivering more coagulating substances to this place. They clog the groove and, when they get into the juice, make it cloudy.

Birch sap and our health

Birch sap perfectly cleanses the body, improves metabolism and nourishes the cells of our body with organic acids. Mineral and other active substances of birch sap stimulate the elimination of salts and toxins from the body. The diuretic effect and cleansing effect of birch sap is higher than that of water.

Birch sap cleanses our kidneys and joints from salt deposits, and our blood from harmful substances. Organic acids of birch sap, entering the human body, react with harmful inorganic acids that are formed from excessive consumption of sugar, salt, meat and flour products, and also cleanse the walls of blood vessels from inorganic calcium.

It is recommended to drink birch sap to improve immunity, relieve pain from gout, rheumatism and radiculitis, and also speed up the healing of wounds. It also helps with arthritis, kidney and bladder diseases, strokes, and heart attacks.

We drink as much juice as we like!

Fresh birch sap contains more useful substances than canned one. Therefore, you need to drink as much of it as possible during the distillation period.

The main value of birch sap is minerals. It also contains vitamins and other biologically active substances: amino acids, enzymes, phytoncides, essential oils, phytohormones, malic acid, proteins, as well as sugars that are beneficial to the body - fructose and glucose. But since their concentration is low, birch sap alone is not enough to provide the body with nutrients. Therefore, drink birch sap as an addition to other means of strengthening the functions and protective properties of the body. During the forcing period, we recommend drinking at least two glasses of birch sap daily!

Rules for storing birch sap

It is difficult to preserve fresh birch sap for more than one day - bacteria can develop in it, which destroy amino acids, enzymes and other biologically active substances. Therefore, fresh juice should be prepared for longer storage.

One liter of natural birch sap contains approximately 5 grams of sugar. To obtain the required amount of carbon dioxide, about 5 more grams of sugar per liter should be dissolved in the juice. If the total amount of sugar in a liter of birch sap is 1%, then this is absolutely enough to form the optimal amount of carbon dioxide.

The fermentation process of birch sap can be stimulated by products containing yeast, for example: raisins, young shoots of black currants, black bread and rye flour. High-quality fermentation is also ensured by the addition of pure cultures of wine yeast to birch sap.

To improve the taste of the juice, you can add lemon, citric acid, cloves and other spices. However, excessive addition of spices overwhelms the natural natural flavor of the juice. According to observations, such juice is also stored worse.

Mammadaba offers recipes that will help you preserve the invigorating and nutrient-rich birch sap.

Recipe N1

You will need: 25 l of birch sap, 300 g of sugar, 1-2 lemons, 100 g of raisins

Cooking process:

Pour strained birch sap into a clean container, add washed raisins and lemon slices (without seeds). Mix everything well and pour into jars. Cover the jars with lids and leave at room temperature (18 degrees) for 3-5 days so that the juice ferments slightly. Then we put the jars in a cool place (temperature 5-10 degrees). The lower the storage temperature, the slower the fermentation and the better the juice. At a temperature of 5 degrees, the juice will become sparkling in about 14-20 days.

Recipe N2

You will need: 30 liters of birch sap, 100 rye flour, 150 g of sugar

Cooking process:

Add rye flour, diluted in a small amount of sap, and sugar to the birch sap and leave to ferment at a temperature of 18 degrees. Then put it in a cool place - 5-10 degrees.

Recipe N3

You will need: 10 liters of birch sap, 200 g of black bread, 4 young shoots of black currant, 100 g of sugar

Cooking process

To the birch sap add pieces of dried black bread (you can dry the bread in the oven), young blackcurrant shoots, and sugar. And we leave it to ferment for three days at a temperature of 15 degrees. Then pour the juice into jars or bottles, adding half a teaspoon of sugar to each container. We close the jars and bottles with juice with lids and place them in the refrigerator or cellar - it is important that the temperature is 4 degrees. You can take advantage of the experience of your ancestors and bury the bottles in the ground.

Recipe N4

Pour fresh birch sap into bottles, adding to each teaspoon of sugar, lemon slices, 5 washed raisins and citric acid on the tip of a knife. We cork the bottles and leave them for three to four days at room temperature (18 degrees). Then we put the bottles in a cooler place (4-10 degrees).

Recipe N5
Sparkling wine made from birch sap

You will need: 40 liters of birch sap, 20 g of sugar, 1 liter of starter culture from pure wine yeast cultures

Cooking process:
Add sugar and a starter culture of pure wine yeast to fresh birch sap. We prepare the starter in advance: pour the wine yeast fungus with 4 liters of birch sap, preheated to 90 degrees and cooled to 20 degrees. Cover the container with gauze and leave for 6-10 hours in a warm place (at a temperature of 20 degrees). After adding the starter to the birch sap, pour the sap into containers - glass jars and bottles, which we seal tightly. To prevent the corks from flying out during fermentation, they are tied with twine. The containers are left for 3-4 days at room temperature (18 degrees), then placed in a cellar or buried in the ground.

After 20 days, the juice will be ready for consumption. You will receive a sparkling drink with a refreshing, slightly sour taste.

Remember! The storage temperature of juice is very important. At temperatures of 16 degrees and above, birch sap quickly sours and acquires a pungent taste.

Birch sap is nothing more than a liquid that rises along a tree trunk under the influence of root pressure. When branches are broken or from a hole made in the birch trunk, the liquid is collected in a specially placed container. Externally, birch sap resembles water, but its chemical composition is different.

In the Soviet Union, its industrial collection and sales were developed. Such productions were opened in places where birches grow. This, first of all, was in the north of Ukraine, in Belarus and in Russia, located on the European part.

When and how to collect birch sap

Its collection begins from April, during, until May at the moment when the first leaves appeared. Experienced sap collectors determine the right place to make the cut. A groove (metal or plastic) is inserted into the resulting hole through which the liquid flows.

To collect birch sap, you should not use trees located near highways with heavy vehicle traffic.

Keep this in mind! The tree to be used should be about 20–30 cm in diameter. For younger trees, this procedure can be disastrous, and older trees will not produce enough sap.

Experienced people advise drilling a small hole with a drill and using a needle from a medical system for intravenous injections to build such a device. The end of the tube from the system is lowered into a container to collect juice. You can use a regular glass jar.

Not all birch trees can produce the same amount of sap. On average, an ordinary birch tree can produce about two liters per day. But some large trees produce up to 7 liters. The hole is closed with moss, a twig or wax after the end of sap flow. Significant damage to a tree can be the onset of a disease and even lead to its death.

The collected juice is drunk fresh, as well as packaged in tetrapacks or glass jars. When packaged, it can be transported over a greater distance. Since the juice contains about 2% sugar, it is subject to fermentation and therefore cannot be stored in unsealed containers for a long time.

Application of birch sap

Residents of areas where the extraction of this juice is common prepare kvass based on it. The resulting kvass is light in color, but its taste is similar to bread kvass.

The chemical composition of birch sap:

  • vitamins B6 and B12;
  • tannins;
  • microelements.

Birch sap benefits and harms for pregnant women

Women try to follow a proper diet, which would have a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy and future childbirth. Some go to the extreme, limiting seemingly harmful foods. But doctors recommend eating the right food, which is also recommended for others. It is not at all advisable to eat “for two”. This method can “feed” the baby and unforeseen complications may arise during childbirth.

Important! The composition of the juice has a beneficial effect on the body of the mother and fetus (saccharides, vitamins, tannins and minerals). Birch sap is recommended for pregnant women with the same restrictions as for others. The main limitations are personal intolerance to birch pollen.

Also, if you have urolithiasis, heavy consumption of juice can cause increased rejection and excretion of larger ones. In this case, it should be drunk in limited doses. It is not recommended for pregnant women to consume canned birch sap. To reliably preserve the juice, sugar, citric acid, and citrus fruits are added to it. These products may cause an allergic reaction.

  1. If you drink 3-4 glasses of juice a day, a serious condition such as toxicosis can be significantly reduced.
  2. If you take the juice three times a day before meals, your blood pressure will normalize.
  3. With regular intake of juice, metabolism is normalized, which reduces swelling during pregnancy.
  4. Improving metabolism helps pregnant women prone to rapid weight gain to normalize it.
  5. It has been noticed that if you drink birch sap in the second trimester, this helps to increase lactation after childbirth.

How much can you drink per day

Birch sap should be consumed taking into account your health condition. Undoubtedly, birch sap has a beneficial effect on the body. For a healthy body, to maintain it in satisfactory condition, it is enough to drink 2–2.5 liters of juice per day every day.

Consumption should be limited to people who have large kidney stones. The juice has a diuretic effect and can dislodge stones, which can cause complications. People with diabetes should not drink a lot of birch sap, as the sap contains glucose. Whether the birch sap you drink is beneficial or harmful to your body, decide with your doctor.

Birch sap recipes

To keep birch sap longer, it is frozen, canned, or made into kvass and even wine. When canning juice at home, sugar, citric acid and other ingredients – flavorings – are added.

The liquid, boiled with the addition of ingredients, is poured into a glass container and sterilized for half an hour. Once sealed, it is suitable for long-term storage.

You can use the following recipes based on 3 liters:

  1. Add 3 tbsp to boiling birch sap. sugar and 3 slices of lemon.
  2. 3-4 orange slices and 1½ tsp. pour boiling birch sap over citric acid.
  3. Place 2-3 mint leaves and 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid in a jar and pour boiling juice over it.
  4. Dissolve 2-3 candies with your favorite flavor in boiling birch sap and add 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid.

Juice storage

Birch sap poured into jars must immediately be sealed. After this, the jars are covered with a warm blanket until they cool completely. After this, they can be lowered into the cellar or stored at room temperature.

Fresh juice should not be stored for more than one day, as amino acids, enzymes and other substances may disappear under the influence of bacteria. If the birch sap becomes cloudy, it means that fermentation has begun.

Kvass from birch sap

Storage is extended by preparing kvass based on it. Recipes for making birch kvass differ in the ingredients used. The container with kvass is placed in a cool place. After the fermentation process is complete, the kvass is ready for use. On hot days, this kvass helps quench your thirst. But the drink prepared in this way loses the healing properties of the juice.

There are many recipes for making kvass. Each locality uses its own original recipe.

  1. For a 10 liter bottle of juice add 1 lemon and 100 g of sugar. Leave the mixture to ferment in a warm place for 3 days. After the process is completed, the finished kvass is placed in a cool place.
  2. For 10 liters of birch sap, add 100 grams of sugar and 30 - 35 g of rye flour. After fermentation for three days at room temperature, the kvass is placed in a cool place with a temperature of 5–10 degrees.
  3. For 10 liters of juice, add a couple of pieces of black bread, dried in the oven, 4 young branches of black currant and 100 grams of sugar. After a three-day fermentation process, the finished kvass can be consumed. For storage, place in a cool place. In the old days, kvass was stored in bottles buried in the ground

Pay attention! Kvass does not tolerate long-term storage at temperatures higher than 16 degrees. It acquires a too pungent aftertaste that is unpleasant to eat.

These are the miraculous properties of birch sap. Drink to your health!

The benefits and harms of birch sap were well known to our ancestors. More precisely, they knew more about its beneficial, medicinal properties. They also knew when and how to collect this medicine, how to prepare it correctly in order to preserve the healing substances as much as possible. This forest drink has few contraindications, but they still exist, and they were established by traditional medicine after a series of observations of patients suffering from urolithiasis and stomach ulcers.

For representatives of the current generation, birch sap is a kind of antiquity, a true story, a natural product from the times of the USSR, which has become a thing of the past along with the realities of life. There is some truth in this, because the value of this drink, the methods of its collection and preparation are gradually forgotten. And the volumes of its industrial procurement have decreased significantly. However, there are keepers of traditions, there are many recipes left in folk herbalists and plenty of evidence that this drink is not just a symbol of Russia. It is also a valuable medicine that can be prepared at home.

Features of medicinal raw materials

Birch sap is pleasant, sweetish, with a specific subtle aroma. For what diagnoses is it recommended? Does it have any contraindications? When to start collecting, in what ways to prepare juice yourself?

Preparation of birch sap

Industrial collection and canning of birch sap is carried out mostly in Belarus, less so in Russia and Ukraine. This drink was especially popular during the Soviet era. The older generation remembers very well how, in an era of shortages, three-liter cans of this drink filled empty shelves. It can also be seen on modern shelves (in three-liter, one-and-a-half-liter jars and tetrapacks), but its production has noticeably decreased.

  • When to collect? The collection is carried out in early spring, when the juices begin to rise from the root up the tree trunk. During a thaw, sap flow may begin earlier - in February. The sap is collected until the buds on the birch tree open, which also depends on weather and climatic conditions. It is also better to collect liquid during daylight hours, because at night the trees “sleep” and the movement of sap stops.
  • How to properly collect birch sap? There are several rules that should be followed: do not use young trees; After collecting, you should cover the hole or slot with wax, laundry soap or a special garden varnish, which prevents various damage and rotting of the wood. As a last resort, the hole is tightly covered with moss or a twig is stuck into it; it becomes saturated with liquid, swells and prevents it from leaking out. This forest food resource (that is how it is called in legislation) can be obtained in different ways. The first is to make an incision (notch) in the bark, insert a groove and secure it, hang a container where the juice will drain. The second is to drill a hole in the trunk to a depth of 5 cm, insert a plastic tip from the dropper system into it, and lower its other end into a container. The third is to cut off young branches and wrap them in a plastic bag, into which the liquid flows. Sometimes the sap is collected from stumps after sanitary felling of a forest area.
  • Some "tricks" of collection. You need to start collecting in the southern parts of the grove, and as the snow melts and the weather gets warmer, move deeper into the forest. They try to make cuts on the north side of the trunk - there is more juice here. A slot or hole is made approximately 50 cm from the ground. There is no need to make a deep hole. Firstly, it is dangerous for the life of the tree. Secondly, the sap moves between the bark and the wood; it only needs to pass through the bark layer.
  • How to store birch sap at home? It is better to collect raw birch and store it in glass containers. If it is collected in plastic bottles, then after filling it should be immediately poured into a glass container. Raw meat can stand in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. It is advisable to drink it by this time; then it becomes cloudy, bubbles appear in it, and fermentation processes begin. Then you can make kvass or wine from it. For long-term storage, fresh juice is canned and frozen in small portions.

One large tree can provide up to 7 liters of valuable liquid per day, small ones - up to 3 liters. On a tree with a diameter of up to 20 cm, only one hole is allowed, with a diameter of up to 25 cm, two holes can be made, up to 35 cm - three, and over 40 cm - no more than four. Despite the fact that birch roots go deep into the ground and take nutrients from clean soil, it is better to choose birch trees in groves rather than in plantings along roads. Wood also has the ability to absorb harmful substances from the air.

Healing properties and pharmacological action

The chemical composition of birch sap includes:

  • invert sugar (with equal shares of glucose and sucrose);
  • organic acids;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • essential oil;
  • phytohormones;
  • phenols;
  • urea derivatives;
  • saponins;
  • tannins;
  • group of vitamins B;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • rich composition of microelements (copper, potassium, sodium, manganese, magnesium, iron, silicon).

Pharmacological action:

  • diuretic;
  • secretory;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • tonic;
  • restorative;
  • blood purifying;
  • antioxidant.

People are increasingly talking about the antitumor properties of raw birch, although there is no scientific evidence for this. It can be prescribed for rehabilitation and restoration of the body after difficult procedures for oncology.

For what diseases is it indicated?

  • Gastrointestinal diseases. Relieves spasms, stomach and intestinal colic, treats diseases of the stomach, liver, gall bladder, acts as a mild pain reliever, anti-inflammatory medicine. Restores microflora, appetite, digestion.
  • Urinary system. One of the effective folk remedies for urolithiasis. It is advisable to drink fresh 6 glasses a day. The juice helps break up kidney stones and remove them. The course of treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor; painful conditions are likely.
  • Rheumatic diseases. An effective remedy for gout, joint arthritis, and atherosclerosis. Taken internally and externally.
  • Respiratory organs. As a general tonic with an expectorant effect, it is prescribed for inflammatory processes in the bronchi and lungs, including the treatment of tuberculosis.
  • Metabolic disorders. For diabetes mellitus, blended birch sap is useful in complex treatment and with a strict diet. A medicinal drink is prepared on its basis; it contains 35% juice of raspberries, currants, blackberries, blueberries, and elderberries. It is also taken with decoctions of rosehip, lingonberry leaves, buckthorn, nettle and other medicinal herbs. We emphasize that herbal medicine for diabetes mellitus gives a positive therapeutic effect, but only under the supervision of a doctor, with a number of laboratory tests. Depending on the type of diabetes, the dosage and course of treatment are prescribed. Since the juice is low-calorie and stimulates all metabolic processes in the body, it is drunk for weight loss.
  • Anemia. For anemia, it is recommended to drink 2-3 glasses of juice a day before meals.
  • Vitamin deficiency. Birch sap contains half of the periodic table. It is prescribed for spring avitaminosis, weakened immunity, after serious illnesses, for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.
  • Intoxication. The drink helps with poisoning (provides energy and reserves of lost fluid), cleanses the body of toxins, restores water-salt balance, helps reduce temperature and acts as a diaphoretic in combination with rosehip decoction and lemon juice. The drink also helps with a hangover, relieving stomach discomfort.
  • External use. You can gargle with the product, rinse your nose, or drink it to disinfect the oral cavity for stomatitis, gingivitis, and periodontal disease. It is also used to wipe the skin for scabies, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema, and ulcers. Helps well with non-healing wounds.

This healing drink has few contraindications: individual intolerance and allergic reaction. It is important to remember that in case of exacerbation of stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as in the acute form of urolithiasis, self-treatment with juice can lead to an even greater exacerbation. This is why medical supervision and supervision is so important. Due to the high glucose content, birch sap can harm the body if dosed and diluted incorrectly.

Features of the preparation and use of birch sap

Despite all the harmlessness and undoubted usefulness of this forest drink, it is recommended to consult a doctor before taking it. If any side effects occur (primarily from the digestive system - diarrhea), you should stop treatment and consult a doctor.

How to take

How much juice can you drink per day?

  • A glass 3 times a day is a “universal” dosage.
  • Some herbalists recommend drinking diluted juice, especially if there are exacerbations and diabetes.
  • For preventive purposes, you can drink for a long time, but little by little.
  • The treatment course may be shorter, but with a higher dosage; in this case, a break in therapy is required.

Cooking recipes

Recipes for collecting birch sap are impressive in their variety. You can prepare pure raw material, or you can prepare from it soothing infusions with the addition of mint, fortified with black currants and rose hips. Raw birch also produces delicious kvass, wine, low-alcohol drinks, and syrup.

  • Kvass. Birch sap has high fermentation properties. Therefore, kvass from birch sap is prepared without yeast. But there are also recipes for making it with yeast.
  • Syrup. It is curious that today there are no more than two dozen producers of this delicacy in the world. Birch syrup is prepared according to the same principle as the famous maple syrup. To get 1 liter of product, you need to evaporate 100 liters of juice! The syrup is similar to honey in consistency and taste, but it has a woody bitterness. In Russia there is a community of lovers and connoisseurs of this product, where they also produce natural birch sap, sauce, kvass, and chaga. Here you can buy frozen raw meat.
  • Wine. The production of birch wines was established in the USSR, but now this is a rarity. Raw birch produced high-quality sparkling (carbonated) wine. It can also be prepared at home using old Russian recipes.

Carbonated drink recipe

  1. Pour raw birch into a three-liter jar and keep warm for 2 days.
  2. Place 6 tsp in a jar. Sahara.
  3. Add some raisins and lemon zest.
  4. Close the lid and leave for 2 days.

The result is a pleasant carbonated drink with sourness (essentially kvass). If the fermentation process is active, you need to open the lid slightly or use a lid with a hole. To reduce fermentation processes, the drink is stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe for birch kvass with yeast

  1. Heat the birch raw material to 35°C.
  2. Add 15 g of yeast (per 1 liter of juice), some raisins, lemon zest.
  3. Close with a tight lid.
  4. Leave for 7 days.

Kvass perfectly quenches thirst and normalizes digestion.

Recipe for birch kvass without yeast

  1. Pour raw birch into a three-liter jar.
  2. Place pieces of dried rye bread in it.
  3. For aroma, add currant and cherry leaves.
  4. Cover the jar with gauze and leave for 14 days.

Malt kvass recipe

  1. Pour 5 liters of raw birch into a large bottle.
  2. Leave for 2 days.
  3. Add 30 g of barley malt.
  4. Leave for at least 10 days.

Previously, in Rus', kvass was prepared in large barrels. It was one of the most popular drinks at holiday feasts. To keep kvass for a long time, honey and oak bark were placed in barrels. Herbs were also added - thyme, caraway, linden, chamomile, lemon balm, St. John's wort. Blended low-alcohol drinks were made with the addition of rowan juice, rose hips, cherries, blueberries, and apples.

Recipe for canned birch sap

  1. Take 3 liters of fresh juice.
  2. Add 100 g of sugar and 1 medium lemon, cut into slices.
  3. Boil over low heat in an enamel bowl for 5 minutes.
  4. Pour into a sterilized jar and roll up.

You can use orange instead of lemon. A sprig of mint or lemon balm will add a pleasant taste to the juice. Previously, there was an opinion that industrial birch sap was diluted with citric acid and water. Too much of it was produced in the USSR. In fact, you can add a little lemon to the drink recipe as a preservative.

Birch sap for women and children

  • Pregnancy. There is no information that juice can harm the body during pregnancy. However, consultation with a doctor should be mandatory, especially if a woman has chronic diseases of the stomach and kidneys. This low-calorie drink quenches thirst well, normalizes metabolic processes, blood pressure, and reduces attacks of nausea and vomiting during toxicosis.
  • Lactation. There is an opinion that birch sap is useful during breastfeeding and stimulates lactation. There is no scientific evidence for this. However, it can be useful for a nursing mother due to its rich composition. It should be taken in reasonable portions. To begin with, it is recommended to drink 100 g of juice and observe the baby’s reaction.
  • Children's age. The question arises: can children drink birch sap? Pediatricians do not recommend giving it to babies under 1 year of age in any form. After a year, you can offer canned juice, but in small portions, first in diluted form. Later, you can try introducing raw milk into your diet, also in small doses. The juice is valuable for children because of glucose, phytoncides, organic acids, unique compositions of micro- and macroelements, and vitamins. Needless to say, children should be given only a high-quality, proven product, without additives.


Birch sap is widely used in cosmetology due to its tonic, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory effects. How is it used?

  • Like lotion and hair mask. It strengthens roots well, eliminates dandruff and excess fat. Pure juice is rubbed into the scalp and hair. Masks are also made from it with the addition of castor oil and honey.
  • For skin problems. Use undiluted juice to wipe the skin in the morning and evening for furunculosis, acne, pigment spots, and lichen.
  • Ingestion. For skin diseases it is used not only externally, but also internally. Birch sap acts as a blood purifier, helps with furunculosis, pimples, acne, and eliminates the cause of the disease “from the inside.”
  • Cosmetic ice. In addition to lotions and masks, cosmetic ice made from birch sap is used. To do this, it is poured into small molds, frozen, and the skin is rubbed with pieces of ice daily.

What are the main medicinal properties of birch sap? First of all, it is a mild diuretic and choleretic agent. The drink also has restorative, blood purifying, tonic, and antiseptic properties. It is used to treat skin diseases, metabolic disorders, anemia, vitamin deficiency, intoxication, and is actively used in cosmetology.