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» What rats are capable of. Facts about rats - what's so unusual about these rodents. They multiply at an incredible rate

What rats are capable of. Facts about rats - what's so unusual about these rodents. They multiply at an incredible rate

Facts about rats never cease to amaze. These animals are called the intellectuals of the animal world. The smartest creatures amaze with their ingenuity, resourcefulness and organization. Rats are kept in a laboratory to test drugs for humans, which suggests great similarities in the body. In China and India, rats were considered saints.

Rodents are cannibals

Rats and mice eating each other are not fiction. This is practiced in every family of rodents. The female eats weak cubs, leaving only strong offspring alive. If a male gets into the nest, he calmly eats his own.


In the army navy was alone effective method. IN metal barrel threw 5 rats. They were starving. They began to eat each other, the strongest survived. But this was already a cannibal beast, which, when released, hunted for its relatives.

Rats eat each other when there is a lack of food, or if a stranger wanders into the pack. In other situations, animals show humanity to each other, even trying to take a wounded relative with them. Eating is common, but not natural.


An eyewitness described the story on the forum. He hit me in the barn and left me to die. He returned a few hours later and saw an interesting picture - several rats were trying to drag her away with them.


Everyone reads facts about rats with great interest; many people know about the sixth sense of these animals. Rats are the first to leave a ship before it sank, regardless of the cause of the collapse - disaster, shelling. In wartime, during the bombing period, people hid where the rodents fled.

The animals leave the house together before a huge fire and never return to their previous places. Even after several years, when the smell of burning is no longer audible.

Rats do not live at testing grounds where various weapons are tested. During the war, soldiers noticed strange behavior of rodents before shelling. The day before, everyone disappeared somewhere in an unknown direction.


In the last century, France experienced a massive migration of rats. A huge clothing market was closing and moving to a new location. The rodents gathered together in a colony and left. And not just in an unknown direction, but precisely to where a place has been prepared for a new market.

Amazing moments from the life of rodents

Interesting facts about rats are regularly published in the press around the world. An experiment was carried out. Several from the same family were placed in a glass container. One of them was placed in another box side by side. They threw food at her, but when the animal began to eat, her other relatives were shocked. The animal saw all this suffering through the glass. As a result, 90% of individuals chose their own death and refused to eat.

A lot of interesting:

  • From whom rats originated, there are many versions. Some believe that this is space aliens, transmitting signals to distant worlds. The fact confirms that animals arose 48 million years ago before people. But they could have happened in the process of evolution.
  • The joints of rats have the same structure as human ones, with an equal number of bones.
  • or pasyuki develop speeds of up to 10 km per hour, jump in a calm state up to 80 cm in height, when aggressive - up to 200 cm in height and length. Pasyuk can swim on water for 3 days. The recorded record is a distance of 30 km. If there is no way to get to land, he will drown.
  • Rats squeak in the ultrasonic range, remaining invisible to predators. They communicate with each other, warn about danger, about finding food.
  • The rat is the only mammal that can laugh. Scientists recorded the animal's smile during a demonstration funny video. It has been established that these rodents dream.
  • During a mass extinction event, rats are not in danger of becoming extinct. The number is regulated by nature due to the increase in rat pups in one litter. A pair of rats can reproduce about 2 thousand rat pups in a year, creating their own numerous colony with a leader and several dominant females.
  • There is a version that rats caused the extinction of dinosaurs. They regularly sucked out the eggs, preventing the young from developing. The number of rats in the world is such that there are 2 rodents per person. In those days the colonies were just as numerous.
  • In a year, one individual is capable of devouring 12 kg of various food, the damage from spoilage of supplies and containers is several times greater.

Drive Interesting Facts from the life of rats you can endlessly. For these reasons, these animals are preferred to dogs, cats, and kept as pets. Translated from Chinese, the word “rat” means happiness.

1. Rats appeared on Earth 48 million years earlier than humans.

2. On average, there are 2 rats for every inhabitant of the planet.

3. If a mouse is enlarged to the height of a person and the skeleton is straightened, it turns out that the joints of mice and people are structured the same, and the bones have an equal number of parts.

4. In the Middle Ages in Europe, on the orders of one of the bishops, rats were excommunicated from the church.

5. A rat can swim for 3 days in a row, swim several kilometers (the recorded record is 29 km) and drown if it does not find a way to get out.

6. Gray rats are capable of moving at a speed of 10 km/h, jumping up to a height of up to 80 cm, and in an aggressive state - up to 2 meters in height.

7. A rat’s heart beats at a rate of 500 times per minute, while a house mouse’s heart beats 700–750 times per minute.

8. The finest hairs covering the tail of a rat are used in ophthalmology during eye surgeries.

9. Rats dive well and climb ropes, pipes, and trees very well. During the day, rats are able to cover from 10 to 50 km.

10. Rats' teeth grow throughout their lives, so they are always gnawing on something to wear them down.

11. The rat easily chews through hard substances such as concrete and metal.

12. Rats whistle in the ultrasonic range, which allows them to communicate with each other without attracting the attention of predators. Moreover, they whistle not with their lips, but with their throats. They are also capable of suddenly changing the frequency of signals.

13. Rats have the richest lexicon screams with special meanings.

A baby rat in a moment of stress makes a sound equivalent in volume to a working pneumatic jackhammer, although due to the fact that it has an ultra-high frequency, a person cannot hear it.

14. It only takes a rat 50 milliseconds to figure out where the smell is coming from.

15. The rat senses X-rays in the part of the brain that controls the sense of smell.

16. A rat consumes about 12 kg of food per year, but this is incomparable with the amount of food that it renders unusable. Statistics say that every sixth farmer feeds not people, but rats.

17. Rats are able to distinguish poisoned food from normal food even when the concentration of poison is one part per million.

18. A rat can live without water longer than a camel, and generally longer than all mammals.

19. Rats are very resilient high level radiation, but may die from mental shock or prolonged stress.

20. The rat is the only mammal other than humans that can laugh.

21. Rats also dream.

22. A rat family owns a plot of land whose radius is about 150 m.

23. Scientists have put forward a version that rats could have caused the extinction of dinosaurs. Rats - lovers of eggs - massively sucked out the contents of dinosaur eggs, thereby stopping the continuation of their lineage. This seems to be true, since today in Ireland rats have eaten all the marsh frogs.

24. During the Great Patriotic War During the bombing, people hid in houses into which rats escaped.

25. In Illinois, under penalty of a $1,000 fine, it is “prohibited to hit rats with a baseball bat.”

Today we will dispel the idea of ​​many that rats are pests. In fact, these are smart animals that lead a mostly nocturnal, secretive lifestyle and can sometimes surprise people. Well, let's start being amazed, because interesting facts about rats will impress anyone.

Fact 1: Rat vision – external and internal

In order to imagine how rats see, it is enough to recall human colorblind people with extreme manifestations of the disease. Animals practically do not distinguish colors; the whole world for them is a collection of spots different sizes and intensity, in motion. Rodents' external vision is very poor, but they don't need it. Rats hear perfectly, distinguishing the direction and distance of even a subtle rustle, and can determine its cause. In addition, the animals have a delicate sense of smell and touch.

There is one more incredible fact. Scientific experiments with rats have shown that test subjects have inner vision. In humans, this is called premonition, or the ability to see possible developments of events. This theory is supported by a well-known fact: rodents, which live in large numbers on board a ship, leave before it sinks. There are also more specific confirmations. For example, in the Stalingrad hell, animals left the city en masse before the next air raid. They also feel nuclear tests, escaping from the training grounds a few hours before the events.

Fact 2: about mutated rats

Mutant rats have been shown more than once in many films and cartoons, and for the famous American horror writer Stephen King, such animals are one of his worst phobias. Urban legends place monsters deep underground: in the subway, stinking sewers, and landfills. I wonder how likely it is that if we suddenly find ourselves in such places, we will certainly meet a huge rat?

Honestly, this could happen. True, no one has ever seen an animal the size of a person, but individuals the size of a dog exist. For example, Bosavi woolly rats, which were discovered during an American scientific expedition to the Bosavi Crater (New Guinea), reach a length of more than 80 cm and weigh 1.5 kg. However, they are not evil at all, but cute, sociable animals that do not show any aggression when meeting a person. Looking at their photographs, you never cease to be amazed at how diverse the world is. So far it is believed that this is the largest rat in the world.

But let's return to Russia. The Pasyuk is considered the largest rat living in our country. You have seen representatives of this genus more than once near basements, in garbage dumps and in gutters. This is a gray rat, in size it can be up to 25 cm, in weight - up to 400g. Their black relatives are smaller and more agile: up to 22 cm and no more than 300g. And yet, this is not even the size of a cat, especially a large one. So let's put the legends aside. Our gray and black rats are not mutants.

Fact 3: Rats are smart, social animals

And it is true. If we compare it with our usual pets, the rat is superior in intelligence to the cat. Rodents can laugh and talk. The sounds they make are very diverse, and communication represents real speech with specific words and concepts. This is what explains the harmoniously organized life of animals. Many rat breeders note that animals can make a huge number of sounds, each of them meaningful, and, like words in human speech, they sound the same in different individuals. They talk, negotiate, laugh at funny situations. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the sounds of rats are akin to human communication. And it's amazing.

Go ahead. Rats are incredibly clean creatures when it comes to personal hygiene. They wash themselves touchingly for several hours a day. This significantly reduces the chance of getting sick even compared to a cat, not to mention a dog. The subjects of many pictures of rats show how the rodent washes itself. He tries to lick all the fur. Rat love for bodies of water also contributes to cleanliness. The animals are not at all afraid of water and dive well.

Smart rats remember the road after walking along it once. They never get lost and easily find their way out of labyrinths. Thanks to their natural intelligence and high learning ability, these rodents are considered one of the thriving species. By the way, studying the skull of a rat, scientists came to the conclusion that the potential for development of the animal’s intelligence is not much different from that of a human. But so far these animals are not smarter than us.

Fact 4: not very warm relations with relatives

For many people, a mouse and a rat are practically the same thing. But in fact, the differences between these two types of rodents are significant. And, first of all, visual. For example, the skeleton of a rat is more elongated than that of a mouse, gigantic and long. Animals also differ in intelligence. Rats are much smarter than mice, quickly become attached to humans, and sometimes show miracles of intelligence. Mice are more aggressive, although they also learn well.

But most importantly: mice and rats are natural enemies. They do not live together and do not support warm family ties. Being omnivores, rats are not averse to snacking on mouse meat. These types of rodents do not interbreed with each other.

Fact 5: about life and about illnesses

It is believed that if a rat bites you, then that’s it, you will get sick with almost the most terrible diseases. In fact, this is more myth than truth. Or rather, even the memory of plague epidemics, developing from the invasion of rats and killing thousands human lives V medieval Europe. Of course, this was a historical fact. And the point here, first of all, is not a rat bite, but the general unsanitary conditions that reigned in the cities of those years. Sewage flowed straight through the streets, food and other waste rotted everywhere, people did not wash for weeks. Under such conditions, the emergence of epidemics is not surprising.

But rat immunity is amazing. These clean animals practically do not get sick. The reason for this is, firstly, a passion for personal hygiene, and secondly, initially good health. Rodents even have a gene that protects them from contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

Rats don't like to bite. For it to bite a person (especially if it is a tamed animal), you need to try very hard. Rodents are peaceful and do not enter into conflicts. And yet, the bitten person may panic: what if I was unlucky and some terrible disease was nevertheless transmitted? There is no need to be scared; usually everything works out. But still, there is a possibility of contracting rabies, especially in the case of a wild animal. Therefore, answering the question of what to do if you are bitten by a rat, we advise you to immediately consult a doctor.

Now about how long they live. Let us warn you right away: if you have such a friend living with you, new emotions and admiration are guaranteed, but not for long. The entire life of an animal is no more than 2-3 years, although some record holders live up to 7-8. That's how long rats live, and it's sad because, having barely become attached to the pet, the owner is already forced to say goodbye to them.

Now you know all the most interesting things about rats. By keeping these animals in your home and listening to the sounds they make, you will learn to understand how pets communicate and distinguish their intonations. It's always interesting to watch something like this. If you are deciding which is better to get - a rat or a mouse, we recommend the first option. This species is social, gets used to it faster and is easier to learn. In addition, cases of aggression towards humans are more common in mice. Pet stores also sell everything for rats and other rodents.

1. Rats appeared on Earth 48 million years earlier than humans.

2. On average, there are 2 rats for every inhabitant of the planet.

3. If a mouse is enlarged to the height of a person and the skeleton is straightened, it turns out that the joints of mice and people are structured the same, and the bones have an equal number of parts.

4. In the Middle Ages in Europe, on the orders of one of the bishops, rats were excommunicated from the church.

5. A rat can swim for 3 days in a row, swim several kilometers (the recorded record is 29 km) and drown if it does not find a way to get out.

6. Gray rats are capable of moving at a speed of 10 km/h, jumping up to a height of up to 80 cm, and in an aggressive state - up to 2 meters in height.

7. A rat’s heart beats at a speed of 500 times per minute, while a house mouse’s heart beats 700-750 times per minute.

8. The finest hairs covering the tail of a rat are used in ophthalmology during eye surgeries.

9. Rats dive well and climb ropes, pipes, and trees very well. During the day, rats are able to cover from 10 to 50 km.

10. Rats' teeth grow throughout their lives, so they are always gnawing on something to wear them down.
11. The rat easily chews through hard substances such as concrete and metal.

12. Rats whistle in the ultrasonic range, which allows them to communicate with each other without attracting the attention of predators. Moreover, they whistle not with their lips, but with their throats. They are also capable of suddenly changing the frequency of signals.

13. Rats have a rich vocabulary of screams with special meanings. A baby rat in a moment of stress makes a sound equivalent in volume to a working pneumatic jackhammer, although due to the fact that it has an ultra-high frequency, a person cannot hear it.

14. It only takes a rat 50 milliseconds to figure out where the smell is coming from.

15. The rat senses X-rays in the part of the brain that controls the sense of smell.

16. A rat consumes about 12 kg of food per year, but this is incomparable with the amount of food that it renders unusable. Statistics say that every sixth farmer feeds not people, but rats.

17. Rats are able to distinguish poisoned food from normal food even when the concentration of poison is one part per million .

18. A rat can live without water longer than a camel, and generally longer than all mammals.

19. Rats can withstand very high levels of radiation, but can die from mental shock or prolonged stress.
20. The rat is the only mammal other than humans that canlaugh.
21. Rats also dream.

22. A rat family owns a plot of land whose radius is about 150 m.

23. Scientists have put forward a version that rats could have caused the extinction of dinosaurs. Egg-loving rats sucked out the contents of dinosaur eggs en masse, thereby stopping the continuation of their lineage. This seems to be true, since today in Ireland rats have eaten all the marsh frogs.

24. During the Great Patriotic War, during the bombing, people hid in houses into which rats escaped.

25. In Illinois, under penalty of a $1,000 fine, “hitting rats with a baseball bat is prohibited.”

We are glad to welcome you to our resource! Today's article will be devoted to small, and sometimes not so small, rodents - rats.

Despite all their external unattractiveness, these animals are very social and affectionate. They love to be in the company of their own kind or humans, and love to play and sleep curled up together. They take care of the injured and sick rats in the group.
Female rats can produce litters 4 to 6 times a year. Each litter contains from 4 to 8 rat pups. They are born completely naked and blind. By 15 days, their fur begins to grow and their eyes open. They will remain in the nest as long as they are needed in mother's milk. It is noteworthy that female rats use the same nests for birth. And if it happens that the mother rat dies, then other females will take care of her cubs. Male rats do not take any part in raising their offspring.
Here are a few more facts about rats:
Rats do not have a thumb or a gall bladder.
White rats are the result of human breeding; they do not exist in nature.
Rats are poor climbers, but excellent swimmers.
These rodents communicate using high-frequency sounds, tails and body movements.
Life expectancy is from 2 to 3 years on average, but the oldest rat, whose record is listed in the Guinness Book of Records, lived 7.8 years.
Body temperature is regulated using the tail.
Owners of phenomenal memory. Once they have walked a certain path, they will never forget it.
They can reach speeds of up to 10 km/h.
Rats are cleaner than dogs and cats. They spend several hours a day grooming themselves and are less likely to contract illnesses than pets.
The largest rats weigh up to 3.6 kg
Rats can prey on lizards, small rodents and birds.
Heart rate 250-493 per minute.

Imbred laboratory rats are bred by crossing brother and sister over 300 or more generations. The result is animals that are more than 99% genetically identical, and some are complete clones.

In India there is a temple of rats - Karni Mata. According to legend, a woman asked the gods to bring her drowned son back to life; the God of the Dungeon heard her and revived the guy. In return, he turned the mother and all her sons into rats, forever prohibiting entry into the underworld. Therefore, after death, they were reborn again in the form of a rat.

All parishioners of the temple are required to remove their shoes before entering, and also bring goodies for the inhabitants. According to rough estimates, about 20 thousand rats live in the temple, which feed on milk from huge bowls. If one of the guests accidentally kills a rat, he is obliged to give the temple a golden figurine with the appearance of a rodent. And if you think rats are scary, then look at the bald mole rat.