Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Name the word in the plural form of an adjective. Plural endings for adjectives. VII. Development of logical thinking and imagination

Name the word in the plural form of an adjective. Plural endings for adjectives. VII. Development of logical thinking and imagination

Lesson topic : Declension of adjectives in the plural.

Target : introduce the peculiarities of declension of adjectives in the plural.


    develop the ability to decline adjectives in the plural,

    improve the ability to recognize gender and case of adjectives; write endings correctly.

This lesson belongs to the section “Adjective”, the first lesson on the topic “Declination of adjectives in the plural”

Planned results ,formed by UUD:

Personal: educational and cognitive interest in educational material (understand the educational task in the lesson and strive to complete it); moral and ethical assessment of the acquired content, ensuring personal moral choice based on social and personal goals; assessing your achievements in class.

Regulatory: determine the purpose of educational activities with the help of the teacher, take initiative in educational cooperation.

Communication : formulate your thoughts into oral speech;

Cognitive : independent selection and formulation of a cognitive goal, search and selection necessary information, analysis, comparison, classification of objects according to selected characteristics.

Teaching methods : problematic; partially search.

During the classes

1. Self-determination for educational activities.

Today we have guests in our lesson. Turn to the guests and say hello. I think that each of you will please yourself and me today with your work in class. So let's get started.

They sat down nicely, opened the notebooks, laid them down at an angle, and took the pens correctly.

And I would like to start today’s Russian language lesson by reading K. G. Paustovsky’s statement about the Russian language:

We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language.

What conclusion can we draw after reading this statement?

And what words gave the most exact description Russian language?

What part of speech are they?

Now let’s write down the date in the notebook.

What would you like the lesson to be? Choose epithets for the noun “lesson”. (Educational, interesting, fun, meaningful)

Who does it depend on? (From the teacher and students and their mutual understanding)

2. Updating knowledge.

You and I were selecting epithets for the noun “lesson”. Tell me, what part of speech are the epithets expressed in? (With adjectives)

What do you know about adjectives? (Adjectives are a part of speech that denotes the attribute of an object and answers the questions which?, which?, which?, which? Adjectives vary by number, gender and case)

Group work. (Annex 1)

Decline the adjectives on the sheets.

Group I

Group II

III group

I. p.

Interesting lesson

Fun lesson

Content lesson

R. p.

Interesting lesson

Have a fun lesson

Meaningful lesson

D. p.

Interesting lesson

Have a fun lesson

Content lesson

V. p.

Interesting lesson

Fun lesson

Content lesson


Interesting lesson

Have a fun lesson

A meaningful lesson

P. p.

About an interesting lesson

About a fun lesson

About the content lesson

What do these adjectives have in common? (Singular, masculine)

What are the endings? (The same)

So how do adjectives change in singular? (In the singular, adjectives change according to gender and case)

How to determine the singular case of an adjective? (The case of the adjective is determined by the case of the noun to which it refers)

Put the phrase interesting lesson in the nominative plural.

Is it possible to determine the gender of adjectives in the plural? What's the problem?

This means that the gender of plural adjectives cannot be determined.

3. Statement of the educational task.

Can we say that plural adjectives change according to cases? (Not really-?)

What do you think we will work on in class today? Who will formulate the topic of the lesson? (declension of adjectives in the plural)

4. Construction of a project for getting out of the difficulty.

Let's bow now

Option I – Interesting lessons

Option II – Fun changes

I. p. (which ones?)

Interesting lessons

Fun changes

R. p. (which ones?)

Interesting lessons

Happy changes

D. p. (which?)

Interesting lessons

Happy changes

V. p. (which ones?)

Interesting lessons

Fun changes

etc. (which ones?)

Interesting lessons

Happy changes

P. p. (about which ones?)

About interesting lessons

About fun changes

Now pay attention. Working in pairs, compare case endings adjectives. What can you say about the endings of plural adjectives? (The endings are the same)

In which cases do plural adjectives have the same endings?

I. p., V. p.
ee, ee

R.p., P.p.
oh, them

D. p.
ym, im

them, them

How can you determine the plural case of an adjective? (The plural case of an adjective can be recognized by the case of the noun)

What new have you learned about plural adjectives? Draw a conclusion. (Adjectives in the plural are changed by case or declined. The gender of plural adjectives is not determined)

5. Primary consolidation in external speech.

Let's check if the authors of the textbook agree with us. Let's open the textbook to page 34. Compare your conclusions with the data in the textbook.

Read the rules silently and out loud.

What have you learned about changing adjectives in the plural?

6. Physical education minute.

I will name phrases that contain nouns and adjectives. If I call adjectives in the plural genitive case, you squat, if in the plural prepositional case, you jump on the spot. Be careful.

True friends (R.p.), oh forest plants(P.p.), in dense snowdrifts (P.p.), bright stars(R.p.), near deep rivers (R.p.), in huge cities (P.p.), from interesting books(R.p.), in dark caves (P.p.).

7. Work in pairs with self-test according to the standard.

Work in pairs. (Appendix2)

There are cards on your table. Read the task and explain in your own words what needs to be done. (Insert and highlight endings, determine case)

Behind balloons- etc.
ABOUT summer holidays– P. p.
To the neighborhood boys - D. p.
From thorny bushes– R.p.
With bitter frosts - etc.
Until the first frost - R. p.
On musical instruments– P. p.
Along the river waves - D. p

Enough. Let's check it against the standard.

Which pairs did exactly the same?

How to determine the plural case of adjectives?

Guys! Look down, up, left, and now out the window and at the screen.

Winter does not want to give up its rights to spring. Proof of this is the most beautiful winter days with frost and sun!

Write a sentence using the words on the slide.

Snow sparkles, multi-colored, in the bright sun.

The snow sparkles with colorful sparks in the bright sun.

Write down the proposal.

Underline the main parts of the sentence. Determine gender and case of adjectives.

(Check at the board)

8. Differentiated homework(Appendix3)

Here is the text.

Read it.

What part of speech is missing?

Anyone who can independently choose adjectives that are suitable in meaning, take a green card.

Who needs words - helpers, take a yellow card.

If you are not confident in your abilities, take a blue card.

You will complete the tasks on these cards at home.

Green card.

Write down the text, inserting appropriate adjectives. Determine the plural case of adjectives.

Winter has come with... frosts,... blizzards,... snowdrifts. In... the forest, patterns of... footprints are visible in the snow. The frosts are crackling.

Yellow card

Write down the text, adding words that suit their meaning. Determine the plural case of adjectives.

Winter has come with... frosts,... blizzards,... snowdrifts. In... the forest, patterns of... footprints are visible in the snow. The frosts are crackling.

Words for reference: crackling, fierce, noisy, winter, bestial, deep.

Blue card.

Write down the text, inserting the missing endings of adjectives. Determine the plural case of adjectives.

Winter has come with crackling... frosts, noisy... blizzards, deep... snowdrifts. In the winter forest, patterns of animal... footprints are visible on the snow. The bitter frosts are crackling.

9. Reflection on learning activities

Evaluate the results of educational activities.

Remember the topic of our lesson.

How do adjectives change in the plural? (Only by cases)

How do plural adjectives remain unchanged? (Does not change by gender).

How to determine the plural case of an adjective? (As in the singular, the case of the adjective is determined by the case of the noun to which it refers)


Subject: Declension of adjectives in the plural

Goals: Formation of skills to decline adjectives in the plural form, spelling skills of the endings of plural adjectives.



Improve knowledge of adjectives, their singular declension;


develop the skills to observe, compare, draw conclusions;


to cultivate discipline, responsibility, the ability to empathize, self-esteem, activity, perseverance, diligence, curiosity, and interest in the learning process;

cultivate mutual assistance, mutual assistance, and the ability to work in a team.


I. Organizational moment.

I really want you to smile

We were satisfied with our work.

Let this lesson please us all

And each of us will feel our success.

II. Updating knowledge

A minute of penmanship

bb bb bb

Which tree is the symbol of Russia?

Slide 1

What do you think about the spelling of this word?

For the word birch, select and write down words with the same root (birch, birch, birch, boletus, birch forest, birch tree)

What words can we use to describe birch (white, slender, flexible, curly, Russian)

Which part of speech helped you in your description? What do you know about her? (Remember the adjective)

II. Communicating the topic and purpose of the lesson

What poems about birch do you know?

Read an excerpt from a wonderful poem by S.A. Yesenin. This will help you determine the topic of today's lesson:
Slide 2

The sleepy birch trees smiled,
The silks were disheveled...the braids.
The green earrings are rustling,
And the silver... dew burns.

Slide 3 (with endings highlighted)

– What can you say about the topic of the lesson? What will we study? (Adjectives in plural form.) Why did they decide this? (The poem omits the endings of plural adjectives.)
– How did you determine that this is a plural adjective? (On the question - Which?; according to the nouns with which these adjectives are associated, they are also used in the plural.)
– Do we know the endings of adjectives in the plural form in nominative case? (Yes, s, s.)
– What else do you think we will learn about plural adjectives?
(Endings in other cases, case questions).

What goals will you set for yourself in this lesson?

Slides 4 and 5

ІІІ. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Observation of the plural declension of adjectives

The following phrases are written on the board:

Put the phrase in the plural form and decline (The task is completed according to the options, 2 people work at the board)

1st row: slender flexible girl;

2nd row: bright winter day;

What can you say about these phrases? (they have adjectives with a hard and soft base and animate ones, inanimate names nouns with which adjectives are associated)

What did you notice? (Students analyze and draw a conclusion)

Conclusion: Plural adjectives change according to cases. The case of an adjective in the plural can be recognized by the case of the noun)

2. Checking against the ending table

Slide 6

Conclusion: The spelling of case endings of plural adjectives is influenced by the type of stem and whether the adjective is animate or inanimate. The spelling of adjectives in V.p. depends on this.

IV. Fizminutka

"Four forces"

Earth - squat, water - arms to the sides, fire - arms up, air - jump (I pronounce the names of the elements quickly in any order several times - children perform the movements)

V. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

3. Working with the textbook

Page 19, exercise 26

How to determine the plural case of adjectives. number? (according to noun case)

How to check unstressed endings plural adjectives?

How can this rule be formulated in a humorous manner? (If you don’t want to be left out, check the ending with a question.)

In what cases are plural adjectives? do the numbers have the same endings?

Explain the spelling of the missing spellings. Write down, identifying the endings of adjectives and indicating their case.

Peer review.

Who completed the exercise without errors? With 1 or 2 errors? Evaluate the work of your comrades

VI. Consolidation

Performing exercises in groups (differentiation by degree of complexity and volume)

Level 1

a) Write it down.

Winter lay on the frozen ground. Flexible... trunks over the forest... roads bent in lace... arches. In the winter forest there are many animals... and bird tracks. Along the edge of a deep ravine there are huge aspen trees.

Level 2

a) Place and write the words in brackets in the correct case.

We admired (snow-white plains), drove up to ( high mountains), painted on (cold glass), flew around (slender pine trees), glittered (multi-colored lights), curled on (tall trees).

b) Determine the case and highlight the endings of adjectives.

Level 3

a) Make up and write down 4 adjective + noun phrases from each line: masculine in R.p., feminine in P.p., neuter in D.p., plural in V.p.

Good (people, mood, gift, song).

Blue (bell, river, lakes, sky).

Early (breakfast, morning, walk, sunrise).

b) Highlight the endings of adjectives.

Self-test against the standard. Self-esteem.

VII. Reflection

At the beginning of the lesson, we set ourselves the goal of finding out how plural adjectives are declined. Have we achieved our goal?

Today in class I learned...

It was interesting to me….

Which tasks were easy for you to complete...

What tasks did you have difficulty completing?

VIII. Homework:p.18-19 – tables of endings, p.20 Exercise 27


To use presentation previews, create a Google account and log in to it:

Slide captions:

The birch trees smiled at the sleep, The silks... braids were disheveled. The green... earrings rustle, And the silver... dew burns. The birch trees smiled at the sleep, The silks... braids were disheveled. The green... earrings rustle, And the silver... dew burns.

The birch trees smiled at the sleep, The silks... braids were disheveled. The green... earrings rustle, And the silver... dew burns. The sleepy birch trees smiled, their silken braids disheveled. Green earrings rustle, And silver dews burn. S. Yesenin

Lesson topic Declension and spelling of plural endings of adjectives

Objectives: to get acquainted with the declension of adjectives in the plural; make a table of case questions and plural endings of adjectives; learn to determine the case of plural adjectives.

DECLINATION OF PLURAL ADJECTIVES CASES QUESTIONS ENDINGS I. like i? - ee, - ie R. what's their name? - oh, -their D. how do they like it? - ym, -im V. what’s their name? (who?) what? (what?) - y, -ih - y, - ie T. how do they? - ym, -imi P. (o) what’s their name? - oh, - their Chernik E.N.

Thank you for the lesson!


Russian language lesson in 4B class.

Subject: “Declination and spelling of plural adjectives.”

Place in the lesson system:first lesson on the topic: “Declination of adjectives in the plural”

THE PURPOSE OF THE LESSON: Formation of skills to decline and correctly write the endings of adjectives in the plural.



Improve knowledge about the declension of singular adjectives;

To develop the ability to decline adjectives in the plural;

Develop skills in spelling the endings of adjectives in the plural form


improve mental operations: analysis, comparison;

develop skills to argue your opinion;

develop mental activity, cognitive activity, thinking, observation, attention, memory;

develop the ability to self-assess one’s activities;


cultivate discipline, responsibility, the ability to empathize, and self-respect; activity, perseverance, diligence, curiosity, interest in the learning process;

foster mutual assistance and mutual assistance;

nurturing and strengthening interest in the Russian language;

This is the first lesson on the topic “Declination of adjectives in the plural”

In accordance with the program and lesson number, goals are set and the type of lesson is selected.

Lesson type – lesson-learning new material

Lesson structure:combined. The lesson is divided into 5 parts.

1 part. Organizational. Emotional mood.

The goal is to get you ready to work.

Creating a positive mood with the help of a poem.

Part 2. Updating knowledge.

The purpose of this stage is to repeat the knowledge necessary to work on the topic of the lesson.

The structure involves repetition of knowledge about the spelling of dictionary words with the same root, analyzing them according to their composition; about the adjective. Entertaining material is used to attract students' attention.

Part 3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

The goal of the stage is to develop the ability to decline and correctly write the endings of adjectives in the plural.

The structure of the third part of the lesson includes work with a textbook, work with a table of endings, work at the board, and independent work.

Forms of work on at this stage alternated according to age characteristics and taking into account the level of learning of students. A physical session was held.

Part 4 Consolidation

The goal is to strengthen the ability to write case endings of plural adjectives.

The children were given tasks to independent work different levels of difficulty.

Part 5 Summarizing.

The goal is to summarize, to find out the degree of mastery of the material based on self-assessment, which was conducted during the lesson.

A multimedia presentation was used during the lesson.

Lesson objectives completed. Their implementation is carried out through the organizational and teaching activities of the teacher in the classroom.

I consider the teacher’s organizational activities to be sufficient. It included:

rational organization of student work;

preparation and presentation of key points on the screen;

student discipline;

regulating the time of forms of student activity;

summing up intermediate and general results;

completeness of didactic moments during frontal testing;

holding a physical education break;

implementation of the lesson plan;

implementation of basic psychological requirements.

The teacher's teaching activities in the lesson were sufficient. It consisted:

in content selection educational material;

implementation of the scientific principle;

organization of independent work under the guidance of a teacher;

organizing control over students’ independent activities;

application of methods for summarizing educational material through collective work and independent work.

control of students' learning through independent work.

In order to ensure an individual approach, I provided for the selection of the content of educational material according to the difficulty levels of tasks, and the optimal pace of student activity.

The following working methods were used in this lesson:

methods of verbal transmission of information and auditory perception of information

methods of visual transmission and visual perception of information

methods of stimulating and motivating students

methods of control and self-control

Students' work in the class is assessed qualitatively, in accordance with the standards for assessing students in the fourth grade. Control of the effectiveness of written work will be carried out after checking the notebooks.

Grin Marina Viktorovna
Educational institution: Basic comprehensive school Branch of SGPI in Zheleznovodsk
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2018-05-17 Plural endings for adjectives Grin Marina Viktorovna introduce gender endings of adjectives; continue to familiarize students with the semantic meaning of adjectives; consolidate the ability to ask questions from a noun to an adjective; deepen students’ understanding of the role of adjectives in people’s speech; develop the skill of agreeing noun + adjective.

View certificate of publication

Plural endings for adjectives

Topic: Plural endings for adjectives.

Goals:(educational, developmental, educational) and objectives of the training session:

Educational :

introduce gender endings of adjectives; continue to familiarize students with the semantic meaning of adjectives; consolidate the ability to ask questions from a noun to an adjective;

deepen students’ understanding of the role of adjectives in people’s speech; develop the skill of agreeing noun + adjective.

Developmental :

develop students’ coherent speech through the ability to answer questions; enrich lexicon learning words different parts speeches; develop spelling vigilance in children, observation; ability to analyze and draw conclusions.

Educational: cultivate neatness and a culture of behavior in the classroom.

Objectives of the training session : bring students to an awareness of the role of adjectives in our speech.


Remember the cases of nouns, learn about the features of nouns in the nominative case


- recognize the importance of studying and learning new things, understand the significance of certain educational activities;

- be able to evaluate life situations(people's actions) from the point of view of generally accepted norms and values;

— show interest in finding and appropriating general ways to solve educational problems;

- comprehend the reasons for success in educational activities.



— to develop the ability to accept a learning task and strive to complete it;

- develop the ability to pose and formulate a problem;

- developing the ability to determine the purpose of activity in the lesson;

- developing the ability to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher;

— developing the ability to perform and compare with a model;

Record overcoming the difficulty that has arisen


- draw conclusions based on generalization;

- be able to model, structure knowledge, consciously and freely construct statements;

- be able to make the best choice effective ways solving problems depending on specific conditions


- listen, collaborate with classmates when working in a group, pair;

- participate in educational dialogue, argue your point of view

- take into account the positions of other people.

Lesson steps

Teacher activities

Student activities


1.Motivation for learning activities.

— Today we have guests at our lesson. Turn to the guests, say hello, smile at them and your neighbor. I think that each of you will please yourself and me today with your work in class.

I really want you to smile

We were satisfied with our work.

Let this lesson please us all

And each of us will feel our success.

-Let's check the seating rules when writing





Open the notebooks, place them correctly, at an angle.

A minute of penmanship (SLIDE)

Aya, aya, oe, ee, ee, ee, ee, ee

Personal: self-determination,

regulatory: goal setting; communicative: planning educational collaboration with the teacher and peers

2.Updating knowledge

—Which tree has the same color in winter and summer? (SLIDE)

- For the word spruce, select and write down words with the same root (herringbone, spruce, spruce...

— What words can we use to describe the spruce (fluffy, green, prickly….

- Which part of speech helped you in the description? What do you know about her?( SLIDE)

(An adjective is a part of speech that denotes an attribute of an object and answers the questions what?, what?, what?, what? Adjectives vary by number, gender and case)

– So how do singular adjectives change?

(In the singular, adjectives change according to gender and case)

– How to determine the case of an adjective in the singular?

(The case of the adjective is determined by the case of the noun to which it refers)

An adjective is a part of speech that denotes the attribute of an object and answers the questions which?, which?, which?, which? Adjectives change according to number, gender and case)


We develop the ability to listen and understand others.

- build speech utterance in accordance with the assigned tasks.

- express your thoughts orally.


RAlet's call

- V



Forecast upcoming work(to make plan).

Take part in the discussion and formulation of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

— participate in the assessment and discussion of the obtained result of a specific task.

3. Setting the topic and purpose of the lesson


— This riddle will help you determine the topic of today's lesson:

Two beauties of the forest...,
Two cousin sisters...,.
One has a short...,
The other has long... needles. (Pine and Christmas tree)


On the tables you have cards with the same text. Add endings to them

– What can you say about the topic of the lesson? What will we study?

(Adjectives in plural form.)

Why did they decide this?

(The poem omits the endings of plural adjectives.)
– How did you determine that this is a plural adjective?

(On the question - Which?; according to the nouns with which these adjectives are associated, they are also used in the plural.)

- Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the plural declension of adjectives.

— What goals will you set for yourself in this lesson?

Determine the topic of the lesson

4.Discovery of new knowledge. Group work

– Let’s start researching the name of the adjective (work in groups).

Group 1: How do adjectives change in the plural?

1. Decline plural adjectives:

forest beauties, long needles

3. Do the endings of adjectives change?

4. In which cases are the endings similar and in which are they different?

Questions: Draw a conclusion. Write it down.

Group 2: Name the endings of plural adjectives. Create a table of endings

1. Decline plural adjectives

2. Highlight the endings of adjectives.

3. Make a table of endings.

4. In which cases are the endings similar and in which are they different?

Group 3: Do plural adjectives change by gender?

1. Decline plural adjectives: slender, small (spruces, bushes, trees)

2. Highlight the endings of adjectives.

3. With what kind of nouns did you decline adjectives?

4. Have the endings of adjectives changed?

5. Do plural adjectives change according to gender?

Conclusion. Draw a conclusion. Write it down.

Group 4: How to determine the plural case of an adjective?

Winter forests, about huge pines, with green leaves, delicious buns, thin branches, to small islands, rich harvests, with funny monkeys, in the forest twilight, mighty heroes, interesting people

1. Highlight the endings of adjectives.

2. Determine the case of words in phrases (Remember how you determined the case of adjectives in the singular)

3. How to determine the case of an adjective?

Decline phrases

1 row small trees

2 row green forests

3rd row tall spruce trees

Work in groups


- determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of the teacher.

- talk through the sequence of actions in the lesson.


- R We develop the ability to show our attitude towards the characters and express our emotions.

- evaluate actions in accordance with a specific situation.


-RAlet's callability to extract information from diagrams, illustrations, texts.

- Vreveal the essence and features of objects.

— nand draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects.

generalize and classify according to characteristics.

- Onavigate the spread of the textbook.

- find answers to questions in the illustration.

5. Physical training

6.Primary consolidation (work in pairs).

- Remember the topic of our lesson.

– How do adjectives change in the plural? (Only by cases)

– How do plural adjectives not change? (Does not change by gender).

– How to determine the plural case of an adjective? (As in the singular, the case of the adjective is determined by the case of the noun to which it refers)


— we form motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity.


— learn to express your assumptions based on working with textbook illustrations.

- learn to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher.


convert information from one form to another: draw conclusions as a result of joint work between the class and the teacher.

- focus on the spread of the textbook.

- find answers to questions in the text, illustrations

7.Independent work with self-test according to the standard.

Level 1

a) Write it down.

Number of adjectives.
1. Determine the number of adjectives, highlight the endings.
Green leaves, rare rains, autumn days, strong wind, large drops, last leaf, Forest Glade, a beautiful village.

Level 2
2.Choose adjectives that suit the meaning of the nouns. Determine the number of adjectives, highlight the endings.

Native land, (what?) ……….. affairs, (what?) …………bag, (what?) ……….tree, (what?) ………. meadows, (which?) ……….. month, (which?) ……….…plant.

Level 3.
3. Fill in the missing letters. Determine the gender and number of adjectives.

After warm days, cold autumn came. Mushrooms are still growing along the edges of the forests: redheads.. boletuses, greenish.. and pink raw... mushrooms, as well as.. milk mushrooms and fragrant.. On the old.. large.. stumps, thin-legged.. honey mushrooms are huddled together.


- participate (as a teacher) in assessing the results of general and individual work.

8. Reflection on learning activities in the lesson.

— At the beginning of the lesson, we set ourselves the goal of finding out how plural adjectives are declined. Have we achieved our goal?

— What questions did we plan to answer?

- Did we manage to do this?


- evaluate educational activities in accordance with the assigned tasks

— carry out cognitive and personal reflection.


Write down 10 adj. phrases. and noun determine gender Number, case.

Regulatory: .

An adjective denotes a characteristic of an object. This part of speech is dependent and answers the questions: what? which? which? which? An adjective has a connection with a noun in a sentence, and the combination of adjective and noun itself, due to the variety of forms and combinations, provides extraordinary richness and beauty to the Russian language. At school, students are often required to determine the case of an adjective. In order to correctly determine the case and not confuse adjectives of different cases, it is important to follow the algorithm and remember some nuances.

Determine the cases of adjectives. A few recommendations. Features of adjectives of different cases
Before we begin to consider the issue of declension of adjectives, it is important to note the peculiarities of changing this part of speech. Case declension depends directly on the gender and number of the adjective. Remember the principle of changing words of a given part of speech according to numbers and genders, then you will be able to easily navigate the endings of cases.
  1. Adjectives are inflected for gender only in the singular.
    • Masculine gender: endings -ой, -й, -й. For example: a friend (what kind?) is big, kind, sensitive.
    • Feminine: endings -aya, -aya. Jacket (what?) red, blue.
    • Neuter gender: endings -oe, -ee. The mirror (what?) is round, blue.
    The gender of an adjective can be determined by the noun to which it refers in the text.
  2. Adjectives are declined according to number.
    • In the singular, they denote a characteristic of one object, a collection of objects. For example: a good option, big table, friendly class, cheerful youth.
    • Plural adjectives denote many things. They answer the question which ones in the nominative case? and have endings -ы, -и.
You can determine the number of an adjective by the noun to which the adjective refers.

Let's look at the features of declension of adjectives by case. Knowledge of the principles of declension of this part of speech will help you determine the case of an adjective.

Feminine singular adjectives are declined as follows:

  • Nominative case. The endings are -aya, -aya. The fishing rod (what?) is long.
  • Genitive. The endings are -oh, -ey. Fishing rods (what?) long.
  • Dative. Endings – oh, her. A fishing rod (what?) long.
  • Accusative. The endings are -yu, -yu. A fishing rod (what kind?) is long.
  • Instrumental case. The endings are -oh, -ey. A fishing rod (what?) long.
  • Prepositional. The endings are -oh, -ey. About a (what?) long fishing rod.
Remember the declension order of this group of adjectives. Please note that the endings of adjectives in the genitive, dative, instrumental and prepositional cases are the same. In such cases, you will need to determine the case of the noun.

Neuter and masculine adjectives in the singular are declined according to the following scheme:

Case Masculine
Example Neuter gender
nominative -oh, -y, -y
The table is (what?) large,
-oh, -her
Sky (what?)
blue, dark blue
genitive -wow, -him
Table (what?) large,
-wow, -him
Sky (what?)
blue, blue
dative -oh, -him
A (what?) large table,
-oh, -him
Sky (which one?)
blue, blue
noun - see
genus. pudge
see them
See them.
Sky (what?)
blue, dark blue
instrumental -ym, -im
A (what?) large table,
-ym, -im
Sky (what?)
blue, blue
prepositional -om, -eat
About the (what?) big table,
-oh, I'm eating
About the sky (which?)
blue, blue

You can determine the case of an adjective by the case of the noun it refers to. As you noticed, it is easy to confuse the endings of the adjectives of the nominative, accusative, and genitive case of this group of words. Determine the case of the adjective based on the noun.

In the plural, adjectives are declined as follows:

  • Nominative case: -ы, -и. The houses are (what?) big.
  • Genitive case: -ы, -их. Houses (what kind?) are large.
  • Dative case: -ym, -im. Houses (what?) big.
  • Accusative: animate nouns lean towards genitive case, and inanimate ones - by nominative. The houses are (what?) big.
  • Instrumental case: -y, -imi. Houses (what?) big.
  • Prepositional case: -y, -them. About (what?) big houses.
Please note that the words of this group of adjectives have the same endings in the genitive and prepositional cases. Difficulties may also arise when determining the nominative, genitive, and accusative cases. Then pay attention to the case of the noun, the role of the noun in the sentence.

How to determine the case of an adjective? Algorithm
How to determine the case of an adjective correctly? To always accurately indicate the case of a given part of speech, use an algorithm.

  1. Remember the peculiarities of the declension of adjectives, their endings, and case issues.
  2. Write down the adjective on a piece of paper.
  3. Highlight the ending in the adjective and compare it mentally with the table.
  4. If you are in doubt that your adjective's case cannot be determined by its ending, look to the noun.
  5. Ask a question to the noun, highlight the ending and determine its case. The adjective has the same case.
  6. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between the nominative and accusative cases. In this case, you must find out the role of the noun to which the adjective refers in the sentence. The adjective will have the same case.
Remember the signs of different cases, the peculiarities of the declension of a given part of speech, use the algorithm. Then you will always correctly determine the case of an adjective.

Let's reveal the secret of the ending options -y, ee. To do this, you need to determine what sound the stem of the adjective ends with. A stem is a part of a word without an ending.

Roads are happy, sad,

Now near, now far,

Both light and thick,

Winding, mountainous.(S. Mikhalkov)

(Tough means smooth, even)

In words funny, sad, rough, winding, mountainous stem ends with solid sound l, n, T.

In words near, far, light the stem ends in a soft consonant n", To" .

If the stem of an adjective ends in a hard sound, the ending is written: е.

If the stem ends in soft sound, the ending is different: ie.

There are exception words. Let's find them in riddles.

In the summer they are fresh and green in the garden, and in the winter they are salted in a barrel.(Cucumbers)

When she looks into the garden,

The grapes will become more transparent,

Big apples are redder

And late pears taste better.(Autumn) (I. Kulskaya)

Fresh, large, green, salty - the stem ends in a hard consonant, but write zhi-shi with the letter I, so the ending is written -ee.

Late - the stem ends in a soft consonant, ending -i. Another spelling is an unpronounceable consonant sound, a test word to be late.

Let's select adjectives and write them down, following the commands for nouns.

Birds of paradise.

Bird feathers…,…. , …., ….. In shape they are…. : some - ..., others - .... with tassels on the wings, the third - .... Legs …. and..., because they live in trees. …. birds!

Information desk: yellow, orange, green, black, unusual, wide, narrow, fluffy, strong, tenacious, fabulous. (see Fig. 2)

Birds of paradise.

Bird feathers (what?) are yellow, orange, green, black. They are (what?) unusual in shape: some are wide, others are narrow with tassels on the wings, and others are fluffy. Legs (what kind?) are strong and tenacious, because they live in trees. Fairytale birds!

People, admiring the beauty of birds of paradise, are often surprised by their croaking. But there is nothing surprising: these birds are close relatives of our common crow.

What nouns can be used with an adjective? delicious?



Delicious oranges, zucchini, candies, cucumbers, pies, salads.

Nouns from the first column do not change by number. Nouns bread, butter, milk, jam, chocolate, vermicelli have a singular form.

Fun guys.

In distant... times in Rus' there lived cheerful... people - amusements. Holidays, folk celebrations would not be complete without these people. Buffoons staged puppet shows right on the streets. Friendly gangs could be seen in villages and cities. The amuse-bouches carried multi-colored balls... and boxes of carvings..., mummers walked nearby... goats and bears on chains. The musicians carried their musical instruments.(According to I. Nikitina)

What times? distant people, what kind of people? merry, what kind of festivities? What folk ideas? What kind of puppet gangs (these are noisy crowds)? friendly, what kind of balls? What kind of multi-colored boxes are they? carved, what kind of goats? mummers, what instruments? musical.


Matryoshka is a (wooden) doll. (Russian) masters endowed the nesting dolls with beauty. The nesting doll has a (ruddy) face, (blue) eyes, (scarlet) lips, (sable) eyebrows. The (dressy) shawl and (bright) dress complement the beauty of the toy. (Russian) matryoshka is the (best) gift.

What doll(s) is it? wooden, unit, liquid

What kind of masters? Russians, plural

What is the face like? ruddy, singular, average

What are the eyes like? blue, plural

What kind of sponges? scarlet, plural

What eyebrows? sable, plural

What kind of shawl is it? elegant, singular, female

What kind of dress is it? bright, singular, average

What is Matryoshka (she)? Russian, singular, female

What is the gift? best, singular, m.r.


Matryoshka is a wooden doll. Russian craftsmen endowed the nesting dolls with beauty. The nesting doll has a ruddy face, blue eyes, scarlet lips, and sable eyebrows. An elegant shawl and a bright dress complement the beauty of the toy. Russian matryoshka is the best gift.

Put the adjectives into the correct form. Determine the number of adjectives and gender in the singular.

Tundra in summer.

Multicolored summer tundra. On the melt water there is a motley... of birds. There are bright flowers on the hummocks. The deer lie lazily and satiated. Their branches... horns against the golden sunset are like a fabulous... bone forest. And there is endless silence all around.(According to N. Sladkov)

Tundra in summer.

The summer (what?) tundra is multicolored (l.r.ed.h.). On the melt water there are colorful (what?) birds (plural). On the hummocks there are bright (what?) flowers (plural). Well-fed (what?) deer lie lazily (plural). Their branchy (what?) horns (plural) against the golden sunset are like a fabulous (what?) bone forest (plural). And there is endless (what?) silence all around. (l.r.ed.h.) (According to N. Sladkov)

During the lesson, you learned that a plural adjective always has the same command - which ones? The adjective, obeying this command, is used in the plural. Adjectives in the plural do not differ in gender, since the endings are always the same: -y or ee.

  1. M.S. Soloveychik, N.S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Textbook. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  2. M.S. Soloveichik, N.S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Workbook. 3rd grade: in 3 parts. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  3. T. V. Koreshkova Test tasks In Russian. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  4. T.V. Koreshkova Practice! Notebook for independent work in the Russian language for 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya Creative tasks in the Russian language. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003
  6. G.T. Dyachkova Olympiad tasks in Russian. 3-4 grades. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008
  1. ().
  2. ().
  3. Festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson" ().
  • Insert letters. Guess on what basis the words are combined. Find the “extra” combination of words.

fast... rivers

far away... mountains

fragrant... lilies of the valley

mighty... pine trees

rarely... forest


  • Write the phrases in the plural.

Friendly team - …

Friendly family - …

Friendly link -...

City Park - …

Town Square - …

City building -…

  • Solve spelling problems in the endings of adjectives.

Walk of Chuk and Gek.

The children walked to the spring along a narrow... path. The cold blue sky shone above them. How fabulous... castles, high... cliffs rose to the sky. In frosty... curious magpies chirped sharply in the silence. Gray... brambling... squirrels were jumping between the cedar branches.