Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» What is the principle of balancing rotating devices based on. List the types of ground drives

What is the principle of balancing rotating devices based on. List the types of ground drives

§ 4. Varieties of objects and their classification

Questions and tasks for § 4. Varieties of objects and their classification

The most important

The relation "is a kind" can exist between a subset of some set and the set itself.

A subset of objects that have common features is called a class. The division of a set of objects into classes is called classification. The features by which one class differs from another are called the basis of classification.

Classification can be made according to essential features (natural) or non-essential features (artificial).

Questions and tasks

1. For each of specified subsets name the set with which it is related by the relationship "is a species" (give a common name that answers the question "What is this?"):

    a) a pronoun; b) comma; c) joystick; d) rectangle; e) textbook.

2. Among the sets "book", "gasoline", "doctor", "milk", "builder", "textbook", "liquid", "reference book", "man", find six pairs between which there is a relation "is variety." Define a subset name in each such pair. Name at least one additional feature for it.

3. Each item lists objects grouped by class. For example: table, computer, bow/cow, pen, pot/village, banner, feather are nouns classified by gender. Determine the basis of classifications:

    a) spruce, pine, cedar, fir / birch, aspen, linden, poplar; b) rye, silence, lie, lynx / wheat, silence, truth, cat; c) shirt, jacket, dress, sundress / coat, fur coat, raincoat, windbreaker; d) wolf, bear, fox, elk/cow, dog, cat, horse.

4. Why do you think classification is needed?

5. What is the difference between natural and artificial classifications?

6. Give examples of classifications that you met in the lessons of the Russian language, mathematics, biology and geography.

7. Suggest your classification of computer objects "file" and "document".

Computer workshop

Work 4 "Repeat the possibilities of a word processor - a tool for creating text objects"

Slide 1

Types of objects and their
6th grade.
Paragraph 4

Slide 2

Scheme of the relation "is a species"
we will call the scheme of varieties

Slide 3


Subset objects necessarily have all
features of set objects (inherit features
sets) and in addition to them they also have their own, additional
feature (or multiple features).

Slide 4

A subset of objects that have common
features is called a class.
Dividing a set of objects into classes
called a classification.
Signs by which one class
different from each other are called
basis of classification.

Slide 5

A classification is called natural if
signs of objects.

Slide 6

The classification is called artificial,
if taken as its basis
insignificant features of objects.

Slide 7

Star classification

Slide 8

Classification (natural)
parts of speech

Slide 9

Classification of objects with which
user interacts with
operating system Windows

Slide 10

Questions and tasks
1. For each of the specified subsets, name
the set with which it is related
"is a species" (state the common name,
answering the question "What is it?"):
a) a pronoun;
b) comma;
c) joystick;
d) parallelogram;
e) town hall;
e) a fable;
g) capillary.

Slide 11

2. Find six pairs of sets in the list, between
which there are relations "is
variety." Determine in each such pair
subset name. Name him at least one
additional property:

human doctor
Human Builder

Slide 12

3. Select from the list the names of nine sets,
related relationships "is
variety." Chart

Apple tree;
fruit tree;

Conifer tree;
deciduous tree;

Slide 13





Slide 14

4. Using the proposed classification
parallelograms, describe the properties of a square,
inheriting them from two ancestors at once -
rectangle and rhombus. What
The square has additional properties:
a) in relation to the rectangle; b) by
in relation to the rhombus?

Slide 15

5. Each item lists the objects,
grouped by class. Determine
bases of classifications:
a) spruce, pine, cedar, fir / birch, aspen, linden,
b) potatoes, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes / apples,
oranges, pears, tangerines;
c) rye, silence, lie, lynx / wheat, silence,
truth, cat;
d) shirt, jacket, dress, sundress / coat,
fur coat, raincoat, windbreaker;
e) wolf, bear, fox, elk / cow, dog,
cat, horse.

>> Varieties of objects and their classification

Of two sets related by the relationship "is a variety", one is a subset of the other. For example, the set of parrots is a subset of the set of birds, the set of natural numbers is a subset of the set of integers.

relation scheme"is a variety" we will call the scheme of varieties (Fig. 1.9). Such schemes are used in textbooks, catalogs and encyclopedias to describe a wide variety of objects, such as plants, animals, complex sentences, vehicles, etc.

In a variety diagram, the name of a subset is always below the name of the set that contains it.

Subset objects necessarily have all the attributes of the objects of the set (inherit the attributes of the set) and, in addition to them, have their own additional attribute (or several attributes). This additional feature can be a property or an action. For example, any pet needs to be fed, dogs also bark and bite, and sled dogs also run in harness.

It is important to understand that the objects themselves are not divided into any sets and subsets. For example, a watermelon is completely "indifferent"; it belongs to the gourd family, a subset of striped or spherical objects. Subsets of objects are identified and designated by a person, because it is more convenient for him to assimilate and transmit information. The fact is that a person can simultaneously concentrate his attention only on 5-9 objects. To simplify work with many objects, it is divided into several parts; each of these parts is again divided into parts; those, in turn, again, etc. The division of a large set into subsets does not occur spontaneously, but according to some signs of its objects.

Subset an object ov having common features is called a class. The division of a set of objects into classes is called classification. The features by which one class differs from another are called the basis of classification.

A classification is called natural if the essential features of objects are taken as its basis. An example of a natural classification is the classification of living beings proposed by Carl Linnaeus (1735). Currently, scientists divide the multitude of all living things into five main kingdoms: plants, fungi, animals, protozoa, and prokaryotes. Each realm is divided into unit levels. Highest level called a type. Each type is divided into classes, classes into orders, orders into families, families into genera, and genera into species.

A classification is said to be artificial if it is based on unimportant features of objects. Artificial classifications include auxiliary classifications (alphabetical-subject indexes, nominal catalogs in libraries). An example of an artificial classification is the division of many stars in the sky into constellations, carried out according to signs that had nothing to do with the stars themselves.

We can propose the following classification of objects with which the user interacts in operating system Windows (Fig. 1.10).

Briefly about the main
A variety schema is a schema of "is a variety" relationship between sets and subsets of objects.

The objects of the subset have additional features, in addition to those that the objects of the set that includes the given subset have.

A subset of objects that have common features is called a class. The division of a set of objects into classes is called classification. The features by which one class differs from another are called the basis of classification.

Questions and tasks
1. For each of the specified subsets, name the set with which it is related by the relationship “is a variety” (name the common name that answers the question “What is this?”):

a) a pronoun;
b) comma;
c) joystick;
d) parallelogram;
e) town hall;
e) a fable;
g) capillary.

2. Find in the list six pairs of sets between which there are relations “is a variety”. Define a subset name in each such pair. Name at least one additional property for it:


3. Select from the list the names of the nine sets related by "is a variety" relationships. Make a chart of varieties:

Apple tree; conifer tree;
pine; fir;
tree; deciduous tree;
apple; trunk;
fruit tree; birch;
oak; larch;
root; acorn.

4. Using the proposed classification of parallelograms, describe the properties of a square that inherits them from two ancestors at once - a rectangle and a rhombus. What additional properties does a square have: a) in relation to a rectangle; b) in relation to the rhombus?

5. Each item lists objects grouped by class. For example: table, computer, onion, cow, pen, pot/village, banner, feather are nouns classified by gender. Determine the basis of classifications:

a) spruce, pine, cedar, fir / birch, aspen, linden, poplar;
b) potatoes, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes / apples, oranges, pears, tangerines;
c) rye, silence, lie, lynx / wheat, silence, truth, cat;
d) shirt, jacket, dress, sundress / coat, fur coat, raincoat, windbreaker;
e) wolf, bear, fox, elk/cow, dog, cat, horse.

6. Suggest your classification of computer objects "file" and "document".

Bosova L. L., Informatics and ICT: a textbook for grade 7 L. L. Bosova. M. : BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2010. 229 p. : ill.

Lesson content lesson summary support frame lesson presentation accelerative methods interactive technologies Practice tasks and exercises self-examination workshops, trainings, cases, quests homework discussion questions rhetorical questions from students Illustrations audio, video clips and multimedia photographs, pictures graphics, tables, schemes humor, anecdotes, jokes, comics parables, sayings, crossword puzzles, quotes Add-ons abstracts articles chips for inquisitive cheat sheets textbooks basic and additional glossary of terms other Improving textbooks and lessonscorrecting errors in the textbook updating a fragment in the textbook elements of innovation in the lesson replacing obsolete knowledge with new ones Only for teachers perfect lessons calendar plan for a year guidelines discussion programs Integrated Lessons

The relation "is a kind" can exist between a subset of some set and the set itself.

A subset of objects that have common features is called a class. The division of a set of objects into classes is called classification. The features by which one class differs from another are called the basis of classification.

Classification can be made according to essential features (natural) or non-essential features (artificial).

Questions and tasks

  1. For each of the specified subsets, name the set with which it is related by the relation “is a variety” (name the common name that answers the question “What is it?”): a) pronoun; b) comma; c) joystick; d) rectangle; e) textbook.
  2. Among the sets "book", "gasoline", "doctor", "milk", "builder", "textbook", "liquid", "reference book", "man", find six pairs between which there is a relationship "is a variety" .

    Define a subset name in each such pair. Name at least one additional feature for it.

  3. Each item lists objects grouped by class. For example: table, computer, bow/cow, pen, pot/village, banner, feather are nouns classified by gender. Determine the basis of classifications:
      a) spruce, pine, cedar, fir / birch, aspen, linden, poplar;
      b) rye, silence, lie, lynx / wheat, silence, truth, cat;
      c) shirt, jacket, dress, sundress / coat, fur coat, raincoat, windbreaker;
      d) wolf, bear, fox, elk/cow, dog, cat, horse.
  1. Why do you think classification is needed?
  2. What is the difference between natural and artificial classifications?
  3. Give examples of classifications that you met in the lessons of the Russian language, mathematics, biology and geography.
  4. Suggest your classification of computer objects "file" and "document".

Computer workshop

Job 4"We repeat the possibilities of a word processor - a tool for creating text objects"

Zaitsev's cubes are an interesting educational toy for young children, which will not only help them learn the alphabet, but also teach them to read by syllables.

For a child, learning a primer or alphabet is a rather boring activity, since it requires, first of all, perseverance, which many kids do not have, not to mention concentration. Zaitsev's cubes help turn boring studies into interesting game. Thanks to the cubes, children will not only study literacy with great interest, but will also remember it better. With this toy, you can easily teach children to read. Zaitsev's cubes are suitable for working with children from two years old.

Instructions are included with Zaitsev's cubes, and you can easily figure it out and be able to teach kids in game form. Children will be able to read syllables and pronounce words correctly.

What is the principle of Zaitsev's methodology based on?
The game is built on the principle of singing and reading by syllables. A child or an adult puts together certain words and sings warehouses that are written on the tables. When the adults add up the verse, the children look at it and then show which word is already written where, or try to put the word together on their own. It is believed that if you learn words in a singsong voice, then they are not only better remembered, but the process itself little child becomes more interesting. Thanks to this method, children themselves will not notice how they learn to read, as they will already visually recognize syllables and will be able to compose new words. Zaitsev's methodology is designed in such a way that children can independently learn the phonetics of the Russian language and learn its rules.

If earlier you had to glue such cubes yourself, now you can buy Zaitsev's cubes in a ready-made form. The toy will be interesting for kids, because they will not only be able to form words, but also make various buildings out of cubes. You will not regret purchasing Zaitsev's cubes for your child, reviews of which can be found on our website: many parents are very pleased with the results that this teaching technique gives. Thanks to this toy, you can easily teach children to read, and they themselves will ask to play with them.
It is easy to buy Zaitsev's cubes in our store. To do this, you just have to choose the product you like and place an order. The procedure will not take much time, and you will receive the order by mail to the address you specified. The kit includes:
Assembled bricks that you can immediately teach your baby.
Education disk.
Manual for an adult.

In our children's goods store Gramix, you can buy assembled Zaitsev's cubes, and now, without wasting time, you can start teaching your child through an exciting game. You will see how quickly and easily your little one will learn to read!