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» Filling for pies from champignons and onions. Cooking pies with mushrooms: options for filling, dough and delicious recipes. Proper serving to the table

Filling for pies from champignons and onions. Cooking pies with mushrooms: options for filling, dough and delicious recipes. Proper serving to the table

An experienced housewife knows that food tastes better if you cook it in a good mood. This goes double for yeast doughs. It may simply not work out if you are nervous or swear. Therefore, when deciding to bake pies with champignons from yeast dough, it is very important to calm down and not make noise….


For the dough: __NEWL__

  • warm milk or water – 150 ml__NEWL__
  • dry yeast – 2 tsp.__NEWL__
  • granulated sugar – 1 tsp.__NEWL__
__NEWL__ For the test:__NEWL__
  • eggs – 2 pcs.__NEWL__
  • butter – 100 g__NEWL__
  • salt – 1/3 tsp.__NEWL__
  • Refined sunflower oil – 20 ml__NEWL__
  • flour – 800 g.__NEWL__
__NEWL__ For filling: __NEWL__
  • fresh champignons – 500 g__NEWL__
  • sweet or hot paprika to taste__NEWL__
  • salt to taste__NEWL__
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml__NEWL__

From the specified amount of products you can get from 20 to 25 pies.

Mix 30-degree milk, yeast and sugar until smooth in a glass or enamel container. Leave for 30 minutes to ferment.

Mix the foamed dough with eggs, warm butter and salt. Then add a little odorless vegetable oil so that the dough sticks to your hands less during kneading.

Gradually add sifted flour and knead into a tight ball with your hands.

Place it in a spacious container and cover with a towel. Leave in a warm and quiet place for 2 hours.

Meanwhile, prepare the mushrooms: wash under running water, cut off the tips of the stems and damaged areas. After this, the champignons should be cut into not very large pieces.

Fry mushrooms in hot vegetable oil. At the end, add salt and paprika to the prepared champignons.

Mix the filling and let it cool.

Once the dough has increased in size, place it on a floured table.

Knead the bun and leave for 10 minutes. Then knead it again, divide it into 20-25 parts and roll each into a ball. Using a floured rolling pin or your hands, roll out the cakes to about 12cm in diameter.

Place mushroom filling in the center of each.

Brush the edges of the cake with cold water and bring the edges together to the middle.

Then fold the open edge and form a triangular pie. Pinch the joints tightly.

When all the pies are ready, cover them with plastic wrap and let rise for 15-20 minutes.

Previously, mushrooms were the most common product for villagers. They were collected and stored for the winter in huge quantities (if the terrain allowed). Today they are strongly associated with celebration, prosperity, and even chic. Therefore, mushroom filling is an excellent option for preparing a wide variety of dishes.

Fresh, pickled, dried mushrooms

This is a unique product that is good in any form. Fresh mushrooms can be boiled or fried. Salted or pickled, they are good on their own. You need to soak it in water for a day and then boil it lightly. Then they can be cooked as fresh. In any case, you will get a wonderful mushroom filling that can decorate any dish.

Tartlets - a delicious snack

The base for the tartlet can be baked from shortbread or potato dough, or simply bought in a store and filled to your liking. Mushroom filling is very suitable for these purposes. The easiest option is to fry fresh mushrooms and onions in butter. You will need 300 g of mushrooms and 1 onion. When the vegetables are fried, add finely chopped whites of three boiled eggs and 100 g of mayonnaise. Mix well, place in tartlets and sprinkle with grated yolk.

You can diversify the taste of the snack with tomatoes and cheese. For this you need mushroom filling (fry 500 g of champignons with one onion). To it should be added 100 g of grated cheese and mayonnaise. This quantity is for 10 tartlets. Apart from this, take 5 cherry tomatoes and cut them in half. Place the filling in each dough mold and add the tomato on top.

Tartlets with mushroom filling can become the main highlight of your table. Try the creamy version as well; your guests will definitely appreciate it. To do this, you need to finely chop 1 kg of champignons and 1 onion. Then fry the ingredients in a frying pan, add salt, basil and cream (100 ml). Boil to a thick cream. Add 200 g of grated cheese. All that remains is to put it in the dough molds and put it in a hot oven for a few minutes.

Julienne is another great option if you want to make tartlets with mushroom filling. To do this, fry 300 g of champignons with one onion. Separately, you need to prepare the Bechamel sauce. To do this, melt a tablespoon of butter, add a tablespoon of flour, pour in 100 ml of milk and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly so that lumps do not form. Next, you can arrange the mushrooms into tartlets, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with grated cheese (70 g). Now all that remains is to brown them in the oven.

Delicious pies

Mushroom filling for pies can be used independently or supplemented with other ingredients. For example, a mixed filling of fried cabbage and honey mushrooms turns out well. For this you will need 400 g of cabbage and 200 g of salted or 400 g of fresh mushrooms. First, fry the onions, add the mushrooms, and then the cabbage. Simmer until done, then open the lid to allow the liquid to evaporate.

But the easiest way is to prepare the classic filling: fry 500 g of any mushrooms and 2 finely chopped onions. Two minutes before readiness, add creamy curry, paprika or other spices. This option is good for open and closed pies made from yeast or butter dough. You can also add potatoes or boiled rice to the mushrooms.

Also, many will like the mushroom filling for pies, prepared as follows. Onions (1 pc.) and mushrooms (600 g) should be fried, add 0.5 cups of sour cream and 1 tablespoon of flour. Stir and add to baked goods.

You can use not only fresh mushrooms, but also salted ones. To do this, you need to wash them and, if they are too salty, then soak them. Then cook as usual. Their dried mushrooms also make an excellent pie filling. They just need to be soaked in water overnight, boiled, and then stewed with onions.

Mushroom filling for pies

The basis, as usual, is mushrooms fried with onions. But various additives are often used. This could be mashed potatoes, fried cabbage, buckwheat porridge, boiled eggs. The pies themselves, as a rule, are made from classic yeast dough. Whatever option you choose for filling with mushrooms, you will be pleased with the result.

Cutlets and rolls

Such a seemingly everyday dish can appear in a completely different light. Cutlets with mushroom filling come out very well from minced chicken. To do this, take 700 g of minced meat, add salt, bread soaked in milk, and spices. You can prepare the filling at the same time. To do this, cut the mushrooms and one onion into pieces, fry in a frying pan until tender. Now divide the minced meat into small balls, add a spoonful of mushrooms inside, gently pinch and roll in breadcrumbs. Fry in sunflower oil.

If you don't like meat or avoid foods fried in oil, there are other options for preparing cutlets. So, instead of chicken, you can use minced potatoes. It is done as follows: boil the potatoes, mash them into a puree, add butter and milk. Form small balls from this mass, knead them into a flat cake, put fried mushrooms inside and pinch. Then roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in oil. You can also bake the cutlets in the oven.

Another great dish with mushroom filling can be meat rolls. Let's figure out how to prepare them. First you need to take a whole chicken and remove the skin from it. Then separate the meat from the bones and make minced meat. Separately, fry the onion in a frying pan, add the mushrooms and simmer until tender. Assembling the roll: lay the skin on the table, spread the meat over it in an even layer, and prepare the mushrooms on top. If desired, you can add spices. Wrap it in a roll, secure with a thread and bake in the oven until golden brown.

Pancakes with mushrooms

Mushroom filling also goes well with delicate pastries. Oyster mushrooms and chanterelles are best suited for pancakes. Bake the pancakes in advance, and then get to the filling. To do this, fry the onion in a frying pan and add mushrooms. Simmer until done. Now place a spoonful of mushrooms in each pancake, sprinkle with grated cheese and wrap in an envelope. Before eating, the pancake is fried in a frying pan with butter on both sides.

Stuffed cabbage rolls with mushrooms

This dish is somewhat unusual, but tasty. Mushroom filling goes very well with cabbage. Any mushrooms that are available will do. They need to be fried together with smoked bacon. At the end of cooking, add 1-2 tablespoons of tomato paste and half a glass of crumbly rice porridge. Then the dish is prepared as usual. 8-10 cabbage leaves are lightly boiled, and a hard core is cut out from the middle. The filling is laid out on the leaves and each of them is wrapped tightly. Now the cabbage rolls need to be fried in oil, then transferred to a saucepan and simmered. Before the end of stewing, you can add 3-4 tablespoons of sour cream.

Let's sum it up

The mushroom filling is a real lifesaver. It can improve almost any dish, become a great addition in a duet with meat or vegetables, and also play a wonderful solo, becoming the full-fledged core of aromatic pies, the most delicate pancakes and exquisite tartlets. Surely you can come up with other options where the mushroom filling will show itself worthy. Don’t be afraid to get creative, and your kitchen will always have varied and delicious dishes.

Pour warm water into a bowl, add yeast and sugar. Stir and cover with a towel, leave for 10-15 minutes.

During this time, the yeast should “start” and bubbles will appear on the surface.

Then add the egg, vegetable oil and salt to the resulting yeast mixture, mix with a fork or whisk.

Add sifted flour in small portions. Knead into a soft, pliable dough that does not stick to your hands.

Place the dough in a large bowl greased with vegetable oil, cover with a towel and leave warm for 1-1.5 hours.

The dough should increase in volume during this time.

While the dough is rising, let's make the filling for the pies.

Grind the meat (I prepared it from pork) in a meat grinder or food processor. Fry the minced meat in vegetable oil over medium heat until cooked (15-20 minutes), stirring occasionally. The minced meat should completely change color. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Peel the champignons, wash, cut into cubes, fry in vegetable oil, stirring, for about 4-5 minutes.

Then add peeled and finely chopped onions to the fried mushrooms.

Fry for another 5 minutes, stirring, then add salt to taste.

Combine the fried minced meat with mushrooms, mix and cool. The filling for meat and mushroom pies is ready.

Punch down the risen dough and divide it into small pieces of approximately the same size. Roll each ball into a flat cake on a floured table. Place one tablespoon of cooled filling in the center of the cake.

Pinch the edges and form into a pie. Make all the pies like this. Then cover the pies with a towel and leave for 10 minutes to rise.

We will fry the suitable pies in a heated frying pan with the addition of a sufficient amount of vegetable oil. Place the pies seam side down.

Fry over medium heat on both sides, approximately 3-4 minutes on each side (until golden brown).

Place the finished pies on a paper towel to remove excess oil.

Fried pies with meat and mushrooms turn out tasty and filling - a real family dish.

These pies are best served hot. Try it, many people will like pies with such a juicy filling!

Bon appetit!

You can make pies with champignons at any time of the year - these mushrooms are sold in supermarkets in winter, spring, and summer. There are no restrictions - only your desire and a little time separates you from an amazingly appetizing and tasty dish.
Well, the dough can be almost anything - shortbread, puff pastry, butter and even cheese! The choice is yours.
If you want to prepare delicious pies with champignons, spending a minimum of time on it, then use ready-made, preferably puff pastry, which, even in the store-bought version, pleases with its taste after baking.
Pies with champignons made from puff pastry
5-6 fresh large champignons,
1 egg each,
skinless chicken breast and onion,
packaging of finished puff pastry.
How to make quick pies with champignons. Chop the breast fillet into small pieces, chop the onion and fry, add to the chicken, fry, add sliced ​​mushrooms, pepper and salt, heat until the liquid evaporates, let cool. Thaw and roll out the dough, cut the plates (usually 2 sheets of dough per package) into 9 squares each. Season the cooled filling with chopped parsley, add 1 tbsp. filling into the center of each square, pinch the edges of the squares to form triangles. Coat the pies with egg so that it does not get on the tucks, place on a baking sheet lined with parchment, bake in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees for about half an hour.
If you have time to cook from the heart, then you can make pies with champignons from homemade dough, prepared with your own hands. It's not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance!
Pies with champignons made from homemade yeast-free dough

dough – 100g
2 cups of flour,
1 egg,
3 tbsp. sour cream,
¾ tsp soda,
½ glass of water,
½ tsp. salt,
filling – 500g champignons,
1 boiled egg and 1 onion,
2-3 tbsp. sour cream,
black pepper,
salt. Mix flour, soda and salt, pour in cooled melted butter, water, knead the dough, wrap it in cling film, put it in the cold for half an hour. Chop the onion and mushrooms into cubes, fry everything in butter until ready, add salt, season, add chopped egg and sour cream, stir, remove from heat, let cool. Roll out the dough into a layer 2-3 mm thick, cut it into rectangles 6 by 9 cm, place the filling in the center of each, brush the edges of the dough with beaten egg and fold the layer in half, pinch the edges and press them down with a fork. Place the pies on a baking sheet covered with parchment, make a cut on top of each, coat them with egg, bake until golden brown in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.
The two previous recipes were about baked pies, which are just as tasty as fried ones, but less caloric, and in the next recipe we will talk about fried pies, which are very popular with many fans of this dish because of their crispy golden brown crust. But these are not simple fried pies, but pies made from curd dough.
Fried pies with champignons made from curd dough
250g each of flour and potatoes,
200g mushrooms,
150g onion,
100g cottage cheese,
50ml kefir,
1 egg,
4 tbsp.
vegetable oil,
1 tsp soda,
Mix kefir with cottage cheese, grind, add vegetable oil, beat in an egg, add salt, sift flour with soda, add to the rest of the products, knead the dough, put it in the cold for half an hour. Peel, cut as desired and boil the potatoes in salted water, chop the onion and fry it in oil in a frying pan, add chopped champignons, simmer for 2 minutes, mix the mushrooms and onions with the boiled crushed potatoes. Taking the dough out of the refrigerator, roll it into a sausage and cut it into equal pieces. Form each piece of dough into pies: roll out into a flat cake, put potato and mushroom filling (1 tbsp) in the center, pinch the edges. Fry the pies until browned in a frying pan with hot oil on both sides.
Well, the last recipe for pies with champignons, which we will tell you about, is interesting because these pies are prepared with cheese dough. It turns out very tasty - you just can’t resist!
Pies with champignons from cheese dough

300g champignons,
200g each of hard cheese and butter,
2 cups of flour,
1 onion,
3 tbsp each water and sour cream,
How to make pies with champignons from cheese dough. Sift the flour and chop it together with butter or margarine. Grate the cheese on a fine grater, add to the flour and butter, add water, salt, roll the dough into a ball, wrap in film and refrigerate for half an hour. Grate the mushrooms on a coarse grater, fry them in a hot non-stick frying pan without oil until the liquid evaporates, add salt, fry the onions separately from the mushrooms in butter, finely chop them, then mix these products, add sour cream, heat for 3 minutes, stirring. Let the filling cool. Using your hands, separate parts from the dough, roll them into balls, roll them out thinly (up to 3mm), cut out circles of the desired size using a saucer or cup if you want to make small pies. Place the filling on one half of the circle, cover the other and press the edges, press them down with a fork, bake the pies for 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees until browned.
Treat yourself and your family with such a tasty and appetizing dish - pies with champignons will certainly lift the spirits of everyone who tries them, creating an atmosphere of warmth and comfort that homemade baked goods always gives to the house.
Enjoy your tea!