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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Nowhere in the distant kingdom. The Tale of the Golden Cockerel. The Tale of the Golden Cockerel

Nowhere in the distant kingdom. The Tale of the Golden Cockerel. The Tale of the Golden Cockerel

Nowhere, in the distant kingdom,
In the thirtieth state,
Once upon a time there lived a glorious king Dadon.
From a young age he was formidable
And the neighbors every now and then
Boldly inflicted insults,
But in my old age I wanted
Take a break from military affairs
And arrange peace for yourself;
The neighbors are disturbing here
Steel the old king,
Doing terrible harm to him.
So that the ends of your possessions
Protect from attacks
He should have contained
Numerous army.
The governors did not sleep,
But they didn’t have time:
They used to wait from the south, lo and behold,
An army is coming from the east.
They will celebrate here - dashing guests
They come from the sea. Out of anger
Indus King Dadon cried,
Inda even forgot his sleep.
Why is life in such anxiety!
Here he is asking for help
Turned to the sage
To the astrologer and eunuch.
He sends a messenger after him with a bow.

Here is the sage in front of Dadon
He stood up and took it out of the bag
Golden cockerel.
“Plant this bird,”
He said to the king, - to the knitting needle;
My golden cockerel
Your faithful watchman will be:
If everything around is peaceful,
So he will sit quietly;
But only a little from the outside
Expect war for you
Or the onslaught of battle force,
Or another uninvited misfortune,
Instantly then my cockerel
Raises the comb
Screams and starts up
And it will turn to that place.”
The king of the eunuch thanks
It promises mountains of gold.
“For such a favor,”
He says in admiration, -
Your first will
I’ll do it like mine.”

Cockerel from a high knitting needle
Began to guard its borders.
A little danger is visible,
A faithful watchman, as if from a dream,
Will move, perk up,
Will turn to the other side
And shouts: “Kiri-ku-ku.
Reign while lying on your side!”
And the neighbors calmed down,
They no longer dared to fight:
Such is King Dadon
He fought back from all sides!

A year or two passes peacefully;
The cockerel sits still.
One day King Dadon
Awakened by a terrible noise:
“You are our king! father of the people! -
The governor proclaims, -
Sovereign! Wake up! trouble!
- “What is it, gentlemen? -
Dadon says, yawning,
Eh?..Who’s there?..what’s the trouble?”
Voivode says:
“The cockerel is crowing again,
There is fear and noise throughout the capital."
The king to the window, - on the spoke,
He sees a cockerel beating,
Facing east.
There is no need to hesitate: “Hurry!
People to the mine! Hey, come on!”
The king sends an army to the east,
The eldest son leads him,
The cockerel calmed down
The noise died down, and the king forgot.

Eight days pass now
But there is no news from the army:
Was there, or was there not, a battle,
No report to Dadon.
The cockerel crows again.
The king calls another army;
He's a smaller son now
Sends to the rescue of the big one;
The cockerel calmed down again.
Again there is no news from them,
Again eight days pass;
People spend their days in fear,
The cockerel crows again
The king calls the third army
And leads her to the east
Himself, not knowing whether it would be of any use.

The troops march day and night;
They become unbearable.
No massacre, no camp,
No grave mound
King Dadon does not meet.
“What kind of miracle?” - he thinks.
Now the day has passed,
The king leads the army to the mountains
And in between high mountains
He sees a silk tent.
Everything is in wonderful silence
Around the tent; in a narrow gorge
The army lies beaten.
King Dadon hurries to the tent...
What a terrible picture!
Before him are his two sons
Without helmets and without armor
Both lie dead
The sword stuck into each other.
Their horses roam in the middle of the meadow,
On the trampled grass,
Bloody! ant...
The king howled: “Oh, children, children!
Woe is me! caught in the net
Both our falcons!
Woe! My death has come."
Everyone howled for Dadon,
Moaned heavily
The depths of the valleys and the heart of the mountains
Shocked. Suddenly the tent
It opened... and the girl
Shamakhan queen,
All shining like the dawn,
She met the king quietly.
Like a bird of the night before the sun,
The king fell silent, looking into her eyes,
And he forgot in front of her
Death of both sons.
And she is in front of Dadon
Smiled and bowed
She took him by the hand
And she took her into her tent.
There she sat him at the table.
She treated me to every kind of dish,
I put her to rest
On a brocade bed.
And then, exactly a week,
Submitting to her unconditionally,
Bewitched, delighted,
Dadon feasted with her.

Finally on the way back
With your military strength
And with a young girl
The king went home.
The rumor ran before him,
She divulged fables and fables.
Under the capital, near the gates
The people greeted them with noise, -
Everyone is running after the chariot,
Behind Dadon and the queen;
Dadon welcomes everyone...
Suddenly he saw in the crowd:
In a white Saracen cap,
All gray-haired like a swan,
His old friend, eunuch,
“Oh, great, my father,”
The king said to him, “What do you say?”
Come closer. What do you order?
- "Tsar! - the sage answers, -
Let's finally give up.
Do you remember? for my service
He promised me as a friend,
My first will
You perform it as your own.
Give me a girl,
Shamakhan queen."
The king was extremely amazed.
"What you? - he said to the old man, -
Or the demon has turned inside you,
Or are you crazy?
What's on your mind?
Of course I promised
But there is a limit to everything.
And why do you need a girl?
Come on, do you know who I am?
Ask from me
Even the treasury, even the rank of boyar,
Even a horse from the royal stables,
At least half my kingdom."
- “I don’t want anything!
Give me a girl
Shamakhan queen" -
The sage speaks in response.
The king spat: “It’s so dashing: no!
You won't get anything.
You, sinner, are torturing yourself;
Get out, safe for now;
Get the old man away!”
The old man wanted to argue
But it is costly to quarrel with others;
The king grabbed him with his staff
On the forehead; he fell face down
And the spirit is gone. - The whole capital
She shuddered, and the girl -
Hee hee hee yes ha ha ha!
Not afraid, you know, of sin.
The king, although he was greatly alarmed,
He smiled at her affectionately.
Here he is entering the city...
Suddenly there was a light ringing sound,
And in the eyes of the entire capital
The cockerel flew off the needle,
Flew to the chariot
And he sat on the king’s head,
Startled, pecked at the crown
And soared... and at the same time
Dadon fell from the chariot -
He groaned once and he died.
And the queen suddenly disappeared,
It was as if it had never happened at all.
The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!
A lesson to good fellows.

Nowhere, in the distant kingdom,
In the thirtieth state,
Once upon a time there lived a glorious king Dadon.
From a young age he was formidable
And the neighbors every now and then
Offended boldly;
But in my old age I wanted
Take a break from military affairs
And give yourself some peace.
The neighbors are disturbing here
Steel the old king,
Doing terrible harm to him.
So that the ends of your possessions
Protect from attacks
He should have contained
Numerous army.
The governors did not sleep,
But they didn’t have time:
They were waiting, it happened from the south, lo and behold -
An army is coming from the east.
They will celebrate here - dashing guests
They come from the sea. Out of anger
Indus King Dadon cried,
Inda even forgot his sleep.
Why is life in such anxiety!
Here he is asking for help
Turned to the sage
To the astrologer and eunuch.
He sends a messenger after him with a bow.

Here is the sage in front of Dadon
He stood up and took it out of the bag
Golden cockerel.
Plant this bird, -
He said to the king, “on the knitting needle;
My golden cockerel
Your faithful watchman will be:
If everything around is peaceful,
Then he will sit quietly;
But only a little from the outside
Expect war for you
Or the onslaught of battle force,
Or another uninvited misfortune,
Instantly then my cockerel
Raises the comb
Screams and starts up
And it will turn back to that place.
The king of the eunuch thanks
It promises mountains of gold.
For such a favor, -
He says in admiration, -
Your first will
I will do it as mine.

Cockerel from a high knitting needle
Began to guard its borders.
A little danger is visible,
Faithful watchman as if from a dream
It will move, it will perk up,
Will turn to the other side
And shouts: Kiri-ku-ku.
Reign while lying on your side!
And the neighbors calmed down,
They no longer dared to fight:
Such is King Dadon
He fought back from all sides!

A year or two pass peacefully;
The cockerel sits still.
Suddenly one day King Dadon
Awakened by a terrible noise:
You are our king! father of the people! -
The governor proclaims, -
Sovereign! wake up! trouble!
- What is it, gentlemen? -
Dadon says, yawning, -
Eh?..Who's there?..what's the problem? -
Voivode says:
The cockerel crows again;
Fear and noise throughout the capital.
Tsar to the window, - en on the knitting needle,
He sees a cockerel beating,
Facing east.
There is no need to hesitate: Hurry up!
People, get on your horse! Hey, hurry up!
The king sends an army to the east,
The eldest son leads him.
The cockerel calmed down
The noise died down, and the king forgot.

Eight days pass now
But there is no news from the troops;
Was there, or was there not, a battle, -
No report to Dadon.
The cockerel crows again.
The king calls another army;
He's a smaller son now
Sends to the rescue of the big one;
The cockerel calmed down again.
No news from them again!
Again eight days pass;
People carry them out in fear;
The cockerel crows again
The king calls the third army
And leads her to the east, -
Not knowing whether it would be of any use.

The troops march day and night;
They become unbearable.
No massacre, no camp,
No grave mound
King Dadon does not meet.
What kind of miracle? - he thinks.
Now the eighth day has passed,
The king leads the army to the mountains
And between the high mountains
He sees a silk tent.
Everything is in wonderful silence
Around the tent; in a narrow gorge
The army lies beaten.
King Dadon hurries to the tent...
What a terrible picture!
Before him are his two sons
Without helmets and without armor
Both lie dead
The sword stuck into each other.
Their horses roam in the middle of the meadow,
On the trampled grass,
Through the bloody ant...
The king howled: Oh, children, children!
Woe is me! caught in the net
Both our falcons!
Woe! my death has come.
Everyone howled for Dadon,
Moaned heavily
The depths of the valleys and the heart of the mountains
Shocked. Suddenly the tent
It opened... and the girl,
Shamakhan queen,
All shining like the dawn,
She met the king quietly.
Like a bird of the night before the sun,
The king fell silent, looking into her eyes,
And he forgot in front of her
Death of both sons.
And she is in front of Dadon
Smiled and bowed
She took him by the hand
And she took her into her tent.
There she sat him at the table,
She treated me to every kind of dish,
I put her to rest
On a brocade bed.
And then, exactly a week,
Submitting to her unconditionally,
Bewitched, delighted,
Dadon feasted with her.

Finally on the way back
With your military strength
And with a young girl
The king went home.
The rumor ran before him,
She divulged fables and fables.
Under the capital, near the gates,
The people greeted them with noise, -
Everyone is running after the chariot,
Behind Dadon and the queen;
Dadon welcomes everyone...
Suddenly in the crowd he saw
In a white Saracen cap,
All gray-haired like a swan,
His old friend, eunuch.
Oh, great, my father, -
The king said to him, what do you say?
Come closer. What do you want?
- Tsar! - the sage answers, -
Let's finally settle down.
Do you remember? for my service
He promised me as a friend,
My first will
You perform it as your own.
Give me a girl,
Shamakhan queen. -
The king was extremely amazed.
What you? - he said to the elder, -
Or has the demon got inside you?
Or are you crazy?
What's on your mind?
I promised, of course.
But there is a limit to everything.
And why do you need a girl?
Come on, do you know who I am?
Ask from me
Even the treasury, even the rank of boyar,
Even a horse from the royal stables,
At least half my kingdom.
- I don’t want anything!
Give me a girl
Shamakhan queen, -
The sage speaks in response.
The king spat: So dashing: no!
You won't get anything.
You, sinner, are torturing yourself;
Get out, safe for now;
Get the old man away!
The old man wanted to argue
But it is costly to quarrel with others;
The king grabbed him with his staff
On the forehead; he fell face down
And the spirit is gone. The entire capital
She shuddered, and the girl -
Hee hee hee yes ha ha ha!
Not afraid, you know, of sin.
The king, although he was greatly alarmed,
He smiled at her affectionately.
Here he is entering the city...
Suddenly there was a light ringing sound,
And in the eyes of the entire capital
The cockerel flew off the needle,
Flew to the chariot
And he sat on the king’s head,
Startled, pecked at the crown
And soared... and at the same time
Dadon fell from the chariot -
He groaned once and he died.
And the queen suddenly disappeared,
It was as if it had never happened at all.
The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!
A lesson to good fellows.

The rumor ran before him,
She divulged fables and fables.
Under the capital, near the gates,
The people greeted them with noise, -

Everyone is running after the chariot,
Behind Dadon and the queen;
Dadon welcomes everyone...

Suddenly in the crowd he saw
In a white Saracen cap,
All gray-haired like a swan,
His old friend, eunuch.
"A! great, my father, -

The king said to him, “What do you say?”
Come closer! What do you order? -
- Tsar! - the sage answers, -
Let's finally break up
Do you remember? for my service
He promised me as a friend,
My first will
You perform it as your own.
Give me the girl. -
Shamakhan queen... -
The king was extremely amazed.
"What you? - he said to the elder, -
Or has the demon got inside you?
Or are you crazy?
What's on your mind?
Of course I promised
But there is a limit to everything!
And why do you need a girl?
Come on, do you know who I am?
Ask from me
Even the treasury, even the rank of boyar,
Even a horse from the royal stables,
At least half my kingdom.”
- I don’t want anything!
Give me a girl
Shamakhan queen, -
The sage speaks in response.
The king spat: “It’s so dashing: no!
You won't get anything.
You, sinner, are torturing yourself;
Get out, safe for now;
Get the old man away!”

The old man wanted to argue
But it is costly to quarrel with others;
The king grabbed him with his staff
On the forehead; he fell face down
And the spirit is gone. - The entire capital
Shuddered; and the girl -
Hee hee hee! yes ha ha ha!
Not afraid, you know, of sin.

The king, although he was greatly alarmed,
He smiled at her affectionately.
Here he is entering the city...
Suddenly there was a light ringing sound,
And in the eyes of the entire capital
The cockerel flew off the knitting needle;
Flew to the chariot
And he sat on the king’s head,

Startled, pecked at the crown
And soared... and at the same time
Dadon fell from the chariot -
He groaned once and he died.

And the queen suddenly disappeared,
It was as if it had never happened at all.
The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!
A lesson to good fellows.

Nowhere, in the distant kingdom,

In the thirtieth state,

Once upon a time there lived a glorious king Dadon.

He was formidable from a young age

And the neighbors every now and then

Offended boldly;

But in my old age I wanted

Take a break from military affairs

And give yourself some peace.

The neighbors are disturbing here

Steel the old king,

Doing terrible harm to him.

So that the ends of your possessions

Protect from attacks

He should have contained

Numerous army.

The governors did not sleep,

But they didn’t have time:

They used to wait from the south, lo and behold -

An army is coming from the east.

They will celebrate here - dashing guests

They come from the sea. Out of anger

Indus King Dadon cried,

Inda even forgot his sleep.

Why is life in such anxiety!

Here he is asking for help

Turned to the sage

To the astrologer and eunuch.

He sends a messenger after him with a bow.

Here is the sage in front of Dadon

He stood up and took it out of the bag

Golden cockerel.

“Plant this bird,”

He said to the king, “on the knitting needle;

My golden cockerel

Your faithful watchman will be:

If everything around is peaceful,

So he will sit quietly;

But only a little from the outside

Expect war for you

Or the onslaught of battle force,

Or another uninvited misfortune,

Instantly then my cockerel

Raises the comb

Screams and starts up

And it will turn to that place.”

The king of the eunuch thanks

It promises mountains of gold.

“For such a favor,”

He says in admiration, -

Your first will

I’ll do it like mine.”

Cockerel from a high knitting needle

Began to guard its borders.

A little danger is visible,

Faithful watchman as if from a dream

Will move, perk up,

Will turn to the other side

And shouts: “Kiri-ku-ku.

Reign while lying on your side!”

And the neighbors calmed down,

They no longer dared to fight:

Such is King Dadon

He fought back from all sides!

A year or two passes peacefully;

The cockerel sits still.

One day King Dadon

Awakened by a terrible noise:

“You are our king! father of the people! -

The governor proclaims, -

Sovereign! wake up! trouble!

What is it, gentlemen? -

Dadon says, yawning: -

Eh?..Who's there?..what's the problem? -

Voivode says:

“The cockerel is crowing again;

There is fear and noise throughout the capital."

Tsar to the window, - en on the knitting needle,

He sees a cockerel beating,

Facing east.

There is no need to hesitate: “Hurry!

People, get on your horse! Hey, come on!”

The king sends an army to the east,

His eldest son leads him.

The cockerel calmed down

The noise died down, and the king forgot.

Eight days pass now

But there is no news from the army;

Was there, or was there not, a battle, -

No report to Dadon.

The cockerel crows again.

The king calls another army;

He's a smaller son now

Sends to the rescue of the big one;

The cockerel calmed down again.

No news from them again!

Again eight days pass;

People spend their days in fear;

The cockerel crows again

The king calls the third army

And leads her to the east, -

Not knowing whether it would be of any use.

The troops march day and night;

They become unbearable.

No massacre, no camp,

No grave mound

King Dadon does not meet.

“What kind of miracle?” - he thinks.

Now the eighth day has passed,

The king leads the army to the mountains

And between the high mountains

He sees a silk tent.

Everything is in wonderful silence

Around the tent; in a narrow gorge

The army lies beaten.

King Dadon hurries to the tent...

What a terrible picture!

Before him are his two sons

Without helmets and without armor

Both lie dead

The sword stuck into each other.

Their horses roam in the middle of the meadow,

On the trampled grass,

Through the bloody ant...

The king howled: “Oh children, children!

Woe is me! caught in the net

Both our falcons!

Woe! my death has come."

Everyone howled for Dadon,

Moaned heavily

The depths of the valleys and the heart of the mountains

Shocked. Suddenly the tent

It opened... and the girl,

Shamakhan queen,

All shining like the dawn,

She met the king quietly.

Like a bird of the night before the sun,

The king fell silent, looking into her eyes,

And he forgot in front of her

Death of both sons.

And she is in front of Dadon

Smiled and bowed

She took him by the hand

And she took her into her tent.

There she sat him at the table,

She treated me to every kind of dish;

I put her to rest

On a brocade bed.

And then, exactly a week,

Submitting to her unconditionally,

Bewitched, delighted,

Dadon feasted with her

Finally on the way back

With your military strength

And with a young girl

The king went home.

The rumor ran before him,

She divulged fables and fables.

Under the capital, near the gates,

The people greeted them with noise, -

Everyone is running after the chariot,

Behind Dadon and the queen;

Dadon welcomes everyone...

Suddenly in the crowd he saw

In a white Saracen cap,

All gray-haired like a swan,

His old friend, eunuch.

“Oh, great, my father,”

The king said to him, “What do you say?”

Come closer! What do you order?

Tsar! - the sage answers, -

Let's finally give up.

Do you remember? for my service

He promised me as a friend,

My first will

You perform it as your own.

Give me a girl,

Shamakhan queen. -

The king was extremely amazed.

"What you? - he said to the elder, -

Or the demon has turned inside you,

Or are you crazy?

What's on your mind?

Of course I promised

But there is a limit to everything.

And why do you need a girl?

Come on, do you know who I am?

Ask from me

Even the treasury, even the rank of boyar,

Even a horse from the royal stables,

At least half my kingdom."

I don't want anything!

Give me a girl

Shamakhan queen, -

The sage speaks in response.

The king spat: “It’s so dashing: no!

You won't get anything.

You, sinner, are torturing yourself;

Get out, safe for now;

Get the old man away!”

The old man wanted to argue

But it is costly to quarrel with others;

The king grabbed him with his staff

On the forehead; he fell face down

And the spirit is gone. - The entire capital

She shuddered, and the girl -

Hee hee hee! yes ha ha ha!

Not afraid, you know, of sin.

The king, although he was greatly alarmed,

He smiled at her affectionately.

Here he is entering the city...

Suddenly there was a light ringing sound,

And in the eyes of the entire capital

The cockerel flew off the needle,

Flew to the chariot

And he sat on the king’s head,

Startled, pecked at the crown

And soared... and at the same time

Dadon fell from the chariot -

He groaned once and he died.

And the queen suddenly disappeared,

It was as if it had never happened at all.

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!

Nowhere, in the distant kingdom,
In the thirtieth state,
Once upon a time there lived a glorious king Dadon.
From a young age he was formidable
And the neighbors every now and then
Offended boldly;
But in my old age I wanted
Take a break from military affairs
And give yourself some peace.
The neighbors are disturbing here
Steel the old king,
Doing terrible harm to him.
So that the ends of your possessions
Protect from attacks
He should have contained
Numerous army.
The governors did not sleep,
But they didn’t make it in time.
They used to wait from the south, lo and behold -
An army is coming from the east!
They will celebrate here - dashing guests
Coming from the sea... Out of anger
Indus King Dadon cried,
Inda even forgot his sleep.
Why is life in such anxiety!
Here he is asking for help
Turned to the sage
To the astrologer and eunuch.
He sends a messenger after him with a bow.

Here is the sage in front of Dadon
He stood up and took it out of the bag
Golden cockerel.
“Plant this bird, -
He said to the king, - to the knitting needle;
My golden cockerel
Your faithful watchman will be:
If everything around is peaceful,
So he will sit quietly;
But only a little from the outside
Expect war for you
Or the onslaught of battle force,
Or another uninvited misfortune
Instantly then my cockerel
Raises the comb
Screams and starts up
And it will turn back to that place.”
The king of the eunuch thanks
It promises mountains of gold.
“For such a favor,”
He says in admiration, -
Your first will
I will do it as mine.”

Cockerel from a high knitting needle
Began to guard its borders.
A little danger is visible,
Faithful watchman as if from a dream
It will move, it will perk up,
Will turn to the other side
And shouts: “Kiri-ku-ku.
Reign while lying on your side!”
And the neighbors calmed down,
They no longer dared to fight:
Such is King Dadon
He fought back from all sides!

A year or two passes peacefully;
The cockerel sits still.
One day King Dadon
Awakened by a terrible noise:
“You are our king! father of the people! -
The governor proclaims. -
Sovereign! wake up! trouble!” -
“What is it, gentlemen? -
Dadon says, yawning, -
Eh?..Who’s there?..what’s the trouble?”
Voivode says:
“The cockerel is crowing again;
There is fear and noise throughout the capital.”
Tsar to the window, - en on the knitting needle,
He sees a cockerel beating,
Facing east.
There is no need to hesitate: “Hurry!
People, get on your horse! Hey, come alive!”
The king sends an army to the east,
The eldest son leads him.
The cockerel calmed down
The noise died down, and the king forgot.

Eight days pass now
But there is no news from the army;
Was there, or was there not, a battle, -
No report to Dadon.
The cockerel crows again;
The king calls another army;
He's a smaller son now
He sends the big one to the rescue.
The cockerel calmed down again.
No news from them again!
Again eight days pass;
People spend their days in fear;
The cockerel crows again;
The king calls the third army
And leads her to the east, -
Himself, not knowing whether it would be of any use.

The troops march day and night;
They become unbearable.
No massacre, no camp,
No grave mound
King Dadon does not meet.
“What kind of miracle?” - he thinks.
Now the eighth day has passed,
The king leads the army to the mountains
And between the high mountains - website
He sees a silk tent.
Everything is in wonderful silence
Around the tent; in a narrow gorge
The army lies beaten.
King Dadon hurries to the tent...
What a terrible picture!
Before him are his two sons
Without helmets and without armor
Both lie dead
The sword stuck into each other.
Their horses roam in the middle of the meadow
On the trampled grass,
Through the bloody ant...
The king howled: “Oh, children, children!
Woe is me! caught in the net
Both our falcons!
Woe! my death has come.”
Everyone howled for Dadon,
Moaned heavily
The depths of the valleys and the heart of the mountains
Shocked. Suddenly the tent
It opened... and the girl,
Shamakhan queen,
All shining like the dawn,
She met the king quietly.
Like a bird of the night before the sun,
The king fell silent, looking into her eyes,
And he forgot in front of her
Death of both sons.
And she is in front of Dadon
Smiled and bowed
She took him by the hand
And she took her into her tent.
There she sat him at the table,
She treated me to every kind of dish;
I put her to rest
On a brocade bed
And then, exactly a week,
Submitting to her unconditionally,
Bewitched, delighted,
Dadon feasted with her.

Finally on the way back
With your military strength
And with a young girl
The king went home.
The rumor ran before him,
She divulged fables and fables.
Under the capital, near the gates,
The people greeted them with noise, -
Everyone is running after the chariot,
Behind Dadon and the queen;
Dadon welcomes everyone...
Suddenly in the crowd he saw
In a white Saracen cap,
All gray-haired like a swan,
His old friend, eunuch.
"A! great, my father, -
The king said to him, “What do you say?”
Come closer! What do you order? -
- Tsar! - the sage answers, -
Let's finally break up
Do you remember? for my service
He promised me as a friend,
My first will
You perform it as your own.
Give me the girl. -
Shamakhan queen... -
The king was extremely amazed.
"What you? - he said to the elder, -
Or has the demon got inside you?
Or are you crazy?
What's on your mind?
Of course I promised
But there is a limit to everything!
And why do you need a girl?
Come on, do you know who I am?
Ask from me
Even the treasury, even the rank of boyar,
Even a horse from the royal stables,
At least half my kingdom.”
- I don’t want anything!
Give me a girl
Shamakhan queen, -
The sage speaks in response.
The king spat: “It’s so dashing: no!
You won't get anything.
You, sinner, are torturing yourself;
Get out, safe for now;
Get the old man away!”
The old man wanted to argue
But it is costly to quarrel with others;
The king grabbed him with his staff
On the forehead; he fell face down
And the spirit is gone. - The entire capital
Shuddered; and the girl -
Hee hee hee! yes ha ha ha!
Not afraid, you know, of sin.
The king, although he was greatly alarmed,
He smiled at her affectionately.
Here he is entering the city...
Suddenly there was a light ringing sound,
And in the eyes of the entire capital
The cockerel flew off the knitting needle;
Flew to the chariot
And he sat on the king’s head,
Startled, pecked at the crown
And soared... and at the same time
Dadon fell from the chariot -
He groaned once and he died.
And the queen suddenly disappeared,
It was as if it had never happened at all.
The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!
A lesson to good fellows.

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