Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Not when written together or separately. Particle “not”: combined and separate spelling with different parts of speech. Examples of combined spelling of “not” with adverbs

Not when written together or separately. Particle “not”: combined and separate spelling with different parts of speech. Examples of combined spelling of “not” with adverbs

Spelling NOT and NOR.

Spelling is not and neither with different parts of speech.

The rule is divided into two parts:

continuous or separate writing NOT with all parts of speech;

difference between NOT and NOR


Integrated and separate writing NOT (the picture can be enlarged by clicking on it)


Depending on conditions

Part of speech Together Apart
nouns, adjectives = synonym without non-:

insincerity = hypocrisy, unpopular = little known

Opposition (union A or antonym), it is impossible to find a synonym:

not caution, but cowardice

not a mathematician

adverbs 1. Adverbs ending in –O, -E = synonym without non-:

not difficult to do (=easy)

2. in negative adverbs:

nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, no need

3. No wonder = not in vain

1. Adverbs ending in –O, -E, if there is a conjunction a, antonym:

lives not close, but far

2. Adverbs not ending in –O, -E:

at a wrong time

3. Not for nothing = not free

pronouns Negative and uncertain

NOT/NOR + who, what, which, which, whose, how many, which

1. Others:

not yours, not me, not everyone

2. Negative and indefinite, if there is a preposition between them:

no one, no need

participles Without dependent words:

unwritten letter

In combination with adverbs of measure and degree:

absolutely unfinished task

With dependent words:

a letter he didn't write

participles and adjectives with suffixes Without dependent words in the instrumental case (by whom? with what?):

least favorite dishes

With dependent words in the instrumental case:

our least favorite dishes

Despite/despite = contrary to:

despite his illness, he went for a walk

Literally from the verbs “to look; look":

walked without looking at his feet

Difference between NOT and NOR

In a simple sentence

like denial like strengthening negation, negation
1. With a verb, participle and gerund:

I don't want milk, a nation that doesn't read books

1. For other parts of speech:

I don't want milk or tea

2. In sentences where there is no predicate:

Don `t move!

3. In phraseological units:

neither two nor one and a half

neither alive nor dead

no end no end

neither fish nor fowl

out of the blue

neither this nor that

as a statement
2. In a compound verbal predicate when repeating NOT... NOT = statement:

I can't help but come in

3. In interrogative and exclamatory sentences with a general meaning:

Who haven't I met!

In a complex sentence, with the words where, where, how, when, what, who, how many NOT/NOR:

Parsing algorithm.

1. Identify the part of speech.

2. See if there are words in the sentence that are NOT always written separately.

3. Pay attention to whether there is a prefix NEDO- or a combination NOT DO-.

4. Regarding parts of speech, remember the rule.

Analysis of the task.

In which sentence is NOT written SEPARATELY with the word?

1) He lacks experience and (doesn’t) have enough patience.

2) Our country is (in)dependent.

3) Somehow they immediately (dis)loved him.

4) We stopped at a site that was not at all suitable for construction.

Option #1.

(Not) enough– verb with NOT (TO)-. Removing NOT-: he has enough patience. You can’t say that, it means it can’t be used without NOT. Write together!

Option #2.

(NOT)dependent – This is a short participle with the suffix –IM. There is no dependent word in the instrumental case in the sentence, which means we are NOT writing together.

Option #3.

(Not) fell in love– without NOT not used. Write together.

In order for students to understand in which cases writing does not proceed separately, and in which cases it is written together, it is imperative to explain this topic with the help of tables, games and developmental tasks. Award examples for assignments will be best remembered by children and will be easy to use in writing.

There are rules that you need to remember and learn in order to know when not to write together. These are cases of writing that are not written together:

  1. In words that are not used without “NOT” (ignorant, invincible);
  2. In words that give a qualitative description of an object and which can be replaced with a synonym (enemy - enemy, very unhealthy look - very sick look, unhealthy - sick);
  3. In verbal adjectives on -my (independent);
  4. In indefinite pronouns (someone, something, some);
  5. In verbs with the prefix under-, which gives the verb the meaning of incompleteness, lack of action (underfinish, underestimate).

In these cases, the spelling is not always separate, regardless of which part of speech the word belongs to. Merged writing does not indicate that an object or attribute has an opposite quality, action or attribute.

Separate writing NOT

Students must learn to write the particle no separately, as this is of great importance for correct and competent written speech.

The particle “NOT” is written separately:

  1. With verbs (did not eat);
  2. With numerals (not two);
  3. With short adjectives with a connotation of obligation (it is not needed - not required);
  4. With all words, if they contain or imply opposition with the conjunction a (not a quiet, but a full-flowing river), as well as when strengthening the negation with the words far from, no one, not at all, not at all, not at all (not happy people at all);
  5. With adjectives in the comparative degree (not thicker);
  6. In words with prepositions (not for anyone, unable to).

Separate writing with different parts of speech most often indicates the denial of a sign of an object or action.

Verification test

Offers you tasks and tests to test your knowledge of how writing will be - separate or continuous in written speech. We will give you examples of different parts of speech, and you will have to decide by ear or in writing which spelling is not, continuous or separate. Try to take the tests listed below, performing different tasks, in order to master separate writing not with different frequencies of speech.

An exercise in attentiveness, as well as the ability to distinguish participles and adjectives. Let someone dictate the following words to you out loud, and you just write down the numbers of adjectives that are not used:

  • unfinished book;
  • leisurely;
  • unsightly;
  • uninvolved;
  • careless;
  • immature;
  • ugly;
  • irreversible.

By ear, try to understand whether it is part of the root of a noun or whether it is a prefix without which the word cannot be used:

  • sky;
  • slob;
  • infirmity;
  • hatred;
  • dumb;
  • nectar.

Indicate how it is written not with a verb, gerund, participle.

"Not" with different parts of speech.
Together or separately?

In order for students to understand and successfully master a new spelling topic, the teacher must first of all show the internal logic of the laws of Russian spelling, make these laws understandable, familiar and simple. The means may vary. This is especially true for the moments of practicing and consolidating new knowledge. Tables (ready-made or thought out by the teacher, “tortured” by him - and therefore the best), algorithms, entertaining and educational tasks, and games are also suitable here.

Visualization and “entertainment” should not be neglected in high school, so that Russian language lessons do not turn into a dreary repetition of what was supposedly studied in the 6th and 7th grades, but is completely forgotten by the majority, and is perceived by many simply as a new revelation .

I. Didactic material from various manuals helps the teacher when studying and repeating the topic « Not with different parts of speech." The main writing principle that schoolchildren must learn here is:

Particle Not , written separately, expresses the negation of a sign or action.

Console Not-, written together, it only says that the object has the opposite quality, sign or effect.

Based on this principle, you can combine numerous rules into simple schemes:

Particle Not written separately:

with verbs(was not),with gerunds(leisurely),with numerals(not once), and with short adjectives with a hint of obligation (he is not needed - not required, not obliged - does not want);

– with all words, if they have or are implied contrast with union A (Not deep, A small river), as well as with intensification denial words far from, not to anyone, not at all, not at all, not at all(not at all happy faces);

with adjectives in comparative degree(not thinner);

in words with prepositions(Not with whom, Not in spirit Not for whom, Not in force).

Not written together:

- in words that are without Not not used (Not vezha, Not conquerable);

in words that give a qualitative description of the subject and which can be replaced with a synonym (Not friend - enemy, very Not healthy look - very sick look, Not healthy – sick);

in verbal adjectives -washed (Not dependent);

V indefinite pronouns (Not Who, Not What, Not which);

V verbs with prefix under-, giving the verb the meaning of incompleteness, lack of action (under do , under evaluate).

The same writing principle applies to participles:

Full participles with a particle Not are written apart, if there

dependent word: Not repaid nobody lights;

contrast with union but not repaid, A lit lights.

Not with participles -my written separately, if available dependent word in creative case: Not visible(adv.) eye, But invisible(adj.) tears to the world.

If there is no dependent word or contrast with a conjunction A, then the particle Not is written together: Not the extinguished lights glowed dimly in the fog.

WITH short participles particle Not is written always separately: lights Not repaid.

II. You can present these rules in the form of a simple table (7th grade level).

Not with different parts of speech

Part of speech



Noun, adjective, adverb -o, -e

1. Not to be used without Not-:

sissy, ridiculous, ridiculous

2. Can be replaced with a synonym without Not-:

Not modestly (boastfully)

Not stupid (smart)

3. In negative adverbs:

Not Where , Not Where

1. There is a contrast:

Not Truth , A lie

2. Denial is reinforced by words

far, not at all, not at all, never:

far Not silly

3. With adverbs not on -o, -e:

Not comradely


After Not And neither no preposition:

neither whom , Not whom

After Not And neither there is a preposition:

Not who , neither who

Verb, gerund

Not harass (not used without -Not )

Not harassing(not used without -Not )

Not noticed (verb)

Not noticing(gerund)


There is no dependent word or opposition:

Not finished work

1. There is a dependent word:

Not finished during Job

2. There is a contrast:

Not finished, A work started

3. With short participles:

Job Not finished

III. Words that are without Not are not used.

Nouns Adjectives Verbs



ignoramus, ignoramus

absurdity, absurdity


bad weather



stainless steel (steel)

slob, sloppiness


Nesmeyana (princess)





a lack of


tawny owl (grass)







impenetrable (darkness)

unsightly (action)




countless (quantity)



merciless (swearing)

be indignant

be perplexed

lack (something)

overlook (behind the child)

miss (Sveta)



go on a rampage

I'm not feeling well

he's itching

you're in trouble

IV. Simplified version of the rules:

V. We work with algorithms.

VI. Developmental tasks.

1. Reaction speed task(good to do after a long time of writing). The teacher reads the phrases, calling out their serial number, and the students write down only the numbers in two columns: together Not- and separately Not

1) unfulfilled order;

2) the forest is not coniferous;

3) an indignant look;

4) the windows are not washed;

5) not happy about the meeting;

6) there was no;

7) he is not feeling well;

8) the ring is not gold;

9) not easy to decide;

10) is far from an easy matter;

11) very carelessly;

12) unmown meadow;

13) without looking around;

14) despite the circumstances.

Answer is written like this:

together: 1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14;

separately: 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13.

2. Attention task which simultaneously develops the ability to distinguish between participles and adjectives.

Write down only the numbers adjectives, who are without Not not used:

1) unfinished novel;

2) leisurely;

3) unsightly;

4) not involved;

5) careless;

6) immature;

7) clumsy;

8) irreversible.

Now remember the rest of the words from the list that Not are always written together (training auditory memory).

3. Determine by ear whether it is Not part of the root of a noun or a prefix without which the word cannot be used:

2) slob;

3) weakness;

4) hatred;

6) nectar.

4. Choose synonyms for the words and write down only them: inattention, illiteracy, mistrust, unhappiness, independence. A Now remember and write down the noun with Not, which was dictated to you.

5. Choose antonyms with Not to the words (by ear) and write down only them: slavery– ..., opponent -..., concentration - ..., dirty - ..., neat– ..., close – ..., lie – ..., low– ....

6. Form participles from verbs (by ear) and write down only those (paired with a verb) that are written with Not together:

not to grab, not to dirty, to be indignant, not to listen,

not to hear, to be perplexed, to be tender, to bask.

How do you write Not with a verb in sentences:

I'm missing 100 rubles

Am I missing 100 thousand?

7. Form participles from verbs (if possible) and write only them in two columns (jointly and separately):

not to see, to hate, not to rush, not to rush,

not to do, not to do, to be indignant, to be perplexed,

not to notice, not to notice, to rage,

don’t ask, don’t ask, (he) isn’t feeling well,

itching, to overlook (someone).

From what verbs is it impossible to form gerunds?

(After completing the last two exercises, the children have in their notebooks a list of almost all verbs and gerunds that, without Not are not used).

VII. Exercise to restore deformed text for consolidation.

Correct any mistakes made in the text.

And since their corner was almost deserted, there was nowhere to get the latest news about what was happening in this world: the transporters with wooden utensils lived only twenty miles away and knew little more than them. There was nothing even to compare their lives with: whether they live well or not; whether they are rich or poor.

Happy people lived thinking that it shouldn’t and couldn’t be any other way, confident that everyone else lived exactly the same way and that living differently was a sin.

In the last five years, out of several hundred souls, not one has died, let alone a violent death, or even a natural death.

And if someone fell into eternal sleep from old age or from some long-standing illness, then for a long time afterward they could not bear such an unusual case.

Once, however, he was found lying behind the outskirts in a ditch, near the bridge, apparently, a man who had lagged behind the passing artel.

The men did not dare to come close. The passerby made a movement to raise his head, but could not: he, apparently, was not healthy or very tired.

And everyone went to the village, telling the old people that the person lying there was not from here and was not saying anything.

“Not from here, don’t touch it!” - said the old people .

(According to I.A. Goncharov)

VIII. Write a dictation.


The boys did not recognize the forest. He seemed to have changed. Wrong trees, wrong swamps, wrong grass. Some strange flowers are visible, they weren’t there before. And instead of a road there is an unknown river. They jumped out to the edge and gasped. Again there was nothing like familiar terrain. Neither mountains nor villages, as if they had fallen through the ground. The sun has set. But they were not at all ready for sunset. The darkness in the forest was pitch-black, but they were walking straight ahead, not making out the road, and it was impossible to make out. They saw no more of each other. Suddenly Kolya became wary and shuddered. A long, subtle sound came from the left side. They rushed to the left. Their legs carried them uncontrollably through stumps, swamps, and bushes. But still nothing was heard except the sound of the wind and the rustling of the rain. Both were trembling and rubbing their hands on their knees as they walked.

(According to N. Timkovsky)
(130 words)


1. Bogdanova G.A."Russian language lessons in 8th grade."

2. Akhremenkova L.A."Towards A, step by step."

3. Konovalova L.F. Russian language. Support diagrams. Exercises. M., 2005.


We often encounter the problem of merging and separate writing of particles " Not" And " neither"with other words. The easiest rule to understand and remember here is that:

1. The particle “not” is written together with all words that are not used without “not”(fable, unsociable, ignorant, ridiculous, dislike, be perplexed, impossible, really). In other cases, writing " Not» is subject to the following rules.

2. With verbs and gerunds, the particle “not” is always written separately, except:

  • cases specified in the first rule;
  • prefixes are under-in verbs that mean “insufficient action” (undernourished, undercooked, underripe).

Note. Not to be confused with verbs with the prefix do- and the particle " Not”, denoting “unfinished action” (not finishing a book, not finishing a movie).

3. With nouns, the particle “not” is written together:

  • if for a word with “not” you can find a synonym without this particle (untruth - lie, foe - enemy). Note: it is not always possible to find an exact synonym, but the affirmative connotation of the meaning of the word indicates a consistent spelling.
  • when forming a word denoting persons, with the meaning of opposition (professionals - non-professionals, Russian - non-Russian);


  • when there is or should be, in meaning, a contrast with the conjunction a (not a friend, but an enemy, not happiness, but grief);
  • if a word with " Not" means not people (elephants are not elephants, a story is not a story, cold is not cold).

Note. Exceptions are words-terms that are written together: metals - non-metals.

4. With adjectives, the particle “not” is written together:

  • if you can replace the adjective with " Not" is a synonym without this particle (unmarried - single, unfriendly - hostile, short - low). Note: it is not always possible to find an exact synonym, but the affirmative connotation of the meaning of the word indicates a consistent spelling.


  • when there is or should be, in meaning, a contrast with the conjunction “a” (not bitter, but sweet; not affectionate, but rude);
  • if the adjective is relative (the vase is not crystal, the chain is not silver) or qualitative, denoting color (the sea is not blue, the towel is not yellow);
  • (not a shortcut at all, far from useless advice);
  • if the particle " Not” is emphasized in an interrogative sentence (Isn’t this statement true? - Is this statement false?);
  • if the adjective is written with a hyphen (not commercial and industrial enterprises).

Note 1. Short adjectives are written with " Not”, just like the complete ones from which they are produced (incurable disease - the disease is incurable, the person is not smart, but stupid - the person is not smart, but stupid);

Note 2. If a short adjective does not have a full form, then it will always be written separately with the particle " Not"(he is not happy to meet).

5. With adverbs, the particle “not” is written together:

  • if the adverb ends in -o, and it can be replaced with a word similar in meaning (unhappy - sad, not high - low);
  • if the adverb is formed from a pronoun (nowhere, nowhere, no time, nowhere);


  • when there is or should be, in meaning, a contrast with the conjunction “a” (not bad, but good, not weak, but strong);
  • when strengthening negation with explanatory words such as “not at all”, “not at all”, “not at all”(not at all difficult to do, being nearby is far from accidental)
  • with adverbs in a comparative degree (to work no worse than others, to receive no more than others);
  • if the adverb is written with a hyphen (to act unfriendly, to dress unsuitably).

Note 1.“Not” with the following adverbs is written separately: not today, not at all, not like that, not otherwise, not quite, not here, not really.

Note 2."Not"

“is written separately with adverbial expressions: not good, not according to the gut, not in moderation, not in a hurry, not by hand, not to taste, not as an example.

6. With participles “not” is written together:

  • if the participle is complete and there are no words dependent on it (undried laundry, an unturned book, an unwashed floor)

Note. With explanatory words denoting the degree of quality, “not” is written together with the participle: (an extremely rash decision, a completely inappropriate example, but: an example that is completely inappropriate to the rule)


  • if the participle is complete and has dependent words (These works remained unpublished during the writer’s lifetime);
  • with short participles (the debt is not paid, the fire is not lit);
  • when there is or should be, in meaning, a contrast with the conjunction “a” (not printed, but handwritten text, not a fictional, but a real story).

7. The particles “not” and “nor” with negative pronouns are written together(there is no one to ask, there is nothing to be surprised at, no one is forgotten) with everyone else separately (not me, not everyone, neither me nor you).

8. The particle “ni” is also written together with some adverbs(not at all, not at all, nowhere, not at all).

With all other parts of speech, the particle “ni” is written separately.

Quite a lot of attention is paid to spelling particles outside of school, but when it comes time to take the Unified State Exam, many are faced with the question of systematizing these rules. Often, due to the breadth and scattered nature of the rules in the textbook, schoolchildren are unable to systematize their knowledge. So, what writing rules do not exist in modern Russian?

The general rules for writing particles are not

In the Russian language there is no single rule for writing the particle no, but we can identify the basic rules according to which they are not always used separately:

  • with gerunds and verbs: did not walk, slowly;
  • with numerals: not third, not seventh;
  • with pronouns (except negative and indefinite): not everyone, not mine;
  • with function words (except for the prepositions “despite”, “despite”): not only;
  • with words used with a hyphen: not humanly;
  • with the comparative degree of adverbs and adjectives (except for cases where the prefix was not in the initial form): not closer, not smarter;
  • with relative adjectives and with the meaning of color: not stone, not blue;
  • with adverbs that do not have a comparative degree: not out of spite, not to the left;
  • with adverbs ending in –о(-е): not immediately, not always.

Some nouns, qualitative adjectives and adverbs starting with -о(-е) are usually written with not always separately, when you can choose a synonym without not. You need to know whether this word can generally be written with not together: not true (not a lie), low (not low), immediately (not soon).

It is always written together not as part of the prefix under- (with the meaning “below the norm”): shortfall, under-received, underfulfilled.

Not with adverbs ending in -o(-e), adjectives and nouns

In high school, it is customary to group the rules for writing non-nouns with qualitative adjectives and adverbs ending in -o(-e) due to the generality of the rules themselves. So, the particle is not written separately:

  • in opposition: not good, but evil; not black, but white; not loudly, but quietly;
  • with the words “far”, “little”, “not at all”, “at all”: not a lie at all, far from smart, useless to anyone, almost stupid;
  • when negating without affirming the opposite: it is neither far nor close;
  • with emphasized negation in exclamatory and interrogative sentences: isn’t this clear?;
  • with the following adverbs and short adjectives as the predicate: don’t, shouldn’t, don’t need, don’t mind, don’t feel sorry for, not ready, don’t need, don’t have to, not willing, not inclined, not capable, not glad, not suitable, not must, does not intend.

The particle is not written together with adverbs ending in –о(-е), adjectives and nouns:

  • when the word without is not used: absurd, frantic, inevitable;
  • with the conjunction but, expressing a combination of different concepts: sad, but interesting;
  • after the words “almost”, “very”, “very”, “extremely”, “completely”: He said that the store is very close, but this is completely untrue;
  • if the word can be replaced with a synonym without non-: not stupid (smart), unnecessary (superfluous), not far (close).

The rules for writing not with adverbs as a predicate (as well as with short adjectives in this role) usually come down to separate writing. If such a predicate can be replaced with a word without not, then the writing will be continuous: no voices can be heard / he approached silently (silently).

Not with participles

With participles, the particle is not written separately in the following cases:

  • when contrasted: not read, but viewed;
  • with dependent words: a book I haven’t read;
  • with an emphatic denial: no, this is not a published book;
  • in short: the book has not been written.

The particle is not written together with participles in the following cases:

  • when the word without is not used: hater;
  • after the words “almost”, “very”, “very”, “completely”: a completely ill-considered move;
  • there are no specified reasons for writing not with the participle separately: an unwritten book; an unread but leafed through book.

Not with verbal adjectives

There is more than one rule for writing non-verbal adjectives:

  1. Full verbal adjectives with -n- are not written together unless there is a contrast with a (or underlined negation), but in short form (as participles) they are always written separately: an unwritten law, no laws are written for it.
  2. Verbal adjectives with –nn-, naming a sign of quality, are written with not together with dependent words and in a short form: an extremely ill-mannered girl; daughter is ill-mannered.
  3. Verbal adjectives in -my, formed from intransitive or perfective verbs, are not used without: inaccessible to us, its logic is infallible. But this type of verbal adjectives can be written separately with not after words with the particle neither: incomparable with nothing.
  4. Verbal adjectives in -my, formed from transitive verbs of the imperfect form, when emphasizing the meaning of the attribute by action, can be written separately and separately: unloved object, elves are invisible, not visible to the eye, not loved by you.