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» Find hidden friends on VKontakte 220. How to see hidden friends on VK

Find hidden friends on VKontakte 220. How to see hidden friends on VK

IN social network VKontakte is available special function"hidden friends" It replaces the complete privacy of your friends list so that you can hide only a few from the view of visitors to your page. By hiding users, you remove them from the “My Friends” and “My Subscriptions” sections; only you can see them, while other users will not be able to see the connection between you. If you want to see which friends your acquaintances, relatives or colleagues are hiding, then this can be done using online services for the VKontakte website. In this article you will learn how to use these services and reveal hidden friends. In addition, you will learn how to see the friends you have hidden yourself, in case you forgot about them.

How to see hidden friends of another user on VKontakte

There are many sites on the Internet that promise to reveal to you the hidden friends of any user you want, however, not all of them are accurate enough. This article will present two services that can show you such information most reliably. Remember that neither they nor any other site can guarantee a 100% match, because the developers of the VKontakte social network have created all the conditions to make viewing hidden friends impossible.

Site for viewing hidden friends first

  • To get started, go to the page of the user whose friends you want to see.
    Copy the link to his page: it is located in the search bar of your browser and consists of either numbers or a unique name.

  • Go to the website In the special field, insert a link to the user’s page and click “Scan”.
  • The procedure will take a few seconds, do not close the browser window during this time.

  • You will see a small feed of changes on the page of this user, however, there will not yet be information about hidden friends.
  • Click on the “Find Hidden Friends” link to see more.

  • Click on the link with the same name again.

  • You will need to give access to your VKontakte page to get reliable information. Click “Allow” and wait for changes on the page.

  • In this example, the service did not detect hidden friends and the user. Accept such data or try checking the information on another site to find hidden friends.

Site for viewing hidden friends second

  • If you are not satisfied with the result, then it is better to check it on another portal. You can take the site as an example. Follow the link and paste the link back to the user's page.

  • You will have access to a short summary of the user's personal information, which is compiled from his profile. Scroll down the page to see your hidden friends.

  • Under the heading “ Hidden Friends user” you will see the entire list that the site was able to detect.
  • Depending on certain criteria, hidden friends can be found by the first or second resource. For more accurate data, try to check the link on both sites.

How to see your hidden friends on VKontakte

  • If you added friends to certain hidden lists, they will not be visible to other users - only you will see them. To check this list, look on the VKontakte website for the thumbnail of your avatar in the upper right corner.

  • Click on the triangle next to it - a small drop-down menu will open. In it you need the “Settings” item.

  • You will find yourself on a page with all the settings for your VKontakte page that can be changed.
    Next, go to the “Privacy” tab.

  • Find the line “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions.” If it is set to “Everyone except”, then you have created a list of hidden friends, and those users who are recorded in it are not displayed to outsiders.
    Click on this line to change this list or delete it.

  • In addition, you can configure the display of the list for different user groups or close it altogether.
    Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see the line “See how other users see my page.” By clicking on this link, you will see your page on the social network on behalf of another user. Pay attention to how your friends are displayed.

Our favorite social network VKontakte has a large number of various functions and settings. One of them is hidden friends, which, in theory, will not be seen by anyone except you. But is there a way to see another person's hidden friends? Yes, there is such a method, and we will tell you about it in today’s article.

The Vk social network gives you the opportunity to make sure that the user who opens your page sees only what you want to show him. But our site, as always, reveals all the cards! To see hidden VKontakte friends, you don't need any hacking knowledge. All you need is: Internet connection, VK page, Internet browser (for example, Orbitum). But first, we will tell you how to hide your friends on social networks. This information may be useful to you, since not all users know how to view your hidden acquaintances.

Hiding user profiles

  • To begin, you must log in to your VKontakte page.
  • Next, click “My Settings” and look for the “Privacy” tab.
  • In this tab, click on the button to the right of the line “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions” in the “My Page” column.
  • Select "Everyone except...". A window will open in front of you, with the help of which you will select the people you decide to hide.
  • The left column contains a list of all your friends. On the right are those whom you will hide from prying eyes. By clicking on the names of certain users, you will move them from one column to another.
  • When you're done and the right column contains the names of everyone you want to hide, click on the blue "Save Changes" button.

How to view hidden pages

So, now let's talk directly about how you can see such hidden comrades in the profile of another user.

First, you should find out the ID of your, so to speak, “victim”. Let's say right away that it should consist of numbers, not letters. If it is made of letters, then this is an already changed page address, and we need a digital ID. How can you recognize him? To do this, right-click on the person’s avatar and select “Open link in new tab.” As we have already said, we use the popular Internet browser Orbitum, so this is what we call this item. If you use another web browser, then this function may have a slightly different name, but the meaning is the same.
When you open a person’s avatar in a new tab, pay attention to the address bar. There will be something like this: "". So, the first six digits (in our case, it’s “7096863”) are the VK user ID. All you need to do next is paste the ID into the online viewing link.

In addition, you should know that there are a lot of sites on the global network that promise to open another user’s page for you in its entirety. That is, hack. Of course, not for free. Then, the hidden friends on VKontakte, which you are so interested in viewing, will not become a mystery to you. Just like photo albums hidden by privacy settings. But keep in mind that in 99% of cases, all these guarantee sites are scams. In other words: pay money, but get nothing in return. After all, you know that hacking accounts is a real crime? So, to whom, in this case, will you complain that your VK page was not hacked for money? In general, it’s better not to even get involved with this kind of hacker; spend your money on something more significant and useful.

For some time now it has become completely open. It's about about the user's friends. As you remember, before friends could be hidden from prying eyes without any problems, but then Pavel Durov decided that people should get to know each other more on social networks and made the “Friends” section open to other users. Of course, this was done not so much for dating as to increase the time spent visiting the social network, but be that as it may, Durov kept his word. True, he still made sure that a certain part of the people could be hidden at will. At first there were 15 users, then their number was increased to 30.

It is not surprising that questions began to appear online in which users ask how to see hidden friends. This is understandable - what if your boyfriend or girlfriend has a lover/mistress as a friend? Is it possible to do this?

I answer - no, it’s impossible. Of course, unless you are a super hacker who is able to get into someone else's account in a matter of seconds, which, by the way, has long been a criminal offense. I also highly recommend not believing any programs that say, install the utility on your computer and find out all the hidden friends of anyone - this is a scam. Either there is a virus/Trojan hidden in the program, or you will need to send an SMS message to install it. Not free, of course.

However, there is one interesting way, which allows you to indirectly determine the number of hidden friends. But I would not dare to trust him 100%, and at the end of the article I will explain why I think so.

So, first we go to the page of the user we need. We look at the number of friends - there are 75 of them. Let's remember this figure, we will need it later.

Now we count the number of female friends. In my case, there were 19 such people.

We already know the total number of friends - there are 75 of them. Now we add up male and female users (50 + 19) and get a figure of 69 people. We subtract 69 from 75 friends and the bottom line is 6 users. Does this mean that the person you want has 6 hidden friends? No, it doesn't actually mean anything. The fact is that banned and deleted users are automatically classified as asexual. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate how many banned and deleted users the user has as friends, subtract their number from the indicated number 6 and get the total number of friends.


To do this, go to the site menu item “My Settings” and select “Privacy”. Find the line “Who is visible in the list of my friends”, click the “All friends” link. Select the friends you want to hide, check the box and save the changes. Now, when visiting your VKontakte page, another user will see only those of your contacts that you have not hidden. But all your friends will remain visible to you on your page. Sometimes this is very convenient.

However, recently the site administration allows you to hide no more than 20 of your friends. This is explained by the openness of the network and the need for it further development, but infringes on the rights and freedoms of users of the VKontakte website. However, there is a way to hide more than 20 VKontakte friends, if necessary. To do this, first go to settings and hide the allowed number of users. Next, go to the My Friends tab and remove from your friends those people you have hidden. Then we go to the privacy settings again and add 20 more users to the list. Then we return to the “My Friends” tab and return the deleted users from subscribers to friends.

There are no official, permitted ways to see hidden VK friends. And yet, you can view the closed pages of the person you are interested in if you know his id - a unique number that is assigned to each VKontakte user. Finding out this number is quite easy.

Go to the website of the creator of VKontakte Enter your username and password. Open the page of the person you are interested in. The search line will display its address and id in the form:ХХХХХХХ, where ХХХХХХХ is the required id.

Now, by substituting this number in the necessary online viewing links, you can see the closed pages of this user. However, your private information may also become available.

Another site with which you can view hidden VKontakte friends is On this site you can find out the users who have added you to the black list, the friends who hide your page in their contact list, and also find out the list of hidden friends of a particular user. To do this, you need to go to the website itself. On the left side of the page you will see a menu. Select the “Hidden Friends” section in it. On the page you will see a field in which you must enter the ID number of the user whose hidden friends you want to see. After this, you will need to log in to the network. Decide whether you want to provide your information on this site. If, nevertheless, it is necessary to find out hidden friends, and you decide to take a risk, enter your username and password. The page scanning process will then begin. Be patient, scanning will take some time, possibly quite a lot. Once the procedure is complete, a list of hidden friends will appear on the screen. Unfortunately, the site will not show those hidden friends for whom the user himself is hidden. In order to see this list, you will have to rescan.

You can view hidden ones without entering your data on the website You only need the ID of the user whose hidden friends you want to find out. It can be seen in the address bar of the browser by going to the page of the desired user. After copying the ID, go to Find required field and enter the user ID into it. Click the "Add" button. The program will begin scanning your profile and after some time will show a list of hidden friends. The program does not require a login or password from the VKontakte website, which means it is safe.

There is quite a large number of special programs that are installed on the computer. You must first download them to your computer and then enter all your personal data. Most of them require you to enter your username and password to continue working. Using such programs seems to be the most the easy way find out the list of hidden friends, but you need to remember that most of them pose a danger to the security of your computer and VKontakte account. Your personal information may become available to other people without your permission, and your computer may be infected with a virus.

It is impossible to find out the user's hidden friends without special websites. However, there is a way to roughly calculate the number of hidden friends. To do this, you need to go to the page of the desired user and look at the total number of friends. Then open the search options window at the top of the list and indicate female gender. The list will display the number of female friends. We count male friends in the same way. Add up the number of female and male friends. If the resulting number is less than the total number of friends, the user most likely hid this part of their contacts. But this method cannot be considered reliable and 100% correct.

There is another way to find out hidden friends on VKontakte without special programs. The fact is that the social network in the Possible Friends tab offers a list of users with whom you have VKontakte. If you suspect that a person is among the hidden VKontakte friends of a user you are interested in, send him a friend request. If he accepts it, go to the My Friends tab and click search. The system will offer you a list of possible acquaintances. Perhaps among them there will be a user you are interested in.

Related article

Today there is a huge selection of equipment capable of producing video. Photos, videos and webcams, Cell Phones... Users of the social network VKontakte add hundreds of videos to their pages every day. If you had a significant event, you filmed it and want to talk about it, add the video to your account and tag all your friends.

You will need

  • Computer with Internet access.


Click the “My Videos” menu; in the window that opens, in the upper right corner there will be an inscription “Add video”.

In the new window, you can choose to add a video via a link from other sites, add it from a search for already posted videos, or add your own by specifying a title and description. Next, click “Select file” or “standard loader”. Specify the desired video file in *.AVI, *.3GP, *.MP4, *.MPEG, *.MOV, *.WMV or *.FLV formats. Wait for the video to load. The download speed depends on the speed of your Internet connection.

VKontakte is developing quite dynamically, and at different times different scripts were written that allow you to tag all your friends on. At the moment, namely April 2012, no such script for VKontakte has been found on the Internet. This means that you will have to tag all your friends yourself using the appropriate “Tag” item.

The Select Users window appears. The names of your friends will be written in it, opposite the names there is a + sign. Click it next to each user, then click “Save”. If you don't want to tag someone, find the unwanted user's name and put an X next to it before clicking Save.

Video on the topic


The social network VKontakte does not offer the ability to tag all friends in a video with one action. In this regard, outdated scripts, or scripts representing potential danger.


  • Social network “VKontakte” in 2019

People who are your subscribers have access to all the updates and news of the page. In addition, these users are visible under your avatar to all visitors. Such “presence” of some persons may be undesirable. There are several ways to remove VKontakte subscribers.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - Internet.


One way to remove unwanted subscribers is to write them private messages. Ask these people to unfollow your page. The option is simple, but does not always work. Firstly, it is not a fact that a person will respond to a request. Secondly, if there are a lot of subscribers, writing to everyone is quite long and labor-intensive process. Moreover, the user’s page may be blocked or protected by the privacy settings of personal messages.

Another method to remove subscribers is to add certain users to a blacklist. In this case, they will automatically disappear from the corresponding list. In addition, these people will not be able to write messages to you or even view your page. If you keep users on the blacklist for at least half an hour, they will stop being your subscribers. After this time, they can be unlocked, or you can leave them there. In any case, these people will no longer be displayed on your page. There are several options for carrying out this procedure.

Under your avatar, open the list of subscribers, find a specific person and go to their page. Under his avatar in the bottom right, find the words “Block” and “Report this page.” Click on the first option.

This person goes from subscribers to the black list. Leave it there for half an hour or more, then go to his page. Where you clicked “Block”, click “Unblock”. After this, the person ceases to be a subscriber, without being on the black list.

There is a way to manage lists of blocked subscribers without searching for or visiting their pages. In the menu at the top left, find the “My Settings” item. Next, from the options that open, select the “Black List” tab and enter the name of the unwanted subscriber. After that, click “Add to blacklist”. If you want to unblock someone, click “Remove from blacklist”. This user will no longer be your subscriber.


  • How to remove subscribers in contact

IN Lately The VKontakte website has become one of the most popular social networks, the number of registered users of which is growing daily.


Like any other social network, on VKontakte you can add your friends to special lists, and these lists can be edited. The users you have added to your friends list can be divided into certain groups, including “ Best friends", "Relatives", "Friends from school", "Friends from university" and "Colleagues".

To move a user to a special group, log in to your VKontakte page using your login and password for authorization. A main window will appear in front of you, on the right side of which your personal information, interests, contact information will be located, below you can see a wall with your records and the records of your friends. A little to the left of your personal information is your avatar, that is, the main photo, below it is a list of gifts, your subscribers and friends, and on the left are the sections “My Messages”, “My Page”, “My Groups”, “My Audio Recordings”, “My Video Recordings” , Documents, My Photos, Applications, and Settings. To edit your friends list, you can click on the “My Friends” section, which is located in this menu, or use the “Friends” button under the list of your gifts.