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» Tender words to my beloved wife on her birthday. Happy birthday to my wife. Happy birthday greetings to your wife in prose

Tender words to my beloved wife on her birthday. Happy birthday to my wife. Happy birthday greetings to your wife in prose

My beloved, precious, tender wife! I congratulate you on the holiday dear to my heart - your birthday. I love you madly and ask you to remain the same sincere, reverent, beautiful and sensitive girl that you continue to be from the day we met. Thank you, my dear, for the cozy family hearth that you give to the family we created. Thank you for being kind and patient even when I do wrong. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to you, my love! Always be young, beautiful and cheerful! May the sun always shine in your heart. I wish you health, tenderness and spring mood. May every new day give you a sea of ​​happiness and positivity.

My only one, I wish you a happy birthday! My angel, my beloved wife, you are the best woman on the planet for me, and I love you very much and admire your every move. Let your grace and charm only add subtle graceful notes of perfection. I wish you happiness, bright emotions, emotional meetings and unforgettable moments of sweet pleasure. Know that I am always there - your support, protection, support and, of course, a strong, loving family.

My wife is a beautiful and wise woman! She is beautiful not because she wears a kilogram of cosmetics or a bunch of jewelry, she is beautiful by nature and not only on the outside, but also on the inside. And she is wise because she chose such a wonderful man like me as her husband! Happy birthday to you, my prima!

Beloved and dearest! Today is a special day - your birthday! You know, what I want to tell you always lives in my heart. You may rarely hear these words from me, but know: I love you very much! You are the dearest and closest person to me! Through the years and trials, I carry that first love for you that burned in my heart many years ago! And every day I love you more and more! Be happy, my dear! Happy Birthday!

I love my wife immensely! And today, on her birthday, I want to give her all the stars from the sky, all the warmth of the Sun and the coolness of the Moon, may your dreams not remain just them, but come true as soon as possible! Smile, laugh and be happy, and I will help you with this!

On your birthday, my most beloved woman, I want to present you with words of love! Let your life be illuminated with rays of happiness! Always be so sweet and kind, let your gentle words and sweet smile warm the hearts of your family and friends! Don't be sad that the years fly by like birds. Your beauty becomes brighter and more attractive every day. The more I get to know you, the more I understand what a blessing it is to live next to you! Be always joyful and happy! I love you! Your husband.

Today is my favorite baby's birthday! I want to be the first to congratulate you, to wish you to celebrate this day fun and unforgettable, as always. Be the most beautiful, kind and smart woman not only today, but always. I kiss you, my dear, and wish you a happy birthday!

My dear and beloved wife! Congratulations on such a long-awaited and wonderful holiday - your birthday! Be infinitely happy! I wish you health, to be as beautiful and kind, the best wife and mother in the world. Forgive me if I ever offend you, I don’t understand. No matter what, for me you remain the closest and dearest woman.

My dear, gentle girl! On this sunny and bright day, the day you were born, I want to tell you that I am grateful to fate for giving me you, my joy and happiness. Remain the same light, graceful and kind princess. I wish you health, success in everything, true friends, many smiles on your face. I value you very much and appreciate you, my flower!

The most beautiful of all women, my only and beloved! Happy birthday to you, sweetheart. I wish that all your days are bright and sunny, that grief never touches you, that you are surrounded only by people you love and are devoted to you. May you succeed in everything, may your dreams come true, and may I be a faithful assistant and reliable support in all your life and ideas.

I am very grateful to fate that she gave me such a kind, sweet, best wife on earth. Every day spent together is a reward for me. My dear, beloved wife, allow me to congratulate you on your birthday with all my heart. Let every weekday turn into a holiday for you. May all your dreams come true. I wish you to be energetic and confident. Let only good news fill your life. All the best to you, dear, peaceful sky, radiant sun. I love you

My beloved wife, the brightest hope, I will bow before you like a slave and hug you very tenderly, you are my sea, my space, you are the whole universe, and forever I will be alone with you... I promise only to give you my love to the last drop, and never change, because you are my only love. I adore only you, I live by you, I breathe your breath. Your gentle hands, velvet lips, sweet body drive me crazy every day and make me think only about you, my goddess!

I have loved you for a very long time, I bow to you, I only root for you. And today, on your birthday, I want to tell you that you are my joy and sorrow, you are my bright hope, you are the one for whom it is not at all a pity to give all your love and tenderness without a trace. I will become for you the kindest, strongest and bravest hero, husband, lover, protector and pleaser. Everything is for you, my love, my sun and moon, because you are the only one in the entire universe.

Sweet, dear, dear. You are my real destiny. I carried my love for you through the years, time. And I am infinitely happy that even when I was away from you, the dashing flame could not extinguish my love. May our great happiness live without sadness and worries.

For me, you are the best in everything: the most beautiful woman in the universe, the best cook in the world, the best psychologist on earth, the most loving mother and an unsurpassed wife. Only with you can I be happy, feel loved and irreplaceable. And on your birthday, I want to remind you that I live and breathe you only for you. So remain unchanged, just as gentle, and, of course, faithful.

You are my beloved sunshine, you are beautiful even at 50. For me, you are still a beauty that cannot be found in the whole world. The kindest, nicest, gentlest, you have become my destiny forever. I want to wish you a lot of health, may all your dreams come true.

My dear wife, today so many beautiful words sound in your honor. Please accept my wishes for you, long life and good health, youth, strength, beauty, may your cherished dreams always, not only on your birthday, come true. Smile more often, in a word, be happy.

Today is my big holiday, it’s my beloved wife’s birthday. How you want to say so many nice words that it just takes your breath away. You are my beloved soulmate, my most tender ray of sunshine, my gift from heaven. On your birthday, I wish you to remain the most beautiful, most desirable and most beloved woman in the whole world. Beloved, may all the flowers of the world fall at your feet on this day, may all the birds sing serenades to you today. Always remain my beloved wife!!!

Probably the greatest luck in my life is that I met you, my dearest and beloved wife. How many years have passed since we met, but practically nothing has changed, you are still the same young girl. I still remember our first meeting with you and I will probably never forget it. How many life situations we have experienced together, how many pleasant moments our marriage has given us. On your birthday, I want to wish you, my dear, to remain as sweet, beautiful and most beloved. Let your smile always be on your face, and only a good mood walks with you through life. Let no sorrows or adversities touch you, and believe me, I will always be there...

The hardest thing is not choosing a gift! The hardest thing is to find the right words on one of the most important days in your loved one's life. Do not limit yourself to stingy and banal phrases - speak sincerely and sincerely. And we tried our best to help you by collecting in one article several dozen beautiful congratulations for our beloved wives.

Happy birthday greetings to your wife in verse

It's my wife's birthday today,
The whole day is special for me.
And flowers, champagne, and inspiration
I only want to give it to you.
May you be surrounded by a rainbow of luck
A carousel through life, on earth.

My tender woman,
My sweet little flower.
Know that love is guaranteed for us
No commas or periods.
And there is no need for doubts,
Bad news will not scare us away.
I wish you on your birthday
Only happiness, love already exists.
I promise you, my wife,
Be a support always and in everything.
And heal wounds together,
And go through life together.

A lot has happened in our lives.
And insults hurt, it happened.
But love always knocked on our door
And again she made me believe.
You are my light on earth, my wife,
Happy birthday to you, dear.
Our life is woven from faith,
And with you alone there is no need for heaven.
May you be lucky, my beloved,
Just like in love you are lucky in everything.
You are my unique star,
My dawn, my sail and my home.

I will never tire of thanking fate
For you, my beloved wife.
I can do everything in the world for you,
For your irresistible eyes.
Happy birthday, my dear,
I give you my love.
I open up, I don’t hide my feelings,
Thank you for the comfort, for paradise.
May you be the happiest one,
I'll hurt myself for this.
If only all dreams come true,
If only sadness does not overtake you.

You are the embodiment of perfection.
Figure, speech, clear gaze.
Inexplicable bliss
Your hugs are promising.
Let everything in life work out
To you, my beloved,
And the sun laughs merrily,
Giving your energy.
To you, queen and idol,
I will give the heat of my soul.
All the color of the earth, all the stars of the world
I will lay it at your feet!
So that you can smile
And love me hotly,
I promise... to clean up
And take out the trash more often.

To you, dear, the one from a young age
I am dearer to everyone, dearer to everyone in the world,
The only one - there cannot be another! -
The one in whose eyes of love the light shines,
My poems (sorry, I wrote as best I could),
Flowers are your favorite, I know.
I congratulate you on your birthday,
Even if the monologue is a little confusing.
You are feminine, friendly, gentle,
Beautiful, just like when we first met.
I will thank fate forever
For the fact that you are nearby, only you alone!

My lawful wife!
I want to wish you
So that we understand each other
And they were not lazy to help!
So that you and I live peacefully,
We are still one family!
So that everything is mutual between us,
So that they never quarrel!
It doesn't matter how long we've been together,
I love you anyway,
And if I'm being honest,
I can't live even a day
I can't see without
Your smile and eyes
I couldn't even foresee
That you will always be with me!
Forgive me that I can't hear
What do you tell me sometimes?
Because I am sometimes capricious,
But know: I value you!
I wish you health
More warm, bright days,
So that you don't encounter grief
And may life be more fun!
Well, dear, congratulations
Happy birthday to you!
I wish you all the best,
And remember: we are one family!

Happy birthday to my wife.
My goldfish
Let's meet the new day with a smile.
To spite all envious people
I'm lucky to have you.
Happy birthday
And with all my heart I wish
A sea of ​​joy and happiness,
The rest is in our power!

On this clear spring day
I'll give you flowers
Happy Birthday.
Only you exist
For me in this wide world,
And also our home, family and our children!

A holiday will begin, a birthday,
With a gentle smile on your lips.
Love, fun, mood
And joy shines in the eyes.
May your heart love you tirelessly,
Giving care and warmth.
Let people see your happiness
And they will say: “Very lucky!”
I wish you to always be beautiful.
Let the house be illuminated with light.
Be my dear and beloved
And make your soul happy every day!

These sparkles in the eyes, I know, are only for me,
I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday, dear!
Neither flowers nor gifts will be able to convey,
How I love you, dear. I won't get tired of kissing
These hands that hug so tenderly, these lips...
Happy birthday, and I am happy to be with you.

The most beautiful in the world
Once upon a time a girl lived.
Beautiful, but not lazy,
Although not a princess, she is sweet.

She is the chosen one of the happy
I waited without any fuss,
I hope slim, beautiful,
And successful in business.

She's in front of me now
And I call her wife
And she waited for me.

My beloved princess
Happy birth to you, beautiful,
My beloved wife!

My other half,
I love you, no matter how you look at it,
You are not a brunette, not a blonde,
Just an angel in the flesh.

You were given to me by fate,
What doubts can there be?
Let love reign between us,
My wife, happy birthday.

There is no one more precious than you, wife,
You are the closest in the whole world,
Your love is drunker than wine,
It’s so sweet to be in a duet with you!

Sometimes I'll drive a nail into the wall
And all day long I walk around as a hero,
And if I cook borscht myself,
I’ll be a genius, I won’t hide it.

So why your wife,
Who is on duty in the kitchen all day,
I won't give you a medal?
Ungrateful, uncultured.

For being dressed in clean clothes,
I walk around full all the time,
Lunch without delay:
I arrive and the table is set.

I didn’t have time to get hungry
And a delicious dinner awaits.
I couldn't figure it out:
My wife adores me!

I don't want to hear about it
That in a couple someone loves more,
I need to cherish my home,
To kiss your wife.

A stock of good, gentle words
It’s time for me to replenish from now on,
So that I can without beating around the bush
Tell their other half.

Hug, notice her work,
Do not be stingy with thanks,
She is my precious emerald
And I am always silent arrogantly.

But I promise to change
Your bad behavior
And cook it on your birthday
Her favorite jam!

May she be happy
I will hug her with passion!
My beloved wife,
My only happiness!

There are two halves in the world,
Two blades of grass in the wind.
All the flowers from the basket,
Together with my heart I will give it!

Let your eyes shine with happiness
From home warmth.
And anxiety and bad weather
Dissolve to ashes!

Let romance fill
Our weekdays, evenings.
Let the heart sing a song,
May love always live!

For a beautiful wife
I'll reach the moon
I'll find a bright star
And I will give it to my beloved,
On her birthday,
Here's a gift for her
Beloved wife
I love more than life
And I will fulfill all your wishes,
Even childhood dreams
I will always be with you,
My beloved angel!

I want you today
Congratulations on such a famous day,
When a gift for me
You were created by your mother-in-law and father-in-law!

I thank them!
For you, dear little wife,
I will give this congratulations,
Knowing how important it is for you.

May your life be full
The warmth of the hearts of your loved ones.
I'm glad to fulfill it for you,
Whatever you ask for!

Beautiful birthday greetings to your wife

It was in you, my beloved, that I was able to find what I had always been looking for. You truly became my destiny, my soulmate. Every new day I love you even more than the previous day. With all my heart I want to tell you: “Congratulations!” Live brightly, remain as spectacular and attractive, gentle and kind, honest and attractive. May the Lord protect you from pain, grief and failure. Happy holiday!

Fate gave me the most luxurious gift in my life - my wife! She gave me everything a woman can give: affection, kindness, care, true love and home comfort. May your life be infinitely happy and infinitely long. And may my sincere feelings protect you from adversity and sorrow. May our family only grow and grow stronger over the years. Happy birthday, I love you very much!

My dear wife! You were and remain the most reliable and faithful companion in my life. And your birthday is not only yours, but also my holiday. I want to wish you a good mood, sincere smiles, good health. May there be more happy moments in your life, and may your friends be truly faithful. Remain as tender as a flower, as affectionate as a cat, and as beautiful as a Greek goddess. Happy holiday, my dear!

Happy birthday greetings to your wife in prose

There is a lot of happiness and joy in the world. But only when you're nearby. My beloved wife, a favorable fate gave you to me. I try my best to love you and take care of you. But I promise that I will try even better! My feelings for you are bottomless and endless. And may this long-awaited holiday bring even more positivity and bright emotions into our everyday lives. And may all your dreams come true. Congratulations!

There is no better and more beautiful woman in this world than you! I am incredibly happy that I got such a sweet, kind and sympathetic wife. Every year my love only grows stronger. Only thanks to you our home is filled with warmth and real family comfort. Let there be only joy and happiness, smiles and unexpected surprises in your life. Live in abundance and remain the same beauty. And I, as before, will try to protect you from all adversity.

Funny birthday greetings to your wife

Well, my dear wife, I congratulate you with all my heart! You know, if you were, for example, a tulip, I would definitely turn into a butterfly. If you were a green leaf, I would turn into the wind. And if you were a bird, then I would become a flowering tree. And would become a raging sea if you were a fish. But if you were a devil, I would turn into the most sinful person in the world, just to spend eternity in hell with you! If only I could just be there... Happy birthday, my love!

My wife is undoubtedly the most beautiful and wise woman! And she is beautiful not because I buy her tons of expensive branded cosmetics or a huge number of expensive earrings and rings. But because her beauty comes from within, illuminating everything around. And she is wise not because she managed to bewitch such an impeccable and worthy man like me. But because she gave birth to two children from him. Congratulations, my beauty! For me you are always the first!

Happy birthday greetings to your wife in your own words

On this day, all congratulations to my dear wife! For me, you are a ray of light in a dark night. Your kindness literally warms my heart. It's enough for me just to know that you are nearby. I have no one closer and dearer than you and never will be. There is not a single woman in this world who is worth even your little finger, believe me! I will do everything to make you the happiest. Happy holiday to you!

Today my wife celebrates her birthday, which means one of the most important days in our lives. May all the most beautiful flowers on this earth bloom just for you today. Let the birds sing, the streams ring, the sun shine... I want you to always have bright joy, brilliant luck, and excellent health in your life. Smile as often as possible, and remember: I love you, it simply cannot be stronger! Happy birthday!

I have found one amazing treasure in this life. This is my wife, who is celebrating her birthday today! For me, she always remains the most tender, sweet, caring and beloved. Know that I literally adore you! After all, you are not just a truly beautiful and charming woman, but you are also an excellent housewife, as well as the most caring mother. Please me longer and more often! Happy holiday!

Do you know beautiful birthday greetings to your beloved wife? Share with our readers in the comments!

Photo: upon request from Yandex and Google

Well, beloved wife,
Happy Birthday to You
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
And I wish you patience!

Yes, it's not easy with me,
Sometimes it drives me crazy:
I'm babbling nonsense
And I can’t find any socks.

But at the same time I love it
I am with all my heart and soul.
Without you I'm dying
You are my tender flower!

On this day I still wish
So that you smell and bloom,
So that everything bad is forgotten,
May your dream come true!

My beloved wife!
I want to congratulate you
You are more and more beautiful every year,
My love for you never fades!
I wish you bright emotions,
They are more important than any gifts,
Warmth and sunshine,
Be warmed by my love,
Health, my dear,
So that our family grows,
And go around at least half the country,
There is no more wonderful wife in the world!

Congratulations to the most wonderful woman in the world. A woman, without whom the light fades and a gray darkness descends on the earth - my beloved, adored wife, mother of my children. I wish you only health, and that your day always begins with joy. So that your heart will always be calm and exude the same tenderness and love, without which I have not imagined my life for a long time. I love you madly! Happy birthday!

The most beautiful, beloved and kind,
Cheerful, divine and excellent,
Beautiful and tender, insanely desirable,
So attractive and multifaceted,
I am writing congratulations to my sweet wife,
I wish you to bloom like a spring lily of the valley,
And so that all wishes come true faster.
My beloved, my sunshine, happy birthday!

Happy birsday, my dear,
Half, my angel,
I'm still fascinated as before
And captivated by you alone.

I wish, my joy,
So that you are happy
I was inspired more often
And she took care of our hearth.

Happy Birthday, sunny,
I will congratulate you.
My dear wife,

Affectionate, kind,
Full of tenderness
The only one in the world
You are my wife.

Your life and soul
I give it to you
Again and again I confess,
That I love you.

To my beloved woman,
What is the most beautiful and sweetest of all
I hasten to voice my congratulations
Have a wonderful birthday!

There is no such wife in the world,
Beloved, sweet, mischievous,
I wish you, dear,
Prosperity in all your plans!

I don't want beauty
It is given to you in full,
I don’t wish you goodness and happiness,
After all, those who are loved are always happy!

I wish you to stay
The same loving wife,
So that all dreams come true,
And may the Lord protect you!

I am happy to congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you health and happiness.
With a smile, in a good mood,
Our path through life will continue.

Let there be everything: thunderstorms, blizzards,
I still love you.
But what you have in my life,
I say thank you to fate.

I can't forget that moment
When we met you.
It's like you're straight out of the pages of Shakespeare
She came down and appeared before me.

Steal my soul forever
In return, bestowing a taste for life,
Wife, beloved, dear
Happy Birthday to You!

Be as beautiful as you are now,
Healthy, full of joy,
With you through anything
I will live my life to the end!

I dedicate my poems to my beloved wife.
I promise to carry you in my arms.
My dear, my gift from fate,
I'm happy to have someone like you next to me!

You are gentle, sweet, smart, kind,
And as a hostess she is absolutely incomparable.
A wonderful mother, a lifelong friend,
My dear, dear wife.

I wish you harmony, peace and light,
So that there is a warm summer in your soul.
I wish you that your dreams come true,
So that everything is the way only you want!

On your beloved's birthday
And to my only wife,
I wish you to be beautiful
And doubly happy!

Never get bored
And I would be the best
So that you have, dear,
You are always a success in everything!

A few words about how you can present such birthday greetings to your wife:

It can be written on a beautiful card that will be placed in a basket of flowers. When you give your wife a gift, be sure to read her the masterpiece you have chosen.

If you do not live on a very high floor, you can recite congratulatory poems or prose under the window (like a real serenade). The success of your enterprise will be guaranteed!

If you decide to congratulate your wife in a romantic and unusual way, read her congratulations above the ground. Book a hot air balloon flight and just enjoy the moment.

They say husband and wife
There is only one Satan in life:
B Wife's birthday −
My husband is not afraid of devils!

Congratulations, my angel,
Always be yourself!
It was just hard to decide
What to give today.

And then I slowly
I realized that my soul
Wants to give himself...

So it’s not in vain that we’re married!

I don't know how to write beautiful words,
I didn’t learn any nice loud phrases, sorry.
But believe me, I won’t regret it for a second,
What have you met me on the path of life!

Today is your holiday, and, of course, mine too,
After all, we are now one, and you are my love,
You are the best friend in the world, you are more valuable than all riches,
May happiness and success follow you!

My wife is a charm!
Lord, thank you for your wife.
She is a heavenly creature
As they said in the old days.
She is kind, gentle, beautiful,
Everything definitely suits her!
If I try to say something different -
She... will break my head!

The morning will come, and your
In a moment the rose will open its petals...
Let your tender eyes
They don't know what tears are.
Let everything be as you want.
Let your expectations not be deceived.
And all the beautiful dreams
They will become your reality!

Cozy, warm, bright house,
And all guests enjoy it.
And the queen rules that house,
Master in all matters!

A wonderful wife and mother -
You can't find these now!
And often with my wisdom
She shared without fuss.

And how to organize what,
What to read in philosophy
What's the best way to arrange furniture?
What should you season the dish with?

And in raising children
She has already surpassed Rousseau.
And above the writing path
It's time to think...

Allow me, beloved, dear,
Give you flowers
Adding everything I want,
To what you want.

Captivated, my beloved,
Your charm!
I always try to surprise
A gift and attention!

I give flowers to my wife
Not only on your birthday,
Let happiness decorate life
Great mood!

Kind and gentle, smart and beautiful...
You were created miraculously by nature,
Like a fairy tale, like a song, like a mountain stream
Swift, pure, free, no one's.
So be full of health and happiness!
There is only one You in my heart!

Happy birthday wife
Olga, my dear
I don't like you
I love it very much

I bought you a cake
And I didn’t forget the flowers
Here, I give it with all my heart
And thank you for everything

Happy birthday, dear! This is our happy hour. Let us live without despondency, Even though we quarrel sometimes. There is no shame that we go over the edge: There is no life without an argument, Like a loaf without salt!

Happy birthday to my dear wife
I hasten to congratulate you on this day!
I wish you a lot of happiness and luck,
To make life a hundred times more fun!
I wish you to always be as sweet
Dear, beloved and always beautiful!

I am glad to congratulate my beloved wife
And I wish you many rewards in life!
Happy Birthday baby, have fun and sing!
Don't forget that I am always with you!
On this beautiful day, dreams will come true
Because you deserve it!

You're far away... I miss you
And happy birthday today!
I want you to always be beautiful!
I kiss you passionately today!
And may everyone’s wishes come true...
I am writing in hopes of seeing you soon!

We crossed the field of life with you,
It’s not in vain that we live with you, little wife.
We worked and argued with fate,
Giving each other the warmth of our souls.
It was both very easy and difficult for us,
Life was full of misfortune and happiness,
But today you, my friend,
Like a young tree, slender.
Your face breathes the spring wind,
And it doesn’t matter that there are wrinkles on it.
After all, this is the book of our lives being written
Confident years ahead.

Do you remember, honey, our dates,
We walked with you under the moonlight,
I always kept my promises
And now, on your birthday,

I promise to love you more
I promise to help with everything,
Let the two of you and I go gray -
I will want you all my life!

Be healthy and bright, dear wife!
On your birthday and always, beaming with joy,
You illuminate my life to the envy of everyone around me.
Let the stork fly to our family soon! ©

Your hands are warmth and peace,
Your body is a breath of fire.
Oh, how lucky I am with my wife!
Happy Birthday, my dear!

I want the years to go by
Leaving you unchanged.
After all, on all continents of the Earth,
Only you are the ideal for me!

Happy birth into the world, wife,
I trust you in humility,
I dedicate poems to you,
On a special day - congratulations!
Accept gifts today,
My praise and worship!

I want you happy birthday
Dear wife, congratulations,
Let me touch your lips,
And whisper a wish,
See a gentle smile
To become your slave today. ©

Darling, happy birthday!
I wish you a wonderful mood,
It's such a joy to be with you,
And admire your beauty,
And even though I don’t always bring flowers,
But in my heart there is only you!

My beloved woman,
In everything, you are good to me!
I wish you success at work!
Let there be less hassle and worries!
And your every year will be happy!

My beloved wife,
You are so important to me!
I'm sending an SMS,
Happy birthday.
Let your dreams come true
And the plans will come true! ©

I'll get up early today
(Oh, if only I had enough strength!),
Jumping up from my favorite sofa,
I'll go to the flower shop.
And my choice is simple and clear:
I'll buy red roses for my wife,
So that everyone whispers a flower
My congratulations in her ear.
I kiss her and hug her
And happy birthday!

You are the mother of my children
wife - you and friend,
The adviser is skilled in business!
you are like the keeper of the hearth
Like a friend's right hand
and your name is like a song on my lips.

You are the patient string of the mandolin
You are friendly with wisdom and so smart!
Virtuoso in the kitchen - there are no equals here
You don’t wait for helpers - you can do everything yourself!

Always fresh and good beautiful!
When do you get everything done?
Because beauty is true and open
and you can see how hard you try!

I highly appreciate your skills!
You are great. I praise you more than once!
And I tenderly congratulate you on your birthday.
I will be the best husband only for you!!!