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» You can do so that the columns. Creating columns in the text editor Microsoft Word. Devices with three speakers

You can do so that the columns. Creating columns in the text editor Microsoft Word. Devices with three speakers

From this instruction you will learn how to use columns in text documents, how to align text in columns and change the distance between them, how to add breaks between columns.

Why use speakers

Most often, the column element is used in newspapers, magazines, brochures and flyers. In particular for printed edition The format with columns looks more attractive and professional.

You can create one, two or three columns of the same size. Then, as you type, you will automatically move to the next column when the previous one ends, unless you manually insert a column end. You can set the width of the columns and use the usual formatting that is used in regular text documents.

Online course "Word from simple to complex" Master the work in the main text editor on high level. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or already work with Word, with our course you will become a real document guru!

Adding Columns

  • Select the text you want to convert to columns.
  • From the ribbon menu, select a tab "Layout", section "Page settings".
  • Click on the button "Columns".
  • From the drop-down list, select the desired number of columns (for example, three).

Note that unless you first select the specific area of ​​text you want to turn into columns, all text following the cursor is converted into columns.

Formatting Columns

When columns are created, by default they have an alignment similar to that of the text. And often this is left aligned. This is not the best option for columns, so it is better to format it to fit the width.

  • Let's highlight our columns.
  • Select a tab from the ribbon menu "Home", section "Paragraph".
  • Click on the “Align to Width” icon (a similar action can be achieved by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + J).

The text is spaced evenly within the columns. And the distances between the columns became more clear. These values ​​can be changed.

  • Place your cursor anywhere within the columns you want to format.
  • From the ribbon menu, select a tab "Layout", region "Page settings".
  • Click on the button "Columns" and then select "Other Columns". The Columns dialog box opens.
  • Enter values ​​for the width of the columns and the spacing between them. For example, enter 0.2 as the spacing to make the distances smaller.
  • Click OK and evaluate the changes. If necessary, redo the path and change the values.

If you want to set columns of different widths, this is done in the same “Columns” dialog box. To set each column an ​​individual width, you first need to uncheck the checkbox "Columns of equal width". After this, the width and spacing values ​​for each column will become available for editing.

If you do not want to buy equipment, it is quite possible to make sound system on one's own. In this article we will tell you how to assemble a column for such a system. Of course, we will talk about a stationary sound speaker, since the technology for making portable speakers is much more complex and will require you not only to have special knowledge and skills, but also special equipment and materials.

How to assemble speakers correctly

First you need to take 2 identical dense cardboard boxes. The boxes should not be deformed and it is desirable that they be strong enough and attractive in appearance. Please note that the sound quality will directly depend on their size. Now we take 2 dynamic heads (of any suitable size) with a power of about 3 W. The dimensions of the heads are not so important, because the sound quality will primarily be determined by the cardboard housing of the speakers. Remember that it is better to use small speakers in large enclosures than large ones in small ones. Next, you need to cut holes in the middle of the box lids that follow the shape of the head diffuser. Now we drill holes for mounting the speakers - 4 in each box. Next, between the box lids and heads you need to lay any fabric that has good sound-transmitting properties. Then we secure the heads with screws, nuts and washers and drill 20-30 small diameter holes on the back of each box. On top of the boxes we make holes in the shape of thermometers for fastening to the wall.

We complete the assembly

Now you need to glue on the corners of each back wall 4 rubber mugs each about 5 mm thick. This is necessary so that the speakers are not attached tightly to the wall, otherwise you will not get high-quality sound. With this simple procedure, you can get your 3-watt speaker system to sound as powerful as a modern, foam-lined 15-watt speaker system. Moreover, your system will also benefit from bass performance. Next, we just need to take a 2-wire flexible multi-core cable with a cross section of 0.75 mm2. and solder it to the dynamic heads. Now you need to take the cable out and secure the covers to the speaker housing. Having assembled the speakers in this way and hung them on the wall, connect them to an amplifier with an output power that does not exceed the power of each of the speakers. Please note that these systems are designed for indoor use. Well, we found out how to assemble a speaker with our own hands, and now a few words about the amplifier, because without a good, high-quality “amplifier” the speakers will not sound as they should. This is actually a topic for another article, but we will give you instructions on how to build your own IC-based speaker amplifier.

How to assemble a speaker amplifier

It is best to make a transistor amplifier, the circuit of which has long been known - unlike an amplifier on microcircuits, a transistor one will reproduce sound much better. However, if you don’t want to bother with such a design and sound quality is not so critical for you, the easiest way is to make an amplifier using microcircuits. To make an amplifier, take printed circuit board and install the corresponding microcircuit on it (usually a microcircuit with legs numbered 5, 11, 12 removed is used). The radiator area must be at least 600 Now connect the case to the common wire, and for the power supply, take a step-down transformer with a current of 5 A and a voltage of 25 V. The transformer must have two windings. Next you need to solder the capacitor in parallel with the diodes and the filter capacitors. The capacity of the first capacitor should be 0.01 μF, capacitors C2 and C4 0.1 μF, and capacitors C1 and C3 - 22 μF with a voltage of 50 V. The supply voltage with a load of 8 ohms should be 35 V, and with a load of 4 ohms - 27 V. In this case, the voltage on the transformer windings (secondary) should be 20 V. You can find the circuit diagram of such an amplifier here


Load into Microsoft Word the document whose text needs to be reformatted into columns, and place the input cursor on the desired page. If the entire contents of the document must be placed in columns, leave the cursor on the first page. You only need to select a section of text when dividing a limited fragment into columns, and if this option needs to be applied to entire pages, this is not necessary.

Go to the “Page Layout” tab and expand the “Columns” drop-down list in the “Page Setup” command group. It includes four column layout options - from one to three equal-width columns and two options for asymmetrical two-column text. Select one of them or use the “Other Columns” item to access the settings for constructing a custom split.

In the custom splitting settings window, set required quantity columns in the "Number of Columns" field. By default, the width of the columns and spaces between them will be set automatically, but you can change this setting and set the sizes of each of them yourself. To do this, first uncheck the “equal width columns” box. After this, you will be able to edit the values ​​in the “width” and “spacing” boxes for each column - the corresponding table is placed above this checkbox. If you need to place a vertical line between columns, check the Separator box.

In the “Apply” drop-down list, select the scope of the specified column splitting settings. You can set them for the selection, for sections affected by the current selection, for the current page, the entire document, or from the current page to the end of the document. Depending on whether text was selected before opening this dialog, some of the listed options may not appear in the list. When all required settings the splits will be set, click OK.


  • how to make two columns in Word

The cheat sheet is a universal assistant for those who do not have enough time to fully master the material or want to play it safe. Exist various options cheat sheets, but the most popular ones for their simplicity are still paper ones printed on a computer.

You will need

  • -Computer
  • -Internet
  • -Laser printer


When preparing cheat sheets, first type all the information into one Text Document. Cover each question as fully as possible; if you don’t cover it in preparing your cheat sheet, you may forget basic things due to nervous tension on the exam.

Create a table in a Word document that roughly follows the proportions. Select all the text from which you are making cheat sheets, having previously numbered the ticket numbers in it, and set the fourth font to Times New Roman. It is advisable to highlight the names and numbers of tickets in bold.

Helpful advice

Use only laser printer- this way the print quality will be maximum

There are a few days before the exam, and, of course, I’m too lazy to study. A problem for millions of schoolchildren and students that cannot be eradicated. In this case, if there is no desire or opportunity to teach required material, then you should get creative about how to print cheat sheets on the desired topic.

You will need

  • Microsoft Office Word any version


Selecting the right material.
Indeed, it will be bad if you “spur” the entire textbook. This will be extremely difficult to use. Therefore, from any educational material it is necessary to highlight only the most basic, exactly what is required, and without unnecessary “water”. Then the printed cheat sheet will be convenient to use, and it will take up little space. Therefore, the chances of successful cheating will increase.

Application of abbreviations.
If in educational material the same thing is often used, that is, it makes sense to shorten it. It would seem that this is not so critical, but if there are 20-30 such words, then this will significantly reduce the space occupied by the cheat sheet, and you will have to print less. For example, if the phrase " trigonometric function“, then you won’t want to see it many times in your cheat sheet, so it can quite reasonably be shortened to “TF”.

Actually, text formatting cheat sheets.
This should be taken quite seriously. Formatting takes several steps:
1) Font selection;
2) Selecting the font size;
3) Selecting the number of columns on one sheet;
4) Highlighting important points. The font must be clear and legible even at a small size. Therefore, the recommended fonts are: Times New Roman, Calibri, Arial. Optimal for printing cheat sheets is a 4 font. However, for the quality to be high, the print quality must also be excellent! Laser printers are best suited for these purposes.
The number of columns is a critical step. If there are a lot of columns, then cutting them into pieces will result in a lot of small leaves, which will be very difficult to handle. The most optimal options are: 3 columns for portrait page orientation, 6-7 columns for landscape page orientation.
To separate some pieces of information from others, you can use: numbering, bold or italics. Or easier, by cutting cheat sheets and separate one information from another. But then again there may be a risk of getting confused in a heap of papers.

Probably, any computer user who is now reading this article went to school. Studying is sometimes difficult and without the help of cheat sheets it can be very difficult. It is safe to say that almost all students used them.

You will need

  • Computer or laptop, Internet access, printer.


Usually, cheat sheets were used by some students not because they do not know the subject material, but for safety purposes. Probably every student knows that a cheat sheet written by hand is much better than one. Ask? Because a person, when, mentally pronounces the recorded material on. Thus, the written cheat sheet leaves part of the knowledge in the head, which cannot be said about its analogue in electronic version.

The easiest way to prepare completely and thoroughly is to collect all the material for the course of study of this discipline. All notes can be entered here; not every subject is presented by the teacher directly from the textbook, all are scanned laboratory works, most likely they will come in handy. After collecting information on a subject, you need to format it.

The information is formatted as follows: any text that you may come across (except for graphs and diagrams) are removed, the text is aligned to one edge, preferably the left. Don't forget to determine your size cheat sheets, best option which was calculated a long time ago: the width is up to 5-6 centimeters, the length is not limited, the cheat sheet can be long, but it must fold into .

In any text editor, create a new text document. In a new document, create a table with columns 5 or 6 centimeters wide. Enter several texts into the table cells and print the resulting cheat sheets on drafts. If you are satisfied with this cheat sheet, print out the remaining material, otherwise change the width of the columns and experiment until you get the final result.

After printing all of them, cut them and use a marker or a thick pen to highlight the names of the tickets or topics and subheadings. This action will allow you to save a significant amount of time on the exam.

Video on the topic

Even if a student has prepared well, he may become very nervous when taking the exam. Then all the efforts put into preparation may go to waste. That’s why it’s better to print and take the cheat sheet with you.

You will need

  • pen;
  • paper;
  • computer;
  • Printer;
  • scissors.


Once the required material is ready, proceed to reprinting it into a file. To do this you will need the simplest text editor. A standard notepad will be enough. Type the required text in the smallest but readable font and arrange it in such a way that when cutting the printed sheets, the size of the cheat sheet is smaller than the palm of your hand. You can also use special programs for preparing cheat sheets; they will immediately format the text in the most convenient way for printing cheat sheets.

Cheat sheets prepared electronically need to be printed. It is better to use a laser printer, as its print quality is higher, and even the smallest details will be clearly visible. Before you start printing, think about where you will put it away and how you will write it off. If these are accordions with turning pages hidden in the palm of your hand, then print the text on both. If you're going to put cheat sheets under for an answer, don't put the text on back side- by turning the cheat sheet over, you risk attracting the teacher’s attention.


When taking the exam, you should not once again attract attention to yourself by using a cheat sheet. It is worth looking into it only in cases where it is really necessary. Be careful when using spurs. Before you take out your cheat sheet, look around and make sure no one is looking at you. If the teacher notices you, it may end in disaster - you are guaranteed a retake.

Helpful advice

Do the spurs yourself to remember at least part of the material.

When making spurs, it is better to write down all the answers in your own hand on a piece of paper. Thanks to such actions, the information will be securely stored in your head.

The exam is tomorrow, and there is absolutely not enough time to learn everything. This is the most common problem among schoolchildren and students. But don't panic, pick up required material and make cheat sheets on it.

You will need

  • computer,
  • scanner,
  • Printer.


To prepare for the exam completely and thoroughly, collect all the material for the course of the discipline you are about to take. This includes all notes, labs, graphs and diagrams. Scan the most necessary information. You shouldn’t mindlessly scan everything; preparation is also serious work.

After collecting information, format it. Formatting is done according to the following scheme: remove all unnecessary pictures, align the text to one edge, preferably to the left. Determine the crib size for yourself, but the best option The width is considered to be 4-5 centimeters. The length of the cheat sheet is not limited, because later you will fold it into an accordion for maximum convenience.

In a text editor, create a new document. In it, select a table with a column width of 4 or 5 centimeters. Enter several texts in the cells with a fourth font size and print the resulting version on draft sheets. If you are satisfied with the finished cheat sheet, then print all the remaining material. If not, then change the width of the columns and experiment until you get a suitable result.

Nowadays you can download many programs on the Internet that allow you to quickly and easily create cheat sheets. All you need to do is photograph or scan all the necessary material, then save it in a separate folder and add the files to the program. It will automatically remove the background and pictures, leaving only the text. Set the number of cheat sheets that will be located on an A4 sheet and feel free to print.

After printing the cheat sheets, unpack them. Use a colored marker to highlight the ticket names or subheadings. This way you will save the time needed to search necessary information during the exam.

Currently, the most convenient text editor with the ability to create tables is MS Word from the Microsoft Office package. With its help, you can create a table of absolutely any size with a certain number of rows and columns.

Text Word editor has several tools that allow you to edit the typed text according to the user's wishes. In addition to the fact that in sentences you can change the color and size of the font, the style and method of highlighting, words and even fragments of text, if necessary, it is possible to arrange the text in columns. Using the commands presented in the “Home” category, in just a few clicks you can arrange blocks of information on one sheet in several columns. In the article below we will look at a method that allows you to create columns in a text editor document.

How to create columns

It should be noted that the placement of the typed text in Word can be configured at the time of document creation. The user can, according to his preference, specify as many columns in the properties as he may need. Using the tools built into the program, you can make a division both before a set of sentences and after the file has already been generated.

For example, you can make 2 columns in Word using the “Page Layout” section, using one of the proposed options in the “Columns” subsection, or the “Other” command, which allows you to independently configure the required number of columns.

The user can, at his discretion, insert columns into the document with standard sizes or in the specialized “Columns” window, adjust the width of each individual column separately. By adjusting column settings, you can specify your preferred width, as well as the distance between two adjacent columns. The toolkit located in Word helps to further set the dividing line. It is important to know that the applied settings can be located either on the entire file, on part of the selected fragment, or on the area going from the cursor down to the end of the open document.

Filling principle

After the user manages to create columns in Word, he will fill them with sentences. It should be noted that the principle of filling is such that the text is initially typed in the first column, then, as each previous section is filled, the cursor will move to the next section.

If there is a need not to fill one column with words to the end, and at the same time move on to the next column, it is necessary to create a gap before the words that will be located in the next column. The “Page Layout” category will help you carry out this manipulation, which, among other tools, contains the “Breaks” command, located in the “Column” subcategory.

Columnar text is used in newspapers, magazines, booklets, etc. MS Word 2007 displays text in one column by default. But the Word 2007 word processor can distribute text across two or more columns.

Text in columns moves from the bottom of one column to the top of another; to force a transition from one column to another, you need to break the column (command "Page Layout/Breaks/Column").

You can create columns using the Columns icon on the Page Layout tab in the Page Setup group.


You can also create columns using the Columns dialog box, which can be accessed by clicking on the More Columns command.


To quickly create standard columns in the entire document or part of it, you need to select all or part of the text, click the “Columns” button and select one of the five standard options presented in the screenshot in Fig.

If you need to create non-standard columns, you must use the "Columns" dialog box. Using the dialog box, you can create a different number of columns with different widths and spacing, as well as with a separator (a vertical line between the columns). In addition, columns can be applied “to the entire document” or part of it - from a certain paragraph and “to the end of the document”.


When you split a selected portion of text into columns, the editor will insert section break lines before and after the selected text. That is, the selected text is placed in a separate section of the document in which newspaper columns are created.

Text in columns can be formatted in the same way as document text without columns. To ensure that there are no large gaps between words in Word 2007, you can perform manual or automatic hyphenation. To hyphenate, on the “Page Layout” tab, in the “Page Options” group, open the list with the options shown in the screenshot (Figure and select the required option.


Columns can contain pictures, tables, charts, and other document objects. It should be noted that the dimensions of Word document objects should not exceed the width of the column.