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» Juniper at home in a pot. Tips and tricks for planting and caring for juniper in a pot: growing a plant at home. Juniper - home care

Juniper at home in a pot. Tips and tricks for planting and caring for juniper in a pot: growing a plant at home. Juniper - home care

Family. Cypress (Cupressaceae).

Motherland. China, Japan.

Varieties. Several of the approximately 70 species are grown indoors, including Chinese juniper (J. chinensis).

Botanical characteristic. Juniper is a dioecious evergreen coniferous shrub or small tree, the trunk of which is covered with longitudinally flaky grayish-brown bark. Young reddish-brown shoots have a trihedral shape. The buds are small, covered with scaly needles; whorled needles, 1-2 cm long, hard, spiky. Cone berries are sessile, 7-9 mm in diameter, first green, then bluish-black.

Lighting. The plant is photophilous, so it is advisable to put it closer to the window glass.

Temperature. In the summer, take the juniper out into the open air, and in the winter into an unheated room. The plant hibernates at a temperature of 7-9 ° C.

Air humidity. It does not tolerate dry air, in addition, pollution, including dust, is harmful. Therefore, spray juniper 2 times a day.

In summer, watering is plentiful (overmoistening harms the plant, which sheds needles from this), but gradually by autumn it becomes limited, although it should not be brought to overdrying of the earthy coma.

Repot your juniper as needed in March or November. The substrate for it is made up of peat, soddy soil and sand (2:1:1).

Top dressing should not be carried away, the minimum amount of fertilizer is quite enough.

The plant propagates by cones or shoots. The latter is preferable, since seed germination can be delayed for more than one year.

Pests and diseases. Shoot moth, juniper aphid, juniper zhitovka, etc.

There are legends about the medicinal properties of juniper. The smell of this coniferous plant can cure many diseases. If you place this beautiful plant in a room, then a restful sleep is guaranteed. From the dwarf forms of juniper spectacular compositions are obtained.

The desire to see the garden both in winter and in summer is quite understandable. For this, evergreens are grown at home.
Among the few conifers that can grow in a room or a winter garden without compromising their appearance, juniper is listed.

There are several hundred varieties of this conifer, but not all of them are suitable for keeping at home.

The following species can be grown as a houseplant:

  • solid
  • juniper chinensis
  • Common juniper
  • Juniper horizontal

Dwarf forms will feel best in a limited space:

Juniper horizontalis Wiltoni. This variety has a peculiar blue needles and is suitable for creating a composition with other plants. It grows quite slowly, but in adulthood it can reach a diameter of about a meter.

In height at any age, it does not rise above 10 cm. If the ensemble for the winter garden will exist for more than one year, then this juniper should be chosen to create a background.

Juniper horizontalis Glauka. Very slow growing creeping juniper. At the age of about 10 years, its diameter can reach only 40 cm.

Juniper ordinary Compessa. A miniature columnar tree. This species grows extremely slowly. The height of the plant in adulthood is only 60 cm. And this is 10 years after planting.

Common juniper Depressa Aurea. Golden creeping appearance. Grows very slowly. An adult plant reaches 30 cm in height and about 50 cm in diameter.

With the onset of the cool season, it turns into a bronze color. Very nice looking juniper. It responds well to shearing and makes excellent bonsai.

Juniper Chinese Piramidalis. A distinctive feature of this tree is the blue-green foliage. Its conical shape is very strict and delicate. After 10 years of growth, it reaches its maximum height - one meter twenty centimeters. A worthy representative for planting in a winter garden or in a room.

Juniper average Old Cold. This juniper is suitable for making bonsai. Its foliage or scales acquire a golden color with a bronze tint in autumn. A very beautiful plant.

Juniper scaly Meyeri. The weeping form of this variety, unusual for conifers, is emphasized by bluish foliage. It grows slowly in height and is great for Japanese-style compositions even without shaping and fixing.

In addition to miniature junipers, some hobbyists grow ordinary garden forms:

  • Juniper rocky
  • Red cedar
  • Juniper medium

Such plants need a large amount of soil and will look inharmonious in a small limited space. Large specimens of conifers are appropriate in the winter garden.

In the warm season, containers with large and small coniferous plants are taken out into the open air.

The variety of indoor junipers is quite large and only the florist decides which specimen to stop at. There is wise advice - do not rush into buying. First you need to evaluate your capabilities and features of growing a plant.

What does juniper love

In the open field, it is not difficult to create conditions for juniper, and it is considered a non-capricious plant. Another thing is room conditions.
For full development, juniper must exist in conditions close to natural:

Cold winter. This is one of the main conditions for growing ephedra in a room. The air temperature in winter for juniper should be slightly above zero. An earthen lump in a container with a plant should not freeze. The lowest temperature limit is 0 °C. Upper limit + 10 °C.

Such conditions can be created in a winter garden or insulated balcony. Many flower growers arrange a winter garden in this area. This works especially well on spacious balconies.

Insulation of such a corner does not involve the installation of heaters. To do this, you just need to sheathe it with wood and put good frost-proof windows. Modern insulation is laid between the tree and the wall for additional thermal insulation.

To control the temperature, it is necessary to have a thermometer on the balcony and in the room.

Good lighting. Juniper is a light-loving culture. It is necessary to keep a pot with a plant in a bright place. At the same time, direct sunlight and dry home air will negatively affect the condition of the plant: it will begin to turn yellow and dry.

The best place for the location of the juniper in the house is a little further from the south window.

Only common juniper can withstand a slight shading.

Correct landing. A plant should be planted in a container immediately after purchase. Most often, in garden centers or flower shops, plants are offered with temporary soil. Therefore, some manipulations with the plant are needed before planting it in a permanent place:

Two hours before the proposed landing, the juniper must be carefully watered. A nutrient mixture in the form of potassium humate can be added to the water for irrigation.

Carefully remove the plant with a clod of earth. Wet soil will prevent the roots from spontaneously baring. She forms a defense around them.

Wet substrate around the roots must be carefully removed. It doesn't have to be done very well. You can leave what is close to the roots.

Caution is needed here in order to damage the white thin roots as little as possible. It is they who help the plant take root in new conditions and take on the function of extracting nutrients from the soil.

Very moderate watering. In open ground, juniper is watered very rarely, only in dry summers. For an adult plant, abundant watering once a month is enough, provided that there was no rain.

Indoor juniper is located in a limited amount of land and does not have the ability to take root deeply. Therefore, it needs to be watered once a week.

Maintaining air humidity. In urban apartments with central heating, the air, especially in winter, becomes dry.

Juniper is very sensitive to this.

This problem is solved by spraying the plant daily with room temperature water or installing a humidifier.

Mandatory drainage. Juniper roots do not tolerate high soil moisture. To release excess fluid in a container with a plant, drainage must be present. Expanded clay or coarse sand is used as drainage.

In this case, a flower pot with a special tray can serve as a good help. It is suitable for plants that are sensitive to high soil moisture. Watering can be done through the pallet.

Soil preparation for planting. Juniper refers to plants that do not impose special requirements on the composition of the soil. But this applies to plants in the open field.

In conditions of limited space, the soil must be prepared specifically for coniferous plants.

There are several ways to prepare the soil mixture for juniper:

Buy soil for coniferous plants in a proven garden center. Such compositions contain peat, river sand and the most important trace elements for the proper development of the plant.

Prepare it yourself from peat, soddy soil and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. You can add a handful of vermiculite to this mixture.

Top dressing. It is necessary to stimulate the plant immediately after planting so that it takes root well in a new place. Once every two weeks, fertilizer for coniferous plants of Fertik needs to be watered by a new tenant.

After the juniper has taken root, top dressing should be minimized. In the spring, during the period of active growth, the plant needs enhanced nutrition. In March, homemade juniper is spilled with a fertilizer solution. Until next spring, no more fertilizing is required.

While watching the video, you will learn about the cultivation of juniper.

Small difficulties in growing a coniferous plant at home will be rewarded with fragrant and healthy pet needles.

Attention, super FLY!

Juniper- a perennial plant with soft beautiful needles, which is valued not only for its decorative appearance, but also for its medicinal qualities.

Variety of species allows you to choose the most suitable for each gardener. Unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention adds pluses to the desire to grow one of the oldest plants of the cypress family.

To obtain beautiful healthy plant, it must be planted by choosing the right place, soil and landing time.

Landing in open ground

Planting juniper in open ground requires compliance with all the nuances - the right choice of time and place of planting, soil and planting material.

Landing time

Most best drop off time juniper in open ground - early spring.

Moreover, you do not need to wait for warm weather, the plant can be planted immediately after the snow melts.

In the later spring, young growth can also be planted, but there is a danger burning needles.

When planting juniper in the autumn period, there is a possibility that the plant will not have time to take root and acclimatize.

A plant acquired with a closed root system can be planted Anytime even during the hot summer months. True, shading is required from the rays of the sun in the daytime.

Location selection

Juniper grows well only in open sunny places. Sunlight access it should be during the whole day. Some shading is allowed only when growing common juniper, but also to a small extent.

From lighting intensity depends on the decorativeness of plants, the density of branches and needles. In a juniper growing in the shade, the branches will grow little, they will be random, forming a shapeless loose mass. Variegated needles will lose their original color.

Soil for planting

Soil reaction depends on the type of plant. Alkaline is necessary for ordinary, Central Asian and Cossack juniper. To obtain such a reaction, dolomite flour or slaked lime is introduced into the soil.

Other species prefer acid reaction. This is achieved by introducing peat and sand into the soil, mulching using wood shavings and peat.

Siberian juniper requires sandy and sandy loamy soil, virgin - clay soil, into which it is desirable to make compost.

Into the landing pit you need to add drainage from broken bricks, large pebbles and sand. The thickness of the drainage layer is about 15-25 cm.

planting material

The best thing
plant young plants growing in containers up to 5 liters. They are easier to plant and take root. Especially if root system closed(i.e. the plant is placed in the ground along with a clod of earth).

For planting large plants some experience and skill is required. Such seedlings are grown in the ground, before being sold, they are dug up, wrapped in burlap or placed in special containers and plastic bags.

plant mature plants Not recommended at all. This is due to the peculiarity of the root system, which is pivotal and goes deep into the soil. Dig up a specimen without damaging the main root is almost impossible. This will lead to the almost inevitable death of the plant.

Try to plant adult juniper is possible only in winter, with a frozen soil coma. It has been noticed that the closer to spring the planting is, the more likely the plant will survive.

Before planting specimens in a pit, they are prepared, abundantly wetting the clod of earth 2 hours before boarding.

How to plant juniper?

For landing
you need to dig a hole. Its size depends on the size of the seedling. For young junipers, a pit is made square meter by meter. They dig about half a meter deep. In any case, a hole is made in 2-3 times larger than a soil clod.

The bottom of the pit is lined with a drainage layer. The rest of the space is filled with cultivated soil suitable for each type of juniper. The plant is placed in a hole, trying not to damage the soil ball and roots. In young seedlings, the root neck should be located at the very surface of the soil; in adult plants, it should rise to 6-12 cm.

After planting, the plant is watered with plenty of water. The trunk circle is mulched various materials - peat, pine bark, wood chips, sawdust, crushed cones, pine nut shells. The layer thickness should be 5-10 cm.

If several specimens are planted at once, the correct distance between them should be observed. In small species, it should be at least half a meter. At tall and sprawling - from 1.5 to 2.5 m.

Planting juniper from the forest

If the rules are followed, such a landing is quite possible. In some cases, even more reliable, as you choose planting material.

Need to transplant small young plants that still have a small root system. When you find such a tree, mark the sunny side before digging it up. Plant at home on the same side.

The seedling is dug together with a clod of soil, immediately placing in a polyethylene film or burlap, wrap tightly and tie.

Plant in the garden in the same way as purchased material.

Planting bush species

You can plant such a juniper before it grows in breadth and depth. The root system of adult shrubs is strongly intertwined and grows down, deep underground. So planted only young specimens under two years of age.

Growing juniper from seed

Not all types and varieties of plants can be grow from seeds. Ornamental hybrid plants reproduce only by cuttings. Pollination occurs with the wind, so there are very few full-fledged seeds from which it is possible to grow juniper.

You can collect planting material from plants of two years of age, during the darkening of the berries, but before the completion of this process. Seeds from completely dark fruits "go" to rest and fall into "hibernation", so they germinate for a very long time.

After collecting the seeds stratify. To do this, a box is taken and filled with a wet substrate of peat, sand, moss, in which the seeds are placed. Top with another layer of filler.

For the winter, these boxes are taken out into the street and remain under the snow for the entire cold season for a period of up to 150 days. Thus, cold stratification is carried out in a natural way. It is needed to speed up germination. Seeds that have not undergone this procedure will be able to sprout only a year later after sowing in the ground.

In May, stratified planting material is removed from the substrate and planted in prepared beds. Further care is no different from other plants. Watering, timely weeding, loosening of row spacing. Ready seedlings are planted in permanent places.

Propagation by cuttings

In this manner can be propagated absolutely all kinds of plants. It is easiest to take root undersized and ordinary juniper.

Cut off young annual branches from the tree you like in the spring, always with a piece of the main plant. The length of the handle is about a decimeter. Material clear of needles and place for a day in a solution that stimulates root formation. After the expiration date, the cuttings are placed in a light substrate (sand, peat or a mixture thereof). It is moistened, covered with a film or cut plastic bottles and left to take root in a shady place.

Periodically, the "greenhouse" must be opened for ventilation and ensure that the substrate does not dry out. With a favorable schedule after 30-50 days roots will appear.

After successful root formation, the cuttings are planted in open ground, having previously prepared the beds. So that young plants do not freeze, they are covered with spruce or pine branches for the winter.

Transplanted to a permanent place after 2-3 g.

Care rules

Unpretentious and unpretentious juniper does not require much attention. However, following some rules, you will save the beautiful appearance of the plant and ensure a long life.

Watering and feeding

Plant able to withstand without watering for a long period. However, in hot, dry summers, it is recommended to water it at least once a month.

Also periodically arrange a shower using a spray gun or other sprayers. The procedure is carried out every week in the early morning or evening, when the sun is not as active as during the day.

In the spring, they bring into the soil under the plant nitroammophos at the rate of 45 g per square meter. During the summer, you can fertilize the juniper with organic or mineral fertilizers no more than once a month. Such top dressing is carried out if the tree grows more slowly than expected.


It is carried out only in case of emergency, because there is no guarantee that the juniper will take root in a new place.

juniper transplant absolutely dislikes!

If you still decide - prepare optimal soil. It is best to mix coniferous soil, peat, sand in equal proportions. After placing in a new place, water the tree liberally.

Pruning and care in winter

The plant itself is perfect does not require pruning. All that is needed is to remove dry branches at any time. However, when forming a beautiful crown, you can cut off extra branches using a sharpened tool.

You can not cut many branches at once - a tree can get sick.

Young plants cover in the first couple of years lutrasilom or other similar material. Older plants with a spreading crown are tied with a rope or twine to prevent branches from breaking due to snow. You can also periodically shake off the tree from the attacking snow.

Juniper care in spring

When the sun becomes active and the snow slowly melts, a very dangerous period begins for all types of junipers. They are may die if no action is taken.

The sun can literally burn the needles, previously located under the snow or simply weaned from the burning rays. To prevent this, it is necessary to shade the plants with burlap, thin cloth or other covering material.

After the snow melted, cover material is removed, the trunk circle is cleaned of fallen leaves and other organic debris. The mulch layer is removed, as it can lead to root rot. The soil is dug up or loosened. When the soil dries out, the threat of rotting will go away, pour a fresh layer of mulch.


Juniper diseases:

  • Rust. The needles become dirty orange, then dry out. The reason is that a lot of salts are concentrated in the soil. This can happen if the tree is chosen as a toilet by animals.
  • If a needles turn yellow at first, then dies off, which means the plant suffers from excess moisture. This is due to heavy rains or floods, swamping for natural reasons, rising groundwater levels. The lack of moisture in the ground and air is manifested by the same symptoms.
  • Red growths on the trunk and branches. In dry weather, they are no more than 0.5 cm, after rain they increase 3 times. Rust fungus attacked the tree. To get rid of adversity, it is recommended to remove the affected branches and shoots in a timely manner. Increase the resistance of juniper with the help of immunostimulants and microfertilizers.
  • Schutte mushroom attack. At the beginning of the season, last year's needles turn orange or brown, but do not crumble. Subsequently, small black growths of a round shape appear on it. The fungus attacks weakened plants in the shade. Especially loves humidity, is not afraid of cold weather. Damaged branches must be immediately cut and burned, juniper should be sprayed with sulfur and copper preparations.
  • Drying of branches and bark caused by various fungi. Because of them, growths are formed on the tree in the form of red warts and longitudinal ulcers of the wood. To prevent diseases, copper preparations are used, which are used to treat plants in spring and autumn. All open scratches and cuts are disinfected with copper sulphate.


Juniper is affected by such pests:

Growing trees in the country is not particularly difficult, with the exception of lack of space in small areas. Still, juniper requires a fairly large area - up to 2 m in diameter.

Cossack juniper - poisonous tree, so it is undesirable for a summer cottage.

Juniper care in the garden

Caring for it does not differ from growing conditions in other places, but the plant brings rather big benefits. Highlighting a large amount of phytoncides, it protects surrounding trees from the invasion of pests and diseases.

Many people notice an improvement in fruit quality after planting juniper trees.

Juniper - home care

You can grow tree-style juniper at home. The most suitable are the following types:

  • Dahurian;
  • Virginia;
  • Cossack;
  • Recumbent;
  • Scaly;
  • Solid.

For the care of a house tree, the same recommendations apply as for a street tree. The place should be sunny, watering should be moderate, periodically spraying required from a spray bottle.

Bottom of the landing tank filled with a drainage layer, then with soil suitable for your type of juniper. In the warm season, it is advisable to take the plant to fresh air.

House trees for the winter need to clean up in an unheated room with a temperature not exceeding 10º. Keep in the light. In cold conditions, watering is extremely rare.

The transplant is carried out only when needed in spring or November. At the same time, cut off excess branches. To form a bonsai, the branches are wrapped for the right direction from October to April. Pinching can be done in the summer - from May to August.

See the video for professional juniper care tips:

Juniper is an unusually spectacular evergreen plant, characterized by a plastic shape and a diverse palette of colors. This original culture is usually grown in gardens and yards. But if you wish, you can decorate a city apartment with juniper.Being planted in a tub indoors,this ornamental culture forms a small attractive tree.

Juniper: general description

This plant belongs to the Cypress family. In the wild, some of its varieties can reach a height of 8-10 meters. However, in the conditions of Russia, juniper usually forms small spreading, rather beautiful bushes.Its high forms in nature in our country are quite rare.

The crown of a juniper can be cone-shaped or ovoid. The plant is dioecious. That is, there are two varieties of cones on it. Male ones look like yellow spikelets and are located in the axils of the needles. The female cones are scaly and light green in color. When ripe, they turn into bright blue fruits..

The trunk of the juniper is straight, branching, covered with a grayish bark. The wood of this plant is very beautiful - it has an interesting texture and has a pinkish tint. Juniper in nature can grow up to 600 years.

What varieties exist

This plant is valued by lovers of ornamental crops, including for the variety of forms. But, of course, not all can be grown indoors.junipers. Species and varieties (with photo), the most suitable for apartments, will be considered by us below.

It is believed that undersized junipers are best suited for growing indoors. For example, in a pot you can plant a varietyblue star. It's very beautifulwith blue needles and horizontal shoots of juniper.He prefers slightly acidic soil. Below is a photo of this particular plant.

Also, often lovers of ornamental crops grow a variety of m in an apartment.edia. This hybrid was bred by crossing an ordinary wild juniper and a Cossack. Its main advantage is unpretentiousness in relation to care. How it looks can be seen in the photo.

Chinese Blaauw variegata is a low shrubby indoor juniper with branches growing straight up. This is another popular variety among ornamental plant lovers. It looks very nice in a box. His photo is shown below.

ATfrom such here are most often grown in apartmentsjunipers. Species and varieties (with photolovers of ornamental plants will find it easier to decide on the most suitable juniper) these are actually very beautiful. But if you wish, you can grow at home, of course, other varieties of this crop. Very attractive varieties are, for example, Squamata, Sabina, etc.

Reproduction by cuttings

Certainly,decorativejunipercan be purchased from a specialized store. However, such plants are not always available for sale. Therefore, many lovers of indoor crops simply grow juniper from a cutting taken from a bush in a country house or in a forest. It is not difficult to get an adult plant using such planting material.

The stalk for cultivation should be taken only from a young bush (at the age of 4-5 years). You can not cut a branch for planting with a knife. Otherwise, the plant will not be accepted. The stalk should be broken off together with the “heel”. The latter in the future must be cleaned from the bark. Before planting from the handle, you should also cut off the lower needles with scissors.

The twig prepared in this way must be placed in a pot with a nutrient substrate. Great for the last oneordinary moistened garden soil mixed with river sand.The cutting should be placed in the substrate at an angle of approximately 35 degrees. In order for the branch to take root and begin to develop, you need to put a plastic bag on top of the pot,thus arranging a "greenhouse". Watering the cuttings in the future is not recommended. Before rooting (30-45 days), it should only be sprayed.

Sometimes twigs planted in this way are not accepted. Therefore, for fidelity, you can take several cuttings at once. In this case, instead of a pot, you should use a box or simple plastic cups.

Another way to land

Cuttings, in order to get an adult indoor juniper, usually used only from mid-May to early July. At a later time, branches rooted directly in the garden should be used as planting material.

It will also be very easy to get a layer of juniper if desired. To do this, the lower branch of a young plant should simply be pressed horizontally to the ground and pinned in that position. The end should be bent vertically and attached to a peg. The place where the branches will subsequently have to form roots must be constantly kept moist.

Where to put in the apartment

To environmental conditionsplantjunipernIt's too demanding. In wild natureit feels goodboth in the shade of large trees, and on the strongly warmed up "bare" slopes of mountains and hills. However, with sufficient lighting, the decorative qualities of this culture are greatly improved. Therefore, it is best to put a juniper pot in a room on the windowsill of an east or west window. This plant is not afraid of direct sunlight. However, they still should not act on its branches and needles for too long. Otherwise, the bush will dry out.

It is also possible to achieve an improvement in the decorative qualities of juniper in an apartment by increasing the humidity of the air. This plant does not like dryness. If the humidity in the room is insufficient, the juniper will not die. But some of his needles, unfortunately, will begin to turn yellow. To prevent this from happening, juniper should be sprayed periodically.

In summer, it is advisable to take the pot with the plant to the balcony or take it to the country. Staying outdoors, as well as spraying, will have a positive effect on the decorative properties of juniper.

In winter, plant pots should be placed in the coolest part of the room. In no case should they be installed near batteries. Otherwise, the juniper may die.

How to water

This decorative culture absolutely does not tolerate stagnant moisture. Therefore, indoor juniper should be watered moderately. Swamps in a pot with this plant cannot be arranged. Juniper is not afraid of drying out the soil. Without water, it can grow for quite some time. In gardens, this ornamental plant is often not watered all summer. However, in a pot without periodic moistening, the juniper will still lack nutrients. Therefore, it is still worth watering at least once a week.

How to fertilize

With regard to supplementsalso relatively unpretentious. Adult trees, when grown indoors, fertilize a maximum of one or two times during the warm season. Young are fed mainly with mineral compounds. Most often, special mixtures are used for juniper, designed for coniferous ornamental crops. They are introduced into pots with young plants about once a month. It is strictly forbidden to fertilize juniper with organic matter (manure or humus). The use of such dressings can lead to deformation of the crown of the tree.

How to trim

In most cases, in the formation of the crown, indoor juniperdoes not need. All that is needed to make the plant look attractive is to remove dried and growing branches from the bush. If the juniper looks too asymmetrical, you can also slightly trim the crown on the desired side.

When you should be guided by the principle - less is better than more. If too many branches are removed from the plant, it may stunt growth.

Juniper is an ornamental evergreen shrub of the cypress family. Due to the variety of species that differ in shades of needles and crown shape, juniper adorns many garden plots.

When growing juniper at home in a pot, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  1. A pot for a plant is better to choose a free one. Coniferous shrubs feel good when there is room for the root system.
  2. Juniper is unpretentious to the composition of the soil. But you definitely need drainage at the bottom of the pot. And the soil can be taken like this - leafy earth, humus and sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1.
  3. The plant loves light, but protection from direct sunlight is required, so it is undesirable to put it near windows facing the sunny side.
  4. The biggest danger for juniper at home is dry hot air. Central heating in winter is detrimental to him. The best place for wintering is a warmed loggia or a cool window sill near the window glass. The recommended temperature regime in winter is 7-10 0C. In summer, the plant will feel best in the shade on the balcony.
  5. It is useful to spray the plant daily, twice in the summer, in the morning and in the evening.
  6. There are both drought-resistant types of juniper and those that love moisture, but general recommendations are to prevent the soil from drying out, but it is also necessary to drain excess water from the pan after watering. Water in summer 2-3 times a week, in winter, in cool conditions of a loggia or insulated balcony, up to 3 times a month.
  7. The right time to transplant juniper is March or November.
  8. During the growing season, it is recommended to feed the plant with fertilizers for conifers.

Junipers rarely get sick at home, various fungal infections are typical for plants in the garden. If it became noticeable that the needles turn yellow, dry out, most likely, the dry warm air in the room or the scorching sun is to blame. It is urgent to find a new habitat for the plant in the house, and cut off the damaged dry branches.

What types of plants are suitable for growing in a pot

There are many types of juniper, from multi-meter tall trees to shrubs that are planted as hedges and very miniature forms.

For the home, varieties such as hard juniper and Chinese juniper are best suited. Although in nature they can grow to very impressive sizes, their growth is slow and at home, subject to the regime of temperature and humidity, they feel good.

Chinese juniper is ideal for those who want to master the art of bonsai. Due to the fact that its lateral shoots grow quickly, it is possible to correct the shape and correct errors.

How to grow a bonsai

juniper bonsai

For self-growing bonsai, it is necessary to purchase a young juniper seedling, and provide it with the recommended indoor care related to conventional pot growing.

The art of bonsai is to give a miniature tree in the process of growth bizarre forms of the trunk and crown.

Sometimes it takes several years to achieve the final result. When working with juniper, start with the formation of the trunk.

It is important to know: the formation of the trunk should not be done immediately after transplantation, you need to let the plant take root for at least two weeks.

Copper wire is required to form the trunk. First, the lower branches are removed, and then the desired shape is given to the trunk with the help of a wire. Do not wrap the wire around the trunk too tightly, scars will remain.

The best time for winding is from March to November. The wire is left up to 2-3 years. Then it is carefully cut and removed.

The crown is formed after the desired lines and bends of the trunk and branches have been achieved. There are several styles of bonsai, they differ in the shape of the crown, the roots protruding above the ground, the angle of the trunk. For beginners, it is better to start with the classic upright Tekkan or Moyogi form.

Moyogi bonsai is also upright, but slightly curved, and the crown does not protrude beyond the container. But you can try your hand at the inclined form of Syakan.

Young juniper bends easily, providing ample opportunities for creativity, it can be used to make bonsai in any style.


Preparing cuttings for propagation

Cuttings are harvested in late spring or early summer, placed in a greenhouse, in the soil of which earth is added from under an adult plant or juniper needles, or covered with a glass jar.

It is necessary to provide moisture and regular watering. By autumn, the cuttings take root, then they are transplanted and left to winter at home, observing the temperature conditions.

It is quite possible to grow juniper at home, the most difficult thing is to ensure the correct temperature regime in winter. If this succeeds, the coniferous plant will please the eye for a long time and decorate the house.

Juniper can be useful in everyday life. Its twigs, laid out in wardrobes, are an effective property against moths. And the berries are used for medicinal purposes in folk medicine.

You will learn all the secrets for the care and cultivation of juniper at home from the following video: