Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Nh3 is a type of chemical. What are the properties and name of the substance NH3? Physical properties of ammonia

Nh3 is a type of chemical. What are the properties and name of the substance NH3? Physical properties of ammonia

During hikes, tourists often find themselves near bodies of water, and when swimming they can get into dangerous situation: my foot slipped off the stone, a whirlpool tightened, my muscles cramped. It is important for those who go on a hike to know the rules of behavior in water, as well as to be able to provide assistance to drowning people.

Risk of drowning

Children and people under the influence of alcohol are especially at risk of drowning.

Other common reasons drowning:

  • diving injuries;
  • overheating of the body in the sun;
  • overwork.

Once in a whirlpool, you need to dive, make a jerk under the water to the side with the current and float to the surface.

If your leg gets tangled in seaweed, free it with one hand without sudden movements.

If it suits you a big wave, breathe in air and dive under it.

Rescue from water

When rescuing a drowning person, speed is extremely important - the faster measures are taken, the lower the risk that the drowning person's brain will be damaged due to circulatory problems.

If the drowning person has not yet lost strength and is conscious, throw him the end of the rope, Lifebuoy or another floating object that you can lean on.

If a person is unconscious or his strength has depleted, then act as follows:

  1. Run along the shore as close as possible to the drowning man.
  2. Take off your shoes, outerwear and turn the pockets inside out (otherwise water will accumulate in them).
  3. Swim to the drowning man. It is worth considering that if a drowning person is conscious, he can convulsively grab onto the rescuer, dragging him to the bottom. To avoid such a capture, you need to swim up to the drowning person from behind. To free yourself from the capture, you need to dive under the water with the drowning person: he will try to stay on the surface and let go of the rescuer.
  4. If a person goes under water, dive, if possible, with with open eyes and swim along the bottom. Having found a drowning person, grab him by the arm, hair or armpits, push hard from the bottom and float up.

Transportation of the victim can be carried out in the following ways:

  • By grabbing the head under the lower jaw, the victim's face should be raised above the water.
  • Grabbing under the armpits.
  • Grab the victim's hair or collar, holding the victim's head above the water.
  • By grabbing the arm with your back to yourself, the rescuer floats on his side.

First aid

If a person is unconscious, but his pulse and breathing are preserved:

  • Tilt the victim's head back and extend his lower jaw;
  • Kneel down and place the victim on top of your bent leg, letting his head hang down;
  • Clear the victim's mouth of foreign bodies;
  • Squeeze water out of your lungs and stomach by pressing on your back.

If the person is not breathing, artificial respiration must be performed. When there is also no pulse, indirect cardiac massage must be added to artificial respiration (two people can do this at the same time).

Artificial respiration "mouth to mouth":

  • Undress the victim;
  • Lay him on his back, his head should be thrown back;
  • Turn the victim’s head to the side, pull out the tongue;
  • Take a deep breath, close the victim's nostrils;
  • Press your lips to the victim’s mouth and exhale quickly (within 1 second);
  • Repeat the cycle 12-15 times per minute.

Indirect cardiac massage:

Place the victim on hard surface. The legs can be raised half a meter;

  • Stand to the side;
  • Place one palm on the lower half of the victim's sternum, perpendicular to it. Place your other hand on top. Fingers should not touch the victim's chest;
  • Arms should be straight;
  • Without bending your arms, make quick thrusts. The victim's sternum should bend by one third, that is, by about 5 cm (in an adult).

Saving drowning people is not only the concern of rescuers...
Part No. 2 (Don’t swim without “contact with the shore”)
Part No. 3 (Call for help - need to be EFFECTIVE)
Part No. 4 (Float - which is not on the fishing rod)
Part No. 5 Completion. (Don't interfere with the rescuers doing their job)

tut_da writes

Saving drowning people is not only the concern of rescuers...

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tut_da writes

Don't swim without being connected to the shore.
Continuing the topic: What can increase your chances of salvation.

Very often, a group arriving at the beach cheerfully takes off their clothes and, with the whole crowd, rushes into the water. They get out of the water, look at the “extra” sneakers and run to the lifeguard, because... “Some of them didn’t come out of the water!” Anyone who comes to the beach alone has every chance that his drowning will become noticeable only in the evening - by the remaining clothes.

The chances of saving such a victim of “water and chance” are minimal. It’s not lifeguards who get such swimmers, but scuba divers, and they don’t always find them...

At one time, in pioneer camps, when bathing groups, there was a rule: There should be no more than 8 (or preferably fewer) pioneers per rescuer (or counselor) in the water. This was completely justified and there were very few drowned pioneers. Even if such an emergency happened, it was due to the fact that one of the elders was away, and it was at that moment that the accident occurred.

How can this practice be applied to swimming at the beach? Very simple! Don't lose touch with the shore! Leave someone from the company on the shore. Let him watch everyone and be on the lookout. He will swim later... But the presence of such a “watcher” increases the chances of salvation by an order of magnitude.

What to do if you come to the beach alone? Don't be shy and ask the rescuer to look after your belongings. A normal rescuer will never refuse. (If he refuses, consider that there is NO lifeguard on the beach.) You will be calmer about your belongings, and the lifeguard will track your movements along the beach water area - this is already from the field of psychology. This will not increase the likelihood that you will not drown, but it will increase the chances of timely rescue.

And in conclusion, two cases from practice: with a good ending, and a funny case.

History RAZ
The peaceful bathing of the swimmers and the calm work of the rescuers were interrupted by a heart-rending female scream:
- It's getting drowning! Ah-ah-ah-ah!
After such a scream, you jump up as if stung and rush towards the scream. A woman screamed. Something large was thrashing around in the water. The depth in the place where the large object was located was no more than 160-180 cm. Somehow you immediately determine that this is not a joke, but a real problem. And if there’s a problem, let’s run up to our waists and swim!
- How can I swim behind his back? What's his weight? - all sorts of thoughts come into my head...
The object floundered so that it did not see the approaching rescuer. And it was impossible to determine his gender/size/age because of the splashes.
And when I got within arm's length and tried to grab it, another problem arose. It was not possible to grab and deploy. But getting hit on the forearm with a powerful blow really worked out. With some cunning (there’s no other word for it), he swam up from behind and was already preparing for transportation, but the convulsive panic of the rescue objects complicated the task.
The thought even appeared: - STOMACH, but it was not implemented. The depth allowed me to simply rest my feet on the bottom. The bottom turned out to be even closer than I expected.
Standing calmly at the bottom, I could hold a drowning man with a grip from behind. The water reached “just above my armpits.”
Carefully, step by step, I began to move my back towards the shore. The rescued man continued to thrash with his arms and legs until the water was just above my waist.
It was at this moment that he calmed down. He rested his feet on the bottom, and... His height was about 160 cm.
Then there was the standard procedure: Calm down, go to the first aid station, sign a certificate “about rescue on the waters”, fight off the obsessive friendship of the rescued person. By the way, not everyone tries to “make friends”; some simply withdraw into themselves.
You are probably wondering: What and how did it happen?
And it was like this:
Dad and son played in the water. The game was that dad would sit down, the son would stand in his arms, and dad would throw him out of the water. The child dived and was very happy. In this game, the thrower stands facing the shore at a depth just below the shoulders.
At some point, dad couldn’t keep his balance and fell backwards. The depth became greater, dad did not know how to swim and, for this reason, fell into a panic.
The mother-in-law watched all this and at the first panicky movements she let out a “terrible” scream. Then you already know everything.
Why don't she scream? There is no guarantee that everything would have worked out, because... The little son didn’t even understand that dad was drowning and not “playing the fool.” And it’s good that the boy didn’t come to the rescue...

History of TWO

The end of the working day on the beach of the recreation center was overshadowed by the appearance of a woman who simply ran out onto the beach, looked wildly at the surroundings and, not seeing the swimmers, moved towards us.
-Have you ever seen such a bald man with a tattoo? He was still dressed in... (list of clothes)
The woman was very worried, and I remembered the man “bald with a tattoo,” but I didn’t know what clothes he was wearing.
- What kind of swimming trunks were you wearing? – I asked a completely reasonable question.
- And where he?
- I don't know. I may have seen it, but I don’t know where I went. And I don’t know what clothes he’s wearing. Mostly everyone here is wearing swimming trunks.
- You, young man, don’t mock me! – the woman began to boil, “Where is he?”
- I'm not kidding, but as you can see for yourself, he is not here.
There was really no one on the beach, except for the three of us. The time has come for the “evening feeding” - dinner.
- And where he?
- We do not know. He may have gone somewhere, but he’s not on the beach.
- I see that. Where did he go?
- We do not know. We are rescuers.
- Yes, you don’t know anything. You've got a mess here! Nobody knows anything!
Continuing to scold us and everyone around, the woman headed off the beach and almost left...
This “almost” changed our entire routine for the evening. She found her husband's things near the bushes. All those things that she described to us.
From a short conversation we managed to find out: they are not vacationers - they have a dacha nearby; the neighbors don't have it; she looked everywhere - he didn’t come to the store and didn’t buy anything; no acquaintances at the base; she had already looked for him everywhere.
By the end of the conversation, it became clear what to look for in the water; When you are sure to find only a body, you need to call the police, start a rescue boat and scrape the bottom with a grappling hook. There is little chance of “catching the body”, because The water is running, but they are there.
The unfortunate woman was sent to the first aid station because... she simply fell into a state of quiet idiocy. The head of the base went by car to bring a policeman. The rescuers (that is, us) began to “scrape the bottom.”
Every time the “cat” caught something (and there is a lot of crap on the deep part of the beach), an unpleasant chill ran down my back. Having pulled out yet another piece of trash, I reassured myself: “Well, at least we’ll clean the beach.”
Vacationers who had run out of dinner began to observe our actions. They somehow found out that someone had drowned...
It was getting dark. The search became more and more hopeless, and the gasoline was running out... We landed on the shore without staining the body.
Then a smart guy came up to me and asked an idiotic question:
- Didn’t you find it?
- No! Found! They hid it in my pocket! – the speech was of course flavored with interjections...
- And I’m not fucking surprised! Everything here is completely screwed up! – the man did not let up.
- What do you want? – I stopped his words.
- Yes, fuck, if you are drowning in broad daylight, then it’s understandable...
- What do you want?
- My clothes were squeezed...
I didn't let him finish. He turned his right shoulder towards him, and there was a tattoo.
This was not the guy I remembered, but “what the hell is it?” I took the reluctant man for identification to the first aid station to see his wife.
She identified him and fell into hysterics with tears. I understood her very much, which cannot be said about her husband.
His attack:
- Me, what? Can't sit with friends? Can't you have a little drink? Why are you spying on me?...
And further in the same spirit. But the woman did not object and cried quietly. I tried to calm my frantic husband, but I couldn’t. While I and the water rescue service became the object of his indignation, the woman calmed down and gave him such a slap in the face that he simply fell out of the first-aid post... And all his pride vanished from him, and his wife calmed down. She collected his things and left the first aid station, and he trotted after her in only his swimming trunks, making excuses as he went.
The base chief and the policeman who arrived did not find the drowned man. The policeman was indignant at first, but the argument “Did you want to talk to a corpse?” brought him back to good location spirit, and the head of the base offered to “fire” it with smoked fish.
That was the end of it. A little funny, but instructive.
Always try to keep in touch with the shore! Make every effort to reduce the start time of your rescue.

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tut_da writes

You need to call for help EFFECTIVELY!
What is the correct way to call for help?

This question, in a personal message and not as a comment, was asked to me three times.
Digression: Write in the comments - it will be more pleasant for me;)

But really HOW to effectively call for help? Apparently I work some stereotypes, and it’s not shameful to imagine effective method it happens with great difficulty.

Look around large cluster people. Who catches your eye? Someone who looks or behaves inappropriately, unlike others. You can forget about the spectacular appearance. In the water, your swimsuit attracts the attention of others, or leopard print swimsuits from DolceGabano are completely invisible under water. Everything is under water, only your head is above water. For this reason appearance is swept aside immediately.

The only way is to behave inappropriately. How? – I’ll tell you this in more detail.

Let's think about it! How do the majority of vacationers behave? They splash in the shallows, laugh, talk, swim quietly, swim sportily, play ball (distracting attention with a sharply moving object and splashes when falling after the ball), sunbathe on drifting air mattresses, etc. Those. everyone is happy with life and everything is fine with them.

And you have a problem! Either the limb STARTED to cramp, the heart STARTED to seize, consciousness STARTED to slip away, water got into the nose and you STARTED to choke... (It was not for nothing that I highlighted the words denoting the BEGINNING OF THE PROCESS). This is scary! This is the possible beginning of your end! Scary? A normal person is scared. Do you want to live? - so fight!

Forget all moral standards, forget about your official position, spit on public opinion– start fighting for your life!

Splash and foam the water? – useless and takes a lot of energy (people splashing on the beach)
Wave your hand? - bad signal. (Hello and hi - no action)
Drown? – there is nothing more stupid (the chances that your action will be correctly assessed are minimal, but the chance that you may not emerge is very high)

The only thing you can do well and effectively is YELL! It doesn’t matter what you yell! But you have to yell at the top of your lungs and as stupidly loud as possible!

This will attract attention. Even if not the rescuer, then those who are closer to you, and by their already inappropriate behavior - the attention of the rescuer.

How long to yell? Ideally, until you are sure that the rescuer is saving you. But more often than not, just as much as you can without worsening your situation.

The worst option is water that gets into your respiratory tract... (this is a separate topic and will be discussed later)

Having given a signal in this way, you can be sure that you have already taken the first step towards your salvation.

And if you think that “You will later be ashamed of your behavior,” understand the main thing - “It may turn out that it will not matter to you at all “WHAT THEY WILL SAY GOODLY, GUIDING YOU ON YOUR FINAL JOURNEY.” (If, of course, they find and identify).

And according to established tradition... An incident from life (briefly)

... screaming in falsetto: “Aaaaah! They're raping me!" belonged to a man with a solid belly, who unsuccessfully (before he surfaced) inhaled after the dive... For this reason, he did not swallow any water and remained alive...

And to the question:
- Why do they rape?
- Well, you are men. So it should have caught your attention. At least out of curiosity!

Like this! A completely idiotic association was born in his brain, which prompted us (the rescuers) to take timely action.

P.S. Why shout on foreign beaches? Here you need to use your imagination, but HELP or AAAAAAAAA! I believe they will be effective.

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tut_da writes

"Float" - which is not on a fishing rod

I already mentioned one of the reasons leading to drowning. This reason is water entering the respiratory tract. The body involuntarily tries to get rid of a foreign object in the respiratory tract by coughing.

The “float” develops according to the following scenario: 1 - you inhaled water; 2 – You clear your throat, trying to stick your head out of the water as high as possible; 3 – start inhaling; 4 – you begin to dive into the water, because you tried to jump out of the water very quickly and high, but you cannot hold your head at such a height; 5 – finish your inhalation just below the water level; 6 – go to point No. 1. All! The cycle is complete! From the outside it really looks like a float.

Very often people get into the “float” state when swimming against a wave, when colliding with a wave from a motor boat, simply being scared of something. Then everything can come to a state of drowning. But what to do? How to deal with this?

Let's break it all down:
The only way to stop coughing is to clear your throat. And this is unchanged.
Swimming only in calm conditions, in deserted bodies of water, is also not realistic.
It is also beyond our power to exclude any surprises. It is possible to reduce their chance, but not to eliminate them completely.

So you need to clear your throat correctly! There is nothing complicated about this. You don’t need to exert maximum strength to ensure that your head is as high as possible in the water. You need to exert just enough force so that your INHALE is above the water! Those. You can exhale in water, but inhale - only OVER the water. It requires some concentration, but the result is worth it!

A few words on the topic HOW TO INHALE? Despite all the seeming absurdity of this question, this is really important. You can inhale through your nose or through your mouth. It seems like the nose is higher, but the mouth is wider. When you cough, you exhale, and the previous breath was not full. You don't have enough oxygen! And you involuntarily inhale through your MOUTH! The body did everything right - inhaling through the mouth is more effective. Don't be afraid that your mouth is lower than your nose, because... - 7cm doesn’t make any difference to the weather.

But water running down your face can cause a lot of trouble. To understand this, do a little training.

Get in the shower. Let there be plenty of water. Make sure that the water flows down your face. Try to inhale sharply through your nose. Just don't breathe in very deeply. Water will get into your nose and you will cough.

Cleared your throat? Try inhaling through your mouth in the same situation. The water will remain in your mouth and there will be no cough. But you can spit water out of your mouth. And by experimenting with the position of the tongue in the mouth when inhaling, you can achieve very good results.

And one more exercise that is best practiced in the bathroom. Fill the bathtub with water and lie down in it. Start inhaling, through your mouth, above the water and begin to submerge. The moment water starts to enter your mouth, close your mouth and stop inhaling. Reinforce this skill. Next, practice - exhale into the water, hold your breath. It should finally be ingrained in your brain: mouth in water - don’t inhale! Train yourself to keep your mouth closed under water. (The practice of “keeping your mouth closed in an inappropriate situation” is generally useful in other situations)

I will separately dwell on the nuance of the “float” that arose due to waves in the reservoir. All actions are similar. Additionally: you need to turn away from the wave; carry out all actions with its (wave) rhythm.

A case from one's life

It is not exactly about the “float”, but it will allow you to understand how a rescuer can behave...

Passing the lifeguard exam is a fairly simple undertaking. Very often it is carried out formally (theory, first aid, practice in the pool). You can only fail these exams if you don’t want to take them.

Becoming a lifeguard instructor is a completely different approach, but this title is worth it.

Lifeguard - works only in swimming season, i.e. maximum 4 months. The rest of the time, you can earn anything, just not salvation. The Rescue Instructor (in addition to working as a rescuer in the summer) gives lectures, trains future rescuers - almost a full year and has a scholarship (he previously had it under DOSAAF). The salary of a rescue instructor is 40% higher than that of an ordinary rescuer.

Typically, a lifeguard instructor is hired in the third/fourth year of working as a lifeguard. This turns out to be due to the fact that the operating time must be at least 500 hours, and at least 15 people must be saved. (Since a rescuer works 6 hours a day, in a month you can work no more than 180 hours. In a season - 720) Theoretically, you can do everything in a season, but since... I want to relax and swim with friends, the lifeguard's work time per season is 200-250 hours.

And I managed 1000 hours and 19 saved during the season.

And I went to study to become a lifeguard instructor. 150 hours of theory. 100 hours of training in the pool. First aid practice (and not just for drowning)… And then the exam.

Almost everyone passed the theory... There were 18 of us. I'm the youngest. But the provision of first aid - this is where the blockages began... And you can only retake it next year... The slightest mistake - “goodbye, see you in the new year.” There are 11 people left.

The most difficult exam has begun. The rescue. It was held in the swimming pool. During the exam for a lifeguard, you just had to swim up correctly and start towing... And for the lifeguard instructor, the “drowning man” behaved like a real drowning man, and even cunning and dirty...

The “drowning man” almost drowned the first examinee with his actions... “Goodbye, see you new year.” The second one was simply afraid to swim close... - “Goodbye.”

An understanding of what I would have to endure began to emerge... I had never had to save such a “drowning” person.
And now my turn has come (second to last).

When my turn came, the jitters disappeared and I swam. I couldn’t swim from behind, no matter how hard I tried, no matter how hard I tried, the person being rescued was facing me. Grab me by the hair and drown me... As soon as I extended my hand, I realized what was going to happen... Grabbing my hand, the “rescued man” pulled himself towards me and grabbed me. We need to move on to liberation from capture...

We press it down - it doesn’t come off. We try to push it away from ourselves - the grip is such that we can’t even put our hand through. We try to “make it very painful” with our knee in the groin, but I don’t get it, and the grip gets stronger, and the air starts to run out, but I can’t breathe...
I felt with my hand “the tender places of the person being saved” - I squeezed! It worked! The grip weakened a little, the opportunity arose to push it away from me - I squeezed it, and then... And then... I knocked out the “rescued” person... And I was already saving a really drowning person.

I passed the exam. Only two of us gave up: me and the last one.

Then I came over to apologize.

That's when I heard a phrase that I still remember:

“You save a person’s life. You are his last hope. He will forgive you everything, just because you saved him. But if you drown while saving him, you stole his last hope and you will never forgive yourself for this.”

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tut_da writes

Don't interfere with rescuers doing their job.
(Table of contents)

I will dwell in detail on the question “How not to disturb the rescuer(s)?”

While on the beach, the lifeguard is at work. The lifeguard, at this moment, has priority tasks related to the safety of those who are on the beach and in the water area entrusted to him.

In addition to the hindrance of distracting the rescuer with conversations, there are more dangerous options for “help.” The saddest thing is that when acting at the behest of the heart, trying to help, a person unwittingly creates a hindrance.

This does not apply to verbal advice “how to do mouth-to-mouth breathing,” although this is just as annoying, nor to assistance in “pushing away the boat”... To a greater extent, this concerns attempts to “save a drowning person yourself.”

It’s good if you have the appropriate training, but this training will not allow you to rescue without a person who is insuring you and is no less prepared. Rescued by a well-coordinated team. Everyone on this team knows what to do and how to do it.

Trying to save a drowning person yourself very often leads to more work for the rescuer... It is added at a time and the chances of being able to save everyone are minimal.

When we were given lectures, it was repeated many times that “It’s time to agree on who is doing what in extreme situation, there are no lifeguards. This means that all actions must be brought to automaticity and discussed BEFORE taking up the post.” This is an unshakable rule, and, precisely for this reason, rescuers do not like replacements in their composition. And no one likes substitutions in a well-established team.

An attempt to “help” breaks the established mechanism of interaction and forces one to be distracted and make adjustments to the well-functioning mechanism.

This may sound crazy at first glance, but by grabbing a life preserver (to make it easier for the rescuer and save him energy), by “helping” you distract him... You have to be distracted by you (carrying the life preserver)... Where are you carrying the life preserver? To the boat? Or are you rushing with him after the lifeguard swimmer? Do you have time to carry this circle? Have you captured the tench? Or is it dragging along the sand behind you and now you need to reel it in? And while these actions distract the rescuer, precious moments are lost. This remark applies not only to the lifebuoy, but also to helping to “push the boat away from the shore”, to secure the rescue swimmer.

Ideally, the maximum you can afford to help a rescuer is:
1. inform him about the emergency situation as quickly as possible;
2. quickly leave the pond yourself
3. remove children from the shore and from the water
4. carefully watch the actions of the rescuer (I’ll explain in detail a little later “why?”)
5. when a rescuer provides assistance on the shore, be nearby, because Your physical strength may be required.

Now in more detail point by point...

With items 1 and 5, questions usually do not arise. Points 2 and 3 - in order not to end up in the queue for rescue (God forbid - of course, the rescuers are busy), and not to interfere with the rescuers transporting the victim.
P.4. – this is important in cases where the rescue was unsuccessful or the rescued person has claims against the rescuers. By telling “how, what, in what order it happened,” you will fulfill your civic duty. If the rescuer acted incorrectly, he must be punished. And if the rescued person’s claims are not justified, this will protect the rescuer from accusations and save him a lot of nerves, and possibly health.

In conclusion, there are two cases from practice, and, as usual, sad and comical:

An inflatable mattress is not a guarantee of unsinkability

Two young men, floating on an air mattress, noticed what they thought was a girl who needed help. How everything was there, in fact, is now impossible to find out, incl. I will stick to the official version. The decision to save was born immediately and put into practice. Swimming as close as possible, they tried to pull the girl to the mattress, but the mattress turned over and they all ended up in the water.

The chance of saving all three is almost minimal. When rescuers arrived at the scene, they were able to save only one. The rescued man's friend and the woman drowned. It is noteworthy that the person who was rescued was someone who could not swim. The drowned man knew how to swim, but this did not help him. The woman has two children left. She and her husband were on the beach at that moment, but did not even notice (until the search for the bodies began) the absence of their mother.

And from the rescue tower, it didn’t look like a rescue. It looked like an unsuccessful attempt to get acquainted. And then, after the mattress turns over, it’s like two people drowning. What prompted young people to take such actions is still a mystery to me. (An examination of alcohol in the blood of none of the participants in this drama was found)

Unrequited love is not a reason to spoil the statistics on salvation.

It was getting dark. The weather was not conducive to active swimming, and people sunbathed more, and in the late afternoon the beach was almost empty. The working day was drawing to a close. It warmed my soul that I didn’t have to go into the water in such weather.

A couple of young people began to quarrel again (not for the first time in the half day they spent on the beach). The guy got up, collected his things and decisively moved from the beach. The girl, it seemed to us, also began to get ready, but slowly and thoroughly.

The working day ended and we began to put away our inventory. At that moment, only we, the girl and a group of about five people were left on the beach playing checkers (or backgammon) in the far corner of the beach. When we were ready to go change clothes, the girl decided to swim and we remained at our post.

How did I understand that she did not bathe, but drowned herself? – I won’t answer this question now. She was lucky that she didn’t swim far and I arrived in time.
- What are you doing, fool? A?
- And what? I don’t care... Who needs me? I'll drown anyway...

I had to explain that drowning on the beach is stupid, because... there are rescuers here. Not only will they not let you drown, but if they don’t watch, then they will have to answer. But the rescuers are not to blame for her mental anguish. They decided on that and parted ways.

As it turned out - exactly until our next duty.

Everything repeated itself “neck to neck” until the moment the young man headed off the beach. The girl immediately ran to drown herself. We were on alert and saved him almost immediately. I didn't even have to swim. The depth was below my shoulders, but she took a good drink. Apparently she was already quite prepared for drowning.

And so, when I was taking the girl out onto the sand, a voice was heard:
- Why are you touching my girlfriend? Hands off!

The guy apparently returned and now decided to test his license. The guy was strong, but somehow ill-mannered. We didn’t know each other, but he was immediately on first name terms. We focused his attention on this aspect of his upbringing.

The girl blew her nose and coughed. (Still, she drank a fair amount of water...) We began to carry out standard actions when water gets into the lungs. The guy continued to mumble something.

The girl recovered a little and was able to sit up on her own. She sat and cried. The guy began to behave simply defiantly. Some strange argumentation about “the inadmissibility of touching his girlfriend”, promises to “sort it out here and now”...

What are you jumping about? – I switched the same to you, - What difference does it make that she’s your girlfriend? What have you brought her to? Consider it drowned. She doesn't exist. Your girlfriend is gone. The booth was closed. Get out of here.
- I'm not going anywhere. This is my girlfriend.
- Do you love her or what?
- No.
- Why are you fussing then?
- She is my girlfriend…

Word for word, it all ended with us handing over the “girl’s owner” to the police, because... He tried to move from words to physical actions.

When the guy was taken away, I asked the girl: “Why do you love him so much?”, and received the answer “I don’t love him. He’s my boyfriend – he’s the one who should love me.”

After such a statement, we simply fell into a stupor...
And... they called an ambulance. Still, she had water in her lungs... We didn’t see her again. And that season, no one else drowned among us.

I don’t know how everything worked out for them. But I’m still surprised by this “logic”...

This article is the final one. Summer is gradually approaching its logical end... It's time to finish with the lifeguards on the beach and move on to something else...


Rules for rescuing a drowning person on water

IN summer time The only salvation from the heat is water. Children especially love to swim, but often forget about water safety. Therefore, each of us is obliged to know the basic rules for rescuing a drowning person on water, so that, if necessary, we can use them and save lives.

Let's look at the main rules for rescuing a drowning person on water, and we will also determine our actions to save a drowning person or a just drowned person on the water, actions in cases where a person has choked on water or his leg has cramped.

What to do if you start to drown

1. If you feel that your strength is leaving you and you are starting to drown, do not panic, calm down!
If you panic, you will not be able to loudly call for help, as you will choke on water even more.
2. Take off excess clothes and shoes.

3. Use one of the methods of staying on the water:

Method 1 - supine pose:

    roll over onto your back, spread your arms wide, relax, take a few deep breaths.

Method 2 - horizontal pose

    Lying on your stomach, take in lungs full of air, hold it and exhale slowly.

Method 3 - "float"

    take a deep breath and immerse your face in the water, hug your knees with your hands, press them to your chest and exhale slowly under water.

4. When you have more or less calmed down, call for help!
5. If you hurt yourself during a dive and lose coordination, exhale a little: air bubbles will show you the way up.
6. If you are pushed or fall into a deep place, and you do not know how to swim, push off from the bottom, jump and take in air. Then stay on the water using the above methods.

How to save a drowning person on the water

When relaxing on the sea, lake, river, if it is necessary to provide assistance to a drowning person, we must clearly control our actions and know how best to save a drowning person on the water.

We will list the basic rules, actions, methods of saving a drowning person on the water and answer questions about how to save a drowning person on the water.

How to save a drowning person on the water:

1. Attract the attention of others by loudly shouting “The man is drowning!”

3. Throw a lifebuoy, rubber tube or inflatable mattress, a long rope with a knot at the end, if such a means is available nearby.

4. Take off your clothes and shoes and swim to the drowning person.

5. If, when talking to a drowning person, you hear an adequate answer, offer him your shoulder as a support and help him swim to the shore.

6. If a drowning person is in a panic, do not let him grab your arm or neck, turn him with his back to you.

7. If he grabs you and drags you into the water, use force.

8. If you are unable to free yourself from the grip, take a deep breath and dive under the water, pulling the person being rescued with you. He will definitely let you go.

9. Grab the person by the head, arm and swim to the shore. Make sure his head is always above the water.

10. On shore it is necessary to provide first aid, eliminate oxygen deficiency.

How to rescue a drowned person on the water

If you see a drowned person without moving, remember that paralysis of the respiratory center occurs 4-6 minutes after filling with water, and cardiac activity can persist for up to 15 minutes.

Therefore, do not miss the chance to save a person, but we must remember how to quickly save a drowned person on the water.

How to save a person who has just drowned on the water:

1. Attract the attention of others by loudly shouting “The man has drowned!”

2. Ask people to call rescuers and an ambulance.

3. Take off your clothes and shoes and swim to it.

4. If the person is upright in the water or lying on his stomach, swim up to him from behind, put your hand under his chin and turn him over onto his back so that his face is above the water.

5. If a person is lying on his back in the water, swim from the head side.

6. When a person dives to the bottom, look around and remember the landmarks on the shore so that the current does not carry you away from the dive site, then dive and begin to look for the drowned person underwater.

7. Don’t give up trying to find and save a person; this can be done if the drowned person was in the water for no more than 6 minutes.

8. If you find a drowned person, grab him by the hair or hand and, pushing off from the bottom, float to the surface.

9. If a drowned person is not breathing, give him several breaths “from mouth to mouth” right in the water and, grabbing his chin with your hand, quickly swim to the shore.

10. Grab the person by the head, arm, hair and swim, towing him to the shore.

11. On shore it is necessary to provide first aid, eliminate oxygen deficiency, and apply resuscitation measures.

What to do if a person chokes on water

If you swallow water:

    try to turn your back to the wave without panic;

    press your arms bent at the elbows to the lower part of your chest and take several sharp exhalations while simultaneously pressing on your chest with your hands;

    clear the water from your nose and perform several swallowing movements;

    Having regained your breathing, swim to the shore on your stomach;

    if necessary, call people for help.

If another person chokes:

    If a person is slightly choking on water, tap them between their shoulder blades to help them clear their throat.

What to do if your leg cramps in the water

1. Don’t panic, call for help, try to relax and get out of the water if possible.

2. If the anterior thigh muscle cramps:

    Underwater, grab the shin or foot of your flattened leg with both hands, bend your knee forcefully, and then straighten your leg with your hands;

    Do this exercise several times underwater while holding your breath.

3. If the calf muscle or back of the thigh is cramped:

    take a deep breath, relax and freely plunge face down into the water;

    Take hold of the foot of your flattened leg underwater with both hands and forcefully pull it towards you, having first straightened your leg.

    do this exercise several times underwater while holding your breath;

    If the spasms continue, pinch the muscle with your fingers until it hurts.

4. If your toes are cramped:

take a breath, relax and plunge into the water face down;
firmly grasp your big toe and straighten it sharply;
repeat the exercise if necessary.
5. There are so-called traditional methods:

    if your leg muscles are cramped, pinch the middle of your lower lip;

    prick the cramped muscle with a safety pin or something sharp, but remember that this is painful and there is a risk of infection.

6. As a last resort, you can rub the muscle with your hands and knead it until it becomes softer and the leg can be straightened.
7. After the cramps stop, do not swim immediately, lie on your back for a while, massaging your leg with your hands, then slowly swim to the shore, and it is best to use a different swimming style. It's better to swim to shore on your back.

Always remember the rules for rescuing a drowning person on water
and if necessary, use them!