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» Damage caused by parasitic fungi. Fungi are symbionts, saprophytes and parasites. What does a doctor usually do?

Damage caused by parasitic fungi. Fungi are symbionts, saprophytes and parasites. What does a doctor usually do?

According to the method of reproduction and existence, mushrooms are divided into 2 categories:

Types of mushrooms

Saprotrophs (or saprophytes) are organisms that obtain nutrients: from the soil, from the decomposition of dead animals or plant remains, and animal excretions.

These organisms have both positive and negative effects on other living inhabitants. Below is a description of the most common lesions and the positive effects on the environment and humans.

Fun fact: Polypores on trees have both positive and negative effects. These organisms destroy dead trunks, clearing the forest. But when they multiply excessively, tinder fungi begin to feed on living plantings, leading to their infection and death.

Microsporia is a disease that infects cats, dogs, fur-bearing animals and even cattle. The fungus settles on the surface of the body. The lesions look like rounded formations with a scaly edge and rapid peripheral growth. They cause damage to the coat. The hair shafts break off in the form of “stumps” of similar length, resembling clipped patches. The lesions quickly merge.

Candida fungi are classified as pathogens of opportunistic diseases. They are found on human skin, but manifest themselves only when the immune system is weakened. Candida affects the skin, nails, mucous membranes of the digestive tract, and genitals. The lesion looks like bright red lesions with a characteristic curdled discharge.

There is an opinion that thrush affects only representatives of the beautiful woman. However, it is wrong. And it makes no difference to mushrooms on what cover they exist. Let's look at the most common route of infection:

  1. Sexual.
  2. Public places.
  3. Animals.
  4. For prevention, doctors recommend strengthening the immune system and strictly following the rules of personal hygiene.

Smut mushrooms


Rust or onion mushrooms


They destroy wood, thereby causing enormous damage to green spaces. Polypore spores penetrate the plant through wounds on the bark, frost holes, sunburn, and damage to branches. They develop quite quickly, and the mycelium penetrates all tissues of the tree. From the moment of infection by spores to the formation of an adult fruiting body, depending on its type, only a few years pass. Over time, the host plants of the fungus turn into dust. They are not suitable for further processing. The wood becomes brittle and affected trees often break from strong winds.

Most people associate the word mushrooms with a basket filled with porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms and boletus mushrooms. But for biologists, this concept is very diverse and includes not only the species familiar to us, but the entire biological kingdom, represented by both microscopic creatures and giants.

By nature of nutrition, all mushrooms are heterotrophs

To understand this, let's look at both types in more detail.

By nature of nutrition, all fungi are heterotrophs. Without chlorophyll, they cannot synthesize complex nutrients themselves, so they are forced to consume ready-made ones.

Their nutrition is carried out through the absorption of necessary substances by the mycelium. Because, what mushrooms eat are divided into:

Lower saprophytes, consisting of just one cell, are represented by the fungus mucor or the well-known white mold. There are many different molds among higher fungi. A small part of them are useful to humans: penicillium, yeast. But most are harmful, causing food spoilage. Some can even cause dangerous diseases: mycoses, thrush and even pseudotuberculosis.

For nature, saprophytes are extremely useful. It is thanks to them that natural waste is processed into substances available to plants, providing them with nutrition for further development. They can be called forest orderlies, thanks to them all wood residues are processed.

To summarize, we can say that the main differences between these types of mushrooms are in the way they feed and the benefits or harm they bring to wildlife and humans.

Most edible mushrooms are classified as symbiotes based on their feeding method. By taking away nutrition from plants, most often trees of certain species, they supply them with mineral nutrients and water. The benefits of such an alliance are mutual.

Among all their diversity, there are some that can be eaten. Some of them are familiar to everyone, but there are also species that few know about.

Autumn honey fungus (real)

It grows on living trees and stumps, sometimes settling on dead wood, in this case becoming a saprophyte. Found everywhere in large groups, prefers moist forests. Fruits from September until frost. Usually there are 2-3 waves of fruiting. The poisonous sulfur-yellow honey fungus is similar to it.

Honey mushrooms can be boiled, fried, dried, salted and pickled.

Autumn honey fungus (real)

Winter honey fungus (winter mushroom)

It is called so because of its ability to bear fruit even in winter during thaws.

Agaric. Having a cap from 2 to 10 cm in diameter, yellow-brown or honey-colored, the outer edge is lighter. The leg is strong, of medium thickness, velvety brown, slightly lighter in the upper part. The plates are light, the cover is missing.

Habitat: northern temperate zone. It grows on living wood and can also invade dead trees. Fruits from spring to autumn.

The mushroom belongs to category 4. Eat pre-boiled. Boiled mushrooms are salted and pickled. Fungi produce a substance called flammulin, which can fight sarcoma. Very popular in the cuisines of Japan and Korea, where it is industrially cultivated.


The mushroom has low taste and is consumed after boiling.


They have another name - panus. Little-known conditionally edible mushrooms. Only young specimens can be eaten. The Panus family is quite numerous. All of them belong to lamellar fungi and grow on wood, mainly coniferous species, and scaly sawfoil can even grow on telegraph poles and sleepers, for which it has another name - sleeper.


Unfortunately, this valuable mushroom is not found in the wild here - it cannot survive our harsh winters. But in China and Japan it is not only a delicious delicacy, but also a valuable medicine. The list of diseases that it can cure is very long. These include cancer, hepatitis, immune deficiency and much more. In a number of countries it is cultivated. At the moment, shiitake is being intensively studied by scientists who have already isolated a number of valuable potent substances from it.

Name and description of saprophyte mushrooms

There are edible mushrooms among saprophytic organisms. These are champignons, morels, puffballs, umbrella mushrooms, dung beetles, and summer honey mushrooms.


Most people buy champignons at the store. They sell mushrooms grown on a special substrate under cultural conditions. Few people know that champignons can be found in meadows and even in forests. Wikipedia lists as many as 20 types of champignons. Among them, only 2 are poisonous and 4 are conditionally edible, the rest are quite suitable for food and are even very tasty.

Everything is clear about cultural varieties. Let's talk about forest and meadow champignons. In the meadow you can most often find field and meadow champignons. They grow where the ground is fertilized with manure or bird droppings, in a word, grazing livestock and poultry. Both of these species are especially good when young, while their cap looks like an egg, the plates have not yet darkened and are pink, and the spathe has not yet burst to form a characteristic skirt. The meadow and field champignons have a snow-white cap, only in the first it is ovoid at a young age, and in the second it is more like a bell. Its flesh turns yellow when touched, and the cover can be two-layered, forming the same ring.

The wild mushroom has a brownish-brown cap, covered with brown scales. The forest champignon is found in mixed and coniferous forests and often grows near anthills.

Mushroom umbrella

It is a relative of the champignon, as it belongs to the same family, but is significantly larger in size. An adult mushroom has a light cap covered with dark brown shaggy scales that can reach a diameter of 35 cm, and the stem grows up to 40 cm in height and has a thickness of 4 cm. It is also covered with small scales. The mushroom has a blanket that, with age, turns into a ring that moves freely along the stem. Russian mushroom pickers treat it with caution and most often bypass it.. And in vain. This mushroom is very tasty, especially when it is young, when it is more tender. In Europe, the umbrella is sometimes added to salads, even raw. It loves light forests, begins to bear fruit in June and ends in late autumn.


They open the mushroom season. This mushroom is difficult to confuse with something else. The dark brown conical cap is pitted with indentations and this makes it seem lacy. The leg is white, hollow inside. These mushrooms love to grow in light forests, on the edges of . They start collecting morels immediately after the snow melts.. The mushroom is considered conditionally edible. Use after boiling for 20 minutes. The broth needs to be drained.

Interesting facts about mushrooms (video)

The diverse kingdom of mushrooms amazes with its variability and ability to adapt to any conditions. This piece of living nature allows you to verify its wisdom. Mushrooms are neither plants nor animals, but without them neither one nor the other could exist.

Post Views: 198

There are about 100,000 species of mushrooms

Mycorrhizal fungi or symbionts are soil fungi, their mycelium - mycorrhiza, can exist only with the roots of grasses and trees, forming a symbiosis. Examples are boletus and boletus, as well as chanterelles, boletus and others. They grow next to trees, the soil near the tree is riddled with mycelium. They grow exclusively in symbiosis with a tree. Mushrooms are amazing organisms. Facts about the life of mushrooms are very interesting.

Among biological scientists, interest in their abilities is growing. Today, domestic and foreign scientists are conducting interesting experiments with growing mushrooms. They have already managed to achieve small successes in the project - fact No. 1.

Ringworm affects all types of domestic animals, fur-bearing animals and rodents.

Statistics have concluded that today every fifth person suffers from some kind of fungal infection. And among animals the percentage is even higher - fact No. 4.

general characteristics

Treatment for ringworm should begin as soon as possible

  • obligate;
  • saprotrophs.

Smut mushrooms have long been known to biologists. They settle only on higher green plants, feeding on juices. The mushroom sprouts from the smut. It has a dikaryotic and intercellular micelle. The shoots of the plant are riddled with fungus. Plants affected by smut fungi take on a charred appearance. Animals can also carry spores.

To avoid infection of the plant before sowing, competent agronomists treat the seeds of cereal crops for treatment with special substances.

Ergot familiar to any experienced farmer. She “loves to eat” rye and other wild grains. Ergot has a second name - uterine horns. They called it that because the affected plant has curved, hard formations on the flowers of the spikelet. These formations are called sclerotia. They were named so because of the appearance of their body. Ergot grows in oblong glomeruli or triangular plexuses of mycelium. Their color is black and purple.

Ergot is found on rye, wheat (particularly durum), barley and many other feed grains

Sometimes the plant is covered with a white coating, which is easily erased. The size of the mushroom structure is no more than 3 cm in length and up to 6 mm in width. Ergot sclerotia can have different shapes and sizes. If a flower is infected with spores, it means it will soon collapse. Instead of grains, there will be sclerotia on the ear; they will easily overwinter there until spring. To preserve fertility and treat ergot, plants are sprayed with special means.

Polypores. Anyone who has walked in the forest has probably seen growths on trees. This is most likely the most common type of fungus - the tinder fungus. It belongs to the group of basidiomycetes that grows on wood. The consistency of the pulp can be fleshy and sometimes tough. Rarely localized on the soil. The tinder has two body options:

  • prostrate;
  • hat-footed.

Scientists have found that tinder fungi cause serious damage to trees. The spore enters the tree, like an obligate fungus, through a wound on the bark and other mechanical damage. Mycelia develop very quickly, so the mycelium affects the entire body of the tree. The maturation period for a tinder fungus is several years. This is how the tree becomes brittle and rotten. No longer suitable for processing.


Ergot, tinder fungus, smut and late blight cause serious harm to agriculture. The methods of fighting are different. It is much easier to avoid crop contamination than to treat huge fields.

Plants must be kept in their optimal temperature conditions. Agronomists are also looking for a way to treat crop seeds with pesticides before sowing. An interesting fact is that cereal shoots are sprayed with formaldehyde to prevent mycelium from penetrating into them. They get rid of it in various other ways and means.

Genetic engineers in laboratories are working to develop varieties that are more resistant to fungal diseases.

The main methods of protecting plants from fungal diseases are: the creation and cultivation of disease-resistant varieties, high-quality agricultural technology, the development and use of effective and safe means of prevention and suppression of pathogens.

Smut mushrooms


Rust mushrooms

Rust fungi damage plant tissue, disrupting the processes of photosynthesis, respiration, and water evaporation. This leads to loss of harvest, and in many cases ends in the death of plants. Rust fungi infect more than 500 plant species. The disease caused by rust fungi is called rust.

Powdery mildew mushrooms

Mycoses can be transmitted through household means by using the same towels, shoes, clothes, toothbrush, comb, etc. Fungal diseases can be contracted in public toilets, saunas, baths, swimming pools, and on beaches. Infection by pathogenic fungi is facilitated by damage to the skin - abrasions, scratches, cracks.

To prevent mycoses, it is necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene when visiting a swimming pool, bathhouse, or sauna. Material from the site

Microsporia (ringworm)

One of the most common fungal diseases is microsporia (ringworm). The fungus affects the external integument of humans and animals. A common method of infection is close contact with a sick person or animal. Ringworm most often affects children who play with street animals - cats or dogs. The fungus can also be transmitted through the personal belongings of a sick person. When infected, a small convex red spot appears on the body (Fig. 54). The skin itches and becomes covered with dry crusts. With microsporia of the scalp, the most characteristic sign is the presence of broken hair in the lesion.

Microbiology knows many types of Trichomonas. Of these, intestinal, oral, and vaginal are capable of inhabiting the human body. Under normal conditions (relative health and normal immunity), only the latter is pathogenic.

Comparison of species

Reasons for the development of mycoses

  • Antibacterial therapy - antibiotics kill not only pathogenic bacteria, but also beneficial ones, eliminating natural defenses and accelerating the development of fungus.
  • Decreased immunity and weakness of children's immunity in newborns.
  • Long-term use of hormonal and anticancer drugs.
  • Dysbacteriosis of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diabetes mellitus, HIV infection, varicose veins, bronchial asthma.
  • Dermatological problems - erysipelas, wounds, abrasions, inflammatory processes.
  • Surgical intervention.
  • Psychological shock.
  • Insufficient compliance with hygiene requirements.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • The presence of bad habits - smoking, drug use, alcoholism.
  • Uncontrolled use of medications.
  • Increased background radiation.
  • Bad ecology.

There are many varieties of mycoses, each of which is manifested by specific symptoms, but there are also general symptoms, which is what people most often pay attention to.

What types are there?

These mushrooms are divided into two types:

But in Nature there is nothing unambiguous. The division into two types is very arbitrary. For example, a tinder fungus grows on a living tree for several years, but gradually kills it and continues to live on a fallen trunk until the wood is completely processed.

Of all the diseases associated with pathogenic microflora, the most insidious and difficult to cure is fungus. As a rule, fungi can remain in the human body for quite a long time without showing significant symptoms.

During this time, the infectious agent multiplies massively, spreading throughout the human body. Only medical supervision and prescribed treatment can eliminate the pathogenic agent.

The human body itself is a system that includes various bacteria, microorganisms, fungi and viruses, which, with a normal level of immunity, are in a suppressed “dormant” state. Under favorable conditions and a decline in the immune system, they get a chance to reproduce and spread, and if mycoses are not treated, it can even be fatal.

Scientists have found fungi, bacteria and even algae in blood plasma. The most common are intestinal helminths.

You can become infected with helminths in the following ways:

  1. Through dirty hands.
  2. Upon contact with the ground.
  3. For insect bites.
  4. If you eat an undercooked piece of meat or fish.
  5. If you don't wash fruits and vegetables before eating.
  6. If you have illiterate contact with animals.
  7. Upon contact with a person sick with helminths.

Worm eggs can be found in soil, water, dirty fruits and vegetables, as well as in meat or fish that have not undergone sufficient heat treatment.

  • Food spoiled by mold or expired; in the latter case, the fungus may not be visible to the naked eye of the consumer, but its spores have already colonized the product.
  • Contact with a sick person, not necessarily personal, but through shoes, clothing, hygiene items, bed. It is enough to have a small scratch on the skin, diaper rash or other damage to the skin to become infected with a fungus in a bathhouse, sauna, or swimming pool.
  • Harmful microorganisms are transmitted through amniotic fluid and breast milk.
  • During sexual intercourse (all types of sex).
  • When inhaling air contaminated with fungal spores.
  • When in contact with animals, many pathogenic microorganisms can live on fur and in saliva.
  • Through contaminated soil.

Two types of fungi are designated by location: external - manifesting itself on the scalp, surface of the skin, nails and mucous membranes, deep - spreading into the deep layers of the dermis, affecting internal organs.

Preparatory stage

Treatment methods for chronic processes are based on the fact that background processes should initially be eliminated.

To relieve inflammation of the gallbladder and stabilize the flow of bile, choleretic agents are used. These are cholekinetic drugs: Sorbitol, Magnesium sulfate, Xylitol. Cholespasmolytic drugs are also prescribed: No-Shpu, Platyfillin, Metacin.

It is necessary to combat the manifestations of toxicosis with the help of enterosorbents: Enterosgel, Polyphepan, Polysorb, Smecta.

If a condition such as constipation occurs, Lactulose may be recommended.

The fight against liver worms begins with taking hepaprotectors: Karsil, Legalon.

Drugs like Festal, Mezim, Pancreatin can correct enzyme metabolism.

Second phase

To get rid of helminths, agents belonging to one of the following groups are used:

  • nitroimidazole - tinidazole, ornidazole;
  • nitrofuran - makmirar, nifuratel;
  • benzimidazole - albendazole, which destroys all types of worms, is able to suppress the larvae of echinococcus and pork tapeworm.

Levamisole destroys roundworms (roundworms and pinworms), and Mebendazole disrupts the division process of almost any helminths at the cellular level.

Effective treatment for helminths is associated with comprehensive prevention of not just one person, but all family members. Ideally, deworming of places where a child studies or an adult works is necessary.

  • Helminths: general recommendations in the fight against them
  • Treatment of worms with folk remedies
  • Deworming tablets for children and adults
  • Deworming tablets for animals

Effective in this fight are drugs with the active substance albendazole and mebendazole.

By killing helminths inside ourselves, we do not kill those who remain outside our body. Some types of worms lay larvae in the anus at night.

This is the only way to get rid of worms for a long time. This complex includes: hot washing of linen (especially bed linen), treatment of all surfaces of an apartment or house with antiseptics, and mandatory removal of worms from pets.

Some types of worms live successfully in dogs, but are harmless to humans and are not spread through fur. Other species are transmitted through breathing.

Parrots are frequent carriers of worms.

The process of controlling helminths must prevent re-infection. It occurs in 100% of cases if deworming of the environment in which the infected organism lives was not applied.

The active medium for pathogenic helminths is the formation of carbohydrate breakdown (baked goods).

Antimycotic therapy is developed by the attending physician in accordance with the type of disease, the patient’s age and weight, and symptoms.

  • If the skin is affected, they are treated with ointments (Mifungar, Nizoral, Lamisil), as well as iodine-containing tinctures and solutions, preparations prepared according to a special recipe. For mycosis of the scalp, gels and shampoos are used.
  • For thrush, vaginal suppositories are used - Pimafucin, Livarol, Clotrimazole.
  • Medicines for internal use - Ketoconazole, Mikosist, Lamisil, Fluconazole.