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» Several ways to tell fortunes. Online love fortune telling with matches

Several ways to tell fortunes. Online love fortune telling with matches

Fire symbolizes the heat of love, and fortune telling with matches gives 80% results that are confirmed in later life. In the article you can read online for free the meaning of fortune telling, which will help you find out the result today.

Fortune telling with matches and water

For fortune telling you will need a glass of water and a box of matches. Take two matches. Name one of them after your loved one and say it out loud. Light a match and throw it into a glass of water, saying: “Light the fire of love in yourself!”

Then light a second match and say your name out loud. Immediately, before it burns out, throw it into the same glass.

If the matches are arranged crosswise, or at an angle to each other, then a romantic relationship with your chosen one awaits you. Matches placed in parallel symbolize that the relationship will not work out.

Fortune telling for love using matches with answers

Take 9 matches, put them in left hand, move and throw them on the table. Try to discern the resulting pattern - this will be your future.

For example, if the matches formed a pattern similar to a heart, it means love awaits you, the sun means a strong and bright friendship. Matches arranged in the shape of an airplane symbolize a long journey.

In general, the answer to the question you are interested in will be prompted by your imagination and intuition.

Fortune telling by matches for the love of a man (guy), woman (girl)

This type of fortune telling was known in ancient times. Take a match. Call her the name of your loved one, saying it out loud.

Light a match and try to keep it burning for as long as possible. When the fire starts to get a little hot, put it out by blowing lightly and again saying the name of your loved one.

If the head of the match turns away from you - it means they don’t love you, if it remains flat - they are indifferent to you, if it is turned towards you - your feelings are mutual.

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Yulia Alekseevna Caesar

Hereditary witch. Tarot reader. Runologist. Reiki Master.

Articles written

What could be simpler than matches? But this method of magical prediction is effective; it allows you to know for sure whether your wish will come true. Fire allows you to look into the future. That's why fortune telling with matches is so popular. Creative visualization is a powerful addition to fortune telling, so before starting the ritual you need to forget about all fears, limitations and get in the right frame of mind.

How matches predict fortune

The technique is easy to use; the most common way to tell fortunes using matches is for love.

Love does not love?

If you decide to find out whether the person you are wishing for has love feelings for you, take two matches. Place them side by side so they don’t fall; you can stick them into the dough, but not deeply. Light it up and watch how they behave.

Interpretation of fortune telling:

  • tilted mutually - both parties experience mutual attraction;
  • symbolizing the guy remained straight: he does not have reciprocal feelings for you or simply loves himself more;
  • the further his match turns away from yours, the more unpleasant you are to the person being asked;
  • the match symbolizing you has turned away: most likely, you are confused in your feelings - this is not love, but it only seems that the infatuation with this person will soon pass.

Third wheel

If you are jealous of your loved one for another woman, and you are tormented by a difficult question: who will he choose, take three matches, place them vertically and light the middle one, which should symbolize the person in question.

Read also: We guess and find out about the feelings of our loved one

Interpretation of fortune telling:

  • the middle one remained straight, your beloved is indifferent to both;
  • turned towards your rival - your doubts are justified, most likely he will not choose you;
  • leaned towards you - they love you

If the match does not light, otherworldly forces do not yet have an answer to your question.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

Do you want to know the identity of your future spouse? Before going to bed, make a well out of matches and place a container with a handle filled with water inside. Place a small lock on the handle and lock it with a key. The key should be placed under the pillow, and when going to bed, read magic spell to the betrothed-mummer. You should dream about him at night. When performing the ritual, no one should distract you. Therefore, it is better to turn off your phone.

Fortune telling with matches and water

You will need matches and a glass filled with water. Take the glass in your hands and hold it in front of you for a few minutes, thinking about your questions. You must free yourself from all extraneous thoughts while fortune telling with matches.

After their appearance, matches immediately began to be used in fortune-telling rituals. They are a very effective magical tool with which you can predict the future. It is noteworthy that fortune telling with matches is a very simple action that even beginners can use.

The main feature of fortune telling with matches is that they use one of the main natural elements - fire. It was this element that many peoples worshiped in ancient times, recognizing its strength and power. Often, traditional healers and healers used fire to treat various diseases. In addition, the fire in the hearth has always been considered a symbol of warmth and home well-being, despite its uncontrollable and destructive power, which is given to it by nature itself.

Previously, magicians and sorcerers widely used rituals in which burning coals or splinters were used. Many results magical rituals required fixation with flame. Now such magical acts are a thing of the past, and they have been replaced by fortune telling with matches or candles.

A ritual for love and self-esteem

This ritual is suitable if you have a loved one and you want to know his attitude towards you in order to understand his intentions regarding building relationships in the future. Such fortune telling with matches must be carried out only with a new box.

First, you should pull out a pair of matches from the box, one of them will represent a girl, the second – a guy. The matches must be placed on the table in a vertical position, so that they are close to each other. For this you can use, for example, plasticine or dough.

At the next stage of fortune telling, the matches are lit. After this, you need to carefully monitor their condition during the combustion process.

Fortune telling is deciphered as follows:

  • If the matches are leaning towards each other, then the partners sincerely love each other and will be able to build strong relationships on a trust basis.
  • If the match symbolizing the guy, burning, turns in a different direction, then this means that your chosen one has a negative attitude towards you and considers you a temporary phenomenon in his life.
  • If the match symbolizing the guy burns evenly, then this indicates the indifference of your chosen one to you. But in this case, there is a possibility that you will be able to awaken feelings in the guy’s soul.

The described fortune-telling ritual should be carried out in solitude and silence. Before lighting matches, you need to focus on the image of your loved one.

When you like two guys

There is also a special fortune-telling ritual with matches, which will allow you to decide on the choice of your loved one. This method should be used when you like two guys and you cannot figure out your own feelings on your own.

Having secluded yourself in a separate room, you should pull out three matches from a new box and place them on the table not far from each other in a strictly vertical position. As in the previous case, you can use dough or plasticine. There should be a match in the center, symbolizing you, and on the sides - your chosen ones.

Then you need to light the central match and watch it:

  • If it burned out, but at the same time retained its vertical position, then this means that none of the applicants is suitable for you.
  • If she turned in the other direction from the matches symbolizing the chosen ones, then real life there is another person with whom you sympathize.
  • If you lean towards one of the installed matches, it means that this person is your betrothed.

Prediction for the future

With the help of a match you can clarify life situation, which awaits you in the near future. Such fortune-telling is useful because even in the event of receiving negative predictions, it allows a person to tune in correctly, and, therefore, minimize negative consequences, which often pose a threat to health.

To perform the ceremony, you need to retire to a separate room and take with you new box matches. After sitting in silence for a while and thinking about current state business, you need to take out the match with your left hand and strike it on the box. It is important to light the match in a horizontal position and continue to hold it in the same way during the magical process.

You can judge what awaits you in the future by how the match burns:

  • If you fail to light a match the first time, then this is a warning sign indicating that you are in danger in real life. In addition, this may symbolize the upcoming streak of failures and bad luck.
  • If a match breaks during ignition, this means that you should prepare for difficulties that will affect all areas of life.
  • If the match first caught fire, but then immediately went out, then you will have serious health problems in the future.
  • If the match lights up and its flame is even, then this good sign, indicating that only good things await you in the future and you should not worry about any fictitious reason.
  • If a match burns, but at the same time cracks and smokes, then you should expect dramatic changes in life in the near future.
  • If a match lights up, but goes out before it burns halfway, this means that your life priorities will change.
  • If the flame of a match is blue, then great happiness awaits you in life.
  • If the match flame is red, then you will meet true love.
  • If the match flame is green, then you will be able to achieve prosperity in the financial sector.
  • If the match flame is yellow, then sadness and tears await you in the near future.

You can use matches to tell fortunes based on your wishes. You can ask any question, as long as it is specific. The fortune telling process is similar to the previous option, namely, you need to light a match and watch how it burns. The ritual should only use a match from a new box.

Fortune telling is deciphered as follows:

  • If the match breaks during the burning process, then your plans will not come true, that is, your wishes will not come true.
  • If the match initially lights up, but then immediately goes out, then at first you will be successfully moving towards your goal, but at the moment when it seems that you have achieved it, unforeseen difficulties will arise.
  • If the flame is even, then this is a positive answer to the question you are interested in, and the task you have conceived will be completed successfully.
  • If the flame crackles and smokes, then this portends good luck, but it will entirely depend on the correctness of the decisions you make.
  • If the match does not burn out, then you will not soon be able to achieve your plans. It may very well be that the problem is with you, since you are not putting in enough effort to achieve your goal.
  • The blue flame indicates that the wish will come true.
  • The red flame focuses on the fact that a positive result can only happen after you receive outside help.
  • The yellow flame warns that the wish will not come true due to the treachery and betrayal of loved ones.
  • A green flame indicates not only that you will be able to achieve what you want, but also that you will be able to get material benefits from it.

In order for the result of fortune telling to be reliable, you need to dip the match into water after fortune telling and only then throw it away.

Sometimes it seems that modern world, painted by science “from” to “to”, there is no room left for a miracle. But how sometimes you want to trust higher powers, ask for their help and advice!

And even though not everyone will agree to seriously practice serious rituals of black or white magic based on ancient knowledge, it is unlikely that anyone will refuse to simply tell their fortune.

There are a great many tools with which you can ask fate for advice, and there are even more ways to use these tools. These are the usual ones playing cards, and taro, and pebbles and much more. Sometimes fortune telling requires the purchase of special materials, but sometimes the answer can be seen in the most simple things.

One of the simplest methods that does not require significant tools is fortune telling with matches. It has a lot of advantages:

So how can you enter into a dialogue with fate with the help of such ordinary things?

Fortune telling for love

One of the most popular motivations that push people to resort to fortune telling is the search for answers in matters of the heart. Sometimes relationships are so complicated that it is simply impossible to figure it out without help and advice from higher powers. So how can you find out what your chosen one feels for you? How to carry out the simplest fortune telling with matches for your loved one?

On two matches

First, go to the store and buy a new box - one that has already been opened and used for base household purposes is not suitable, its energy is disturbed and it is hardly suitable for such a sacred action. Try to clear your mind, distract yourself from all your affairs and worries.

Imagine yourself next to the object of fortune-telling, visualize the image as much as possible - it should stand in your thoughts as if alive. Open the box and take two matches. Try not to look at them, act intuitively. Do not forget that you are now only a conductor for the will of higher powers. One of them will represent you, the other - the one whose location you are guessing at.

Prepare something in advance with which you can install them in a vertical position without fear of starting a fire. Of course, if your gentleman saves you from a burning house, this will be complete proof of his feelings for you, however, this is not the essence of fortune telling. A piece of chewing gum or plasticine is best. Light both, stick them into the prepared base and observe the combustion pattern. This is what will illustrate the relationship between you:

On the water

As in the previous fortune telling, you will need a new box of matches, from which you will extract two pieces representing you and your partner in the same way. In addition, you need a container of water.

Try to choose dishes so that the diameter of the water surface is no more than 15-20 centimeters. It is also highly desirable that the container be made of natural and as unprocessed material as possible - wood, clay, metal.

The fortune telling process itself is extremely simple.- you need to burn the matches as far as they can burn out, and then throw them into the water one by one. It is important not to aim at a specific location when throwing and allow a higher power to guide your hand. The interpretation of the result is simple - the closer the matches are to each other, the stronger the attraction between your hearts.

With a candle

Preparing for the ritual is similar to the previous fortune telling, however, this time you will also need two candles. You definitely have to buy them yourself; the fewer strangers touch them, the better. The most suitable candles will be those purchased in the temple, however, those purchased in the store will also do. It is highly undesirable to use paraffin wax - artificial material does not carry the natural strength that natural wax has.

First, you should carve your initials on the candles.- on one - yours, on the other - your betrothed. You need to make it sharp metal object- an awl, a needle, a knife. Take a match and light the candle that represents you. When the fire reaches the center of the wooden part of the match, throw it into the water. It is advisable that the fire should go out not during the flight, but upon contact with water, which will allow connecting two very powerful elements. Then do the same manipulations with the second candle.

Place the bowl in front of you, take a candle in each hand. The one that represents you should be in the “hand of the heart,” that is, the left. Keep the men's right hand, "the hand of reason." At the same time, tilt both candles over the center of the container of water so that the wicks touch each other and the wax drips into the water. Close your eyes and count to thirty. Open your eyes and look carefully at the wax that has accumulated in the liquid. The meaning of fortune telling will be:

The course of the ritual is almost no different from what happens in the very first fortune telling. Only this time there should be three matches - one for each corner of the love triangle. In this case, the match representing you needs to be strengthened in the middle, between the matches of your potential halves, but slightly in front, so that they form a triangle. T The interpretation of the results has many similarities with the first fortune telling:

Forecasting prospects

No less often than in love, people make fortunes about the fulfillment of desires. Everyone is interested in peeking into the future and finding out what to prepare for, especially in such matters as the embodiment of innermost dreams. How can you ask fate if your wish will come true?

Per number

The ritual should be carried out exclusively in the dark, preferably when full moon. Close all the doors and windows in the room, light a candle and place it on the table. Stare at the flame without looking away for several minutes and try to clear your consciousness. Then close your eyes and formulate and imagine your question as clearly as possible.

Decide for yourself whether an even number of matches or an odd number will be a positive answer. Without opening your eyes, take several matches from a previously opened new box - as many as your fingers can grab the first time. Repeat your wish mentally and pour the matches onto the table. Open your eyes and count. If the even/odd number coincides with what you wished for, the wish will come true.


Preparation is no different from preparing for fortune telling by number. The only difference is final stage. Instead of wishing and counting, you should throw out matches and see what shape they form. This is the most freely interpreted version of fortune telling with matches. Exact options impossible to give, deciphering the signs sent by higher forces to in this case- your prerogative. How literally to understand what you see is also up to you.

For the near future

This is one of the most elementary ways of figuring out the future of all those given here. All you need is a match. Although, of course, for more accurate fortune telling, one should purchase not ordinary matches, but elongated ones, which are used to light a fireplace. The process is that you light a match and watch it burn:

In general, following each point exactly or surrendering to intuition is entirely your choice. When addressing higher powers, form is often not as important as intention and purity of thoughts. Therefore, trust your instinct and fate will definitely answer you!

Attention, TODAY only!

Many people believe that fortune telling by matches in a simple way determine what the person who is important to the fortuneteller really feels. With the help of these simple items you can find out whether your wish for the future will come true.

When telling fortunes with matches at home, a person turns to fire. This is one of the basic elements revered in ancient times. It is believed that it cannot give the wrong answer to a person’s request. This is not only a strong, but also a light element, because fire gives light.


Preparation for fortune telling should set the mood for the ritual participants, which will help to carry it out in the best possible way and accurately determine the future. The first rule is not to guess around people who do not believe in this method of prediction. A place should be chosen so that it contains only people who consider this method to be real. It is advisable not to allow people who are unwell or in a bad mood into the room. If their presence is inevitable, it is better to postpone the fortune telling.

The best truthful fortune telling using matches

People who begin fortune-telling should have exceptionally bright thoughts, their souls should be calm. People participating in fortune telling must be positively disposed towards each other.

Christmas fortune telling with matches

Traditional Christmas fortune-telling will tell you about your relationship with your partner. Take a box and a pair of matches, which are designated as the fortuneteller and as his partner. Matches are placed around the edges of the box and lit.

During combustion, they occupy a certain position, by which they judge what feelings a man and a woman have for each other. If both heads are facing each other, there is love between the guy and the girl. If one of the matches goes out faster, and the second continues to burn, this means that the feelings of one of the partners will not last long. At the same time, the relationship itself can continue, the love will simply cease to be mutual, one person will grow cold.

For love and boyfriend

Fortune telling for love and boyfriend for a single person can be done by taking an indefinite number of matches out of a matchbox. Next, count how many of them are in your hand.

  • If the number is even, true love will have to wait for some time, while light romances are quite possible in the near future, but they will only be a prelude to the real betrothed.
  • If the number is odd, it means that love is just around the corner. The other half is already nearby, you just need to take a closer look at those around you.

On request

To tell your fortune whether a wish will come true or not, take a match and say your wish on this item. After this, the fortuneteller throws the match and watches in which direction it falls.

  • When the match hits closer to the window, it means that the wish will quickly come true.
  • When you get closer to the door, your wish will come true, but you need help.
  • If she lands closer to the wall, she says “no,” that is, what the person wants will not happen.

On matches and water

Take matches and a glass of water, think about a specific desire, say its wording precisely so that there are no inaccuracies (otherwise the answer will also become inaccurate).

The fortuneteller lights matches and throws them into the water, after which he watches how they are placed next to each other. If they lie parallel, this is a good signal. Matches with water promise that your wish will come true. When they lie perpendicular, the prediction is not the most favorable. This means that on the path to realizing your desire you will encounter difficulties. In the most unpleasant case, the wish will not come true.

☞ Video story

How to use matches to determine the presence of damage

Now the composition is ready and they move on to matches. They are lit one by one and waited until they burn out. It is desirable that the fire spreads to the fingers, almost burning them. After this, the burnt matches are thrown into the glass.

You need to see how many matches will sink and how many will remain on the surface. If everyone is under water, the person is damaged. It is believed that such spells cannot be removed on your own; you need to turn to magicians for help. If only part of them is under water, this is an ordinary negative, which can be fought with ordinary prayers at home. If everything remains on the surface, there is no damage or negativity.

☞ Video story

Fortune telling with matches is a simple activity. In general, there are no conditions under which it may not come true, unless the above conditions are violated. For example, the presence in the room of a person towards whom the fortuneteller has a sharply negative attitude can undermine effectiveness. This method is also negatively affected by the lack of faith of one of those present.

Thus, fortune telling with matches does not require complex accessories, significant skills, or long training. Prediction techniques using these items are available to everyone. In most cases, the ritual does not give ambiguous results; the future becomes completely clear from the behavior of the matches. This is why many people try to find out what awaits them using a simple box.